One Piece Top 30 Strongest Characters

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ah all right everybody what is going on hello hello what is going on you guys hear me okay yeah you guys can hear me okay all right look at how many of you are waiting here we got 200 people just waiting before the stream has even started you dumb meatheaded [ __ ] you giant dummies all I have to do is put top 30. power scaling into the Stream and that's what you guys want to show up for hmm no one's interested in art discussion a volume covered tier list color spread tier list no they just want to talk about the power scaling that's what they want that's what the people what that's what the people want to see right yeah that's what the people want to see it's a sad world people want me to talk about the finer points of One Piece they want to talk about why one piece is the greatest story of all time yada yada yada but that is a lie deep down inside they just want to hear that Zorro is stronger than Sanji and they want to hear me disrespect law well there's nothing wrong with that I won't lie I'm excited for this stream as well I saved it for a rainy day and what better time than when one piece is out of commission for literally five weeks Jordan Taylor thanks being a yonko team member for nine months blue box mentioned Steph Curry so I guess you have to read it now what's blue box I don't even know who Steph Curry is I don't have to read it Keenan thanks more Hunter Hunter stream win uh when Hunter Hunter drops a chapter maybe I'll do a stream on it uh is there any supers that I've missed let me take a quick look any supers that I missed before we start the stream I'm excited for this one too I'm a dumb meat head too at heart we all are and uh this one is gonna be I'm curious to see um how many people I could sway to my opinions let me take a look real quick there's gonna be some rules for this one some rules that you might disagree with but I'll let you guys know some of them right now you know who we are not going to be first of all it's a top 30 alive today top 30 alive today characters that are unknown to be alive or not kaido and big mom they don't count all right they don't count um Roger not included rocks not included samurai ryuma from 800 [ __ ] years ago not included all right have to be alive today that's rule number one we're gonna be putting down The rules you might want me to do this in a in an Excel sheet I won't I'll be using Microsoft Paint as usual no that actually might be a [ __ ] terrible idea because rearranging stuff in Microsoft Paint is very difficult and I'll be bumping characters up and down all right it hurts my heart but I think we're gonna have to use Google spreadsheets instead of Microsoft Paint even though Microsoft Paint is obviously the best tool to use for streaming princess Taco thanks for the two judge and kid are top five judge has got the better shot at being top five in my opinion tala says read the queen post good starting point um lead I'm not reading the queen post uh where is it is it a is it about power scaling this is about power scaling you're gonna have to drop it in chat again everybody look out for tala's uh tala's Queen post if it's about power scaling I might skim it but we got a lot to get through in today's um in today's Stream So if it's not related to power scaling we're gonna have to skip it um yeah so no pin Zorro um open Zorro no samurai or Yuma no no random [ __ ] from the void Century okay that stuff's out the window the other thing that's maybe more controversial no Gore say we're not including the gorasay we're not including the Gora say we just can't I how do you rank the Gora say it's just it's too difficult uninspired things with for the two zunisha top 30. that's a good point I would have forgotten about that we're not ranking [ __ ] zanesha all right let's say the rule is you have to be smaller than an island to be on this tier list okay button forgum thanks for the seven more before you begin please note that killer called kaido the strongest pirate Luffy beat him therefore Luffy greater than the rat haired shanks um did killer call kaido the strongest fire did he outright say that is that stated at an at any point um I don't know but these are all things that are worthy of discussion JK Kane pin more is greater than emu I'm considering whether or not to put emu I could just put emu at one like email it's it's not the same as the gorus say because the gorus it's like if we decide to rank him the ranking is so arbitrary we have do we put them all above Admirals do we put them all just below Admirals do we do we put them above yonko like what do we do we've no way to scale them whereas with em it's more straightforward if we're including him then it with emu in my opinion it's basically like either he's number one or he's not that strong I don't think there's that much Middle Ground because either he is that final boss of the story rule the world as God for 800 years either he really is that guy or I mean we know he's got an ability I guess the way I put it is basically like either I would put em down as the final boss therefore number one or em just falls into that really nebulous category of like well maybe he's yonko level or a bit above an admiral but like maybe he's not Loopy's final opponent like you kind of just have to make a hard call with him with the Gora say you can't even really make a hard call right you you can it feels like there's five of them so the range of how strong each of them could be could be anything um we have no guesses as to who's going to fight them with even we can at least guess that it's going to be Luffy or dragon or someone very strong fighting in the gore say we just don't know um the gore say there's just too many unknowns and I don't want to give up five spots in a top 30 tier list of some like complete arbitrary guesses that's just not fun to me so we're not new including gorus they're not including um the elephant we're not including um we can decide if we don't want to include him or not but basically again as I said either he takes up a spot as number one or I just won't put him on the list lastly this one's really weird but we're not including the seraphim because it's just I don't know what the [ __ ] to do with those guys either because if I'm just like we kind of have to see how the right now the seraphim make no sense basically because Luffy and Zorro should be able to wrap these guys up like that right but until we get confirmation whether or not they can just take him out with conquerors hockey or not it's just like okay do we have seven characters that are stupidly broken in the story at this point that nobody knows what the [ __ ] to do with or you know do we have to like are they yonko Commander level or below or maybe above or something like do you get what I'm saying with the seraphim we really don't understand because the fight that's happening with them right now we're in the middle of it and there's no real way to make sense of the things that are going on in this fight because there's no real way to make sense of how hard Luffy and Zoro are trying and what would happen if they do try um I guess you could say similar stuff about like what about aokiji and GARP but we have so much past knowledge about these characters and where they should rank as former hero of the Marines you know um and as former Admiral candidate for Fleet Admiral you know what I mean with the seraphim the only information we have is this really messy fight that's happening right now that um doesn't seem to make any sense at the moment Daniel Allen thanks for the 10. I agree Danny was supposed to become evil but John was meant to rule to show the two sides of the coin if he wasn't meant to rule then no point in making a Targaryen um it's possible that the point would be that um he's somebody that he's actually ultimately supposed to have the throne right by Birthright Etc but he chooses not to have it you know there's a lot of ways that that would fit with the ideas of the theme quite a bit um the Allure of the throne the Allure of ruling etc etc what's the right type of choice to make when that comes down to you um Daenerys no matter how you spin it and I don't know why people try to turn this away from who she was as a person but she was obsessed with her entitled Birthright to ruling like she was power hungry as much as anybody else she framed it under that under the the light of well it's to help people but at the same time a lot of her dialogue throughout the series especially early on was very deliberately written to in some ways frameraz coming from the right intentions but then in other ways framer is being impatient entitled and maybe having some selfish desires and you know power hungry desires at the same time so her character was very well written I think they just rushed it towards the very end and I think a lot of people chose not to look at the more nuanced gray sides of her character in the seasons leading up to it which made the final character change even more jarring for people because you got two things happening one a lot of people pretending that side of her character didn't exist and two when it's time for the writers to actually bring that side of her character fully into the fold and just make that who she is they do it in such an Abrupt fast way that it feels even more shocking to people who don't see it coming already so that's the deal with Daenerys with John I think ultimately he's not a character that when he says I don't want it blah blah blah blah over and over I think that is important to the ideas of Game of Thrones which is that this obsession with characters wanting the throne is a problem in itself so I think ultimately John would not have been the rightful the John would not have chosen to rule probably no matter which way the story went what the correct ending was but you never know you never know um this is one of the things that George RR Martin says which is like there's two types of writers right there's the planners and then the seed growers or whatever to me it's just like well I think we can probably conclude that the planners know what the [ __ ] is going on and are going to be better at writing a long-ass story at the end of the day than people who literally think of writing a long like a great epic is planting a seed and seeing where the [ __ ] it goes you know um because then you don't have a clear idea with your fine automatic message with your final character Arc Etc what is it all leading to uh I just dislike that quote quite a bit I think any I think that's something that can work in a shorter form story but not something that's so long form is like Game of Thrones or one piece you know anyway JK Kane's has been more greater than emu that's why we're not including pinmorge no pain anything open Zoro Etc no holy nights either I think the choices I'm making are just to to avoid stupid conversations um like a lot of them you should we're learning from Egghead Gore say being strong seraphim um holy nights we're just gonna keep him out of the out of the equation thank you orange town dog number one strongest one-piece character thank you I wanted to say emu top one also I like that with the addition of the the knights and the gorse basically being ministers in English Cabot marijuana feels more like an actual Nation with its own culture yeah it's really interesting actually how the celestial dragons societies being fleshed out as well um I think that's something we're gonna get even more of towards the final Saga because I think um Oda does have probably more complex plans as to how to deal with the Fallout of celestial dragons at the end of story D Marquez thanks for the two morgue don't put emu please I'll do a poll we can decide do we want to put emu or not I think it's just more fun not to include even because it's like you know where either you think he's number one or it just becomes like a messy discussion kind of like if I include him I'm just gonna throw him at one because I personally think that the story ends with emu being the final boss so if I include him I'm just gonna throw him at one um that takes up one spot on the list I could remove him and we get to stick to just more interesting discussions with characters that could fall in a variety of places on the list you know the far thanks have rocks was a fraud who coasted off this powerful crew just like buggy with the cross Guild I don't think he was powerful at all there was somebody who was telling me they thought that as well it was either parvision I want to say it was par Vision or hidden island or something like that somebody had that sort of a theory um I personally disagree with that um I think that would be kind of sad for Roger's story and invalidate his greatest like he's his greatest accomplishment or his most legendary moment as a pirate just for a callback gag in my opinion um arvind Jaya Kumar thank you very much for being a yonko for six months man gorse and seraphim as one spot each people like Dragon also have no evidence for uh for them gorsing seraphim are worth theorizing I'd say dragon's a little different because we've had a long uh with how do I say this with dragon we have a long sword we have a much longer history of him being framed in the story in a certain light right so with dragon's framing we can understand to a degree that he's he how do I say this he would be a yonko type figure if he was a pirate right him and the revolutionaries feels like the equivalent of a yonko and his pirate crew except they're working with a totally different purpose that's the only key difference right that's why the distinction was made all the way back in any slavia regarding you know uh what the differences between what dragon is doing versus the four Emperors and they're all introduced in the same in the same chapter essentially right so it feels very very similar dragons being put in that group so there's that aspect there's also the aspect that he's Luffy's father so you're going down the line GARP Dragon Luffy there's a clear lineage thing right you know it's a monkey D in their Prime um you understand how strong his subordinates are you understand his role in the world in general and his role towards the towards the close of the story which is being the Forefront of the Rebellion aside from the straw hats who provide a sort of different aspect of the Rebellion right would the Gora say we still cannot confidently say their roles we still don't know like are these emu's five most important subordinates are these is five strong are these the five strongest Celestial dragons aside from emu is it supposed to be some of the Holy nights right are the seraphim ultimately supposed to be the most important soldiers we have we have really no way to gauge the Gory say period And I don't want to put them um just group them together as one spot because to me that feels like a little bit lazy um we have no idea if the gorse are all gonna fight different characters then they're all probably going to be varying strands they might be in the same tier but you know maybe one Gore says stronger than aokiji and one Gore says weaker than green bull you don't know um same thing with the seraphim there's no reason that a mihawk seraphim and like amoria seraphim should be the same strength so I'm not gonna put them Just in one spot Justin Hall thanks to the five Luffy and Zorro is definitely in the top 10 5. I'm not putting throw in the top ten man buggies and 20s okay I don't know about this fun fact Usopp still believes in Luffy's dream despite arguing with him in water seven yeah yeah he does Captain face thanks for the five or he did he did in water seven which I think was a very touching aspect like it was because that's the thing it was because Usopp saw Luffy is climbing to such higher Heights and usop felt a sense of inferiority not being able to keep up with the crew and that's what he specifically said when he explained to them right before announcing the duel that you know I knew at some point I wouldn't be able to keep up with you guys so it's because Usopp thinks so highly of Luffy and believes so strongly in what Luffy's capable of and has doubts about himself that was the real cause for the duo which I think was a really really great idea it wasn't the it wasn't the usual it wasn't like oh two Alphas of the crew budding heads or something like that like you don't like you know I'd be better than you like you know it was the opposite it was like I can't keep up with you you're gonna leave me behind eventually before that happens I'm gonna separate on my own terms but I'm gonna go out with a bang basically um Luffy use up great great um great great season one piece Captain phase thanks to five no one deserves to get laughed at after they die much respect more thoughts on mihawk thanks I'm not gonna go into that at all this screen though uh thoughts on mihawk once being red-haired pirate opposite of Zora left Frisco I don't think me Hawkins wants a red-haired pirate that'd be really really [ __ ] interesting really really interesting that raise all sorts of questions um I have no thoughts on that Sean Easton thanks for the 20. thanks for the 20 man here is a 20 for having one of the only correct takes on the submarine on Twitter oh man I just said I don't want to talk about it idea for a stream react I appreciate that though idea for a stream react to moogi war or no Goofy's videos who comedy plus you get you can Riff on them Easy A Plus stream content okay you know what maybe I do that Thursday or next Monday I'm I'll have to send me one of their videos I've never heard of this person before I have to see if it's like moderately funny because if I just don't find it funny I don't want to be a dick and like just be doing a stream of watching some videos and just saying they're not funny over and over so if I find one funny then maybe it'll be good to react to a bunch of them um yeah just comment something that you think is funny by them Sean Easton thanks for being a yonko member for nine months also it's been nine months hey good content man thank you uh as my OG tech support guy um I really really appreciate the the long-term support thanks for the five hi March man first time commenting you're deaf the hottest one-piece YouTuber thank you Mac Lord I really really appreciate that um let's take a look at how many more do we I want to start ranking I want to start raking all right let me speed through these um bun for gum thanks for the seven Scratch Man mortgage are we excluding Vive records volume notes road to laugh tail and editor notes I think you should only deal with the manga unless it's an in an SBS I'm not going to include it um Vive records there's all sorts of random [ __ ] with according to Vive cards Ace doesn't have Armament hockey I'm not gonna do vibrate cards um editor notes these editors don't know [ __ ] maybe they know [ __ ] but they also I don't know I'll include SBS Oda statements and SBS I'll include um but I mainly oh that's the last big rule we are not using anything from the anime I don't care how well animated and how badass law and kid were made to look this episode I'm only looking at what they what they did on the manga pages okay all right I don't care if if law showed the best Armament hockey of all time this episode it is irrelevant to this discussion Ray Uchiha thanks to the two are you going to rank an arrow I don't think NL makes the top 30. um so it doesn't matter to me visual night thanks for the 20 crack Theory what if s Croc has Eva's fruit and can change their gender Eva was in impell down after all just like senior pink the croco-mom debate will never end well I think that's a far cry thanks for the 21st of all again um I don't think that makes that makes a croco-month theory viable just because crocodile might have been a woman um but uh I think it would be ironic if ivankov did use her fruit at 1.2 change crocodile's gender and nowadays crocodile the seraphim version has um that same fruit thanks to the five sengoku did say that Roxas Rogers first and most fearsome rival buggy was Luffy's first rival and also the only person to hurt the straw hat dude I don't it's just to me it has to actually be like I just personally would find it disappointing let's just say that I personally would find it disappointing I think there's a lot more that could come out of rox's story if he was in fact a Legendary Pirate let's get the stream likes to 200 that's all I just dropped um a Reddit post saying why Queen is greater than katakuri we're gonna pull this up when it's time to scale Queen oh my God this is so much information all right we're gonna put it when it's time to scale Queen all right I know Dragon Ball thanks for being a member for nine months thanks for all the content over the last five years thank you man I really really appreciate you saying that uh it's been five years no it's been I started this channel in 2017. I really only became consistent with uploading I think in 20 20 2021 something like that during pandemic times I think 2020 was when I became consistent in uploading but this channel has been around for six years it's kind of crazy time flies Jay thanks for the five LMFAO mihawk Shanks and dragon the real goat is going to be Bogart oh my God I haven't heard that name in a while haven't heard that name in a while I'm not an anime hater I'm just like we've got to keep something like it's