All Sports Bowling Battle | Dude Perfect

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[Music] - perfect the rules of this battle are simple each guy will spend to see how they Bowl after two rounds the two dudes with the most pens move on to the finale welcome to our all sports wheel where you will spin this to figure out what item you will be using the bowl Cody is starting us off good luck to you sir here we go all right gang it was unfortunate that I spun goal what he's trying to say is his golf game this is not great this is definitely harder than it looks please take the corner pin baby [Music] you would assume there was a gutterball involved when you have three pins hang but there was no head back to the wheel [Music] that's gonna be wrong alright guys about to go marble but first let me address the elephant in the room it's a trickshot injury the doctor described it as a drew brees injury me and drew were they saying a couple of elite athletes using the other why I really can't blame it all right this is big whiffed on the first one here's my second track oh my goodness please it's not a nothing it's just middle of the road here we go mix it up here let's spin at the opposite direction [Music] let's go it's not a great billiards player I'm gonna shoot you guys straight shoot you straight get it's kind of okay [Music] seven total let's go let's see Gary [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sup guys ty here with a bow and arrow feel pretty good place to my strings hey you know what I'm gonna dial it in bowl number two not a big deal hey guys you think he's gonna get the other one pen probably not if I turn and shoot at Cody well you guys agree to give me another attempt okay I got it need a spare here this one plays to my strengths feel pretty good place to my strengths place to my strengths I truly am a better archer than I just represented today Chad show him some of my better archery shots I apologize guys enjoy these and maybe I'll see you in the finale but it's not looking good for me after round 1 Garrett is in the lead with nine pins followed by Kobe plus seven Cory Cody and Ty are all on the chopping block time to spin the wheel for round two I want the hamster give me the hamster great sport most popular sport in the world I did it I got a hamster polo got a Colo [Music] I know what golf was I definitely don't know what hamster is you don't know what a hamster is a hamster is I don't know what hamster entail [Music] sup guys welcome to round 2 thank you tough Wow unlike the others for the Giants orb I get one Bowl but I double the score let's do this [Music] oh I'm not gonna lie that played out differently in my head I thought the old hill here was gonna curve it on down five first round four second round the total of nine I think I'm eliminated love you guys see ya I've never really on sidekick before it's gonna be really hard [Music] war all right got four got one more kick left let's do it second kick [Music] right okay first off I want apologize to every NFL kicker for making fun of your on onside kicks that is extremely difficult I feel pretty good about it at least I don't have to put my hopes in a hamster hand do they even have I'm trying to hold it together here my competitive fate is now in the hands of strike here right here calling your striking listen buddy I need a good ball out of us beat 9 and we'll be in a good spot [Music] [Music] [Applause] not a bad ball everybody spook him and then I'll coax spooking Coast [Music] [Music] I can say you outperform in addition right you are an unbelievable athlete and I have no problem giving credit where credit is due you're it's yo new spot in the finale with 35 pins is all I need out of two bowls to secure my spot in the finale I I'm gonna be honest I expected a little bit more knock down three pins I just eliminated Korey and Cody so I'm currently in second place with ten it'd be nice to seal the deal with a couple more so here we go he gets two he's automatically in the finale if he gets one or less ty still has a chance three it needs an incredible performance in polo Welch Apollo we go 9 to tie 9 to tight anywhere hi Mustang let's do this ah come on come on Mustang came to an abrupt halt Tai powered through Mustang do you go faster than this I mean I'm sure you do but are we supposed to when we hit the ball I've already talked too much took full responsibility for that loss I don't believe the best thing that's on you was it Hey why are we still talking let's do the finale Cope's Gare welcome to all sports bowling finale we've got 120 pins set up behind us quite the visual there you guys will have four throws baseball out of a jugs machine regular football throw soccer kick and a basketball hook shot you can do them in any order you choose most pins down is the winner I like to go first as always let's start with baseball good luck Godspeed turned out better than I thought it would oh my gosh this seems impossible [Music] that's a gutter bowl Oh No that hurts football I overshot it by about a foot I feel feel pretty good about it I mean I am going up against the two-time battle winner not a 19 time battle winner feeling yet you left the door open but it is by no means guaranteed sometimes I feel like it's just better to downplay it you know like they say in the Superbowl I just treat it like any other game I just go out there and you know play football in this case play bowling with other sports so honey you guys heard enough interesting strategy I'm gonna use the basketball and try to launch it over hit dead center boom shockwaves well that might knock it all down with basketball high-risk high-reward let's do it in three [Music] lucky man you got it by an inch haha almost missed them all I thought him from dead sinner I feel nervous for Kobe I could see him he's over there like let's try it out I have to go baseball I have to good luck fine pressures definitely Mountain at a dig gate go in soccer unbelievable it's not looking good I'm gonna be honest this would take a miracle throw me the hit as hard as you can and he needs 4748 to win ladies and gentlemen it all comes down to this Thoreau here we go here we go folks [Music] or hurts [Music] hey remember that thing I wanted to talk to you about yeah is now the best time I walk over here and tell me about that so I'm gonna I'm gonna have to move you are you know I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go find another team I think at this point is the best for for both of us Cubs again sorry about leaving it to you guys I am a free agent on the market looking to join a team so let me know congratulations to gars on my honor but it is my duty congratulations it's not even thanks for watching guys if you're not already dude perfect subscriber click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos special thanks to our friends at amazon for making this video possible click here see all the sports and fitness equipment that we used in this video on the Amazon active lifestyle guide you want to see the last video click right here signing off for now pound it naughty and see ya
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 22,464,385
Rating: 4.9149971 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, all, sports, pins, hamster, wheel, spin, coby, strike, spare, battle, polo, horse, zorb, perfect
Id: XYX-IZa3rNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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