⭐️ 2024 NHL All-Star Player Draft 🤩

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fans in the United States and Canada I'm  David Amber and welcome in to Scotia Bank   Arena home of the Toronto M Poli and for the  next three days home to the brightest stars in   the National Hockey League I'm John Butcher of  ESPN NHL Allstar Weekend begins right now here   in Toronto we have four NHL Superstars future  Hall of Famers and icons are going to put on   their GM hats tonight and draft an All-Star team  these guys don't know who their teammates will be   yet David yeah let the drama begin officially  starting out the Tim Horton NHL Allstar player draft tonight we're going to take hockey back to  its roots in 2011 the NHL began an experiment for   three editions of Allstar Weekend welcome to NHL  fantasy allar draft no longer would the game be   East versus West or North America versus the world  instead captains chose their team's playground   Style with the first pick we are proud to select  Steven stos my boy anre copar can't believe   I'm going to do this but Jonathan T now almost a  decade later the All-Star player draft is back and   captains will decide which Superstars will fill  out their rosters it's team Matthews led by Austin   Matthews and one of the biggest pop superstars in  the World Justin Bieber team McDavid led by Conor   McDavid and anyy nominated Canadian actor Will  aret team McKinnon led by Nathan McKinnon and a   singer songwriter with two number one top 40 hits  Kate McCrae and team Hughes led by Jack and Quinn   Hughes and five-time Grammy Award winner Michael  bé the Tim Horton NHL Allstar player draft starts now again it's the Tim Horton NHO allar player  draft kicking off a three-day Allstar Weekend   here in Toronto Dave yeah it's going to be a lot  of fun it's actually the first time we've had a   draft here at Allstar Weekend since 2015 that's  right and this is how it works basically there   going to be teams of 11 four teams of 11 who will  play this Saturday for cash prizes uh it's going   to be really good we needed some help though when  we had to figure out the draft order and when you   need help who do you call on you call on the great  one how about the greatest one in Wayne Gretzky   determining the first overall pick at the hall  of fame and and there it and there it was with   that picture of Michael bé congratulations team  Hughes of course the co- captain win Hughes the   NHL's leading score for defenseman coming out  now as well as his co- Captain younger brother   Jack the three-time allstar still recovering from  that upper body injury and quin's teammate Alias   Pon playing in his fourth NHL allstar game is  going to be an assistant captain and there he   is the celebrity Captain a wink from Michael bé  a huge Canuck fan and a Canadian music legend   five time Grammy and 15 time Juno Award winner  team Hugh first overall pick right there team hugheson will be the local favorites no team  Matthews led by the captain and seven time   Allstar Austin Matthews the NHL's leading goal  scorer Morgan Riley his first Allstar appearance   for the star defenseman of the Toronto Maple  Leafs and Justin Bieber the pop one of the   most successful musicians in the history he's  here Captain Matthews he's ready he's into it   assistant GM our third overall pick Captain by  Nathan McKinnon MVP favorite Stanley Cup champion   Nathan will be assisted by his teammate kale Mar  only man ever to win the Hobie Baker Norris Trophy   and con Smite it be Kale's third allstar game and  the celebrity Captain Canadian singer songwriter   dancer and actress you'll see her as our head  line performer on Saturday give it up for Kate McCrae and our fourth team come a homecoming  Conor McDavid fourth overall pick on the E   Oilers he'll be helped out by his boy Leon  dryo and also another Canadian Arrested   Development Blades of gory and maybe the best  podcast going right now smartless will are net so we'll have 36 players to choose from  tonight only one couldn't make it for prior   engagement he will be here tomorrow he will  play in the game but check out the Jumbotron   for the one guy who couldn't be here for  his short message hey guys sorry I'm not   there fortunately I was able to find someone  to fill in for me see you soon all right so   ref presenting Sid tonight is Ryan Owens  a seven-year-old Tim bit kid Tim Horton   so important to the hockey Community the Tim  Timbits program started in 1982 help more than   880,000 kids develop confidence learn teamwork  and social skills and most importantly have fun   he will play the part of Sydney Crosby Tonight  Tonight these 10 big kids will be passing out   jerseys to our first round players as they are  being picked all right well let's get right to   it the first four rounds the team will have  45 seconds to make their pick again it's team   Q's on the clock as we begin the Tim Horton  NHL Allstar player draft here we go sound is   chaotic that's oh we're miked up we are miked  up and we were on oh go um so either Crosby yeah coverage