I Don't Know How To Choose A Career

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Jose is with me in Sacramento hi Jose how are you I did I'm doing good how are you doing better than I deserve what's up hey awesome can you hear me okay sure okay so right now I'm kind of wondering what I should do at school so right after high school I went straight to a junior college and I was really directionless I had no direction I had no idea what I wanted to do I finished my general ed pretty quickly and it came about time to find out what I wanted to major in so every time I met up with an advisor I kind of felt a little rushed and um school always kept me busy and I always worked on the weekends too so I didn't really have time to think about what I wanted to do so I changed my major a bunch of times and somehow I leaned on history so I ended up graduating the junior college with an associates in history and associates and behavior on social sciences so I moved to the University actually right down the street from my house and now I'm going to school for a bachelor's degree in history I don't know what I want to do after and I'm a little worried because I know people get jobs in a degree that they people get a job with a degree that had nothing to do with and so I'm in high school my mom actually took me to FPU and it was a really good experience I was very very thankful for it and so today I'm actually on baby steps four five and six and I'm just wondering like what my next move is I feel kind of worried because I don't know I feel like I'm not doing the right thing right now I feel like maybe there's something better out there for me but I thought how old are you I'm 21 actually okay and would you finish your history degree so this is a year and a half but here's the thing so um no exaggeration here but there's times in school where I would read at least 80 pages a day and honestly I don't remember anything that I read and I feel like I could have used that time to learn more about so for your Black Friday so I actually bought a bunch of your guys's books and I feel like I could have used that time to like read and learn more about stuff that I'm interested in like investing in and compound interest and all that stuff and I feel like going to school is just kind of killing my time I know it's only three semesters left but um I don't know if I'm feeling impatient or not you know and then yeah so well it's hard to be excited about the trip when you don't know what the destination is if I say we're going to Florida to the beach you can decide if you want to be excited or not if I say we're going to the Rockies to go skiing you can decide if you want to be excited or not if I say we're going fishing you can decide if you want be excited or not you don't know where the crud you're going there's no way to be excited you feel like a rat in a wheel because you're a rat in a wheel yeah so we need if you need to figure out what you're gonna do and then you could say let's just make up something okay I'm just gonna this is not what it is okay I'm not speaking this over you I'm just making up a dream a weird thing okay let's say you woke up and you said I want to be a commercial real estate agent and lease office buildings okay let's just pretend you said that all right now once you said that and you said hey you know that's got finance in it it's got compound interest it's got investing in it it's got a lot of those things in it I it's a real math nerdy job commercial real estate agents or map nerds the good ones are and you know if you wanted to do that I'm just I'm not saying that's it it probably isn't it but once you say that then you can take a stop and go all right do I want to go ahead and knock this history thing out because I'm pretty close or do I want to go full stop and a hard right turn and go get a finance degree and let's investigate how far off the finance degree we are off the history curriculum and the history track how much of the how much you know if I'm adding eight years to this am i starting over no are you adding four years no are you adding a year I don't know but once you know where your destination is then you can determine okay it's not going to add that much to change direction towards something I actually care about what you've you just went by the path of least resistance and I if you want to be a history writer and you love history and you want to be a history teacher you want to get a PhD and become a professor of history there's nothing wrong with that as a career but then you have a you have a solid track that you need to follow to get there then but right now you don't know where you're going so there's no energy in it hard to get the kids excited about vacation when they don't know where we're going and that that's what you've got to work on you need to figure that part out so if I were you what I would do is it sounds like you may have banked a little bit of money go to a a nice place in Northern California that's not that expensive for this weekend and booked a hotel room by yourself where there's some woods and water and beaches or creeks or something and go walk around and talk to God for the weekend and take a blank yellow pad with you and say okay what do I want to be when I'm 40 nobody stops and asked that instead they get so busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy and look up and go I'm just a rat in a wheel people spend more time picking out a suit of clothes and they do their careers so go take a little time get quiet when it gets quiet things get more clear we don't take enough time to get quiet so go somewhere where you can be around nature that you like the mountain was the beach I don't care what it is spend a couple hundred bucks on a hotel this weekend that's a super expensive buy yourself a couple cheap hamburgers and walk around and talk to God with a blank yellow pad in your hand and then go talk to some people in the field that you think you heard you're supposed to be in if it's commercial real estate it's not but if it is go talk to commercial real estate people when you get home and ask them what it's like and what they did you know what it's like to get a CC I am which is the designation for that world and I want to go into financial planning what's it like to get a CFP because that's pretty rigorous a little piece of training right there and so on just go fit you know I want to be a welder good I want to be a sculptor good how's the history degree to fit into that well it doesn't yeah but is it have you got some base under you that you can adjust and finish up with that degree and get some core classes out as you go out your senior year in the area you want in I don't care if you get a finance degree with 16 classes of I mean a degree in history with 16 classes of finance under your belt if you're going into finance but your degrees in history but while you were there you learned a bunch about your trade that could be your path I don't care but the problem you've got is you don't have a destination and you need a clear destination intentionality is where successful people come from they don't always agree with them you don't always like them it's never a straight path sometimes it's a pile of garbage it's ugly sometimes it's icky there's all these kinds of things come up but intentionality doing crap on purpose instead of just getting caught up in the busyness of this world and that's what changes everybody's life and you know I thought I thought I was going to be a commercial real estate agent by the way I ended up buying properties and going broke and residential properties primarily I had some commercial and actually God changed the direction because I did one of what you're talking about I went and selling a Lake Bank put my toes in the sand my butt in the chair as Zach sings I said okay God what do you want me to do because I'm really tired of trying to figure this out by myself and I started getting pretty clear pretty quick after that
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 392,598
Rating: 4.9143262 out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, I don't know how to choose a career, career, success, jobs, motivation, passion, how to choose a career, university, life, education, job
Id: wf6ZGuV5a3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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