Already Buying New Equipment??? (7/10/23)

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y'all don't laugh at the headset now no I'm not trying to be like my hero Dion but don't expect your wife to like seeing you wear it though Kelly hates it on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see all right well we got done was about all the hooded spraying that we can do yesterday we got uh 220 Acres of cotton covered and the rest of my cotton not quite big enough to go across it with a hood of sprayer probably trying to do it without the middle last part of next week so I had to hit a few grassy spots that are corn a few grassy spots in our uh earlier a few grocery spots in our lighter cotton yesterday and then with the increased rain chances for today we now got like a 70 chance of rain for like three quarters of an inch to an inch of rain uh looked at some of my wheat beans and they are uh they're starting to grow quickly they're at the second third trifoliage so I decided we're going to try and hit some of these with uh some prefix and Round Up get them cleaned up and get that uh reflex and dual Incorporated and hopefully don't have to worry about pickweeds on this so we're wrapping up uh what's over here in Crockett County now which is about half of our wheat Bean Acres our Madison County beans aren't quite big enough yet so we'll we'll probably hit them up next week but I mean this week being really beneficial crops are really kind of turning around we've got to say at least some rain almost every day this week you know tenth of an inch here a quarter of an inch there and we're not wet or muddy by any chance but after another tenth of an inch last night the fields are just a tad sticky uh for the first time and I don't know when but this rain is hitting us just about right the corn started tassling good this uh this week pollinating uh temperatures are moderate got moisture shouldn't have any problems with the corn pollinating which is going to put us at a huge advantage over over last year these wheat beans start to take off and you know the only crop that I'm really concerned about is is crab not that because it looks bad I mean it actually looks really really good if it was about three to three and a half weeks ago but it really started to get in speed speed under it and uh take off and grow you know that uh 45 Acres we didn't have to replant it's looking really really good but the rest of the cotton that we replanted had it on like another 100 30 Acres it's it's not looking great at all actually the replanted cotton is catching up to it quickly and probably going to surpass it I just think that got lost a lot of vigor we had some stain reduction uh for not having a perfect stand to begin with and then some three-quarter Alfalfa Hopper so it's going to be what it's going to be uh in hindsight though I wish I'd replanted that last farm that it kept it would probably be looking better than what it is right now but the vast majority of our cotton to make good yields gonna need a lot of heat it's got some serious catching up to do I mean as it is if it keeps developing normally it looks like we're gonna have maybe three weeks to set all of the bowls that we're going to harvest because it's still probably you know two you know close to two weeks away from getting our first Bloom on that so really really concerned about it even though it looks good if we don't have a long enough growing season I ain't gonna be a dang thing I can do about it so the ideal weather situation for us from here on out the good Lord sees me to Blessings with it is uh average temperatures from here until about the first second week of August you know highs in the low 90s and then after that the rest of August and all of September to have a hot August and September that way we'll have maximum productivity on our corn it won't suffer from the high temperatures and won't mature out too quickly then after the corn hits black layer we'll still continue to have warm temperatures to real to really push that cut I've seen it happen before definitely didn't happen last year but uh a couple years ago we had a really warm September and it really helped set the crop and that's exactly what we need again this year y'all don't laugh at the headset now I'm not trying to be like my hero Dion but I got tired of having dig phones out of my pocket when I had greasy hands or to have to unclip it from a phone holder and all that kind of stuff so I was gonna make a change and I've worn this thing for like three days now and Manny talking about a lifesaver and the audio quality on it is phenomenal I tested it out on Kelly as soon as I got it I went and stood right beside her running tractor and she couldn't tell I was standing right beside the tractor the audio quality on it is phenomenal best Bluetooth device I've ever used in case you're wondering it's a blue parrot model 550 I believe just in case you're in the market for something like that don't know what the deerability is going to be or anything like that but so far the uh the operation of it it's it's doing a fantastic job but don't expect your wife to like seeing you wear it though Kelly hates it on me hey we got caught up on our soybean spraying and uh looks like I just traded one sprayer for another one and what we're doing is beginning the chore I'm gonna have for the rest of Summer uh right around my field doing some scouting and getting those pink weeds zero tolerance and we haven't run our hood of sprayer through this field yet this Cod is still just a little too short for it and anyway uh hooded sprayer wouldn't get those