Leverage | The Miracle Job | Season 1 Episode 8 | Official Episode

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do you know the speech I know the gist of it you memorize entire homes homes are poetry ple before the city council is demeaning esteemed councilman in a few days St Nicholas church will be torn down I have come before you for the fourth time to beg for your condescension consideration which you have never shown before to block the sail of the church because we're not just losing a building we're losing a Sacrament the communion with our neighbors is our Mass not bad huh help somebody help somebody please father father we need an ambulance please send an ambulance hey Sophie's here man what do I tell her anything but the truth hey oh thank you so much for coming to my play last night oh last night was awesome oh thanks paa yeah it was like a horror movie attention must be paid yeah I mean you you're not the first person I would think of to play Willie lman but you you you worked it out yeah it was the worst night of my life come on man you've been in worst [Music] situations no no that was the worst how great were you I mean they ought to call it death of a saleswoman what a great commentary on the glass ceiling for women in Corporate America Nate I I played the part as a man yes and brilliantly thanks yeah I mean you were huh hold on I have to uh oh hi Maggie is everything okay when who's Maggie head right wife it's okay I'm glad hey I thought I'd get you to visit I'd have got my ribs kicked in a little sooner how you doing Paul I got my shots in I popped the first guy in the shoulder for blacked out yeah I know I I read the police report you read the police report I do that you talk to Maggie do you think it was a coincidence that you got attacked on your way to beg the city council to save your church no I don't you talk to Maggie a lot when is the sale Final on the church escro closes Monday why code blue Pediatrics code I know hospitals are tough for you Paul have you tried legal action I mean maybe an injunction with what money thought it was God's plan for me to save the church Nate I was wrong but we're going to have one last Mass on Sunday and I plan to make the most of it you should be there it's not going to be your last MK ball hey what are you going to do Nate just maybe move God's plans along that's St Nicholas yeah Santa Claus has a church it's not Santa Claus I know this is not our usual kind of case I realiz but before you say anything Paul is an old friend of mine and he has helped the poor parishes more than you could ever we're taking the case oh yeah oh great good oh all right well uh this is obviously a strong armed maneuver that's happened here get rid of the activist priest and the saale closes on Monday do we know anything about who bought the church or sign outside said it was sold to Kenedy Corp now Kenedy Corp is a wh owned subsidiary of stb international which is the parent company of aai Diversified which is a US subsidiary of kened Corp that is a lot of trouble to go to for buying an old church yeah so canedy Corp that's obviously the front Parker check all the addresses for the realy companies Elliot Hardison find the local talent that attacked Paul um he messed up one of their shoulders if that helps so I I don't do gangs what what is out fresh air get off the computer I repelled come on did no one see me repel I heard about it [Music] you going to be [Music] okay he's an old friend I own you think that we just going to walk into some random tunnel and find some cholos just all Yol up you know Paran go homes let me fix some dude just sink what listen boys we don't want any trouble all right we just want some answers how's this [Music] answer gentlemen I'm asking one of your colleagues somebody who rolled a priest who was [Music] it you seeing this AR yeah the the situation has my attention yes you see that's why I don't like guns they have a specific range of advocacy see most guys make one mistake they get too close rolled a priest we we didn't beat up no priest we're not monsters come dislocated shoulders are [ __ ] priest gave him that you beat up a priest do you mind am I [Music] guess you got a long penics ahead of you start by answering the men's questions now who hired you I don't know I got to call myself C with an offer and I called him back after the job was done he paid me that's all I know man I swear you got a number you do something with that seven digits I can find you on Mars gentlemen we'll leave you to your Internal Affairs come on how about that man you you see me Sho he was injured well somebody got to fight the injur shoot that's my Niche when I ran a back trace on the gang bangers call it routed through this dude's number from pay phone so we got nothing hold on hold on the pay phone is located here the residence is at 8 luxury condos brought to you by Andrew Grant yeah I know this guy he built the Meadow Mall on the west side you know the one with the monil now this guy doesn't happen to own any of the shell companies that bought the church does he well I can't prove that but let's just put it this way those shell companies have their daddy's Lying Eyes all right what do we know