ALL Weather INSULATED Tent | CRUA Tri Insulated Tent

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so well hey welcome back to another video  everybody we're out camping in washington state   we are at this small little campground and  it is on the lake this is lake roosevelt   and the water is really low really low look  at that so we're going to spend a night here   and we've got this nice little spot here that i  reserved so we'll get camp all set up i might have   to rearrange some stuff over here because we've  got a new tent and it's quite big but man look   at that view wow all right let's get everything  set up and make this place home for the night [Music] i'll pull her out best i can't bruh there we go oh boy a big tent so i'm thinking i'm  thinking i might want to put it right here   so maybe i'll move this out of the way we'll put it right here all right so krua sent  me out a new tent you guys this is the krua tri   this is a big old like i don't know what  you call it tunnel tent maybe it's kind   of like a tunnel tent i don't know  and it is insulated you guys another   insulated tent from krua these things  are awesome so we'll go ahead and get   it all set up and then i'll i'll kind  of talk a little more about it probably that was a spider i killed it i  feel bad no i don't no i don't nice big old bag full of stuff oh okay this is probably the uh this is probably the insulation yep definitely and then this must be the tent itself and we got some instructions so all right there it is i got it all set up you guys this thing is cool so cool all right let me show you guys the inside [Music]  okay here we go oh look how big and roomy this is here we go it's a three-person tent but we all know what that  means it's got some cool little windows right here   you got vents here you got a nice window  vent right here another vent and another   window and then you got your big old porch out  here which is nice and spacious it's very cool now i can i can stand up in this but you know  there's not a whole lot of room i'm six six   that's uh 66 inches but yeah um this is nice let's  continue setting this stuff up it's getting roasty in there little roasty my only  concern with this location is it's not very level   um i kind of just went for it you guys and just  set the tent up but it's really not all that level   so i started looking around at some other  campsites and now i'm contemplating moving   after already setting that all the way up i like the view here but there's another  campsite up there that's a little bit better   so i might move the tent real quick and  then we'll continue setting everything up   all right so there's another campsite up this way  i went ahead and collapsed the tent i'm gonna take   all my pegs and stuff up here and hopefully i can  just drag it up here there's a bathroom right next   to it so that kind of is nice and the ground's  just more level up this way so let's check it out okay so here we are fire pit and right here  could be where the tent goes that stuff there   yeah right here is much much better and  then we still have a view still have a view which then i can have the tent opening this  way and i can look out that way so all right   let's go get the tent and drag it up here all  right let's see here how shall i carry this there we go huh okay it's working definitely not the brightest way to do  this i can tell you that right now okay where am i going i can't even see okay side six that's where i want to be try not to  get hooked on these oh no okay tent's going down there it is there it is don't do that don't just don't set up  your tent in the right spot the first time   okay let's uh move the rest of the stuff up here  i'll probably get back to you guys once i have   the tent all set up and in its proper spot all  right i got it all moved you guys there it is the hardest part was just getting it up  here and now i'm more familiar with how   to set it up so that's a good thing it'll  be easier next time so now all we got to do   is we've got to uh put in the inner tent  and get everything else moved in there well i had a failure i went to  tighten this buckle and it ripped   right out of here whoop i don't know  if i can stop that from happening   that's a major bummer it's not going  to hurt this at all it's just sad all right so take a look at this you guys   look at that i know it's a little hard to  see in here i could probably open this window all right there we go check it out you can cover  up the windows and make them dark you also have   your air vents there but you can close this  thing in and have a nice little little space here man this is nice so nice i really love this  insulation the little insulated tent is just   so cool i'm gonna probably close this window  so that the sun will not heat this up too much man that's so nice very cool you do have some pockets on the  side here by the windows which is nice and   and you have a hook for a  light over here so very cool   it's cozy in here already man i  could just go to sleep probably it does fit but not perfectly still feel like i'm out of slope a little bit maybe i'll have to move over there but wait there's more ah isn't that awesome you guys i love that little  front porch man that'll come in handy for sure   so let's check it out i got