Almost Paradise | Finding Mabuhay | Season 1 Episode 1 | Full Episode

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[Music] as a federal employee applying for code 776 retirement benefits which is a job specific disability you are required to have scheduled therapy sessions and medical examinations to qualify but you can still officially sign off for me right so I can get my checks assuming you make your weekly appointments here for evaluations I figured with an American presence on the base I might as well fulfill my requirements here 180 over 90 so I'm a good blood pressure I'm a bad blood pressure it's not cholesterol Alex there's only one blood pressure and it's too high your blood test shows that you sto taking your AC Inhibitors and vasodilators I Googled vasodilator three words words came up sexual side effects if you don't take them with your level of hypertension your heart will become enlarged I know taking time bomb no there's no ticking just boom heart failure and trust me that's worse than penis failure this your opinion I want you to wear this for a while the alarm goes off if your blood pressure rises above 180 or if your heart rate goes past 170 think I this is your hypertension Journal whenever the monitor goes off take a reading and record it okay all right use it to monitor the things that cause you stress then avoid them well that's why I'm here doc 15 years ago one of my assignments took me to little isolated Beach on this island no TVs no phones I always thought it'd be a great place to retire so I sold what little I had and I bought myself a gift shop no stress no drama just peace and [Music] [Music] quiet this is a Paradise Hotel Paradise Resort Paradise Resort hey man I don't I don't think this the right [Music] place last time I was here was just a bunch of thatched huts on the beach lots of construction best resort in Pacific guests come from all over world I don't I don't understand I thought I bought the gift shop outright you buy gift shop and apartment Hotel own the land it sits on I manage this is not how I remembered it you fix no problem this shop give you lots of money so much money you fix no problem your apartment in [Music] back water and electricity get from hotel you pay twice a month you late I cut off so don't be late you f no [Music] problem This is how we roll in [Music] Manila you guys ready remember I do world the talking all righto gentlemen welcome what can I offer you to drink uh well do you have an old rock old rock yeah excellent choice this way I'll take cany see grab a glass so this hunk of ice is 10,000 years old we saw it off a gla on our last trip to Greenland so I hear you're the man to speak to about local protection distribution storage hold hold on hold to you you know what these boys they're now working for the Manila boys and on this island that means me H [Music] me and now you're affiliated with me you will provide me with local protection and access for my product before trans ship into the United States anyone else want an old rock 790 passs hey sweetheart can I get a gim beam neat beer beer be just [Music] [Music] fine Look Away there's nothing to do with you I was really starting to like this [Music] place hey guys how are you listen anybody up for a game of snooker hey Amboy shove off we're busy where's all this mauhi I've been hearing so much about you know here [ __ ] easy load yeah easy load you're starting to sweat that vein in your forehead starting to pulsate your left hand's twitching your breathing's erratic I'd say your blood pressure is what 180 over 90 I didn't understand what you said what I did he was your heart about to come out of your chest maybe on your way to a coronary or even an aneurysm you don't want to die today do you police [Music] a friend of the American Embassy got me this apparently he spent more time under Deep Cover than anyone else in the bureau two years attached to operation radication in the Golden Triangle Mexico Colombia a year and a half in Spain doing uh God knows what apparently he's some sort of a legend what's a US drug enforcement special agent doing here ex special agent he went local they gave him a 776 means they kicked him out agent Walker what are you what hypertension Journal lots to log why didn't you tell detective Mendoza and the other detectives that you were a US DEA agent it could have been my nerves cuz they were yelling at me you broke up a sting operation we've been working on for 3 months you were about to be killed all right I made your partners an undercover as soon as you walked walked in the door trust me I didn't want to get involved okay but when I saw the hitter sit behind you in the booth they were there to kill him not to sell to him you sure of that go check the ball guy's jacket left pocket garat wire in the right pocket's a huning knife rot wire never seen anybody around here using a garot that's impressive how would you like to work with our department we don't need any help from Outsiders she's right then I can't man you've read my jacket I got issues look I'm sorry that I busted up your plate from what I've read you have a unique set of skills and experience that our local Department doesn't have we could use her assistance she's good good she's great all right she fooled me she can handle this you don't need me okay you made a mess out of this case now you have to fix it doctor's orders you know all right look breathe in deeply you are alive breathe out let go breathe in Greatful the sun warms you breathe out relax breathe in fullness all will be [Music] well breathe out relax you're dead now [Music] de dude are you kidding me I just cut the trim right somebody just tried to kill me