the anime is it's in it's it's not that the anime depicts things factually consistently very differently than the manga and it varies based on Arc to Arc episode to episode how much budget there is for a given episode it's like how much time they need to drag out if they need a filler scene or not the anime is the [ __ ] anime right it's off the walls you can't even like if I ask you right now how did kaido beat Luffy in act one there's only one Canon answer which is kaido speed Blitz Luffy with a thunderbagwa that's the Canon answer right it's cool that the anime did some other stuff to drag out the fight and it ended with a long slow clash with Luffy's King Kong gun vs kaido's uh club like thunderbagua but that is canonically not what happened if you want to say how fast is kaido you look at act one in the manga and you say well he was fast enough to speed Blitz Luffy in gear fourth um towards the start of juano right that's it it's it's pretty cut and dry there shouldn't be that much debate like how much should we use the anime versus the manga it's like no they depict two clearly different things We're Gonna Roll with what with what the author actually wrote not what the adaptation wants to do to Jazz things up and drag out drag out screen time drag out the episode make things a bit a bit flashier right one is one is Canon one's not that's it's really plain and simple um all right let us begin let us begin oh [ __ ] I was about to pull up Microsoft Paint I forgot I'm not allowed to do that I gotta use Google Sheets cool sheets Google Sheets Google Sheets so soulless Microsoft Paint is just I don't know it's just got so much more character um I don't know Keith this is broken you get to the list already holy look it only goes two ways either one I skipped to the list and then everybody that uh is supporting through super chats doesn't get their questions answered which I'm not gonna do or I answer the questions and then we don't get to the list we I gotta do one and then the others just the way it should works all right top 30. all right let's put down The rules here let me screen share for you guys you understand what I'm saying all right uh all right top 30. strongest one piece characters rules I'm gonna make this big bold everyone will be able to see it we'll put it in Red so people understand it's a big deal here are the rules and we'll underline it so no one is [ __ ] with the rules all right I've forgotten what are the rules that I said I said some pretty damn good rules I wish I could remember him let's see something like uh we'll we'll make these rules bigger in a second um something like characters characters must be alive okay should I make the rules red Kazu kazuyaki Sato thank you for saying that definitely the strongest characters Panda man agree to disagree but I appreciate the contribution yes Lads thanks to the five I love the anime I can't believe it I can finally say one piece animation is good again but man some of these episodes if I was high I think it's Dragon Ball Z that's the thing it's like I I with the auras and notorious or as I'm like well this is the style of water right it's the style of wanna so um this is this chosen style they're choosing to go with for this for this season right so that's cool um but I don't want that to mean that like well next Arc if let's say the production budget is not quite as high and suddenly characters aren't fighting with auras then people are like you know what aokiji is not as strong as I don't know uh King because look at all the auras that King had during his fight and all of the crazy special effects and how kiji's just out here doing ice shell and some dumb [ __ ] like that with the same like same Marine forward level animation you know um the animation like whatever the level of budget doesn't really love a budget and effort by the anime team doesn't dictate how strong a character is because that's just gonna vary based on you know how much they can allocate to a given to a given episode that's it you know once we're not in wano and maybe the budget gets toned down for the egg at our maybe the maybe the budget stays the same I don't know I don't understand why the budget just was able to be so high for the waterwork but I suppose the build up Etc but maybe Egghead or elbaf or something we don't get the same budget that doesn't mean you scale characters off of like well was toyu able to pay like 10 animators to do this or four animators I don't know how animation works but you get what I'm saying where were the animators able to spend like a month working on this or like two weeks working on this right that doesn't dictate how strong characters are uh Kino the far thanks to five you mentioned they have to be smaller than an island because zunisha so Pizarro is also out of the running [ __ ] okay they have to be I forgot about that [ __ ] okay they have to be you know what here's a simple rule character no how did I [ __ ] you know what no characters [ __ ] how do I exclude only zanusha how to exclude only zonesha oh you know what no zenisha there we go it's not that hard um no zenisha no Goro say no seraphim um I'm gonna say must be confirmed alive to cut out kaido and big mom no Goro say no seraphim uh no anime feats slash what is this slash aura um no vivery cards okay wait no okay wait I'll say only manga slash SBS direct Oda quotes allowed what else did I have add something good that might be it Black Lightning thanks for the five question Kaku no longer carries swords around and is now awakened and with hockey why does Oda still call him a Swordsman um what do you mean why does Oda still call him a Swordsman does Oda call him a Swordsman I don't know what Oda calls him um I think probably because the rankyaku fighting style is just it's basically you're using swords but your body I don't want to get is this baiting me into a swordsman debate um it's it's a little tricky with the this is not okay if you're trying to Ed like push me towards the mihawk shanks discussion Shanks as far as I know is a swordsman okay he fights with the sword right he's a swordsman okay wait but that complicates things based on what I just said about Kaku look the shanks mihawk debate the fact that they had duels that's basically what sets them in the category of like whatever is considered a swordsman right they fight they fight duels and the Marines specifically talked about Shanks of Sword skills compared to mihawk sword skills okay that puts them whatever that aside there is the general discussion in one piece where Zorro often talks to characters and he's kind of the philosophy of what it means to be a swordsman in the one piece World which is really where it matters um that's more nuanced because so it's talked about how kabaji doesn't seem to be a real swordsman or kabaji said something like that during the King fight Zoro outright said like okay you're basically not a swordsman um or King doesn't identify as a swordsman basically so like that then the Mr one fight Mr one pretty clearly was like yeah I'm not a swordsman don't think of me of that so that's something to think about um which is that there is more Nuance that is that characters are voicing as to what it means to be a swordsman in the one piece world so whether you like that or not that's a factor however I don't think that affects mihof versus Shanks because they fought duels that sounded as though they're they're meant to be viewed as sword duels in my opinion just based on the fact that like mihawk is showing up to challenge Shanks and things like that and uh the Marines are specifically talking about mihawk's skill with the sword versus shank skill with the sword I think that that I think that that flies the real question with mihawk and Shanks mostly comes down to in my opinion um is there stuff that Shanks has outside of using a sword that he does in fights instead right because mihawk should beat him if they're fighting with swords um that's really where Shanks versus the the question marks come in Chicago thanks for the 10 the one piece budget has always been extremely high the difference the difference in wano is much more flexible and simplistic character designs longer production timetables and toei being in their golden age of talent is that why Juan who is more flexible and simplistic character designs I thought that things get kind of crazier with character designs in wano right compared to some East blue stuff you know or I mean maybe Eastwood's so far back but you know even if you compare to I don't know dressrosa doesn't want to have xanier character or at least as any character designs as dressrosa I feel like it should be comparable um longer production timetables I don't understand why that is though why why couldn't they do that before and toei being in their golden age of talent okay I didn't know that it's interesting Black Lightning thanks for the two it was a bait I got you yes you did Keenan thank you elizabella with prep time soul is the verse Elizabeth still probably has the single strongest punch in the series nobody else's punch is destroying Mountains from across an island that's just a fact nobody else is doing that with a punch nobody's doing that with a punch um like basically what GARP did as soon as he landed on um hachinosu elizabello did that but from all the way on the other side of the island and it was a much bigger scale attack so Isabella you know God have given props you gotta give him props all right any other rules I'm forgetting before we get into it I'm gonna go ahead and put emu at number one why not include him why not include him why not include him are there any rules I'm forgetting before we get into it how come a lot of people are saying Sanji can Sanji Sanji can just okay okay it's just Elizabeth and Sanji they're the only two that can do it um is there anything I'm forgetting one second real quick okay uh yeah I'm gonna go from the top down because I think it's harder to do um do it like this all right and uh here's the other thing all right um I kind of want to just List characters that I won't forget that way I won't forget him right so like who's there who's there who's there let's just get our word Bank ready you know what I mean um our word bank I think I can combine can I combine this whole thing into merge all there we go yeah this will be the word Bank all right word Bank list of characters all right let's [ __ ] what did I just do what did I do how did I do that list of okay whatever you guys understand this is a list of characters right um yeah I don't want to forget anybody I don't want to forget anybody right so um fine I just won't include him I won't include it no including it that way we get some more discussion okay I just wrote em I forgot to put a no no emu all right uh okay just listing off characters and you tell me if I forget anybody right so I'm gonna start with yonko so we got uh uh yonko we got obviously Luffy let's go with yonko Cruz right so Luffy's crew right you got Luffy Zorro Sanji jinbei I don't think anybody else in this crew is worth talking about for top 30. um then you got shanks's crew you got chance Shanks Ben Beckman lucky Rue yes up I should make this wrap uh yes up um we do have the leftover big I'm gonna say ah [ __ ] king and queen right King yeah yeah no no they're alive obviously obviously live um so kaido and big mom are gone but we can still talk about the cruise we got king queen Jack I don't think anybody else cracks it why does it do this king queen Jack why does it keep going sideways whatever king queen Jack um who else do we have big mom Pirates katakuri smoothie cracker I don't think anybody else cracks it um wipe your Pirates Marco Joseph Vista the usual Blackbeard Pirates we got Blackbeard cheer you here's where it gets tricky I guess we're throwing out kiji right um oh let's get the stream likes to 300 let's get the stream likes to 300 300 300. I'm sure you aokiji do I put in Burgess do I put in Pizarro Burgess these are the only ones I'll include for now um cross Guild obviously mihawk crocodile um I'll put in doflamingo before I forget gun thanks for the seven off topic you said one piece is the great greatest broken hero moment in Marine Ford which other manga contend with one piece in this regard Finland Saga Brazil Contour Hunter all right so when I say certain things it's in certain contexts in certain contexts contexts contexts sorry I can't pronounce that properly in certain contexts okay I think you could easily make the argument for several other series depending what you value I think one piece has my personal favorite broke broke the hero moment in terms of how Luffy was written as this like such a purely optimistic strong-willed like seemingly unbreakable figure for so long like that was Luffy's whole thing that every single Arc was or every single major arc or challenge was like a huge test of his willpower and resilience and he would just win over and over and over again and he really was written like Usopp sums it up really well in the post-marine Ford um segment where he's talking to Heracles which is like it just felt like Luffy could do anything like nothing could nothing could truly truly get to him he can just get through anything right no matter how much he's punched down blah blah blah like it doesn't matter Luffy always bounces back because he's rubber right um so because he's written as such a pure and simple character right you feel as though you're you're not really reading it's almost like you're not really reading like a real person right he's written so differently from other MCS because you never really like he's written almost he's written like he's a he's like a fictional human being basically right because no one's as as uh pure as like simply unaffected unfazed as relentlessly optimistic as Luffy right who's just always there always able to come back doesn't matter what obstacles it's ahead Etc he's never truly truly deeply like emotionally broken or scarred or affected right most other protagonists are written like that and you get 500 chapters of him just in that mold over and over again and being the hero and getting the big win every single Arc right every single Arc it ends with Luffy's Big Win Against All Odds that's why when it finally gets to a point where it like it just piles like that that pile like that mountain of adversity that keeps getting bigger for him that he keeps overcoming right when it gets too high and when finally it's time for something that's super duper duper extremely personal for him to actually be on the line and he gives the most Etc the circumstances of everything that happened there and how he's been written so far how his Journey's been framed so far that breaking moment is at least much more dramatic to me and much more iconic to me than what I've seen for any other hero for me personally because of the build up and circumstances in the entire way that the the story and his character was framed up to that point because it was just the opposite of everything that Luffy had been about and everything that Luffy had been written about up to that point you know like berserk is great but guts has his head and his emotions [ __ ] with basically every other chapter right um Finland Saga dwarf and you're already dealing with like a broken character in the first place like there's a lot of different circumstances and it depends on what you prefer I think the moment of breaking Luffy and the story arc that led up to it was the best that I've read personally however flip side I would say that the Fallout of it um and the manner in which Luffy kind of like I think the Fallout of it was not as deeply written by any stretch of the imagination as plenty of other Series so it depends on what you value in terms of in terms of that like don't get me wrong I love the moment where Jimmy is like remember what you still have and Luffy counts up and he's like I still have my friends great moment but in general I think that a lot of other manga are able to handle um the the deeper more raw nuances of a character going through a mental breakdown much more uh meticulously than than one piece does I don't think that's necessarily one piece's greatest strength at all so I think the broader story and the broader framing of the character in his story uh Arc to get there I thought that was phenomenal I think the the actual nitty-gritty of of what Luffy went through in the aftermath no I wouldn't say that that's the best I've ever read by any stretch of the imagination but you guys get what I'm saying like different series of different strands five months ago don't worry guys we have a team we have a plan for weekly videos it's going up like movie now law YOLO nor I can't talk to you right now don't don't even worry about it don't even worry about it um doflamingo wait do I miss any other things I don't think so um Malik says thanks with five no shot you actually think big mom and kaido are dead I think they're just not worth talking about at this point because if they're out of the story like if they're confirmed or not confirmed they're just not worth talking about to me in terms of like characters uh that are that that are like functionally alive in the story I guess you could say the same for king and queen because they're probably not going to be in the story after this either but with kaido and big Mom it's kind of just like yeah but they're it seems like they're definitely like they're made to feel like they're oda's version of dead villains if that makes sense manifest Joe thanks for being a yonko chairman for eight months man I thought the power ranking would be an intense stream but not let's not be since you haven't busted out the Microsoft Paint more which no I really wanted to I really wanted to but I realized that it's hard to hard to do without um to do a ranking because with a ranking you want to be able to rearrange characters and I can't really do that in Microsoft pain all right um gay porn thank you for that's funny thanks for the 99 um that's pretty funny uh doflamingo okay shichibuka right recovering doflamingo Boa Hancock well Hancock uh Weevil so we gotta throw Weeble in there Bo Hancock Weevil that covers everything for chuchibukai so we covered all the yonko we covered all the shichibukai let's get into the Marines then we'll get into the revolutionaries and then we'll get into external characters I'm gonna throw really in there before I [ __ ] forget really so Marines we've got Akainu kizaru fujitora green bull and GARP and send Goku and Kong I think these are the only ones that realistically make the cut uh uh akakau thanks I am orange hope you're doing great thank you I really appreciate that um beyond that okay we got Kong okay yeah let's get into Islands I'm gonna include Yamato don't worry I'm remembering avatu um no no let's do finish this out then we got Dragon Sabo I guess ivankov Morley karasu I'm gonna leave that I think that's all for revolutionaries Kuma Kuma at this stage in time is not a strong fighter right we can agree on that um oh yeah law law kid killer um I was thinking like there's got to be some pirates that I'm not remembering I guess sort of [ __ ] urugu in there while going through supernovas yuruge the others are out of commission at this point right yuruge I mean Bonnie you're not gonna rank beige is not gonna make the cuts all right let's look at Islands let's look at Islands um among Islands we've got oh wait wait cp0 before I forget while we're on the world government side Luchi Kaku Blackbeard's gang I got crocodile don't worry about that all right let's go through Islands with Islands we've got obviously wano so that's Yamato inurashi Neko mamushi I think the others don't make the cut um they're technically so well they're one of citizens now they let carrot be in charge of Zoe for no reason at all leorecto thanks for being a yonko cheer member for three months good evening as always Mr morte thank you just here to re reinstate that Akin is for sure top two or three since sweet Admiral is not a joke title plus Dragon stocks flying yeah I uh you'll be surprised where I put Dragon I think a lot of people will be surprised where I put Dragon um I think uh Akainu there's so many characters that are have a good case for top five but kainu is definitely one of them um Stussy no Stussy herself volunteered that she is below Lucian Kaku so at that point I don't think you're really top 30. um we're doing current strength current strength Magellan I would have forgotten about him that's a great point just [ __ ] complicating matters more infield down we got covered yeah I think we got the rest of the world world government side I think we got covered right because we're saying no go or say no seraphim that's good right Islands Kiros doesn't crack top 30 so it's no one from dressrosa um I think no one from the straw Grand Fleet so we already got fisherman Island their scrubs Dorian brogie it's too too [ __ ] I don't even know what to say about those guys um I'm just gonna say Dorian braggy are not top 30. to be fair like they did get captured by some candle [ __ ] back in little guarded but it's just I don't even know what to say about them um am I missing anybody jailerby spel momonosuke Momo's not in there Mama doesn't know how to fight uh uh I already got Yamato in there sleeping danger things I'm ready to defend kid from slander prepare all you want I'm not putting NL in there I just don't think animals in there um I think