Jesus and the Outcast Woman at the Well

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would you give me a drink did you hear me that's bad huh what you would you ask for to drink from me a samaritan and a woman i'm sorry i should have said please you know it's not safe for you to be alone out here nor are you why haven't you come with others why so late in the day don't women come to the wells in the cool of the morning yeah well none of them will be seen with me so i have to come here tonight in the heat so you have so kindly reminded me why won't they be seen with you long story i'd still like a drink of water if you can spare it amazing what a parched throat will do aren't i unclean to you won't you be defiled by this vessel maybe some of my people say that about your women but i don't yeah and what do you say i say if you knew who i am you'd be asking me for a drink really and i would give you living water wood except that you have nothing to draw water with and this is a deep well besides what do you need from me if you have your own supply of living water long story but jewish what it is better than samaritan watson that's not what i said are you a better man than our ancestor jacob who dug this well your water is better than his i know jacob and everyone who drinks this water will thirst again but whoever drinks the water that i give him will never be thirsty again wouldn't that be nice the water i give will become in a person a spring of water welling up to eternal life really yes really prove it first go and call your husband and come back i will show you both i don't have a husband you are right you've had five husbands and the man you're living with now is not your husband i see you're a prophet you're here to preach at me usually the one good thing about coming here alone is i can escape being condemned i'm not here to condemn you i've made mistakes too many but it's men like you who have made it impossible for me to do anything about it how our ancestors were shipped on this mountain but you jews insist jerusalem is the only place for true worship they say that because the temple is there exactly where we're not allowed i'm here to break those barriers and the time is coming when neither on this mountain nor in jerusalem will you worship the father so where am i supposed to go when i need god i've never received anything from god but i couldn't thank him even if i did anywhere god is spirit and the time is coming and is now here that it won't matter where you worship but only that you do it in spirit and truth heart and mind that that is the kind of worshiper he's looking for it won't matter where you're from on what you've done do you believe what i'm telling you until the messiah comes and explains everything and sorts this mess out including me i don't trust in anyone you're wrong when you say that you've never received anything from god this messiah you speak of i am he the first one was named rameen you were a woman of purity was excited to be married but he wasn't a good man he hurt you and it made you question marriage and even the practice of your faith stop it the second was farzad on your wedding night his skin smelled like oranges and to this day every time you pass by the oranges in the market you feel guilty for leaving him because he was the only truly godly man you've been with but you felt unworthy why are you doing this [Music] i have not revealed myself to the public as the messiah [Music] you are the first it would be good if you believed me you picked the wrong person i came to samaria just to meet you do you think it's an accident that i'm i'm here in the middle of the day i am rejected by others i know but not by the messiah [Music] and you know these things because you are the christ [Music] i'm going to tell everyone i was counting on it [Laughter] spirits and truth spirit and truth it won't be all about mountains or temples soon just the heart you promised i promise this man told me everything i've done [Music] oh he must be the christ [Music] hey [Music] rabbi we got food what would you like ah i have food to eat that you do not know about who calls you food
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 3,137,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: ordhsDeAt60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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