Review of the BEST Large Scale PvP'er In the WORLD BDO | Black Desert Online Ham454 Lahn Review

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now for the main event we're all in Cho dig your corrupt Neco no more well you were in reforge before but you didn't use any Clips there because you oh you weren't good yet so gu what it [ __ ] demolished all right okay all right so now we are going to watch a VOD from literally the best large scale pvper in the game um did I get wilmark moded I think I got you guys on the reubs thank you so much guys I really appreciate those thanks for all the follows guys um this guy is definitely the best large scale pvper in the game he plays succession lawn this is what his add-ons look like okay this looks like his uncapped add-ons right here okay uh divos no this is ham 454 divios is the best like I I I would say like tournament goer competitive pvper small scale competitive pvper and he's really good at Large Scale as well but ham definitely um definitely the the biggest Fragger in the game worldwide okay uh these are his capped add-ons right here okay pendulum CL uh kick blooming nether flower uh s sidium sidium uh Sal Purry Purge Morning Dew and Fatal Attraction okay all right now he only just recently started streaming so we finally have a VOD uh from this sexy sexy man I'm not really sure does anyone know does anyone know what this is from what is what is the why am I looking at what even is that bro it's it's like classic weeb thing they just put some weird like anime chick on the uh the lesbian anime shocked shocked really [ __ ] Christ dude uh terer thanks so much for that follow but I really appreciate it um if he doesn't have music I'm going to put on music there we go all right this man calls himself the rank one Merk Na and he is not [ __ ] [Music] around ens I don't know what it is with you the last couple of days you got to chill out man you got to chill out Ron nobody wants to hear your music like people like would you rather just be silent you want it to just be silent like this I cuz I don't feel like yeah your beautiful voice is more than we just all right fine you guys are [ __ ] freaks though that's all I'm saying spend a th000 energy Gathering full cooking gear artifacts and crystals no please God play the music all right I'm going to do a pull because my mods are lazy and won't run it for me there you go oh good he showed us all of his graphics and stuff beforehand too look at that got performance optimization on full webcam hide pets um all of this is to kind of optimize FPS here hiding pets is pretty important to be honest with you look at them Graphics actually he's not running in like the potato Graphics mode that some people do so like I think that's an objective win uh I'm seeing 72% of people are in favor of music I don't know why maybe ham turns on his music oh wait you just never mind use it use it like you're treat it like you're a main ball player and you're moving with us okay so if you see us yeah if you see us getting ready to I think that that's all dmca [ __ ] I think that's is that it seems like dmca if you see us retreating you Retreat don't leave it in the enemy ball and try not to let it get hit on the ass too much and um I I can't wait oh my God he's actually got all the Croc Doo sets for all is different horse gear in the entire game that's crazy I have the same thing cell dweller is dmca music as in drop a drop on [Music] pink no no that's Blue's problem that's current Blue's problem the calls are less important I will flip it on every once in a while uh yeah yes music w at 71% I'll keep it low though you be like night doll Roar I'm listening to the music yeah it's current Blue's problem cuz it [ __ ] the VOD up later for uploads exactly [ __ ] right this is that dmca is not a crazy problem on Twitch but it is a big problem on YouTube If a single dmca song plays for more than about 6 seconds it demonetizes your entire video and the owner of the song gets your money it's actually the most ridiculous [ __ ] thing YouTube does not strike it that's not how it works it's a copyright claim copyright claims are different thanop copyright strikes but they do have the right to demonetize your entire video and take all your money from you they reach into your wallet and take your money um epic uh quencher thanks so much for that Prime sub buddy nothing makes me better than a brand new Prime sub man thank you they don't strike it no it's a copyright claim you like you misunderstand there's a difference between a claim and a strike is this done it is not it is almost done yeah there's a difference between a copyright claim and a copyright strike copyright claim is usually for music and they just demonetize your video or they make your video not uh visible and you can contest it but like it takes forever and they take your money anyway uh and a copyright strike yeah you can only get three of those in like 90 days uh and those have to be contested if you want them to come down they take the video down and everything but like that's usually for like the content itself right like if you're not actually transforming the video in any [Music] way you get a copyright strike okay couple things let's take a look at him let's take a look at him uh these are his Buffs down here he uses a full Elixir rotation no surprise there well at least he uses a few Elixir he's using the important ones Air Attack damage down attack damage uh that looks like um uh that one looks like the destruction Elixir that's all special attack damage uh this one looks like detection uh I'm not sure what the 12-minute one is uh but he's also got a full food rotation going he is not using a simple cron meal he is using a food rotation looks like king of jungle Hamburg uh Comm syvia meal and dranes meal it looks like the dranes meal he's got the knowledge is the food buff plus Elixir so many Elixir won't fit on the screen yeah but we see the important ones