we've pretty much got got everyone right pretty much got everyone manifest Joe thank you man you gotta remove kids since nokaido and big mom no no come on kids he needs to be more confirmed than this kaido and big mom we gave them like we gave them uh a window of uh what's the word a window of window of doubt I suppose you would say but um it took too long the germa I don't think anyone in the German cracks top 30. I don't think anyone in the German cracks top 30. because uh the most we saw with germa is that basically what we saw with germa is like during the escape attempt at the um when everybody was at the top of the roof right um katakuri defeats ichigi pretty easily so if you're getting low diff by katakuri who's himself is not going to be that high in the grand scheme of things then I don't think you make top 30. I wrote yeah I don't think I'm missing anybody at this point right I think I got pretty much everyone I got Marco Jose Vista um yeah I think I got everybody all right so we got our word Bank what the hell is this okay all right we got a word Bank oh I see okay zooming in this is weird zooming in and out um can everyone see okay is the text big enough can you guys see okay can you guys see all right I put Weevil in there why is this hidden what is this do I need to make this bigger that should do it okay reflexity thank you can we sneak in usop and Nami or are we like strict dude we can't even sneak it we're not even putting in Frankie look at the cast of characters you have before you you think Usopp and Nami are cracking this list I don't think so man um I put jack in there no I didn't yeah Jackson there uh I put the top three of pretty much every yonko crew laffy I don't know all right I will be back in a second you guys sit tight and we will get into the ranking all right foreign it is time to begin wait we decided not to do IM why did we decide not to do IM hmm feel like we should put in I'm gonna put it in I'm gonna put him we're gonna get real rid of rule number seven no rule number seven that's too many rules stream with too many rules is no fun all right bump this size up a little bit okay yeah we can we can include him because within we can just make I've I tried explaining this earlier but Amy can kind of make you can make more of a hard call it's like do you think he's the final enemy in one piece I think so yes therefore I'm gonna put him at number one all right so we got m then we've got my first pick is gonna be very very controversial five thanks to the five I think I know what the gorusai and emu are I've seen those Silhouettes before it was the other night when Warwick came at me with a baseball bat that's funny that made me laugh that's a good one Elliot you you uh we found a new way to surprise me that's funny put in NL okay I'll throw in NL but he's not gonna make I'm not gonna is there any character here that I would put NL actually nle is Loki very strong just by virtue of the fruit it's not just the fruit the tricky thing is that he has observation hockey that's the real problem with no it's kind of like yeah characters who just have strong devil fruits you know the the quote that peckham's gave to karabo and stuff if you have a strong devil fruit that's not you know logia with strong fruits they get wrecked or whatever the problem is that Eno has very good observation hockey and if you've got the fruit that he has and good observation hockey you actually don't really need to be good at anything else that's the tricky problem with it now because you don't need Armament hockey you only really need it if you're up against another logia but there's not that many logia to go around um you don't need Armament hockey because you've got all the offensive power you need and you don't really need to be good at fighting too much because with the observation hockey and the lightning fruit speed you can kind of just teleport around um so It's Tricky I I think animal makes sense of the two include gorusay and seraphim but as one character no because I've thought about that it's just like mihawk seraphim and a morya seraphim they should be on totally different ends of the spectrum right um I just need to see the seraphim fight wrap up with them against Luffy Zorro luchin Kaku before I place them at anything uh Gunner 455 thanks for being young could you remember for one month what's that or Ace's death or mortgage with no betting during Wars cast alright so this is funny um for those of you don't know everybody who's in the uh yonko tier of support either on YouTube or on patreon right uh they get an exclusive merge cast once a week with all my extended thoughts on everything and anything uh including this stream Etc stuff that I won't say in videos and streams or anything like that all my extended thoughts I also like to complain a lot during the mortgage cast the last mortgage cast that I recorded uh it was very late at night and I was waiting on my laundry sheets to be done in the dryer so it's just lying down on the mattress with no bedding at all and I was complaining here in the merge cast it was a sad story anyway um let's let's go um NL okay talas's more stop NL is a snail by today no there's not characters that are faster than lightning I mean there's probably there are some I'm sure but most characters it's hard to keep up with NL um he has observation hockey and he's got he can move around really [ __ ] fast right that's just a fact um what it comes down to is basically like how do I say this he should lose to a lot of characters but I think the discussion is more nuanced than um people I think the discussion is I think there's a discussion to be had basically like let me be frank I think that NL versus jinbei is a bad matchup for jinbei you know I think Eno versus jinbe is a bad matchup for jinbei because jinbei is slow as [ __ ] there's no reason he should ever catch Anno and uh anno's lightning kind of [ __ ] him up in my opinion Drive forces you can just use Armament the problem is that I know is also got good observation hockey and he's really fast that's the problem the only reason that Luffy um uh what do you call was able to catch I know the first time was because Luffy literally has like he turned his brain off and used the Ricochet Luffy could not catch him himself obviously would one shot him yeah if he could catch him how is jimbe catching I know yeah no we all know that jinbei would destroy Eno if he could punch him how is jinbe punching I know no like I just want a question like I just want an answer how's jinbe catchogano because Anna like people forget the only reason that Luffy actually hit NL at the end of the day was because he used a Ricochet it wasn't because of speed you can't catch no with just speed if you don't have good observation hockey or whatever Mark Ross says we have no idea how much Armament mitigates Eno's lightning Armament is extremely extremely effective even today by 1p standards extremely effective when big mom used like anytime big bombs used lightning on other characters it has [ __ ] them up uh not like lightning against ulti [ __ ] her up even lightning against big mom when big mom's lightning was used against her in whole cake Island that nearly stopped her in itself you know that was a considered very strong attack even by today's standards um do you know all about you says they can definitely catch Eno with observation and one shot him jinbe is not that fast he's not that fast I I don't know about definitely I think there's a discussion to be had there like in terms of speed NL is factually a lot faster than jinbe analyze lightning speed like you can go back and look at what Anna was doing at that point in time but he was zipping around at the speed of lightning okay so he's faster than jinbei observation hockey and was probably a better observation hockey user than jinbe when has jinbe ever been built up as an observation hockey user and it was a very talented observation hockey user even by today's standards again the only reason Luffy was able to hit him during their fight the only reason was because Luffy used a Ricochet which is only available to someone with rubber abilities so you got to keep that in mind everyone Post Time skip is faster than light what are you on holy [ __ ] what are you on no they're not people post time Skipper faster than light that's some [ __ ] that people say on Twitter when they try and scale one piece against like Dragon Ball Z for no reason macklore thanks to five pre-time skips or was dodging Kuma's light speed his word pad Cannon's High tier scale well past faster than light they can keep up with no okay if you think that everybody in one piece if you think jinbei is faster than light then it's just not a like it's not a discussion to be had once again thanks for the two more to your dates and in Failure uh no I I didn't follow up with I think if I know the same girl that you're referring to with them uh with sorry with like back then uh that is now dead since didn't follow up basically I was out of town of another week but I'm seeing someone this Wednesday so I don't know it's I guess like I don't like the process of dating app dating just because like the process of matching then you figure out like is this someone that is actually going to I don't know like like is it is it someone that's gonna flake basically there's a process process of that but if the person shows up then I think you count that as a win if you're using Tinder or hinge but it looks like like it looks like I've got someone lined up for Wednesday so we'll see how that goes but in general dating app stuff just it feels very flaky to me tala thanks for the seven bass free time skip Luffy repeatedly landed different attacks on NL Ricochet wasn't the only time at all you're forgetting the fight even the final punch the final punch and I'll chose to take that right the final punch and I'll chose to take that before that Luffy initially was able to hit Anno because Anna was surprised that okay here's the question does NL know that jinbeck can hit him with Armament hockey if he doesn't know then yes Eno would lose right away because he would try and just tank the hit and he would lose right if anal knows that jinbeck can hit him the initial hits Luffy landed was only because of annel's surprise it was only because Anna was surprised once NL once the element of surprise was gone the entire rest of the fight was Luffy trying to figure out how to hit NL and he couldn't until he used the Ricochet because endless observation hockey and he's too fast all right so there's no such thing as oh pre-time skip Luffy was fast enough to hit him he was not alright it is not confirmed yet how fast you need to be or how good your observation hockey needs to be to hit Eno but no one piece characters are not faster than light I don't know why that needs to be said if that is your argument then there's just I I literally don't know what to say to that there's no argument there but um Anil chose to take golden rifle so that's pretty different so this is where the argument comes in so this is a good argument sneaky says Anna has greater travel speed but combat and reaction speed is completely different that's true so the question comes down to could jinbei cat channel before Anno moves away and uses althor because like let me just show you guys all right let me just show you guys um because people forget lightning in one piece is super effective it's super effective like there's a reason everybody's like well Nami right now might have among the highest combat output in the story compared to like pretty much any character um like not any character but any character on the straw hats you know obviously not like Luffy and throw and such but uh uh like if we're just looking at um one second you guys need visuals and reminders is what I've realized so if you look back at like here right this is enraged big mom one of the hardest characters to damage in the entire story this was considered a really strong attack at the time and this this same attack that Nami does right here is the same [ __ ] that Anno casually spams right Eno casually spans this jinbei does not want to get hit by this let me tell you that right now jinbe does not want to get hit by this most characters do not want to get hit by this attack Anno can do this attack easily he has the strongest in terms of like sheer destructive ability um he has the strongest logia akinu probably is like a kind who has the best offensive power from what Oda said so I suppose like if you actually like are trying to tear through hard skin or something like that but look like this is go back and reread skypeia this is exactly the same as what Anna was doing all the time this was his normal attack basically right this giant crater with lightning coming out of it Etc that's Eno's normal attack jinbei literally thinks I figured it wouldn't be enough but he's he's literally like shook by the fact that big mom was able to tank that attack right I don't think jinbei would be able to tank that attack based on his reactions that's all I'm saying could jinbei Dodge that attack I don't know but that's where the discussion comes in that's also why I personally don't want to include Anno because he's such a hard character to read you know I think if he's in character then he what he would do would be he would just try and tank the first attack um and he would lose off of that if he knows about armamentaki like he knows he shouldn't be just tanking a hit from jinbe then it's a totally different question then it's like would he teleport further away from jinbei and launch lightning attacks from down above is jinbe fast enough to dodge that I don't know but jinbe cannot be getting hit by those attacks I mean I could go through the series and put out a lot of examples but lightning is still very very effective against characters nowadays even like strong characters in one piece nowadays lightning is still very effective and Anna was the best lightning user in all of One Piece so that has to be remembered um all right Justin Hall thanks for the five Genie is aware of his natural weakness Luffy is referenced and with his experience to compensate but it's your choice can we get back on topic yes we can I'm gonna go ahead and take NL out of the list because I think that this is it's just not a it's it's just too hard to read him it's just too hard to read him it's too hard to read him it's it's like he's the ultimate glass Cannon But It's tricky because it's not like Nami who can just get hit by anything Anna also has very good observation hockey and he's extremely [ __ ] fast in terms of movement speed so if he used what he had effectively he would do very well against a lot of characters not saying like yonko commanders like top commanders and stuff like that or animals or anything like that but he's a lot stronger than people think let's get the stream likes to 400. John 6 7 8 6 7 8 um more Are you seriously telling me up until that point and I'll never encountered an Armament hockey user I mean Anno didn't know that he could get hit like he literally didn't know he could get hit we know that for a fact jwp thanks for the five how's it going thank you okay the ranking has begun even when I'm putting it number one number one um from here it's the controversial pick from here it's the controversial pick all right because here we're gonna put next I've had some time to think about this if you guys go back and check out my stream I did a while back where I rank the top five 1p strongest characters I didn't have dragon High I didn't have dragon High where we're at in the story this was only and that was probably in the last six months I did that stream where we're in the story I think dragon is stronger than any of us giving credit for and you guys know my anti-dry you guys know what I think of dragon as a character I've rated bad dragon as a character plenty of times and now he freaks out over newspapers and how he's an idiot running the world's most important organization believing literally any propaganda that is placed in front of his eyes God forbid anyone take a photo that is mildly incriminating or even puts anyone that he knows and loves at any sort of scene of a crime Dragon will begin to believe that that person is just the most evil bastard in the world alright I've got plenty of problems with Dragon but dragon in one piece there's three things that have made me feel like Dragon might be number one okay I personally believe that the direction that the story is headed sets up the dawn of the world as the final most important Battle of One Piece right so Rebellion against the world government yada yada yada I think that is the most important battle and I think that is the final battle I think in that context dragon is going to be the fact that we're still waiting and waiting and waiting on Dragon's role in the story I think in that context right if the final final war of one piece is against the world government I think dragon is set to be sort of that um like I think what Shanks is to Blackbeard I think dragon is to him essentially I think that Shanks is kind of set up as this really like the pirate that Luffy is looking up to kind of the The Guiding big good figure as I talked about in the past that force in the world in the pirate sphere right for the most part um and ultimately Blackbeard probably defeats Shanks prior to fighting Luffy I think I think on a slightly even more important scale that is still being saved for the end of the story the final segment of the story I think dragon is that to him in that I think dragon is ultimately going to be that final bit that final big good force in the world right the final one that likely leads the Rebellion likely gets you know plays a huge role in the most important conflict of one piece and I think him losing to aim is ultimately going to be like probably eem's biggest win before Luffy defeats him does that make sense or at least one of him's most important one of the most important moments maybe Dragon doesn't lose to him maybe that's just speculating way too much but the way I'm looking at it is basically like what Shanks likely is the role that Shanks kind of plays in terms of the current story in terms of getting the actual one piece taking out Blackbeard like moving past the pirate stuff dragon is that he's kind of the final person bearing the legacy of the will of D across all these years the role that the Revolutionary I mean everything will play Dragon will be at the helm of that I think dragon is ultimately based on the direction we're going I think he is going to be more important than Shanks in my opinion the second thing the second thing is we just got a reminder we just got a reminder of how strong the Monkey D line is right so Monkey D GARP who right now is way past his prime supposedly a Shadows of his former self he is rocking aokiji I'm not saying he's gonna win that fight but he has looked damn impressive right he just look damn impressive right that's Monkey D GARP way past his prime Luffy we assume is going to be strongest character in the world maybe strongest character in history by every by the time everything is said and done I feel like Dragon who is the only Monkey D who is already in his prime I think that's a look at basically I think it's going to feel similar to what GARP was in his actual Prime what Luffy is about to be right I'm not saying dragon is stronger than Prime GARP I'm not saying that dragon is stronger than Luffy at the end of the story obviously won't be but um just the fact that he's a monkey D in the prime of his life you know I think that that would scale above Shanks in my opinion the last thing and I think that this is the biggest thing and this is something that I forgot and a lot of us forgot because um Dragon just hasn't been around side note I think the fact that Dragon hasn't been around is in his favor uh I've talked about this before but like it feels like the more that characters get saved right he is at this point the most hyped most saved character in the entire story we even got to see him fight before Dragon here's the big thing right here's the big big thing so there was a chapter 432. I want everyone to go back and look at chapter 432. this is what people forget about dragon so it's called Jack in the Box this is maybe the most important World building chapter in all of One Piece okay so this is where GARP breaks down everything before this before this chapter we the readers are babies We Know Jack [ __ ] about the broader world we know that there are three great barriers we know they're shichibukai but we know jack [ __ ] okay so this is the chapter that it is explained that there are four Pirates known as the yonko this is the birth of modern day one piece our entire understanding of everything it's born here we're told that there are four Pirates The yonko Who Reign Over The Grand line right they rival Whitebeard the Marine headquarters in the shishibuka exist to counterbalance those four this is the explanation of everything right this is the same chapter that we learn about how important Shanks is and everything like that um let me see Luffy is he really your grand oh wait no no hold it hold on hold on hold on um the red hair blah blah blah uh let's see let's see let's see okay he has a connection with that red hair like this is where it's announced that Luffy knows about Shanks and everything like that this is where the yonkor explained