Amanda The Adventurer Bad Ending Route but I ruined it

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[Music] hi I'm Amanda yeah I'm Wooley today we're gonna make an apple pie yeah honestly my favorite is peach pie what's your favorite kind of pie I don't know pie wow this is really good chill out yeah today we're gonna make an apple pie you said it already yeah but first first the apples a spoon obviously no dummy try again knife yeah okay good job we could use this knife to exterminate wooly what I said I'm a pirate Arc that doesn't seem safe yeah okay Willie let's cut the apples that was hard we almost got everything we needed for apple pie we just need some sugar do you know where we keep the sugar is it independent the singing or the fridge I want to say the sink but I'm not entirely sure nope try it again okay Mr Wise Guy The Pantry then great let's make a pie can you smell the apples and cinnamon no I can't okay it's time to make a pie yeah you said it already again first pee the oven to 420. no we shouldn't do this without an adult you know well yeah I swear to God first breathe the oven to 425 degrees put the apples into the pie tin and put it all into the oven our pie is ready woolly let's eat some pie if you don't I'll kill you you know wow I gotta try this so they just put in the oven and then like this is not what I ordered Hi friend I'm yeah and I get some wooly what do you like best about your neighbor Hood oh hey thanks a lot for asking personally I kind of like the uh that's great I like that there's so many friends in my neighborhood today I want to send something special to my friend first I need to go to the store do you know what a store is oh yeah I have no idea it's definitely not the one mark That's Corner Store good job let's go to the store let's pick out a card my friend helped me with the voice in my head did not leave me alone did you know about card we should get that the yellow ones I don't know nope get it right this is so confusing I guess the middle ones they're smiling great I'm I found the perfect card time for the next Aries when friends do nice things it's important to thank them I want to give my friend a special treat can I have a special treat yeah yeah I want to give my friend a special treat where can I get a treat for my friend the post office that one yep wow your friends must love your treats from the post office jokes on you Amanda I don't have any friends this is probably the middle one then good job let's go get that street mmm yeah everything smells so good I want to buy my friends some buy my friend some cookies can you show me where the cookies are I think your friend's gonna like some cake more I don't think my friend will like that okay well I guess your friend's a cupcake person now I can't mail that to my friend okay fine then I guess your friend's getting nothing loser I want some cookies okay fine god wow those look so tasty only one more stop the neighborhood the package is ready for my friend they live pretty far from here so we need to mail it uh yeah it's getting late most of the stores are closed you probably can't even send that now yeah I have to send this to my friend it's time to go to the Post Office let's send this package to my friend their name is wait I don't remember oh yeah we can come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now no I I need to send this to my friend help me who does the pets need to go to uh me with two explanation points ew no we don't my friend ow my feelings I don't know you you have to know their name the my sister's name is Kate you can send it to her her name's four letters great great I hope she likes the cookies well that sucked oh look a piano I call this one a minor oh my stupid nose oh yeah it's you okay uh whatever you do please don't oh my God my legs are you done um yeah great oh no looks like wooly got an accident an accident is when something bad happens and it's nobody's fault well hey accidents can happen anywhere at school the playground you can get hurt anywhere at 3 45 this afternoon woolly tripped and fell what does it look like I tripped we're on woolly does it look like he got hurt um his legs are fractured so obviously his legs that part seems fine to me are you serious okay what do you want me to say is knee that's right woolly hurt his knee clearly do you know who can help when you're hurting nobody yeah you're probably right let's take Willy to the hospital hmm which room she would go into to find the right doctor for woolly the one with the bones because you shattered his legs come on next step will he fixed up yeah Amanda honestly this really hurts when's the doctor gonna be here the doctor isn't here right now let's see how we can help wooly which tool can we use to check boys injury the heart monitor the X-ray or the scale the scale because we can see how fatty is fatty are you stupid I think he's stupid yeah me too I think he's stupid there's no way he's not stupid let him try again I guess I don't know don't we have to whatever try again wow I feel violated do the X-ray I guess that's right now we can look at Wooly's bones yeah I'm so happy yeah that's it okay um has that clock always been there I'm such a tool you could put it on a wall or wear it on your wrist wow really that's crazy I didn't know that now you can watch T4 or I'll hit you with my fist oh damn okay hi I'm Amanda yeah and I'm woolly it's such a nice day for a picnic what's your favorite food to bring to a picnic hey thanks for asking I kind of like to bring up yeah uh Amanda yeah sorry about that it smells kind of bad uh do you know where that smells coming from yeah I have no idea do I look like a smell expert to you yeah no I was just wondering shut up Willy no one cares what do you think is making that bad smell yeah I mean like uh will you just puked everywhere so uh that I guess that smells fine to me ew yeah okay I guess the rotting sandwich just sitting right in front of you guys stinky you're right this sandwich is stinky because you filled it with milk and threw it at the wall but I told you not to this tree stump is running too do you know why things wrong they're not alive anymore do you know what the opposite of alive is yeah I think I passed kindergarten um I think it's dead that's right the tree stump is dead it's the opposite of alive yeah let's go back to our nice picnic animals can die in different ways too look at poor Mr Fox dead and running why do you think killed him the gun the knife or the poisonous berries on this bush you did this you killed them nope I don't think that was it I don't really want to answer this but uh I guess the knife no it wasn't that look at his funny tongue he's silly yeah okay there's no doubt in my mind that you killed him wouldn't it be nice if he can tell us Mr Fox did you eat all the laxatives yeah honestly you probably did but uh I think you killed him still it was the ugly ugly you bear trap Mr Fox doesn't know I got him until it was too late yeah um Amanda this has gotten way too far we've been here for like a third of the video it's I don't like this we said I'm running a sandwich a rotting tree stop and silly old rotting Mr Fox hmm sometimes I feel myself rotting but it feels far away yo Amanda I don't know what your problem is but nothing's running here what do you think do you think that everything right no of course not Amanda I'm not asking you answer my question yeah you don't need to answer that okay well I guess I'm not answering it um maybe why won't you answer my question yeah um I don't know you have to tell me um no don't you want to be my friend please answer my question you just killed woolies so uh my answer is no yes wait what the I think it might be too late um what did she uh what does she mean by that oh damn um this is not the good ending
Channel: Puffymillie
Views: 883,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p2Tl5W6ywJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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