Cashing in some copper to finding a flock of flamingos! Never know how the day will go!

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how's everybody doing today so we are at the scrap yard and i'm gonna cash in for some christmas money on the copper we got yesterday basically everything that just showed him a sample he said as long as it doesn't have the solder they'll pay me number one on it and i'm kind of interested to see how much uh we get for what we found yesterday hopefully it's uh see this one has solder so what i'll do is i'll i'll bring that home and cut it [Music] but hopefully i uh hit four or 500 bucks i would think it's gonna be closer to five might even be more but we'll find out definitely uh had a ton of rain yesterday i think there's that much rain in the bottom of the bottom of the trash can of course my cart is starting to roll away put that right there on the back of the truck here's another soldered piece so that would be considered number two but two little cuts i'll get number one at this yard it'll work out pretty well cleaned up pretty nice with just a glove really i'm fairly happy with the the price of copper right now so hopefully uh hopefully we'll do pretty good definitely getting pretty good at uh giving all this piper all right i'm gonna put you guys on time laps we'll see uh what we end up with hopefully it's uh my guess is 300 pounds but might be a little less just because a lot of the big stuff is uh not is number two that i'll have to cut or like this right here i'll have to cut that off but it's like money in a bank we'll get to it one day and it will uh work out pretty well well i got a good uh good pile going in the tub uh so far i got one two three four five six seven eight this big one has it these are all good i just they fit in the trash can pretty good i might save these for a rainy day um but yeah it's better to see what we get i have plenty of stuff that we saved on that first load that one's probably way too corroded a lot of yards won't take it if it needs to be this color for number one so if it has any corrosion they won't consider it number number one but that's why it pays to know what yards take what [Music] definitely uh definitely a lot of pipe here though so far everything's been going pretty good for uh the christmas season i have had a few friends though that have have ended up with the virus so i don't know it definitely hit been hitting closer to home so that's the main reason i haven't really been doing the flea market hopefully uh hopefully everybody out there is safe or doing well definitely uh definitely been having everybody in our house but i'll try to keep on getting the video done uh especially especially before christmas i do uh i do appreciate everybody uh checking out the channel all right let's see that's frozen in there that was the first one i found i think it chipped it up to see if it was a copper all right the rest of this is mostly number two there's probably uh 30 pounds 40 pounds of number two on here on the truck maybe more we'll see how easy this is to push my goal was close to 300 pounds i don't know it doesn't have that much weight to it but it's it might just be a good part so we'll find out just push it on well we're not 300 pounds it's going to be about 250. it says two 280 maybe so we're at 217 right yeah all the same i'll help you don't unload it so you can look oh it was my lucky find in the rain yesterday i have some number two but this is it for now all right well 220 27 pounds but yeah they did give us copper number one so let's just show you where they're putting it all goes into this bin well thank you all right we'll go get paid and see what we're at so it's a moment of truth looks like a few hundred we ended up with 5.75 they paid uh 245 a pound so that wasn't the best but especially with copper being so hot i was still happy though definitely a good day at the scrapyard um all right hopefully you guys enjoyed this video i know it was quick but uh thank you very much for watching we'll uh catch everybody next time and uh you guys haven't yet please give somebody a call who might be alone uh please be safe out there i definitely still have a bunch of copper so definitely uh i would have hit close to 300 pounds if i had given the number uh number two especially with this big piece here so all right if you haven't yet uh i got a call after leaving the scrap yard uh my buddy carly here dan is cleaning out this house so hopefully uh hopefully it's good we'll go uh hey dan dan is it okay if i make a pile i'll push him out of the way yeah 20 years ago i was a good yeah wherever you put something dave real quick you got to hide it from this guy yeah before i leave you know he searches my pockets at all well it's yeah it does checks me out how are you doing though everything good for me yeah amazing i've never had not an amazing day the hell were these well i was going to put it all on i want to put it in the center of the floor that's oh now blue don't see now everybody does the whole world the world wide web dave and just guess who's here mr conti made a guest appearance oh yeah hey austin how are you good all right everything good yeah how's your brother doing by the way is he out of quarantine some pewter man look how nice the tables are yeah the tables right here yeah grab some flowers oh all right i saw something over here it's kind of fun though a little wow this little display case is pretty awesome though dan what did this display clay what was this for i don't know yeah i'll take it it's cool it's got one broken pane but anything cool you can have everything in it for the same price or unless they match they match anything or not i don't think so is this all sterling did you find anything yesterday right here yeah did you bring home anything no we took the wine home yeah how do you get to the basement uh right there right around the corner okay all right we'll go to the basement hey do you have to pull the pull the lights yeah there's one like somewhere i think i don't think so that might be one night yet i'll let you know if i find one before you go with the grizzlies you sell that don't you dan what do you want on the flamingos uh just make the whole pile you know how it is i know all right no idea mr conte don't tell dave because he's an ear shot but i trick him i get a bunch of stuff together and i give him a huge price and he doesn't know what to do a few bucks to get this cleared out yeah well they do i'm charging them yeah you really know how to make we're calling for a big snowstorm down here there's something over there nope it's kind of cool i was hoping for like a little collection of something i'll go check the attic real fast [Applause] single bottle caps big canning let's just check these boxes i don't think there was anything in them more manuals and paper mostly moldy paper and nothing really hiding back here either nothing hiding in the crawl space there nothing check all the hidden little areas kitchen pantry over there nice little ruby glass dish a hammer for the hammer collection i haven't found anything that's gonna we're gonna spend all the scrap money spend a little bit though i do like that glass case we got for uh we gotta go get the flamingos downstairs [Music] we just got the one rattan piece this this and this yeah yeah cool last trick is there stuff upstairs stand last thing upstairs there's a couple other people shopping he's already tossed the upstairs he had gotten this yesterday why i was out in the one million dollar bill i like the scary cat actually [Music] all right we're going to start another pile right here got the asteroid cap i could wear that fishing shirt newer carrot shirt's a good one too let's see what's putting that bag in the back halloween and greeting cards well there's something cool it's a sony like that all right fishing shirt crazy quilt i think we'll put that in our pile actually has some age that would be nice if there's another quilt or something else there's a quilt right there i see another one too i don't probably uh done in the 40s [Music] i don't think there's any others i always like the vintage towels i don't know why never sell well for me yo austin this is anything for donovan or no no okay all right i got the quilts yeah those how many quilts two uh actually there's three yeah the peacock or the peacock the uh flamingos downstairs a buck on everything right out here thank you yeah just throw in the truck real quick that thank you well i definitely didn't think this is how the day would end up but i am pretty happy with all the flamingos um this big one it's actually really nice we got two with regular legs and four with uh glass eyes so oh actually should get like should double my money just on the flamingos definitely uh definitely a good day um put the quilts in already but hopefully uh you guys enjoyed this video thank you very much uh for watching i was excited that uh i got all this stuff for 100 bucks that and we still have the buttons the little box the radio definitely definitely worked out pretty good so i don't know if you guys haven't yet please give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there and thank you very very much for watching i i do appreciate it and uh i guess it's close enough where i can tell everybody hope everybody has a merry christmas
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 15,743
Rating: 4.9416447 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, vintage
Id: erRLMoTDk-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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