nobody knows really about the yonko that's the thing um like Luffy's taking care of that straw hat on behalf of red hair I didn't know he was such an influential man right this is where the yonkor being hyped up Shanks is being hyped up and it's clearly a big deal but it's not something everybody knows about right this is just the beginning of the chapter okay this is normally the type of thing that you conclude chapters with with an exclamation point but this is just the beginning of the chapter what it's all really Elite up to is this okay by the way Luffy I heard you met your dad your dad he introduced himself your father's name is Monkey D Dragon the Revolutionary I think presentation matters a lot in one piece the reaction to dragon Monkey D Dragon the Revolutionary right stun silence Dragon explosion Dragon the Revolutionary as a son what's up with the freaking out by everybody everyone the straw hats [ __ ] us up the goddamn frog is terrified of the name dragon Robin obviously Etc this is what the chapter concludes with if you just read the entire chapter it feels as though we are meant to care more about Dragon than the yonko it feels as though dragon is supposed to be that's the real big like bomb that oda's dropping on us the existence of dragon uh again same chapter that we're learning about all the yonko legendary Pirates Etc it feels as though the bigger deal is the guy down the line now you might just say well that's just that's just like you shouldn't Scale based on reactions of characters obviously dragons can be more Infamous than Shanks that dragon's most wanted criminal but I I go a bit by I think we all understand you know Oda has a knack for portrayal and in terms of like part of the reason that we understand certain characters are a big deal in terms are in terms of how they are introduced to us how how things are like the level of hype that Oda attaches to it how much Oda himself seems to care that the reader understands that a character is a big deal uh dragon is the single most impactful name drop in the entirety of one piece by far all right and the final final thing I'll say is that like really if you're comparing between dragon and Shanks right so you can kind like I feel like they they're ultimately going to play two parallel roles in terms of being that big good figure and with Shanks his role was in chapter one right he saves Luffy in chapter one he inspires Luffy to go become a pirate right however the flip side equally important in my opinion is chapter 100. chapter 100 is all dragon this is the chapter that the legend actually begins and here we meet a very different figure and here we meet you know kind of the figure that basically sees Luffy off to the start of his Destiny and he also is the next character to save Luffy right so Luffy gets saved twice over the course by two very influential figures over the course of East blue one is to start East blue and that's Shanks who inspires him right makes him sets him on the trajectory that he's set on but the second is dragon right the second is Dragon Gohan then if that's your desire what reason do you have for preventing man from setting sail if you go back and read this chapter and the presence that Oda kind of Associates with dragon it feels as though while Shanks was the one who set Luffy off to be a pirate it feels as though dragon is almost waiting for Luffy to be something more and that's kind of why Shanks starts things off in chapter one but dragon's the figure that we see ending things off in chapter 100 so overall in the grand scheme of things I think that dragon is set to play even bigger of a role than Shanks we just don't feel that yet because his role in the story is so pivotal and so integral to the final Conflict that it's just not yet time for Dragon does that make sense I think that's the best way I can kind of explain it's not really based on like we know too little at this point I could just be completely wrong on all this but it's the if I'm going back to the story because I did think about this quite a bit if I'm going back through the story and I'm just comparing how Oda has treated the two characters of Shanks and dragon Shanks gets a tremendous amount of hype but Dragon it feels like is being saved for something even bigger and the very rare occasions that Oda has kind of established the coming importance of dragons so like chapter 100 or post any sloppy it feels as though dragon is something even bigger than what the yonkor is supposed to be in the story so that's my take on Dragon does that make sense okay all right we're gonna go with um Dragon at number two Walker thanks for the I don't even know what currency this is who in your opinion would be the last straw to leave the ship if the crew were disbanded I believe it'd be Sanji the last straw to leave the ship I mean Sanji was down to leave in whole cake Island I mean not down to leave but you know what I mean the last straw hat to leave the ship I think Chopper because Chopper's a kid so he just has maybe the most like like I think Chopper would the ship would probably mean the most to Chopper um because he has no other family really like he has kareja and everything like that but um I think they can all go be independent adults I think chopper for him the crew is still his family that's that's almost raising him anyway Mark Ross thanks for bringing yonko team member for nine months all M scale.voltage high voltage isn't necessarily high output if the amperage is low high amps kill not high volts the thing is that attack death I mean that that logic 100 makes sense if we were talking about the real world this is Oda who it's it's just Oda he's just gonna be naming attacks based off what sounds cool a million votes a billion votes Etc like this isn't it's not you know real life logic to me that's kind of like I personally never wanted to scale things off of like when people sometimes go really hard in the physics of like well if you calculate the size of the meteor or that fujitor is bringing down and we estimate the um you know the cubic Mass to be blah blah blah blah traveling at this velocity Etc then therefore it's the most powerful attack in one it's like no it's kind of you know um I see big lightning attack creates a big crater that's kind of the same [ __ ] big mom does these seem like the same attack to me basically um seems very very visually similar very very reminiscent of anal's attacks and big mom's attacks Tom Tom thanks for the five more I want to get into freelance writing any tips for cold emails it's so hard to land the first few gigs dude cold email is terrible I I don't if you want to get into freelance writing first of all like what genre like not genre but what what field do you want to do like um I would suggest upwork or something like that and building a resume slowly through there or Fiverr or something um but if you want to do just straight up freelance writing you're not going to get almost anything anything through cold email because cold email is just uh it's the most brutal brutal form of Outreach by far I strongly discourage it Felix C thanks for the two any Kong stocks up if he's still mysterious no because there's a difference between like is Oda kind of playing up this guy to seem significant or is this guy just someone we don't know about you know I think that's Kong all right so I've got Monkey D Dragon at two I'm gonna put Shanks at three I'm gonna put mihawk at four I'm gonna put a kainu at five let me think on this for a second do I agree with all that bun for guns is more Dragon being number two is insane he has zero Feats I mean im's only feat is killing king cobra that's not how we scale things um like you can say a character is zero Feats but it's like you can also understand okay time up scaling characters just off of Feats is ridiculous because that basically is saying that if a character is being saved for a later point in the story then that means that they basically must be really weak because they've got no Feats that's just not how it works we all understand the way stories work and the way that narratives work right you can understand when an author like it's always funny when people are like oh scaling off a portrayal makes no sense it's like no portrayal tends to be very very [ __ ] consistent with what we see down the line you know crocodile had no Feats but we could all understand that at mihawks only if he was like sorry crocodile all the way around other way around right characters like crocodile had plenty of Feats [ __ ] up Luffy but we can understand that someone like Shanks who's very limited Feats is still gonna be way [ __ ] stronger than crocodile even before Shanks did anything right just based on this is before we knew Shanks as a yonko this is before we knew jack [ __ ] about Shanks this is before we even knew that Shanks and like before Shanks and Whitebeard even Madden had that face off and everything like that we could understand that Shanks has been set as a character that down the line is Luffy's goal down the line is is going to matter significantly more in the story than this minor villain that Luffy's beating up right now scaling just off of Feats makes no sense when you can also look at how an author is playing up the significance of a character in the story their projected future role in the story if you can project that to a reasonable degree right not just saying like oh this gorse member is going to be I don't know Zora's final opponent therefore we can scale him at this that's too much right but we can understand the dragon is already set up as revolutionary Army leader father of Luffy likely going to be leading the Revolutionary Army heading into the Final War final Conflict with one piece being saved for something big and also just his inclusion in the story and the way the characters talk and react in right all of that matters quite a bit um so I got dragonet too um and I think that's something I think that's a take that will age really well because Shanks and mihawk and I think their roles in the story are going to come earlier and I think that dragon is being saved for the end game end game he's Luffy's father he's a monkey D in his prime I think he's gonna be um stronger than the existing characters we have so far GK thanks for the five totally agree with your point on Dragon's portrayal the name dropping Marine Ford with Rogers another instance yeah that's true spoon man thank you very much hey much I have no idea what this is I don't know what ARS is but I can tell it's a lot I appreciate that hey Moorish I had the idea that the Carlos and Roswell family are the descendants of house narona I think it would be really Oda like to make the joke that the main villain's grandchildren are the dumbest and most foul looking in acting that would be funny I wonder if emu didn't have kids though just to keep himself like a secret secret like I wonder if that family line is basically dead but I do think that would be funny um we're gonna talk about the things that I just put down bonfagun thanks for the two drama greater than Shanks until he reveals the style um this is something that I'm just gonna project basically until you know what I'm fine with putting Shanks and miyak in the same James space no but that's kind of cheating right that's basically cheating um I'll do a poll I'm kind of curious do people think Shanks are stronger mihawk is stronger I think a kind is the tricky one to gauge here's the thing I personally think I think okay I think that based off of what we know right you can't actually rate a kainu that high because based off of what we know Akino is basically the same as aokiji it's essentially equal should be essentially one to one right Akino winning after 10 days doesn't mean it kind of notably stronger right um so in that case it's kind of shitty for it kind of because like if a kind of an aokij are basically equal I don't think aokiji's that high in the grand scheme of things right which means I can't put a kainu that high I don't think a kind of aokiji is weak but like look at what garb's doing out to aokiji right now like I think aokiji would lose to kaido I think aokiji would lose to Luffy I think um aokiji would lose to a lot of characters so a kind who's difficult to rate however based on a kainu's role as Fleet Admiral probable eventual opponent for Luffy meaning that he should be fairly strong we had 60 40 for Shanks versus mihawk um yeah that's about expected Shanks miyak is always going to be very controversial um uh yeah aokiji account is difficult so my assumption is basically that like um that um my assumption is that um how do I say this that akinu became stronger or got Advanced conquerors haki or something some sort of a boost from his fight without kiji I know it's a totally baseless assumption right but it just doesn't seem to make sense for a kind of to fight for Luffy to fight a kainu down the line if uh Akainu hasn't really progressed much from Admiral level you know what I mean because the way it looks like is that yonkor is stronger than Admirals clearly right I mean even [ __ ] old ass GARP is taking aukishi to town right now you know aokiji might win that fight overall but it shouldn't even like it shouldn't really be close in my opinion if aokiji is currently kaido's level or something so kainu is really [ __ ] hard to rank so I'm reading a kainu on the simple assumption that he has improved that he's unlocked Advanced conquerors hockey or something like that um but that is a completely basic like that's not even something that's like implied in the story at any point that's why kind is really hard to rank I should take characters off of this list as we go right so we got mihakon um we got drag where's Dragonette with the [ __ ] Dragon dragon's gone we got Shanks gone yeah Caleb Brown thanks for being a yonko team member for nine months Heyward curious what you think weevil's main character purpose will be in the story we'll be tied to clones or maybe a sacrifice for the good uh I really I [ __ ] don't know weevil's too hard I know that's a terrible answer but like weevil's so [ __ ] hard to gauge I think it might be like a good character line or something like that um I think that there's some interesting potential for Weevil and Yamato I thought that that was an interesting character interaction that could happen at some point because they both have identity crisis in the in the opposite directions um I think that weevo being related to the Egghead Island plot could be some interesting character stuff but beyond character stuff I don't know is plot significance um John 678 thanks for the two no way you just put Shanks above world's strongest swordsman mihawk I knew that this was gonna be the tricky one oh man oh man Michael Godwin thanks for the two maybe 10-day fight was a lie slash setup I don't think that was like maybe but I'm like what would I even base that off of um Patricia Zambrano thanks for being younger team remember for three months submarge hope you're doing all right counting the days for one piece to come back do you think we're going to go back to Egghead finally next chapter that's a great question um that's a great question I would not I'll say I would not be surprised if we went back to Egghead next chapter because it feels like we ended at a good note where it's like okay set up a bunch of stuff for the world government side now we could maybe pivot back to what's happening in the modern day but I would love for it to continue outside would love for it to continue outside yeah Akainu in theory I'm not saying you got stronger through training I'm saying like did he have a hockey Bloom over the course of the aokiji fight could that be it because I think that's a reasonable guess Jay thanks for the five in my opinion the three OG Admirals are all going to be as strong as Emperors but only with their Awakenings Oda will give them Awakenings right I mean didn't he didn't give the emperor's Awakenings so I don't know um I'm gonna guess that like in my opinion like I think kizaru fujitora green bull I think they're all close at the same tier in my opinion um um hmm okay we're gonna keep Luffy out of the picture for the moment all right we're gonna set Luffy outside for the moment right um we'll we'll find a spot for Luffy in a second now this might be controversial avakino than aokiji then Blackbeard right might be controversial however I personally got I don't think Blackbeard has done anything yet that puts him above Akin or aokiji um he's a yonko but as we know yonko that's just that means you're one of the that means you hold the territory and you're strong enough that like the Marines can't easily get rid of you the only thing Blackbeard did to get yonko status was to feed Marco that's the only thing he did right it was confirmed that he became considered yonko's status once he defeated Marco Blackbeard Pirates defeated um the Whitebeard Pirates all right now if you want to know why I think aokiji is greater than Blackbeard I just look back at the scene in the bar um it was chapter what 1000 what chapter was it someone help me what [ __ ] chapter did this happen 1080. 1081. I think Blackbeard will be stronger than aokiji and all of these characters soon um but I don't think he's there yet yeah if I look back at the scene at the bar I got the sense Blackbeard did not want to [ __ ] without kiji um that's just me looking back at the scene in the bar um I'll keep like to me if I just read this whole scene to me the portrayal that I get the sense of is basically like aokiji couldn't get give less of a [ __ ] that Blackbeard is here um Blackbeard is the one that's a bit more freaked out by the potential of fighting without kiji that's the sense that I get and here's the thing Blackbeard is generally very very he falls into two camps if he thinks he's stronger than you then he's very overconfident you could see that with Magellan with law even with on his death bed Whitebeard if he thinks he's stronger than you then he's very overconfident okay if Blackbeard thinks that uh his attitude is very very different that's consistent throughout the story if he thinks he's stronger than you like with Ace with Luffy Etc he's very very overconfident very cocky if he thinks that he's weaker than you then he immediately he does not look for a fight it's very black and white with Blackbeard if he thinks that he's weaker than you then he does not look for a fight you can see that with Akainu showing up at um um at post Marine Ford the moment it kind of showed up Blackbeard ran away so we know that Blackbeard did not believe that he's strong enough to fight Akainu granted this is two years later but I'm just saying consistency of character okay I knew he was scared to fight Shanks pulled up in Marine Ford Blackberry did not want to fight him um kainu uh what do you call kainu Shanks Rayleigh showed up at uh Amazon Lily Blackbeard didn't know how much really had declined from his prime but the moment he saw Rayleigh he was like I don't want to [ __ ] with that so it's pretty black and white with Blackbeard he thinks he's stronger than you Hancock Etc blah blah blah blah um he's just gonna be he's not gonna hesitate law whoever he's not gonna hesitate if he thinks he's if he thinks you're a challenge or weaker then he goes into a very different more cowardly mode that's pretty much the way he is a portrayal of this scene to me is basically uh aokiji is probably stronger than Blackbeard at this point in time I think the thing to back that up is the fact that Blackbeard struggled with law 1v1 um if you think like aokiji would struggle like do you think akaino or aokiji would struggle as much with law 1v1 I personally don't think so I think the fact that Blackbeard was heavily injured from that fight um docs him several points so I'm putting him below akinon aokiji Billy Bob says black readers two fruits what the [ __ ] you talking about it doesn't matter because fruits alone aren't everything we know that the Admirals are good at hockey we know that they have advanced armament hockey they're much more experienced Fighters Blackbeard even at the time like the moment when Blackbeard got his two fruits he still ran away from Akainu post-marine Ford I I think a lot of people misinterpret Blackbeard's character which is like oh well he's just very calculated like he's very calculated with um uh his actions and everything he is but generally when he thinks he's stronger than some when he thinks he's stronger with somebody then he's not worried he he just goes in it's when he thinks he's weaker that he always runs away or like backs down it's pretty consistent thanks for the five killer says kaido is the strong inspired verbatim Luffy greater than cater greater than Shanks equals mihawk greater than black read greater than admirals I mean that was kaido's reputation but we know that reputation is not the same as actuality Matt thanks for the five do you think the rest of garpton's kuzan fight will be off screened um I think most of it we might see the the finale of it or we might see the Fallout thank you Blackbeard hard counters kuzan black reader's always vibrating um you could say that but at the same time like um we also saw that aokiji had a good shot at taking down Whitebeard at Marine Ford like he had a decent shot at doing that and I'd still think I would still take white beard at Marine Ford um like jozu interrupted so we don't know how the finale of