ALL Infinite Potion Pieces Spots Guide Updated 2023 | Black Desert

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what is going on everyone and welcome back to  more Black Desert so this is another one of   those guides that I made last year and I wanted to  do another update on it so getting your infinite   potion obviously is getting more like mandatory  than it was ever as you guys know people are   getting more gear and then trying to grind the  harder spots and I do think at least the HP putt   um is pretty nice to have the MP I guess it  depends on your class but it's also really nice   to have and so what I wanted to do was revisit  all the spots show you the rotations that I do   and yeah so basically I have both potions I  actually have two sets of both potions so one   on one on my main and uh another full set of  potions on my uh seasonal that's why I made   two of them to be honest so um yeah what I wanted  to do was show you guys my rotations everything I   did and some like tips and stuff that you guys can  use as well and whether you're a beginner and have   no idea where everything is I'll try to make this  as detailed as possible uh just so you guys can   learn it as well and as always I recommend doing  these on Seasons or one when you're playing your   season character because it feels a lot worse  doing these when you have like I don't know 280   AP and up and you're just like oh I'm grinding  all these infinite potion spots or I could grind   literally anywhere else and make triple the silver  I'm getting an hour so that's one of my biggest   recommendations is do it while you're playing  your season character and it might be easier   you might actually make some more silver because  uh the seasonal drops as well so with that said   um I'll try to do these I guess I would I want  to do them by HP and MP but then at the same   time I don't want to go really back and forth so  I'll just do them by closest to furthest so we'll   just do this and then here and in here and then  we'll uh go to down here and do the other ones   so yeah if anything I'd recommend all of you  guys to at least get the h21 MP I mean it's   nice to have so anyway with that said here's  our first spot we are currently at navern step   and there are actually a few things and one  thing that they updated recently was that   it's easier to get the valtara's Clairvoyance  um well at least the pity pieces and stuff   because you can do it in hunting now and they  increase the drop rate before so yeah it's   easier than ever to get it which is really  good and we are currently down over here   um so here's old Wisdom Tree and then we're  just over here if you want to have a point of   reference here's the ferric uh little icon on the  map and here we are so I usually park my horse and   everything um by The Rock and I'm gonna do this a  little bit quickly but the way you guys are gonna   do it you're gonna have your what is it I think  it's a tanning knife so just have a tanning knife   um Mastery is affected and so I would recommend  putting on your life skill gear now that there's   DP on gatherers plays it's a lot nicer but for  the sake of just like getting this done here we   go so we're starting at the Rock Park your horse  here place your tent do all that good stuff and   the way the mechanics work for this one zone in  particular is you target the blue ones and then   you see how like the mini yellow ones though  they will just uh Boop up together that's   when you like AOE it down and then that's when  you would just gather them and so this spot as   well is pretty good for everyone who's looking to  get your krogdalo gear because it drops a lot of   um the wind spirit Stone fragments and that allows  you to get Force Gear uh The Croc dollar ones   anyway and that's just free AP so I'll show you  what it is as well um I know we're going off track   but if you want to look at the horse gear and this  is what it makes is this oh The Croc dollar wind   gear and when you have five pieces it gives you 5  AP for an hour when you do that basically you have   five pieces of gear you do the thingy and then  you get the buff and that's just 5 AP for an hour   so anyway back to the spot this is the first  pull that I do the next one is pull the blue   one over here and then wait for them to all  group up and then you would just gather it   okay next we go over here it's kind of  like a big circle the next rock over here um yeah maybe I should lower my AP while  demonstrating it either way blue one over here   new blue one over here wait for all of them to all group up AOE and then  gather I may look like I'm doing it a little bit   quickly but um trust me when you're in life skill  gear it does not go this quickly well it might   actually because uh crystals are different  now the next one AOE them here nice next set   over here wait for them to group and after you  gather uh even though this might look like a   small rotation it's actually like it's good enough  because uh you'll be able to gather them all in   the meantime all right let me just normal attack  it to demonstrate okay big group hey we very good this one just seems like an extra because  depending on your clear speed or gather   speed you can do it you have Mouse movement and  all that stuff on if not it's not really a big   deal to be honest I didn't have it next  set over here and final set is over here and so we're back to the start again where we  parked our horse in the beginning you could   pull this one as well if you want to um or you  could just bring them all over to this blue one   again and it's basically the same thing so by the  time you guys do it and gather