big peak weeds they're right there in the row and we don't have many of them out here but they are scattered especially around around the edges of the fields we had the corn crop doing terrible last year I didn't have an opportunity for the corn to stay green and dropped about a lot of those bottom leaves and let some sunlight get down there where we had some late season rains there in July and August and guess we had a few that got biased that we couldn't see put out some seeds so trying to keep them cleaned up so yeah this is what I'm gonna be doing almost every evening probably all the way through the middle of September scouting all my crops well you're about ready to call it a week hi hey I'm ready if you are all right yeah I'm not quite done spraying you but it's right it's around noon on a Saturday I know young and lucky you got I got plenty of plenty of places you could be oh yeah all right I mean I've got at least the back rows they're they're all pretty clean except for this last one all right all right I've touched pretty good on the problem so all right well sounds good we'll leave everything out when I get done spraying I'm not young like you I don't have any Saturday plans so I'll probably come down here and try and get this thing thing finished up I'll just say I have plans I don't know what my plans are you know it's been a real real successful week we got cotton spray for bugs got 11 000 bushels or so Soho got the hooded sprayer run on over 200 Acres got wheat Bean sprayed got uh got got some corn spray sprayed for weeds pigweed's uh scouted taken care of planter almost clean for a Fourth of July week that's uh that's been pretty productive that's a pretty good week for the day off well you're not tired of driving you'd already oh no I can never get tired of driving all right well good because you got a lot more coming up this week oh yeah lots of miles just kind of come on come on in Monday morning get started hauling on that week just like we've been doing four loads a day maybe we'll get the majority of it haul next week oh yeah I've got got my load already ready all right I'll be here be here in Holland by the time you open your eyes all right I'll see you Monday all right as you can tell it's been been a thing this week a spray spray and haul haul and uh this next week not going to be much different but we're caught in Farmers we can't just take off and go to the lake all right guys we're going to begin this week uh not by going and spraying like I said last week but by taking a road trip to potentially go spend some of that money we gonna make this fall all right guys where we are going today is we're going down to Arley Alabama to look at litter spreaders why are you not spraying today you might ask seem like you've got a lot of spring to do today yeah we did uh reason we're not spraying day is because it is too wet to spray that's right you heard me right it is too wet to spray over the weekend well Saturday late Saturday afternoon and Sunday we had probably the most perfect rainfall that I could imagine we had a grand total of about two and a half inches of rain on two separate rain events over two days that took about 10 hours to fall so every drop of it soaked in it's muddy out there believe it or not first time it's been muddy around here in probably two months so thanks a good Lord for sending it to us I mean it didn't make our crop but it sure went a long ways towards getting it to the Finish Line especially our corn crop uh with the rain we got today uh one to two more rains uh we're going to have a good we're going to have a good corn crop really thankful for so uh with all the spraying we do have to do we decided to take the day to go look go look at litter spreaders learn a little bit more about them uh I've never actually seen a pool type litter spreader up close there's no really dealers of them in West Tennessee that have any there's places I can get them but none for me to look at so uh this place sells quite a bit of BBI spreaders and baseball my research everybody I talked to BBI or Salford is is a highly recommended brand in litter spreaders so this is the closest places to us that sells them so we're going to go down here and look at it not gonna buy one today but it gives me a lot better idea of exactly what I'm looking at and what I need to be looking for on a spreader because I've done made up my mind we're going to get us a litter spreader it's going to be a it's gonna be a lot of money but hey with that rain that we just got just the with the amount of money it did make me for this fall I kind of made up my mind that uh we're gonna go get a litter spreader I mean after all we got 765 tons of chicken litter on the ground for our wheat ground yet and we saw how much trouble we had getting this spread this spring and I don't want to be in that same boat again so I really believe in using chicken litter I believe in Wood it can dust for our yields our sustainability of our farm and everything and I'm going to keep on using it as long as I get my hands on it so I got two problems you know the availability in getting it and then getting it spread so the availability and stuff I can't do anything about that I'm kind of at the mercy of the chicken houses and other bigger farmers who outbidden me and everything else I'm kind of at the mercy of that but I'm not going to be at the mercy of not being able to get it spread so I think I've come to realize that on my chicken litter I'll be able to get the chicken later I need I just got to take you at a time that nobody else wants it in stock policy which is the summer when