2024 Honda NHL One-on-One 😱 Full Contest

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now that we've Whitted the field down to eight  it's time to let our All-Star goalies have some   fun in the Honda one-on-one the skater that sits  in last place will go first selecting the goalie   they want to face as long as that net minder  isn't a teammate we'll put 60 seconds on the   clock and set pucks out in designated areas on  the ice the first five are worth one point and   the rest are worth two players must carry the  puck until they cross the hash marks before   firing on net and they cannot score off a  rebound if a player is carrying the puck   when the clock hits zero we'll let them take  that final shot the highest total takes the   top spot and the Five Points what's in it for  the goalies stop the most bucks and take home [Music] $100,000 it's time for the  NHL Allstar oneon-one let's   meet the allstar goalies participating in this event from the Florida Panthers Sergey bosski from the Vancouver Canucks Patcher Demco   from the Colorado avalanch Alexander  gorv from the Winnipeg Jets hunter heluk from the Dallas Stars Jake  uttinger from the New York Rangers eigor shesterkin from the Boston Bruins Jeremy  San and from the Los Angeles Kings cam talit now please welcome Sports Net's David Amber  and ESPN's Kevin weeks all right we're down to   our final eight competitors and of course the go  goes are here as well and we're going in reverse   order and we have William neander you're eighth  in the standings but you can make up a lot of   ground we're going to have you pick your goalie so  who do you like you've been thinking about it I'm   just going to go with camt but he's standing  right in front of me so I think that's what   I'm picking you said you said cam talit you're  staring him down all right why cam talit because   he was standing right in front of me so I just  felt like that was a good choice all right all   right the the local boy cam Talbot's ready to  take the net against William nander good luck so William nander tied with  Nathan McKinnon just over   the cut line with seven points he'll need a big event a timed event as many shots as you want  hustle pays off if the puck is on the player stick   before the clock hit zero the play is allowed  to be finished two more guys get cut after this event and in the end the goalies who are helping  out this competition the one who makes the most   saves wins $100,000 does not count against  a salary cap [Laughter] Miss dander oh and   hustle pays off first five pucks are worth a  point shots under the hash oh he does get that   one two pu for neander he's moving well oh big  St by Alit he's going to have a new coach when   he goes back to work oh Beautiful Finish there  by nander got three points so far these pucks   are worth two points and you got to go all  the way back to the blue line to pick him up   as many shots as you want 30 seconds left  oh man Talbot looks good I can see where   fatigue is going to come into a little bit of  play here absolutely this is a another save   by talit it's tough to score against these  NHL goalies oh that was through the legs are up beautiful shot 911 save percentage for talut  now naner can finish this as the clock runs out   oh in honor of Peter forsberg he ends  with the postage stamp Olympic Golf and   he is gassed that's a good drill that's a good  drill they're going to incorporate that into the   practice session M squarts peewees everyone  good for cardio good for skating here's the   first one mess yeah just the yeah sque he got  a couple through the legs saw a little opening there yeah straight through the legs that was a  good shot there oh look at this final move the   first of eight one-on-one shootout skaters I'm  here at ice level with Nate the Great Nate Dog   Nate McKinnon Nate I'm not sure who you're looking  for here but I got a sense it's Ser Gaber bosi you   good with that yeah he's one of the best ever  so uh I'll try my luck here see what I can do   all right sir gab Bros of Florida Panthers you're  up Bobs so again that's the interesting part of   this competition the players pick their goalies  and Nate McKinna will go against the acrobatic   Sergey bosski I mean just look at the lineup  of the goalies who are you going to look over   there and say there's a weak point out there  every one of them's incredible 911 sa willly   neander I'll just take the guy sitting cross  me I like that 35-year-old Sergey bosski 62   188 the Russian strong against Nathan McKinnon  early again McKinnon he needs a strong effort   here he's going to win the over all get  the legs yep oh beautiful move [Applause] there he tried to shoot before he got set it's easy to forget that bosi broke in with  the Philadelphia Flyers all the way back in 2010   Columbus some great years under John torella  Bez a winner then on the Florida with that   big contract well he just caught fire at the  right time last year and he brought all the   way to the Stanley Cup Final it was incredible  to watch his performance seemed to get better   with each game more confidence and the team rode  that confidence right into the finals so Nate   McKinnon's in trouble here he may not advance  to the obstacle course in the final round he's   going to so good job by Sergey bosi having a  nice year 23 and 10 for the [Music] Panthers   [Music] [Applause] this one goes between the  legs here but after that it was it was all [Applause] Sergey that's a beautiful backham there for McKinnon look at that angle for us there you   look there's nowhere to where  where you going to shoot all right you can't take your teammate thater demp go  so who we do want to select to go one-on-one with   uh I'm going to have to go with sway yeah why  why sway uh I can't score on any other guys on breakaways I love it all right go for it good  luck American unamerican yeah you can't pick