about this grant guy well the man's a media [ __ ] went through like nine publicist last year alone he's uh he's cutting the ribbon on this place tomorrow also Grant survived a helicopter crash last year checked out his Pharmacy account the man pops anti-anxiety pills like pzs well publicists are like priests you got to tell them all your secrets so that's our way in question is how what are you thinking this guy beat up a priest we're not going easy on him I got a dozen reporters waiting for me downstairs and the backdrop for my ribbon cutting is scaffolding it was a miscommunication isn't that what I paid you for toas to communicate stop screwing up [Music] Mr Grant Christy Connelly I'm a reporter with the lger I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions Connell I don't know how you got up here but the press conference is down in the lobby it starts in 10 minutes no I understand I just wondered if I could have a moment Franco wi Wonka's here good he's R's almost [Music] here okay Showtime all right did you remember the big scissors this time did you remember them oh oh my God are you okay yeah yeah yeah yeah just watch where you're going didn't mean to that's okay that's all right just be more careful next time baby okay my God I'm so sorry I'm sorry man what the hell you doing had a little Teo last night I'm sorry about why you focus quvo all right feel really bad about you know what feel bad all right back to work thanks try walking my R dirt on it get back in game but that doesn't make any [Music] sense I don't leave it they're fixing up this lift right it's probably a few bugs to work out unacceptable I'm calling the contractor oh seriously no signal wow okay that's weird yeah I'm not crazy about [Music] Heights or in close faes what is that you just took SX for my nerves actually caffeine with a dash of dextr amphetamine are you getting any air at all down there I swear God I think they've sucked all the oxygen out of here that tortured me it's like the witch's oven and hon grle or something here they're just roasting us like a turkey you gave him speed he beat up a least get me out of here for God's sake can anybody hear me I'm going to fire every one of you every single one of you you are so fired Mr Grant is anybody even listening Mr Grant the Press they're still down there we've only been up here for half an hour oh God oh God oh they're going to have a field day with me look send us home see no no no no come on you got to stand up and pick me up yes yes trust me come on trust me trust me and pick me up someone get it out of your P come on someone get these doors open oh thank God than God she payen come on get move out of the way this need call attention okay come on come on come on you'll be okay stay with me S stay with me stay with me get some when you get out okay okay okay you'll be okay Miss con you just got yourself an interview okay back off no more pictures okay so um what would you say has been the key to your um me oh thanks meteoric rise huh an appetite for risk hard work bit of luck here in there this interview is over I'm sorry christe how did you know what to do in there oh that I'm a reporter you have to understand reporters we're Lazy by nature or we want a story and narrative and if you don't like the story they're writing just give them a new one they'll thank you for it I don't want you to do a story on me I don't understand I want you to make sure everyone else is doing a story on me I saw the way you handle the press back there I want you to be my new publicist I don't know what to say except when can I start how about tomorrow of course if I'm going to be your publicist is Andy I'm going to need complete access to your business there can't be any secrets between us [Music] none let me show you something he's building another mall on the side of the church it's not even a mall it's bloody Lifestyle Center eat work shop play all in one place I don't like this guy I hate him he doesn't want the closing of the church connected to him bet he's got the city council in pocket and got the land Force s once this deal closes he's free and clear by the time they break around on this mall he'll be Untouchable oh forget St Nick would be better off with the patron saint of lost causes no no no he trusts you you can hook him yeah I know I can they but there's no time I mean we we need a long con for this job right in 3 days he owns that church all right so we got to hit him hard now indirectly you know St all the closing and buy enough time to bring him in for a longer game you really think he's going to fall for that yes guy I I got to be honest with you we're going to need a miracle to save this church so let's uh go steal ourselves a [Music] miracle so the Catholic Church defines a miracle as the work of God usually through the prayers and intercessions of a saint for some specific purpose frequently the conversion of the unbelieving how know other this stuff I went to school with Father Paul to uh Seminary school so you dropped out a priest school to become a an insurance cop now you're leader of a Band of Thieves nice you're you're you're a Catholic who wants to fake a miracle I'm pretty sure that puts us in mortal sin