Moving and new house tour

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a houseplant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'm actually filming this intro video for this video that's gonna take many days to finish filming but i'll be moving out of this home and i guess the next few days so i'm gonna start moving some plants around i don't know how much i'm going to show you because such a big move it's a hectic move but i really want to show you my move to both my home which is what this video is about uh it's going to be my private residence it's going to be my private collection and also a lot of the plants that we're propagating will be there because i'll be filming educational contents there but i also will have a lot of the plans going to my nursery which is another small home that i have rented it's not a big nursery by any means but there's going to be a separate episode but yeah in today's video i'm just going to show you um my new private residence and sort of go along with my plans i it's still an empty space i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing yet so come along with me this is going to be quite a an adventure can't remember what day this is but i'm filming without my microphone and i'm not really filming my progress every step of the way because it's so hectic and there's no ac here some sweating balls so these are basically the first plants that got here and i just grabbed them randomly it's not by any particular order and more shells are going to be dismantled and brought here so you can imagine the kind of life that i'm having this week this is pretty insane and i have no help so yeah so welcome to my new home this is one month after i've moved in everything's been hectic i've been moving the nursery so yeah these are some of the plants up in the front i'm not gonna go into details in this video i'm gonna give you a tour later on at some point and then there's another layer back here everything's a little bit messy by the way but i only plan to live here for about a year so i'll be moving again to the house that i bought and it's very comfortable here i really love living in here and the view here at night is pretty nice i installed some lights up here so let me actually show you what this place looks like at night i'll insert a clip of that there's some ethereum's back there that's the ethereum safari magnificum and crystal linum and then there's my front door which is a little bit messy i have some ferns here this is my fern rack some hoyas are living down there i could hang a lot more plants but let's see i actually have a lot more room now that i have a nursery so a lot of the duplicates of the plants are and the nursery so these are all singles they're all living alone so then i don't know what to do with this i just basically put some uh drastinas the sansevierias and zd plants right here so for now it'll do but let's look inside the house okay so this is a house tour hello gia i really love this place okay let me quick quickly uh do a run through so this is actually a very small living room dining room area which i love i love tiny places so this is where i just have the painting up there to break the space and this is where i work and edit videos and things like that and look at this view here this is my view [Music] so a few things about this space not only do i get to see all my plants i get to check on them and imagine like this this door leads outside and the front door they're so close together like this entire house is probably the size of my bedroom which is great i get to work very efficiently cleaning up is easy and i'm just within reach from everything like if i'm sitting here sorry about the master cable that's trash i need to take out the trash don't look but if i'm sitting here and working i can eat while i'm working which is what i always do the kitchen's right over there sorry about the mess again hello you're not supposed to see the mess but i'm never i'm not a tidy person i can never keep things tidy that's just who i am i'm a clutter freak so if i'm working here and i'm thirsty i'll just go ahead and grab some water right there i don't even need to stand up grab some water my coffee machine is right here so i'm just eating and working all the time and yeah again the view is great here i'll take you outside in a bit but quick tour behind me here this is a little bit of a pantry situation uh yeah everything's kind of cluttered and there's some pots here which i don't know where to put these are all uh cash pots or decorative pots rather that's where gia normally hangs out she's always sitting here look at how dirty her chair is look at how dirty your dirty girl gia you're a dirty girl all right so continuing on with the tour so over here this is a storage again this is going to be very messy this is where i dropped subscribers you guys are totally gonna unsubscribe when you see this look at that but i'm only here for a year again you guys i that those are my old clothes they're just i'm not even gonna unpack those those are going with me to my new home later so yeah let's close that and then down here we have a another bathroom this is actually a guest bed bathroom which i probably turned the shower into a washing machine area so i do my laundry here there's another toilet back there and this is where gia pees i have a wee wee pad at night so in case she needs to pee she can run down here to pee and i can scrub the floors easily but she doesn't need to do that anymore she's pretty good about going doing her business downstairs so i mean outside so yeah let me take you upstairs first so this is a flight of stairs there's some paintings i don't know where to put them so i have them here and this is a view of the