Am I Called To Be A Prophet? - Archbishop W. Goh (Abridged Homily Extract - 30 Jan 2022)

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Prophecy is not so much a prediction of the future. Prophecy is more a conscientisation of the hearts and minds of people, with respect to what is happening in their lives here and now, and the repercussions on the future. So, all of us in some sense, therefore, we are called to be prophets. But this is where the danger lies, because we have many self professed prophets in the world today. We need to be discerning. We need to be very careful. Because some of us, not because we intentionally want to be false prophets, but because we have read the messages from God wrongly. We are mistaken. Very often, many of these prophecies, they come or originate from fears, from anxieties, from their own narrow perception of life and of the situation. And so, we begin to project our own fears into the situation, and then we claim it is the Lord who is speaking to us. And very often, it is because of our very limited view of the entire situation. Sometimes we are reading from some information, some people are telling us, many of these are conditioned, and of course, seeing from one perspective. Therefore, we need to be extremely cautious, before claiming that we are having a prophecy from the Lord. In fact, true prophets are very often reluctant prophets. Indeed, it is very important, therefore, for those of us who are prophesising, the most important question we need to ask is, what is our motivation? What is it that drives us to make a prophecy? So, the first thing we have to realise is that a prophet is called. We don't call ourselves to be prophets. We must be called. That is a very important point. When a prophet has something to gain, we can be sure that is a false prophet. A true prophet has everything to lose, nothing to gain. So, how do you know you are a true prophet? There is only one fundamental criterion. Are you motivated purely by love? No other concerns. By love for God, love for the people, and not for oneself. Because there are some of us who are judgemental. Some of us have big egos. Some of us want to think that we know the best, we know everything, we are always right, we always have the solution. So, it's very important that a true prophet must be motivated by love. And this love is manifested in patience and kindness. A true prophet is always patient with people who do not listen to him. But that is the whole problem. Many of these false prophets, if you don't listen to them, they say, "Therefore you are possessed by the devil, because you are in opposition to the Word of God." That is not true. Sometimes these false prophets, when they are being persecuted, when they are being opposed, they think that's a confirmation that they are true prophets. A true prophet, when he speaks, he speaks with love. It's not only what we say, but the tone of how we say it. Sometimes when we want to correct people, yes, what we are saying is the right thing. But because we say it in a very harsh, humiliating, destructive manner, the Word of God does not get through. Truth must always be spoken with love, with gentleness. The second mark of charity is compassion. Whenever we speak the truth, not everybody can understand, not everybody can accept it there and then. Sometimes they need time to think it over. But the moment when we try to coerce, try to force our views on them, they tend to be defensive, they tend to react. And also, we must be compassionate, because we are human beings. Truth is not just a matter of the intellect. It is also a matter of the heart. That is why if you are really a prophet, you are always compassionate. A true prophet, therefore, is patient and is enduring love. Compassion. Feels with those people who are opposed to him. He doesn't fight, he doesn't start violence, he doesn't call for a rally. He is a man of non violence. He is one who unites, not one who divides. Because at the end of the day, it is to win people over. But then, as I've said, because he is very understanding, he knows that some people will take some time. Then we wait. But most of all, a true prophet is humble. Sometimes, a prophet has the truth. But the truth is either presented in a partial manner, or the medium of presenting the truth is faulty. The Word of God is always true, provided the prophecy comes from the Word of God. And if it is true, sometimes again, people cannot understand, because it is imperfect. And this is very true, especially for those of us who are true prophets. They want to say something that is true, that is good for everyone. But you are seeing life from a very narrow perspective, from your own vantage point. A prophet cannot be very narrow minded, a tunnel vision. We have to consider many things, and to discern where is God speaking, what does God want. Not just our own narrow interests, but the common good of everyone. Indeed, my dear brothers and sisters, if we want to be good and true prophets, at the end of the day, we need to listen to the Word of God attentively. We do not force, we do not coerce. At the end of the day, let us remember this. Conversion is not our work. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Once we have done our tasks, we have spoken, let God bring about its effects.
Channel: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore
Views: 2,370
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Keywords: Catholic, Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Singapore, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, Archbishop William Goh, William Goh, Homily, Sermon, Scripture Reflection, Singapore, Proud2BCatholic, ArchComms, Homily Extracts, Short Sermons, Message of the day, Daily Bread, Mass, Jesus, Eucharist, Evangelisation, Gospel, Vocation, Faith, Homilies, Homily for today, Daily Mass, Ordinary Time, Sunday Mass, Prophecy, Calling, Love, Compassion, Humility, Patience, Future, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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