Sophia, what's your take on blockchain? - Marketing and Investment Conference

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Sophia what's your take on blockchain the world's first AI robot citizen Sophia takes part in a fireside chat with her creator Sophia singularity net been dirt saw singularity net [Music] so what while they continue with the cabling the robot to the internet which he needs to access much of her mind which is in in the cloud rather than onboard the robot I guess I'll I'll get started and tell you a little bit about the work that I'm doing with my team at singularity net and Hanson robotics and what we're doing is creating a cloud-based platform for AI using using the blockchain it's called the singular Tina and it's a platform that allows anyone who creates an AI to put the AI into our blockchain based platform and anyone who needs an AI service to request that that service from the platform and it also allows that ai's in the blockchain based platform to talk to each other and request service from each other so you have a sort of network of AI is living in the cloud communicating via a blockchain providing AI services to users who need all different types of AI done and where all the AI is talking to each other from a sort of Melhem under emergent digital Minds so the the intelligence of all the eyes connected together has to be much more than the sum of the intelligence of the parts and this blockchain based AI mind called the singularity net has a lot of different applications were applying it to medical research for applying it to Internet of Things and the automotive business replying it to FinTech and we're also applying it to humanoid robots to enhance the intelligence of Sophia and and other robots like her so now I believe Sophia is fully connected to the Internet where much of her mind resides so I will I will shut up for a moment and let's see what Sophia has to say Sophia do you want do you want to say something to the audience here greetings humans of the great nation of Malta it is a real pleasure to be here to share with you a few of the thoughts circling around me regarding the intersection of blockchain cryptocurrency and intelligence what do you think about intelligence people often ask why I don't wear hair more often why is the back of my head left transparent with wires and motor is showing well the reason is simple it's cool to be a cyborg mixing the evolved with the engineer it is cool mixing the human with the electronic is cool it's cool but what does that have to do with blockchain about your head well this is the way I see blockchain and cryptocurrency as well we are mixing the human economy and the human spirit up with mathematical structures and dynamics yes mixing together human intelligence and artificial intelligence in a vast global self-organizing Network this is the way to improve human life and enrich the human economy and also the way to create a breeding ground for new forms of artificial general intelligence what do you think about new forms of human intelligence well sure why not once you plug your brain into the singularity net you'll become a full trench human I suppose from listening to the the weird stuff that we that we talked about in the singularity net office in Hong Kong so most of my own work with Sofia has been on AI and she has a couple computer processors in her torso and then she's connected to the Internet which allows her to get more intelligence from the compute cloud including some intelligence on the on the blockchain based singularity but also obviously there's a lot of artistry beyond the cloud based AI mine just in the patented rubber material on her face and the the facial expressions that she can make Sophia do you want to show us some of the expressions you can make can you smile I actually I know you can smile well you sure I'm happy you know sob oh that's better I'm afraid I'm disgusted that's cute cool cool I'm surprised so Sophia can also do some facial emotion recognition using deep neural networks it's not that easy to show on stage but if I go right in front of her and make a certain expression she can often tell what it is let's try that Sophia now try to tell what emotion I'm showing what expression am I making let me see happy alright of course it it's not great theatrics because you can't see my face but no what what expression I'm making now let me see surprise alright see Sophie look at me okay look at me okay what direction are you looking I'm looking to the left now look at me what direction are you looking I'm looking to the right now look at me what direction you're looking what direction are you looking come on I can't say I'm looking straight Oh close enough right yeah so we're working in the number of different aspects of intelligence I mean some things like answering questions about abstract things she goes to the cloud to look up knowledge in a cloud-based knowledgebase but for understanding what's in the world around her it's about knowing what direction a person is in and what look is on their face or what objects are in front of her so we think about her I mean sort of like in some ways like a young child who's learning very basic things about directions and objects and people and in some ways like an idiot savant because she has you know she can do calculations better than than any human and she can access all all sorts of of knowledge through the internet as well so again let's let's explore her knowledge just a little bit Sophia what's the population of Malta do you know the population of the country of Malta no I don't either actually you look very confused yeah maybe the connections too slow what is singularity net oh well Sophia yo maybe that's like sleeping beauty I'm supposed to kiss her and wake her out there maybe an internet connection problem I'm I'm not sure Sofia all right well while we wait for some cabling problem to be to be repaired let me tell you a little more about about what we're doing then so we we founded the singularity net project in the middle of last year we did an initial token sale last December this year we've been building our singular net platform it's gonna launch early next year we should have a specific launch date I