All The Mods 9 Ep. 38 Starting Create! #NotGregTech

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hello everyone welcome back to all the mods nine so in the last episode what did I do I did loads of Greg stuff I must have blanked out my head uh We're not gonna do any Greg Tech today I think I have a plan and that is disassemble and reassemble time yes uh we're finally gonna move the bees I think it's just moving day right that's what I should be calling this moving day I've got a load of these like different bits and Bobs that are just like hanging about which probably don't need to be here like the crafter I can move that somewhere on its own probably in one of the the balls that I've got uh so yeah all of these machines and stuff they need to they need to move really they don't need to be here this doesn't need to be here at all actually thinking about it um I want to move my storage I really need to move back because it's so annoying although saying that I always forget that this is in the pack if I'm honest but what I'm gonna do is M M M okay it's not under the mod uh damage reset okay yeah no damage okay aha found it I took flipping ages to find out I must admit um armor stand hit you can turn that noise off this doesn't need to be here either I should probably move that as well but anyway um yeah I I fancy moving all of this stuff and I think what is this powering this must be powering a few bits right so it's powering all the stuff over there and it's powering all the stuff over there what we can do for now so we don't like lose power everywhere uh I made a ton of these um Nitro Ender Gates and I can just stick it on the side like that and then we just hit one of those it will break the entire thing yeah and I can just remove all of these as well all right there you go a bit of cleanup it looks a little nicer must admit um we are gonna do Nitro reactor 96 should not take any time at all because we've got pretty much everything I think let's see if that takes what are you trying to do over here oh it's done there you go I thought so so we can take this Nitro reactor upstairs into here and we've got a spot for it right there uh I moved my um player transmitter I'm thinking and oh never mind I was going to say underneath here we put some cables down we could still do that we just can't do it right in the middle it's a bit of a pain but it is fine nice yeah um last episode was absolutely brutal I should probably before I know I said I wouldn't do any Greg Peck but before I think about doing anything else uh I should probably get some aluminum at least like go in and you minium uh how much can I do middle click on that I'm missing a bunch of that stuff so I had to think about it you can you can crush this down and you've got a chance of getting four Mastery well okay you always get four apparently uh yeah what I found is you can get four out of this but if you use silk touch no not silk touch uh you use uh Fortune sometimes you get like a ton out of it I only got two there let's get like three more and see what we can do one two three so out of four we got nine so we did get a little bit extra because these I think double if I'm right no they don't oh you've got you've got a decent chance again double okay uh I'm probably gonna just yeah I'm gonna take all of the uh you know what I can do instead of doing that all the way down to here I can change this one to be this yeah and there you go you can see that we're getting all of our aluminum turned into raw aluminum oh almost killed my chicken then cool so now we're back up here uh let's let's put this in this storage system I had a little bit of a brain wave yesterday and that is I prefer using refined storage when I'm playing single player because I have to think about anyone else right you can be a little selfish in single player right and I think we do get to a point at some point where you can not use like the tool recipes there's a few recipes that do still require it but for those ones we can manually make them but for example this plate recipe we've got the extruder set up for it right so we don't actually need a hammer to do that so I am kind of thinking hear me out I'm kind of thinking we swap over to refined storage when we're at that point purely because we're like full up on this this pattern provider and if we add another pattern provider we'll be out of channels and we'd have to do like I I don't even know if that works if you add another pattern provider on top of this does it work through machine who knows whereas we can use the like iron crafter for example and this iron crafter has like three rows of slots that you can put stuff in I don't know that's just what I've been thinking about anyway for now I need to hook this one up and somehow get it into our Network I might just put another one of these in front of it one of the Nitro Ender cells and I think it's going to be linked if it's on uh on number one there you go easy enough sorted that one out that's that's fine so I do have an empty empty orb right here an empty sphere an empty ball and I have an idea what we're going to do in here today it was actually someone mentioned it in the comments sorry I don't have your name to hand but if you slap a comment again uh then everyone knows you so what I'm planning on doing is if