at least what's the food buff rotation uh I believe he's running the Comm meile uh king of jungle Hamburg and he's running I'm pretty sure he's running dranes pretty sure that's what this is um because the only food that I'm aware of that gives knowledge like this is the dragones meal okay aside from that you'll notice that he's using a unicorn but blue everyone uses the Peggy in PvP LS can fly he doesn't need a Peggy that's part of what makes him so strong is he can unicorn buff before every one of his pushes is food rotation better than Exquisite I would say on capped um it depends on what class you are and really what stats you're going for sometimes for him specifically yes because he can get slightly more damage out of it he's like slightly less tanky but he doesn't give a [ __ ] cuz he's just better than them but I honestly I just po the Exquisite I I would say the vast majority of players all pop the Exquisite he's only running the food rotation because he just wants to maximize the [ __ ] out of his damage and then he doesn't really care as much about his he doesn't care as much about his uh his defensive stats oh I know dream uh was in crawling I didn't know food Buffs can stack yeah it's really old school it only came back relatively recently when they changed how um uh food buff durations work it used to be that basically Exquisite Chon meal every time no matter what and it still kind of is for most players but you can definitely run a food rotation like this and get away with it gam sagecore just resubscribed for eight months yo game Sage with the resub for what is that 8 months yo game Sage welcome back to the squad everybody I'm I really appreciate that what a hero um let me grab this let me just peep I'm just going to I'm going to peep up on this I'm I'm sorry I'm just I'm snipping stuff there we go there we go what a hero That's my boy right there what will be the baby's name be probably stop yelling right let me see what drift ising do not hit EQ you're going to rotate towards the north side of their base and hug on the cliff y that's fine that's fine keep moving on me behind us honestly I can kind of just do this front good we're good CU now I can hear drift so I can tell what he's saying the engagements have not actually started yet they're kind of just scouting right now um say it again yeah yeah pretty much yeah um you can and also don't I just don't want to risk it so they're just running around scouting right now I'll fast forward through this it's a 4v4 this is a pretty big fight and so they're postured up his base all right so the first engage starts happening here all right so things we're going to focus on for Lan just like when we did suck Sage Lon is a flanker okay lawn is a flanker why is it not letting me type please let me type there we go one there we go um you are a flanking assassin okay what this means well it actually just doesn't want me to type there we go what this means is that you need to hit people what they don't see you coming okay this is the most important aspect of every single flanking assassin in the game okay every single one you saw me say the same thing for suck Sage every single flanking assassin has something unique that allows them to catch their opponents by surprise for sage it's the load screen after they hit you with that damage I look like death okay Sage death is the best CC and and that is surprising for a lot of people LW is a little different lan can approach you from the z-axis which really no other class in the game can do as effectively as she can okay so what we're going to watch ctg do here is we're going to watch him engage constantly from the side from above from behind from the front you will see him pull off just about every sort of engage he can just so long as people aren't looking at him okay people when people are not looking at you that's when you kill them okay if people are looking at you and you're thick juicy [ __ ] legs right you've already lost the element of surprise you're probably going to die okay if Alana is called out on her way in she's probably dead it's just like Evelyn in League of Legends if you knew where Evelyn was all the time she'd be garbage where's the Tamer VOD like where's the Tamers they don't exist thick laon can still fly no no no no no no no no thick laon can still fly all right so he's moving around with the offense ball here he sees some pings go down you'll notice he's not actually using his flight until he sees okay now we see enemies and he's already looked as how do I hit these people I'm kind of on the low ground here this is suboptimal all right so we're going to fly in here and you're like you're like a 747 coming in for a landing here yeah there it is okay you want to land and really catch people who are not facing you this guy's not facing you this guy's not facing you this Archer literally can't see anything um oh yeah that's Stevie Steve's pretty Steve's dog [ __ ] he's not looking at you either you're fine hey oh can't get any damage done no problem gets up and runs away it's all about the hit and run you are not about the fair trade none of this is about fairly trading with people you get in you get the damage down if you don't kill them you back up and he's skirting his way up this hill here you'll notice how he abuses the lawn flight to kind of go up like like this this hill is kind of rough to run up for for other classes in the game he just kind of soared straight up there oh oh he thinks he's safe oh he got he was safe just barely see this guy's looking at him and a high high he's like the crab and Finding Nemo know a high high as he goes by like this okay that's not your target oh yeah we don't want to deal anything with that yeah no it's way easier to kill a bunch of people who don't actually see you coming just like that just like you put them on the ground oh oh oh oh never mind we found we found another we we got another we just we didn't like the other