Solo Survival with an Altoids Tin Survival Kit!

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hey guys welcome back to ranger survival and field craft i'm andrew now in 1993 an alaskan pilot named mike legler crash landed his plane into a body of water during a solo flight he didn't tell anybody where he was going mike was able to escape the wreckage before it sunk he swam to shore cold soaked the bone and survived nine days in the alaskan bush with just what was in his pockets survival is tough especially if all you have are the items in your pockets there are a lot of videos out there on many altoid 10 survival kits they show you what to pack recommend items and we have fun watching those videos but nobody shows you the techniques and skills required to make it through a survival situation with just this minimal kit that's where we come in hey guys before we start like subscribe leave a comment below [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] let's talk about survival priorities now when we talk about survival priorities the very first thing we can do in a survival situation is remain calm remain calm because the decisions we are about to make are going to have consequences down the line now it doesn't matter what type of scenario got us into a survival situation it can be a something as dramatic as a downed aircraft [Music] or it could be something as routine as getting lost in being a lost hiker but the very first thing we can do is remain calm stop think observe and plan now the survival situation we're going to be living through is self-induced so this position was selected to kind of give us ample opportunity to demonstrate some of the skills and techniques required with a mini survival kit like the altoids mini survival kit now we just started talking about priorities of survival our next priority survival after remaining calm thinking observing and then planning and starting to size up our situation is to assess ourselves and we want to assess ourselves for medical aid do we have any injuries on us are we suffering any injuries or wounds and if so we need to address those right away whatever they are all right so after medical aid we can then begin to assess ourselves our clothing and our gear and our equipment and then our immediate area now this is where we're going to start making decisions and suffering those consequences later on down the line so we need to be tuned into the priorities of survival based on the kit we brought our current situation environment and then our needs it gets cold in the mountains at nighttime and temperature drops precipitously and the sun goes down a lot faster in the mountains than it does out on the plains only got a few hours left of light so we need to get down to business we've got plenty of material out here so we're going to jump right into shelter shelter is going to be our first item we need something to sleep on something to sleep in and then something to sleep under to maintain our core body temperature through the night and then we can start focusing on other priorities now our tripod is set up we want to make sure that our tripod structure is big enough to where we can fit underneath right so we can lay down on the ground measure from our head to our feet and then to our shoulder to shoulder to make sure we're gonna have enough room underneath the shelter and then we can start collecting debris and more branches to go on the back side and then insulate our shelter from the ground and then from the actual ambient air to create a nice shelter that's going to be warm for the remainder of our night simple lean to made out of deadfall from around this area i didn't travel more than maybe 20 or 30 feet to actually gather the material bring it back here and then process it to make the roof and the tripod structure itself hardest part gathering these pine valves it takes a lot of work to rip all those pine valves off especially with your bare hands i've got some cuts now and a few scrapes to prove that is hard work i think what we need to do is focus on fire and getting as much fuel as we can from the immediate area there's still a lot of deadfall out there that way we have a good fuel source ready to go for tonight and then we make our fire pit right out front to keep us warm and mitigate the heat we might lose with the shelter because it is only a lead to one thing i want to show you really quick and this goes for our first aid is this tree right here is a douglas fir or at least a species of douglas fir and it has little nodules in here when we pierce that nodule we have the sap of the tree coming out the sap is a natural antiseptic so i've got a couple of scrapes and i just put this right on top of my wound and it's a way to fend off infection from minor cuts and lacerations on our hands so the more you know all right guys so that was a lot of work for our shelter i think what we need to do is focus on fire and getting as much fuel as we can from the immediate area there's still a lot of deadfall out there that way we have a good fuel source ready to go for tonight and then we make our fire pit right out front [Music] [Music] got our fire pit out front with our fire lay and tinder ready to go we grab some container from across the creek and we've got our fire lay set up with a platform underneath to protect the tinder from the earth we've got our firewood pile initial firewood pile over here to the right we definitely need a lot more so i think what we do is go and make a final push for a lot of firewood in the immediate area there's still a ton of deadfall everywhere and a lot bigger sections of deadfall that we can use that will burn longer through the night and keep us warm and take a break and get some water so let's go ahead and break out the condom water tablets just gonna put the tablet right at the top here and then open it up so it drops down in there and that's our water wait 30 minutes this should be good to go all right so we're waiting on the condom water to be treated we got about 20 more minutes or so until the water in there is treated we can drink that what we're going to do now is do a little improvisation with our kit inside our kit we have that four inch hacksaw what we're gonna do now is take out that hacksaw go to a green branch over here that's approximately an inch thick and we're gonna cut section out roughly six to seven inches and we'll use that same hacksaw to split down the middle of that branch just a little ways and we're gonna make an improvisational knife with one of our razor blades now we're gonna make a fixed blade knife with this razor blade it's not going to be much but it will be something so we want to take the razor blade and fit it down into the stick as much as possible that'll probably be good and at least give us something to cut with and then maybe make scrapings with and then now we can take our cordage and begin to wrap so as we wrap the top we'll go with the top first we'll wrap a little high that way we can move the razor up a little bit to get full use of its edge and then lash underneath to make it tight and then we'll have a makeshift knife then here is our makeshift knife or our shiv and just an improvised cutting tool we now use this razor to cut a little easier than we would if we just had to hold the razor by itself so now we have a cutting tool all right guys point of order fellow survivalist now with this improvised tool with a blade it's a knife but this is a shiv not a shank the shank is a stabby weapon the shiv is a slashing weapon so just wanted to clear that up all right so we're kind of settled into our survival situation got a little confidence with our shelter so we're secure for the night in a shelter we've got our fire pit and a lot of fire material with our tinder ready to go with some of the fire starters that we have in our kit we've got some water purifying in a condom that's hanging up