my little seating  area table chair and then just some stuff that   i need whatever it is first aid bear spray  you know nice little spot here and then inside   we've got the bed the lamp and the alarm clock  i'll explain later man this is really cool man what a beautiful view you guys it is awesome  out here i'm so glad i switched uh campsites   though it was a pain it worked out for the best  so i'm really liking this tent set up already   i mean it's it's like a little house in  here it's like a little cabin or something   super comfortable aside from the ripped seam which  is a major bummer hopefully i can figure that out   um otherwise definitely is a cool tent i'll keep  you guys updated as we use it more i'll probably   just sit here for a little bit relax cool down  and uh we'll start a fire and cook some dinner   probably just watch the sunset here  for a few minutes enjoy ourselves [Music] so so daily follower thank you so much for this day  lord i just thank you for this beautiful place   the scenery the wonderful weather and lord i just  give you the praise and glory for all of that   i pray that you will bless this food to my  body tonight and be with the family as i'm   away thank you so much in jesus name i pray  amen oh we got some steak sandwiches you guys   these things look awesome it took a long time  to kind of do it but hopefully it's still warm here we go first bite oh that's good that is a good steak sandal  right there man it's got the sourdough bread   havarti cheese a little bit of  a garlic butter with dill in it   that's what i'm talking about  you guys that is a good meal oh man wind's picking up good i might have to take this down it's starting  to get really windy i don't like that i've got some popcorn you guys this  is the stuff i forgot last time   uh when i was at the island and i wanted to see  if i could actually cook this your microwave   popcorn in my belly pot i don't know i guess  we'll find out we'll open this thing up and i can just cut this open or tear it open [Applause] oh that's weird okay i don't know  if anybody's ever looked at one of these cooking it oh man look at that it's just a bunch of butter and corn   popcorn we'll just drop it in there i guess  oh man this is gonna be the buttery stuff [Applause] i don't know i think this was  movie theater i don't know so there we go   we've got our popcorn and all the grease and oils  we'll see what happens throw that on the fire there we go it's working whoa look at all that popcorn it worked wow look at that oh man delicious looking popcorn we've got popcorn popcorn look at that oh man perfectly popped popcorn oh it's  the movie theater whoo that's good   now we know it can be done i'm sure a lot  of people do it already but i was curious that's good popcorn and it's it's a beautiful night i was watching the moon there for a little  while it was up in the sky and just made its way   out of sight man there's so many stars  out here it's just beautiful the wind's been kicking up a little bit  but it's uh it kind of comes and goes   probably just coming through the  valley and stuff i don't know i'm using the last of the wood here and i figured  i'd just sit by the fire and relax just want to   say thank you guys for watching i know there's a  lot of new subscribers and stuff and uh i just uh   want to say hi welcome to the channel thanks for  being here and uh supporting me and the family i'm   having a ton of fun on these trips you guys and i  know a lot of you want to see more of the family   in the last video we had the family family hike  if you didn't see that video already it's up here   and uh they they really enjoyed that that was  fun and i know a lot of you guys liked it too so   we'll be doing more family stuff too down the road it is currently 53 degrees outside um it was warm today you guys i haven't  seen those temperatures in a while   i think i might have got a little bit of sunburn  on my face i didn't even think about it i never do   which is not a good thing you should cover up but it's okay for now we got embers we gotta stomp out right now it's not very dry out here  but this place gets super dry i think   when i was researching it the pictures that  it shows it shows some really dry grass so i would hate to start a fire out here don't  want to do that so i'm really excited about   this tent um it's really nice it has  a whole lot of function to it you know   i don't know what that means  it's just nice that's for sure all right you guys i am in the tent  man it is cozy in here it looks so cool   like i said it's like a little cabin in here  it was about a two-hour drive out here for me   it was a long day and i am ready for bed  so we're going to try to get up early i've got this here alarm clock who wants an alarm clock while camping but i do  because i want to get up early and i know what   it's like inside these insulated tents it's so  dark in here you can sleep forever it's really   cool and really nice but if you want to get up  and do something you might need yourself an alarm   clock so actually this this one's pretty  cool it shows the temperature inside and   it's 57 degrees inside here and yeah so i'm not  sure what time i'll wake up i guess when the sun's   up because what i want to do is get out there  and catch a fish i'm going to