Top 10 Most Famous Magnetic Motors

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[Music] okay let me start out by saying that the point of this video is not to debate which if any of these motors actually work this list is simply covering which magnetic motors are the most famous among alternative energy fans and segments of the general public there are three motors that didn't make the list which deserve honorable mention the Lu Tec 1000 hit the Airways a few years back with the promise of a self running motor that would soon be brought to market one of the inventors has passed away and the other has seemingly passed into obscurity there were rumors that the device didn't quite measure up to the claims when tested that could be the case or perhaps it was a good way to help the story fade away regardless the device never made it to market then there's the Hamel generator invented by David Hamill perhaps considered a bit more exotic due to the inventors fascination with UFOs George Green and John Bedini both presented dialed down versions of the device neither really applied the actual principles of the design in a way that properly tested it though so as of yet there are no working versions that have been presented to the public invented and designed by Sonny Miller this motor is heralded as the world's first practical magnetic engine the team that worked on it demonstrated as self starting by releasing the wheel as the camera records it quickly accelerating this device received a patent in 2013 and was most recently listed as in development I'll be sharing links to the patents of most of these motors in the video's description below should you wish to learn more about how they work or are supposed to work and now with no further ado here are the ten most famous magnetic motors number 10 James Roni stators James Ronnie has designed a clever shielding technique to try to bypass the kaga problem president vhost magnetic motor designs he and others replicating his work and experience some level of success in their attempts to build a self rotating magnetic motor number 9 this motor has been presented in several video demonstrations on YouTube as well as in supposed replications there are rumors that the in finners parted ways and the project could be in some sort of hiatus if you look closely at the design the angling method used for the magnets on the stator bares a passing resemblance to a technique often used by another magnetic motor patent holder Howard Johnson more on him later number eight Detroit read magnetic motor was originally patented in 1990 read not only claimed his device could self run and power multiple devices after being started but could be used to keep an electric car running indefinitely without ever having to stop to recharge the batteries after all of these years his device is still not available for purchase number seven Robert Callaway's V gave magnetic motor this is one of the most simple magnetic motor designs as well as one of the ones people have attempted to build working versions of the most George cyka of Germany applied for a patent but his version of the design as well as claiming some success of building a rotary version of it to this date though no one has actually proven to have built a rotary version of the motor the linear versions worked quite well for demonstrating the principle behind it number six John Searles spintronic generator Cyril has demonstrated versions of this design for several years now and is currently seeking funding to develop and produce his generator and make it available to the public due to the precision necessary to assemble and construct a working version of his design most of the attempts to replicate his generator had met with mixed results number 5 humour yelled its magnetic motor yelled its has demonstrated several of his devices publicly as well as completely disassembling one after demonstrating it publicly he's held a patent for his design since 2009 the efficient website for his motor had announced that the release of his motor to the public would tend to typically be in 2015 and set up pre-orders little or no new information has been shared about his motor since that time though there is quite a bit of speculation as to why that is number 4 John Bodine ease monopole magnetic motor this motor was busted on Mythbusters though the hosts Adam and Jamie said they lacked the technical knowledge to construct of the Dini motor so they place the task in the hands of an MIT specialist ironically a specialist either didn't understand how to correctly assemble the device were intentionally built it incorrectly but he came up with bore little resemblance to the Bedini motor - even an untrained eye there are multiple replications of the Bedini monopole motors featured on youtube so this motor doesn't share the common problem and most alternative energy devices have which is they fail to be successfully replicated number three the Infiniti save the company claims to have a self running ten kilowatt generator that they are currently in the process of bringing to market and are working on a twenty kilowatt generator which they say will last up to twenty years the generator appears to employ a process that allows it to self charge while producing more electricity than it requires to run if that is the case that would be the very definition of overunity number two the parent of no other magnetic motor is undergone more replication attempts than Mike Brady's parent of motor and while there's quite a bit of speculation as to whether it actually worked due to the inventor being convicted and 32 counts of fraud his motor said to have been based on another inventors patent so it's difficult to say whether the original motor that his design was based on worked or they both did neither it remains a mystery which keeps people attempting to replicate his designs to this very day while Mike Brady may have reached a level of infamy among many people in the alternative energy world his motor design remains one of the most talked about and the original presentation video is still one of the most watched whether his motor worked or not it's not my intention to stand judgment on the man he did his time and paid his debt to society [Music] number one Howard Johnson's magnetic motor Johnson is the only magnetic motor inventor to hold a patent in three different types of magnetic motor force systems Johnson's first motor was featured in a 1980 issue of science and mechanics he was known and respected all the way up to the highest office in America because of his highly respected position of the US Navy and later the Atomic Energy Commission when Johnson wrote then President of the United States Jimmy Carter to address his concern over the patent office holding up one of his magnetic motor patents President Carter contacted the Patent Office personally in his behalf the patent was granted so quickly that they accidentally amended a portion of another patent at the end of his no other magnetic motor inventor has ever commanded that kind of respect from world leaders nor had their work published in national magazines Howard Johnson is also the unofficial father respect Ronix his research to this day remains some of the most advanced ever done in the area of magnetic motors and it's pretty common for these motors to show up in the headlines and make waves for a time and then suddenly disappear from the public eye entirely to the naysayers that ridden office frauds to the conspiracists the inventors are paid off encouraged to vanish from public eye or perhaps sent on a permanent vacation whatever the case the idea of a self-funding device that could power our cars or our homes and perhaps give us a new level of freedom they've never experienced continues to inspire people to keep experimenting to keep dreaming and to keep moving forward thanks for watching and do great things [Music] you [Music]
Channel: IT List
Views: 452,792
Rating: 4.8600655 out of 5
Keywords: magnetic motor, alternative energy, top 10, top ten, magnet motor, perendev, bedini, v gate, v-gate, infinity sav, john searl, james roney stators, howard johnson, spintronics, perpetual motion, motion magnetics, it list
Id: u6ynRq27wCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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