Another Amazing Unity FPS GameDev Bundle -- Even for Godot & Unreal Developers!!!!

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's mike here at game from scratch and today today i've got some great news for unity developers but this is still of interest to anybody that uses game development assets because a lot of these you could use in whatever engine you want and we have another humble bundle from uni so they're running two this month and the one got an extension by the way so the fantasy bundle i've covered a lot of the assets in it uh it's available for two more weeks it was supposed to end today and today they launched the unity fps game and game dev assets bundle now this one has more of a sci-fi and post-apocalyptic bent to it and instead of rpg style games this is more focusing on first-person shooter style games but you're going to find in addition to a number of unity extensions there's also a number of just straight-up content packs that you can use in other game engines and basically they're normally just audio files or fbx files the most you have to do is recreate the textures and i've done some tutorials showing you how to do that stuff so this here is the bundle now normally when i cover humble bundles i break them down by the tiers but the one dollar tier is these four items and you're not gonna probably just buy the one dollar tier and then the mid tier with nine items is so close in price to the full bundle at the 25 usd tier i'm just going to treat this as if there is just one tier in this bundle and that is 25 bucks and quite frankly for 25 you are not going to get a better deal than this bundle i also want to point out there are two games included in this bundle uh verdun and tannenberg so if you want world war one themed more realistic style first-person shooter games those two are included as well so what further ado we are going to jump in now i want to start with the star of the show is ufps now you'll notice if you click the link here which by the way you could drill into and get more details on everything here i do believe this is the wrong version so screenshot version here you can see the screenshot is actually from we got two versions we got ufps the old version and says okay this is what they're linking to from humble but we go to the new version matching screenshot this is i believe the one you get in the bundle i'm going to confirm it when i purchase this bundle also by the way when you purchase this bundle there is a bit of a rigmarole you've got to go through you have it assigned to your account so you redeem one key on unity and then it's added to your organization then you have to assign each asset in the organization to your person if you've got any questions on that perhaps i can do a follow-up video showing you the process but uh ufps is the ultimate fps framework kit it's basically been around since 2012 it is a template for making fps style games i'm definitely going to go hands-on with this particular asset so we'll get into it with more detail i'll also make sure that it is the most current and newest version but i'm pretty certain it is i think they just linked to the wrong version right now on humble so that is the kind of the star of the show this is like a tool kit for making fps style games uh next up we have the proto-factor sci-fi characters mega pack volume 2. uh as you can see a number of sci-fi style characters including alien-style loaders alien-style aliens uh almost stormtroopers almost we got a lot of uh borderline trademark in french even this robot looks familiar i think it might be from gundam series or maybe uh uh heavy arm not heavy arms it doesn't really matter but they look kind of familiar here but this is kind of interesting because this pack can be used in other environments uh generally everything here is an fbx even if it's fully animated you can pull it into like the good deal game engine or unreal engine i have some videos on how to do that by the way so even if you are not a unity user there are definitely assets here of interest also take a look at the price so for 10 of the price of this asset alone you can get the entire bundle so you realize why these assets are such a great deal even if you're using a different game engine all right so next up we got the character movement fundamentals pack uh so this is a collection of scripts components prefabs help you quickly set up characters can move around and react to any 3d environment in a physically believable way next up we have highlight plus you know how you have to do the mouse over have uh you know selectable characters well that's what this guy is all about uh then we've got uh polderith ai pro movement with 3d sensors offers um all you need for achieving state of the art movement ai with just a few few clicks again if there's something here you want to see me um jump into in more detail i'm going to do follow-up videos on some of the key assets here so if there's something you really want to see please do let me know and i will follow up we got sensor tool kit another thing in this the same vein uh collection of 2d and 3d sensor components can be placed on your game objects and easily integrated with your scripts or playmaker actions convenient abstraction on top of unity's basic sensing functionality such as raycast trigger colliders um so you can do things raycast sensors trigger colliders spherical sensors uh parametric field of view cone steering sensors and so on and so forth again comes down to when you're setting up ai or cameras in your world as a security camera type setup then we got the super multiplayer shooter template uh i believe it's 2d style shooter game uh but shows how to do uh networking it uses the photon unity networking which is the pun 2. so matchmaking smooth weapon system ai flexible camera system and so on so much more next up we have seascape procedural city escape system so a building generator i'll definitely check this one out and see what it looks like so if you need to build buildings uh this guy can do that for you next up we have the site 3d sci-fi kit volume 3 again a collection of meshes in a sci-fi theme this one can be used in whatever engine you wish uh next up we have the impact physics interaction system uh so this is powerful and flexible material based interaction system for producing interactions such as audio particle in decal or decal interactions uh so play volume when physics objects collide with each other play sliding rolling sounds emit particles on collision leave uh decals uh behind on collision and so on and so forth uh then we got the uh animated hands with weapons pack basically this is a modular collection of guns and hands to hold said guns so obviously of some use if you are creating a first-person shooter uh the guns are i think slightly off-brand but pretty recognizable um in terms of real world equivalence uh then we got the last apocalyptic world obviously