everything that's   the whole rotation hopefully you guys enjoyed  the first spot and I will see you guys in the   next one all right what is going on everyone  and welcome back this is episode two we are   currently at the mantram forest now this one was  actually it wasn't that bad in terms of silver   however getting the pity pieces like I was not  able to get a full ancient piece in 200 pennies   um so however what I'm gonna do is  show you this one in the morning Realm   because I want to do this just because it's a  little bit easier and for all of you who only   like run once or like one hour a day I'll show  you how I can do it so I start off with this one   right hey you know for the sake of just doing  this let me turn on speed so ideally what you   want to go look for is the ones over here  to shamans because those are the ones that   drop the ancient I believe they added another  one but by the time they changed it I already   had my potion so I don't actually know I think it  could be the great warriors but either way shamans   are guaranteed at least ones that I know that  dropped the ancient so yeah and then go down here so okay so we look over there this is the  node manager and then we go down to little   Hill and then follow that but overall even if  you're just grinding here and you aren't like   too worried about getting the Ancient One the  silver an hour here is actually not too bad so   I wouldn't worry about it too much and whether  you get it or not the silver is pretty decent so after that what you do is you can oh who  put that rock there go over here take that afuaru sometimes after hours do drop a  Pity piece which is always nice also what's really terrible is the Mantra  voodoo dolls they used to be kind of decent   now they're really not um so if you're  going down here and you aren't in the   morning realm you you could take an extra  pack over there but for the sake of doing   it in the morning realm just for everyone to  get the one hour of Peace uh you can go here   and then you go down over here to get it also  in the non-marney realm what you would do is uh   oh left a shaman okay so there's a lot more  enemies over here so that's awesome but uh if   you don't know Marny realm it's just they they  only kept the relevant ones for the most part   so down now as you know we went through a little  cycle of a little U right and then we go down here   pick those I would just take this poll anyway  because if you're going for the pity pieces as   well I've got definitely gotten some from theirs  as a bonus uh some over here it's nice to get it another one over here and then this is also a pretty interesting spot  because if you're looking for like magic AP   uh artifacts this place also has them as well  so if you're looking for anything in particular   I would always recommend going to kratuga ancient  ruins just for artifacts but if you're gonna grind   here anyway the magic AP ones are pretty nice  and um you can get them here so in a non-marney   realm I believe there's another poll you could do  like around here but depends on your clear speed and then over here we're almost back to  the entrance of where we started again free so we're back to the entrance again where we  started uh what I usually do is take these out   and uh take these and make sure to clean up the  one in the beginning for the shaman so that's   the rotation if you want to watch it again  feel free but uh that's the Marnie realm spot it would have been so funny to just get a straight  ancient drop while doing a demonstration even if I   did get another ancient piece there is zero shot  on making a third piece the grind is over for me   so yeah that was it um I do think that uh machamps  is a little bit contested just because a lot of   people obviously are going for the piece but um  yeah so what you guys are going to see next is   Forest from Narrows there's two spots I like to do  and I'll try to show you both of them so I'll see   you guys in the next one all right what is going  on everyone and welcome back to uh the third spot   so we are currently at one of two spots that I  personally use when I was going for the Ron arrows   piece and right now we are over here um so this  guard Camp right here is the NPC where you can   get the weekly um for the reoccurring what is it  the thingy so if you want to do the runnaris one   uh that's where you pick it up and this  is where I like to start I'll show you   on the map let's say you see this icon right  here it's slightly above it next to the node   so what I like to do is start over here and then  the things you want to go for are the Guardians   and the ones with the like the orange so yeah  those are the ones that drop the full ones so   like these two to catchers and the ronaros are the  ones that drop ancients which are or yeah and this   is also the Marnie realm spot as well so you can  do that there it's basically the same thing and so   what I like to do is go down go down to little  ramp so think of this like uh grind spot as a   little like ramp it goes up and down and that's  how you can figure it out so this spot I would   say the silver an hour is not terrible you get a  lot of um like materials that are worth using in   the future so like the silver is okay but the  items and Capra stuff that you get along the   way are pretty good so definitely recommend  it this spot it was a lot it's a lot better   now than it was before so then I like to go down  here and then pick off all the groups that have a   like catcher or a guardian in it and then you get  an ancient you win so then you can go up over here   there's a little mirror but like if you're doing  it with High