your   teammate so it's JT Miller against Jeremy swayman  don't forget the goalies most saes gets $100,000   so Serge barros's off to a good start there Jeremy  Swan see how he does have an outstanding year for   the Boston Bruins 924 save percentage second  only to Aiden Hill that's an easy first save on Miller oh there's a beautiful move that  really good and these are and look like   Swingman had him shut down there and he  still found it these are one-point pucks two through the legs so he gets two of the  five onepoint pucks now he gets as many as   he wants here legs getting heavy at this  point BCI oh that one came off the stick   funny I think he tried a little change up  yeah little knuckle ball little knuckle   yeah oh sweet oh that was nice Swan thought  for sure he was going back to the forehand   try that moving in maybe oh oh bar and in  I think it was in the first time actually   then hit San in the back and went in twice no  you're not going to score from there he tried   to get it before he got set but no way six  points did he yeah that would have counted   he did touch the puck before the clock hit  zero so six points for Miller puts him in second so bosski had eight saves he's the current goenda Miller all right what goalie next will be  selected to go against Austin Matthews who will   Matthews pick all right we've got Hometown  boy Austin Matthews the NHL leader in goal   scored let's hear you fans and yeah now you're  back GTA now you're back all right Max who you   going with I'm going to go with thater Demco  ooh the big man from Van all right well he's   a teammate tomorrow so maybe this is uh part  of the bonding get to know each other a little   better yeah or you take AER it was a long night  mess there's a lot of tall goalies down there but   that that thater Demco big boy he is a big  boy there com Matthews he needs a big goal   total here eight points oh my that was sick  beautiful that's the coolest goal tonight so far try to get him before he got set again  a mats or mats as his friends call him good   job by Demco deco's mom and wife right here is  new baby the new new Christian daddy so he Sav   for for the first five oh man that was sweet  Matthews has 26 seconds to go as many as he wants well you're right coming out on big FAS demo  You Don't See Much next you don't see anything   watching on the on the camera angle here there's  oh was that sick up to five for Matthews needs   these last two oh there's one oh that was really  nice through the back through he's not going to   have time for two this will be his last puck oh he  couldn't get he just had to get it up top he had   him beat he couldn't get it up top that would  have tied him with KNE Lander instead he's at seven but some real nasty stuff from Austin Matthews yeah he really had a Demco guessing on  that 920 save percentage for dco this year for   Vancouver why they're a big favorite coming out  of the West after getting a Elias Lindholm they're   not done either they may make it one more move  in Vancouver all right Elias Patterson is up what goenda Alias four goalies to choose from  two of them are vno winners there's no   easy decisions here who are you going to  go one-on-one with uh going Jake ainger   Jake oner why why Jake uh we were at dinner  last night and yeah a little friendly shirt   so de side who pays the bill good luck good  stuff I like that Jake oer former bu Terrier   Terriers were winners tonight six to3 over New  Hampshire so Pon all kinds of talent he's got   reach he's got a shot mess certainly a guy  you could see he's trying to top KN Landers   nine he a tremendous hockey player he's got an  incredible skill set and he's getting bigger   stronger as the years go go on here and seems  to really maturing into a superstar in this league three straight saves there's a nice  one from patteron got 27 goals for Vancouver   last year of course 102 points 39 goals  really burst onto the scene still needs   a contract he's going to get a big one I'm  sure'll get I think the biggest thing for   him this year GUI is his uh consistency that  he played with 64 points in 49 games that's Beauty so he's only got 19 seconds left basically takes about 7 eight  seconds to get a puck and then get the   next one so he's got to hurry this  will be his last shot yep here he goes oh [Applause] the ler looked  very solid there BCI you look [Music] good the post is your friend if  you're net minder is it ever so ainger   stopped eight of 10 same with bosski shooting  percentage is the first tiebreaker and he can   see right there in that goal there he he let  the goaler make the first move and then you   have got your choices after that Matthew  barzel a lot of iser fans are certainly   watching and a lot of your family back in  Vancouver in that area who are you picking   here I'm going to pick my New York counterpart  eigor she stking wow I like it all smart little rivalry rival we got in New York all right New  York New York Big City of Dreams yeah Matthew   barzel just gets it that's what you do here give  us a moment his all those Islander fans back on   the island I'll be there this Thursday with  ums calling their game against the lightning   on the ESPN that'll be fun Bo a lot of you  me and PK for The Islander Lightning game on   the on the big Network ESPN so Matthew barzel  was Islander fans watching back on the island Belmore wants to see their guy beat the ranger good sa by [Applause] shurin so tight Gucci oh that was a good  shot got him leaning there over the glove   Marcel's going he wants to get to that second  level to get as many shots as he will he will   have oh that's a heart one 37 seconds now to  go been a tough year for Rashia sturken best   899 save percentage maybe this would give him  some confidence well he got hurt and came back   and hasn't quite bound this for him but uh  I have no doubt no doubt that he will find   