ATM Volcano Block SMP Ep. 01 Multiplayer From The Get Go!

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hello everyone welcome to all the mods volcano block so this is the new pack from the all the mods team I was asking recently recently enough being I don't know like before five months ago where is all the mods eight to the skies and they said they're not doing to the skies they're doing something a bit different and I believe this is what they meant they were making volcano block now I've paid a server for this I say I I mean the the amazing team that I've got has made a server for this so I'm gonna do this entirely on a server and you can see three people are already online so we're gonna connect we're gonna jump right in and we're just gonna get going hey here we go we spawn in this island looks amazing by the way and uh there's a lovely lovely amount of white concrete here as well which if you didn't know is the best building material that you can you can actually use ever it's just it's the best Concrete in general not just white concrete um so yeah the way that this works is if you pop in here which looks amazing by the way it's night time right now so it's not uh it yeah I probably should have spawned him when it wasn't night time but basically you spawn in this area and it's a little bit like FTB Skies where you generate your own like let's read this so welcome to all the mods of volcano block instructions this is server spawn Island and not made for playing so all of this stuff you can't take anything with you I don't think uh Slash Skybox GUI to make a team and Island and then have fun lava burns so what you want to do I'm going to wander around here a little bit and just talk about it for a bit but what you want to do is um yeah make yourself your own little island or if you want to team with some people you can always uh join their team and it should teleport you over to that Island uh this is just because spawn was being weird and it spawned a bunch of people in lava when we were doing some testing so we put a little pad there but you got this awesome looking in fact this is actually really useful because you can see inside it's a submarine I really like this little spawn it's really nice anyway what we can do is slash Sky Block gy and then we can make ourselves a team now right now there's uh two teams because we're doing some testing right I'm gonna make the pilpo team and we can change it we can have different different things life forms again lava bunker which looks interesting that must be under the lava right uh small ship large ship all the life forms again I am gonna quickly message everyone to see what they would want to do and yeah I'm gonna see which one they want me to do so actually I might do a little vote on my Discord right now um before I do that I just want to mention this is a server if you're part of the patreon so I've got a patreon it will be linked in the description then you should be able to get access to this and yeah you can come play which would be really nice so anyway let me go see which one I should do which island so uh they were telling me to uh to do the life forms again um I'm yeah I'm a ghost right now but if I do slash TP oh they've already tp'd me here uh this this is what life forms again looks like you get like lots of food you get some trees you get you know more food I think you get a bed and everything and you start off with these things I have no idea yeah there's a bed right there I don't know if this was um destroyed somehow I'm looking at you jm3 but you get like a lot of a lot of food right here I think tea has already been playing so yeah you get a lot of stuff um there is this this one thing which is uh you can pick people up so I've just picked up jm3 oh you jumped off damn it so he just picked me up and he lobbed me off look oh you gotta you gotta be wise to it otherwise yeah but the carry-on mod so yeah I could pick up tea and then drop him anyway I'm gonna go uh let's let's do a back so we're back over here yeah uh so I think that's the one we're gonna we're gonna do slash uh what is it FTB no I've already forgotten the command oh that is a very good point as I was running over here uh shaders I wonder if you can you do shaders let's have a look uh where is it options video settings oh you have to install it yourself okay I'm not going to do it then because I like to play all of my mod packs vanilla sounds like the wrong thing right but I like to play them vanilla-ish if you know what I mean so not vanilla but like as they come out of the box so anyway so it's sky Sky Block Skyblock and then gy create new team elbow and we're gonna go for life forms again there we go now the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna claim my area I might claim this over here as well so no one else no one else gets it and we do have um okay let's do that again okay yeah we do have oh we've got bees and everything what the heck what the heck is that it's a flipping crane over there okay that's pretty decent um what was I going to say yeah we do have uh the FTB ranks installed so if you are painting brilliant whoa okay I I just want a small small painting please that'll do there we go yeah um so if you're a