Agent Walker please have a seat I don't want a seat I don't want a seat I want to know why I almost had to wear Ascot for the rest of my life somehow word gets out there's an XD agent on the island are you suggesting that I unbelievable man you would risk my life to force me to help you what kind of a monster do you think I am how many good you got but you bring up a good point our problem has become yours as well now until we wrap this all up you're in danger now we can offer to keep you locked up to protect you or or I can help you solve this case it's really up to you Six Gang Related shootings and three dead from overdose in the last 4 months ever since Frost hit the streets it's a synthetic heroin derivative cut with speed makes crack look like aspirin we've now learned that the Manila boys have infiltrated and recruited two local gangs for distribution Kobe Rodriguez did six years in kazon city for drug pedaling an assault he arrived on the island 2 months ago dropped off the radar 2 weeks ago we find him we choke off the frost pipeline to the island it's crap excuse me I'm sorry it's this heart monitor it's a piece of crap I mean and and it works great but it's designed to look like a makot problem is that says made in China mot is an American brand you see to sell these puppies they make it look and sound like it's homegrown it's not it's from the Far East now if Joe Schmo finds out where they're made that drives the prices down limiting sales and inviting unwanted competition I'm so glad you're paying attention this has the look and feel of a local gang operation trafficking outside of Manila it's not it's fake these drugs are intended for the United States you got all this from your watch you said it yourself Frost is a synthetic heroin now Asia they have the ability to manufacture synthetics in in legitimate drug factories right smuggle it out illegally before the officials even knew it was part of the infrastructure I'd say the ingredients are smuggled on the island and cooked right here helps develop the drug and finance production they ship it off to Los Angeles Seattle dispersed across the states so couldn't Kobe Rodriguez still be in charge of all this my attacker had a pistol instead of shooting me he tried to Gat me these guys are trying to make a statement under orders of their new boss and who is that an operation like this can only come from one of three places China Taiwan or Malaysia Triads they don't have time they're not about to risk coming to some high-profile resort island on the Philippines so you got Taiwan and you got Malaysia all you got to do is figure out which one oh and by the way I'm always paying [Music] attention guys guys if it's already an established drug house why don't you just go up and knock on the front door might I remind you that you're only here to observe and advise you got something you s to say safe all right okay didn't mean to offend you steakouts are a very important information gathering tool want over Silent Bob here does he ever talk when I have something to say hey man they're moving [Music] this is the best car you can find what it's nondescript that's the problem it screams nondescript does it offend your fragile sense of masculinity yeah that's not the point the point is never appear like you're trying not to be noticed right this is a resort island man you people come here they want to feel special they want to be noticed you know you doesn't want to be noticed criminals and undercover cops and when you're surveilling you don't like either one you're number one forget you're a cop forget you're a cop how could that go [Music] [Music] wrong Bingo making a drop up up up right there lasan flag pretty sure that boat didn't sail in from kison City gang4 yeah we're up against some pretty bad guys they're leaving should we follow them no we get on that boat okay let's go let's do it hey oh hello hey hey boot's this way we're going to a judge we're going to get a warrant we're going to do this right you want to do it right let's do it right all right I I got I got to pee uh where's the head up right there okay sorry guys apologize I got to pee I'll be back [Applause] oo I love it when people are prompt I see here very nice good job gentlemen very good uh uh-uh I got [Music] it it's a lot of money who the hell are you me I'm just a guy you've been trying to kill guys seriously put the guns down huh violence never solved anything well I guess in your line of work sometimes it does doesn't it where's he going do you think he on the boat that my badge on it so we just wait for him he said look like he want to be noticed that's exactly what I'm going to do I don't anything [Music] you [Music] [Music] not true about you guys eating dogs is it I'm only asking cuz I was hoping you'd be serving lunch you have 30 seconds to convince me not to kill you kill me you're going to want to kiss me we're going into business together isn't this really yeah now what kind of business would I be doing with an American DEA agent X DEA X I'm gone Rogue really why would you do that hypertension H so now you're a criminal 15 years I've been in the weeds watching guys like you get richer and richer guys like me would get beaten broken for what you know for nothing I've been on the losing end of this drug war for way too long okay so what you're the Benedict Arnold of the US drug enforcement I like to think of myself more like I'm not a fan LeBron James you know I take my talents to the best fit LeBron James it's a good one you know you earned yourself another 30 seconds sell me supply and demand right you can make great quantities of Supply but it's going to cost you a fortune to reach the demand that's where