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foreign [Music] [Music] here in the Bay Area last time I was here I found one of the best buffets in the country and this time I think I found another Buffet gym that not a lot of people know about so just sitting here waiting for it to open and while I do that I just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video surf shark VPN I've been talking about using surfstar VPN for several years now it's something I always keep running on my phone my laptop and if you're not utilizing a VPN service right now I highly highly recommend that you do because there's so many people every single day trying to gain access to your private online information from data aggregators trying to sell information to marketing companies and there are a lot of those and there's also people trying to gain access to it for more malicious purposes so what surfshar VPN does is that it secures and encrypts your personal information before it goes over the Internet so people who you don't want having access to your private info they won't have access to it also surf shark has something called surf shark alerts so let's say if someone's trying to gain access to something like your email you're gonna get notified right away also on the entertainment side if you've seen all the movies and TV shows on Netflix in this country you can actually use search Drive VPN to change your location to a different country and check out their Netflix movies and TV shows more vice versa if you're traveling abroad and you want access to your U.S streaming services you can change your location back to the US and gain access so you don't miss any of your favorite TV shops and I mentioned this before when I was traveling abroad a lot of us major websites don't even function correctly or don't even load at all when you're abroad so you've been doing everyday things like paying bills I was using surf shark VPN for that so if you want to give it a try go to my link down below use my promo code dumplings you'll get 83 off your water plus three additional months for free and try it out for 30 days if you don't like it for any reason get your money back all right let's go check out this Buffet right now I'm in front of beefsteak a a steakhouse that offers an all-you-can-eat Sunday brunch [Music] all right [Music] I just walked around the buffet I think this might just be the most beautiful Buffet I've ever been to in my life as soon as you walked in the door by the way this building's gorgeous you can stop by the front where they pour you a glass of wine or sparkling apple cider and you can see this open kitchen and this is where the main foods for the buffet reside right inside the beautiful kitchen itself this station right here all you can eat four types of caviar Beef Wellington there's filet mignon it is a steakhouse after all it's less right here dessert section this place so beautifully and they also have a bunch of candies in place and bowls all right let's see [Music] first of all I don't think I've ever been to a buffet in my life that has a self-served caviar bar and there's four types of caviar on there there's trout rolls two types of topico and Siberian sturgeon that's worth coming here for just that alone caviar is buttery it's Briny just dissolves into this little mommy coating on your tongue hmm it is so Smoky as well also caviar Puff anything with caviar it's going to be so so good next up scallop Crudo looks like little peppercorn on here scallions and a bit of citrus oh my gosh oh that's amazing the tenderness of the scallop is off the chart it has its own natural sweetness the peppercorn brings a little pop and numbing sensation on the tip of your tongue and the Citrus just accentuates the sweetness of the scallops as well this is the Yellow Tail kudo hmm my fish are so fresh that one I think Had A Little Cucumber in there for some additional crunch just so citrusy and sweet also some spicy tuna tacos it looks like fresh Wasabi on top of um what I thought was wasabi it's actually avocado making that bite even more creamy I think what a good move would be put some caviar onto the taco well that is definitely the right way to do it preemie fresh tuna with additional burst of grinding this is a fishery it's basically a pate made out of fish and some shroud Roll On Top as well hmm that was really good especially with a nice savory pop with the trout roll spooky as well one last thing I got salmon poke not just a classic salmon is good rice is good I'm gonna put all my leftover caviar into those little poke glass another reason why caviar is so great on buffets you can add to a lot of different dishes and make it taste even better [Music] round two I normally don't get a lot of vegetables especially at a fancy Buffet but vegetable section looks really there's roasted carrots asparagus I can't pronounce this dish but it looks delicious truffle deviled eggs there's a dish called shrimp Louie inside an abalone show a wonderful looking Caesar salad I like to be healthy sometimes all that shoes shallow is so good very cheesy and citrusy great little starter I love real estate carrots but I didn't know about this place next I know when I was in the kitchen when they roast something on the grill they're actually using Oakwood and so the grilled items all contain a really nice Smoky flavor hmm wow anything roasted on this Buffet you gotta try it how to get more scallops too double day is one of my favorite things in the world [Music] that's a giant hit of truffle flavoring truffle if you don't know one of the best things to pair with physics and that was just outrageous shrimp Louie it looks like some shrimp veggies Peppers jalapenos crunchy refreshing with a nice hit of heat I think I'm ready to go inside the kitchen now so you can pay extra to get a Tomahawk Steak and since this is a steakhouse I really want to try their steak out thank you [Music] next plate got some sugar apple fritters grilled octopus deviled ribs some hash mussels a frittata basically cauliflower cheese ball oh the sugar is beautiful oh my goodness the golden Center and great this frittata apart frittata is kind of shaped like a Brookshire pudding just gonna zip it into that golden eggy yolk I should buy this frittata I ever had in my life that's so lighting yummy the hash is delicious octopus straight off the grill with some scallions and tomatoes beautiful Char on that octopus super tender as well with a burst of Sweetness from the tomatoes deviled ribs oh this is a must try this thing has this ridiculous amount of flavor really really Smoky with an addictive Heat mussels are good got some Grill scones because like I said anything touching the grill I want some of that Smoky flavor against me every