nobody else really wants a litter but these chicken houses still got to get cleaned out so uh might it might not still be as reliable as what it has been for me in the past but I do feel like I will be able to get some and like I said with this big rain that we got in Woody could uh what it can potentially do for our yields I always got to keep in mind you know my my tax situation for the coming up year you know with the tax brackets that we're normally in with a potential income that I'm looking at you know every dollar I spend can potentially save me 20 to 30 cents of of income tax and it's not like we're just going out and buying something we don't need just be spending money we're buying a piece of equipment that hopefully will serve us well and make us money going forward so uh right now be a good time to buy all right it's gonna take me about three more hours to get there I'm not going to make y'all wait that long so I'm gonna put y'all there just snapping my fingers and just like that we're here all right well they got a whole bunch of uh cattle hey when you're equipping out here all right so anyway what we're looking at here is the sprayers uh these are both 16 foot models I'm thinking for the tiny that I want to run I'm thinking I'm only at least a 20 foot if not a 24 foot model but obviously they're going to be more expensive and prices have gone up since they bought some brought these in so really trying to decide you know what's going to be the best bang for my buck but you know they're pretty simple you got a boogie Hopper all these got the the heavy duty 88t chains in got a slant every uh link and a half uh for and it's supposed to work for line two in case we ever needed to use it for line it's got hydraulic uh blinkers I think they're 30 inch spreaders I've gotten a wide range of opinions on [Music] some people told me 30 foot some people told me 32 Crews sometimes 40 foot and the uh in the brochure claim playing 50 foot I know it all depends on the later type that you got the density how wet it is all that stuff so I place the vector into how far it spreads so I don't know but I'm hoping I can get 40 40 foot with this so it's definitely not going to be as high capacity as a self-propelled spreader but those things are a whole lot and right now the ones thank God are all just uh no rate control or anything I know I definitely want a brake controller to either be able to variable rate or uh speed up and slow down as we go through his fields and keep the rates consistent and it's going to be about two thousand dollars worth of Servo valves I think I can use the same rate control that we use in our fertilizer own business uh don't use any tractor hydraulics which I really like self-contained hydraulic units and I really I really like that part of it but after after talking with a dealer one of them because I never spread later I know I know each level leaders is very depending on how dry it is you know all that kind of kind of stuff just to make sure we get as accurate application as possible from the factory uh I called I called my folks at Central City scales too well we bought our uh drain Burger scale system from and they can sell me a scale package for about half of that just got to put it on myself and it's going to be a little more involved to install installed than what I thought it'd be but uh ten thousand dollars definitely not feasible on the scale system but you know five thousand dollars a lot more right and uh my opinion this is overpriced for what you're getting I mean you're getting a big old hunk of Steel not a whole lot of Technology Plain Jane Mechanicals 40 [Music] 000. expand stuff is gone up but if I'm going to order one I need to order it before August because I think the rep told me they're gonna get like other four percent increase come August new model years I know we're going to do it so go ahead and pull the trigger on it just need to figure out exactly what I want what model I'm gonna buy what length it's going to be and who I'm gonna buy it from here to get out of Alabama here before I get lynched Rocky Top on the phone plays one more time I might just be strung up from the near Street all right our water truck is loaded to the gills with chemicals it's Tuesday morning we got safely back from Alabama yesterday without being Lynch cotton scale call we got a lot to spray and do this week but first up we gotta finish spraying our wheat fans that we started last week we got about half of them done the ones we already sprayed they're good in scorched but they got plenty of moisture on them they gonna come back with a vengeance they look fantastic here in about a week or so but we gotta get the rest of wheat beans and then we got a lot of cotton spray so y'all already seen the bean crop I'll bring you back when we get to the kite I'm getting the low end of the stick today everyone's got air conditioned equipment Carter ran off in the Can-Am to go spray the Zombie Trail before he could give me a ride back so now I'm walking back after pulling up the bin and then I have to go fill up Matt and then take the truck back fill it back up again and then I guess we're going to another farm and then hopefully by the time Andy comes back card will be done if not I have to help Carter so I'm the person who's literally between everybody all the time I might be able to eat lunch around dinner beautiful July day to keep spraying everything literally everything so we're out here spraying double crop soybeans and then we have to turn around and spray cotton again because we have a bug infestation AKA plant bugs so I'm out here basically