Alvin Leung Enraged by Ruined Dish | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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the home cooks are in the heat of their first  elimination test I don't know how to use this   60 minutes to cook an exquisite dish with smells  I am making each Meghan is a hot mess I think I   have smelts in my head I do at the end of this  challenge at least one home cook will be asked to   leave the MasterChef Canada kitchen coconut oil by  eye I got a big bag of tiny little fish good man   Payan hi there hello chefs so you're feeling  comfortable with smelts never cook with smelt   but I have made a fish cake so you're  removing all the bones are you yeah I'm   trying to do my best these are such a time  you got like a little fish though do you   think that's the right thing to do I think  the right thing to do is to keep it simple   what do you think it's gotta go home not me  somebody else I'm sticking around man I got   more bad jokes to make in front of you guys  I want to try to make you laugh especially [Music] today I'm making a fish soup with soba  noodles topped with some braised smelt and some   crispy shell I'm gonna try to fry it I'm extremely  worried it smells putrid it's slimy it's gross I   really don't want to work with it tomorrow tell me  what your dishes I'm doing a take on a Vietnamese   spring roll I'm marinating some smelt in sake and  I'm also asking some up in corn first I'm gonna   try some and see which one turns out better  you think that was a wise decision I'm gonna   try to impress today I'm not playing it safe  that's for sure good luck thank you very much Danny how those croquettes doing almost hurt I  would have killed that fish you should be glad I'm   up here she comes along she's pretty darn hulking  hey was got a lot garbage on her station man kala   kala kala I'm curious to see if she's creative I  don't think she is there's the heat of the Scotch   on it what are you making here Thai curry oh  that's hot how much pepper did you use a nap I use   half of a scotch bonnet you know hot that is right  I made us really stupid mistakes way too spicy I   don't know if I'm gonna be able to save this  I use a little bit of whole milk I'm gonna add   wrap a little cream to it a vegetable stock but  at this point it's not looking good there's some   very interesting dishes coming out very creative  don't you think I am absolutely surprised yeah   very much though Dale student gue chef looks like  a choux pastry he's trying to stand out that's his   strategy it's going to be cut open and it's going  to be stuffed with the smell yep ten minutes left I'm really worried about Megan  making a quiche out of smells I   just can't see that working it's gonna  be all steamed was she a big mistake one minute move here we go you should be pleasing finishing touches on those plates please  town even catch 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 we gave you a beautiful ingredient from The   Canadian oceans and lakes let's  see how you did Eric coming up what is this smell draw my soba  noodles topped with a braised   smell and deep fried smell my favorite  is sub-race smell because I find it very   innovative and even I would not think  of something like that Thank You chef delicious lemon yield a bit of heat   [Music] took a massive risk here  smelts three ways and every way is good tomorrow please come up what do we have here  I did my take on a Vietnamese salad roll with   soba noodles sesame oils chili paste marinated  fish and some sake and fried them I noticed you   keep pulling the Asian card yeah first I did  Indian Asian then I did Chinese Asian and then   I did Vietnamese Asian again I'm trying to go  around the world maybe so get beige you next   time they're delicious thank you I wish sure more  the smelts though thank you tomorrow I like the   presentation it looks very nice I was trying to  go big and not go home sounds like a good strategy I really like the flavors I think it's a  very smart dish well done thank you very   much I am NOT just a one-trick pony I can do other  things other than Asian and I'm definitely brands Danny please come up here with your dish what's going on here smell croquettes with  chili lime sauce where the smelts I pureed   them and then pureed them why why which is puree  a beautiful fish like that and turn it into mush it's pretty bad hey saw you out there  arms folded like this very cool always   I see is this a joke I mean this is  MasterChef Canada and you give me death
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 19,305,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini, alvin leung, angry, cooking show, fish dish, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world
Id: Vc9da31phP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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