that would have played out but uh Blackberry what sorry aokiji had a good shot at taking him down at least that's what it looked like before the fight got interrupted um and I still 100 take Whitebeard at Marine Ford over Blackbeard right now um actually you know what like put it this way like let me just be pretty straightforward uh Blackbeard had a decent difficulty fight with law aokiji fought a kainu for 10 days straight I don't think it's that complicated you know what I mean like aokiji fought a kainu for 10 days straight do you think Blackbeard could fight akinu for 10 days straight after the first interaction with law already had him taking the sword through the chest I think that's pretty straightforward Blackbeard we know is going to be really strong but he's not at his prime yet right um I haven't put Luffy in I haven't put Luffy in I put Luffy somewhere around here I haven't decided again ramenstains thanks for the two pins or above mihawk I know jogger World thanks for the two you think Blackbeard would have beaten kaido in 102 no definitely not Blackbird beating kaido and wano no um let's see where do I put Luffy where do I put Luffy I put Luffy I think here I think I put Luffy here I think Luffy I think based on what we've seen Luffy should be above akinu I think based on what we've seen Luffy should be above a kainu but I think just based on direction of the story a kainu above Luffy right now makes sense I don't know um all right so let's say we got a kind of out of the picture we can reevaluate down the line I'll listen to more arguments this is just to make some progress um we take out kiji out yeah okay and we'll take Luffy out all right I just think Luffy versus like to me at this point until a kind unless a kind who shows Advanced conquers hockey I'm not putting him above Luffy I just can't because Luffy's got too much going for him at this point okay We're Gonna Roll with this for now now let's get to some easier things all right kizaru fujitora green bull let's get some Admirals out of the way before we get to the controversial [ __ ] wait a second I forgot a few characters GARP I put GARP above green Bowl I put GARP above green Bowl I don't think GARP is stronger than fujitora right now I don't think ARP is strong in the fujitor right now Matt thanks for the two yonko buggy not being number one is crazy uh it would be unfair I think it'd be unfair all right I got Garfield go above green wool I think GARP is going to lose this fight Tao kiji if GARP wins this fight against aokiji we can shoot him higher up the list um [Music] so Rayleigh has volunteered that he is weaker than Blackbeard right now I also think Rayleigh would have lost to kizaru back at um uh saboti I'm gonna put really right around here what do people prefer GARP above fujitora where do people think GARP should be I don't think GARP I just don't think that GARP I think GARP could like knock around the Admirals pretty well but I just don't think he would have this like let's see how they fight without kiji goes but I just don't think that over time he's gonna survive a long fight basically and I think that that matters Rich yeah thanks for the five I'm hoping Luffy walks up to akinu and one shots him in base form that I don't know if that's gonna happen man that's an interesting thought Michael Goodwin thanks for the five I think that since the end of Blackbeard's fights are off screen he's hard to gauge also with that's a good point also with shanks's constant awareness warnings it's shady I do get the stance this is all very difficult [ __ ] this is the like let's be honest most of these characters can go up or down several spots like I think within a range of five like I think you could have dragon outside the top five that's totally possible I think you could have a kind of higher I think maybe akinu's weaker than Blackbeard I think both those things are possible I think hisaru could be uh it's it's possible uh kizaru or another Admiral is stronger than Blackbeard or it's possible Blackbeard is solidly stronger than that right now um that's the fun of the list we don't know yet a lot of these a lot of these characters are pretty flexible GARP greater than kizaru again I think like here's how I put it with GARP I think if you had him start a fight with any of the Admirals I think he spends the first 10 minutes kicking their ass I think that just because of the way that old ass characters in one piece are written so consistently we see with Whitebeard with Rayleigh the problem is stamina that's kind of what's been established they just get tired quicker um so unless GARP is an exception to that rule uh I don't know if I put him above these other animals you know what but I I am I could see garpa's eyes number seven you know like it's hard to say I could see guard pretty high um Anthony's crew thanks for the two horrendous Greenville beat fujitorah stop it Greenville didn't beat fujitora fujitor was not stated to be defeated uh joyboy56 thanks for the two Ben Beckman should be top 12. um who are you putting Ben Beckman above I'm not putting above any Admirals till we get evidence of that so next thanks for the five heart I appreciate that Keenan says didn't know there were green bull stands you haven't seen Anthony's crew he's the only man in the one piece Community coming through um defending the Admirals consistently but that's good because you need that all right are we removing these guys we got GARP out of there um now it gets [ __ ] difficult doesn't it now it gets [ __ ] difficult we got really out of there [ __ ] this is the really [ __ ] difficult part this is the really [ __ ] difficult part okay so we got really out of there I'm gonna go ahead and throw in sengoku why am I putting really above sengoku is it because I like really more I personally think that in their primes really was Stronger but it's not really based off of anything to be honest like if I'm being perfectly Fair if really is to Roger what's in Goku is to go but the thing is garpinson Goku are more so there's more parody there right sengoku like really is weaker than Roger we know that whereas sengoku is fairly he's probably closer to rock real sengoku's probably closer to GARP like it's probably like almost neck and neck than really was to Roger and sengoku is more in practice right really is probably sengoku is more in practice yeah sengoku should be above really so Goku should be above really like regardless of what you think about them in their primes um sengoku today really basically doesn't fight ever right the last bit of action that he had was um a brief fight with kizaru he did train Luffy on that island for a bit but that like we know what he was doing for two years he was just training Luffy on that island right um sengoku by the way has also been training people that was what he was supposed to be doing for the last two years right but sengoku in general like he was an active military member for years where Israeli has gotten probably rustier over time so I'm gonna put sengoku but really regardless of what you think about them in the primes I think that this is accurate Nick Smith thanks for the five have we seen any character other than Burgess lift a literal Mountain um no um no I I think I mean I think Burgess is strong but I I don't think he grabs cracks top 30 personally Jay thanks for the five you're right that accounting feels stronger than Luffy Oda doesn't make major opponents weaker than the last I I hope Admirals get their love soon that's the thing I feel like a kainu should be higher but it just doesn't make sense to me that he would be unless he got Conker's hockey like unless he got a power up over the course of his fight without kiji I don't see how he would be stronger than Luffy right now I just don't I think that I guess the way I put it is I think that akinu I think a kind of will be this is what I think but I don't have any good argument for it because it's not even like with dragon I can't make the argument that like you know dragons pass portrayal in general um how the direction of the story is clearly headed towards Dragon being most likely um saved for the end game end game even further back than Shanks Etc probably the most important opponent to EMU probably the most important obstacle opponent to EMU before Luffy comes in um whereas with a kainu we can't even say for certain yet if Akainu is like like how important is it to be Fleet Admiral it feels like it should be important but the Marines are slowly diminishing in terms of importance of the further that we had in the story and Akainu is um like we already have a lot of Feats to go off of with a kainu none of them put him at you know at like that level where you know he he doesn't have like Advanced conquerors hockey like these other characters he's not gonna be splitting the sky if he clashes with one of the top tiers and stuff like that like we already have a lot to go off of so with the kainu his future is unconfirmed I know what I believe is future to be but there's really not a lot of evidence compared to like Dragon to suggest that that's what his future will be and then on the flip side we also have a lot of Feats from Akainu that put him basically like the Feats from a kind who basically put him at like equal without kiji which isn't that which isn't that great you know what I mean um so I I think I have to put a kind in here it doesn't feel right though I feel like a kind of should be still above Luffy I think it kind of maybe got a power up or something like that I don't know Justin Hall thanks for the five maybe have Luffy to kind of share a spot since we don't know either of their full capabilities hoping a kind who makes his move soon I'm gonna I'm gonna ask a vote am I allowed to do ties am I allowed to do ties I feel like that defeats the purpose of doing a top 30 because you should have to make the difficult decisions but it could make a lot of people happier I could also put Shanks and mihawk in the same spot so next thanks to the five if a kind of Awakened conquers against kuzan I'd honestly play some above pride and GARP yeah if he awakened conkers then he's like I don't know about about prime guard but he Rockets up the list he's easily above Luffy or whatever right if you give a kainu conkers hockey it's crazy um and if Goku has it I don't see a scenario where a kind who doesn't uh it might just be different than how Odo wants to write the two characters bonfigun thanks for the two more kazora if if a kainu is not going to be Luffy's one of Luffy's endgame opponents then Oda has no reason to give a kind of advanced conquerors hockey because not going to be beaten by Luffy well then you need to make a kainu beatable by somebody else right if a guy who gets Advanced conquerors then like there's no [ __ ] way sabo's going to beat him Sabo as is has almost no shot of beating him so in that case you definitely don't want to power up a kind of more you know if a kainu is for some bizarre reason like dragon's enemy maybe because of like a long lost Grudge or something like that maybe when dragons pass or something then maybe you give a kind of a power up I don't know all right so we can't do ties bonfigun thanks for the two more Zoro High diffs and Goku and Rayleigh uh I think I need a little bit more out of Zora before I say something like that no one thinks really oversen Goku I guess I just like really that's why I was arguing with myself let's get the stream likes up to 500 cinx thanks for the five if a kainu awaken conquerors against oh no we covered this um okay all right so no ties allowed all right next up uh I'm Gonna Roll with this is tough this is [ __ ] difficult Zoro Sanji but I'm gonna eliminate some people that I know [ __ ] aren't making top 30. I know that kaku's not making top 30. I'm not putting yuruge in top 30. I'm not putting killer in top 30. um I'm not putting inorashi I'm not putting nekomamushi I'm not putting Jack yeah let's just shave some [ __ ] down real quick I'm not putting jinbei um jinbe strongest win is fusu I'm not putting jinbe in there um we got sengoku out of there oh [ __ ] I gotta rank Kong I'm an idiot why'd I include Kong I don't want to include Kong okay [ __ ] can't believe I included Kong H man thanks for the two no matter what no matter make spot one doc horse doc Hughes horse is stronger okay um maybe you never know thanks Mr Mordred can you please say happy birthday to my friend ambassing he's broke and can't Super Chat yeah sure happy birthday umbassing Nick thanks for the two Zoro solidly above every other yonko Commander except Beckman I agree with that okay here's who I'm thinking for the next group right for the next group it's some combination of like Zorro wait I don't know put it here okay so we're looking at Zorro Beckman I'm just I'm just going off of the order I put them in the list don't consider this ranked King katakuri like we're looking at the yonko one or close to Admiral level right katakuri Marco sure you I guess crocodile boa I guess weevil Kong Sabo law kid Yamato is Luchi in there let's just throw him in there for a sake of discussion it's too hard to tell because we can't we don't know how strong how hard Luffy was fighting there this is our next batch we're gonna figure this [ __ ] out oh I'll throw in I'll throw in Magellan right so I can cross off these guys and cross up Zorro uh you guys might dislike this but I think uh um sanji's in this discussion as well Sarah Burgess crocodile Hancock note that just because someone made this batch doesn't mean that I put them as stronger than everybody else left behind Okay um it just means that like they're worth discussing you know we might decide that hey you know what weevil's probably probably doesn't deserve to be here at all let's throw him below like below some of these guys like let's put him below doflamingo and uh lucky Roo and all that [ __ ] right um I'm just saying it's worth discussing you know what I mean like I know lucky rude doesn't make the next cut but technically we know so little about Weevil that maybe he does that's the same reason I'm putting Sanji in here because I think it's the other way I think Sanji is stronger than other yonko second commanders by a good deal based on how he did against Queen towards the end so I would say that there's an argument that Sanji might be above some of these characters at the end of the day we might put Sanji last out of these characters but I think that there's an argument that he might be okay let's get started I'm putting Ben Beckman here first reason being very simple um among all of the yonko amidst among all the yonko I believe that shanks's crew was noted to have it was the only one that was noted in particular um for um for the uh the uh it's it's members the best balanced Penny pirate crew no soft targets here that's not saying that oh the shank the Red Hood Pirates are stronger as a crew than any of the other red than any of the other Pirates but we know a few things we know that shanks's Fleet is [ __ ] ass which suggests that his core crew does have to be disproportionately a bit stronger to make up for that and the fact that the Marines specifically talk about Beckman Rue yasop they don't really talk up the other characters much that leads me to believe that it's very likely that shanks's crew might just have the edge over other yonko Commanders when you go down the line right so we're gonna roll with that Ben Beckman at 15. I don't think that should be controversial at all it's Ben [ __ ] Beckman then it gets controversial then it gets controversial then it gets very controversial let's roll Zorro I'll explain everything in a second before you guys start crying foreign go where does sure you go where does sure you go where does Shiri go where does Sherry go where does crocodile go where does BOA go did I cross off should you by accident I'm gonna put Lucci over here crocodile where does crocodile go I'm assuming crocodile has gotten stronger uh this shit's hard at this level it's really difficult Sinex thanks for the five in my mind I don't think it's possible that Luffy won't fight Akino at some point if they fight to be comfortable it kind of kinda has to have conquerors I'm I'm willing to put a kind of above Luffy it's just there's nothing there um to put him like that we've seen you know and there's it it it's purely based on the assumption that akinu today has a totally different ability than what we saw before because we've seen so much of him fight so it's not the same as like dragon and eam where we can speculate on story roll because we've seen so little of their actual Feats it kind of leave so many Feats he's actually one of the characters with the most Feats in the story um among top tiers and his Feats don't put him at the very very top they put him high but not at the very top but if we can assume that he got a power up I might maybe I'll go back let me figure this [ __ ] out first megalore thanks to the five heimwich first Common Alexa or greater than Beckman zorescard kaido Beckman got mocked and ignored by kizaru um I don't think getting ignored by kazaru is that big of a deal at the end it's still kazaru like I put Kazar above Zorro as well you know um I think if Zoro was like kizarro don't move then kizara would probably still move in shoot his lasers I don't think Zoro could easily stop that either because because I was fast um not saying Zoro wouldn't do well against kazaro I'm just saying that you know character ignoring a character and going on to do what their job is I think is ultimately not the biggest deal at the end of the day Beckman did make his hour stop briefly momentarily um just not permanently and they didn't fight it out at the end of the day um I put Beckman there just because I think that I'm not going to believe that the straw had to have passed up shanks's crew till I see it but I think it's possible um let me explain some of these so Beckman is Ben Beckman right I just think that he is the most status out of the first mates I don't think I need to explain that uh Zoro nyamoto Advanced conquer saki users extremely good Feats Yamato fighting toe-to-toe with kaido briefly um Zorro uh like obviously scarring kaido which is a huge [ __ ] deal um ashrazoro has an argument for being much higher up this list but as we can see he can only use it briefly so far again Advanced conquers hockey users is just a huge [ __ ] deal right um and obviously he pretty dominantly beat king once he got Advanced conquerors hockey once he got Advanced conquerors hockey King basically didn't do [ __ ] to him so I feel comfortable putting Zora here Yamato here I think that's fine uh Marco is great because Marco can't really lose to anybody below him it's just that I don't think he has any way to beat a lot of the characters above him like I imagine Advanced con we know good enough hockey can hurt Marco right because we saw GARP hurt Marco at Marine Ford so Zoro and Yamato as advanced conquerors hockey users they should be able to [ __ ] up Marco right they should be able to [ __ ] up Marco um Admirals probably have too much Firepower and overall good hockey abilities for Marco to keep up with but Marco can't really lose to anyone below him we literally saw Marco in one of the most Marco's Feats are stupidly impressive across the course of the series and I think a lot of people forget or take it for granted but Marco honestly he's got an argument for being even higher because uh Marco he was kicking King and queen's ass 2V1 2V1 by himself yes he eventually got tired because he's not like a [ __ ] Admiral like he's not green bull you're not gonna expect him to beat them both at the same time he's not yonko but for being a first mate to take on another yonko first mate and the second mate at the same time and be winning for the majority like every single panel that they were on screen be winning the fight right and the only thing he has to say is that well I can't do this forever I'll get tired yeah Marco is clearly stronger than there's no argument for King above Marco there literally isn't because we saw the fight um you could say well Marco is no way of like actually damaging King that's probably true king is no way of actually damaging Marco either it would just be a continuous Battle of Marco kicking his ass and if you really want to get technical Marco could if it was just 1v1 Marco could literally just take King drag him out to outside owning kishima and throw him in the [ __ ] water like go back if you don't believe me go back and look at the panels Marco was effortlessly handling King effortlessly is probably too much because he was getting tired but Queen was involved as well right every single panel was markled and slapping those slapping those two idiots around so if we really want to get technical if it was just 1v1 Marco versus King neither of them are hurting each other but Marco's basically manhandling him eventually he could find some way of basically taking him out of commission be that throwing him in the ocean whatever it doesn't matter but there's no there's zero argument for King over Marco because we literally saw it on page so for you to argue with the other way there's it would be basically pure headcanon that there's there's nothing to argue we also know that like just the sheer Firepower that Marco has stopped over the course of the series he has stopped attacks from every single like pretty much all the top tiers we've seen kind of right like