ALL Magnet Motor

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/USAFfanboi 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is this viable? Seems solid to me, but was wondering from people who know more.

In the video he mentions that basically (unless I missheared?) That you can pump some electricity into it to get it started and keep it running, but it will generate more electricity, so you can hook up a battery to power it, and then hook up the output to the same battery so it ends up spinning infinitely, in addition, since it's a big motor, you can also end up hooking it up to a mechanical device generating some inertia.

Here's a video where it goes much faster:

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/deama15 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
for the last couple of years I've seen a renewed interest in magnet motors so I thought I'd bring out the one that I built 13 years ago and maybe show some points that might help others that are engaging in this over the years I've seen maybe hundreds of different designs on on YouTube and and really none of them work it's it's it's kind of sad because they all share these similar flaws and one of the biggest flaws that they share is trying to close loop the magnetic stat ER and you just can't do that because if you do that the rotor and standard relationship will reach this point of equilibrium where it just slows down and stops even the ones that have the multiple disks that are offset a little bit from each other and multiple status to go along with that same thing they just don't work though they may work for a few seconds maybe even a minute if you're lucky and then that that same equilibrium will kick in with the magnetic field and no one really can explain why if they just see that that it exists and it happens but it just it reaches that equilibrium and everything just starts slowing down then it comes to a stop so you have to keep an open system here and that's why my third magnet is an electromagnet so I have the neodymium standard and then I have the one rotor magnet right here it's very powerful it's n52 and you can see that it's got a pretty great distance from the stander to the rotor but you can also see that the distance from the electromagnet to the rotor is is quite a bit closer I'll just bring it up so you can see see it's real close and the reason for that is that the electromagnet has about an eighth of an inch thick case that's steel and that magnet is really attracted to the steel and then the core of the electromagnet is the exact same diameter as the magnet itself and so this magnet is extremely attracted to first the case and then the core and so what you want is you want this to leave the exit point which is the end point is right here and the beginning point is here so at the beginning point you always have this really strong repulsion this particular magnet works in attraction on this spiral it is a spiral it's not like the spirals I've I've seen over the years like the Fibonacci spiral is very popular it's the golden mean mathematically it's beautiful thing and you find it in nature but it's just it's a small loop that starts tight and then ends up going in an outer space at the end that just doesn't work for a system like this it may be beautiful and it may work for other things but for this it doesn't work and then you've got you know aside from the closed loop one I've already said that that doesn't work you've seen that and then you get the V gate don't even bother with that it's just it's just silly you know you're never gonna even if you got to work there's just no torque you gotta have torque so so that really there's three criteria that you have to meet to to make a really successful magnet motor that's one acceleration to torque and three is inertia now you can get the inertia part by adding some flywheel weight to either your rotor or like I have on the backside which I'll show you in a moment and and what that does is it helps it when it's coming through they don't that extra weight will help it carry through this point right here now with this particular machine you know I started at 13 years ago I took me an entire year to get this magnetic spiral and interaction with the rotor to perfection and I mean I really did reach the perfection I think I got it as far as you could possibly take it but it also includes the interaction with with this steel enclosed electromagnet and and the type of core that it has and all that so everything is super super critical but what you see here is the exact same configuration from 13 years ago or 12 after I had the distance between the magnets is critical the distance between the magnet and the rotor magnetics is critical everything is critical super critical but once you have it down there's no reason to change it like the old saying if it ain't broke don't fix it so I haven't changed that now I have changed the appearance of this cosmetically I've you know made it so that you can see through and I've got a clear rotor the the early one has solid rotor so I've changed things like that but but the reed switch that I've got here that controls the pull sync for this because it's only a fraction of a second that this pulses that Reed switch is the exact same one thirteen years the solid-state relay that I have down here for the field effect transistors thirteen years same thing nothing's wore the same electromagnetic identically the same except for those little additions this isn't a part of it this is just a twelve volt LED and I've got that on for demonstration purposes to show you one of the thing that I'll mention in just a second here because the other thing is this up here that's just a calculator I've made so many calculations on this thing over the years that you know I got tired of fumbling around and going from bench to bench to try and find where I set my calculus so I just took a credit card sized Mont and mounted it to it now I can just punch the buttons and bam it's done so anyway that was just me but but okay so to get back to the acceleration point when when I