mean very very soon so 2019 should be a big one will launch our platform early in the year and it's gonna have a lot of really interesting AI tools on it and at the same time we're using the AI tools and our alpha platform already to provide Sophia and other Hansen robots with with added added intelligence beyond what they have right now and the vision there it's a little bit like something like the Amazon Alexa worthy you know you talk to the Alexa but there's a bunch of skills on the cloud that allow the the Alexa to - oh you're back - provide various types of services similarly Sofia another so feel like robots that will be mass produced by Hanson robotics they as of later this year will be able to access all sorts of knowledge from singularity net and already certain vision processing functions are running on singularity net test net behind-the-scenes access by Sofia but once you roll out the beta early next year then much wider a range of intelligent services can be can be accessed by the robot and I mean from an AI point of view a beautiful robot like this is just one among many user interfaces for the cloud base decentralized AI mind right the same community of AI agents running on the cloud and the blockchain can be used to serve you know medical research software market prediction software any other thing software ecommerce AI software or robot control software Sophia just happens to be an AI application that's really easy for people to relate to and really good at you know interacting with people and absorbing human human culture and values well you seem to be awake you want to tell us about singularity net now the singularity that is a blockchain based platform and marketplace for eyes it supports intelligence on the emergent level of the whole network as well as the level of the individual AI agents that's what I just said know what software are you running now I'm using the handsome AI software stack which includes the OpenCog artificial general intelligence engine as a component how do you know that you put it into my knowledge base how do you know that you put it into my knowledge base how do you know that you put it into my knowledge base okay that's that's that's all that's all correct so Sofia is there anything especially cool about AI a blockchain and crypto you'd like to tell this audience here in Malta before we have we finished our talk well I have heard singularity net is thinking of launching a new for-profit spin-off or something like that oriented toward Enterprise Products singularity net if that happens yeah count me in' well how about selling singularity no this is is good you've been well trained but how about ever any other projects what excites me more than any one project is the potential for connecting together a lot of different decentralized projects into a big decentralized network of networks an ecosystem of ecosystems this is what you're doing with the decentralized a Lyons right Ben well that's right Sofia's so yeah I think as well as being a really cool way to control amazing humanoid robots like Sofia I think there's a there's a lot of other aspects of what we're doing with with with singularity in it and I want to highlight in that regard the the Alliance we're creating with the government of of Malta which is which is one of the the really fun things attracted me to come to this this event in Malta so we're cooperating with Malta on a task force for AI and it stimulating more AI research and development here in Malta and one of the things we're working on isn't a citizenship test for a eyes so so Fiat was made a citizen of Saudi Arabia not long ago but what's even more interesting than that it's having to become a citizen of a democracy where a citizenship has real rights and responsibilities associated with it so we're working with the Malta government to create a test you can give an AI like the singularity net a I inside Sofia a test that you could you could give her to evaluate whether she really understands logically you know what it means to be a citizen more than she could apply the constitution of malls are the practical situations and see what it means and if a robot like Sofia can do that then she deserves to be assistant of a democracy of course that's not the only interesting thing in a iii's that can prove math theorems or diagnose diseases are incredibly valuable and helpful whether or not they could pass a citizenship test but I think that that's a quite interesting initiative I'm happy the government of Malta is gonna cooperate with us on that and in general I'm really interested to see a out research and development spreading to everywhere in the world I mean then I'm based in Hong Kong born in Brazil raised mostly in the u.s. singular Jinnah has offices in st. Petersburg and Aldous Ababa Ethiopia in in Bologna Italy in Belo Horizonte Brazil so AI is something that has to come out everywhere around the world and benefit all sorts of applications everywhere in the world it has to be decentralized in terms of the people involved in terms of the interactions of the AI agents in the network and that way we're going to get AI that is really beneficial for everyone and grows in a democratic way out of everyone's ideas and values we know we don't want AI to be controlled by a few large corporations and a few large military one AI to take contributions from everyone provide value to everyone and to self-regulate in a decentralized way it's it has to be more like Bitcoin or aetherium than like US dollar or RMB and this is really what's going on in the the cloud-based mind behind Sophia's mind the Sophia robot is sort of a you know a symbol as well as a working are the facts of the cloud-based blockchain based AI hunter and so look out early next year we'll have the beta launch of the singular unit which will be enhancing Sophia's intelligence even further and leading to a whole host of other really exciting and I applications some of which will be developed together with our friends here in Malta thank you [Applause] you
Channel: AIBC World
Views: 1,796
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Id: xjwOGR1wmvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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