patreon if you are copper tier you get nine claims and I think you get one chunk claim I'm gonna have to go look one sec okay by the looks of this if you're copper tier you get nine chunk claims and one force load I always forget what they are so apologies I'm having to read this out uh that's one pound a month three pound a month is 18 claims and you get three Force chunk loads uh 650 is 32 chunk claims and nine Force trunk loads which pretty decent right and Diamond tea you get 40 chunk claims and 16 Force trunk loads and then 50 and 20 for the white concrete tier which is the highest tier so yeah uh we have got I think the white concrete level I believe yeah because I don't want to like give myself a thousand chunk claims and then just claim like a bunch of stuff that you guys can't get access to uh what the claims do is they let you uh they basically let you what is in here oh bed sweet yeah sorry the claims what they do is they let you uh wow it says it in the name claim the area meaning that you can claim all of this no one can mess with your stuff I mean I can mess with your stuff if I wanted to but uh I'm not going to so don't worry about it but oh we can have a little seat is that Boreal slab interesting we get a little I don't know why these ones are broken these look a little weird maybe they're supposed to be like that I'm glad we got bees because does that mean we start with bees I don't know what we should do is just have a look at the quests ah the quests look awesome in this pack welcome to volcano block I'm not a massive fan of these ones where you have to click into them like these are useful links so yeah look at all of these especially when it like starts off a quest it's kind of annoying ah it's nice to see the vortex in here and Alfred GG B uh okay big loud noise apologies uh the vortex if you didn't know was the main developer on gravitas which is one of my favorite mod packs of all time uh oh crap this is already burnt down a little bit I should have probably yeah there we go oh we got a sapling that's good to see oh I don't want to smash that yet we've got any more trees oh we do oh it's this one though uh I think we should be able to uh to break this easy enough yeah that's fine cool it even gives you flowers on this map that's pretty good cool anyway we didn't actually look at the quests uh but you start off by getting one of these introduction manuals the first edition for uh all the modium or all the mod oh it is all the modium okay so GitHub Discord Reddit this one's really useful I suggest everyone look at the Discord for all the mods talks about all the oars we'll talk about that later all the different dimensions you can go to all the armor and get apple and carrot as well get the tools and then this is just all of it okie dokie uh we will put this in our little chest we've got right here we go right what are the main quests so getting started this is the one that we want to start off with I'm guessing it's ah see that's what I mean you could have just like done a bunch of stuff in fact we already did we got some wood but that gives you a bunch of apples flip an egg that's good good bit of food right there uh and what else does that give you some experience so we just need an oak plank let's do that there it is awesome oh you get a sapling anyway so if that does burn down you get a sapling that's good to know uh I'm proper zoomed out right now there you go you can see it a bit better so that tree was holding some dirt underneath and I've got a feeling that Dirt has something we can use by shift by sneak right clicking on the dirt you can get Pebbles which you can create into several types of Cobble okay so where was it it was over here what's underneath this though oh you can just do it on anything now okay so you can sit here and you can get a bunch of different types that's all uh andersight Stone diorite granite and Blackstone sweet so you can do some black stone stuff I'm guessing you do that and you get yourself some Stone is that not the quest oh you need 32 of that poop okay just right click just hold it down for a while oh there we go got it so that is that Quest done I feel like this is a questing pack so we actually need to look at the Quest for once because I don't normally do that uh because I'm bad uh I'm guessing we do you give me that okay probably had one of these uh crafting tables somewhere but what is it for what was the quest again was it ah any of these we're gonna make a birch one because we have Birch so let's do one of those is that a quest part of the quest uh uh how does it expect us to get dirt normally coaster oh thank goodness there's oh white concrete underneath as well amazing oh you put stuff in the barrel oh got you I thought this was a regular Barrel you know that not regular you know what I mean the the thing from um let's do that the thing from Minecraft that lets you get like uh bone meal and stuff like that okay what can we put in this probably like saplings and stuff we don't want to put all of our saplings in though that gets us some dirt which is good oh we only got one we got the worst the worst reward right there that's that's a pain okay getting water we need to get one of these wooden crucifors so I need