don't have the weight I've got a flywheel on the back of this and some other stuff I'm going to show you but when there's no weight if that wasn't there from this point right here to where you get past the repulsion and let it go like this it used to be without the weight on the back it was a fraction of a second super super fast so I had I knew I had a good acceleration thing going and what's the other thing so it's going slow right now because that flywheel weight but I've also got a really beautiful three-phase alternator and it's also attached to that so right now the whole mass weight that that this one magnet is responsible to to power is about 25 pounds and it's not just 25 pounds of balanced weight he this balanced of course but there's a three-phase alternator and you can put that sucker under load I mean don't don't call this much of a load because it's running off the three-phase is 12 volts but I mean I could run 20 of these or maybe more from head three-phase alternator what I've got on it right now is just a little battery pack down here it's just it's nothing but but for it's velcroed on and it's nothing but for if you can see that for a grocery store variety alkaline batteries doublea's so you're only going to get about 6 volts out of this thing and so I wanted to show you that this 6 volt source it's got a little switch on and I've got it turned off right now make sure it is yeah and so I wanted to show you that this six volts will turn this thing and yet power this 12 volt LED now okay that's not much more load it can power other things but I'm just showing you this as an example this I'm all I'm doing is trying to help others to make a better design if they're gonna build a magnetic motor I'm not trying to prove anything I'm not trying to say that this thing will take you to the moon and back but I'm just pointing out some some good things to avoid you know pitfalls and flaws so like I said before don't try to do a closed loop system keep it open and bring in some other influential sources like an electromagnet it's still a magnet but when it hits the electromagnet this is a repulsive force whereas it's an attraction going all the way around with the rotor versus the stator but what happens is that I've got this magnetic stirrer picked up set up now picked up it's set up so that the maximum amount of acceleration is the last 45 degrees now the reason for that is to help it get through this right here this zone right here because the repulsion factor is really strong and it doesn't really want to leave the end point so you you've got to make that transition and it you've got to have all the help that you can get and the other thing that helps you get through is the flywheel weight that I've gone on the back so you know with those two things that those would like outside forces other than the magnetic fields themselves these are really really important things so you've got a you've got to pay attention to that and follow those rules and you'll have a good successful machine I'm going to show you how this thing works it's awesome let's start right now and let me just show you that 45 degree acceleration just watch the LED here I'll just bring it up here Oh what this does is when it's attracted when this magnet comes around notice the angle of the magnet - the angle of the magnet itself you know perpendicular to it's not perpendicular so on an angle so I think it's about 20 degrees something like that so it's very critical but when you use this in repulsion that magnet only wants to go in that direction and that's the direction of rotation so with 96% of rotation already without even pulsing this thing what all you've got that little 4% and all you have to do is get it past that little 4% so this thing just barely even bumps it like I said if you're running this thing at 200 or 500 rpm it's gonna bump this sucker you know maybe if it's 500 rpm was about eight times per second well that's pretty fast and so you get you'll also get the the back EMF off this when the field collapses inside the electromagnet and so I've got a couple of connections right down here that you just connect to and you can recharge other batteries and and utilize that otherwise you're just throwing it away so it's actually if you want to consider that free it's kind of considered free though you paid for something to get the energy into it in the first place but it's something that you would normally throw away so I'd like to look at it it's okay it is a little gimme there it's a little freebie thing so we'll just go ahead and charge some batteries and it does that really crazy too by the way but but check this out okay I'm just gonna look give it a little flip and then and then watch this at the last ROI maybe I'll push it too hard boom you see how bright it yes right there here it comes right there that brightness and look at the rotation again now it's going to bounce between Paul's if you can get your machine to bounce between the poles you know that you've really got something that you can work with it's an indication that you're really gonna have some torque out of this thing and this thing has massive torque all right let's let me just show you here first of all spin this around and show you let's see if I can put it into yeah I guess you can see that all right here's the flywheel so it's gonna turn in this in this rotation like this you can see the three-phase there's the the coils are mounted in the center of this polycarbonate plate here and then the rotors there's a double layers of m-52 on both sides covering the the coils like this and spinning around so it really does do a good job and it generates more power than you think for as small as it is and it's about I don't know eight inches in diameter or something like that so you know you've got some mass weight that you have to turn and then the load now these these two these two little alligator clips here just go to that led out there and like I said I could you know with this three-phase I could probably power 20 of those things or more but there's the three phases coming in and these