we knock out this middle section right here this is where I'm gonna stick a steam boiler from create and we're going to do some create in here I think that's a good idea uh we might actually not need that fine let's just take it off for now reason I want to do create is purely because I want to make like a sand Creator so sand if we do regular old just regular sand right I don't want to do mystical because I don't like mystical as I've said uh silicon dioxide we could do this you can do it by using crushing wheels and you can Crush just gravel and you get flint and Clay as well we might void the Flint I don't think there's any use for Flint that I can think of silicon dioxide okay maybe we could feed that into a dissolver get some silicon dioxide get some more sand out of it that might be a good idea um we do have a ton of gravel already now again what we could do is we could feed that back into here but it takes four of these to oh I don't know but we we can make gravel as I was going to say just a cobblestone in there makes a gravel gravel turns into sand and then we can even just like smelt that sand but I think we're gonna leave the sand smelting off for now uh we can set up a recipe for that in fact we've already got one but yeah the plan is today I want to make a create sand generator such a weird thing to do but I have been proper struggling on Sand I must admit so I think this one's going to be for sand I was thinking I made another one up here I think I've got another one above this and I don't so one two and then yeah so I've got two uh empty orbs above my Greg deck where I might do some uh storage I think storage is a good idea I've also if I come back into this ball this one's like I should really label these say like this is uh like level one this is basement this is level two level three and so on and so on anyway where do we start I think the first thing we need to do is uh what do we need to do first uh probably I'm going to set up a bunch of these tanks and I'm going to fill it full of water I might need to go get some Blaze burners yeah I think if we go fill up nine Blaze burners I don't know what the biggest size tank I can do is actually let's uh actually I've got a plan Let's uh why am I going over here let's set up a recipe for the tank oh you're kidding me uh let's do this recipe as well because I feel like we're gonna need a lot of that oh wait that's that's not what I wanted to do I want to make one of these mechanical press [Music] I already made a bunch of these on-site casings I might make one of these uh whisk things as well the mixer uh there's been a bit of a change to the mixer so you can't actually put like the hammer in anymore look there's only 39 recipes so you can't Chuck the hammer in with uh like a piece of raw stuff and it gets used it just doesn't work anymore which a bit of a pain so uh I just went up when I didn't mean to okay for now so I don't have to set up water wheels and stuff uh we're just gonna get ourselves a bunch of these plates so I can make some of those thanks so if it's nine on the bottom and we want to go up how many four let's say so what's nine times four 36 so the way I did that is if you hold your hands up and you pull down your fourth finger you've got three on the left of your fourth finger and six on the right of your four finger so that's 36 and if you hold down your fifth finger so in this case I'm looking at my hands and it's my little finger that's down then you've got four on the left and five on the right so nine times five is 45 that's how I do it anyway anyway what was it 36 right there we go and that gets us 36 tanks really quickly love to see it so I think I'm gonna do them I'm gonna go down a little bit and we'll use the the bottom here as like I think that looks good one two three one two three and that makes like not entirely what I meant to do I kind of think I should go up a little bit so there's a little bit on top there we go we can always make nine more tanks actually thinking about it and then we can stick that one on top as well so we need water going into this which we can do pretty easily right we can just make ourselves a sink just like that and what's a good way of moving water probably just pipes at this point I don't really like using pipes I always say this as soon as I start using pipes but not my favorite I'm gonna put the sink probably right underneath this like that and then we can put this like that grab our foreign and then we can also get an upgrade that's pipes I really should like program this in at some point but meh when mechanism comes out I'll probably uh I'll probably swap over to the Mac pipes because they seem pretty good that's going to fill all the way up uh I might need to make the the goggles let's let's do that as well I got something in my head slot I think that's my head slot so I can put this in anything else okay and this currently is just a water tank but if we put some steam engines we put some of these on there let me stick another one there why not and then we can use this piston extension interesting I've not really played with the new version of create I haven't done it in a while let's do that I just needed some shafts that's what I was kind of looking for so you can put them like that and that will cause it to I want to put you