there we go with uh need two  goalies before round seven yeah you guys look   C announc I didn't realize we have team you  guys look cute as hell right now we proudly   select love it from the Tampa a lightning up  first player chosen the NHL's leading Point get   right now a former MVP lightning off the board  to the team Hughes with the first overall pick   in this year's player DRFT that means team  Matthews with Morgan Riley Justin Bieber and   Austin Matthews they are officially on the  clock okay I think we know who we are we're   ready they're ready they woke up knowing from  uh Calgary Alberta by way of Stockholm Sweden   William NE [Music] William William and there  he is a leaf them team Matthews Riley and Bieber he gets his first round Jersey there it  is number 88 on team Matthews is William neander   frame that one day all right Nate McKinnon third  overall pick two players gone did you go to bed no   you were going to take last night did I go to bed  no knowing who I had an idea uh we're going to let   Tate make our all right T make the announcement  um I I think we're gonna have to go as Sydney   Crosby I think you do I think you do come on up  coming up and the old school uniform there he is Sydney Sydney Crosby of course was a Tim  bit kid I I don't know if that's Tim bit size   or Sydney size but so Nathan McKinnon with some  provincial love he gets his boy Sydney Crosby all   right Conor McDavid Leon D hello will great to  see you brother good to see you all right so you   got course the snake draft you're going to get  the next two get the next two that's a bit of   a strategy you got goalies out there we all need  two goalies right I think we're ready to roll what   was going to pick up we're ready to roll we know  exactly we know exactly who we want what kind of   player do you need we want somebody who's going  to make a difference we want somebody who's going   to tow the line we want Conor hellar whoa an early  goalie selection come on I me the the Oilers have   won 16 in a row they know def wins championships  and they're playing great defense lately we need   it we need you we need you USA born Conor H  first overall here in the great hockey City of Toronto all right so that's the first four  picks David of our NHL player draft few   surprises there caught her hellu off the board  the first rounds in the bcks second third and   fourth rounds all coming up as we continue  the Tim Horton's NHL Allstar player draft welcome back to Scotia Bank Arena the best and  brightest stars in the National Hockey League   congregating here in Toronto for the next three  days and one of those Stars a third time Allstar   Mitch Marner now Mitch we saw William neander  your teammate go to your boys you got to keep   the band together right you got to be on this  team ah we'll see are you going to lobby for   Connor not to take you with the next pick then  it's well they're drafted I don't know whatever   they want to do whatever they want their team  we'll see all right well we've got one round in   the books it looks like you're pretty open to  all the options available best of luck looking   forward as we start round two of the draft back  to you John yeah it is interesting McDavid or   McKinnon could try to keep some of that Synergy  away because they're playing you they're playing   to win on Saturday uh so maybe there's some even  some deals before the show we don't know all right   Connor you went goalie the first time around  controversial pick everyone's talking about it   on social media what about your next pick we know  what we're going to do I think they know you had   a commercial break right yeah I'm going let you  guys make the call but go ahead uh we think that   we need a little bit of goal scoring so we got  David P oh yeah carbo loading with pasta good call these three on the ice at the same  time Le DAV having another MVP type season   in Boston this year despite his fellow Legends  retiring after last year so C her McDavid off   to a great start all right Tate McCrae announce  your next pick with kale and Nate uh pick we're   going to take it back home to Denver Colorado  and Alexander yeah you need a goalie why not   go with one that kale communicates with on a  nightly basis Alex gorv joins team mck they   take one of their two go we have eight goalies  here tonight to be chosen two gone so far six   to go and team Matthews is on the board  and Justin I want to know how much input   are you having with the picks tonight you  said what how much how much input are you   having with these picks I mean I'm trusting  these guys definitely trusting these guys   your buddy's still on the board here I think  I might know where this pick's going or maybe   they're going to go off the board uh Morgan uh  Austin look that way let him know who you're taking let's do it get over here and there  it is aaf reunion on baby Mitchner joining   his neander Riley and Matthew goodness and there  it is that's a lot of Toronto round two Mitchner   and now it's four map Leafs on team Matthews and  that means team