most of them the strongest devil fruits akinu he stopped serious attacks from a kind he stopped the most powerful attack his Arrow has ever shown he has overpowered big mom and Prometheus her number one homie Prometheus is her number one homie Marco's straight up overpowered her on top of that Marco literally made big mom leave that doesn't mean Mark was stronger than big mom or anything like that but you just can't really compare him to these other characters like King katakuri Sabo Etc because he's the only character that very literally uh a yonko who was in a 2V1 big mom in Paris Sparrow a Yanko is facing off him off against him head on and was basically like you are too difficult for me to fight right now I have no way of easily putting you down I will have to exit this conversation that's a yonko so there's not really any argument for any of the other yonko first mates because Marco just says by far the most Feats he is by far the most hyped from other top tiers the way big moms talked about him the way the gorus they talked about how Marco could potentially be the only other pirate out there that can take out Blackbeard there's no discussion for anyone um here to be above Marco like none whatsoever so we have that [Music] um out of the way I don't want to hear any Marco being lower than anyone else discussion it's just not possible uh too many Feats unparalleled Feats amongst all of these characters in this tier and way more outside joyboy 56 has been greater than Rayleigh I think that's possible but it's not like not enough information for us to really say so right now I'm gonna go with really because we've seen more of their time I will say that Akin was holding back to not destroy Marine Ford fighting 11 commanders equal um fighting 11 Commanders is similar to kaido versus scabbards um yeah I think you could say that but at the same time then what do we have right now we we know that like a kainu fought out kiji all out for um 10 days and they were about equal so like I don't think aokiji is that strong in the grand like I mean I've got him pretty high but I'm saying I don't think aokiji scales to like higher than like last we saw how kiji's getting kind of wrecked by GARP you know I still think he'll win the fight in the end of the day but um I don't think I've seen anything from a kainu or aokiji that puts them in that same tier as you know um like kaido just yet not not same tier like maybe they're around there but I think a guy who would need a power up I think he needs Advanced conquerors hockey to be there okay so Marco's there I think no discussion to be had ramenstains things with two I'd honestly put Marco above band and probably Rayleigh it's just because of the way that um Shanks is yonko commanders were specifically hyped but you could argue Marco has the same level of hype as Ben Beckman I think ultimately I just gave greater value to hockey than even a really good devil fruit um because the series gives greater value to hockey which is why I put Ben beckman's or in Yamato above Marco Miss super from mufa kabasi sorry I missed that one let me let me I was supposed to go back to that one let's see let's see thanks for the two nobody caught the ambassing joke shake my head I don't know it I don't get it um SMX Wing thanks for the five um perceives less guaranteed than emu being an opponent for Luffy so that's number one I think it's a much shakier perceived story element and two a kind we've already seen so much of him fighting right it's not the same as in where we have the perceived future story role plus the complete mystery as to what he can actually do a kind of it's like we know that we we can guess at a perceived story rule which is being an opponent for Luffy down the line but he's also fought so much already that um we already in like we know basically based on everything we know he should be equal to aokiji it's basically it should be pretty much the same it should be out kaino aokiji so it would have to be like a huge jump to say in my mind like it's just a bit everything's on a spectrum of like how much are you willing to speculate versus how much are you basing it on things we've seen I think to me it's just like one step too far in terms of speculation to say that hey Akin who got Advanced conquerors hockey you know um I wouldn't be surprised and I like to believe it but I think it just goes a bit too far I I think a kind of stronger than Luffy at this point but um it's based on something that's really really hypothetical you know sleeping danger thanks for 14. why is cat so high he loses to everyone below him um I could I I could see Saba beating katakuri because it's a bad matchup not everything's about matchups because in general it should be more so like in general who can you beat right because maybe you just have one bad match up here or something like that I put Marco High because in general he should beat everyone below him right um katakuri obviously beats law karakuri obviously beats kid um obviously is maybe a strong word but like here's the thing with law and kid they are literal hockey scrubs it cannot be State like emphasized enough how [ __ ] god-awful their hockey is they are absolute scrubs law literally cannot cannot like [ __ ] forget Advanced Armament hockey he cannot coat his blade in hockey he cannot do a Black Blade at all period it's [ __ ] ridiculous they are hockey scrubs they're beyond scrubs he can't do the same [ __ ] that [ __ ] smoker in Punk Hazard could do they are scrubs neither of them have ever had a good win 1v1 never had a good win when we 1v1 they are coasting off of their good ass devil fruits if you put like we saw what happens to kid when you put him up again you put kid up against a future site user like we saw what Shanks did to him obviously kakri doesn't have that level of like like damage output but that's not the point the point is that if if Shanks can see kids moves coming why would katakuri not be able to see kids moves coming you got what I'm saying like obviously the way that karaoke counters is gonna be very different but Kata Creek can obviously Dodge a railgun there's nothing that kid can do that katakuri wouldn't be able to dodge there's nothing that law could do that katakri wouldn't be able to dodge right we already saw how good futureside is against a character of that level who's not good at uh hockey in general I don't know how large like if you can give a good explanation of how long kid would hit um uh karakuri then I'd be interested but uh I can't see them doing that so next thanks for the five pound should be top ten for blowing big mom's back out uh better Feats than Marco against her in defying certain death to be honest I I kind of agree kecker's boy says thanks for the five I kind of Sabas fight not fight not Luffy's Sabas and hurting Aces Willa needs to take on his killer see I don't personally agree with that argument I see the Merit of the argument I don't personally agree but just because we have something like that as like a prominent argument in the community that also makes me less inclined to be confidently pushing a kainu above Luffy um reflexity thanks my homies usap and Nami will make it up there in a couple years mark my words they won't get ignored for much longer sleeping danger oh no are you saying sleeping danger are you saying kid in law are weaker than whole cake Island Luffy am I saying they're weaker than whole cake Island Luffy um I think whole cake Island Luffy has a good shot at beating both of them um because he has future side and they don't all right I thought about that for a second it doesn't seem right right that doesn't seem right but I also don't get how they would lose or how they would beat katakuri how would they hit him how would they hit him I'm open to okay I'm open to listening I'm open to listening how would they hit him how would they hit him with Marco and King I'm not going to hear a discussion for Long Kid they're not above Mark or King because in those cases they literally can't do damage to them so you need Advanced conquers hockey you need good hockey to damage these guys but I'm open to listening to katakuri because katakuri he can be damaged he just has to be hit so I just need to know how they how do they hit him your Lord says they have good Feats against big mom yeah but in the 2V1 so that's the thing we don't know if they'd be able to land these hits on big like would they be able to land these hits if the other person wasn't distracting them so you guys gotta remember these are not team fights these are 1v1 okay so all the big moms [ __ ] throw that out the window the question is could they hit karakuri if they don't have their buddy distracting karakuri right so they have to do it by themselves like like big kids all right can they do it by themselves how would they do it I just need to hear the argument for it Michael Goodwin thanks to five since law and kid are hockey losers they are shouldn't a Specialists like Sanji and direct rival of Zora be higher he's countered katakuri's future site unrated feat I'm inclined to put Sanji Above Lawn kid I genuinely am I just know people get very upset we have to do this these things in steps basically right so first we got to establish where we want to put lawn kid then we can kind of bring Sanji into the equation not a pro 64 thanks to the five more to be so for real right now and say on God that two or even three categories or end of hokikan Luffy's beat big mom be serious um but I would say no but here's the thing are they allowed to use ten thousand tons of dynamite in the fight is it three luffies or three katakuris versus big mom or is it three katakuris plus ten thousand tons of dynamite because you have to remember and this is very very [ __ ] important kid in law did not beat big mom in a straight fight they got very very lucky because the situation involved ten thousand tons of [ __ ] dynamite in onigushima going off in front of her face okay so let's be very very clear there it was at the point that their involvement in the fight was pretty much done big mom was ready to basically get back up she fell through a hole because they happened to be fighting on an island 10 000 meters in the sky she fell through the hole got blown up by Dynamite and that's how they won and then she fell through Lava and couldn't get back up that's not the same like we're if we're saying in a fight we're not saying in that specific situation we're saying General fight I don't know what you want to think Dragon Ball Z open field or whatever because in that case Kaiden law also lose that fight the second thing you have to consider is that sometimes abilities work really really well in the situation so Law's ability is really really well suited to being good in a team fight because it can do a lot of good internal damage right so that's really useful against top tiers in a team fight because in a team fight law doesn't have to create his own openings in a 1v1 that's very different because in a 1v1 law has to create his own his own openings right so if he has to create his own openings that's different right we're not trying to scale like how well would law on this person do in a team fight versus how well would like three katakuris do in a team fight that's not the same thing tell me who wins 1v1 the other argument is irrelevant sleeping danger thinks Kate can assign kataku to the floor and he can't move yeah but kid would have to hit katakri with the sign a sign works by like you know there's something a kid actually projects out and kid can't hit katakuri ramenstains thanks swinging a young country remember for nine months lock lock could do some stuff with room and shambles to get hits on katakuri still think he doesn't take it though thanks for bringing yonko to your member that's what I'm saying like to me katakuri is a terrible counter to law because Law's abilities are like terrible isn't really good counter to log is what I mean because law works a lot on trickery right katakuri is maybe the smartest most situationally aware and observant fighter that we have in the story I think it would be very very [ __ ] difficult for law to land any of his [ __ ] on katakuri because katakuri literally knows what's coming and he's such a malleable character he can move around pretty much any and all attacks you need generally like really good AOE or something like that in my opinion to beat karakuri D Marquez thanks for the two more do you think current GARP could beat kid in law do I think current GARP could beat kid in law do I think current GARP could beat kid in law do I think current GARP could beat kitten law um it's so tricky like is the dynamite involved again I think big mom's just [ __ ] dumb which is a big part of that fight just her being stupid GARP says stupid character IQ was but I I don't get the sense he's stupid battle like he was so I don't know I'm gonna say maybe no Ty's saying Luffy people are saying Luffy didn't 1v1 kaido et cetera how's that relevant we're not ranking Luffy um if Luffy did beat kaido 1v1 then maybe like pure 1v1 maybe I'd put him even higher on the list we're basing Luffy's ranking on the understanding that he didn't beat kaido in a peer review 1v1 it's not the same thing at all um like I never made the argument that Luffy beat guy don't appear 1v1 tala thanks for the seven law was fast enough to intercept a swing from kaido and teleport Zoro out if a hybrid kaido Advanced conquerors hockey thunderbagua couldn't put law down then katakuri can't this is a very very good argument the stamina argument I would agree with that the stamina argument is there does katakuri have the the physical damage output to take out either either of these characters I'm gonna say he can take out kid I think he can't take out law the reason he can take out kid is because uh katakuri can suffocate kid under Mochi as he did to Luffy Luffy just ate his way out but kid can eat a lot too this is so [ __ ] stupid I'm scaling it based on whether or not but this is one piece logic I have to scale a little bit based on whether or not the character can eat their way out of a suffocating trap Larkin teleport himself out of any traps katakuri does oh this pains me so much all right law and kid above katakuri I see the argument karakuru wouldn't be able to damage them enough but that's the only reason it'll be one of those where like they can't do anything to katakuri for pretty much the entirety of the fight at all but over time katakuri would be worn out which is an irritating way to scale but it is basically just the reality of how it goes yeah I think stamina endurance wise you just got to give it to them in that sense yeah it would basically be caught like they would never get a hit on katakuri but eventually katakuri would just get tired it's the way it is son thanks for the five katakuria's pillow punches can't beat KO based Luffy loss of yeah yeah you guys are right you guys are right you guys are right I think you guys were wrong with the initial arguments you were using I'll maintain that because they can't hit him and I maintain that there's no evidence that they can hit him but I think that these new arguments of stamina I can see that I'm incorrect on that law survives thunderbagwa kept up with Blackbeard's speed he can cut katakuri from range Blackbeard speed what what Blackberry isn't Blackbeard one of the [ __ ] slowest characters Blackbird can't even catch Beppo but I get what you're saying he can cut category from range lock it no he can't cut a creek can dodge there's so many characters that Dodge like laws [ __ ] attacks without having future sight katakuri would have an easy time dodging laws attacks he would have probably the easiest time dodging laws attacks out of anyone in the story save for I suppose shanksuzio G thanks for the two kid can 100 hit with hit rate real gun with a sign on most people yeah but not katakuri okay all right we're gonna bump this down now we got some other characters to throw in I don't know how the [ __ ] we rate these guys and it looks like our top 30 is about to be rounded out with these so we don't even get to these boys mechler thanks for the two can category damage or Outlast Queen maybe Queen grader oh God damn it no now we gotta look at tala's post I really don't want to uh uh [ __ ] okay before we get to Queen how about this before we get to Queen let's try and throw these guys in um let me just say this real quick Sabo is by far the I don't want to hear [ __ ] about Sabo he is by far the most overrated character on this list I'm putting him this high so people don't cry but he is his only good feet one he has one Good Feet it is beating Jesus Burgess that is it he is no other good Feats he did not do jack [ __ ] at marijua did not do jack [ __ ] and rizwa was [ __ ] useless against the Admirals didn't do jack [ __ ] against Marie at marijuana even when the Admirals were [ __ ] holding back and he didn't do [ __ ] against fujitor either when fujitora wasn't trying isn't that [ __ ] crazy when Saba was trying and fujitora was not trying he didn't do [ __ ] there either Sabo has no Feats it's insane I don't know why Sabo like if I see one more person say that sabo's underrated I'm gonna [ __ ] flip because right now I'm overrating the [ __ ] out of him he has done nothing jack [ __ ] he has no way of hurting King he has no way of hurting Marco he is not doing [ __ ] to characters that are actually good at Advanced conquerors hockey because Sabo is a little baby Armament hockey user and these are big boys who actually have strong wills and have conquerors hockey and know how to use it so I he's not going any [ __ ] higher on this list and he's not [ __ ] with Admirals because he has never [ __ ] with animals all right I don't want to hear [ __ ] about Sabo I don't know why I'm putting up a blonde kid do I hate lawn kids so much that is this what it's come to oh my God laws actually La fought with Blackbeard if Sabo fought with Blackberry do you want to happen same [ __ ] that happened to Ace same thing Joe thanks for five Marco is so overrated he does no lasting damage to anyone in Marine four to wano he can only stall people GARP could three shot him it doesn't matter if GARP can three shot him because we're not putting above GARP um Marco has a lot of the like Marco just says I'm not Marco can only go so high because his offensive output is so much but he can beat everyone below him and that's what matters and like you have to consider no matter what you want to say about like Marco can only stall people and such strong characters view Marco as a problem big mom a [ __ ] yonko said that she can't deal with him right now and she left and she was in a 2V1 situation that's [ __ ] huge right like consider how big mom views Marco versus how she views Kaden law scrubs that basically like were an inconvenience till they got very very lucky through 2V1 sneak attacks Etc and a 10 000 tons of TNT to basically cheese the [ __ ] out of her but big mom does not view either like just consider the interaction between Marco and big mom which felt more like yeah you're a real challenge that I don't have an easy way to deal with I have to exit versus these two [ __ ] keep hitting me with random [ __ ] when I'm distracted with the other one and not none of it's doing anything to me for the most part but oh [ __ ] I fell down this hole and then oh [ __ ] these bombs that were conveniently planted there for them now I'm [ __ ] out of some weird ass cheesy really really forced Victory by these hockeyless devil fruit Reliance scrubs that's basically that was the internal the hidden internal monologue text that uh that I uh read into that scene by the way I'll just share that with you but I think that's a big deal that like even very strong characters view Marco is a very difficult opponent to beat I think that's a really really big deal um obviously he can't put down these top tier guys but uh you don't have to we're not putting them above them um he beats anybody below him though okay um Anthony screw thanks for the five you think Greenville is weak God damn it I'm down here fighting for my life talking about Saba Lockheed Etc the characters that people like actually want to debate and stuff you're trying to make me go back up to Green bull at the Big Green Bulls position you think green Bulls is weaker but he damaged Fuji and hockey Leaf scars low gear not and rainbow was clean Fuji was also not afraid to hold back in marijua dude I mean all I gotta say is like we don't know if Greenville was damaged either because we saw that fujitor at scars but we didn't see green bull again in that time frame right we saw green bull two weeks down the line when he was arriving at wano but we saw green but we saw fujitora much more shortly after the the what do you call um the uh the uh the reverie right so we don't know what green Bull's damage was at that point in time we have no idea what happened um Greenville also said that he didn't want to fight fujitora when a kind of ordered green bull to arrest fujitora so you could you could view it either way I'm if you want to mentally Swap fujitor and green bull I don't know um I don't think this like a lot of these characters can go and up it can go up and down several spaces except for Law and kid who can only go down spaces and Sabo um but you know Sabo beating King is nonsensical Saba literally can't beat king it has been established that you cannot hurt King you cannot hurt seraphim