to go and grow some trees which is fine and then the crook silkworm and all of that get some clay classic x-nilo start right there let's do it uh I wonder if everyone would sleep for me please sleep oh whoops we didn't change the percentage on the player sleeping that'd be changed by the time you guys get here so it should be probably like 10 of people so if we've got 15 people online only two people need to sleep I think that's how that works cool there we go right so I need to grow some I wonder if twerk is in this pack it's so nice if it was oh it is it is as well ah amazing oh that is not my ultimind button let's change that real quick oh mine f and then let's change the F key so it's not switch item to offhand hey there we go that's what I like to see so did that get us enough that we could it's not the barrel we need Crucible Crucible I'm really bad at spelling by the way so I apologize uh I'm gonna do it from the quests because I'm so bad at spelling uh not that one this one Oak Crucible uh oh you actually need an oak slab okay we can do that at least and we need some sticks as well that is the entire Quest sweet so you can put there isn't any water inside a volcano book surprisingly for us to get some water you'll need to create Crucible uh Place saplings in there and I think you can put in she is oh there's no good way of getting shears I don't mind Flint how do we get flint pickle tweaks interesting mesh okay oh but you need you need blend for that in the first place right how'd you get these grass okay combiner not gonna get to that um I will just uh quickly say once I grow another maybe not there let's do it here I've also grow another tree um this pack has got ic2 but not not the FTB ic2 ic2 original so uh the original one that you got back in the day massive Nostalgia here when I saw that that was this this that was in the pack so I'm excited to do that oh sweet yeah we can we can also just Harvest all of this uh food we're not actually hungry right now so that's actually pretty good for us there's some water right there so we can grab all of this food I'm guessing you get more Hearts the different things that you eat well it doesn't say that you do interesting wait you can't put these in here oh what about like Spud yeah there you go you can put Spud in there 10 Spud gives us a dirt now we do have saplings so we can put in four saplings and that will get us over time that'll get us some some water out of that it's got ourselves another dirt brilliant they might um just expand all of this this coaster into proper dirt can I turn this into dirt at some some point um oh you can you can sieve it later on interesting string mesh okay you want to go through that system got your so the next thing we're going to want to do is probably this actually does this want us to make it does wants us to make clay and we need dust for that so we actually need to hammer stuff down first interesting oh yeah so for this we need a wooden crook a little bit more of these there's our wooden crook they've added a little bit of a texture update I like that I'm also going to make a quickie double chest just where we can just lob a bunch of stuff elsewhere we're busy with everything else uh I need this I need oh it's the other way around it's annoying so we grow this up we can use the crook and that gave us some silkworms and I think it gave us extra saplings by the looks of it and this one we're just going to use silkworms on there you go so what the silkworms do is you can see progress is going up they become infested leaves and then they'll slowly spread this entire tree will turn into infested leaves and then what we can do is use the crook on those instead and we get string so it's pretty decent it's not those away until we get string though what else does it want us to do wants us to make a hammer yeah any sort of hammer get some gravel get some sand get some dust okay we could do that uh what is the hammer recipe okay just two sticks I'm guessing I can do it out of cobblestone Maybe Stone Hammer yeah they go so one one two some of that and then we do have some ball Stones so I can get four of these and let's just do it in here because why not You Gotta Wait otherwise if you put them down too quickly you're not going to get the uh the note for it in the quest book me okay Hammer Time and that gets you a compressed version of each beautiful right we're going to lob these away for now can't actually do anything with those yet uh we wanted this to be completely infested looks like it is that is a lot of string right there so if you're playing on any of the other versions of this if you're not using this island you would get to this point and then get yourself a bed shouldn't take you too long to get there I suppose okay let's get nine of these and make ourselves a string mesh should have got us this Quest wants us to make some clay so we can do that because we can just stick one of these dusts oh it's not even done yet okay when this is done I think we can stick the dust in in The Crucible and then we get clay out of that and then from the clay we can get ourselves a ceramic bucket they give you a furnace as well that's pretty decent so next up is make a sieve okay let's take a bunch of