GIANT Waterslide Battle

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/samgyongyosi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where is this water slide? What’s the park called??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/50stev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hold on, ladies and gentlemen. Ah! Dude Perfect. Today we have an epic obstacle course with croquet, balance beams, trampolines, scooters, and more. Make your way through the course, getting as many deductions as possible. The fastest two times move on to the finale. Team Cory here-- another day, another battle. Gar usually starts off. I'm going first. Let's do this. Here we go. Three, two, one. He's got one hit through the horseshoes. He's headed to the trampoline. Wow, froggy. Fun fact-- Cory is not a great scooter-er. Wow! Oh! Cory's got a strawberry on the left or right thigh knee. [BUZZER SOUND] Wiff opportunity! Wiff opportunity. We're headed to the final round with the Frisbees. Yeah, just go low. Oh and he only gets one, and for a big time, minus 20. [BUZZER SOUND] Nice. Hey, you know what? There's potential, folks. Ladies and gentlemen, with a time of 2:09 and 48 seconds of deductions, Cory Cotton-- 1:21. Wow! [CLAPPING] I'm winning. Team Ty fans-- appreciate you guys. Appreciate you sticking with me. Here we are. I'm going third. It's kind of weird. Ladies and gentlemen, these are the moments we live for. Looking for a finale opportunity because I just want a chance to go on the big slide. I know you all don't know what the big slide is. We keep talking about it. Here's a quick picture. I'm going to full send it here. Let's get after it. Not a bad first hit. That was very good. He doesn't know where to go. His horseshoes hit each other. OK, he got 3 deductions. Gonna get low. And he rides it out. You guys are crazy! [BUZZER SOUND] I'm going to go ahead and say he's already in the lead. But this will just be icing on the cake if he can get four in a row. One, two-- he's not even a Frisbee guy, folks-- three. He's a gamer! One, two-- oh, wow. [BUZZER] [BUZZER] He needs it. [BUZZER] Didn't I need the 20? Tell me I needed the 20. Everyone at home, welcome Ty to the finale because he is officially-- That was impressive! Hey! They're calculating. They think it's going to be close between me and Cody. Announcing who will be joining me in the finale-- Cody is currently on the chopping block. Come on, Ty. The drama here. Come on baby, send me. It's Coby. Coby's going to be-- Yeah! Yeah! Woo hoo! This feels absolutely rigged. Cobes, I will see you in the giant slide corn hole extravaganza finale. Yes! Let's head that way! Woo! Welcome to the 'nale. Is that like the finale? It is. it's short for finale because team Cobes, we're in the 'nale a lot. And you get tired of saying a word like finale over and over. It's too long. We don't have time for that. first to 3 points-- a board hit is 1. So obviously you've gotta stay on the board. A holer is 3. So you could end it with a holer. But those are the rules, Cobes. Good luck to you. Best of luck. Wouldn't want anybody else to compete against. Appreciate that. Blue all the way, though. Yeah I'm with Team Red, obviously. Unfortunately, the three amigos are not in the finale. We'll be watching. Yeah, I think that's the worst part about getting eliminated. One for the money. Two for the show. Three for the cornhole. Let's go. Oh man, that looked fun. Raccoons are my favorite animal. Uh, OK. Ah! Coby's on the board with one. I saw it coming. He saw my toss. He mimicked. That's fine. You know, they say mimicry is the absolute form of jealousy. I think you mean flattery. I'm just going to go. I would never tell Coby this, but those last two throws of his were pretty good. I'm not nervous, but I am slightly concerned. Aren't those kind of the same? Ah, no way! Ty just went, splashed it. Amazing shot. But because Ty went first, I have a chance to answer. We've pulled Ty's bag out so that the balloon's not in the way. This is my only chance I need a buttery biscuit or it's all over and Ty's the champ. It's a great job, Ty. Time to take it from him. I say, just like a recent Marvel's movie, let's end this game. That's punny Cobes. Get it? "End Game?" OK, let's go. It was a stretch. It was a stretch for sure, but yeah, let's end it. Go high. Dag gummit! Tyler with a comeback victory, brother. Nicely done. My bearded dude gets it done, baby. Pound it. Noggin, outro. I'm closing my eyes and holding out my hands, Cobes. Ladies and gentlemen, it is not my honor, but it is my duty to present you with this giant trophy. So much bigger than I imagined! Oh wow. Guys, thank you, truly. You went above and beyond-- above and beyond. Thank you. Hey, if you're not already a "Dude Perfect" subscriber, click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos. Special thanks to our friends at Amazon for making this video possible. Click over here. See all the sports and fitness equipment that we used in the video on the Amazon active lifestyle guide. You want to see the last video, click down here. Signing off for now. Pound it! Noggin! See ya! Got to hang that on your wall, Ty!
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 37,305,726
Rating: 4.9035287 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, backyard, games, battle, giant, huge, water, slide, corn, hole, amazon, trampoline, ty, coby
Id: 3C0btIJjrW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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