outside so there's a little bit of a mountainous area back there which is really cool i really love the background here and uh yeah this is actually one of my favorite spots to hang out and i should put a chair here or something so i can just sit out here and watch everybody but more on that later so if we continue going upwards here funny story about the sandals this uh house slippers that i have here sorry you're looking at my trash you're not supposed to look at my trap so i have these slippers here when i was doing my chores and i lost it somehow i lost it and this is my bedroom i thought hey welcome to my bedroom i have a feeling the slippers is somewhere inside my bed like it's in the comforter somewhere or yeah it's somewhat tucked in there and i don't really have the time to look i'm not gonna look for it it'll show up when it when it wants to but yeah this is where i sleep and here are some plants i put some low light plants here because this is only getting morning light so right now it's actually morning about 9 30 a.m so it's getting a little bit of light but then it becomes medium to low light after so yeah i just have this maranta here i have these everywhere because i wanted to see how they grow in different conditions indoors outdoors bright light low light so i will give you guys a care and propagation video on these because these are very stunning plants but very slow growing and then that's the sansevierias over there and then continuing on with the tour that's actually my bathroom i do my business in here and when you turn right here this this is our plant studio so i'm taking this video in one take hopefully i don't have to edit anything else but yeah this is where i'm going to be filming a lot of time content soon so i'm going to be sitting way back there there's like a stool back there where i can sit and i really love this cyclist here just kind of hanging over the table but the cycles will start leaning towards the light at some point so i'm not really worried about it leaning this way so it's just going to go towards us live basically and here i have some interesting pots more mirantis and more pots look at these guys they're so adorable [Music] and then propagation vessels and then let me show you and over here we have a lot more of those glass that i propagate things in so this is kind of like a laboratorium and then there's some disciplines hanging here on this ladder this is very very pretty i should fill this with more plants but i haven't had the chance yet so let's see i literally have not fully moved in yet i have not acclimatized to this environment yet and there's some cacti succulents begonias these are getting very bright morning light coming from over there but then in the midday this is getting bright in direct light so let's see and this pepperoni algeria is doing really well the ones that i've grown outdoors have very very thin leaves but these are very thick and succulent like they're very very happy here so i have duplicates here i have this kalatia thai beauty or thai star some collation music so these are all duplicates i'm trying to grow them indoors to see how they do here and some of my cacti and succulents here they really love this kind of area where it's sunny and they don't get rained on mercilessly when when they're outside so yeah this is where they live and then back here i do have a tray here that i'm propagating some begonias and travis kantia nanook over here they do really well indoors if you haven't seen my video please do check it out uh they don't like the least wet at all when your leaves get wet you get these bacteria spots on them but if you grow them indoors and you kind of just water the medium or just bottom water them their leaves are getting beautiful thick shiny and succulent like yeah so there's that it's a tiny tiny little pot i really love tiny terracotta pots but i noticed when i was moving i have way too many terracotta pots i probably have like 300 of them and i don't know why i buy them in the first place and they're very difficult to move they're very heavy and then i broke some during the move there's some apistia really really beautiful plant i really love this guy a lot of them suffer during the move because i kind of ignored them but then this one's doing fine so i do have to propagate i have about six variants of them they all come in different uh leaf markings they're very easy to propagate so i have some in my online store or nursery very soon there you go so let me head back downstairs actually okay so let me show you the private nursery and i do have another office by the way i don't know if i made that clear enough in the video but i moved to uh i moved my nursery into another home which is about three minutes walk from where i live right now in the same housing complex i actually do walk to work which i'm about to do but then that's going to be another video because that's that nursery is not ready yet it's so messy we have to tag all the plants we have to sort them out um but yeah a lot of people are asking oh like why don't you have a shade cloth above your things gonna burn uh the only area that's getting direct sunlight now is that slither that corner over there this is my full direct sunlight or full sun loving plant because this is soft facing so this is only going to get more and more direct sunlight as we approach december so i may have to install some sheet cloth around august or september and of course when you have brighter conditions you also need to water your plants a lot more often so if you think that you can water your plants on a schedule if you think that your plant is getting the same amount of light every day because you live in the equator or wherever you're wrong the sun is