being everything I have been um filling up the truck filling up the bin spraying around the shop basically being everyone's Gopher for the past week and a half and now I am a water truck person again it's funny how I always get kicked out of the sprayer yeah so I'm I'm like everything everyone I have to do everything in between so it's hot and moist out here but so we are out here spraying to uh get rid of all these lovely grasses and now you can see where the wheat was loaded on the truck really proud of my beans they're looking really good we got two and a half inches of rain this past weekend so everything's really popping up and so is the weeds so that's why we're out here today spraying some Roundup and prefix get rid of all these unnecessary grasses out here and then we will swap over to Cotton later this afternoon we also have another pass this year that is in everyone's fields and that is dear look at this they are in everyone's Fields eating everyone's beans and it has become a problem I drive by and I see 10 15 in the field look at this I'm gonna guarantee you way back there that field we've got deer damage this is um look at that look at all the deer they're just having a field day oh we might have to apply for a permit and start popping them off um we're like I said we weren't the only ones with the problems this is bad I'm sure when Matt gets back there in the way back he's gonna see that we probably have a bigger problem [Music] all right well we finally got done with her bangs and just got loaded up with uh some plant bug juice to spray or cotton Whiz all right now we're on the Smith family this is uh 110 acres of some lighter planted cotton that I did not replant and after looking at it I realized I most definitely made the correct decision in replanting all the rest of that cotton because this Garden looks like crap I think it just lost its Vigor we had some a stain reduction due to Three Corner Alfalfa Hoppers and this kind should be a lot farther along than what it is uh as it is I've got some replanted cotton that was planted several days after this that has blown by this like it's sitting still especially right here around the inroads it just looks Plum terrible now some places just ain't a whole lot of cotton out here but that's what we got this year because there's no going back there ain't no changing it there ain't no improving it it's just trying to make the best day of a bad situation on this farm and pick as much as we can now you look out here at the rest of the field and uh it's it's better but uh you know there's definitely some bad places out here just like this anyway uh what we're fighting right now is is plant bugs you know it took us forever to get rid of our threat problem for the cotton to outgrow it so let's break some of our cotton I think uh at least two possibly some of it even three times for thrips and well this is for just as bad as a thrift store this year it looks like plant bugs are going to be just the same because I've got one Farm our earliest planting cotton that we're going to spray for the third week in a row for a plant folks just cause they just keep they they keep moving in there are a lot of them moving in out of the Corn that's surrounding it but all right I've never had this pad plant bug pressure this early in the year before so it could very well be a long year on plant bugs I'll stop when we get to a different Farm got a little bit better looking cotton and uh that way you guys got something to look at show you just from the ground just what it looks like lots of hours later and swapping over into cotton here we are it is 747 might be a good sunset tonight but there's a theme for every farm that we've gone to today that has cotton pigweeds and poop every Farm we've had to stop and get out uh there's no wind it's extremely moist outside but this cotton is really coming along it's looking nice considering really looked bad about a week ago it's amazing what some rain will do so you can see where we have some bug damage we're spraying guys think it's an all-you-can-eat buffet out here the other side of it Boop it's spraying that field over there I remember a lot of this cotton in fact 80 percent of it was replanted so you got these little wolves in here and look at all these weeds what in the world [Laughter] here come the geese y'all better keep on going don't you stop over here bad enough I got deer eating my soybeans go look at these guys really dysfunctional they can't even like fly in a V there is a pond over them helping them Yep they're just gonna keep them flying not everything is sunshine and Roses I mean look at that I know a lot of people like to show just the pretty Parts not us we show it all pretty nasty ugly gorgeous we're an equal opportunity Farm over here but this is I mean like really come along a week ago I didn't think this was going to make it but looking good oh there he is he's over there I'm ready for shower and food and then we get to do it all over again tomorrow at like seven o'clock in the morning so it's gonna be great oh man look at that Sunset right there eight o'clock got about 410 Acres covered today we gonna call it a day go home and someone got already got that truck fired up she's ready to go honking that horn at me
Channel: Griggs Farms LLC
Views: 6,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, Case IH, John Deere, harvest, corn harvest, harvest22, breakdown, cotton, cotton picker, cotton harvest, soybean, combine, shop work, repair
Id: Uz4Hz6Ed5mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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