light blue connections into the bridge rectifiers to rectify it into DC and then you just you know clip on to the positive and the negative of the bridge rectifier and output that power now you can output that power for whatever reason that you want so let's just turn this thing on and give it a start now you can see that it's it's it's actually speeding up it will accelerate remember it's only a six volt source down here and this electromagnet is a 24 volt electromagnet the lowest it can take to handle this job is six volts and that's why I wanted to show it with a tiny 6 volt I don't use this on here normally normally I use something like 16 volts which is really nice or 24 or in some cases 40 volt lithium so and 40 volts will really run it and you'll get some nice output off of the collapsing field of this for your your little spikes or actually they're pretty big spikes they charge up battery's pretty fast you know and when you're running that fast the three-phase really jams out some some power I've got a set up to switch between Delta and star and so you can you can get the voltage up to you know 50 60 volts or down to maybe 24 something like that okay you can see that it's it's going very very slow but it is accelerating and it will more and more as it goes this is just the slow speed I can possibly get it to run but I wanted to show you that the six volts can generate this you know like I said that's a twelve volt LED and it'll light up as low as I think about eight volts and where it'll start to light up and then it gets you know the brightest at the 12 volt point which you can see it and you can still see it intensify in that last 45 degrees even the way it's running right now there's no capacitor on it to smooth that out to hold a little bit of power in between the phases that it's that's showing you right now these are the these are the three phases and you know you know some one two three one two three one two three and so you know that's why that's why it's pulsating like that obviously capacitors just smooth that out right away so the idea the idea that I'm that I'm looking at for this is you know to have a source that you can port that three-phase power back into obviously you can't recharge alkaline batteries I'm only I've only got those on there for demonstration to show you and and this here as well to show you but typically I use this and I've used this thing oh my gosh over the over those years I must I don't know how many videos I have of this on on my youtube channel still I still have a bunch of them it's it's old it's white I've had everything and it's brother attached to this thing before in the past I've maybe I've got I don't know four or five videos something like that on this machine and and every it was a testbed for all these different experiments and they were all really great experiments you can look at them but but I like the configuration that it is now I like the looks of it I like the flywheel that I've added to it I like the the three-phase that I've gone on it everything balances out and works really really great so what you do is you take the power that's coming off that three-phase not not this well if I turn this thing faster than this it would burn this thing going into nuclear meltdown but but so I don't use it but anyway so you take that power from the three-phase and poured it into something that you're going to charge up front here and even even add this the collapsing field these spikes can add in with a three-phase as long as it doesn't go back to your source energy now the three-phase can go back to the source that's not a problem so the obvious thing to use is what capacitors because batteries is charged so freaking slow think about it this thing once that magnet right there right there right there you know it's pulsing it is even though it's going really really slow right now I don't know what the RPM is but it it's extremely slow but while it's just pulsing it's just drawing one fraction of a second of pulse especially higher rpm with the electromagnet but on the other hand the three-phase alternator is working all the way around constantly so you're just taking a little bit of power just to bump that over because where it stops and lines up with that electromagnet that's in the neutral zone like I was showing you you can fall forward or it can fall backwards it's right in the center and that little tiny push that it gets from this electromagnet with that magnet angle the way that it is to give it to to make it go only forward motion just a tiny little bump boom and you've beat that 4% and around you go and the acceleration cranks you should see this under under some serious power I'll probably show it to you but anyway so the idea is to have a source that you can recharge while this is running or well and and have a secondary one that you can use this too because you cannot return this to your source power whatever it may be it just that just doesn't work you can take the three-phase and put it with this or you can take the three-phase and put it with your source or you can take the three-phase and and and do something else with it whatever you want to do it's a load you want to load remember you've got to have acceleration torque and inertia this gives you all three of those so there's a lot this machine can do and ok so wherever we want to go from there all right so so we're talking about I try to make this short there's so many more things I could tell you but I'd go into so much detail you'd be bored to tears so anyway so what I'm thinking is something like this I put blue painters tape on this super capacitor just to mask the identity of the of the manufacturer because we're demonstrating the magnet motor but but anyway out you know to to charge something again I don't want to use lead acid I don't want to use nickel metal hydride that's an you know old-school technology and I don't want to use lithium even though they're making good strides with lithium what they what you're missing though is the advancements that are being made with graphene what the crap man why that why