Hughes is on the board not for   one but for two picks it's a lot of Liberation  here brothers are crying they get two picks In A Row D all right firstly we got to figure this  out I got to know this the first pick doesn't   matter the second are you playing D  or Center like I always want you to play who stand we proudly select from My  Hometown Bank P Demco there it is goalie   taken by team Hughes and nice to get the kuu  players together the kucks with six players   and a head coach the most representation we've  seen at an NHL allstar game mat dco joins the team yeah who's the fastest you guys are  on the board once again for a second pick   all right our uh third pick we're  going to go from the Winnipeg Jets   Kyle Connor wow sneaky goal scorer  Kyle Conor conck and jets getting together man how you doing yes sir good to meet you too First  Time allar Jake AER joining team Matthews   all right team McKinnon is your call of  course uh Nate you're were a Tim bit kid   right yep what's your favorite Tim Horton's  donut do you have one probably the Boston   cream let's go that's got to count right  number one overall donut all right you're   building a strong team who's the next  selection uh I see a lot of them uh in   our division so got to go with Carill  capriel oh Carill come on up what's up buddy hi nice meet you so  carof of the Minnesota Wild joinin so team McDavid once again has two picks  pretty good position to be in Connor obviously   went goalie first man you get pasta that's a  good value pick right there um what where you   going next you have two picks in a row yeah um  I think we need uh a defenseman there's there's   only a handful of them here right we're going  to go with Ros Miss do oh filthy Nobody Breaks   ankles like Rasmus D at the Blue Line this guy  is like a young Allen Iverson he is filthy he'll   join a strong offensive jugernaut right now you  might want to find a two-way player here any any   two-way players here okay what's that one more  pick it right away it out I don't know this we   have not discussed so this is happening on  the fly yeah what do you think will put on   your analysis here's my rule when it comes  to picking team hockey teams don't ask the   actor you know what I mean there um that's  I think John Candy made a few picks for the   K boys what do you think kind of caught us off  guard um what do you think goalie turn your mic   off first you really can't lose they're they're  all really good okay uh we will pick uh Robbie Thomas there we go Robert Thomas there  we go met the lead singer of Matchbox   20 for a second was he here Robert  Thomas excellent offensive player what so team McDavid continues to get Sol  he bu shaped up all right good call back   to McKinnon okay all right Tate how much  info do you have in all this pardon how   much input pick your favorite player you  know yeah I'm looking at the names uh I   kind of trusting the guys on this one um  Sebastian AO I think that's a pretty good   one he can do it all he can score he can take  a face off he'll block a shot if he has to so   Sebastian AO with the Carolina hurricane  the latest selection from Nathan McKinnon Squad all right so it's Austin Matthews Justin  Bieber and Morgan Riley about to make a pick   you got your goal tender last round you're going  back to a goalie you're finding a forward what's   the plan uh I don't know I think uh we're to  go with a forward from the Arizona Coyotes   Clayton Keller oh yeah Arizona reunion you  know him so well you know his game I got my guy Arizona golf buddies good to me too yeah you  guys go how far back do you guys go uh junior so   yeah 16 17 how cool is it that we're seeing  the growth of the sport you're in but really   Across America got to do you got to do a right  you love to see it and you know nontraditional   hockey markets and uh places like that it's  good to see more more kids playing hockey   picking up a stick and and just enjoying it so  well that's good and Morgan how much influence   are you having on these PS do you think Brock  will be yeah it's been fun um I think the picks   have been good so we got some work to do but I  think we're in a good spot all right so there's   team Matthews they get Clayton K and now we're  over to team Hughes he'll be okay been all over   the board not sure what to predict here team  Hughes we need another 10 minutes that's all   Michael what's the issue is there is there  issues guys AR yeah the issue is many good   hockey players we have literally the greatest  players on the planet and there isn't a bad   pick and so it's impossible to know which of  the greatest hockey players on our planet to   pick and I'm eating into our 30 seconds so  what's up boys where are we doing all right   you want to go first cap we're taking uh let's do  this all right from the Ottawa Senators Brady to Chuck and look at this Brady K  Shu what a great pick the captain Senator maybe a bit of a surprise there's still  some Vancouver K waiting to be drafted but team   H they found their man in Brady kachuck let's  recap