last of us inspired uh this is another content pack uh for creating modular style um levels again there was a tool octave 3d i covered the video of it from the other bundle it's useful for actually making these kind of things apparently we are just outside of florida so um yeah i guess we are in florida just outside of st st lauderdale there um post-apocalyptic environment pack oh they don't have one of those nice shots showing you all of the pieces together uh this one again is the kind of asset that can be used outside of unity and then we've got pro tips a tool tip system fully compatible with text mesh pro so if you want to have tool tips in your game pc mouse over hover events touch and hold events for um mobile that's what that one is all about then we have rv smart ai flexible lightweight high performance utility ai framework uh you will be able to visually model complex ai behaviors for your game with ease i have to check this one out and see what it's all about that description uh doesn't tell me as much as i want to know so i will look into that one with a little bit more detail and then we got the rv so obviously or this air honest vision again honor ai ultimate high performance flexible ai solution allows you to extend provided behaviors no coding required add lively characters to your game with just a few clicks then we've got the gun and explosion sounds this is pretty straightforward it's a collection of gun and explosion sounds and this is one of those things that can be used outside so you have 20 guns including loops for automatic guns gun reloading bullet drops ricochet whiz sounds sci-fi and special explosions impact rubbles and debris so if you're doing a shooting style game and you need the audio to go with it here you go also obviously this is just audio files so you can use it in whatever environment you want then we got the colossal game music collection 20 high quality music packs over five gigabytes of content uh so we got a ton of um a ton of music available here five gigabytes in fact uh in this collection you'll find more than five gigabytes of diverse music content styles such as fantasy medieval horror casual 8-bit sci-fi action rock metal asian emotional piano adventure apocalyptic and multiple loop versions loop versions are kind of nice because it allows you basically to have it playing constantly in the background basically just means the beginning of the sound and the end of the sound are exactly the same so they just mesh together perfectly stupid phone all right then we got the uh gui pro kit fantasy rpg i don't know how this one showed up this might have been a mistake on my behalf but uh because i think this was in the other bundle so we'll just move on from that one and then we got the sci-fi gun sounds uh again another collection of audio this one is more on the sci-fi 70 effects in this particular case and then we got the sci-fi weapons arsenal so if you are looking for sci-fi weapons a bunch of models available here again usable outside of unity as well and then we have the footsteps and folly sounds uh again a collection of footstep noises you get things like the sound of walking on concrete dirt mud metal ice wood and so on so again if you're creating that shooter and you've got a person that's walking around and they walk in a hallway then they walk outside and so on you've got all the different folly sounds four footsteps available there and then we've got the desert environment town and palace citadel again another environment pack uh these again can be used in whatever engine you so wish and then we get the jut to j ju i don't know oh oh they got a space here jew tps third-person shooter system and vehicle physics easily create third person games with fluid and realistic locomotion weapon systems vehicle systems and much more probably another interesting one for me to check out if you're interested again the one that you particularly want to see me cover do let me know i can generally get about a half a dozen of these in before the bundle is up hopefully uh you help you out decide if the bundle is right for you and then we've got the shooting range interior another environment pack this one is a shooting gallery um ironically uh uni gave away a very similar oh sorry unreal gave away a very similar uh environment to that and that is it that is the bundle so it's the fps games and game dev assets bundle uh again if you are looking at this as a non-unity developer the things of use to you obviously there's two video games here uh and then this this this uh this uh this this this that uh that are all of use only in the flowy footsteps so about half of the assets here could be used in whatever game engine you want it generally boils down to if there is a single asset in here it justifies the entire 25 spend and if there is something here you want to see me cover please do let me know again this one i know is the star of the show ufps the ultimate fps i'll do a hands-on with it for sure this one looks pretty interesting as well i've always liked procedural city builders so i'm going to check that out on my own and if i do like it i will share it with you physics interaction there's actually some really cool stuff here i there's more here than i was expecting from their preview also the third person shooter system sounds interesting as well so if there's something here that you specifically want to see me cover over the next weeks before this bundle is done or again if you pick it up and you want to know about it i might be able to show you a bit of like a getting started sort of approach to it uh you know what exactly the assets for so that is the unity fps games and game dev assets bundle if you buy it through my link down below you can uh dedicate a portion of it to support game from scratch by the way if you do that thank you very much it helps a ton uh and if you're not a uni developer and you're not into these assets i'm sorry they take up so much of the channel's bandwidth don't worry i still do videos other than this stuff it may not feel like it right now it's just when there's just so much content out there and it's such a great deal i have to cover it so i know if you're a non-uni person it can get a little overwhelming i apologize for that another two weeks and then we'll be done i promise so uh great little asset bundle here unity fps games and game dev assets let me know what you think of it let me know if there's something there specific you want to see me cover and uh yeah that's it i will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 10,687
Rating: 4.9429588 out of 5
Keywords: #Unity, 3D Models, Assets, Bundle, Engine, Game Development, Game Engine, GameDev, Godot, HUmble, Humble, Humble Bundle, Models, Plugins, Review, Sale, Unity, Unity 3D, Unity Engine, Unreal
Id: 2GlvwNQCCV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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