Breakfast at The LARGEST 7-Eleven in The WORLD!

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hey guys it's Mike before getting to this video where I went to the largest 711 in the world just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video ag1 a travel pack or in this case a scoop of H1 has been part of my morning routine for a couple years now really simple eight to 12 ounces of water scoop of H1 goes in Shake It Up and drink so every morning before my workout or my morning run instead of a random mix of half a dozen vitamins I used to take now a scoop of this gets me 75 vitamins minerals probiotics which I desperately need Whole Foods sourced superfoods is such a convenient way to stay healthy I showed you guys my collection of vitamin bottles before it's so hard to keep track of it's a pain to carry around it's expensive now a scoop of H1 covers my nutritional basis and a whole lot cheaper and the reason I love taking this in the morning it gives me a good burst of energy right before my workout it's just easy to keep a good habit where you can actually feel the results and when you get your package inside you'll find a pack of ag1 a travel bottle a bottle of immune supporting vitamin D which I highly recommend and ag-1 always follows the latest research they go beyond third party testing to make sure whatever they're giving you you're getting the highest quality and the best nutritional daily habits on the planet so if you want to give this Dragon my link down below you'll get a free one-year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs with your water this is really a game changer when it comes to supporting your immune system because ag-1 really does give your body everything it needs for Optimal Performance every single day all right I'm gonna get my day started and you gotta check out the 7-Eleven foreign [Music] [Music] here we are the town of Pattaya it's a Beach town here in Thailand known for its vibrant nightlife and the largest 7-Eleven in the world that also looks like a cruise vault [Music] this is also the coolest 7-Eleven I've ever seen there's a huge outdoor seating area ATM from a distance I thought I was actual cruise ship oh my gosh they sell giant pork Knuckles here wow the whole middle counter is like a ship as well there's a monitored system for the whole 7-Eleven humidity temperature everything about the store is here there's snacks you can get two little sailor outfits for your kids hey that's cute a little plastic kitchen set there's toys water guns I can't wait to go upstairs there's a ton of chips tons of snacks whoa look at all the different lace flavors here hot chili squid extra barbecue charcoal grilled chicken and sometime flavor fried chicken wing sriracha and those lays Max extra crunch chicken Yakitori what bolt noodle flavor shrimp Tom Yum Hot Pot flavor these are some really interesting lace chips a ton of beverages from water to juices to teas there's a giant ready to eat section including salads fruits yogurts sausage Burgers they're Sushi and tons of ready Yeats high dishes instant noodle section over here whole Bakery section over here with different types of croissants croque Monsieur look at this there's sandwiches there's buns oh this ham and cheese bun looks awesome there's also a little cafe section that serves food refreshment section like with Slurpees and drinks iced coffees Thai iced tea and a giant Seafood that kind of makes this place look like you're in an aquarium 7-Eleven comes with a shopping cart let's try some lace chips both noodle two in one fried chicken wing Sriracha how's this some boat noodle [Music] oh my goodness this is so cool so you can take a bottle of coke and there's a machine here that makes it into Coke slush 7-Eleven breakfast steak salad tuna salad [Music] [Music] not exactly magical but there's some slush in there thank you upstairs at the seating area I got this little tray of sauces that they gave me for my food this is the most beautiful meal I've ever gotten out of 7-Eleven first of all this is the omelette with slices of bacon runny egg on top with basil and pork chilies mixed in foreign that is a delicious plate of food that I got for about two US Dollars the Rice's fragrant The Omelette is super fluffy and soft the pork is well seasoned and spicy there's definitely a good ball bacon and eggs I'm gonna add some of this chili sauce they gave me diamond is even better the bacon is good all that yummy Rich egg yolk running down combining with the rice and pork this dish is fragrant it's meaty it's spicy it's Rich it's yolky best two dollars I ever spent at 7-Eleven I was super excited about this I really wanted a freshly made slushy Coke it's only pearly slushy this dish is really good though it's definitely the best value dish I've ever had a 7-Eleven that's high pizza last time I had a pizza at a 7-Eleven it was a Domino's Pizza and when all that good comes with some herbs and chilies some chili sauce ketchup whoa and this is a pork belly Pizza I'm a sausage cheese tomatoes green and red peppers and my herbs and chilies some oregano Chili's I want a mouthful of chilies we definitely put a lot of sausage under the pork belly and the cheese as well of course 7-Eleven Pizza it costs about three bucks it's not too shabby crust is pretty Airy nice and crispy on the bottom there's a lot of topping the pork belly I love is the same pork belly as in the rice that stuff is super tender and fatty and melty the sauce is a little on the sweeter side I'm gonna add some chili sauce to this all right that chili sauce really didn't do anything I think this chili sauce is way better we're gonna show my dab this is really really good chili sauce by the way not too spicy but super flavorful I like the little oregano chili pad you gave you definitely added a lot of fragrance like I said the texture is really good nothing about this pizza is dried the toppings good the crust surprisingly light like I said if you're walking into 7-Eleven you're just craving the heck out of pizza not a bad option this is the other hot item so I got this bun I'm not exactly sure what this is oh this is awesome it was the greatest thing to ever happen in the world of buns this is an egg custard bun this is one of the best sweet items I ever had at a 7-Eleven anywhere in the world the outside had to run in very crusty the bun itself is Airy and this eggy custard it's like a 711 gods made this hmm I feel like there's some roasted coconuts in here and so rich and creamy 10 out of 10. I got a couple Tarts