All The Models in the FPS Bundle! (Usable in Unreal, Godot and Other Engines Too)

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hello ladies gentlemen it's mike here again from scratch and today we're going to be doing something a little bit different today we're going to focus on all of the elements in the ongoing humble bundle that are useful outside of the unity game edge so if you are a well if you're a uni developer stay tuned because we're going to cover tons of 3d models today but if you're a gedo or unreal or crying engine or lumber yard or whatever other game engine developer uh pay attention to this one because this is showing you the assets that you can use in your own game engine and you're gonna find in this bundle there is quite a few number of 3d assets and then there's some sound and music files we'll look at the music quickly we won't be covering the sound today because this video is going to be long enough as it is we're going to be covering quite a few topics here i was actually going to do both of the bundles together so on today i was going gonna do fps games and game dev assets as well as all of the 3d models in the ongoing fantasy games and game dev assets bundle which got extended for another two weeks thing is uh while i was putting together all the demos for the fps one an interesting thing happened so here we go this is my project all your models are belong to us let's go ahead and show it in the explorer and take a look at something so this is with just the sci-fi models added my project is at 000 files and the 41.5 gigabytes worth of assets so yeah i think i'm gonna do this as two videos so on sunday i will cover the fantasy assets today we're going to look at the sci-fi military stuff um and i'm going to showcase again all of this stuff or at least almost all of this stuff can be used in a broad variety of engines so example here is one of the assets um it's a 3d sci-fi gun we'll get to it when we look at the pack in just a second here it is running in the unity game engine now here it is running in the godoto game engine and here it is running in the unreal game engine now when you're dealing with godot or unreal you're going to have to do more setup basically you're going to have to bring the model in and it's going to bring in the materials such as this guy right here but what you're going to have to do is basically bring in all the texture maps and hook them up manually the same deal happens with animations when you're dealing with animated creatures and when you're dealing with them in unity it's literally just deal with a drag and drop thing whereas you'll have to recreate all the animations using the assorted fbx files in the other game image so animations are going to be more work setting up things isn't going to be as simple as using a prefab but all of the files are basically fbx and all of the textures are generally things like targa or png or so on so as you can see from this particular example here we are in um unreal engine five here we are in godot engine 3.2 x and here we are and where we're going to stay in the unity game engine so let's jump in at the very first asset so we're going to go back on over to the bundle for a second and what we're looking at today again is the models that you can use in any environment whatsoever so that includes the sci-fi characters mega pack we'll look at today the 3d sci-fi kit vol 3 the animated hands with weapons pack the post-apocalyptic world pack um and then the sci-fi weapons arsenal that's where that example came from by the way the citadel desert environment and the shooting range interiors we're also going to briefly look at the colossal game music collection we are not going to look at the two sound effect packs the guns and explosion sounds and the sci-fi gun sounds but those are just audio files so you can use those in whatever game engine you wish so let's do this basically in order that they show up in the bundle and we're gonna start things off with the sci-fi characters mega pack volume uh three i think it was and head on back over to unity all right so you know oops that's not unity that's unreal let's close that down and we're not going to save anything all right so let's go to the right game mentions we'll get rid of the good dough as well and we're not going to save anything there either all right so here we are back in our focus of the unity game engine again all these assets are going to be so much easier to work with in uni because these are obviously designed for it here we're gonna see a showcase scene i set up with the uh assets from the um sci-fi characters mega pack volume two not three two so you can see we've got a number of different boss characters here like so like so very high resolution by the way this pack took forever to import took about a half an hour i think and you can see these characters are all pretty well set up so what you're going to see here is they've got full animation on them full rigging uh really good quality textures going on there any one of these guys we'll take a look at it so here this guy has an animation controller attached to it let's open that guy up and you see in the unity gamage we've got a very elaborate control system here a number of different animations for this guy so here you see you've got a death animation you can preview it down here everything that you need to go on so we got some strafing or a stop attack let's see the stop attacking action okay i don't know why i'm not getting the stop attack down here maybe i'm just choosing the wrong preview stop attack where's my stomp attack walk all right so we got a walk going on there anyways everything is rigged set up uh you got animation controllers all set up and ready to go so this is the set of bosses now uh there's a number of things in this actual pack so there's the bosses uh this is the creatures so you got a nice collection of creatures again everything you see here uh they are fully animated numbers different sets of animation by the way if you are working with this in um another system there all the animations are separate so here i'll show you what i mean so um i'm just picking one at random the fbx files for example if i go