right now safe out of the way now let's lean forward on the survival situation and move on to that next priority which is food now with food we've got snare wire in here and then we've got fishing line fishing hooks and a couple of sinkers let's go ahead and take out our fishing kit out of our handy dandy altoid survival tin we're going to pull out some hooks and line we're going to attach it to this fishing rod that cut down with the hacksaw and use it for a couple of pools up here or seeing some of the small rainbow trout swimming and feeding off the waterfall so there's a small pool up there we'll get up behind a rock and we're going to try to do some fishing we got our hook and sinker you can't tie a knot tie a lot right i'm just going to wrap it up around here until we're ready to use it apply my little sinker [Music] there's our fishing line on our fishing pole ready to go i'm just going to leave that right now all right so we've got a lot of priorities taken care of already shelter and our fire pit which is ready to go right over here we've got water from the condom with our water treatment tablets we're hydrated good to go we've made a knife we made a fishing pole we collected some extra firewood and we're ready to attempt fishing now before we go one food source that doesn't run it doesn't cost us anything are wild edibles in this area we've got wild onion we've got dandelions and even chicory which are basically just common weeds that grow in open areas with a lot of sunlight so before we go let's take a look and we'll forage around for a few items and see if we can bring some plants at least some food source back to camp since all we're going to do is use a hook and line to try to get a fish from upstream here all right check out our hall we've got some wild veggies here for dinner tonight we've got a bunch of wild onions and next we got a bunch of dandelions you can eat the flower head right away okay and that is good to go the leaves are good to go for like a salad or something and we could take the entire plant minus the root and then boil these down or cook them over the fire and roast them for a food source but this can be eaten raw all right so before we go fishing we need to find some bait the best place to look is close to water and then start digging through the soil we just happen to have a couple little grubs excited to have some worms right here figuring me get a couple of these be good bait i got my 10. that's where i'm gonna put my bait and now we've got bait we can go fish we're able to get a fish out of that pool over there with just some baits and hooks lined so very excited but i want to get this thing cooking very quickly so the fish smell does not linger at camp really we don't want to be doing this right here at camp we want to be doing it upstream or downstream away from camp but the fire's here and we're just going to light it and go all right we're going to take out the altoids 10 once again we're going to use a match to start this fire and get this going very quickly so we don't attract any unwanted guests [Music] okay [Music] so all right first match didn't work we gotta do it again [Music] so while the fire is going just remember now food is a priority we need to have water to be able to consume protein that's in a fish so we have water we're good to go we're beginning this final priorities and we're actually starting to live now i think we'll just sit him out like that so fish is almost ready to eat it's gonna be delicious we've got a few veggies that we picked up along the way it'll be good to go as well however we have a problem remember our water container well we lost our water container and it just happens okay condom is a good improvised method for carrying a quart of water or so being able to treat it at least once in this case however it is very very fragile but i show you this to let you know that the condom is doable however it is extremely fragile and you have to be very very careful with these condoms to make them even work once or twice so now that we don't have this we're going to plan b we'll boil water inside our altoids 10 that's going to give us you know a sip at a time or we can go straight to the source and drink from that i think drinking from the water source is a good idea so we're gonna have to get real we're going to use our altoids tent to actually boil water that's all we're getting let's go boil this is like the happiest saddest meal i've ever had oh yeah [Music] that's good get out of here that's so good i can't believe we got a fish i'm just i'm blown away by the fact that that little pool can pull a little rainbow trout out with a grub on a hook very very thankful this fish is a good source of protein and fat and fat is what you need in a survival situation to maintain your mental focus mental clarity gives you energy so fish first here's our water a sip at a time pretty disappointed that the uh condom didn't last as long as i thought it would but you can see water here it's not much but it's water and if it keeps us from getting sick then so be it so in a survival situation let's talk about bedding down really quick we want to make sure we're dry try to dry off our clothes as much as possible especially our socks and keep our feet dry and then if we have the opportunity to rest we rest all right guys so lights are going out it's time to bed down i'm warm enough right now but i think i'll probably get up here in a little bit and put some more firewood on the fire but for now i'm just gonna climb into bed and try to get a little bit of rest so i will see you in the morning [Applause] mr [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good morning feeling groggy and dehydrated i didn't sleep too much but let the fire go out so we could try out one of those coughlin tinder cubes and start the fire this morning with it [Applause] and worked just fine being cold this morning we definitely needed to have that easy way to start fire so so i think we warm up and we'll let the sun come up a little bit more it's just about to crest into the valley from the looks of it so it sounds almost here we'll just sit and enjoy the fire stay warm and then we'll start to plan our exit strategy to get out of here so we can enjoy just a little bit of breakfast and got leftover onions and then our altoid tin water it has lost its meaty flavor it tastes like char right now we've gotta move and find something else now i think what we do is sun is coming up over in that direction so i know that directions east we'll confirm with our compass and then we'll follow the creek downstream we're probably going to have to self-rescue at least to another location and then establish a camp there with more resources and take advantage of that opportunity and who knows we might just run into somebody that can help us all right so we're moving and heading east down to lower ground following the creek is right over here so we'll just use the creek as a handrail and just follow it on down and see what we find looks like civilization right down there i think we found our way out all right guys well i hope you liked that video mini altoid 10 survival kit overnight showed you the skills necessary to survive with one of these minimalist kits out in the wild if you did like this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button leave me a comment in the comment section i always appreciate your feedback i want to thank you guys for what you do for me and for the channel for your likes your views your subscriptions your comments your feedback andrew shares and i'm back with another video as soon as i can guys thanks until next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: Ranger Survival and Field Craft
Views: 23,187
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Id: 5u7IYZyrodo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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