now go through teams one through four all   right so team used the tail of the tape they  picked Nikita CRA on first overall they add   a star golender Demco then Kyle Connor and Brady  kachuck as they round out their first picks team   Austin Matthews they select William naner in  Mitch Marner as they keep the band together and   then Jake Ginger the goalie from the dollar  stars and Clayton K A Reunion of sorts from   Arizona and the Eminem boys McKinnon and Mar and  McCrae Sydney Crosby what a great selection for   them they get their teammate goalie early and  then Capri off and AO to round out them and   team McDavid they took the first goalie they get  pasta a defenseman and Rasmus Dalene and Robert   Thomas could do it all in the offensive end as  well so all 14 off to a good start David speed   rounds are coming up so keep it locked here it's  the Tim Horton NHL Allstar player draft welcome   back to the Tim Hortons Allstar player draft as  we continue on here a goalie has been taken by   each organization so far three three of them  American Born just like Jeremy swam so Jeremy   you're sitting here these four teams all need  one more goalie uh how nervous are you I see a   little sweat on the brow yeah uh I saw the two  names I was sitting between and I knew pretty   quick I was going to be cast on an island so I'll  work hard for you guys and hopefully uh we get   some good luck coming our way you anticipated  being here by yourself once you were with your   fellow guys I did I knew that pretty quick how  does a goalie prepare for an All-Star game like   this three on three you guys have the most  pressure on it uh what can you bring to one   of these organizations I think uh I'm really  glad that it's not counting towards my actual   stats but I'm going to do my job and hopefully  um help our team get a chance to win all right   we'll see if maybe your American Brothers the  Hughes will select you for their second goalie   David what are they going to do there has been  an American theme with Team Hughes their last   three picks have been Americans and some of the  national five cans matter they're debating it now   and then we can try to trade for MSY after there  all right make your P yeah yeah go go ahead man   all right from the New Jersey Devils Jer brat  and and there you go the man who is replacing   Jack Hughes at the allstar game Devil's  brothers and now Allstar Brothers as well up R all right so team Hughes is made a selection  you're going to need a goalie I believe in your   next selection team Hughes and and we're back  to team Matthews okay we want to hear you guys   deliberate what your next pick's going to  be but I do have a question you see yes   for hair you guys play with obviously William  neander rock besser's out there who's got the   best hair in the league oh it'd be a close  tie between those two I think I don't know   maybe Willie though Mor what do you think  Willie always Willie all right so let's uh   here you guys still need a goalie you have  a few picks to make uh you Justin Morgan but   when you talk it through yeah I think we're  going to wait on the goalie right we already   talked it through I think we know who won from  the New York Islanders Matthew barzel oh he's   filthy like that that's aity Matthew barzel he's  going for the MVP award his third All-Star Game   fastest skater back in 2020 brother and it's a  British columia homecoming right and there it is   Matthew barcel well that was going on I I saw a  couple of Hughes Brothers pop over here and got   in Nathan McKinnon's ear I don't know if Elliot  Freedman is already tweeted this out but was a   trade offered you or something Nathan what was  going on just a mutual understanding he did me   a favor earlier in the draft so he wants me to  pay it back to him but Tate's going to make our   next pick here so okay so T did they influence  this pick or this is the pick you're going to   make yeah um they're saying we need to add some  grit so we're going to go with Tom Wilson perfect   nice we need somebody who's going to fight  Brady kachuck Tom Wilson we did size on the squad so Tom Wilson goes to team McKinnon all right team McDavid talk it through  will what do we need what are the deficiencies   what's going to bring this a championship on  Saturday we're playing to win we uh we've given   this a lot of thought we we've applied all of  our brain power to it okay and we thought you   seem disorganized last time I got to admit  but you see how hard it is for me to think F   every oce energy uh from Florida Sam Reinhardt  just having a monster monster season why would   you take a guy on a heater when you think of  hot NHL Commodities just Edmonton they've won   16 in a row and you think Sam Reinhardt Sam  grab your jersey right behind you now that's   a quality pick okay so everyone has to pick a  goalie now right because we're down the part of   the draft where you guys have to pick the four  remaining goalies and so you pick the first one   um what's up next for team McDavid yeah we got  to go another goalie