single time favorite item on this round I think it's the double pork roast I mean everything's good that was a superb cutter red also got an apple bin in it's light it's fluffy I haven't had a bad bite of food on this Buffet so far I gotta finish this plate really quickly because my steak is ready so this is a 36 ounce Tomahawk Steak and I covered a portion of it and peppercorn sauce steak is cooked perfectly and it's just beautifully tender [Music] [Applause] hmm this place does stick very very well Tinder would even begin to scribe the texture of the stick also cook on Oak Wood it's much smokier than a typical steak you would get at a steakhouse also this popcorn sauce is so there's also a demi glaze so I'm just gonna pour some demi glaze on this little piece and also what I like to do horseradish sauce on the side added to your steak that's gonna give it a little tiny bit of a bite I think it makes it better [Music] next round is all about the meat this being a steakhouse there's unlimited prime rib also filet mignon start with the baguette thin layer of skin on the outside fatty meat with seasoning on the inside oh my gosh look at how juicy and glistening this is dip it in a little bit of horseradish sauce hmm perfect balance of fat and lean meat this thing is so tender it's poured around ridiculous this fattier Parts is what I love what's really interesting about especially everything they're serving on the brunch buffet it's from the regular menu so these are the regular dishes that you will usually get a la carbs usually buffets a whole separate menu of dishes that can be whipped up in high quantities so basically this Buffet is pretty much an A La Car Buffet served buffet style and that is how it tastes as well I haven't had a bad bite the quality the flavor is exquisite they give me a giant cut of prime Ribs by the way beautiful color oh so so tender peppercorn sauce added to the prime rib yeah this place has their steaks down that is one tender cut of prime rib but as I'm eating that I'm just catch myself stiria to Beef Wellington I've never seen Beef Wellington on a buffet before for some of my happy valentine was in Vegas at Gordon Ramsay's this one looks so good good those are so good warranty I've only had two big Volunteers in my life this one is way better the flakiness of the outside rust is incredible flaming on inside melt in your mouth tendered herbs that stuff between the crust and the filet mignons the perfect flavor you don't need anything on this this is gorgeous it's part all you can eat add a little Demi sauce on here so I will but really don't need much at all for this Beef Wellington thank you I think after my first Beef Wellington at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen I thought it was good but I wasn't a fan of beef wellington I am now unbelievable I think another slice of this with some caviar and then we'll start on dessert [Music] got another played a flemingham beef wellington and I'm adding caviar to the steak it's like adding little popping Mommy bombs to your already delicious tender steak I think the beef wellington with caviar [Music] that might be one of the most flavorful bites of steak not a piece of grilled octopus also there's a baked goods area I've got some monkey bread croissant with fresh apricot jam this got cinnamon roll and croissant with fresh Jam How You Gonna resist that all right dessert time foreign [Music] desserts here of course everything is made in-house look at this melon boba tea whoa melon juice a little pop and Boba inside a little bit of melon here as well creme brulee is a must try um I think almost brought a tear to my eyes so creamy and soft a little bit of caramelized sugar on top a little raspberry mousse mmm it's tart but not overly soft which has always been my biggest problem with raspberry mousse this is perfect chocolate mousse pure perfection cloud-like Bitter Sweet Chocolate every dessert item so far exquisitely made wow mango gelato I think there's some sort of pistachio cake this is really interesting really nutty fruity as fresh strawberries on top I think it's a little chilly in the middle tastes some sort of spices in here as well it's really good [Music] I think they made this with Jasmine like when I'm walking around I smell Jasmine everywhere and one bite of this that floral fragrance just surrounds you this is a root beer float cupcake might it tastes like a root beer float I think there might be some soda or something inside the cake itself I think my favorite dessert maybe it's high between that awesome panna cotta and the creme brulee those are just Exquisite dessert items but overall desserts here don't really even taste like their thumb up Buffet like if you eat the dessert section here compared to like a dessert section on like I don't know a Vegas buffet there is no comparison it's so much better and that's pretty much goes with every single dish I tried here everything's cooked perfectly it's presented beautifully even the spoon look at this that's beautiful Spoons the forks the staff here are incredibly attentive this is definitely one of the best all-you-can-eat brunch buffets that I've ever been to I mean Serve Yourself caviar bar that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world so the price of this Buffet is 115 you get the whole Buffet you can order a steak if you want you don't have to I just did this I want to try all the steakhouse again like all the dishes are listed in their menu just a caviar and the scallops I think will make this Buffet worth it I think they sell like a little tank can of caviar at Whole Foods for maybe 60 bucks 70 or something here all you can eat plus the filet mignon the beef wellington all the stuff that comes out of them Grill incredible you guys in the Bay Area are really lucky couple the best buffets I've ever had of located here in this place I don't think a lot of people know about this place yet so definitely come here before it gets really hard to get a reservation there's always information for this place list down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 368,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: be steak a, be steak a buffet, be steak a brunch, san francisco buffet, san francisco, buffet, all you can eat buffet, all you can eat, all you can eat steak, all you can eat steak buffet, steak buffet, steakhouse, steakhouse buffet, all you can eat caviar, buffet caviar, caviar buffet, caviar all you can eat, caviar, prime, prime rib steak, prime rib, tomahawk ribeye steak, tomahawk steak, tomahawk, brunch buffet, best buffet, best all you can eat, best all you can eat buffet
Id: rXpG2Sd_htY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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