Giant Foam Pit | Dude Perfect

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, he's down! [MUSIC PLAYING] We're Dude Perfect. Welcome to Nerf Freeze Frame battle. Here we go! Dude Perfect. Welcome to round one, the Scooter Shooter. Hop on your scooter, grab your shooter, and make your way through four cutouts, hitting targets along the way. Lowest score is eliminated from round two. Here we go. It's no secret, 2020 has been off to a rough start, had the eye surgery, then the shoulder surgery, just hoping my doctor is not a Dude Perfect subscriber. Sorry, Bob. I ain't no quitter. Really just looking forward to the foam pit. I want to do a gainer off of it. If I get to the foam pit, I'm the true winner. Let's go. Wow. Dude, duck! [BELL DINGING] He fit. He's through. Whoa! Wow! [BELL DINGING] [BELL DINGING] [BELL DINGING] Clear! All clear. Not breaking any speed records. Oh, no! Oh, no! [BELL DINGING] Hit it. He hit it. [LAUGHTER] So close, Ty. Oh, man. He went empty. Oh! Oh! Heads up! Oh! That is harder than it looks, boys! Remember, you just can't be last. That's the goal here. That was as last minute as you can get. Oh, my. No, it doesn't count. Why? He didn't lift his arm. He didn't lift his arm. You're right. I'm amazing at this! Ah! I'm going to turn around. You're out shots, you noob. [LAUGHTER] I'm out of ammo, so I'm just going to bust through them. I think you should. And he didn't get any points for that. No. Effort. I ain't no quitter. Unbelieavble. Oh, no. We have contact. He's out. He's out. Oh, no! He did not. Oh, no. He came out of his left shoe. Darn it! Made it through the first one. That almost knocked me off the scooter there. Breaking news. Breaking news, drew blood. Yeah. This guy drew blood. Oh, no! Yeah. Nose blood. From what? As with every freeze-frame video, blood is drawn. Oh. He got three. There were some catastrophic failures. Well, I think everything was a catastrophic failure. But good news, round two. We made it. Three. He's done it. If he doesn't get to finish, what then? Oh, that was a funny finish. The scooter and him has to cross the finish line. He has not crossed the finish line. Oh, no. They're huddling. He just hit a grand slam, and he didn't touch home plate. I don't know. What a shame, though, it'd be if eight points didn't get you-- Yeah. [LAUGHTER] --to the second round. What do you think are key moments in a race? Oh. Oh, no, he's-- [LAUGHTER] Oh, no. It's sinking in. [LAUGHTER] Oh, no. I think there's an element-- No. It's over! The guy's taking his scooter away. Done. There's not a victory without a fight. There's not a sunrise without a night. Without a sun. There's not a purchase without a cost. And there's not a crown without a cross. That's why we're going to let him go through. If you were going to see the foam pit, let's say goodbye to him, get him out of here. Get some ice. He's bringing down everything. I agree. And let's go foam pit. I love you all. Heal up fast. Yeah. (SINGING) Hey, hey, hey-- [LAUGHTER] See ya, dude. (SINGING) --goodbye. Yeah. Oh, my. He almost ran into that thing. Welcome to round two, where, in order to see the cut-out coming at you from behind, you must knock down the targets in front of the TV monitor that will show you which pose to match, and hit that pose before being knocked off into the foam pit. Here we go. Going to be honest, this is a little higher than I thought, but I'm excited. Let's do this. [MUSIC PLAYING] your hands up. Oh, no. Oh, no. Two whites down. He's not going to go for it? Look it. See, here it comes, boy. [CHEERS] I did forget to drop the blaster. That would've helped. Ladies and gentlemen, two points for Cory. Been waiting all day for the foam pit, and here I am on the plank myself. I don't want to fall in because that means I'll get more points, but then, at the end of the day, it's like, that's what a foam pit's for. I'm conflicted. [LAUGHTER] No! Oh, he-- He needs it. He needs it. No way. Ah! He's down. See ya. Right there. The mirror got him. The wrong way with it. Are you kidding me? 'Sup, guys? Ty here, getting ready do a back flip aerial triple salchow. No way. I'm kidding. No, I'm not. I'm just about to hit two targets. Actually, I'm going to probably hit three, and then nail the freeze-frame. See if I'm a fortuneteller. Oh-- oh, he got-- oh, he got it. It didn't fall. He got it! He did. He almost got it. Dude, you were so close. Hey, he's totally gone. He's buried. TT in the finale. What a performance. TT is moving on. [LAUGHTER] I mean, let's be real. Two points for both Garrett and Cory. I feel like just a boom, boom, boom, and then a-- [CLICK] [CRICKETS] --probably take me to the finale. That's just my prediction. Wow. No. You got to have the pose. [DINGING] [CHEERS] He does it! Oh, my. The dream is alive. Oh, my goodness. Coby and TT in the finale. I mean, who do you cheer for in that scenario? No one, neither. What's up, guys? You probably know us, by now, as the 'Nale Bros. Hey, good to be here. Great to be here too. Yeah. First win 2020 for you, you think? First and only? Oh, very likely. Very likely? OK. Yeah. Here in the finale, we have to shoot six possible targets while avoiding three different frames coming at us in the process. Whoo. Most points is the winner. Cobes, good luck to you. Best of luck, sir. Yeah, absolutely. Gah, I wanted to push you into that foam pit so bad. I thought about pushing you, just so you know. Wow. Does he have to reload? Oh. Oh. Oh, my goodness. Jump! Oh. Oh. You got to reload. He's out of ammo. No way. You got to pull back up. No way. What a performance. Oh, no. He's not there yet. It's gonna break. Wow. [CHEERS] Front flip, front flip! Yay. [CHEERS] What a performance. Guys, I paid the price. A little scrapage there, but that's the price you pay for victory, hopefully. Ty got through all the cut-outs and three targets. That's 12 points total. As you guys saw, Ty put up a near-perfect performance. Right now, I am visualizing reading all of your comments of support right now. Team Coby, you guys are banding together. And I appreciate them. I'm going to need every single one. And it's time to light up these targets and jump through these holes, you know what I'm saying? Let's get it. First one's out. Second one's out. Unbelievable. Oh! [DING] Oh, no. [DING] Still got a shot left, right? Yeah. He needs it, he needs it. [CHEERS] [BUZZER] [LAUGHTER] Oh, my. Ladies and gentlemen-- [DINGING] --Tyler is your winner. Ah! [INTERPOSING VOICES] I think he might need to go to concussion protocol after that. Well, Tyler, we've been here before-- you beating Coby in the finale. [LAUGHTER] I mean, boy, it's not my honor, but it's getting to be my duty to present you this trophy. Thank you. Thank you, Gar. Pretty sure I didn't even go through this one in person in the competition, but hey, check that out. Wow. Oh. Pretty good bruise there. You bruise like a peach. I do. I absolutely do. Thanks for watching, guys. If you're not already a DP subscriber, click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos. Special thanks to our friends at Nerf, and the Ultra 2, Nerf's farthest shooting blaster. If you want to check it out for yourself, click right here. If you want to see the last video, click down here. Signing off for now. Pound it, noggin. See ya!
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 18,265,974
Rating: 4.9291773 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude
Id: aV0BK3QCk0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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