try my hardest to   catch a fish tomorrow it may or may not happen so  that's going to be it for me tonight i'm going to   hit the sack and hopefully get some good rest all  right i'll see you all in the morning good night [Music] okay okay just five more minutes just five more minutes well good morning it's uh a little after seven now man i'm not ready to get up and make breakfast   you know it would be super nice is if  i could like call in some breakfast   and have it delivered with like coffee and  and like a breakfast sandwich or something i'm doing it thank you for calling wakey wakey eggs and  bakie how can i help you uh yeah i'd like to   uh i'd like to order some breakfast and have  it delivered outdoor dash okay for delivery   yep sure what can i get you i'll need a coffee  a breakfast sandwich and do you guys have any of   those like little mini like pancakes sure the  silver dollar ones yeah those those okay yeah   i'll have a side of those too and what's your  location okay oh my location yep one second my location is two 27.9881 degrees north and 86.9250 degrees east okay perfect did you get all  that sure did okay um about how long it will take   we should have our guy out there about 20 to 30  minutes or so reasonable okay all right i'll uh   i'll wait for wait for the food i guess  thanks again all right thanks so much bye there you have it guys we're gonna outdoor dash   yeah this is a first let's see  how to see how it turns out well i forgot my uh toothbrush toothpaste so i'm  gonna have some bubble gum before they get here   so my breath don't stink y'all uh oh i think i might hear him let's check  yep that's him pretty easy to spot all right i got your outdoor dash you had a uh  breakfast sandwich oh coffee i forgot the coffee all right i got your outdoor dash i got your  coffee this time too okay so you had a uh a   breakfast sandwich you had the little mini  pancakes and a nice coffee right yep that's   correct yep there you go oh wakey wakey eggs  and baking that's some good stuff there you go good what do you want all right thanks so much for using  outdoor dash i'll see you next time oh nice oh yeah nice breakfast sandwich and oh some pancakes look at those nice oh it's  got syrup and butter on it already nice not like coffee in the  morning and some mini pancakes i'm just eating them with my hands why not all right we're gonna go do some fishing  i got all rigged up and everything   and i don't know what's gonna happen  but we're just gonna have some fun   so let's do it now there is a dam on this lake  so it'll rise and lower as they need it but i don't know how low this is but it's super low i mean if you put the dock right here you'd  expect there to be water right here right there ain't no fishing from the dock on this one i got a bird's eye view of  all the fish man this is steep there's somebody out there trolling on the boat oh this is gonna be fun to go back up trying to find out where this  guy was fishing is that bad of me i'm following his tracks where'd you catch your fish  if you did catch a fish hey [Music] that was cool hmm well no fish you can call me no fish kenny  i don't know what it is i probably didn't   get out there early enough i uh i should have  got out there when that other guy was there   maybe then i would have caught something  i don't know i got to pack up that tent   got to get out of here well if you  guys want to know more about the krua   try i'll have a link down below the tent  did awesome last night i really liked it   um i like the whole setup it's like a  little cabin in there super comfortable a try there will be a link down below that you  guys can check out if you want to know more   about this tent and uh yeah definitely a thumbs  up on the whole experience of the crew a try   all right let's tear it down wow uh all right i got everything cleaned up looks nice  out here back the way it was maybe even better i   really like this campsite you guys it was a lot of  fun i'll i'll definitely be back for sure i really   like the tent you guys um i want to try it out in  the rain next and definitely colder weather i was   surprised by the weather we had i wasn't expecting  70 degrees um not at all so i'm a little beat   a little beat by the heat all right well i  got to get out of here i've got about a two   hour drive ahead of me get home to the family  so once again thank you so much for watching   as always god bless and i'll see  you on the next episode [Music] i heard a voice speaking out my name lay it all down lay it all down everything [Music]   no matter what comes i will hold [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Baum Outdoors
Views: 1,154,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme weather, extreme weather tent, crua tri, crua tent, crua insulated tent, 2 day camping trip, two day camping trip, multi day camping, insulated tent, how to insulate a tent, winter tent, best winter tent, cabin tent, large tent, high quality tent, best tent, best tent for camping, best tent for all weather, all weather tent, crua outdoors, crua outdoors tent, crua outdoors camping tents, crua outdoors insulated 4 season tent, 4k, 4k uhd, 4k video, 4k nature, uhd
Id: 4UIyhDX5Ztg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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