here we look at them you're gonna find in the fbx you've got the character fbx okay so i picked one without all the animations are shared on that guy okay so let's do this with the bosses instead so go the bosses here's this guy for example the fbx you're gonna find there is the base fb access which is the character mesh but all of the separate animations are there as well so you can import those animations into whatever engine you want and get them working as well so here again a set of creatures again really nice work going on there go on back here look at the next one this is the robots collection there you go set of robots that you can work with again everything is rigged in animation although technically that is an exo suit and not a robot and then finally we have i think it was shoot yeah character shooter so if you are making a shooter style game you've got a number of sci-fi style fully rigged and there are a number of these by the way i'm just showcasing one example uh they've got a number of different weapon setups and control rigs you see these guys are in t poses uh but there are a number of animations available i think these guys are all animated to be honest let me just check out and see i think they all have the same default animation so it's not gonna look that exciting but if you go ahead and run this you can see they all have an idle animation running right now they have shooting running jumping so on and so forth kind of animations and the cool thing here is if you are working with this pack everything is prefab so if you want to bring something in uh so let's bring in uh one of the bosses sure so here it's just basically a prefab and drop it in there's how you instantiate things in the world so you got a fully rigged and animated character there ready to go super simple to work with now if you look at some of the shooters for example here this guy arkin you're gonna find prefabs we've got a couple of different setups for him whereas here we go to the elite trooper and prefabs you can see here you've got a number of different i didn't mean to put him in the world mesh but that configuration for example or that one so you see here slightly different skins and camos and options are available to you as well so that is the um sci-fi characters mega pack volume one collection now we're gonna look at the sci-fi kit i'll be right back i'll just load it for you now this one is more of a set for creating um sci-fi style designs and environments here is one of the examples you can see the sort of stuff that's included in the pack so you've got things like ships and skimmers and radars and so on so if you need to populate a game world that's what this thing is capable of we got a number of different examples showcasing is this literally just a planet nope we've got up here so now we're in space we've got jump gates we've got some planets going on let me just head on over here so you got jump gates uh we got some ships and so on and so forth uh then we go over here and so i skipped over an example by the way uh this is a high altitude example and is there anything in this or is literally that it now we got some spaceships come on i forget the hotkey to focus where is focus i thought it was f but oh there it is yeah oh they were still loading so here you can see a number of other ships uh so if you're trying to create a sci-fi style game could be a good choice for you then we got some turrets and did they load already are they still loading oh they're down here that's one of those things i find with these examples is you end up with uh everything is in a different position oh it's double f ah that's why downside to using so many different game engines here you got a number of different sci-fi turrets and so on it kind of gives you an idea of the things included in this one so if you need to populate uh basically uh sci-fi environments in this case we're gonna see a space station and eventually whenever it loads wherever it is here let me just again we'll focus in on it there we go so everything you need here to create a spaceship enviro or a space station style environment i think this one has an interior so we can go inside of it yeah so here you can see sci-fi hallways and so on so if you're looking for that kind of a setting all of the stuff you need is available here you're going to find everything here is available again as a series of prefabs so you got builds special effects walls widgets gizmos so on that you can put together to create these are all the pieces you would use to make sci-fi environments again walls and so on and then over here we have props and then we have again uh i think we had a selection for where did the ships go scenes shaders uh anyways you kind of get an idea there's a ton of stuff in here and for the people that are using a different engine it's all available as fbx files so if your game engine supports importing fbx files you get an absolute ton of assets in the sci-fi 3d kit now we're going to move on to the animated hands with weapons pack now this collection it makes a lot of sense especially if you are working on creating a first person shooter because a lot of times your perspective is something like this so you're looking down like that or like that or like that and so on so it's a collection of arms of different styles all animated and then accessories so um you'll see here we've got a number of different guns we've got lanterns we've got fireman's axe different guns again and the cool thing about all the variety of guns here that you're seeing in action here is we also have a number of accessories that we could put on them so if you want to have scopes or laser dots or silencers or so on and so forth you can spec out your guns that way and kind of just drag and drop them into place to create more complicated versions and you're gonna notice once again everything here is also available as a prefab so if you want to use a gun it's literally a matter of um just drag and drop it into the scene so boom and i don't know why that didn't work oh there it is it's just awesome oh it's got arms attached to it now this one with the way it's set up there's the other one i created so the pivot point's a little