AP you just pretend like the mirror   doesn't exist because you're just gonna nuke it  and then there's no point skipping the mechanic   so over here this is like basically the end point  um because you'll see a little Cliff you don't   want to jump off of that you're going to be going  upwards and that's how you know like you you're   doing it right when you get the little Cliff area  and then you go upwards and then move over here   depending on your clear speed you may  or may not have to even do half of these   go over here and then like if you can snipe that  one on the side that's good try to get that loot   and then you go over here down to the  right side so you can see like a little   divide into Road that's how you know you're  on like the left or right side and you'll be   good it's it's kind of vegan a little  bit confusing the first time you do it   but then it'll make sense as you progress uh  once again this is why I recommend doing it   on the season because you're just gonna like that  mirror is gonna be gone in an instant if you want   so remember how we parked our  horse like roughly around here we're back near the beginning of our rotation and  you just keep repeating that Circle until you get   it for another like 100 hours or something so  yeah we parked that horse over here we just did   it's basically a big circle and like you go down  the so like we're over here right you go down this   little ramp and then do a big circle Loop and then  you're back to where your horse is I know that   didn't really make any sense but just around this  little triangle node you do a big circle around   that and that's basically it so what I wanted to  do is show you another spot that I personally did   um I would say this one right here is  the more contested spot because it is   um one it's the Marnie realm and which is good  and two it's just because there's a little bit   more stuff but if you were looking to uh just  grind in peace here's where I would go to and   personally I got my ancient piece by doing the  other spot but I think this one is technically a   little bit better if you are actually going for it  all right so we are currently at spot number two   um we're currently a little bit under the Tooth  Fairy cabin node and so we're technically still   in the safe zone right now but what you guys are  going to want to do is go to this NPC over here   pick up the dailies that uh are here and here's  the rotation that I start with so this is the   NPC you put down your tent and everything around  here and then this is the exact hole for the exact   one where I got my Ancient One so this one is a  little bit less dense but I do believe that this   is a quieter spot so if you're just looking to  grind in peace with a little bit less efficiency   uh down here is the way to go personally  like this one is still good honestly and   there's just less people you're just gonna get a  little bit less like trash an hour and everything   so you go down do that once again do  it on season otherwise uh you're just   gonna light these mirrors up and then  it's like the mechanic is irrelevant then down here you want to make sure to get  the catchers and the Guardians so these two   very important to pick up and then two over  here be careful with this Pole right here   because you're going to want to get them  but you're gonna want to get this catcher   but you don't want to light the mirror up like  I just did so just be careful in that one then   there's a lot of them over here be careful  of that mirror everything else over here oh we got a Pity piece boys let's go make sure to the best way to do it if  you have big aoes is stand around over   here and then AOE you probably there's  a good chance you won't hit the mirror   so be careful on that one big pull over  here the only ones you really want are   Guardians and catchers but everything  is going to run towards you anyway so   just you can either ignore them or kill  it and then go over here like these up and then so you see there's gonna be a little  bridge over here that's when you know you want to   go downwards and then pick these off over here and  then honestly this pole itself is not so relevant   because there's only like one that would drop  the ancient but if you're just going forever like   uh the pity pieces then just do it anyway other  than that you go down to a little Hill right here   and go over here so as you guys see  this is we're back at the start again   and this is where we picked up or like  we started and this is where our horse is   so we actually got a Pity piece here that's  nice and with that said hope you enjoyed this   one it was two spots and I will see you guys in  the next one we're gonna be doing a little bit   of traveling because the next three pieces are  down in the duven croon area so see you guys in   a second all right welcome back to our next spot  so we are currently at shuriken and it's a little   bit tricky because I'm gonna show you where this  is so if you take diving croon over here you'll   see a little patch of like open land where there  aren't too many trees um we're like right here   and so the best way to look at it is there's  a little building and if you look at the big   like structure in the back that's what we are so  you guys have seen me grind this spot um quite a   lot now and I have a few videos of Full hours if  you guys want to actually see how it's done but   this spot that we're gonna do is like a two um two  person one what I mean you grind solo but there's   two rotations in here that are pretty solid um  and this is what I use personally and this is   also the Marnie realm so if you are interested  then