are these companies sticking with lithium and trying to perfect that I know it's the energy density it's it's kind of ton of energy density in it but with graphene products they're gonna match energy density and you're not gonna have toxic heavy metals in the dumping and a battery that'll you know you only charge of several thousand times and has done with a short life but anyway these super caps are nice this is this is awfully big I mean you can see it's two point seven volts at three thousand ferrets but what I wanted to show you I've got over here what I wanted to show you is what I'm talking about this as good as this is and as popular as these are as much as the energies that it's hold three thousand ferrets is a lot of capacitance for for a capacitor but this thing's heavy it's it's you know it's a pound and I don't know 1.2 pounds or I don't know it was something like that it's it's it's very heavy and it's bulky and it's big well here I've got this this new one here which is which is pretty small actually you can see that you know I think you can see that relative in the camera yeah you can see that okay anyway this is a graphene super cap this is 2 point 7 volts at 3000 farad's this one is 2 point 7 volts at 3000 farad's it's the same energy density as this this is now like obsolete this is the bad boy of the future why in the world look at the tiny form factor of this people this is freaking awesome if you use this form factor here of this cylinder you could put I don't know if you can see this and I get it in the camera you can put six of these around inside this thing if it was empty you could put six of these around and one right in the center and have seven and look look at this it's exactly half it's exactly half of this in height so you can put another seven of these down here you'd have 14 you'd have 14 of these bad boys inside this one cylinder so if you put them all in parallel you'd still have to point 7 volts but instead of 3,000 farad's you're gonna have 42,000 farad's holy crap yeah okay think about it all right said yeah all right if you put these things I can't show you on the table maybe I can over here yeah it's not okay so if you set these down and you and you put them like that together if small as it is it's less width in a cell phone and it's less height than a cell phone obviously it's thicker you can see and you know what size this is so it's not hard to tell by my relationship to the dimension of my hand what size it is I'm just not going into detail on this right now but but anyway so the the idea is to use this kind of technology and guess what the best part of this is these suckers even happen as much as this as as far as capacity these little things will charge in in as little as five minutes time five minutes time and you've got to point 7 volts at 3000 parents 5 minutes 5 minutes to 10 minutes actually is you know depending on how much current you put in there so if you had you can get this in a in a six-pack all right and it'll give you 16 volts at 500 ferrets when they're hooked in series for the 16 volts this thing runs like a scalded dog on 16 volts so it's a really awesome voltage and I'm probably going to keep it at that but um but can you imagine six of these as opposed to six of these six of these in like gosh I you know it's gonna weigh you about a weight of about about what 7 pounds 8 pounds something like that six of these this thing is as light as a feather I mean this is really awesome graphene remember you've seen videos about graphene and it's always the wave of the future well crap the futures here right now why can't we take advantage of it now what are you gonna wait for 2050 I mean come on so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use it for this so think about this if you had six of these together the cost of that you can buy it that's available you can get it on the internet go to Amazon get it six of these is gonna cost you anywhere from about 260 or $280 something like that up to $500 for six of these with a little balancing circuits on it and all connected together and you know ready to go well you know that's a quite of a range of profit that somebody's making somewhere along a line but still you know that on the low side but but there again you're gonna get five hundred ferrets what if you took six of these and you got that same power and then and you put them in series so you have 16 volts and you have the the 500 farad's with six of these and then you took six more of these and did the same thing and then six more and six more so you had 24 of these so it'd be like four groups of six now all of a sudden you're gonna have 16 volts at 2,000 ferrets oh my gosh can you imagine the size of this at 16 volts at 2,000 farad's it would probably weigh what 30 40 pounds can't be the size a couple of concrete blocks or something it'd be massive and it'd be happy you can't use this for v's they're too handy they're too bulky that it's crazy but these you're gonna be able to use these four V's so you need something that's that's ready to go that this can be used for so many different things it's just absolutely amazing so so then what I wanted to show you is I've already done it and here it is you see pretty nice 16 volts 2000 ferrets this will give you as small as this little thing is and go check this out Oh these wires these these wires are eight gauge wire and it's silicone jacket is so they're super flexible and just press this button sixteen point two volts yeah yep show you the state of charge anytime you want to see it and 72 watt hours 72 watt hours than in this it's got four of these inside and it's about this is this is like six five six six inches by six inches and it's about inch in 3/4 tall or less so very small very lightweight not not like the concrete blocks what could happen the other and so can you imagine I mean think about if you if you had these I'm gonna slide this back so this gets a little feature and in fact let's just put a little zoom on this get down there okay so now you can see a little bit better now and also the this comes with it's ready