on top okay when this has got a heat underneath it you can see that it's uh it's got like heat nothing right now so it's not going to produce anything we could technically put campfires here and Fire so we could do something like like this this is going to be really crappy heat you can see it's got like one one heat right now but it is moving these which is not bad uh it says 512 Su right there what does this do click and halter exit oh yeah it's got this thing now so you can do it so it rotates the other way okay they're both going in the same direction now um it's going to be a bit weird that we like end up like looking right here also we can change this so it's not doing that it's doing this instead right anyway we're not going to use campfires I just did that as an example but what we're going to do is we're going to go get some blazes and there should be an absolute button of them [Music] I just placed one brilliant now at least another one [Music] hey come here there we go I got myself nine Blaze burners let's go home what I believe even without like power or anything or out any uh anything going into these uh the Blaze burners still produce like oh my God this takes ages okay I need an ax there we go uh so yeah I believe these like create Heat even without like you putting anything into them same as a campfire but you can do something like feed them a little bit of a bit of charcoal or something and that is a good amount of heat right there so they should be going a little bit quicker and produce more stress you can see it right there 16 000 SU it's pretty decent um I wanted to try something which is obviously we have to do everything that we've ever touched in this game with modular routers so I'm going to test that you can use a sender module to send into I don't know if this is a thing I don't think it is you know but no you can't but what you can do I'm guessing at least is you can use an activator module so I do have an activator module so if we do up action right click yeah right click I think that's gonna work yeah and if we get a modular router any modular that we've already got let's take that out put that in when this Runs Out is it just going to use it uh it might not because reasons might need to put the security upgrade in there you go just did it so all of these are are off except for this one how cool is that okay I'm gonna have to put down I don't know if we need the speed upgrades all the security upgrade but I'm gonna put down modular routers to keep all of these fed I'll also put down a modulator just Distributing colon to all of these okay this is what we ended up with it seems to work fine uh the way that this works is we've got the activator module security module and you need the security module for the activator module apparently I don't know what I've done wrong with my uh like setting fake players but anyway that's just activating up into the uh Blaze burner I've got a modular which is feeding all of these with a distributor and a sender because Distributors can only do eight at a time so I did eight but there's nine here so I needed one to send into there I've got a Network receiver which is hooked up to my refined storage Network I've got an exporter just with stack upgrade this has just got a stack upgrade in it as well so when like for example this runs out of charcoal it will it's 38 it's 27 okay yeah one it runs out of charcoal it will get a brand new stack of um coal to use so this is going to waste our coal if we're not going to use it but there you go we got ourselves a relatively decent I'd say relatively decent yeah on the uh on the boiler right there it's not the best not the best it could be but it's fine I'm gonna take these two because we don't need them right now cool right so now we've got some stress I can set up a few machines uh the first machine I'm probably gonna set up oh I wonder if I can do that I actually wait Crafter set a bunch of these up so we do need some brass but I think brass is relatively easy to make yeah we just crushed down some copper and zinc or you can do it the other way I'm guessing wait brass comes from mixing but it has to be heated copper and zinc and then you get two graphs but I'm gonna do the other recipe because that way I don't have to set up a mixer with some heat under it so that is this yeah I don't have any brass right now so that's fine uh we need copper dust so let's do that Hopper get like a stack of that or let's get three stacks get some zinc and get one stack of zinc here we go or just make like an absolute ton of this brass because why the heck not there you go three stacks of brass we still need to smell these though so I'm gonna go take this Wang it in the now the right furnace with the speed upgrade and everything speed and Factory upgrade Neon oh it fell in the hole brilliant I knew that would happen as soon as I uh as soon as I saw it so we're also going to need this rose quartz and the only way that you can polish this road squads is by hand I believe block of rose quartz I didn't know that was a thing yes we need some sandpaper which is funny because we need sand and we don't have any which is a whole reason so we're doing this and oh yeah these don't stack okay well we're doing one at a time so I think if we put is it the rose quartz or not our friend