All the Winners 👑 2024 NHL All-Star Skills

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[Applause] got to watch Conor on these on the  first uh first two turns here McDavid the odds   on favorite he has reached the top speed of 23.5  8 mph this season his average speed this is where   he excels right look at that this just looks  different look at his feet never stop moving   never stop looks different never stop moving well  there's winner winner chicken parm dinner the   ability for him to hold the edges in the corners  at top speed is what separates him from most of   the players of the National Hockey League and that  was on full display right there he grew up in the   Toronto area he did Nick a couple pylons mess but  those things are light didn't affect him at all   didn't affect him fourth win in this competition  most all time he can uh like I said if he puts his   if he puts his heart into it and he really goes  for it I don't think there's a faster scared in   the National Hockey League and this is why right  here watching his feet through the corners but   being able to hold the The Edge at top speed  lot of strength a lot of skill first star in   the month of January second in leak scoring and  on Pace for his biggest goal total ever that one   miss high and there's a couple to get him going  again kind of not going a full Slap Shot he's   got these stick up but then it's really just a  little Snapper and that one was a four-pointer   got this beautifully put see how he delayed it  just brings it down and it's a snapshot one time   couple four- pointers there and another to get him  going he's up to 16 didn't like the pass [Music] there 19 and there's your leader now as he put  that one top G's for four more and 23 points so   there's the accuracy part we were talking about  you know in a game you've got players all around   you got a power it through this has all been  about positioning and know Nathan McKinnon   just taking that time and getting even down on  one knee there to make sure that's the most of   the four pointers we've been able keep watching  Big Walter cross how do you think he's enjoying   this oh he's loving it he's having a great  time and uh we had a great time last night   be able to you know share this together and of  course tonight tomorrow thanks Bray fell yeah   we talk about the Hughes as one of those great  American Hockey families put the kachuck right   there Keith should be in the Hall of Fame post  career goals by a guy who isn't in the Hall of   Fame Matthew and Brady full-fledged Superstars  themselves Elias Patterson now nine points see   what he does across the ice he goes with the big  boy now he'll go middle to get some points he'll   go so he offs to go to the middle ones M make sure  I keep it cumul up to 16 yeah you just got to get   points you can't get it a plck here especially  at this point of the compe or the event there   and not get any points oh that was a good shot  there better very good good stumble fumble and   oh nice we have a new leader you got to finish  strong in this compe finished strong those last   six shots are key that was impressive from what  a year he's having in Vancouver that's a good   number to post for the first one here's Gale m  in his third event that's a good number KCK a   number wa 102.5 I some wondering if we get Triple  digits this year well there's your defenseman and   he just walked into that one and that placement  of the shot was just perfect about a foot and a   half off the ice get he better it 101.4 but 102  point a lot of his summer work is doing this drill   right here so this could be an advantage for him  because this is what he trains on this is one of   his suggestions to the NHL when the two sides got  together to try to make this skills competition   a little better for the fans create some drama  some nervousness maybe for the players because   they're playing for 1 million bucks no one does  this better than look at the speed he does it with Al's going to wheel quickly oh little  stumble on the edge there you see the you   can see the transition is not quite as  smooth as as a defenseman right but they   still not too bad would do this one as  well he's going to be H oh my goodness unbelievable the acceleration is just insane he is  clearly taken this seriously he does everything he   wants to win this I more than anybody out there  I believe a little stumble on the left skate there really poured on McDavid wants  to continue getting points he wants   the overall Championship one for one two  for two three for three can he do it yes   oh tremendous oh and quick and you see the the  way he shot it with his velocity 9158 the new leader all right miss you said go low first  yes you in an order he did he went around   the clock around the world really like  the way attack the target so remember   he already has two first tonight that's one  of the tie Breakers later is how many firsts   you get if you're tied with a guy in total  points so he talks to kale Mar there at Li   scoring and out this competition the one who  makes the most saves wins $100,000 does not   count against a salary cap Miss dander and  hustle pays off first five pucks are worth   a point shots under the hash marks only to get  that one two more pucks for nander he's moving well he's going to have a new coach when  he goes back to work oh Beautiful Finish   there by neander got three points so far these  pucks are worth two points and he going to go   all the way back to the blue line to pick him  up as many shots as you want 30 seconds left   oh man talbat looks good I can see where  fatigue is going to come into a little bit   of play here absolutely this good another save  by talin it's tough to score against these NHL goalies leg are beautiful shot 911 save percentage for talut  now de ler can finish this as the clock runs out   oh in honor of Peter forsberg he ends with the  postage stamp Olympic goal and he is gassed yeah   that's a good drill that's a good drill we're  going to incorporate that into the practice   session yeah might squirts peew everyone  good for cardio good for skating here's   the first one mess yeah just theque he got a  couple through the legs saw a little opening there yeah straight through the legs that was a  good shot oh look at this final move the first   of eight one-on-one shootout skaters this is  blade falls off the skate here he comes my   goodness he's going hard oh po great poke Che  oh now he's got him thinking about getting too   close now get too tight exactly that was the  first po check of the night wasn't in Conor another one I tell you should play  without a stick in this comp that'   be still oh that was good look at  him cover ground he are worth two points Inc six saves because of the speed to  McDavid gor can pick up a number save   that's seven these two saves away from winning  100 Grand get a two shot in he is oh so G will   win 100 Grand if he makes this save it's  a $100,000 save for [Applause] gorv check   again n of 11 he wins $100,000,000 the Poke  check was his friend kept him away from the de again he wins 100 Grand courtesy the  PO mess right there you can see him   that changed his old attempts  for McDavid there were some of   your opponents who poke checked well  against you back in the day oh getting crowned 47.2 that's his time we've been  debating it but now we're going to find   out a lot of people called this Conor McDavid  Invitational if there was no salary cap on the   Range we P him million so this is a way to get  caught her an extra million bucks let's see I   think he wants to win 47 seconds for a million  dollars a good start oh just misses this is the   narrow one this is the hardest one he got  it now this is an easy one for him that's   a piece of cake he's going to do it just don't  fall down Conor you're going to win a million dollars don't fall down Conor put the  biscuit in the basket $1 million shot   here it is oh no problem what a performance  what a performance by what we thought was   the best player in the National Hockey  League debatable maybe for some but now   we know guci incredible incredible I love  the [Applause] compe $1 million to caller   McDavid the man who help reimagine the  event bring some juice some drama mission   accomplished how about the professionalism  though the compete that he's shown just incredible a little rush  through the stick handling portion barzel was probably ahead of him at  this point but McDavid at the first net and   then finished off no problem just had to finish  it off here was unbelievable what a performance
Channel: NHL
Views: 122,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hockey, NHL, National Hockey League, hockey game, ice hockey, ice hockey highlights, nhl highlights, all star game, all star winners, winners, win, all star skills, skills contest, skills competition, nhl skills, nhl all star skills, 2024 all star game, 2024 nhl all star game, cale makar, Nathan mackinnon, Connor mcdavid, mcdavid all star, Elias pettersson, William nylander, 2024 ASG, georgiev, 2024 all star skills, nhl all stars, hockey all star
Id: ojOjtNHGY4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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