with just Ryo and Saba only has Rio what's Sabo gonna do use fire against King King has canonically better fire because magma in one piece is better than Fire King is better in every single regard than Sabo there's nothing that Sabo could do to king king would [ __ ] up Sava thanks for the two high first time comment these are not your first time comments but I appreciate it C's are greater than katakuri that's true that did happen canonically uh wait did I miss something Miss super from Akash Panda I don't want to miss from Akash Panda he's been a long time supporter not that I miss want to miss from anyone but you know we're from Akash panda oh thanks for the two how do you like Excel so far better than paint it is better than paint objectively but artistically speaking I prefer uh Microsoft Paint is just more fun for me to use I feel more expressive Excel Google spreadsheets it's so cut and dry everything's in a box um I'm gonna talk about thanks for the two based off Big Man fight and reactions kid greater than law 1v1 I agree but uh we have to take like I used to make that argument but we have to just take a look at what happened to Kade recently and what lauded recently so we just gotta give it uh D Marquez thanks for the two Sabo hate will not be accepted Sabo over Yamato Yamato would [ __ ] up Sabo that's for sure all right how would okay I would love to hear what Sabo could possibly do to King what could Sabo possibly do to King there was nothing that Sabo could do to King we are seeing right now Luffy Zorro Lucci Kaku Luffy Zora and Lucci are all advanced armament hockey users none of it does [ __ ] to seraphims meaning none of it does [ __ ] to lunarians Zoro could not damage uh King he could not even threaten damaging King until he got Advanced conquers hockey there's nothing he can do to him thanks for being the member for nine months first stream I'm watching live keep up the W's I appreciate it thank you very very much thank you I think I don't think that means that King is way stronger than Sabo though I think that's like a bad matchup type thing to clarify okay enough Sabo hate for me enough stop but let me calm down enough Ramen seems thank for the two thanks for the two is crocodile technically yonko one yeah so let's throw these guys in and then we can kind of then we'll have our full list right sure you is so [ __ ] hard to read because in my mind I don't think she I just like the invisibility fruit really in a world of observation hockey users I can't imagine sure you beating karakuri let alone like Yamato Zoro Marco bent like his king of con like Cheerio conquers akis like what is it is sure you're supposed to get a power up before the end of this story I I just don't get it I don't get it not a pro 64. missed my second Super I'm sorry I'm sorry let me check this give me a second um Cutlass Sanji should be where Sabo is I'm I'll put Sanji in in a second I'll put Sanji in in a second [Music] um and Tyler says Miss super ah [ __ ] um okay not a pro 64 says Lucci greater than katakuri started for on a Luffy got laid out by kaido not fully trying gear fifth Luffy named attacks couldn't keep Luchi down no way hokik island category can that's true that's true I think Lucci unfortunately he just had the bad luck of fighting Luffy so late in the game that he's naturally going to look bad like this is a Luffy with Advanced observation Advanced Armament and in gear fifth um the only thing he wasn't using was Advanced conquerors yeah yeah I think Luffy would beat katakuri easier right now than he did Luchi I think I gotta bump Luchi up tala thanks for the 279 King needs speed mode for Sanji Sanji wins easily um I just don't think that's true because like I think we'll find out how Sanji would do against [Music] um King with over the course of this seraphim fight we'll see what what tactics Sanji will pull out against it because to me it's like King could just stay in fire like he could just stay in um uh invulnerable mode and just Spam fire or something like that you know and Sanji is the one who would eventually have to get tired from dodging most likely right um but that being said I have a feeling that Oda is going to show us whether or not Sanji can damage a lunarian with this um next uh with this next fight so it's entire it's entirely possible sanji's above King right now but I'm not gonna put him there I agree Luchi above katakuri I actually agree wait but I'm gonna go ahead and put Lucy above kid could Luchi put down kid luchi's got like assassiny techniques I feel like I know that's a very vague way of saying it but katakuri just has punching for the most part he has his Trident but like kind of crew is a lot to use his trident this changes a lot this changes a lot this changes a lot okay because we know that like [ __ ] okay katakuri stopped using his Trident against Luffy I feel like that's often forgotten this has changed everything this has changed everything because the argument for katakuru was that katakuri's punches can't put down kid in law and I agree but we know that stabby attacks right attacks that are actually puncturing you and [ __ ] those are different right Oda tends to write that like you know um uh like generally in one piece getting impaled tends to be pretty [ __ ] bad right think like like it's it's written very differently from the blunt attacks right blunt attacks Oda can go way overboard like characters take a bunch of damage from blunt attacks but impaling is pretty bad in one piece like think crocodile stabbing Luffy with a hook in all the way back in alabasta right think um Luchi impaling Luffy with his uh shigon back at Water Seven these are usually written to be more damaging think katakuri in that one chapter that we thought Luffy [ __ ] died when he stabbed Luffy with his Trident right can Luffy can lawn kid take a bunch of katakuri's punches yes they could probably take a million category punches can they take getting stabbed by karakuri five or six times the way that Luffy got stabbed and remember Luffy got off easy getting stabbed by karakuri because Luffy was at least using future like observation hockey somewhat to avoid they're not good at observation hockey and they will never be so they will just take that hit straight on this is this is seriously changing a lot of things I'm thinking I don't know anybody wanna I need some new defenses new defenses for kid in law new defenses for kitten law Joshua Joshua Ayala says resist Kari punches but katakri would fill them with holes with a spear slash Trident agreed bassami says two I think thanks for the two I think Sanji greater than King but he'd lose because he uses fire um yeah I just don't know if Sanji can put down these characters like Marco and King and stuff everything and nothing like we'll find that suit thanks for the two black reports don't fight 1v1 it's cheeri's overrated yeah I'm gonna put Shiri lower till we see something sleeping danger things kid was stabbed by a killer and kept fighting yeah but like that's getting stabbed like once I'm saying like katakuru's gonna be stabbing him a lot because again they are never going to [ __ ] hate katakuri never ever ever never gonna hit katakuri karakuri should be able to hit them a [ __ ] ton Romanians is more just coping very hard I want to hear the argument I don't know if I'm coping I just want to hear the argument for why they would not be affected by karakuri stabbing them like he did to Luffy in that one chapter repeatedly Lawless Curtin law could teleport the Trident ah kid has yeah kid has met uh okay you know what fine I'll keep him down there I'll keep him down there I think Lucci beats kid though I think Lucci would be too fast for a kid I think Lucci beats kid okay I agree yeah metal Pat you got cash pan this is metal Trident kid yeah I agree uh son thanks for the five hey mortgage question why is it kind of having coding too Richie but you got Shanks greater than mihawk due to his hockey susano domain expansion Alchemy Spirit Bomb because uh the idea is that shank sweet it's two separate things right Shanks we have gotten strong indications so far that he is a very very very good conquerors hockey user to the point that like you've even got characters like Whitebeard talking about how phenomenal as conkers hockey is so with Shanks it's two separate things one we get the sense that he is one-off if not the best hockey users in the world right now just because of the way he's been written and the way characters have talked about him and two we've already gotten confirmation pretty much by kaido or at least heavy heavy heavy implication by kaido that we still have not seen the limits of hockey because that's kind of what he's talking to Luffy about towards the end of the fight which is he's basically saying that even Advanced like you've got Advanced conquerors hockey but even then you haven't hit the Pinnacle there's something higher right Roger was at something higher right so with Shanks it's a different situation because you've got two things established one we don't know the depths of conquerors hockey just yet two if there's any character that has been strongly implied would be most likely to have the depths of conquerors hockey it would be Shanks so there's things that are implied with the kind of it's totally different because it's like there's nothing like there's nothing that suggests that he has advanced conquerors hockey right that has not been suggested at all so it's literally just a blind guess that like well what if he got it after fighting aokiji you get what I'm saying I think that's more of a jump to me I still think it's a very likely jump because you know hockey blooms Akino has Fleet Admiral rolling the story but it's also possible that Luffy doesn't fight him in which case Oda probably isn't gonna give a kind more power up so kind of it's just too difficult um where Shanks I think there's more evidence that suggests that he could have more up his uh non-existent sleeve retail ninja thanks for the five always enjoy watching your vids are you planning on ranking characters from 31 to 50. nah that's too boring oh honestly it's actually too much of a pain in the ass that's real reason Captain face thanks for the two lock a damage King with K room sure you above Sabo uh why would K room do it why would K room do it we already know that internal damage is not the key to damaging lunarians because Rio is already internal damage right and that hasn't done anything to them yet um D Marquez thanks for the two luchi's blitzing kid might even take law not gonna lie yeah Caden law people are saying Caden law tanked a lot of really high level attacks that's the thing there's stamina is crazy good at this point because that's all they have because they don't have hockey and uh they just don't have hockey and they're not like kids not physically fast lock and teleport around um but they just don't have hockey uh what do I even say about these two [ __ ] uh it's like yeah could Lucci beat kitten law my perspective is that Luchi did better against gear fifth Luffy because he lasted two chapters basically right without Luffy using Advanced conquerors hockey given but he did about as well as I think law and kid would do I'll just give it to them out of respect for I don't know if they deserve respect but they can have it just as thanks to the two more she was the strongest Swordsman mihawk all right let's use these last oh that's true Awakening drains them God damn it this is complicated Awakening dream I'm talking about them having more stamina than their opponents and here the one thing that could put him over the edge drains their stamina I'm putting katakuri back over them [ __ ] that all right it's done all right uh we're reshuffling we're reshuffling all right completely forgot I feel like that blows a huge [ __ ] hole in the argument because you have to remember here's the thing you have to remember right law without his Awakening is not that big of a deal he's really not he doesn't do that much without his Awakening what has he done without his Awakening hurt doflamingo when doflamingo is distracted hurt kaido and kaido is distracted with gamma knife but he really doesn't do anything much without his Awakening he didn't throw out any of the scenes that we've seen right uh he's very Awakening with lion uh if Awakening drains a stamina then you know katakuru you can say that like uh he can't put out that much damage sure but he would Outlast law to the point that Law's Awakening would Tire him out um so until we resolve this sort of Awakening stamina situation there's no argument for them above luchir katakuri because the one thing that they had going for them the one thing they had going was well they're big damage tanks and that's true they are big damage tanks but if using their actual offensive best moves drains their stamina then it doesn't matter if they're big damage tanks because it gets negated over the course of the fight and they run out of energy because they're not really uh like in terms of fighting abilities they're not keeping up with most of the people above them so yeah makes sense um all right anyone saying hello I need to hear the the counter argument because I don't think there is one because you have to remember 2V1 sure they got away with their shitty Awakening stamina 2V1 plus all that [ __ ] Dynamite let's never forget the dynamite it was a 3v one Dynamite law kid and let's be honest the dynamite did most of the damage right um it's a 2V1 their Awakenings they got away with low stamina 1v1 kid gets one shot by yonko a lot as well but he's also against the weakest yonko who himself has the worst uh damage tanking capability out of anyone he takes more damage automatically by virtue of his ability so it's not a good comparison to use against anything okay so that stuff is settled there let's move it along um Boaz [ __ ] hard okay I'm gonna put cheer you low for now because I just don't know what to do with him um that's not a good argument but it's just I don't know what to do with them law was tired when using his Awakening four times that's true it's over it's over thank you for bringing that up who was the person that brought that up you sir the MVP of this this uh the stream Caleb Brown thanks for the two what a VC flashback takes place in emu's memory wow what an off-topic comment but that would be interesting that'd be really interesting um eem's memory I wonder if it'd be a a unreliable narrator then interesting okay so we got cheer you out of there where do I think crocodile goes crocodile now is hard to place is crocodile now like stronger than doflamingo I like to believe crocodile became stronger right um let's go to Lucci I'm just gonna get rid of Magellan because he has a good ability but I think like if you want to talk about someone with low stamina Magellan is the poster child for that one two three four five I think this rounds out my top by the rest of my five it just matters where I put them I don't think crocodile is the strongest King Sabo I don't think crocodile's putting up a fight against Blackbeard like law did I don't know what the [ __ ] like if we assume crocodile has gotten stronger that's the tricky thing like what does that even mean I'm gonna put crocodile here I'm gonna put crocodile here [ __ ] what did I do um Magnus Olsen thanks Lucci's weaker than katakuru feature side is too broken but for whatever reason like katakuri did well against Luffy in that scenario you know not well like he was still getting wrecked but like Luffy would at this point wreck katakuri even easier like look what kaido did to Luffy in act one right Luffy now is even if you don't think he's equal to kaido he's at least close and he's probably stronger than bass kaido at least which is who what kaido was in when he um wrecked Luffy in act one right so like the gap between Luffy right now and and uh and karakuri it seems sorry the gap between Luffy and Lucci right now seems smaller than the gap between kaido and Luffy therefore between kaido and katakuri back in uh act one so that's the only reason I'm rolling with that but I could see katakuru being above Lucci I'm gonna talk about thanks to the five you've talked me into every take but kizarus oh thanks kazaro Fuji greater than GARP you think they're even surviving the initial beat down can they tank Galaxy impact I'm gonna be honest the section of the the tier list that I taught the least about was definitely this section I don't think I put that much thought into this section um this section I put thought into I'm gonna go ahead and put a kind and then Luffy just feels right uh no I can't can't this I can't figure this [ __ ] out I don't know what to do with I don't [ __ ] know what to do with this section all right um I don't know what the [ __ ] to do with this section um this section I really didn't put too much thought into um I I don't care you can put GARP here you can put then kazara fujitora I don't know um [ __ ] it this is purely because I like GARP and yeah I think that kizaru is maybe lacking a little I think these Admirals have a bit more to prove like a kind of an aokiji Akin who's really earned his stripes over Marine Ford aokiji we have to read it we have to scale him to a kainu because of the 10-day battle these Admirals have done a lot less and GARP showing up in the Galaxy impact that's true that is a big deal so I'm fine bumping GARP up um McClure thanks for the two Sanji greater than Queen greater than seraphim greater than Luchi the seraphim I don't know how to scale though I don't know I don't know how to scale the seraphim yet because it's just too [ __ ] difficult it's like the seraphim we know that they should lose these fights to the straw hats but they're they're just not yet so I don't know the surfing might just be really bad matchups for certain characters um I'm not doing anything like okay okay let me put it this way for Sanji fans I think Sanji could be as high this is going to sound crazy if Sanji is able to do something damage wise that allows him to beat the seraphim if he's able to do something damage wise that allows him to beat the seraphim then I would put him as high is like around here 17 or 18 like maybe like if he can damage the seraphim he can probably do something to damage Marco in which case Sanji would probably be with Marco um and then it depends how much you value his speed versus Yamato like if Sanji does if I'm judging base just off of what Sanji did in wano I think he's lower um I I think that he's supposed to scale below kid um but if I Scale based off what I think is about to happen in the story then maybe it's here but we need to actually see how he beats the seraphim because if it's not through damage but instead through some other random [ __ ] like he kicks the seraphim into the ocean or something right um I wouldn't view that as quite this I don't know then I'm like well how is that like an effective strategy against everybody I don't know so sanji's tricky to scale right now in my opinion um we got crocodile out of the way we got crocodile out of the way Tyler thanks for the seven kid in law give a better fight to everyone on the list than katakuri would your hyper focused on the match-up future site isn't a speed either that is very true I specifically said that um future site isn't a speedy I'm not going to address that part but I did specifically say that this isn't match-up based should be how they do against everybody and that's true this katakuri I just don't see him doing [ __ ] to any of these characters at all whereas kid in law I can see the argument okay that is a good point law gets bumped up I wouldn't be surprised you know what let's put kid here I think kid and law should probably just be together I'm gonna put crocodile above katakuri I feel like that's very possible at this point in the story um yeah let's roll with this for now Boa Hancock there's two ways to look at BO Hancock's too hard to scale because there's two ways to look at it you could say that well law gave Blackbeard a much better fight than Boa Hancock dude on the other hand you could say that well Boa Hancock just by virtue of her ability it's either you win right away which she could have against Blackbeard or you don't so it's not really fair I'm just gonna go I'm gonna keep it simple I'm gonna rate her a bit lower just because her ability is too difficult to to rate if that makes sense so I'm gonna I think katakuri would not be caught off guard by her honestly lawn kid would probably it's just too hard to Raider it's just like is a character fast and Savvy enough to just go after her right away I'm just gonna put her just below katakuri I think that might be wildly underrating her because I think it's she falls into the NL category for me where it's just like it's too hard to rate them I'm gonna put several asterisks behind her because I think out of all the characters on this list it's the hardest to Raider because she could honestly be like up here or something like that like I could see the argument that she's supposed to be above yonko commanders um I think she's definitely below the only character I'm pretty I'm pretty sure she falls definitely below these characters basically right so this might be wildly low it's just how do I like how do you rate her you know like she lost instantly to Blackbeard but if Blackbeard was slightly slower if then she probably beats him instantly you know um like maybe luchi's too fast Law's