um I think we're going to   grab Sam's teammate from Florida Sam bosski  or uh Sergey barosi [Music] Serge they go thaty so Sergey bosi joining team McDavid so team McDavid their current roster  as you see David dry pel early then they had   pasta Dalene robbert Thomas and Sam Reinhardt  couple of righties and then Sergey bosi in net   so now we're on to team McKinnon again you have  three goalies to choose from kale Mar you know   goalies which one you going to choose it's tough  they're all good yeah we've been told we got to   pick a goalie so um this guy's been all right  this year we're go with Jeremy Swan not bad   Jeremy come on over University of main product  Mike RoR Award winner welcome to the squad bro   y nice to meet you good stuff couple Hockey East  College hockey players kale Mar and Jeremy San   all right over to you David so well let's go  through team McKinnon Squad first again m the   car that's always a good start they get Crosby  with their first pick gorg of inet capriso AO   Wilson San all right team Matthews who's your  attendee all right so we need a second goenda   you have two options what do you have uh  we're going to go with from the New York   Rangers eigor shurin ano with a winner joins team  Matthews and rounds up their go how you doing [Music] what's so for team Matthews alongside Morgan Riley  they kept it in house with William naner and Mitch   Harner early on then they found a goalie in Jake  AER Clayton Peller and Matthew barzel with some   Junior ties to these guys and then eigor shurin  the vno winner a few years ago joins team Matthews   which firmly puts team Hughes on the clock and  I this is a pretty easy pick to make for you   guys yeah the goalie we get two now right uh but  you just just one we have commercial breaks too   so okay okay uh before the commercial break you  guys want to make this why didn't you make this   one dude uh which one you think I think Brock uh  from andur conect Brock besser oh oh wait you guys   needed a you needed a goalie though you have you  have take a goal hold on Brock Hold on he'll be   back after the commercial break you got to take  the rolles two goalies before the seventh round   so there's one goalie so we wanted we were going  to take the goalie but we thought we were just   cuz we had two in a row we felt like can we get  security down here please I feel like I just lost   a Grammy or an Academy Award or something tell  it you going to do the honors you're good go for   it go for it go for it all right cam talet let's  go camer there he is a home coming for cam T but   a second All-Star game for the Kings goalie had to  take your goalies before round seven we had we had   to we had your com me next all every and there's  team Hughes after seven rounds a distinct flavor   to this Quin Hughes team with Pon they had kerov  Demco Kyle Conor Brady kachuck yeser brat and   cam talbat rounding out the first seven rounds  of our NHL Allstar player draft okay well time   to take a break I think we know who team Hughes  will take next if they don't there'll be issues   in Vancouver we'll be back with that pick next  welcome back to a very busy Scotia Bank Arena   hockey fans from around the world keeping their  eye on this including Brock besser who's waiting   to have his name called and it was almost called  there Brock what's a guy have to do you're the   2018 All-Star MVP you're on Pace for 50 goals  what's going on here um yeah I don't know it's   just uh a new year and uh you know just a new  self mentally and uh it's been a great year   for our team so far everyone's been working hard  and uh our whole coaching staff has been great so   it's been fun has it been nerve-racking though  sitting through all these picks uh not too not   too bad because I got MSY and Lindy with me so you  got some teammates and some friends here your new   teammate too all right we're going to continue  this draft and it's team Hughes on the board and   your name we'll see if it comes up back to you  John yeah team Hughes is grinding right now I   don't know if there's dissension controversy you  make this Pi they brought besser over during the   commercial break I don't know what was said my  am I on the clock are we on the clock you're on   the clock need three more players let me just  say this on behalf of all my canu brothers and   sisters this is bull this is I I nothing that  happens tonight better cost me a Stanley Cup   you understand me I did my hair for three hours  for this moment we proudly select Brock besser   of he's wearing out a path on this ice back and  forth B Rocky for the second time for the second   time all right David Amber another player waiting  to be picked tonight yeah Nick Suzuki who is the   first Montreal Canadian player since Mark wrecky  to make back to back to back All-Star appearances   this is a different format do you like the format  yeah it's been cool so far I think the captains   are doing a good job and you know the guys  sitting here are anxiously waiting well the   Leafs and halves have a rivalry but do you