ATM Volcano Block SMP Ep. 04 Crazy Early Game Power!

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hello everyone welcome back to all the mods volcano block so between episodes I've been up to a few bits uh first thing is I put myself a a block above this so whilst I'm sitting here and I'm doing some sipping uh I believe it makes it that the what what they called the Phantoms don't come and attack me I thought that was very useful because I was thinking about moving this inside and then I was like wait I just put a block there and I'll be fine so I haven't had any Phantoms attack in quite a long time which is good uh I did loads of sibbing I set this thing up over here so all this is is a draw you stick some Redstone in there you grab a bit of redstone and there you go get another rack out of it now we can Hammer this down and we can uh yeah just save it up and from that you can see right here I've got another right scrap and we can probably do that like a bunch of that to get loads of I I can't be asked to do it right now so what we're gonna do is we're going to set up some power and we're gonna set up the fluxiv and do all the sieving and stuff I might set up some more like processing and stuff from it I don't know I'm not sure how long we're we're gonna get for today's episode I do kind of want to get to the stage I forgot that was loud okay give me that brilliant yeah I want to get to the stage at some point where uh I have applied energistics setup and I've got loads of drawers I think that would be super useful just because right now I've got like all of these chests and they're all full up so I think getting a draw setup is going to be yeah super good uh so and I've just been dumping my entire inventory because you kind of need to dump your inventory when you are like sieving it's just one of those things right so anyway I've got a chest full of stuff and I kind of prepped a few bits so first things first you also have a fluxiv and a flux Hammer although I was looking through the recipes for this this is the big recipe this is the one we want to do like most often but you just use a Crusher so and you could probably use like the the higher tier pressure as well like the ultimate Crusher eventually so I'm not even sure this is useful right now I think the compactor would be kind of useful because well it does all of this stuff we do need to only send it those certain items though uh how many items is that so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve okay so it won't fit on the page if we open up like a pillar module right here it won't fit here but we can make a filter upgrade so or a filter module why are you not let me put fine you do this there you go now it all stack together so that was the first thing that I got I think the second thing is I'm gonna make an enrichment chamber because the enrichment chamber is super useful why does it always do that damn pickaxe on me either there you go I want you to go right on top so this is super useful I can put one Redstone in here and it will turn into eight of this redstone uh because it enriches it so I always try and make the enrichment chamber first but I made a bunch of other stuff first because I was I was trying to do stuff off camera and not do anything without you guys so yeah there's that uh we want to do ethylene because it's super super easy and it's just really good I think where is it oh it's a power setup okay yeah I don't want to accept that not yet at least I I know you guys really hate it that I don't press this button up here but meh I've done it at my own speed oh you know what it's not it let's do it what do we get lots of stuff nice enriched enriched Redstone I was literally just talking about you so stick that in I'm gonna get where did I put fine let's do that that's gonna get us more of these infused alloys so yeah uh where do we start let's have a look a little look-see at this so we need to make an electrolytic separator this takes some water and turns into hydrogen and oxygen we need a Crusher because the crusher will crush down any like materials that we've got like in this case we're going to use melon if we can I think we probably have to set up one of these photos which is a little bit involved but I'm we've got all of the materials to do that so that'll be fine uh we need a pressurized reaction chamber which is a lot of gobins but we can get into that and we need the gas burning generator which is a lot more gubbins as well so and we're only going to make one gas burning generator to begin with just because I know reasons why not uh we might make more later we probably will make more later if we're gonna get like lots of power but yeah let's issue with accepting all the quests is I don't have any flipping room in my inventory I might need those so let's get started we've got the enrichment chamber so I can knock that off the list I've got a melon seed yeah it's not that off the list this one's interesting we need to make a few dusts now I know this one also requires that so I'm going to do both at the same time so we need two osmium one iron and one gold one two one iron one gold okay so we can do that let's put all the rest of this back uh one two three four so we don't want to smelt this because we need it right so I'm gonna be back when I've done these two as well as this osmium right there we go that was easy enough so we got both of our oh calls right there I need I'll probably just take a stack of well near enough a stack right there and take some iron I swear I've been smart and iron for days but it doesn't look like it um I also upgraded these two so these are iron uh iron furnaces these are actually from ic2 so I should probably set one up over here and make an electrical furnace at some point but meh so there's the electrolytic separator really really useful for us uh I'm gonna do the crusher last I think gas burner generator I just need to make a bunch of these uh why not ah there is I know I had a bunch of glass because I