too smart to get hit by that maybe we also don't know how how hockey interacts with it because loss like hockey could counteract hacks abilities but it's like well if Once you turn to Stone can you even use hockey um I feel like kid would get [ __ ] up by her um Zoro wouldn't be affected by the ability I feel like Yamato wouldn't be affected by the ability I don't know how to put I don't know sleeping dangerous is how crop greater than Kate other than you don't like it oh this is not like I'm assuming that crocodile got stronger over the coast of the coast of the time skip um I'm assuming crocodile got stronger over the course of the time skip that's why I'm like kind of like I'm kind of like he's he must have just improved over the time Skip and he's like a yonko first mate now that's how I view it uh because he he plays that role in Crossfield Thomas baton thanks for the two Croc kid plus others get one shot by Magellan I think stupid characters could get one shot by Magellan but I also think all these characters can one shot Magellan because Magellan took serious damage from pre-time skip Gear 2 Luffy which is ridiculous um missing supers let me take a look Kingpin 93 says still taking dough for Sanji as well as that sounds I disagree um goldiest things with five strong doesn't mean they can't get got by another in the list I agree katakuri is insanely strong but could get got by a lot of these used to his low to your ability yeah so you're kind of like looking over the course of it like ultimately the problem with katakuri compared to like other commanders like Marco and King like other first mates like Marco and King is uh like karakuri's whole thing is he's really like these guys just won't take damage karakuri is just extremely difficult to damage and just not being able to take damage is just inherently better than having to dodge a lot even if you're really good at dodging um so I think over the course of the list category probably just does worse than a lot of other characters [Music] um I think I've caught up on everything um Bo Hancock I think like people are saying she's Advanced conquerors hockey and stuff no that's like she might but that's a huge leap Advanced conkers hockey is crazy crazy crazy crazy [ __ ] rare in the story like just cause characters have conquerors like doflamingo has conquerors hockey you know lots of characters have conquerors hockey change out his conquer his hockey like that's dime a dozen Advanced conquer Zaki unless you have actual evidence of characters like splitting the sky and doing Advanced conquer saki [ __ ] I'm not giving that to Boa Hancock she might but like she's generally it's not she's never been talked about in the story like she's a yonko or she's a top tier um if she was that level of fighter then I don't think Blackbeard would be able to catch her that easily you know what I mean like I the sense I get from Boa Hancock is that her outside of her devil fruit she's a really good fighter still she is good hockey but there's nothing to suggest that she's at the level of these other characters without um without her devil fruit that's the problem um because she hasn't done anything the Kuja are renowned for their hockey but that doesn't mean anything if because we know the context right they're they can all use hockey which is a big deal because their island is in Paradise not the new world but Marigold and Sanderson like the next two best fighters of the elite Kuja they lost to to they've got low diff by no hockey pre-time skip Gear 2 Luffy you get what I'm saying so I'm not just going off of the kuja's reputation as being good at hockey as meaning it's like Boa Hancock is a yonko level fighter right that's like saying the wano samurai are feared around the world therefore like ashra doji is like like none of the wano Samurai that we showed up that we saw in Wana were like anywhere near top tier um so Boa Hancock It's tricky because she hasn't shown anything out like her fruit is what's broken right she herself is probably a very good fighter but she didn't put up as good of a fight as law did against Blackbeard that's the only way we can really scale her um I'm Gonna Keep Her there for now but uh I'm gonna get rid of the asterisks to because then a lot of characters could have Astrid no no because she's the one that I'm most questionable about because I do think that with her fruit she could be higher well thanks for the two okay but what if category is water crocodiles cooked yeah I guess but like let's just assume it's a neutral location okay I don't think Boa Hancock has ever shown Advanced hockey basically right I think we're we're at a point in the story where it feels like we're running into so many characters with Advanced hockey that we would just assume that they have it but you need to you need to actually show it before you you can assume that they have it like doflamingo was also very built up as a character and it turned out he had no we just didn't know about Advanced hockey at the time right you have to get later I don't know um you have to like remember that just because certain things are becoming common now doesn't change the fact that um we can assume that they're common amongst other characters that we've already met right unless those characters have already been established to be top tier Fighters or really good at hockey or something right um like let me put it this way if we had not gotten like doflamingo just yet in the story then I bet a lot of people would be assuming like oh he must have advanced conquerors and he must have like Advanced observation and stuff like that but no the reality is that those things are really rare even amongst like shuchibukai like doflamingo and Boa Hancock um that are a big deal in the new world it's still really really rare like the only shichibukai that we're confirmed is a top tier so far is mihawk because I don't think um uh like top tier hockey is supposed to be that common in one piece Pierre Sullivan thanks for the five Frankie's my favorite Straw Hat do we think that an end of story pluton-powered Frankie breaks into top 30 or 50. can you break into top 50 any other way I think he would break top 50 for sure top 30 is just so [ __ ] competitive it's like maybe okay um so we got rid of boa where do we put weevil where do we put weevil oh this is perfect we just need three more characters where do we put weevil I have a feeling weevil's really strong the only thing we know is that weevil's below green bull he's supposed to be comparable to a young Whitebeard but we don't know how much of that is just hyperbole I feel like Weevil could be a big [ __ ] deal though especially if he's like Whitebeard clone DNA or anything Timothy McQueen thanks for the five all law does with his fruit is throw rocks and all kid does with this fruit is throw steel beams beams greater than rocks equals kid greater than law um I think law has shown a bit more versatility with the fruit I don't know um where the [ __ ] do I put Weevil I feel like weevil's stronger than cheer you this is really random but I'm just gonna I I don't know what the [ __ ] to do with Weevil at this point I'm just guessing why do I think weevil's stronger than she I don't know weevil's a character where basically I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a lot stronger than we expect but for right now I feel like he doesn't why am I putting Weevil above like lucky Roo and queen and [ __ ] you know I just feel like weevil's a big deal he's compared to a young white beard I feel like he should be in the top 30 but I don't know what what to do with him all right okay then we got Kong um Kong is basically an admiral but old so I mean a formal former Fleet Admiral but old right that's kind of a big deal let's throw Kong in here I I wouldn't be surprised if Kong could [ __ ] up some of these characters I'm not gonna lie um yeah bad magic says Weevil is strong because he has his own Independent party without a crew or anything yeah there's stuff like that like there's so many there's characters here that I'm like I'll put some asterisks next to Weevil too where it's just like it feels like it's almost random guessing where's Kong supposed to fall King Kong beat Marco can Kong beat king King Kong can Kong beat Luchi because we know what we know Prime Kong should be above these guys right big three fan voices Kong is a bum Kong is no Feats I don't think you can place him interesting interesting titles is more chaos and Goku so much higher than Kong um couple factors one only garpinson Goku are referred to as the legendary Marines of their time um so to me those are the two marines that really matter um just because Kong was Fleet Admiral and like so that's one right so Congress Kong and sorry garpins and Goku were the two marines that really were built up the most as having a legendary reputation and two Kong is older than even Garvin said Goku are so however Decline garpins and Goku are Kong should be even more sorry more decline than that so it's like in their primes they were stronger and they've fallen off less Kong's Prime was lower and he's probably fallen off more that's my logic gmt93 thank you I don't know what the [ __ ] to do with Kong I really don't I'm stuck now is Robin V says is Kong even a character anymore is he retconned dude I don't know where the [ __ ] do I put Kong it'd be hilarious if Kong never shows up again lost his under ayanami what do I do with Kong I'm gonna go ahead and put here's where I want to put Sanji I want to put Sanji right here right below Luffy I want to put him Above Lawn kid but I feel like everyone would get really mad at me so instead where I'm gonna put him is here 24. but in my heart know that I haven't been 22. I feel like Sanji probably is supposed to be weaker than law and kid I just I feel like he is um I feel like he is I feel like he's supposed to be weaker than lawn kid like when I obviously it's my list but I think ultimately lawn kid they're supposed to be above Sanji ah put Sanji here I do think Sanji is above katakuri at this point I do think I might have Lucci too high I do think I might have Lucci too high I'm just gonna put Kong at 30 I don't know where the [ __ ] to put him um I'll put some asterisks next to him too there we go now let's take a look back over the list see what we can fix and then probably call it a stream jmt93 thanks for the 10. boa younger younger sister showcased the same hockey that Luffy was trying to remember when mastering Ryo looking back at chapter 597 really use the same hockey Luffy saw from boa's sister that is a great point that is fantastic point because we can assume that Boa Hancock at least has that right that is a phenomenal point so do we move Boa Hancock up several spots the only problem with me moving Boa Hancock up several spots is that when I'm looking at um like we got Hancock versus Blackbeard and we got law versus Blackbeard and I know it's not just about matchups but it's like one was a protracted fight the other was basically over pretty much right away so I still just don't know because if if Hancock is a good hockey based fighter then why could she not fight once Blackbeard had grabbed her you know because his fruit I mean his fruit it negates devil fruit abilities but not your physical fighting combat abilities like it's not like seastone it's not like her actual physical strength is drained by that it just negates the devil fruit abilities so going off of that logic I think I still need to see it to believe it with Hancock in terms of her actual physical fighting abilities I think I have to see it drew 101 says she defeated two of his men though yeah by turning them to Stone you know I'm trying to evaluate it basically based on like how strong is she because we have to assume that characters can not like hire to your characters won't as easily get caught by that right some because they're just not affected some because they're smart some because they're fast we saw it with Blackbeard right Blackbeard too quick too Savvy to get caught by that right so in that case when she's caught by Blackbeard how does she fight back with just her hockey fighting abilities she didn't really do anything that's the problem Zane Blalock thanks for the two boas was preoccupied by the Marines Blackbeard snucker let me reread the chapter is that right we need to know if that's actually like I'm not gonna go with just random baseless stuff off of that is that what happened I feel like that's chapter 1060 2059 let's take a look at the chapter again okay so some [ __ ] happens um nothing worked blah blah that's Vista get perfume ah okay there's there's an argument there's definitely an argument that she got sneak attacked there's definitely an argument um yeah I don't think she was ready for Blackbeard I do wonder why she can't fight back here because she should be able to right um I'm gonna read her higher now I'm gonna put her Magnus Olsen thanks for the 20. you can't say see it to believe in crockett25 um it's just because crocodiles uh I mean I I can put katakuri higher than crocodile if you want I don't mind that um it's just that crocodile plays the role of a first Commander at this point he's also been given a lot of status in the story so I'm kind of giving him some some leeway there I'm gonna put Hancock higher I think that Hancock this is a big jump this is a big jump but I feel like Hancock's got an argument for being right up here this is really hard though Hancock's just she's somewhere in this range yeah it's anti-devil fruit but she should be able to fight back with physical Force right but you could make the argument that he's got her by the neck so she can't really do anything it's weird she didn't even kick him she was also getting choked I'm trying to take film Stampede out of the equation because Stampede made her look really good but we're saying that it's just a movie right so the movie makes up whatever it wants um I don't [ __ ] know with Hancock ah it's too hard give everyone okay let's do a quick pull stigrow and says combat wise King greater than Marco see there's like it's crazy to me that certain things can even happen in the manga like you can literally have King fight Marco and you can give King backup like you can have him fight Queen right you can have King fight Marco in a 2V1 and get his ass handed to him for several chapters in a row and there will still be people there will still be people saying well King's a better fighter than Marco like that's how difficult power scaling is because it's like we're getting consensuses because it's just like the author can literally write stuff on the page and people can be like no I still think it's just the other way around it's crazy okay I'm basically either Gonna Bump Hancock up really high or keeper right here because I think that if we give her the BET like because Blackbeard snuck up on her at least that's kind of what it looked like it looked like she was focused on the Marines and then Blackbeard caught her so if we assume that she would be like if we assume that her devil fruit is more viable in combat even against strong opponents then she goes a lot higher up the list basically because you know I don't see why Sabo or Lucci or I mean maybe Lucci personality doesn't fit but like I feel like a lot of these characters would be affected by um by her fruit right so if we assume it's not easy to avoid a fruit then she shoots up the list quite a bit I think it's just once you get to like a lot of the top tier guys they're all gonna have some some degree of reason for why they wouldn't just lose easily their handcuff um that's why it's tricky so either I'm bumping her all the way above like king or even Mark like either I'm bumping her all the way up to here or I keep her here so that's the question so Boa Hancock either she's number number 27 or she's um number 18. those are the two options oh Wendy says Oda says Miha greater than Shanks factually and fans say no if only Oda ever actually said that he's a stronger swordsman for sure all right we're bumping uh damn okay we'll give it three seconds it's tight we'll give it five seconds it's really tight I'm just gonna go with the pole I'm not even gonna include my own opinion I'm just gonna go with the pull why would king not be affected all right looks like we're gonna put it around here Hancock is it's so dip she's one of the most difficult to rank because it's like I think that I mean I've we've been laboring this point over and over but like um there's so many character there's characters that are clearly stronger than her that she would probably have a good match up against right but then there's characters that are we're seeing or we that I'm saying are weaker than her that could beat her like karakuri is going to beat Hancock no question because he's not gonna get caught by her [ __ ] and he's probably a better fighter overall with observation hockey Etc than um than she is right um I could imagine many care like I feel like Luchi just based on how my manga did and Lucy's kind of Among Us personality but like Amplified several tears just like he's a cold-hearted killer trainer Etc like I feel like there's several characters that Hancock's abilities just gonna be not that useful against but overall we're seeing like how she does overall overall I think she's got such a good shot at taking out so many characters it's hard to say so we're gonna keep Hancock there um yeah we're just gonna keep hand cluck there all right all right the Sanji slander is crazy I I'm open to Sanji being hired I've said this before I think that if if Oda is about to have Sanji beat the seraphim with specifically something that is ha that has high damage output right if you ask Sanji beat the seraphim with something that has high damage output and we're about to see that then Sanji probably goes right up to around here maybe just below Yamato or like maybe right around here like I think he goes back to being very close to I mean even now this isn't that many spots off from Soro um I think just based off what we've seen so far until it's confirmed that he has something that can damage uh High tank characters like you know like Marco and King and stuff like that uh we're just gonna keep him there but I I can see the argument for Sanji being higher I can see the argument for a lot of things all right Weevil we're putting here because we don't give a [ __ ] how long we're putting here because we don't give a [ __ ] a kainu and Luffy they could swap spots I don't [ __ ] know ah [ __ ] I really want to put Luffy above no I really want I want to put a kind of above Luffy but it feels not justified right because realistically there should be no one in between the gap between Akino and aokiji there should be no one right so this is just banking on the idea that akinu got a power-up right let's just clarify that no that feels wrong we're just gonna we're gonna keep this we're gonna keep this Canary yellow's Shanks over mihawk you've let me down man we did a poll all right for anything close we rock with the pole pole said Shang 60 40. I'm take it up with the 60 of people that voted Shanks all right um I don't know I don't know I want to put Luffy a little bit higher but I want to put Shanks higher why not put Luffy above below aokiji because I I think that Luffy is clearly above any of the Admirals at this point so my take is basically it kind of is basically passed up what it means to be an admiral um okay we're gonna leave it at this point we're gonna leave it at this point all right so we got emu Dragon Shanks mihaka kainu Luffy aokiji Blackbeard Garb kizarro fujitora green bull sengoku really Ben Beckman Zoro Yamato Hancock Marco King Sabo Lucci law kid Sanji katakuri crocodile Shiri Weevil con all right good stuff everybody I enjoyed making this list I have a Miss super from netcode Motel let me just catch up and make sure I'm not missing anything but thank you very much everybody for coming through on this um Lucci netcode Motel says Lucci needed help to damage the seraphim Sanji tank to seraphim attack yeah I could easily like you asked me in a couple chapters maybe sanji's I've got Sanji much higher maybe I got Sanju much higher um I just need to see it to believe it see the confirmation right because I mean by the same logic you'd say like Luffy and Zoro needed help to damage the seraphim Sanji tank to seraphim attack does that put Sanji above Luffy and Zoro right like Luffy Zorro Lucci and Kaku they're all equally struggling against the seraphim so I'm not going to take Sanji doing one thing to put him above all of them you know even if it looked really cool blocking the or tanking the jinbe attack um all right all right guys we are done um we're done we're done good stuff Bennett says who the [ __ ] is Kong all right guys um I enjoyed this quite a bit this was fun um understand that not everything's set in stone there's wiggle room for everything you know we don't know even Luffy nakana I'm still going back in my head what feels right but that's it for the stream and I will talk to you all later thank you for tuning in
Channel: Mr Morj
Views: 58,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shanks, Mihawk, Dragon, Power scaling, Strongest Characters, Top 30, One Piece, Morj, Manga, Anime
Id: qo3MWSPoA2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 19sec (11659 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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