I come in I ain't the only soldier that realized that this war on drugs was a joke I got a network current and former DEA agents at the highest level that can move your stuff into the US make officials look the other way when your cargo hits the doc gentleman I am your free pass to the American Market sounds expensive yeah but here's the best part you don't pay me I pay you you pay me I told you we're on the same side okay now I don't want to work for you I want to work with you me and my guys we know all the players we know how to reach the demand and we need access to your supply so you buy drugs from me sell to the US okay and how are you getting all this money money comes from your competitors how so seized mountains of money cash and evidence lockers lockers that I got access to okay if you're really an X DEA agent what were you doing in the beer house man I was trying to contact you I've been trying to get old you man but then you send your errand Boys in there getting ready to kill a couple undercover cops I had to do something all right I want to work with you I do but none if every cop on this island has a personal Vendetta to bring you down it's too hot too much heat even for me how soon can you get your hands on the cash how about tomorrow 2 million sound like a good start we should have a drink to seal the deal now you're talking so this hunk of ice is 10,000 years old the purest substance on Earth gracias the now I want you to see what happened to the last man who disappointed me say hello to kopy Rodriguez now you won't be disappointing me [Music] right oh man oh you're surprisingly strong botes tell me why I shouldn't arrest you right now it is tomorrow when he buys $2 million worth of drugs from me you guys are going to close the biggest case of your career by the way we we supposed to get the 2 million in cash I got to think of everything yes all of those places oh agent Civic this is detective Mendoza we'll be taking over the case from here Tio is an international criminal this is beyond your jurisdiction my team will be running the investigation going forward Alex Walker I bet you thought you'd never see me again if you didn't want to help then why did you set up the Buy to help them not you oh what so you hate your country now here's the thing Walker I don't want you involved I don't trust you I know what happened in Spain with Todd Carpenter and I know about your little episode afterwards but I don't have a choice because you already made contact and we need [Music] too I want a clean record I want special agent pinch and not this disability crap I don't have to have doctor signing off for me to give my checks I can make that happen I'll call Washington after the bust okay we're go for $1,100 hour [Music] tomorrow AER Walker come on it's time oh hell no what the hell is wrong with you people are counting on you it doesn't matter couple hours away from taking down a major drug trafficker doesn't matter just sober you up and bring you back it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if we take down Jimmy Tao or not it doesn't matter you know how many people I've seen die fighting this idiotic drug war and for what we arrest them they're right back out on the streets in a couple of weeks traded for some political favor or they or they're like your boy KO a paid asset whatever this drug war has gone on longer than World War I 2 Vietnam both Iraq and Afghanistan combined are there fewer drugs out there huh are are fewer people addicted you need to calm down and what about us huh what what about the guys on the front line they they don't throw parades for veterans of the drug war lady there's no celebration where just casualties of this War I had a partner in Spain Todd Carpenter and he was one of the guys that cared too much and after watching everybody walk again and again and again they got to him so he switched teams and to prove that he was legit they gave him an assignment which was to kill me but he didn't didn't he trusted my partner was the only thing that I had now what I got I can't do this gu I'm sorry can you take me back [Applause] please Kyle what are you doing my cousins grew up in this town five blocks long Lucy Reyes was 9 years old and she was shot and killed in that corner straight bullet from a drug deal gone bad then 3 weeks later her older brother was stabbed in a robbery just at the end of his block is that why you became a cop my mother was a spiritual leader she was beloved by the community when she died it was the only way I could think of to honor her Kai why are you showing me all this cuz cuz I don't believe your nerves are shot I watched you with taao I saw you at that beer house you have ice in your veins you want to note from my doctor it's not arresting these guys that gives you the shakes it's what happens afterwards the politics the bureaucracy I don't give a crap about politics what I care about are these islands the people who live here starting with these five blocks [Music] gu I [Music] can't I'm sorry I just you know I [Music] [Music] can't [Music] I do that too you do what ask the ocean for advice guidance so what you think I'm doing I think you chose to come back to this island because you were looking for something something you desperately need inside yeah what's that my boai breathe it in it's all around you everywhere you [Music] look so what are we [Applause] doing just these guys with the DEA and pole okay they are not like you guys you guys you guys are cops all right somebody breaks the law you go get them these guys they haven't been cops in a long time they're soldiers in a fog of war and in war the only thing that is Ever Clear is who is alive and who is