Am I Too Old To Go Back To School?

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Shoshana is with us in Michigan hey Shauna how are you hi Dave thanks for taking my call sure what's up well where my husband and I are currently going through your PSP you a class we are going to be certain step 7 lesson 7 but taking the class has really motive motivated me to I guess find an occupation that people little more so we can get through our debt a lot faster and where I'm currently at right now they offer a program for a free college and it's for associate's degree I've decided to you know get into that take that next step and it's gonna be business management focusing on Finance of all things and but I guess my question is I know I'll complete this it's free so books and everything they it's good to be online I don't want to pay for any of that but I will probably want to continue on to a bachelor's and just for that next two years how would I be able to do that for free and if there's scholarships for adults for college there are but they're they're fewer then there are four kiddos [Music] non-traditional students they call us because we're not 22 yeah so you're you're in Michigan so southeast okay and so what is the four-year that's near you well the online class is out of Ohio the transfers before you're in your area yes I have I have two colleges right in Adrienne but there's like there's a Community College ray and Adrienne as well and they all they do not offer four-year degrees so I could train and just on the road for me really for that college so I could transfer to that to continue it on thank you all for earlier but yet the Jackson does yes there's that community that likely we're would finish yes because it would be a community college so it'd be cheaper I don't really care about the name of you know the fancy colleges so I would like to end they really do focus on business management as well oh they haven't you know then you want to make sure your online school will transfer and get full credit at the new at Jackson yeah are you putting all this effort even though doesn't cost you anything you don't want to have all the effort and then go well we don't really take their classes as credit you got to start over or you have to mom or you have to move to some other cities in order to finish your four-year no we don't do all that so we want to make sure that the hand off the baton hand off is available and is solid so yeah I think the other thing by the time you finish this associates will you be out of debt into your house other than your home yes that's my husband said pretty much the way we're going right now I will probably be out of our non mortgage debt before I even complete my associates yeah that's what I mean you could cashflow the last two years have you had to yes everything would just get the house gone so and then invest it and then I have two daughters once a sophomore once a freshman so it would be stepping right into the college savings so push that in there yeah you're going to cashflow that as well probably because you haven't started that yet right no unfortunately not okay so we got a lot of scholarships to find for you and the kids we've got a lot of work to do and some planning and just projecting out I would definitely do the associates even if you had a little gap between when you finish the associates and when you continued and get knocked out the other two years you might have to take a breath because you might be paying for that sophomores freshman year yeah you know if you're having to pay for it out of pocket if you can't find some scholarships for non-traditional but you can also spend some T IME on that it's good it's time well spent and hit Anthony O'Neill's website we got ten thousand scholarships on those scholarships too and they're not all for traditional so there's something for everybody there's just not ten thousand for you there's 10,000 for ya know the others but if you could find even a list that had three or four hundred on it and you apply for all of them and got three or four of them it'd be a big help right oh yes definitely yes yeah so that that's kind of large numbers is how you do when you're attacking the scholarships thing you get turned down for most of them you get a few of them but it's 10 grand you know my one I plan on getting Anthony's book when we get it in the budget Rama send you I'll send you one oh thank you so much sure we can do that so you guys we appreciate you being in Financial Peace University and I appreciate that you're really doing all this planning now I love it last time last thing I want to ask you because I think I heard this in the way you're structuring your sentences but I just want to say it out loud you're getting this four-year degree in business why well business is I'm just saying picked business management because I figure it would be a lot of more options especially as a general business manager for healthcare being that that's good to be in and a need so that was my option and right now I'm only 14 an hour wage so I wanted to you know further mine and I know I can do so much more for myself and with my education so that's kind of why I think if I were you I would also narrow that down and say I want to do X Y or Z right now you're saying I want to do the whole alphabet and the and the business degree will allow me to do any any letter I want to do and it's a little too broad I want you to have something a little bit more refined that you're aiming at with this you're generally saying if I get an education I'll make more if I get a degree in business it's applicable a lot of places and that's more of a shotgun I want to narrow this in a little bit because you could end up getting this degree in getting nothing out of it as a result if you don't have a defined intentional goal that you're going after or a series of defined intentional goals it doesn't be one thing but I'd like to be doing X or Y or Z that pays $80,000 a year when I finish this I want to finish this study track and I have thought that through have looked at that job category and it's not just generally I'd like to make more money in this gen is an applicable thing it's not a bad place to start the discussion not a good reason to spend four years of your life going after it though because you may find out that nothing happens as a result of it if you don't have good clear goals and a good clear target that is an actual possible job or career field that pays considerably more than you make now so you're starting the discussion right you're not going to end it well if you don't take it all the way through good question hold on Madison will pick up will get you a copy of Anthony O'Neill's book very well done that's fun that you took a class at your church from Financial Peace University and it makes you re-evaluate your education goals and your career goals ding ding almost like we're doing our job I love it
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 53,637
Rating: 4.8890033 out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, Am I Too Old To Go Back To School?, college, back to school, going back to school, going to college, adult college student, school, college life, getting out of debt, debt, student loans
Id: 6yHPw6WEPvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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