strange and i did find this one worked a little bit worse uh when trying to export it to other edges just some some glitches i ran into but this one's a pretty straightforward one it's kind of a first person view like so so you've got the arm animations that you need and then of course you have multiple different weapons which as you can see here you can easily swap between and as you can see down here you can easily customize so if you are creating a shooter well you're going to need guns and this one gives you lots and lots of guns so that's the animated hands with weapons pack next we're going to look at the post-apocalyptic world pack all right and here we are this is the example environment that you can create from it now i don't know why but out of the box it is like super bloom so what i do is i come on in here go to global scene effects in the sample go to post effects and turn bloom off and then suddenly hey you can actually see the environment so i don't know what's going on there but just turn off or turn down bloom and things get a lot better so you can see the world has gone poorly and this is there's no lockdown requests i think in this world covid covid was even worse apparently and this world is uh florida apparently you can actually see from the uh the signs down over here i think it is uh you're just out of fort lauderdale yeah fort lauderdale and orlando exit on i-95 are coming up but you can see what you are working with a number of different pieces you can go together to create an environment you can actually see kind of an overview of them here let me just get that loaded up all right so you can see the showcase all the various different pieces that went together uh by the way there is something called octave 3d uh that is for placing modular levels together uh that is in the fantasy bundle that goes really well together with this kit but you can see here it's a number of modules you go together to create your own worlds and environments um it's not quite as post-apoc it's like near-term post-apocalyptic in my opinion not you know so we've got we got a little bit of fallout going on but this definitely isn't uh fallout like fallout 4 kind of world so that was the post-apocalyptic world pack now we're going to move on to the sci-fi weapons arsenal that's the one we saw in action earlier on alrighty so here we are naturally zoomed really far away again uh this feels like a matrix scene for sure and here you can see it is a collection of sci-fi style guns so down here we've got i don't know i don't even know what to call mostly the rocket launcher of some form with rockets kind of a gatling gun style we got some accessories like knives and different grenades going on down here we have some phaser style weapons rifles various different rifle sorts and these are built into various different kits so come down here we'll see by the way they have lwrp and universal render pipeline and hdrp setups going on as well and there's a number of different prefabs so if you want to bring something in plasma rifle sci-fi rifle rocket and so on super simple to work with super straightforward so if you need sci-fi style weapons for your game well that is what this pack is all about and this is the one i showcased bringing the fbx files over into other engines you saw how simple it is to deal with these things next up we're going to take a look at the desert environment town and palace citadel this one's pretty straightforward it's another kit for creating an environment so you can see up here kind of a demonstration level of it we have like a castle i don't think there's interiors to any of this stuff nope so you can see here kind of uh that look going on here um and we got a number of different environments everything you could see here to create this stuff i do believe a few of these things do have some interiors we've got interior courtyards going on some of them do some of them do not but you see everything you need to create this setup is in this pack now i don't notice one thing living at this house has to suck you got basically like a one in five chance of dying every time you've gotta walk down to your home uh so again i think if i go into the castle here no no interiors at all okay so you see here it's basically a module kit for creating uh this kind of map environment pretty straightforward on the whole um and then next up we're going to move on to the shooting range probably the most disappointing asset in this pack it's not that the asset is bad by any means it's just very i don't know limited um it's everything you need to create a gun range type environment so shooting conditions and so on although weirdly enough no targets which i found extremely weird oops that was the lighting open this one up kind of a slightly different configuration of the same thing and then this one again different setup some pcs and so on definitely the most underwhelming thing in this pack and the weird thing again is no targets i find that incredibly strange about this asset pack but that is the shooting range environment and um yeah that is it for the graphics pack now the one other thing that's in here i'm just gonna showcase it it doesn't quite totally fit in but uh it's the music pack and i pulled that in as well because it is gigantic because i think i pulled it in nope instead what i did is downloaded it but i did not pull it in what i'm actually going to show you is the um the contents of this package for when this pulls down this is an audio pack um so if you need royalty free music this is actually 20 packs of music together in one um one archive here so the colossal games music pack uh is 4.86 gigabytes in size and uh well this could take a minute so i'll get back to you as soon as the import is ready to bring these things in all right so here you can go from the import let's just expand that out a bit you see an idea so you're dealing with a fantasy music pack you've got a number of different uh songs a lot of them are looping which means the beginning and the end of the song are the same so that if you play it on loop you never really notice it's seamless everything here is in wave file format so that is the first selection of songs is fantasy