knew that was coming up so what was I doing gas burning generator let's do one two I actually need three of these I already know that I need another one for the pressurized reaction chamber so SO gas burning generator it's done this one I need to make a second enrichment chamber before I can do anything else and then the last thing is I didn't make enough Steel classic I miscalculated one two oh wait one because I can stick that in here there's a bit of power right there Out Auto eject and then uh yeah I think that should be fine so if I do okay input is this bit so these have all got colors really useful so you can set all of those uh we could get this to Output to the side if we wanted but I'm just going to be sitting here anyway right so it's all good right whilst that does its thing I just wanted to show you can actually bucket out of this as well so you don't have to ruin the landscape like I was doing in the first few episodes which is kind of useful I need even more than this I forgot that oh I haven't smiled it either yet what am I doing today okay uh yeah I forgot I needed the crusher as well but anyway this one I oh I can do those can't I one I have osmium as well I must have used all my flipping neck that's why I had a bunch of osmium in there see I did know what I was doing I just uh I must have forgotten now here's a mod I have not seen in flipping ages I don't think I've ever played with this mod on camera I don't think so but the Colossal chest is in this which is awesome I love this thing is a big chest and it has like loads and loads of slots uh the only reason I mention this is because someone said don't go and make like loads of drawers just uh make a big colossal chest and I feel like that's what we should be doing yeah I think so uh I should mention that This Server isn't so I was gonna I was just looking at the the diamonds even if we do set up some automations they won't run unless I'm online it's just the way that it's it's set up there's a tiny chest as well on colossal that's so funny anyway um yeah it won't be running whilst I'm not online because imagine I've got a stupidly laggy base and then I log out and it's still running it just it's gonna annoy everyone in it so yeah that's how we've set it up on the server this is more single player but with mates so you can go and see like you know all the other people on the server if you want to but yeah it doesn't run all the time I think that's that's like kind of useful in it so uh right I still need this osmium which I forgot about this is all I've been doing for getting all my stuff's melted I probably shouldn't be doing this but meh I'm sure there's an easier way of doing this as well there's probably well we should be making all of the mechanism machines I know we've just done like a bunch with ic2 and I do want to come back to ic2 it's just the flux sieves and the hammer and the compressor and stuff take plugs not EU I assume I assume they don't take EU also F in the chat right here we go so I'm gonna make the crusher now even though I said that I would do it later I'm just going to do it now because reasons uh and now we can do the pressurized reaction chamber so that does get us like these Dynamic tank walls and we can make a big tank out of it but I don't think I can be asked to make the dynamic tank right now also it takes loads of Steel and we don't have any power setup even so now we need to oh is that a quest I might get worse yeah we get something out of this basic control circuits twice it's pretty good I think oh nice we got something out of that one as well what was this quest to the end oh there's the cake mod you have to make the cake to get to the end I quite like that actually I do need to get another right mesh at some point this is telling us I think to transfer power okay so we need some sort of power transfer did I use all of I used all of my steel already I was gonna make uh some power cables from mechanism because they're super easy to make I think it's fine anyway let's try and set this up uh we can use Redstone to start and then I believe it runs itself after a while so this one we can put here I do have pipes I already made pipes right so where is it that's the logic mechanical pipe you [Music] so what we can do is we can put a sink like here and then pump in water into this thing and get it to I also get what it needs so f Ethylene hydrogen there you go so we need some hydrogen from this this bad boy back here so the oxygen which I believe is this we need to put some water in here let's do it actually let's just go make a sink right now so first off we need some water we need some terracotta which means do we have any clay if we don't that's an easy fix we've got a little bit we've got clay balls okay um how do we do this right there we go we got play coming like that I do need why did those quests not get updated before that's very strange uh but yeah I need to grab like a bunch of this so then we can make ourselves a sink and then we don't have to rely on this anymore and I might fill this back in okay and now I just need to Smart these and I think that's everything we need other than a bucket of water all right here we go sync time amazing it even has it in in the quest I like that uh is it not this Quest oh this one this one went through fair enough get rid of those so I still need to use my configurator yeah there you go so that's going in here we do need to set the input and output sides so items doesn't matter for this one so it's the the gases or is it the fluid I think it's fluid can be accepted from all Sites the gases are going to come out blue which is this one we'll grab the left and the turquoise or cyan sorry we'll go out the right now I believe if we give this a little bit of power oxygen comes out this side okay that's not what we wanted we wanted the other way around so if we go gases we'll change this one and that's it that's all we need to do right there now the hydrogen will come out this side and what we can do is