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everybody I'm Jeremy Pearson's and on behalf of my grandparents Kenneth Gloria Copeland I welcome you to the believers voice of victory broadcast and you and I are in for it this week we have a week of broadcast ahead of us and I want you to get ready right now to get your life change let's get our thinking change let's get changed by the Word of God from the inside out we'll pray we'll get into the word today father we do love you and adore you we thank you for this opportunity to come around your work thank you Lord for allowing us to use this to get the word your word all over the world we ask you today believe that we receive from you eyes that see Jesus ears that hear his voice and hearts that understand who we are in Jesus and who he is in us we thank you for it we give you praise in Jesus name Amen would you join me today in welcoming to this broadcast brother Keith Moore brother Keith thank you sir so much what an honor it is to sit here with you not I don't often get this opportunity but I want to say before we really get into this how thankful I am to the Lord for the ministry that he's given to you and miss Phyllis and the change that it's brought to my life and my wife Sarah of course when I met her she had been in the church there Branson for for two years and I laugh about it but I thought even before I got to know her I thought if this girl's been sitting under this word for this long she's got to have something going for and I was right yeah so praise the Lord on behalf of her family who's still there a part of the church everyone thank you so much for listening to the Lord and and being obedient to do what he's told you guys to do it's it's changing lives all over the world and I is one of those it's such a privilege to be able to sow the word it does not return void that's the truth and I know we Minister ministered in a meeting recently in the church and I saw we've only been there 12 years now but I saw some young ones that were children when we first started now they're young adults and coming into their own serving God and you know we don't know the seed that were sowing at this ministry so and the impact it has had already on multiple generation but if the Lord tarries is coming it'll just keep keep blowing so our labor is not in vain well we've got a four year old in our house right now yeah and every time when we're watching we're watching all the time excuse me and he's you're leading us and and what is we we're getting our buildings our lands our houses right in our vehicles well he says and he says we're getting our buildings our lands our houses and our Meagles beagles so I guess he says all of our debts are being reduced and you say eliminated but he says lemonade lemonade and lemonade so but you know what he's getting it yeah getting the word and I'm thankful for it we've got we've got to get into the word today I know you've got some things on your heart and I want to say just roll with it let's go with what the Lord wants to do Thank You Jeremy it's a privilege to be on the broadcast again we thank God for the opportunity and and brother Kenneth and miss Gloria and the thing the Lord put on my heart on this series a broadcast has to do with faith for miracles and faith for healings and in praying about it preparing about it the Lord dealt with me to remember and remind everybody watching and the partners that um he's not limited by time nor space and we know because of preparation because of different time zones and all these things this broadcast will be airing different times different places but the Lord knew that yeah when he gave us utterance for it and so we we prayed already with the crew and you and I and we are releasing faith that the anointing is coming and will manifest so so get ready as we follow the Lord there's going to be some manifestations that will happen as you watch and as you listen let's all join faith together on that right now everybody let's ask it Lord we're asking you for manifestations of the Spirit we're asking you to stretch forth your hand to heal for signs and wonders and miracles during the course of these broadcast and will give you all the glory help us to yield to your spirit and respond properly and help everyone that you're ministering to to open up and receive it and we'll give you the glory for every good thing that happened thank you in Jesus name Amen amen is a word that's what we're expecting yes sir our main text on this Jeremy was Mark the ninth chapter and if you got your Bible there watching turn with us so it put your eyes on it it'll it'll get any better in this passage in mark 9 there was a man that brought his son who was in a very bad condition to Jesus disciples and they failed to get the boy set free and so when Jesus came down off the Mount of Transfiguration they came running to meet him and the boy brother the the father brought the boy to Jesus and he said if you can do anything verse 20 to have compassion on us and help us and in verse 23 jesus said to them if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes and this is a well-known verse this 23rd verse is quoted a lot all things are possible to him that believes and the thing that I was reminded of as we got into this series is to two big errors that Christians are making concerning healings and miracles and you hear people say well why don't we see more miracles why don't we see more healings well they're happening sure they are they're happening more in some places than others and two big mistakes that I believe a lot of folks are making and one is some idea that somehow we're waiting on God right we're waiting on his timing waiting for him to work something out in our lives teach us something do something and what the Lord has already bought and paid for and given to us we're not waiting on him for hmm it's a matter of receiving