dead so we do nothing I'm going to hate myself for the morning [Music] you're not going to screw this up and have one of your little episodes are you your faith in me is overwhelming we have incoming okay go show what you got team one team one in position team two team two in position team three team three in position how the [Music] anxiety Walker sound check 3 2 1 check check check can you hear me you guys good good okay remember code word is avocado don't say it until he's accepted the money and you can confirm the drugs he's handing you with The Real McCoy we hear the code word we'll execute an Ingress got it yeah yeah yeah man avocado I got [Music] it I trust what's in this case won't disappoint me what you had a loss for words it's a trap you set me up I did you're surrounded by us agents inner pole local police all right they knew I was meeting with you they forced me to collect evidence against you there's over a dozen guys in this building right now search them I ripped the wire off before I came in here okay so far they got nothing on you if you listen to me and do what I tell you they won't he's clean Jimmy you got to learn to reset your default settings from Kill Everybody immediately to take a deep breath they get through man either I am on your side in which case I'm the only shot you got at getting out of here or I a DEA agent and by shooting me it destroys any chance you got to cutting the deal with these guys that you know you're going to be offer but either way get that freaking gun out of my face why aren't you guys responding to the radio zivic is pissed Bo you're on the wrong damn Channel zivic says they're about to exit the East Side want you guys to back up the team over there well I got confront with zivic you do that tell him why you're on the wrong Channel too so we just leave this post nothing's happening here Z got me in the local PD covering hurry they're about to move move move aren't I the guy who call Pablo Escobar a Nancy boy and got away with it doesn't he ever shut upud when he got dangled out of a helicopter over a live volcano answer's yes and guess this is going to be go go you guys you got to move faster okay keep getting rid of all this evidence all this stuff gone we got to move FAS come with me grab your boys Gentlemen let's [Music] go hold on what the hell was that very nice okay bringing out the salad salad are you saying too's bringing up the drugs he's leading to the Cod [Applause] word how did you always have an exit strategy ta just what the doctor ordered can't wait to get a look at the main course breathe in deeply you are alive breathe out let go everyone inside [Music] [Music] now [Music] raise the anchor start the engines dump the body when we're out of the bay yeah right that's not going to look suspicious huh an iceberg floating in subo Bay with a dead guy in it you're not going to have to worry about that because you're going to be floating right next to us I'm going sick and tired of this I saved your ass you set me up you're liability you can't can't be trusted what are you going to do H you going to stick me into the life sculpture next to the dead guy that your goons killed oh no no no I killed him with an ice pick to his heart I could feel his life leaving his body through my hands and now you're next Goodbye Mr Walker on this island we say Palam Palam lower your weapons okay okay Jimmy tail you're under arrest for the murder of Kobe Rodriguez I killed him with a ice pick to his heart I could feel his life leaving his body through my [Music] hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] problem [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is an important day for the Philippines the arrest of Jimmy signifies is the beginning of a new era for law enforcement on our Islands it's pretty charismatic in front of that camera isn't he you know this won't stand this is a multinational narcotics bust too is coming with me narcotics did you find any narcotics we didn't find any oh this is a murder rap local jurisdiction and there's nothing the United States government or interpole can do about going up on charges perhaps but he's on our Island now and he's our guest so I would appreciate it if you didn't threaten him there's a law against it here you can forget about your disability pay I got my crosshairs on you pal you seem really stressed out not healthy should have that checked out [Music] come on starting to look real good in here Alex oh thank you probably should have paid a little more attention in shop class in high school but yeah I think she's coming along you hungry can you take a break I got to eat come on think you like this wow everyone everyone your attention please this is Special Agent Alex Walker what's going on here you said they never threw your parade well here it is oh I don't understand five blocks Alex these are the people who live there and these are the people you helped today what is this mauai Asian Walker pure [Applause] [Music] mauai [Music] [Music] he
Channel: ElectricNOW
Views: 15,290
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Keywords: electric entertainment, electric now, electric now tv, free tv series, full episodes, almost paradise, almost paradise tv series, almost paradise show, almost paradise season 1, almost paradise christian kane, almost paradise season 1 episode 1, almost paradise tv show, almost paradise episode 1, almost paradise season 1 full episodes, season 1 full episodes, season 1 almost paradise, tv show, free episodes, full episode, christian kane, christian kane shows, kaniacs, series
Id: 85mHcdp3lIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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