feel free to go do that so with that said   the ones you are looking for are the gerudes and  the belcadas and the gurus are like the ax dudes   and the belcadas are like the two-handers like the  ones that are like in a Ghillie suit kind of thing   and those are the ones that drop ancients and what  I would do is basically this is the little thing   if you're looking for an ancient I believe doing  this in the night time is a lot better and then   the way this time works at night is these crystals  uh like have an activatable button you spend   energy and then you fight a boss and then the boss  has like a higher chance to drop the ancient piece   but if you're just going for like pities I believe  just describing it for money is not a bad option   either so up to you what you do and honestly this  spot for agris or like silver an hour with agris   is pretty solid so either option whatever you do  uh there's no right or wrong one and so basically   this is what I do it's just a small little Loop  and you see how back when like a few seconds ago   we were just over there we're clearing all of  this out and you want to pull everything over here   that down this uh one thing I would recommend  if you are on a seasoned character and your DP   isn't as High um be careful because things could  CC he CCU here and like you're gonna get grouped   up on so I'll try to show you an example of what  it looks like um here let me pull a few of these   or I could just delete them no big deal so here  let me let me just stand here and try to get cc'd   so you see how all of them grouped up really fast   like it doesn't look like I'm taking any damage  now but like if you are someone who doesn't have a   lot of gear that actually kind of hurts so just be  careful of that uh you know what a good old meme   of don't get hit yeah that's it so yeah that's the  rotation this one was pretty quick you just do a   big oval from where you started this is where  we started when you parked a horse you go down   here go up the trees follow that one and then do  a loop and then up here and then over here so yeah   I actually have some full videos if you want to  watch that and once again this is also a Marnie   realm spot so like if you are like over there  did a little pop-up will appear I believe and   so yeah that's pretty cool I'll see you guys in  the next episode where art all right welcome back   so we are currently at the run or not renaro's  blood wolf settlement and this one is actually   arguably some of the like worse spots or the  best spots there's no in between for this one   and so yeah I personally have gotten one ancient  here and then also got the hundred pities so this   one is considered the main rotation uh I park  myself in this little cave because it's safe and   um I would like to assume that most people  choose this spot because it has the highest   density however this is a two-parter kind of  like the Renaissance one that I showed you   and I'll show you it in the Marnie realm because  it I don't know it's kind of easier so anyway we   get out of the cave we do it over here and then  you pull this one the one you are looking for are   executioners and the reason why is those drop  the Ancients and that those are pretty nice so   with that said I usually go up the little  stairs and then pick off the ones over here pick off these and yeah just in  general because you are going to   be clearing very quickly just make  sure you are actually looting the   executioners because those are the  ones that potentially drop ancients   uh so let's make sure of that one and your  clear speed is going to be very fast here yeah okay then you go down this  little Hill here a little bit more two of them over here over here make sure to pick  off the one in the back that one's very important and then you cleared those and then after that you go up here and this one is a little bit tricky because some  of the poles are a little bit weird but like this   one over here there's an execution in here but  he doesn't really go out so you have to go out   of your way to just kind of like single Target  him over here and I believe this is actually   the exact spot where I got my ancient piece in  this like little hallway over here go back out get the Executioner is over here cool down here these off if you actually get the cacti Knack  with the orange eyes instead of the uh purple   ones those are also pretty good because there's  uh make the dark Fang crystals which are actually   considered very decent now so yeah that's over  here and then here's where we started once again   with that horse so I'm gonna show you another  spot that I personally enjoy a little bit more and   we're actually just gonna go there so I know where it is but I don't know the fastest   way to get there and I believe  oh yeah hold on let me leave this I just didn't want to like uh disturb someone  else because if they were grinding here   and generally like 99 of the time you'll  be able to find an open spot so I park my   horse over here you can put your tent  over here and all that stuff as well so opening with this pack over here so here's  where we are on the map like a little bit east   of the uh picture so that's what we do this  one like your clear speed depends on how your   rotation but I'll show you the extended as well  you go down here you wanna pick off this one   take off this one if your clear speed is  pretty quick you could do these pulls as well   and then pick off these you usually don't  have to do this one this exact Bowl multiple   times I'm just doing it because the violence over  there and uh could potentially give some goodies   so go back to where we cleared  