and receiving by faith that's what he said you know this this man basically tried to put this in Jesus lap and said if you can do anything yeah so all up to you so he thinks at this point he's waiting on the Lord so he Lord if you can do anything so now I'm waiting on you but it wasn't true Jesus turns around and says if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes yea so this error of thinking we're waiting on God for our healing for our deliverance for our miracle that we need but secondly is what you get into here those of us that have been around heard some faith messages like like us a lot of people have the idea well we've got this faith thing you know it yeah I know about faith and what they mean is I have knowledge of faith knowing about faith and hearing about faith is not the same thing as having faith and and a lot of folks are imagining that they have a lot of faith but the truth is faith is very weak and the scripture said in Luke II since when the Son of Man comes returns to earth shall he find faith in the earth faith is a very precious thing now it is true that God is dealt to every man the measure of faith and what that means is any of us all of us can have faith we have the potential but that doesn't mean that all of us are highly developed in faith right that faith has to be fed and that faith has to be exercised to develop to become stronger that's why this physical body was is a good picture of that's got to be fed same person exactly same principle and one thing that I noticed with this man that was a key to him getting his boy getting his healing and deliverance was what happened next when Jesus told him said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord I believe and then he said help my unbelief he's honest and that's the thing deter me that's the thing faith is not pretending yeah you know the Bible talks about unfeigned faith in Timothy well if there's unfeigned faith that means there's feigned faith and fame means to pretend and as we got into this study in our church it begins to be more and more apparent and clear that a lot of people in our circles are pretending to have faith yeah they know they know how to talk faith talk and they talk about faith but that's not the same thing yes having faith and it's a big mistake because if you read the rest of this account this boy got delivered and so when this man said lord I believe help my unbelief he got the help he needed yeah but if he had tried to pretend that he didn't need any help that he was there with his faith then he'd have been in trouble because all of us need help yeah every one of us need help and grace is the help everything that God's given us is in His grace and one big part of grace is help yeah with enough of God's help we can get anything amen with enough of God's help or grace we can believe anything we need to believe we can receive anything we need to believe we can overcome anything we need to overcome but and I'll sit like this he will meet us where we are but not where we're pretending to be amen that's a problem because like James and first Peter says he God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble yeah and a big part of humilities honesty and so on the scripture says examine yourself whether you be in the faith it is it does no good to pretend I have confidence and I'm fully persuaded and and I've got this when you're not there yeah he asked for help and he got help it's a it's it's a level of hypocrisy yeah and if you look at what Jesus said about it he was he spoke very plainly and very directly to who he called the hypocrites right and when the scripture talks about hypocrites you look it up and of course you know this but he's saying that it's that it's the name for a stage actor an actor on the stage of life portraying something that he's not right and God is not in that no he'd say he requires honesty absolutely I mean he won't regard vanity he won't even listen to it you may be able to con some some other people but he sees through everything as he's right into your heart and if you're not being honest and open with him he won't even hear he won't even listen to it and the I think part of this though Jeremy among our circles is people are not doing this intentional sure they do they think that's what faith is you just put on a happy face and and make a good confession and of course that's better than falling apart and when you're saying it you're hearing it and faith does come by hearing but I've seen and after being in the ministry for a few years now teaching on faith I've seen a number of cases where people there they're saying the right thing but they're full of fear and so it has an appearance of faith but it's not faith but when never let anybody know I'm a writer cuz I don't know what you thinking and I'm not a man of faith but I heard you say this and I was studying along these lines and I heard you say it I shouldn't be at all concerned when I'm believing for something right right not what you think about you're not the one this is dependent is exactly right I'm not you know what I think is not going to affect your miracle yeah you're healing and it's a wrong focus to well what it is is pride you don't want other people to think that your faith is not there or that you're struggling sure but we all have flesh and we all just know in the heart and maybe in this area my faith might be real strong or stronger than yours but over here in this faith in this area your faith might be a lot stronger than mine and but we got to be honest if we're gonna get help here when he said God gives grace to the humble they be if you study it out a big part of being humble is being honest yeah it's just being genuine just being real and so he was he came and he fell down before the Lord earlier in in the passage and then he he cried out and said lord I believe help thou mine unbelief and the Lord