territory so now you're religious too no no I'm not denominational it's just I never do anything my Nana said don't do this that's what we doing it it it just don't seem right what doesn't seem right let me get this straight we're we're trying to save a church right so faking a miracle to me seems like the quickest way to do that even Andrew Grant's not going to build a mall on a holy site right so we need three things we need a miracle we need publicity and we need to keep Father Paul out of the way he can't be involved in this at all reporters follow Grant around imp packs let's let's use him as bait use his own publicity to wreck his project it's elegant okay Parker need you to go to the hospital and keep Father Paul there no matter what up to a point but keep him in the hospital I'll let your the retrieval specialist give Hardon anything he needs long as I don't have to do anything immoral no you absolutely not no just need you to figure out you know how to fake a miracle we all going to hell you know I'm getting out of here in a couple hours yeah it's just a few last tests to be on the safe [Music] side you leak this they're calling for his head it's a PR nightmare trust me he's rattled vulnerable just right for me to kiss and make boo boo better he'll be a minute it's busy today certainly is so what's your take on all of this the new mall I mean Lifestyle Center or a building right around where I grew up I figured it would sweep out the gangs good on you you're a company man yes ma'am thank you for your opinion okay I just received a threatening phone call from a nun well Mr Grant the problem is the reporters have their story yeah Andrew Grant neighborhood Hood recer like there's even a neighborhood there it's a bunch of losers and burnt out buildings the problem is they have the wrong story and what do we do when reporters have the wrong story give them a new one you need to take control of this make an official announcement give them the other story yeah sure of course the church do it at the church the church's doors are closing a boohoo but you're opening new doors opportunity for all yes yes Tomas we'll make the official announcement down on first huh call every reporter in the city wonderful I'll set it up come on toas where are you come on we got to get going get on the phone what are you doing Thomas I'm coming Mr Grant all right father I got your test results right here high cholesterol elevated set rate and it looks like you're pregnant I'm going to need you to stick around and [Music] retest behold I've made the statues multiply well I got to say that looks pretty good Aris I mean yeah it's a polystyrene amongst other things is don't eat it or breathe near it all right show us what you got subject number one yeah no I said bleeding tears not not bleeding ears all look look look man you lucky on this deadline I ain't give you a baking soda volcano yeah but this this is the okay what else you got that's ridiculous stickma of paintball gun well no no no no no no yeah yeah how how does that work oh I've been fra check me [Music] out okay Hardison could you just make the statue cry without melting St Nick's head don't melt Santa not not Santa are you 10 ft from there how can you miss that you're standing everybody can't be Elliot unbelievable shut up Grant lined up uh-huh yeah he'll be there with the Press oh um I've been I've been meaning to ask you U how was it you know talking to Maggie again good yeah strange but good yeah I still feel uh what guilty about Sam no no not that well yeah I mean yeah and other things other things but you never cheated on her Nate I know I know tempted no no you weren't I was not really you've always been the good guy that's uh that's you know what made it fun well part of what made it fun between us back then back back then yeah and what about now I don't know know what about now that's what we have to figure out or by we um I mean you of course of course of course just um don't take too long a Lifestyle Center to revitalize the life of this neighborhood a pulsing heart of opportunity and Commerce in the center of this community come quickly you have to see this it's a [Music] miracle it's a [Music] mirle I wouldn't believe not too bad oh was nothing really it's just basic chemistry seen oil polymer that reacts with a secondary chemical in the candles no candle smoke absolutely no evidence lot of candle local news will pick up the event Grant will crawl back into his hole for for a while and well at least for the time being stay open to the public whoa wao that's a lot of public I'm very good little too good what did we just [Music] do statue of St Nick is on YouTube good this church will never shut down oh there's just so many people here I mean what if they find out it's a fake Hellfire damnation Etc you know what I'mma step over here so when the good Lord goes down on all of y'all I don't get hit by the Light wasn't Zeus the one with the lighting guys guys this is still a big win Sophie uh find out where Grant is and make sure that he's what did you do uh what what do you mean what you don't believe in miracles the word miracle does not appear anywhere in the old or New Testaments what about the wedding at