want  to make any plea at all because it is going to   be Austin Matthews and Morgan Riley and Justin  Bieber making the next selection yeah hopefully   uh we can put the Rivalry aside maybe but you  know who knows it's a long rivalry for sure all   right that's the luck we got it three more rounds  John all right team Matthews uh Justin your squad   only has one defenseman that we talked about  maybe adding another another one or where do   you think the team should go right now awesome  what are you thinking is this our pick Austin   our pick we on the clock the clock um know who  you're going to pick he has the best mustache   in the NHL I quite Envy it uh from the Ashville  Predators Philip forsberg that is a lip sweater   it's the Envy of a prodigious Muzzy how you doing  bber and snip another finisher him Austin pitch   Matthew Clayton good stuff all right all right  team McKinnon what are we thinking here only   got a couple picks left so uh where you going  now with your latest pick well we we need an   agitator so no better guy than Travis Ki perfect  love it Travis Ki come on down you're on team McKinnon all right you can take your time MC  T McDavid will Arnette Leon dry SLE you got   plenty of time to talk about it um again before  your selection Connor what about what does this   weekend mean to you um for those may be watching  in the United States they don't realize you grew   up around here what does this area mean to you  how did it affect you as a young kid growing up   uh yeah obviously it means a lot to me um you  know growing up in the area um this building   obviously watching the Leafs grow up um growing  up um yeah have a lot of family and friends in   town um especially for me 16 wins in a row your  team is on the heater you and Leon um what does   that feel like when you come to an All-Star  Weekend you take a break and you're still on   this this magical run does it make this more  relaxing and fun certainly a lot better than   where we were um you know we still got a long  way to go we dug ourselves a big hole and um   we're doing a good job of getting ourselves  out of it but certainly special to be on a   on a run like that um it feels good yeah five  more months it's a long season and a long way   to go but we hope to see you guys in June all  right so you look at the squad three on three   this Saturday Allstar format will Arnette uh  where are we going where do you think we should   go if you talk to the boys about I think we  I think we've got a consensus right yeah we   yeah that's unanimous you got it uh we're gonna  go with Boon Jenner oh boom Jenner they're not   booing they're saying Boon Captain the Columbus  Blue Jackets awesome for Boon to be at the allar weekend yeah what next what next so before your pick  conter you guys can talk about it well let's   go through the roster one more time all these  teams have one more pick to go we'll start with   Team McDavid there it is Leon and Connor goalie  early and latest pick Boon Jenner that's a nice   Squad right there lots a character and talent  team McKinnon with their celebrity C Captain   Tate McCrae just took Travis concy with their  last they got concy and Wilson they might be   short-handed in this game a couple times we'll  have to wait and see on that one David Amber and   team Matthews of course Austin and Morgan Riley  selecting two teammates William Mander and Mitch   Marner off the Hop and then AER and shurin are  their goalies hel barel and Philip forsberg as   Austin says with the best mustache in the game  round out their first seven picks and for team   Hughes they're contemplating things right now  Michael bé is very animated over there but he   likes the squad so far they've selected Nikita  kucherov the leading Point getter in the NHL   thater Demco Kyle Connor Brady kachu out a little  grit yes for brat Cam talet and Brock besser all   right one more selection for each team had  plenty of time to talk about it Connor we   know where we're going yeah I think so um will  do you want to make it yeah we're going to uh   pick a guy who's uh an awesome hockey player he  plays for a team that is a long standing rival   of the Leafs because he's a half My Team LEAF  is my hometown of Toronto wow but we're going   to pick Mr Nick Suzuki come on a lot of love in  the room Nick Suzuki how are you so Nick Suzuki   will join his team McDavid so we'll watch  Nick skate over there's his Squad saying   hi to his teammates for a day Saturday three on  three as we have four 11 player squads here and   Nick Suzuki is the latest to join team McDavid  all right team McCrae team mckinon team Mar mmm   you have one more pick to go yeah this could be  the Difference Maker think okay so I'm sad he   just got traded for my hometown team yeah you're a  big flame fan right M um so we're going to go with   Elias [Music] lenol yeah hearing that this weekend  wearing a flame Jersey so now one of those unique   situations where for the first time he wears  a kuu jersey here at All-Star Weekend Elias   lolm a lot of teams wanted him and