from the 7-eleven here first of all it's a coconut tart oh this is a hefty little tarp feels very dense it looks flaky oh the size of it is buttery and Flaky the coconut cream is delicious I do feel like the bottom is very dense and a little tough [Music] and the coconut cream is sitting on an egg custard as well this is really interesting so this is a tar width I think this is Norwegian cheese I've seen something similar to this in South Korea and this cheese is a Savory cheese but it goes really really well with dessert so yeah I'm stupid but it's not cheese at all definitely it looks like what I had I think it's shredded coconut whatever it is that's good haven't really got to a lot of the Savory food items yet this looks like a ham roll so again that same pork belly they use in a lot of dishes it's twisted into this long pastry I think this would have been good maybe a fresh out of the oven I mean it's very buttery at this point just kind of soggy and not flaky at all this looks intense though I'm really excited about this it says this is a ham and cheese bun downstairs I don't think there's any hammy here oh there's a ham and cheese bun it's a really good ham and cheese pie crusted cheese on top of this bun and there's syrup on top of that so the whole thing has this caramelized burnt sugar flavor that is really really good hmm inside pieces of ham baked into the bun giving it a little savoriness and fattiness I'm gonna syrup on top it's a little sweet but also a little salty so this whole thing is just this magical balance of sweet and savory fluffy and crusty there's a ton of textures a lot of different flavors really unique delicious butter this 7-Eleven is so impressive when it comes to those baked goods this is the last bun I got this is another custard bun oh this bun is so soft this thing feels like a pillow I think there's pandan inside mmm there's a lot of fun down inside again super pillowy Bunch so much custard filling inside I think without the custard filling this thing might just fly up in the sky it's so light last sweet item I got it's a mandarin orange cake [Music] wow this is a very citrusy piece of cake I mean the Cake part of this is really good the cake is very very spongy super light it's just very very very citrusy I feel like I need a spicy dish or something let me go find one [Music] thank you try that slushy machine again the fans have definitely got slushier than the coke that's really good got a few microwave meals this is seafood and Tom yum sauce over rice the seafood contains squid shrimp mussels some shallots mushrooms oh that's delicious this thing is a little sweet the veggies are crunchy The seafood's Good the rice is fragrant and it is spicy hmm those hom sauce is spicy and citrusy goes really really well with the Thai rice there's also some basil in here some greens I love this this next one is pork with thick white noodles slices of pork on top some greens wide noodles on the bottom in this thick Rich gravy oh there's tons of noodles in here you guys want to be really good with some vinegar and chili chicken it was actually really springy and the pork is very very tender gravy sticking Rich a little bit sweet let me try this hot sauce let's see if this makes a lot better [Music] this one definitely needs more of that sharp Thai vinegar so right now the gravy is so thick we need something to kind of cut through this make it a little less Rich there's so much pork in here that after eating a few bites like I feel the stickiness on my lips already one of my favorite Thai Dishes is minced pork with chilies and basil so whenever I see this at a food stall or a restaurant or a 7-Eleven I want to eat it amazing this is the best one but he's always so fragrant there's so much garlic in here this thing is just pure Heat the sauce is good the pork is delicious another reason I love that it's frozen rice dishes here in Thailand I love the rice all my rice at home are Thai rice to me it's just the most fragrant rice there is and just drizzle the sauce and the meat and the basil all over the Sting the rice becomes even better more fragrant spicier here just a perfect compliment to the spicy pork dish you can't leave the 7-Eleven without trying to instant you know Mala flavor hot cup we're actually getting a little late but I have had to Bangkok before the traffic gets really crazy so I'll eat this for dinner [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just cooked up this Ramen it's pretty much the same as the instant hot pot that I had before just drop the pack in put some water in the instant noodle whoa this is really good I mean there's no veggie patch in here no meat there's I think a little fried tofu that's a crystal fungus um tastes like an extreme Tom Yum broth it's Mala numbing and spicy but also citrusy and sour this is not a lightweight broth at all it definitely tastes like a mix between Tom Yum and Mala hmm that's so good plus this is something that you can pretty much take anywhere with you as soon as you have some water you can cook this up I think this in the instant hot pots are perfect camping Foods then anywhere you go you're gonna have some delicious spicy Ramen I give this a solid 9 out of 10. change that with some both noodle chips from Lay's I don't know how Lage does it but these chips taste like meat and Rich broth and noodles at the same time it almost feels like you should you're taking a slurp of a bolt noodle they did a really good job with this I mean if you don't like Bowl noodles you're not gonna like this but they definitely know the flavor I'm so glad I got a little take away from the 7-Eleven by the way that was the most incredible 7-Eleven I've ever been to it's so beautiful on the outside and on the inside incredibly clean they microwave everything for you so all you got to do is give them the Frozen dishes they do all the cooking their 7-Eleven Cafe that serves breakfast lunch dinner the pastry items are delicious that was well worth a two-hour trip from Bangkok and as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 856,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 711, 7 eleven, 7eleven, largest 711, largest 7 eleven, thailand 711, thailand 7 eleven, seven eleven, 711 food, 7 eleven food, bangkok, thailand, thai food, Convenience store food, Convenience store thailand, thai Convenience store, Convenience store, thailand travel, thai travel, pattaya, pattaya 711
Id: AMH2b8TbgSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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