to go can you see that in the camera alright and I think you can yeah so it's ready to connect red ones the same has a little flexible cover that protects it because the last thing in the world you want to do is short these out together I mean what could probably I don't know how many amps you get out of that 10,000 20,000 amps something super super high you could look at the specs on anybody else's super cap out there that's big it has any kind of power but here it is this is it so if you take this and you're running this let's put it back up in and you're running this is running this and then you can take another one and it can be charging it doesn't matter you can put these two together if you want put it just stack them yeah or three or four whatever you want how much power do you want to put in how much power you want to get out I mean so 32 volts put them in series put these put these suckers in series and run the thing on 32 it'll pulse this it's only meant for 24 but when you're pulsing it one time what fraction of a second even if it's if it's doing that 5 or 10 times a second this thing barely even gets warm at that it's only designed for 24 volts but put 40 volts in it or and I haven't gone over 40 volts but okay I got to show you one more thing so there's you go to the go to my website at quantum magnetics store comm and you'll you'll see the product page for this you'll see all kinds of applications that you can use these for you'll see what the cost is you'll see all the specs and and the warranty and everything that you get off of these things is there but I wanted to show you as a point of relativity okay this this is a 40 volt lithium see that okay 40 volt lithium on the back it says read that right there 72 watt hours okay 72 watt hours lithium battery takes quite a while to charge this this thing up this one's charged all the way but it takes a while this takes five minutes ten minutes to charge up and guess what it's 72 watt hours the same as this look look at the size difference there's not much size difference people you get it graphene is the future and the futures right now where are people gonna wake up all the lithium oh we gotta have lithium oh yeah it'll burn and it'll explode but we gotta have it it's toxic oh we still got to have this thing's gonna burn explode these capacitors for crying out loud they're lightweight they're small you could use this for Evie's fray you could even do something like this check this out this is kind of cool this is just an idea it's a stupid idea you'll see all kinds of ideas on the website you got to go there and read all that stuff but if you took if you took this thing here this is just a little AC inverter that plugs into the power port of your vehicle or your cigarette lighter or whatever you have you can you can see the fitting on it and and it also gives you it also gives you a 5 volt USB output but otherwise you'll get 120 volt 60 cycles and it can handle a 100 watts but you've got you got 72 watt hours in this thing so you can get some power so what the heck you take your taking you know you put a piece of velcro in the back of this and of velcro on one of these stick that sucker down get a little reset at the auto parts store and wire it up and just connect it to these and and and just stick that sucker in there and and it's a it's a little tiny unit and you've got portable AC power just like that portable AC pot you want more then stack two of these together or three or four is still gonna be lightweight and you're gonna have more now you'll want a bigger inverter when you do that but still I'm just telling you there's the applications of this are just freakin endless so think about it go check it out at our website if if you're you know when this video hits we're gonna I know that we're gonna get a lot of response off that and this would make a super super gift especially this time of the year but a gift of you or a gift to anybody else that you know that could use this imagine here's another one I got to tell you these this is just incredible I get excited if you look at as small as this as small as this little thing is if you put this next to the battery or hooked it on to the battery in your vehicle you are never gonna be without power if that battery dies I mean there's the winner is on in the in the north and in other areas it's like winter all year but I'm just saying that if you have a battery that's kind of weak and it gets super super cold and that battery dies and you can't even crank your car this was never going to have that problem this this is good for I think it's of 40 degrees below zero minus 40 yeah I think it's like minus 40 or minus 50 something like that for these super caps for these graphene super caps remember graphene there's a big difference in graphene and standard super caps and other other capacitors so all right so just remember that ya never never not be able to start your car portable AC I've got dozens of well maybe not dozens but there's a lot of application ideas on the on the product page for this on our website so check it out and make a decision if you want you can buy multiple of these you can buy one I don't here whatever you want and but you might want to do it pretty quick because I know at this time of the year this these are these are going to go really fast and we're going to have a probably end up with a little bit of a waiting list but we're going to try to to get as many together as fast as we can and and keep and keep the source going that's it okay the videos long so I'll spare you the the running this and and charging even though it's it's really freaking cool but but I think you get the idea I mean this this is new this is good this is something you're not going to get anyplace else so come see us [Music] you [Music]
Views: 374,656
Rating: 4.3457799 out of 5
Keywords: Magnet Motor, Spiral Magnet Motor, Magnetic Acceleration, Magnetic Torque, Graphene, Graphene Supercapacitors, Electricity Output
Id: u2mpAskFOu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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