music we've got a number of different tracks there in different loops and not loops then we have a rock music heavy metal volume one volume two rock music volume one then we get into horror music so we even have apocalyptic music going on here um they're they're not really going for trademark titles here so we have left of us in night of the dead uh but we have another horror collection available there horror vol 2 emotional music and so on and so forth you can see here we got a number of different genres we got retro music chiptunes uh we got world music here's a collection of asian inspired songs medieval music action music so you get an idea of just how many tracks are actually included in this now we have a number of different sci-fi music packs there two full volumes of sci-fi music and then we finish it off with casual music and can i read this without importing it let's select none we'll import that we'll just bring the readme in i don't think there's much i actually think this is the readme right here uh but let's go check uh just make sure there's nothing weird with the license where did that pull in the colossal game music pack read me all right here we go thank you for your download if you enjoyed the content do not forget to leave a rating blah blah blah blah all right so that's about the extent of what they say uh so yeah that is the the colossal game music fact everything is in wave format uh wave is pretty much as universal as it gets you could bring that into something like audacity and transform it into og vorbis or mp3 if you want to cut down on file size but there is not a platform that does not handle wave now you know you're trading off um basically cpu time for memory space wav files are huge but they're also kind of the raw format that you can go ahead and turn into whatever you want out of the pack so that is the final asset in the pack that was the uh colossal game music pack now do keep in mind there's also sound effect packs for sci-fi guns guns and explosions and foot noises i'm just not going to cover them in this video and do keep in mind i am going to do follow-up videos on assets definitely ufps and a few other ones that you guys have been requesting but i thought i would focus this weekend instead on the models and assets that can be used in any game engine so if you're sitting on the fence as a unity or unreal or of course godot developer or other game engines hopefully today's video proved useful to you if you do want to check it out if you use my link you can send a small commission to game from scratch which by the way i thank you so much if you do that also again since this got so big i did split it into two there are they extended out the fps the fantasy games and game dev asset bundle so there's another almost two weeks available to pick that one up um i covered all of the assets i'm going to cover in it and by the way when i mentioned that level design asset earlier on it's this guy octave3d that would be a useful one for the map pack that we saw the sci-fi kit for example in the post-apocalyptic world pack it makes placing assets in the world really easy so if you didn't check that one out i did do a video on that one but i'm going to do a follow-up on sunday i hope of the assets in here this guy this guy this guy and so on and so forth so hopefully you guys find that useful um and uh yeah that's it so that is all of the 3d models in the fps unity bundle again as you saw most of these assets can be used in other game edges the licensing allows it and the process of course the workflow is going to be harder because you have to set up the animations yourself you know the animations are there but you need to hook them up in your other engine and you're going to probably have to recreate the texture maps the texture maps are all there but the materials need to have the proper textures applied but that's it otherwise it's pretty simple to get them working in other engines as we saw in this video if there's also interest in exporting from unity to other game engines there's some extensions out there for example for um exporting as gltf files directly from unity if there's some interest in that maybe i'll do a video on that as well but as you see in almost every single case you come down and you look at these assets so for example uh here is our project there is all of it so let's there is the stuff in it and i'm going to go ahead and i'll search for star dot fbx and what you're going to see is there are literally i think it's about 1 1500 assets we looked at today so you see a lot of these are just empty animations for example that you can bring in but everything is just stored as fbx files in the project uh so uh bringing them into other engine should be pretty straightforward the only times i found a little bit of weirdness is um some of the rigs didn't work out immediately for me probably take some troubleshooting there fbx can always be a little bit of a problem problematic format and there are also some tools to actually export from inside of the unity game engine so if you have trouble getting something out maybe a plug-in will actually work better for you but in most case these things are available just straight out as fbx files in your project structure and as you can see there are a lot of them in here so that is that that is the collection of 3d assets and of course one huge collection of royalty free music files in wave format uh there is more here again that is cross-platform innate or cross-engine in nature and again i will cover more of the add-ons in upcoming videos so if you're waiting for things like the ultimate fps don't worry i will be covering that over the next week or two all right that's it hopefully that was useful let me know what you think comments down below and stay tuned for tomorrow's video where we cover the fantasy models that's it talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 6,251
Rating: 4.8456974 out of 5
Keywords: 3D, 3D Model, Animation, Game Development, GameDev, Godot, Humble, Humble Bundle, Review, SciFi, UE5, Unity, Unreal, Unreal Engine
Id: OyqbrMF64bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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