it by the end of the year and it's going to  be a big influence on the Rangers second half   here oh beautiful still doesn't have a shut out  yet he's too too good a goalie not to bring it   back probably the first time he's really been  injured too and coming back off an injury is   you know takes a little bit of experience last  Puck for barza I think unless he can get back   back there in 3 seconds I don't think he's going  to make it he got it this will count it's a big   one oh theed oh my [Applause] goodness he's  an entertaining player he likes to put on a show great guy to talk to as well  Matthew Barelle fourth place oh man   that's a beautiful oh here through the legs  and it is just oh oh H the top of the left   Pad but then hit the top of the right  pad and didn't Bank into the net like   you thought it might so eigor to St eor  did on that too he had to h a net it's in the K Mar's up next what what he pick uh to  be honest with you I don't I don't even know   I don't I don't I don't know if I have a  chance here so it's we're we're going to   try and put Pucks in the back of the net  and uh make the fans happy all right well   good luck don't give up and Conor McDavid of  course will be against Alex gorv Conor all   right to score as many goals as I can it's  going to be tough he's a great golender all   right gotcha all right little Hockey East flavor  here you Mass Minutemen you Mass low Mar against heluk so right now uh babski and ainger  are tied eight saves each with 80% save   percentage which is the tiebreaker if it ends  this way and they're still the leaders they'll   split the 100 okay that's fair I like that  there comes the car now oh my goodness a bit   outside taking a Long Way Around the Net  taking a long way o man he a some power   lethal oh number two so he's building points  early on the one pointers sa [Applause] H oh   tried the fors per 34 seconds left what you  can hear blades cutting the ice from up here   on the edges what a skater what a skater and  the power that he skates with oh that's nice   oh he's fell down get back up kale prob has  time for two pucks maybe three three I got I   say nope got to hurry y he'll get he'll get one  more oh nice save by huk this will be it yeah this be a big one for Mar if he gets it  and the overall save H goali are just so   good seven saves so atoner bosi still your  leaders in the goal tending Department only   one man can beat them and he has to go  against Conor McDavid but first here's   car against [Applause] heluk that first  shot by by Mar scoring there he let that   go so quick and so accurate no chance for  heluk but bounced back and great performance   by heluk there as well Mar's Alma Mo UMass  did win tonight while UMass low fell to Bon   College number one team in the country so here  it is our leader Conor McDavid has a nice lead too if he wins this one be in great position to  win the whole thing and the obstacle course of   course the obstacle course is going to be his  best best event the unless his blade falls off   his skate comes my goodness he's going hard  oh po cheek great poke check oh now he's got   him thinking about getting too close now get too  exactly that was the first po check of the night   wasn't in Conor's brain another another one  I tell you that should play without a stick   in this competition that' be skill oh oh that  was a good shot look at him cover ground these   are worth two points oh with this speed he  probably has time for incredible than amount   of ground cover oh try to go five oh no six  saves because of the speed of McDavid gorev   can pick up a number of saves that's seven  he's two saves away from winning 100 Grand   he going get a two shots in there too yes he  is oh so gor will win 100 Grand if he makes   this save it's a $100,000 save for gorgio  oh checked him again nine of 11 and he wins $100,000 the Poke check was his  friend kept him away from the de again he wins 100 Grand courtesy the Poke  check Miss right there you can see him changed   his old attempts for McDavid there were some  of your opponents who poke checked well against   you back in the day oh my goodness uh Ronnie  Ronnie XTO weeks is with our $100,000 winner   I'm standing here with Alex GV of the Colorado  Avalanche who looked a little bit like the late   great Johnny Bower or maybe like arur B with  the Poke check and you change the color the   blade tape on the stick tell us what happened I  just tried not to look like a barely goalie to   be honest uh yeah just trying to compete there  and uh enjoy the moment uh and just play them   fair you certainly did that so 100 Grand that's  that's a lot of cream what are you going to do   with that 100 Grand are you going to do anything  for the boys what are you going to do uh you put   me on the there uh yeah I have to I have to  put a little bit and uh uh I haven't made any   plans but it's it's really cool experience  for sure awesome stuff you can always say   that you Stone Conor McDavid and you ended  up winning 100 Grand congrats Georgie great   stuff thanks a lot awesome good stuff back  to you bchi awesome yeah pretty good night's   work for 100 grand so JT Miller and Nathan  McKinnon now depart after they miss the cut
Channel: NHL
Views: 144,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hockey, NHL, National Hockey League, hockey game, ice hockey, ice hockey highlights, ice hockey highlights 2022, nhl highlights, nhl, nhl all star game, nhl all star, ASG, 2024 nhl all star game, 2024 all star, all star skills, 2024 all star skills, skills contest, skills competition, nhl breakaway, one on one, 1 on 1, breakaways, breakaway highlights, nhl breakaway highlights, best goals, all star goals, all star goalies, mcdavid, barzal, shesterkin, georgiev, matthews, nylander
Id: xUOS4OpR1Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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