changing drastically especially in the northern and southern hemisphere so it doesn't matter so if you want your plants to be happy for example now if you have a shade cloth now these plants will get no light at all it would be too dark for them so i will have to install the sheet cloth six months out of the year anyways i digress so let me start over here these are some baby stumps uh some of them are unmarked i don't know what they are anymore i believe that's a different bokeh over there but they're all in this area because this is shaded a little bit by this bit of roof so this area is where i can control the moisture a little bit better and i have a lot of the propagations going on here this is a skin damp algerias which is really pretty this is the skin that's a silver hero yes yeah she's up to no good just she's been a terror by the way she's chewed up my headset yesterday that i edited my videos with and she cries when i'm not home but anyways i digress these are all the propagations that are happening some sabrina's here glor uh past xanams over here and then below here this is my begonia section and this is not a tour video sorry so i'm not gonna go into detail i'm gonna give you guys an actual tour at some point later some calatheas that's my watering hose and i still haven't filled this with plants yet i don't know what i'm gonna do but there's it's quite packed in here so i need to move some up the shelves but a lot of these plants that are more rosette-like i would never put them on shelf because imagine if you covered the top it would not get any light so i only put plants that are facing us like this uh what is called palmanii up on these shelves and the monsteras because they're actually facing us right now so these are getting low like these monsters because they are the ones that are reverting not reverting they're turning too variegated like for example this new leaf here this is looking very very variegated so i'm putting here in lower light in hopes that the next leaf will be oh there you go you can see the next leaf is a little bit greener than before if you haven't seen my variegation video do check it out because i did mention how you can control the variegation to a degree by lowering or increasing light some variegated edinsony eyes burler marks fantasy so these are all just kind of hanging out i guess i really love this corner here made in here this is uh some kind of fern i think there is enziformis or something i don't know i i don't really remember this is a white night here and sharon yeah so this plants uh i mean this wall i'm going to have plants climbing up the wall like this pink princess is going to climb up so basically the plants that you see here i'm not really going to chop them up i'm going to let them grow out i'm going to let them grow big because this is my private collection and these guys are pretty much not on sale i like except a few items like this uh string of hearts here the only reason why i have some duplicates of plants here is because i don't trust the new staffs to be able to care for them these are very difficult plans to care for so i need to keep an eye out for them and grow them up and then when these the two girls that i have that are helping out over the nursery when it's gaining enough experience and knowledge that's when i can trust to hand over these plants to them anyways yeah so then there's some air plants over here they do like a little bit of direct sunlight these are my direct sunlight loving plants they don't like to be watered often from here onwards these are all the direct sunlight plants that love to be water so they have to be hosed down very very religiously and i'm actually going to bali for a week and two days time which is why i'm filming this today because i need to get this out of the way so i have the caretaker come in and water these plants have instructed her on how to do it so there's a little bit of zoning of of where what to water this baby caladium is so cute so basically cut a tuber of caladium chopped it up into pieces with a lot of the growing eye out and all of them have sprouted look at that palladiums are so easy to propagate you guys the video on this will be coming at some point in the future so please stay tuned but yeah these are all my colladium corners they love direct sunlight they love full sun stefania or bacteria hello and then yeah see these um yeah so these are some of them and here these are some propagating plants as well again they are shielded by this roof here and the ac is going i should have turned it off before the video i hope that it's not humming too loudly now but yeah some plants are propagating so these are more delicate plants and here we have some random mass plants that i don't know where to put and yeah ethereum corner over here and this here you guys this is my new plan studio so yeah this is looking a little bit sparse right here but i don't have a tree or anything tall over here so i put a variegated banana here in hope that the the variegate will never grow into its space but yeah for now this is where we'll be filming our planty stuff some more terracotta pots over there and here i did a little bit of landscaping so it's not just terracotta parts and yeah i'm really loving the setup here i i will begin works here shortly i haven't because everything's still so messy i'm still settling things in here so yeah i guess that's it for the house tour all right so just to sum things up uh the move has been extremely hectic it's one of the hardest thing i had to do in my life and believe me i had a lot of obstacles thrown my way before but moving like so many plants and moving that nursery and also gia like my dog she's been a source of anxiety she's been a huge burden for