tell this to dump excess which means it gets rid of all of the oxygen but it won't dump the excess hydrogen because we don't want it to do that ah that is a point I think if we do that then we can I mean I should have put this here and then had it like export into two could have saved some pipes that way but oh wow live and learn that goes there that gets all of that and the hydrogen so all we need now is some wow we need to use the crusher which we can set this to Output to the side and then input via either the top or the the right right there so okay and then this one items I think we have to set that one to input and then we want to Output to the top and I'll put a draw there because we don't want this to fill up because I think this does fill up with if we click that yeah it fills up with substrate we don't want the substrate right now we just want the ethylene for power okay before we do anything else I do want to make a couple of things so first one is some pressurized tubes so that can actually so it's weird technically ethylene is a gas not a liquid and mechanism adds this like gas and liquids thing but what this can do is move gases not liquids now the second or this I want to make that which is the double Quest because we've got a quest down here which is transferring power and it wants us to make like all of this stuff does it really want us to make all of that stuff before we move on doesn't matter we've already done this brilliant oh that gives us an upgrade though why did you make me do this use silly sausage I mean we could have just done this made an iron generator and done all of that that would have been okay for power I suppose but anyway uh we're gonna do this because I fancy doing it what we can do is yeah I like yeah I I've learned how to do this in FTV Skies I was messing about with the setup I figured out how to power the entire thing using the Ethylene so what you do is you have to stand right in front of your press roads reaction chamber and then you place it down like that now this has only got one output side and the output side is right here right now so you see like that's an input side that's an input side input input and then the green one which we can't see because I'm silly and I didn't put it down beforehand but anyway uh is right there and then all we need to do is stick universal cable like that and then we need to feed this something so I am going to get a I2 phytogenic insulator I absolutely despise this this uh this block right here it's one of those that like ruined a pack for me so but we're going to use it because we don't have Hopper botany pots or anything like that so anyway we need some tin we need some lumium which actually isn't that bad I might make the fire charge for it because do we have access to blaze powder I didn't think about that oh yeah yeah we do and we got gunpowder from this as power so we probably already have blaze powder yeah we do there is let's grab I don't know like four of those four of those one two three four I think this is shapeless right so you can just stick it like that yeah there we go so we can use the uh the other recipe for this which is just like that so some tin dust or tin some silver and some glowstone damn it I used all my glowstone okay let's eat everything in here for now and I will do some hammering in fact I do have diamonds somewhere so I'm gonna make myself a new hammer always a nice experience brand new hammer and you know what what's right let's make a one two one like that make a wand as well always good right I shall be back once I've sieved uh nine stacks of uh dust so I have to hammer this down a couple of times you know the drill yeah storage is becoming a big issue 100 a big issue I'm just lobbing them in any chest now why not oh right what were we doing um let's grab all of this stuff I don't know if I had all of this before but now we've got it right uh I definitely know that I needed glowstone for something uh lumion that was it okay let's uh let's get some tin and let's just get like a bunch of tin and what was the other silver I think that's not silver silver yeah okay so I need to grind this up and I need to grind the silver up and then we should be able to get ourselves some lumium and then get ourselves a phyto what the fighter will do is it will grow us uh if I can find it I forgot that mystical's in this this is the reason I don't like phytos by the way is because mystical it just makes mystical just stupid stupid easy and I'm not all I'm not a fan of mythical as it is we are going to use it this series because I feel like we're gonna need to rice interesting uh but anyway when we go over to melon wherever that is I might need to make the thing that rushes melon down not in this why not use this in a I can there it is sorry yeah so the melon is gonna go into the Sawmill I think we're going to make a sawmill from uh mechanism and then The Sawmill will saw this down so if I go over to here Precision sawmill saw it down into melon slices the melon slices get crushed and turned into biomass or biofuel sorry I always call it biomass but you know what I mean so yeah that's the plan and then from that we can feed that into here and well into here and then that'll produce ethylene produces some energy from the gas burning generator because this will burn the ethylene and the energy produced from this should feed all of these including the Precision Sawmill and the phytogenic insulator in fact I could put the phyto right here and I'm sure I've got some more more pipes somewhere right no I don't okay I am going to make this change now then of these two and we're just going to put the sink right there almost forgot that we need to tap that as well cool so one there one in fact we don't even need this one because we can put the phytogenic insulator here and then we can put the uh Sawmill right here and it should like move around like this yeah I like that okay whilst that is working on making us some steel I'm gonna quickly make us the lumium