this stuff you can just compact it down I'm so bad it's bearing what is this I always think there's a c in Civ IC that is a quest but hey now I think you can make multiple of these why can I not place that uh because these are actually taking up that block got ya uh but you can place multiple of these and I believe they will multi-block together so if we do another one let's get nine there let's make another one of these there and now if we take some gravel for example yeah there you go so it puts it in both I think efficiently you're supposed to make eight and then stand in the middle and then right click that gave us some Flint I got sod all out of that I've got one Flint out of nine am I supposed to get stuff out of this nice okay this can be converted you need to convert that into mycelium okay grass seeds into grass it's not prettiest but you decided to go Scavenging in volcano block interesting ah you need a flint okay so we need lots and lots lots and lots of this okay that's fine what we'll do is we'll take this outside then and we'll make a butt ton more of the uh these things that's let's actually use this Butch is not my favorite wood I think I've mentioned that a few times so we've got five can we get three more one two three perfect and then we need a bunch of these lovely uh we can knob all of these away and then I'm gonna take my hammer I suppose we should just get like a bunch of Pebbles actually to begin with so just sit here and right click for a bit Ah so in the chat you might have just seen There's No Loot R in this pack meaning that if you do come across like a chest or anything it will be just for you which is fine I suppose um I don't know if they're gonna add plutar I should probably ask but uh it means for servers it's a little difficult because yeah so the way that we got around that right now at least is we've expanded the borders quite a lot I don't know where I am actually on the map am I quite far away yeah that's the badmins who's this one okay that's spawn did everyone go okay or everyone that's playing right now decided to join the badmin's team and there's me on my own which is fine I think I'm gonna play this on my own because uh Larry no mates over here right that was pretty good uh we got ourselves a bunch of these oh you can make a stone crook interesting anyway we're gonna make as much Cobble as we can uh and I think we need to hammer this down now and knob all of these away what does this Stone button do nothing okay I think it's supposed to just be a stone three four five six nine hemp seeds nice I think I'm supposed to come over one oh we're gonna have to get rid of this button then cool right I'm gonna build this up and then we're gonna use ultimate to destroy it oh okay that's fine all right here we go nice so that is some gravel I am gonna quickly grab these things uh I don't know if they're catch on fire so I do it a little bit closer to base I'm basically doing this so we can get as much gravel as we can and you can kind of sit in the middle I don't know if you're gonna get everything if you sit in the middle like this but oh what amethyst straight away oh poop okay so we've got 11 what I'm gonna do is I'm going to upgrade one of these straight away and then we're gonna use this one to try and get more gravel I believe if you put this in here oh no it does okay that was a little bit of a waste then uh we've got copper pieces nice okay let's grab all of these out because I I don't want them to be used for this I want to just use this Flint one because you get more out of it right from that we only got one Flint so we no wait we got more Flint anyway I think we got seven Flint sorry so I I tell a lie we got seven from that but that at least gives us you know a little bit extra uh we are gonna need to Crush down some more Cobblestone I'm actually going to use the dust and stuff now I want to see what you get I suppose I could just look up in Jui though cocoa beans lovely uh from what I remember you get Redstone from this but it might not be at this uh this this sib level this mesh level I should say oh Sky spoon Sky scone Sky stone dust brilliant that's applied applied and Logistics is in here fine storage isn't that's gonna annoy a bunch of people uh I'm gonna put this down right give me that Spud wait oh you're kidding me you could just grow all of this okay that's really good that's good to know um right I think between episodes my plan is I'm gonna use wow I I missed one interesting something like that I'm gonna basically make a bunch more of this gravel and uh we're gonna we're gonna try and get ourselves up to the point where we've got all of our sibs upgraded uh what do you need to upgrade this let's have a look iron okay maybe we try and get iron as well so I'm gonna do all of that off camera for today I think that might be all we've got for this episode new pack feels nice feels really good brilliant right well thank you for watching thanks for joining and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Pilpoh
Views: 3,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Pilpoh, #minecraft, atm9, #moddedminecraft, #ATM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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