Kaa huh what about Lazarus please tell me you had nothing to do with this I had nothing to do with this Nate you're lying to me right to my face in church there's a fake miracle in my church you know there's a reason you didn't become a priest yeah I do what I can you can't play God Nate just tell me what's going on and we'll try to fix it Paul listen to me for your own good I can't tell you what's going on here but I can tell you that I that I got it covered they're in spin mode it's a mess I'm going to put a nail in his coffin right now well make it 10 I don't want that son of a [ __ ] crawling out so oh St Nicholas a miracle obviously we can't yeah I know I've been up all night with this I figured as much I do have a spin on it no no no forget it I've killed the American town this miracle they gave me a real crisis of conscience excellent yeah that's good we can we can work with that I looked into my heart I paced I cried but by Dawn I had my answer Bible [Music] Topia it's a theme pack lifestyle and Recreation Center here let me give you the tour so the church stays I mean at least the statue stays and you know maybe that one wall with the stain in glass but the rest gone now flanking the statue to food court so the original pews they're now Outdoors for Meal Time seing holy contemplation whatever shops are plenty on the perimeter but this there will be a sea an actual sea surrounding the park that will part every 30 minutes huh and that while people are waiting to come in they can enjoy previews food and souvenirs at the tear of St Nick Cafe come to pre stay to shop we also got this St Nicholas bobblehead [Applause] there you [Music] go you're serious about this come on Christie you and I both know this is not a real Miracle hey because Miracles don't exist and two because this pain in the ass priest will do anything to keep his church open but hey I owe him a debt I mean I never would have thought of Bible Topia without his divine intervention this stupid priest he's going to make me Millions Bop you the man cannot be sto it's like everything we throw at him just makes him stronger kind of admire him though I mean my nephew like biotopia no no no see see this this is what happens when you mess with God he raises up your enemies with his right hand and he smites you with his left no no no no no no so I can you we can use this just give me a second to I just Apostolic visitation come again it's the Vatican what Apostolic visitation it's like the popes uh you know CSI they come they investigate a miracle they ass show me whether it's real or a hoax they find out the truth they're going to close this church down and blame Father Paul for fraud I don't like this Nate I mean even Grant okay he was hooked ordinarily we'd have him under control by now we'll get around him we'll get around him we'll save the church and we'll take out Grant you screwed up you're going to have to undo your own con gentlemen father father excuse I'm having just big spiritual crisis you guys can understand more than anybody I need to talk to you right now you're the only one that can I hope you weren't going to do what I know you were just about to do tell the truth you bet I won't hey no more lies the vatican's here you and I both know what that means yeah break out the graa does my getting defr amuse you no listen listen I just let me explain this to you okay I just this is in here oh there's always a loophole with you that's my side how did you do father I was wondering if I could I get immunity of course nothing I say can be repeated anyone nor is an admissible in court of law started right so the statue bless me Father uh bless me Father for I've sinned it has been 2 years 3 months 15 days since my last confession I was at the funeral so the statue we faked the miracle I know now I had no idea that it would get as much attention as and and the grant that he would turn around he would try to profit from it I have committed a string of selfish and hurtful acts father wrong acts right reasons oh the ends just by the means that is that it Nate is that it the details God looks at how we do a thing and he judges hey I'm out here helping people I mean are you are you trying to kill yourself maybe take a couple of bad guys down with you I am trying to save your damn Church save my church you faked the miracle and my parishioners my flock my church they they believed in that miracle and now you are ripping out that faith and replacing it with a lie maybe maybe I'm not here to save this church Nate maybe I need to lose this church to save you go and sin no more Excuse Me Andy um there's a bit of trouble um nothing alarming it's just um the vetican here I know isn't it great great if they think it's real we go forward with Bible Topia if they expose it well then I get good pressed for closing this fraud Parish you see when people say controversy I hear attention Andy you are Shameless oh God you get me so well and come on give a picture with these guys Padre how are you nice to meet you Andrew Grant it's a real pleasure to have you here this is my true hopefully it'll be my church someday soon it's good to have you there was your flight over okay oh oh it's most senior I'm sorry I I