me because she needs to be constantly around me while i'm trying to move things and she cries when i'm leaving her and i don't want the neighbors to be disturbed by her so i sometimes take her with me i'm also learning a little bit about dog psychology to see if i can train her to reduce her separation anxiety so yeah number one problem my dog because she used to be in a bigger home she had a lot of people that she could follow around she got a lot of caretakers and a big space to roam and these days have to walk her out three days three times a week a day so that really takes up a huge chunk of my time and on top of that the move you know caring for plants initially when i was moving i whenever i broke a few notes i would try to salvage them to rescue them and propagate them but at some point after like day two or three i'm just like i can't if i stop doing if i keep doing that i will be moving at about 40 to 50 pots of plants a day i can't so i know that i said i had about a thousand five hundred pots of plants but i think i have way more than that if you look at my nursery so i even left some of the plants at home and i just threw them away because i didn't have the time and energy to care for them anymore it was mentally very stressful during the move at some point even felt good throwing some of the plants away just like the feeling of letting go it feels great and then i also noticed some pest issues where you know what i just got to keep moving i'll treat them later so i'm still currently trying to treat some of the pests that i noticed and during the move because i'm between two homes uh the my dad's gardeners in my the previous home did not water the plants at all even though i did text them every morning said hey can you help me water the plants please they did not so a lot of the plants actually died and and dried off and i can't do anything about it but that's fine i don't blame anybody it's not my employee but yeah so i'm trying to rescue as many as possible trying to settle in and trying to calm or settle in like mentally as well because mentally it's been pretty stressful i don't know if you can tell from my voice or i don't know from this whole ambiance like everything's feeling rushed i even can go as far as say that i have a little bit of a reduced love for plants at some point it becomes like a chore you know so i really need to slow down and rediscover my my love and appreciation for plants look at the details and start caring for them properly again and in terms of moving to this neighborhood i can't tell you where i moved into by the way i'm gonna keep this neighborhood a secret because i don't know i think at least one percent of y'all are gonna be freaks i guess no offense but uh i don't want any stalkers coming in i don't want anybody you know i don't know just doing something so this place is gonna be kept secret i can only say that i'm living in the same neighborhood where i used to live you know few minutes drive away and the neighbors are so kind they accepted me here wholeheartedly and my neighbor the other day i saw a grand grandfather he's fixing bike for his grandchild and that is such a beautiful thing to see it's something that i definitely did not grow up with and i was added into the group chat of the neighborhood and everybody's kind of alerting each other on covet or or stray cats there's different topics here and i really felt like i belonged to a community and that is something that i felt like i was missing in my previous home because my dad was running the ship there and these days i have to clean my own car wash my own car i have to do my own laundry i have to iron my own clothes change my own bed sheets so things are busier for now but i think i'm content in general like i grew up very independent i grew up overseas i never liked getting too much help anyway so this is a very good experience for me overall and i'm very grateful for this opportunity and of course the fact that you guys are here watching this channel because honestly my income from youtube is currently my biggest income out of all my businesses so i'm investing more time with you guys and i want to thank you guys for watching these videos and supporting me and being with me here and hope in the studio where we can be creating some really wonderful educational content and memories ahead i'm going to keep revol uh what he calls i'm going to keep changing this space around so you're going to see more plants here more landscaping and and hopefully this space will be more beautiful over time but again i'm only going to be here for a year so i need to be mindful of that because i do want to plan on my the home that i bought which is also nearby so that is my next project i'm glad that you guys are coming along with me and you guys are keeping me disciplined because now i really have to put things in order and in place so you guys are sort of my what's the word for it uh motivation i guess you're my motivation to keep things going to keep growing and to keep things tidy and neat because you know i'm not very tidy and neat as you can see from this video so enough babbling on i've got to go to bali in two days so expect a lot of bali content coming up soon expect a nursery tour in my office coming up soon as well and so many so many planned care and propagation videos i actually have a whole library of them that i haven't edited and they're waiting to be uploaded so a lot of good things are coming your way so stay tuned and thank you again for your support i'll see you in the next video bye you
Channel: OnlyPlants
Views: 39,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G8U_wE7uoHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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