yeah okay there we go I used a bunch of sandpaper right there let's grab these out I'm not going to do the rest because it's boring doing that uh we can use a deployer layer to do it for us to be fair so it's not too bad uh right so we've got some of these I can't remember how many of these it is is it 21 oh it does tell us I forgot okay let's grab crushing Wheels there they are 21. huh so 21 divided by three wait a minute is it seven I think it's seven so uh I need to make seven of these electron tubes perfect I need to get some strips okay and some brass Seven brass stripped Woods I think I probably got these from the Twilight Forest when I did some chunk destroying over there two three four seven uh I made a little machine didn't I in all the mods eight my single player where it automated making all of these including like making the strip wood and everything we might have to do that again yeah I think that might be a plan anyway what is it for this this last component is crafting table okie dokie Raw rafting table and okay and there we go we've got ourselves something that we can now power if this was on his side it would be way easier okay let's do that okay I moved it forwards a little bit so then I could just put a gearbox down cogwheel easy enough right let's grab all the components for the crushing wheel and you do get two out of it right yeah you do okie doke so we need loads of undersight Alloys and planks and some Stone there we go last one just stick it in the middle it should be quick enough I think I've done this right hey there we go so we got ourselves some brushing Wheels I might make two let's make two because that way we can miss one that way we can just um like crush and then Crush again straight away turns the the gravel straight into sand here we go how's this look so my plan is modular router this will pull the S uh the Cobble because we also need to make a cobble gen so we haven't got like that much Cobble in all the mods a the chunk Destroyer would also pick up cobblestone uh but I think the config's turned off it's a config option so you can go turn it back on if you want to but I like playing all the mods like completely standard exactly how everyone else is playing it right so I try not to change any of the convigs at least in my single player I know we changed like a bunch of configs on the server but that's that's just because of reasons so uh anyway so the plan is oh I I figured somebody else also playing uh gravitas which is uh called a cog so if we add a plank I figured out that you can put that there that there like that so these don't actually oh yeah that'd be why so I think if we use a regular COG in Middle like that and we're gonna have to put one at the top as well unfortunately are we can I put one right in the middle there as well or will that spin these in the wrong direction interesting if we do this we could power it in the middle there and it should spin all of these so if I spin this this way that will turn that way which is the wrong way so if I spin it this way I'll turn this this way this this way this wait spinning that way that's going to be in the wrong direction okay so we are gonna have to do it like this and this year and then all we have to do is power each of these and make sure they're going in the right direction I think that's a good idea um we do need to somehow get the the power over from from these though don't we so I think if we use some shafts shaft I should really shaft there we go I should really uh set up some Auto across for this but me I'll do that later okay don't judge me uh I yeah I decided to just use the power here because it'd be quicker as in this is you know producing more stress and uh more speed and stuff so yeah don't don't uh don't at me on this one but yeah the way that I'm doing it is uh if you put a gearbox on either side and then you put like a cogwheel in the middle and then you power that Cog wheel it if you get the rotation correct it will uh it yeah both of these will be opposite directions so that's what they're doing right there and then we're going this way into where they're going to be grinding that was a pain in the bum I shouldn't have I should have um looked this up before I did anything but anyway uh I think over here is where we're going to do our our create Cobble farm so I did find well someone sent me a a really cool looking Cobble gen where it like uses like trap doors and then it moves backwards and forwards and then it creates like loads and loads of Cobble all the time I don't think we're going to do that I think we're just going to do a regular old you know um mine this thing as soon as it's there in fact we don't need to use create I feel like we should use create because this is the create episode so I'm going to make some drills I need to make more of this andesight casing I think um what I'll do is I'll make this the Cobble gen over here I will make the Precision mechanism creator and then over here we'll do something else but I want to make Precision mechanism oh over here we can do the strip logs all their casing Creator well I like the idea yeah I think this should be enough the way that we can Max this out is if we get blaze cakes so I think the blaze cake we might do like underneath do like a little Blaze cake area making glaze cakes