Vancouver got  him and this team got him two team McKinna well [Music] done and that puts Austin Matthews on  the clock there's been very little deliberation   you guys are kind of chill just going  about your business are you disagree on   every pick I think we just yeah we know who  we want and just make the pick easy as that   you have one defenseman you have your two  goalies and and uh what are you thinking   with your second last pick Morgan's going to  make this one Alex De Brat from the Detroit   Red Wings there he is Alex the bring  he's got a one time bomb second time [Music] allar and there it is you have a lot of undersized  forward on your team like Fast crafty guys [Music]   all right so Austin Matthews has one more pick to  make and here's the final pick up the eighth round   team use they've been talking a lot Michael D's  been doing most of the talking what's going on oh   I mean uh we're in heaven we love the team we have  beautiful are you kidding me um who wants to we   know the pick it's just a matter of who wants to  make the pick uh we got from Vancouver JT Miller   there is the rugged forward JT Miller what a  season he's had his first All-Star appearance   on Pace for 112 points he joins his teammates  on the Vancouver Canucks four Canucks on team   David it's uh uh five five withco never that so  my goodness it's the Vancouver Canucks versus   the Toronto M police when you look at these  two teams because clear r that show all those so we have four players left we're going to take  a break and they're going to find out what team   they will be joining all at the same time when we  come back at the Tim Horton nhel Allstar player   draft back for the conclusion after this welcome  back to Scotia Bank Arena as we're ready to wrap   up the Tim Horton's NHL Allstar player draft and  again we' have eight rounds in the books we have   four players players remaining we'll get to those  players in just a matter of moments and of course   in case you're just tuning in team Hughes again  with Quinn Hughes and his brother Jack Hughes   as co- captains Alias Pon as the assistant and  Michael ble have selected Nikita kerov fer Demco   Kyle Connor Brady kachuck yes for brat Cal cam  talit Brock besser and JT Miller so count them   five Vancouver Canucks on that team for team  Matthews with Austin Matthews and Morgan Riley   and Justin as their celebrity Captain have  selected two Leafs backto back William naner   and Mitch Marner followed by Jake Ginger  Clayton Keller Matthew barzel eigor shurin   Philip forsberg and their last pick was Alex  De brinken okay team McKinnon with help from   kale marar and Tate McCrae Sydney Ki was their  first pick yor evet capriol AO Wilson Jeremy   Swan Travis ketne and the new Vancouver KCK lyol  they have one pick remaining and then team McDavid   Conor McDavid with help from Leon dry Sidle and  Will Arnett poock Dalene Thomas Reinhardt leoski   boom Jenner and Nick Suzuki so again each  team has 10 players they all have one more   to go we have four All Stars yet to be chosen  and they will be eventually chosen now and uh   we'll start with Nathan McKinnon uh different  format something you're not maybe used to how   do you like the new format it's good I mean I'm  not the best uh public speaker in the world but   it was fun I think the fans enjoyed it and uh  definitely better than years past for sure and   did Sid say hey I know what you're doing there  you better take me first round even though I'm   not going to be there in person just cuz you guys  go so far back I didn't even know he wasn't going   to be here until I saw on the video but uh yeah  obviously we're buddies it'll be uh fun to play   an allstar game together how nice is it have this  opportunity there's a lot of guys you're buddies   with but a lot of guys you probably haven't spent  a lot of time off fight with you're getting that   opportunity now yeah it's fun to hang out with  the best players in the league uh you know I   haven't met a bad hockey person and excited to  meet the guys on the the team and other guys   around the league all right thanks Nathan John  all right Nate's team needs one more dude you   guys need one more dude hello Jack hello Quinn  Jack uh you still came this weekend despite not   being able to play uh why just uh draft a team  my brother you know that's pretty fun so I think   we drafted a good team and hopefully they win all  right Quinn what do you think so far as you look   at the roster what did you think coming into this  uh how it would feel like and what H what end up   happening uh it was obviously pretty cool night  great atmosphere here and um you know got five   out of six Canucks something we were looking to  do but uh yeah happy with our squad team Hughes   is ready to go all right and I wanted to talk to  Tate McCrae because you have a big performance   coming on Saturday how excited are you for that  I'm so excited it's my first time at the allstar   game so I brought my Dad we're stok to be here and  I know you're Flames fans and it was a pretty you   know