the first pack over here nice then we go down to little Hill right here down here honestly they're just like waiting for  respawn once you're killing the ones at the bottom   because uh there aren't too many executioners so  this is where we parked our horse at the beginning   so as you guys can see whether your clear speed  is fast or not I'll just show you the extended   route anyway so what you would do if you were  faster is go down this little Hill just follow   the road basically and then there's another one  right here and then you can pick off the violin   and then yeah you just follow the path and I  guess it really just depends on your clear speed   but the main rotation will generally be open by  the time or like reset by the time you get back so yep go do that and see how we are this is  our horse we're back at the main Circle again   and then you just keep doing that and you just  spend another like 200 hours and you're good here   all right well I will see you guys in the  final spot Ashira ruins all right welcome   back everyone to our final spot of the infinite  potion pieces we're out to Shira ruins and there   are a few actual decent spots here uh this is  actually one of my most hated spots because it   feels awful the silver is not great here uh the  density is pretty good so like it technically   would be like statistically the highest or easiest  piece to get but for me it was just was not so   um anyway here we are at the Sierra ruins so if  you look at the map and this is the node we go a   little bit Southeast a little bit near the little  Coast right here where the trees are like brown   so I usually park my horse by the ramp because  it's safe and I'm gonna show you spot that I use   now this one is what I would consider one that's  good for the ancient whereas if you're going for   like the pity pieces um more specifically I should  say then I think the rotation like over here is   slightly better under the Cavs variac let's do  like a circle around here and that one is better   for just like faster clearing and that but if  you're looking for the straight up ancient piece   then I believe this is what most people would  consider the best spot so anyway this is the ramp   we go down from here and I usually like to go this  way just follow the road and so I'm gonna show you   um what I do and depending on your  class you may have to do extendeds   extended poles uh this is definitely better  with Awakening if you are a DK that's 100 sure   but I wasn't gonna switch it out just to show  you a little quick pull though basically anything   that has the word Keeper in it in the name uh  drops the ancient which is basically everything   here this is why this is the better spot for  a full piece um compared to like uh individual so so what you would do is go down here you could  pull that AOE that thingy Downs here's where we   started again right so that's basically the circle  and obviously that was pretty quick right and   you're like oh okay so I'm back at the Circle and  everything is not even respawned yet right they go   down this little path over here and you just clear  things as well it's actually a lot of stuff so and you go up the little ramp here and then you see like basically all the things  that are kind of like bigger these are all keepers prize that didn't actually delete everything but yeah large group of Keepers over here do this one as well and so we're going back into where we came  from this was a this was the Pole right here   where I got my ancient piece and then I also  got 100 pities here as well for my second one so then we go back up this little ramp here  and then we end up where we basically went   down the hill right so then by the time  this happens everything is respawned   and then you would just go and basically  re-clear everything and repeat that again   but for the sake of doing just one poll and not  keeping this video too long we're just gonna do   that so basically that has been all the six  spots that um are for infinite potion pieces   and the spots that I think are arguably the best  ones of actually as you guys saw I have two full   sets of potions so I've been here in all these  spots for quite a long time actually so I kind of   tried out a lot of different spots and everything  but hopefully this works out for you good luck on   your potion pieces and um yeah if you're new to  the channel hit that subscribe button I would   love to see you guys come back uh our channel  is mostly I give you guys information on how   to improve at your game when I first started BDO  there weren't any guides I played into beta and   it's been seven years now so I like to share my  information that I've gotten throughout the years   with you guys and hopefully you guys will become  uh better players as well so with that said if you   have any questions or anything join the Discord  uh leave it in the comments if you want to as   well I checked those and that said I'll see you  guys tomorrow with some other cool stuff peace
Channel: Jonlaw98
Views: 57,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Desert Online, Black Desert, BDO, Review, Jonlaw98, Jonlaw, Jonlaw Guide, Black Desert Review, Jonlaw Black Desert, Black Desert Gameplay, bdo grind for silver, mmorpg, mmorpg 2023, best mmorpg 2023, bdo gear progression, family friendly, bdo guide, black desert guide, black desert online beginners guide, bdo infinite potion, bdo infinite potions guide, bdo infinite potions guide 2023, bdo infinite hp potion, bdo infinite mp potion, bdo infinite potion pity system
Id: o7U7uAVQV6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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