I did bad things to this $100 Temu guitar

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have you ever dreamed of Performing the most brutal Twisted unnatural modifications to a guitar in order to create something so bizarre that it goes down in Legends I know I've dared to dream so bold there's a chance that we we put all this stuff on the top and string it up and the top like starts to cave in on itself in which case we'll just let it happen so there's this website team.com that sells extremely cheaply made versions of just about everything I have no affiliation with them but the other day I went a little bit of haywire and bought a ton of guitar parts and accessories that I intend to use to modify this $115 guitar that I also bought from them and I know what you're probably thinking Sammy G that's an acoustic guitar and most of those parts would be for an electric guitar but that's kind of the idea here I'm going to make as much of this stuff work with an acoustic as possible and turn it into the most horrible sickening disaster Caster of guitar ever to Grace this Earth and for the sake of doing it before and after we should probably give this Stiller guitar a bit of a rundown my first instincts are not great I've tuned it up and the open chords aren't in tune which means the intonation is a total mess and that's not an easy fix on acoustic the action's quite high it's not easy to play some of the Frets are lifting up I feel like the neck was too wide so they weirdly shaved and angle off of it and of course the guitar wouldn't be complete without a number of finished blemishes it's cheap it's bad never buy one of these unless you're going to do sacriligious things to it like we're going to to do today now as far as guitar handiwork goes I have minimal skills there's absolutely no way that I can perform these unorthodox mods myself so I'm here at the beard sell guitar Workshop to meet my man Lucas and we're going to spend the day working on this project before we break ground let me ask you something do you know how to play an open E chord of course you do but did you know that you can take that shape and move it here or move it here to get these beautiful suspended chords this is the kind of thing and much more that I teach in my new course elevated open cords in this course we look at a whole bunch of easy to to implement tricks tips techniques and methods that will add a whole new dimension to your rhythm guitar playing acoustic or electric there are so many beautiful sounds derived from those simple open chords that everybody knows but so many guitar players don't look a step deeper and will never find those sounds that will turn heads whenever you play them so don't miss out for one more week you can get elevated open chords 50% off when you use promo code launch 50 at checkout find more information at Samurai guar theory.com I've also got up links in the description anyways let's get back to it this is the guitar here it is a uh a Stiller this was $115 and then this is the bag of stuff that we're going to attempt to put onto it as much of this stuff as we can we're going to try to work on at whatever means what however possible cheap and dirty let's see how much we can get done in the day we'll do like an appropriate style of work for the cost and and uh and and quality of the products okay get to it let's get to this now the first step Was preparing the guitar coming up with a rough game plan and figuring out where to start go big first okay I like it it's a disaster Caster we're going to just go for it okay so I think as far as things you should never do to an acoustic guitar go we're in that realm we're yeah we're we're P we've passed the point of no return here it's in it's working oh my God it's beautiful feel like you're on a roll right now like I sense there there momentum going I'm getting pretty excited here this is pretty fun okay this is about to get really silly we think is this big enough yep there's no way I've ever done anything this crazy not a [Music] chance look at this oh my goodness that's it we're making progress you think that's going to affect the uh the tonal quality from The Sound Hole we're going to probably need a hole in the back just for uh for some air movement maybe we should just drill a hole over here we could now it should be noted that Lucas is the guy I go to for all my guitar related needs he'll go the extra mile to make sure things are done right and every detail is taken care of but for the sake of this project quick Dirty Cheap was the way there it is this is coming together real nice yeah you know Lucas um I'm realizing as you're wiring all these Electronics in that uh I actually have no idea if any of this stuff even works I'll just tap the pickups with a screwdriver oh yeah tone Works we're getting winds here Electronics work okay that's good to know this is looking great um I think I want a sound for it just like at least like a little hole on the side that's attached by a hinge that I can open up and put a microphone to okay and you know who doesn't enjoy watching someone who is so good at their craft put their skills to work but being able to watch a luar do something something so blatantly wrong so well is like a strange perverse beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] art that seemed like it went well I think that went well