Top 23 Goals from Calendar Year 2023 🗓️

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doesn't even miss a beat Sega Genesis play  almost what a move I don't believe what I   just saw Cloud will turn and fire it down the  middle and that could have been a breakaways   but David knocked it down and he's working  over from Jam spins Waits still waiting get   whater goore what an unbelievable feed from  MCD and M Cloud the Finish spectacular but   when he wants a puck back he's one of  the best in the league and taking it   off of an opponent eyes the back of his  head on a beautiful little spin backand path and his son here Matias oh what a  what a beautiful backand by marenko not   only is it a back I think it's a forehead  Jeff pulls it between the legs and roofi   it's between two sets of legs actually and it  ends up going right there past Levi top shelf Anderson on the puck waits to stay outside plays  it for cofio if he moov Anderson does a nice job   of cutting across the Blue Line holding on to it  till Coffield can get into place slides it over   to him what a nice move on the rookie kinsky  although he doesn't get in across he gets to   the inside of his backand gets it upstairs  and it finds its way down the back of moric   and into the net one nothing monreal po free  by Kane and now oh McDavid what a spin the   recovery the shot score he goes down spinorama  pops back up and somehow that puck was loose I   mean that is absolute nightmare for that puck to  be ahead of him when he gets up but he attacks   with so much speed doesn't even miss a beat  and then buries it on the Breakaway wow it's   like a wacka you thought he was gone and you  just popped right back up me come on it's just unfair great it's one timer over the head  of lukin put in and gny Maran with some   absolute sorcery from the corner when  you least expect it a bank in from the   bad angle off the helmet on a one-time on the  backand Sega Genesis play almost just held down   the shoot button and released a backhand  one timer off the end boards off lucan's mind Nan Hopkins speaking about my pass McDavid  Cuts in wait Waits TS it home Conor McDavid a   virtuoso game time goal the watch this paent  stick handle stick handle get flurry to bite   you know Mark Andre flurry's an aggressive Bender  wants to come out and challenge that's exactly   what he does but the patience the skill of Conor  McDavid to walk this around tuck it home on the   backhand side absolutely ridiculous [Music]  goal he takes a turn without TJ Ro alongside   solid Mar front go more Mitch Mar magic yeah  what a set of hands here by Marner and just   ice cold in his veins on the turn around Marner  takes him one way knocks it the quick little spin   around Skinner goes out for the Poke check  and then off the post off the other and back in glass weaves it down low Marette for  the leg score yes sir a spectacular goal   you so personated did you see that through the  legs behind the foot and up in the top Corner   look at this right under the bar and beats  Guston clean what a move by [Music] Parson   rope hits henan has a lot of room sends it down  low hoping for a tip Robertson batted it in out   of midair Jason Robertson he takes the tip  and double tips it into the air to himself   good save here by Hill and Robertson bunts  it once butts it twice that's exceptional   concentration and focus to be able to take  the puck in the air twice and SWAT it into   the net really unhappy extra attacker on Yamamoto  giving way McDavid Drive CLE shoots and scores   finding a sliver of daylight underneath the bar  unbelievable Marksmanship but in the process he   puts the net back he has the wherewith all  to say hey we've got possession here we're   going to move it around and look at this not a  whole lot of room but he recognizes that David   rck is down he goes head hunting put it right  for the head nothing you can do on that shot sers drops it back in comes a pass the he BS  it in foot an incredible hand play ver oh what   a goal he's got a wait for it to drop and he does  ways TI chokes down on the blade more control and   bats it past a sprawling Jame rmer home run swing  walkoff is what it is with 10 first CL oh that's   brilliant brilliant stuff seconds left in overtime  pulled off the puck by Yamamoto now McDavid Breaks   Loose little spin move on his back hand scores  Sensational goal for the captain Conor McDavid   McDavid picks it up little spin move and he just  leav Zer in the dust there he can stop so quickly   watch the Slams on the brakes watch him fly  right by in a beautiful backand finish for Conor mcdavis I think he was a little unsure of what was  around it now her with the pass between the legs   and then barov scores what a move it looks like  barkov's going to go between the legs here Kenny   but he I don't think he