knows you heart when you genuinely are reaching out doing everything you know to believe him but your coming short and you can ask him for help he will meet you where you are yeah he did this man I mean just just a short time later this boy is delivered and healed and we know that the man's faith needed some help and work yeah but he got it yeah he got it right here and that's what qualifies us for help the recognition that we need it mm-hmm yeah and I think so many people think they see this weakness in their life and think that that's what's disqualifying them that's the that's the very thing that qualifies you for when you see it and you say Lord you are the only one that can help those for us that's right when it's time for a miracle obviously some things are serious and when it's time to get you healing maybe you're facing something that's called terminal or incurable that is no place for pretending amen it is no place for trying to put maintainer front and maintaining the front is exhausting isn't it and at a time when you need every bit of strength you've got to focus on your faith yeah trying to maintain this facade with other people is a trick of the enemy yeah it's a foolish thing and that's why there been some people actually they got mad at God and said well so and so you know man that's strong in faith but it didn't work for him and I don't know why well how do you know they're strong in faith right well they made all they said all the right things well yeah but that's only part of this sure you know mark 11:23 and that faith folks are very i think that was one of my favorites yeah but he said whoever will say to the mountain be removed and cast in the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe in his heart then what he says comes to pass he'll have what he says yeah Jesus didn't just say you'll have what you say he said if you don't doubt in your heart if you believe in your heart that what you say comes to pass you'll have what you say so yes as important this confession is that's not all there is to it if you're saying I'm gonna be fine I all our bills are gonna be paid I call this donor car if you and yet you're just full of fear on the inside and you don't really believe it well that's not okay or just saying it in front of the right people right yeah and then falling apart at home crying or amongst your family so the good news is we can see right here that even if your faith is as well short of where it needs to be you can ask the Lord to help you yeah help my unbelief I mean you can get this fixed in an NZ it quick yeah I mean right there on the spot but he wasn't pretending he wasn't playing games with the Lord about what if what he believed and what he didn't believe so that's one of the things that that we have on our heart in these broadcasts is that people that are watching the people that are hooked maybe they've been struggling maybe they just been trying to pretend but we won't ask the Lord for help yeah and some things can cut and it can come up quickly just like that it's like that I know when I was ministering to some people in the healing line some years ago and I got to this older lady and I started to pray for and I said well I I'd had a check and I said do you believe you'll receive now when we pray for you she says well I sure hope so and you know I'd seen other folks kind of jump on a person at that point and say know what you want then you do not in fact well that may be true but that didn't help mm-hmm and the Lord prompted me she's close she's close and so I just I I took just a moment whether I said sister it's okay it's okay I said you know what I can sense the anointing strong here today I believe when I lay hands on you there no one's gonna come strong will you believe that with me she said okay I said I believe this anointing can do anything I believe it can destroy yokes and remove burdens and I just have a lot of confidence that right now how easy is this for the Lord to heal you she said oh he can do anything I said yes he can you see what I'm talking about her is she wasn't there but it's beginning she's beginning to come and so I said I'm confident right now you ready to hook up with me and she said lay hands on me and faith was there yeah and and she was just she was that close she was wavering some she was in some fear not really knowing this was new tour but in just a few moments she pushed that aside and she could see could see in my eyes that I believed she could hear it in the tone of my voice and just like fear is contagious faith is contagious you know yeah it is you get around Sonia somehow that's strong in faith and they're believing for something maybe you started out going well we'll see hope so but after hanging out with him for a few minutes you're going let's do this thank you let's get this thing so we're confident we pray yes already before this is happening yes in the people that are joining us on these broadcast yes it is let's release some faith further on it right now father thank you in Jesus name whatever needs to happen for the faith to come up from where it is now to where it needs to be we're asking you for this quickening word for your anointing manifested for the confidence to just flow over the airwaves and quicken and cause to rise up in full confidence and full persuasion in Jesus name praise the Lord now they Luke listen this is this is going to get only better from here and your miracle is in this this week I want you to make the decision that you're going to get in this with us and receive from the Lord all that he has for you amen we're out of time on this broadcast but don't go anywhere brother Keith and I'll be back in just a moment [Music] partnership is our way to deliver the word personally to you when you're a partner with Kenneth Copeland ministries you receive a personal letter from Kenneth Copeland himself every month I have made