so we only need two of these because we only need two gears right yeah okay and then this one needs some tin gears so one two three four I knew those one two three four yeah four fine it didn't shift click in for some reason that's fine uh so in the meantime I might need to smelt some more iron up you know there you go there's lumium gears nope I should be fine for now I need four nope I need a bit more damn it okay that's fine right there's the machine frame uh what else is here that I need from this so a bit of redstone and I'd swear yeah I've got some gold not bad oh I'm gonna be so like thrilled when we've got applied energetics up and running piece of dirt and some glass Smash in there we go I did extend this out because I'm gonna put this here and then that's not connecting that's fine uh yes I'm gonna put it here this is gonna feed into a draw because with the draw um hmm how do I want to do this basically what I want this to do is have a 1 by 2 drawer right here I can use modular routers yeah that'll do it okay that's fine okay we'll leave this here then uh let's grab a modular router sender and where's my pillar upgrades gone there they are we don't need this I don't need a sender and a puller upgrade but we're gonna use it anyway uh let's stick it underneath we also need a draw so let's quickly make a draw if we that's all I work on so it's going to be a two by one and the reason for that I think it's like this is the other way around ah okay we need one of these to go right here I'll still have access to this that's fine because I want this to pull back from this this seed so I don't need to like actually do anything for that so back is going to be an input and that's going to get the water side is going to be input and output and we're going to Auto input and auto output now we do need to make the thing for this uh at functional storage you need to make the Locking tool doesn't look that bad we did uh sieve some stuff so we got just a little bit of sugarcane one two three so now we just need an emerald and we've got some gold one two Emerald and that's really useful because we use the other drawer for that lovely and all that does is lock the input so if I grab my seed I've got to stick it right there that doesn't have any power yet does it no okay that's fine yeah yeah okay that's that's gonna be fine as soon as um this gets some power in it it will produce some melons melon will go in here I do need to like grab the melon before it's finished though so maybe we the scrap light I didn't mean to do that because we've got this thing where you can just right click yes grab a bit of carrot and just stick the carrot in here there you go is it going to take one Redstone to do that it might do this might need a little bit extra there you go I'm not exactly sure how much hydrogen we're going to need 100 millibockets and it's got enough though what two of those produces that this doesn't have any power that's it why are you not getting any power could have sworn you could have done this okay let's get a whole stack of redstone see if it's that's not fair I thought we could just bump this using redstone fine uh let's make a iron generator then iron generator that's not bad at all we could do that although we do need to it's much more iron foreign and we need some Stone there we go right this will just kick start the the whole thing if I put this here and then there you go so that'll kick start this that'll produce some ethylene that's gone into here already it should be okay to produce a methylene oh I'm not output into the front on the gases okay now this is all bumped up in power and even that is going up in power brilliant right now we can actually add the final touches which is making this thing right here if I can grab no I'm out of sand I've got a Smash down some more of this final touches take two let's do it decision something like that not there right there and then now I'll poop I need to use the puller and I want to pull from this that's already made us a melon awesome melon goes in the top there so this is pulling from there but I only want to pull melons so white list that so if I do this you see it only pulls the melons it's not going to pull the seeds even though there's no seeds in there right now there's always that possibility that it Nicks the seed and then we want to send a module into this so again we want to Output to the side input to the top and then we just want to link this on the top stick that in there these things are flipping Loud by the way but they do have some upgrades that we can add later on so this is going to go like that stick those in there why are you not getting idle why are you idle to the side why are you not accepting gases oh idiot there we go when did I do that no idea anyway this is now self-sustaining and we can leave this obviously we can go through and put loads of upgrades in all of these we can even add the upgrades to this to make us more melons but we just leave that for now and all we need to do is use some more Cable basic cable or whatever cable we've got we can tap into this power so there you go uh I didn't didn't really get to do any of this stuff today but maybe we'll save that one for next episode although next episode I kind of want to get into Applied Energy sticks so ah that kind of that feeds into this because fluxive wow you can save everything right so I would want it to save some where is it there you go crushed Sky Stone so we'll set one of those up so do that 10 once in seventy one and eighty 171 and 80 10 so it doesn't matter if we upgrade the mesh or not should be fine all right anyway let's hop over here because it's not as loud thank you for watching thanks for joining and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Pilpoh
Views: 715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Pilpoh, #minecraft, atm9, #moddedminecraft, #ATM8
Id: FArjEtYNKf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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