don't know the proper titles for these things hey look would you mind if I take a photograph with you guys this would be just from my own personal Wall of Fame that I have in my confession real just look right over here if you wouldn't mind okay say say uh what whatever you call Rosary there it is that's one right behind you that's [Music] [Music] great as soon as that van full of Vatican CSI equipment gets here we're screwed that's what I was trying to say but you guys wouldn't let me talk while we were all in the closet if we leave it here they're going to find out the statue isn't really crying and and blame father p for fraud Sophie if we steal the statue he's going to get blamed for covering up a fraud huh this ain't funny as soon as they run a scanner or a pH stick over that statue they're going to see those aren't real tears you're right it's only a matter of time you know father paully can't help but tell the truth and he's going to flip on us hope this the part where you suggest prayer no the the Weeping statue of St Nicholas is not going to be stolen it's going to miraculously disappear in the middle of tomorrow's Mass I'm sorry in front of the the the the priest the Vatican the entire congregation have you learned nothing Nate how much does Statue weigh about 900 P good I am so sorry nanao the Lord be with you also with you a reading from The Gospel According to Luke Glory a man had a fig tree in his Vineyard but it did not bear fruit so he said to the man who took care of the vineyard for 3 years I've been looking for fruit on this tree and for 3 years I've found nothing it's a waste of my land cut it down sir the worker replied leave it alone for one more year let me dig around it and fertilize it if it bears fruit next year all is well if not then cut Gospel of Lord repent or perish that's Luke 13 tough to swallow huh but like all Parables this one's open to interpretation was the worker just being lazy stalling I'll get to it boss next year manana War the worker have a secret a secret that only our faith sustains us over time the owner doesn't have his hands in the soil only the worker is there every day in the dirt with the tree he has faith in his skill and faith that God will support that skill and maybe in a year's time the tree will bear fruit he doesn't look for the easy way out he doesn't say oh why would the Lord do this to me if only he would give me a sign if only he'd give us a miracle but the worker doesn't ask for a miracle he has faith in himself and faith in God and he only asks for time let us Proclaim our [Music] faith we believe in one God the Father the almighty the maker of heaven and Earth of all that is seen and unseen we believe in one Lord Jesus Christ the only son of God eternally begotten of the Father God from God light from light true God from true God got not made one in being with father [Music] okay do [Music] it yeah for us men for our [Music] Salvation I saw what happened an angel took it away calm down people that's not what's happening I know what's going on [Music] [Applause] here there is no Miracle somebody stole the statue and I know who it is Andrew Grant hey that's the guy that bought the church that's not my man what kind of monster fakes a miracle for br you sick in me that priest is desperate he hid the statue in the van he forged the registration papers to frame me now I don't believe you look look look look right here see my assistant he was with me the whole time okay now look we bought this property we're going to fix up the neighborhood right no no no he got the land under this church the same way he got the rest of the neighborhood the same way he gets all of his Properties by bribery intimidation and violence Andrew Grant sent a bunch of thugs to beat a father Paul if I go to the police with what I have I could put him in jail and me too probably father what can I do to make things right yeah I have to do the right [Music] thing you're going to have to think very hard about this we're going to have a very long discussion okay great good okay cops got here fast it's almost as if an investigative journalist called them with tip Christie save me huh you can spin this right instead of felony maybe soften it to uh controversy you know when you say controversy I always here attention are you even British come here come on I want to tell her something I [Music] got you used me yeah well you used me too broke the Seal of the confessional told everyone the statue was a fake to save the faith of my Parish wrong Act Right Reasons and justify the means father I'll count myself blessed and take my Miracle ah but there was no Miracle Nate Five Thieves saved my church was good to see you Paul you better plan on being there next Sunday I've got a great sermon on making amends we'll see you'll be back I have faith in you [Music] [Music] look at that save the church it's like Christmas see I told you St Nicholas is Santa Claus no he's not Paca who is he then St Nicholas is the patron saint of [Music] thieves [Music] w
Channel: ElectricNOW
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Id: ivomuNvW5A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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