a commitment to God to write a letter to my partners every month as long as I'm on this earth or until Jesus comes whichever comes first in that letter like I said I don't write that letter to get my needs met I'll write that letter to help you get your needs met I love that partner letter I look forward to it every month it's just like a Rhema word from God when you get that letter this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith Jesus himself said that if you can believe all things are possible the question is can you really believe and the answer is a resounding yes you can you can make the decision to believe and grow your faith to experience the miraculous faith is very easy and God wants you to know how to use it Kenneth Copeland has been teaching faith for more than 45 years and is offering you his revelation and understanding in the faith that sets you free package include is the force of faith book which gives you a better understanding of what faith is and face how it works CD set in it you'll learn God's process for faith faith is not this independent what I'm gonna do faith is complete dependence on God you can have faith in God decide today grow your faith and experience miracles in your life and the lives of those around you develop a strong foundation of faith in the Word of God order the faith that set you free package today at a special price of only $19.99 and enjoy a savings of 20% simply log on to KCMO org slash TV special or call our toll-free number and request your package today enjoy a life of victory that comes when you understand how to apply your faith for an additional 10% off order your package online before we leave the air today let me encourage you to get a hold of these materials that we're making available to you the CD series by my grandfather brother Copeland faith how it works I mean it just does not get more simple than that you need to know you need to know how these things work and we're gonna going to get into the word and tell you how it works and then of course this book entitled the force of faith my brother Copeland get these things into your life and in these materials he's gonna talk to you about what the Word of God reveals about what faith is where faith come from how faith works I mean these are things you need to know it's a powerful teaching and it's going to give you a strong foundation in the Word of God you need to learn you learn how to use your faith get get free it's time to get free from some of these things that have been hanging on to you and things that you thought would never be changed your life you are destined to live the life of victory when you live by the word and live by faith I've seen brother Copeland live this way brother Moore is seen in any of the those of you who've been a part of this ministry for any time at all you've seen that living by faith produces things in your life now we've been teaching so far today and are gonna continue in this week's broadcast on faith for miracles and this is something brother Moore has been teaching in their church and if you want to get this entire teaching 12 messages hours and hours an hour of Revelation from the word all you need to do is visit the web the website that's on the screen now that's their website you can download this entire series absolutely free they've made all their materials free to you and free to me and no charge what's that mean no excuse if it's free go get it amen hey listen let me invite you to join my grandparents Kenneth and Gloria Copeland they're gonna be in New York this week for the New York Living victory faith encounter and you don't want to miss this September 12th and the 13th at the New York Marriott Marquis so if you want more information about this meeting or anything you know anything else going on at KCM just visit kc m dot one hey listen thanks so much for joining us today join us again tomorrow in this broadcast you do not want to miss this until then this is Jeremy Pearson's and Keith Moore reminding you that Jesus is law Kenneth Copeland ministries is here for you the believers voice of victory is available on DVD or CD at KCMO org you can also view the webcasts online at your convenience or download them as video or audio files continue to grow in God's Word and build your faith with this week's product offer these word based teachings will help you live in victory order your copy today receive the great grace God is abounding toward you and live in the blessing his voice is not hidden from us it's hid for us not from us come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event join Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher for the living victory New York faith encounter September 12 to 13 the New York New York word explosions September 25th through 27th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland bill Winston and chaplain al downing in Columbia South Carolina the 2014 Washington DC victory campaign November 13th through 15th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at the Hilton memorial chapel in Woodbridge Virginia the 2015 Branson victory campaign February 26 through 28 with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri the 2015 Southwest believers convention June 29 through July 4th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guests in Fort Worth Texas tomorrow on the believers voice of victory faith is not this independent what I'm going to be faith is complete dependence on God [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 14,124
Rating: 4.8116345 out of 5
Keywords: kenneth copeland, keith moore, jeremy pearsons, spiritual growth, ken copeland, youtube, word of god, christian walk, 3717039239001, process, god's word, bvov-youtube, daily, faith, kenneth copeland ministries
Id: uFBZbqqY5RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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