ever does oh and he brings  it back so he made it looked like he was going to   go and make that move between the legs and then  the patience here Jones need to wait wait wait   and then have the angle to beat R yeah what a of  hands right look at that they've been battling   they battle back in the game they're battling for  these loose Parts jari he's going for the empty   net bouncing towards the goal he scor you have  witnessed history Tristan jari becomes the first goenda goal wow was that with some authority too   Tristan jari had himself a whale of a  game and oh yeah he just scored a goal wow Carin off besser stick omark is going to  try it and he scores latest Omar the odds on V   Trophy winner scores an empty net goal to seal  this win you're seeing [Applause] history the   S [Applause] line they are set up Maran turn side  of the net between the legs and they score filthy   David poock the power play Go the creativity the  speed and how he makes this So Graceful bar Shan   goes down quickly and how that play by poo he's  in Reverse as he picks it up he does not stop   that motion at all he just Glides it through  the legs and pop SH now the Ducks will break   out Harrington stro sauces the ZR between the  legs oh my goodness he's done it again through   his legs top shelf and it's two to one he likes  to show off for John bagr I'm telling you the   games that you do he comes up with something like  this not just that then go up and over the blocker   side for the finish what a goal sealer a shot  block gets it back sealer moves inside outside   inside of the scores Nick sealer how do you do a  thing of beauty what did we just see Nick sealer   scor SC the goal of the year for the Flyers  moments ago Jay Theodore Bray McNab Jonathan quck as Michael took that pass away Savers get  it back again here's Benson in front what a   move scores Zack bson with his first NHL goal  and that is a beauty to remember for all time   this is total confidence going to the front of  the net and he pulls his back between his legs   he's going to put it right up top underneath  the bar No Way Camper expecting this and look   at how easy it was just simple effective and  clean you said yeah that is a beauty and look   at the young man's smiling right there Bard  shoots wide to the stick side of Bennington   Kev plays the rebound for Bard down low Bard the  cross style scores what a play I don't believe   what I just saw otherworldly skill here as he  just softly picks that up on his St goes up   over the shoulder he knew exactly what he was  going to do take it off the board protects it   and reversed it in as a right hand shot and  tucked it by the glove we have not seen him   do that in a game situation just yet but the  kids got some marvelous hands dude that was   insane mikov brings it back in drops it off to  zis Trevor takes it in behind the that he scores   on the cross goal the thing about zis when he  does this and executes it is he's moving I've   seen a lot of guys try it but not while they're  skating at almost full speed what a beautiful play   by TR eers I think most of the crowd is just  now realizing what he did cuz they showed the   replay a couple of times on the big board above  center right and the reaction got a great deal louder current coyote 3 to one Coyote's  dancing coie scores what a goal by the   youngster look at this I mentioned earlier  that he's a dancer watch the dance move   right there and then gets himself s in  a position when he spins the second time   he's in a perfect shooting position and he  uses everything to hoist that puck quickly   to the top of the net that is something  you cannot teach that is pure skill big smile jackets get it back head Johnson  Lee unable to get a stick on it look   at that it is the Michigan Kent Johnson  circles the and then sends it home it's   3o Columbus unbelievable and he doesn't do  the wrap around he goes for the Michigan   something this kid does all the time in  practice and that's his first Michigan   in the National Hockey League stuffit  top show highlight real goal [Music] [Music] here [Music] a
Channel: NHL
Views: 125,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NHL, National Hockey League, Hockey, Sport, sports, Top 10, Top Ten, YT Top 10, countdown, best of, highlight, highlights, highlight reel, highlight-reel, best plays, top plays, top play, recap, plays of the year, goal, goals, top goal, amazing, dangle, deke, assist, goals of the year, goal of year, season, snipe, shootout, Canada, Canadian, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, German, French, Czech, McDavid, Marner, Oilers, Leafs, Michigan, lacrosse, Ducks, Zegras, Jarry, Ullmark, Pastrnak, Bruins, Kent Johnson
Id: H1su1CHr6ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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