interesting trade obviously yesterday and  you said you're obviously sad to see Lind home   go what's it like when you go to the games and  you're in the saddle D it's so fun I was just   back in Calgary for Christmas and it's always fun  seeing my friends and cheering them on we'll be   cheering you on Saturday night so again we have  four great NHL players left bork strand vrono   hurdle and troch and the way we're going to find  out and how they will find out what team they will   be on we're getting from a living legend who is  in town his number is in the ra Rafters here in   Toronto he played an eight NHL All-Star games  he's in the Hall of Fame to help us deliver the   envelopes to find out where these fellas are going  Dave Keon let's hear it for the Hall of Famer Toronto Mr Keon it's great to have you here and  uh this is kind of a cool moment as well how much   does this bring you back the allstar games you  played in uh there weren't as many people the   night before but uh it's nice to be here well  welcome back it's great to have you here what   we're going to have is the envelopes you have the  Timbits here with the envelopes they're going to   get the envelopes to you you're going to kind  of shake them up and the players will pull an   envelope and they'll know what team they're on  we should introduce the players as well Vinnie   troch uh Thomas hurdle would you guys like to  come forward uh Frank vetrano as well oh all   right first we'll get the uh the envelopes given  to Mr Keon by the these guys there you go these   have the the four teams inside the envelope so  Dave you mix those up a little bit just a little   bit of a shuffle and then pass them out fan them  out like a deck oh he's going to hand them out   so Random there's biny tro Thomas hurdle of the  Sharks Frank vrono olivander Brook strand of the   Seattle Kraken so these guys will open up the  envelopes and find out who they play for we'll   do it one at a time Vinnie will start with you  when you go first Vinnie open it up and find out   what team you'll be joining on Saturday at the  NHL allstar game team Matthews there's Justin   Bieber team Matthews and they played together  on the 2016 team North America Union of sight   what team will you be joining team McDavid  get some size in the middle Frankie shot come on Frank patronos pride of Springfield Mass  chicken parm always on the menu ah team Hughes   Michael bé you get another Pacific time zone  player and speaking of the Pacific Division all   of York Strand hold on just a matter of moments  I think we know where this is going to go just   to confirm it Tate McCrae Nathan McKinnon  kale Mar welcome oler York Strand to your team so don't forget what a great night this  was of course we have the skills competition   tomorrow that's 7:00 on sportset ESPN in America  and of course that also be another interesting new   twist here on Allstar Weekend and Michael you've  seemed very invested in all of this how do you   like your team now that it's all said and done  how do you like your team I love my team are you   kidding me what what do you love about him I love  that it looks early similar to my fantasy hockey   team that's in first place right now well that's  good news and Justin how are you feeling about   team Matthews feeling great feeling good good all  right he's feeling good Austin any last words to   you no we're looking forward to getting this thing  going so I know Toronto's going to bring the noise   for everybody it's going to be a good weekend  all right final words will will Nar you get the   final word about tonight you get the final words  on tonight's festivity well this is great to be   here in Toronto to be I'm not worthy to be stand  stand next to Mr Dave Keon it's so fantastic to   have him here uh just an absolute Legend to be  here with all these guys all these incredible   players who do this for living and come in here  and going to give a good show to all the fans you   guys make it possible we're just here to entertain  you guys well said well said all stars future Hall   of Famers Staley Cup champions all on this stage  and this is it this is the end of the Tim Horton's   NHL All-Star player DFT want to thank you all for  attending again this is day one of three days of   activities here in Toronto as we recognize the  best in the world and the biggest celebrities in   the world as well thank you so much for watching  and enjoy NH HL All-Star Weekend in Toronto
Channel: NHL
Views: 360,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NHL, Hockey, ice hockey, ice hockey highlights, nhl highlights, hockey game, hockey games 2024, nhl highlights today 2024, national hockey league, nhl all star, all star game, hockey all star, 2024 all star game, 2024 nhl all star, ASG, Justin bieber, bieber, buble, Michael buble, will arnett, arnett, tate mcrae, mcrae, tate, celebrities, celebs, nhl player draft, NHL Fantasy draft, all star draft, biebs
Id: z_eFYwlstFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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