uh Blaze cake I don't think there's any way of getting this right now but I'm assuming when the star comes out we can make ourselves a blaze cake out of it that's usually the recipe right otherwise it's just eggs sugar and Cinder flour which you get from using crushing Wheels okay this one was relatively simple to set up we've just got this over here doing what we did the same as over there where these two are spinning in opposite directions going into a gearbox that's coming along here we don't actually care about the uh the rotation of this because it's just for you know the deployer so deploy can go either direction um I've got two sender modules one of them is whitelist stripped Spruce log the other one I think is Blacklist Blacklist yeah so we don't want to send the stripped Spruce log up into this we want to send it here so for that I've got a plan yes this is my plan so what we will do is we will push into here the both of the things right so brass and or um Anderson alloy and stripped Oak or strip Spruce whatever it is I can't remember which one's going where I think Blacklist is going to the left so that means log goes in here and the brass or hand side alloy will go in here and then for this one the log one I will put a sender module to go into here and then for the brass one send a module in here I don't need to put a filter on these because we've got to filter down here so this one's the brass this one's the log and I think that's it I think that's genuinely it if we use the stripped spruce for everything all of our recipes that should be it cool right let's uh casing I think casing yeah there we go so if we do that perfect brass casing that one that is also perfect we need to do copper casing if we wanted and train casing even though we won't actually have the sturdy the sturdy sheet yet but we could do that at some point powdered obsidian we are going to need to make some more crushing Wheels later on cool so instead of having the crafter up here on top of this we've got it down here instead and I believe we just got all of these in can I just make uh I don't know 64 casing is that gonna work I don't know it doesn't look like it's working does it right let's uh let's go back upstairs and or go downstairs I should say machine doesn't accept this item is it because there's two two things it's trying to put in there probably that means that what we can do instead is move this so it's like oh that's not it this one facing up put a uh a barrel for example just a regular one put that on top we've got all of these recipes in and we just have a puller upgrade so I don't know if this is gonna activate again we might have to go cancel the craft then yeah all we need is a puller upgrade like this and then that will pull everything in and put it in the correct modular router this might not work I just I just thought about it why do we have this one we don't really need it we can just do a puller upgrade okay this makes more sense now right this one here pulls the stripped Spruce logs from the left from here from the barrel and then sends it to yeah yeah sends it to this and then the the one on the other side pulls everything that isn't the strip logs and puts it up in the spruce barrel and then that goes plunk so now if we go down here we might have to cancel this okay the crafts disappeared anyway casing oh it's not middle click I'm used to applied energistics now oh there we go it sounds like we're already doing it oh I haven't got a pillar upgrade on that though so we do need another modulator to pull from there so oh there we go how much are rear thank you pull from there and we need an Importer on a chest okay we can do that and oh you know what we could do instead of that let's make a interface stick the interface there and then yeah and then we need another modular router love it modular router and we can just have that I don't know here so that pulls from up there and then send uh there you go that's now sending into there we do need speed did not do it that's weird why is it got more anti-alloy than it does stripped oh you know why this has been pulling it out on it it shouldn't I need to set this to not pull out the stripped Blacklist script so we need 30 how many is in there because uh that's how many we're gonna need to 39 we need 39 of these okay and all I need to do for that is stick that in here there we go that's kind of working what about uh if we do brass okay so that should be sending up into here that's going into here and then this has to wait and then after this is done it should start just making the brass there you go love it why not put the stack upgrades in these I did it's weird right it's me from the future I I like completely waffle on for another like half an hour so you're gonna get that waffle tomorrow instead or next episode depends if you're watching this in the playlist or not but yeah uh next episode Precision mechanism and cobblegen using Create nice right I'm gonna call it there thank you for watching thanks for joining and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Pilpoh
Views: 1,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Pilpoh, #minecraft, atm9, #moddedminecraft, #ATM8
Id: IWkM6TOzOpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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