and with that a few screws here and there some small finishing touches to get the pzo system up and running a set of strings minor adjustments and the disaster Caster was ready for its big [Music] [Music] reveal [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen there you have it a cheap teu guitar heavily modded by cheap teu guitar parts I can safely say this turned out about as well as I could have hoped let's do a little rundown and review this thing first of all we weren't able to use all the parts the roller bridge wasn't feasible with our time frame we would have needed to somehow sink it down into the body for the thing to be playable the colored strings were too short to work with a Bigsby and there was an extra pickup that wouldn't fit anywhere besides that I never ended up adding the pick guard or the pick holder I don't know I kind of feel like it's perfect as is especially with the sticker lettering that I ended up adding later which really just ties it all together the acoustic guitar itself is still terrible though it's significantly more playable after Lucas filed down the nut in the saddle though it is now 10 lb heavier now my trapo sound Port here does actually add some volume when it's open my idea was if you're using it as an electric you can keep it closed to prevent feedback and then when you want to use it as an acoustic you can get some of that sound when you open it up but what I didn't take into account was how much this thing gets in the way when you're playing and how much noise it makes as it rattles around so in all practicality I should take it off but it was actually quite complicated cutting this thing out and keeping the piece of wood intact so I'm kind of attached to it it's going to stay on for now let's get some sounds with this thing now it was Lucas's idea to take the two single coil pickups put them in the neck position and wire them like a humbucker here's how this pickup [Music] sounds now the humbucker in the bridge was supposed to be a P90 but this is what showed up here's what it sounds [Music] like and on the acoustic side of things let's take a listen to the [Music] pazo now I don't love the Santa pazos at the best of times and this one is especially bad on top of that the tracking for the tuner is super slow and part of it falls off but it was $13 so you get what you paid for and finally let's hear the natural acoustic Resonance of this thing first I'll show you what it sounds like with the soundport closed and then with the soundport [Music] [Music] open I quite like the pink and skull knobs I think that's a nice touch but it is worth noting that the volume is actually more of an on or off switch it's not gradual like it's supposed to be it just cuts the signal out halfway [Music] through the Floyd Rose nut is just there for looks it's not doing anything and the knockoff Bigsby is actually really quite bad a proper Bigsby should naturally spring back into tune this one gets stuck whichever way you use which means there's a friction problem somewhere and when that's the case you're basically stuck with a dead weight that messes with your tuning and the last thing we changed was the tuning machines they look fine they stay in tune I've got no issues there so I did the math and we have $130 worth of Parts on $115 guitar $245 in total not including lucas' labor besides the Cosmetic stuff like the Pickard and the knobs I can't say that I would recommend any of these parts for anything besides a disaster Caster style project this guitar is still still a mess it still sucks but it was a ton of fun getting it here and this was exactly the experience I was hoping for and even though Lucas was fighting his instincts the entire time performing these ridiculous mods on the time frame and budget we had set I got to say that the craftsmanship shines through like this was clearly not Jerry riged by some dude who was drinking all day given the limitations I think it turned out really well and here's the bad thing which I probably shouldn't admit but I kind of want to do this with good parts because if this was wasn't made from absolute garbage this would be like a really cool hollow body kind of thing so if you like to see that or maybe we do a disaster Caster 2.0 where we go even ntier but uh let me know your thoughts in the comment section and remember my new course elevated open cords on sale for one more week use promo code launch 50 to get it 50% off you find more at Samurai guitar the.com also I've got links in the description one more week get it while the getting's good if you want to learn more about what goes on over at the beard cell guitar Workshop I've got there their links in the description as well you can pick up some of that sweet sweet Sammy G merch over shops Samurai guitarist.com picking up a t-shirt or a sweater goes a long way in supporting these kind of videos that require a bit of a budget till next time look after yourselves look after each other look after the planet look after your guitars don't do this um I'm Samurai guitarist and I'll see you again [Music] soon side Cutters just break this stuff off no that's that's too far for even this
Channel: samuraiguitarist
Views: 433,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7-1-QcDxnv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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