one so much we found a better one it's no problem they thought that they were safe no no didn't didn't kill him fast enough we'll come up here pay attention she hey trying to get up there again look look at all these [ __ ] people oh my goodness he ve oh my goodness he ve all right don't worry there again you're just trying to go in on people who don't see you coming at all you see how he kind of went through them and then tail spinned all the way back through them the other way again he's Mouse Moving the [ __ ] out of his skills overcommitted kind of hard there but like you notice how many times he kind of poked in and poked out and then back in again sure he griefed at the end of it but that's fine he loves calie he loves Calon uhoh what up incorporeal how you doing buddy all right so he's riding back out he's trying to group up with the offense ball he is not used fun fact if you're riding on your unicorn and you instant Excel you can hit e while you're instant excelling it'll actually use um the buff like the Unicorn buff without having to stop and do this okay oh he didn't he actually canceled the buff at the last second there oh he's trying to run this guy down that's a draconia that's holding his PA it's all right he died anyway Jackie hey go hi mhm what the [ __ ] my dude holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah what happened to my music bro what the hell's going on here there we go all right so he's flipping on different um food Buffs and you can see how many Elixir he's running he's also running Spirit perfume Elixir which we didn't get to see before cuz it's off the screen gig Chad all right so he sees the engag bang zooming down okay so you'll notice he zooms straight at the enemy ball here okay then oh they're looking at me just immediately turns to the right finds a new Flight Plan 747 this is 747 to Tower we are changing directions over he jumps straight in finds this guy not paying attention look at that his legs are nice and spread ready to be bred beautiful good night Tori this is why it's always so so important that you keep yourself protected in large scale PVP okay and he stays down here and since he's got a lot of allies he stays here and skirmishes this normally he's not he doesn't stick around this long spread into bread that's right it's just like the butter slogen except a little more runchy what a wonderful rhyme yeah spread your butter on that loaf of bread definitely what I meant oh he rides straight through that he goes okay sounds good he actually didn't get his I honestly we don't know when he's unicorn buffing but I would see a little glowy icon so I don't think he unicorn buffed there like he should have so you'll notice he ran straight through that enemy offense ball and said M looks tasty okay then he dismounted and came up behind him okay this is just him playing like a legend there's a warrior trying to grab him but sadly it's tougher to grab a on thighs than you might and um have thought at first oh see now it's all about Target prioritization where do we want to go where do we want to go there's a lot of targets on the screen okay there's a lot of [ __ ] happening and what make good Lawns is that you can prioritize targets really well honestly if it's me I'm going after the Wizards here but let's see what he does okay I was pretty close cuz he can still hit the Wizards from right here this the ultimate Target now he can hit both of them to be honest with he keeps his options open okay he starts getting low on health and just immediately disengages just like a tampon very good God I guess the tampon is kind of the opposite if you think about it okay so they basically just ate that entire guild that was easy peasy uh unicorn bu on oh yeah it's true that is the debuff right there it's a good call oh my goodness he just eating his way through it there's vessel down there that's the reforge B that's our base I was is not calling this fight okay so he disengages oh checking his settings again checking his settings we got our unicorn I don't think he funnels BSR I think he uses his VSR I think he just Z Buffs oh my God it's like a a whole new world turn your gamma up boys okay this is also super good as a flanker is when the offense ball is just standing around and this happens a lot they're just standing around sitting on their hands Thumb in their ass it happens okay you got to get people grouped up you can be very very Pro Pro active that's why having a good horse is very important you can go out and Scout look around for offense balls look for High Ground positions try to get you see an offense ball coming in here they're going this way like this you're like oh I'm just going to posture up right here cuz our offense ball is going to slam right into that and I'll be in a flanking position right here right like you need to be thinking ahead of the push always as a flanker always yeah I don't know what that ping is about and somebody scouting outside of the not War Z probably cannons oh he's on the hunt Lawns are very very good at killing cannons oh God he's on the case boys India golf niner niner closing in On Target no they're just trying to go around the fight okay that's drift just literally walking them outside of the zone and around which in a 4v4 is all you can really do because it's kind of a clown Fiesta that's why I don't like 4v4 on nodes like this the no war zone is too long and too skinny for really anything to happen unless vent it leaves their base completely unprotected and gets one pumped he so he stays on The High Ground here he's waiting oh he had 8 seconds on or 2 seconds on unicorn buff there he h so again he's looking around for targets he doesn't see anything able to get into the base with relative ease here starts tripping stuff I like it that is he you know as many kills as this guy gets he's still an objective based game player this is why this guy is really really good as a Merc my God the second that somebody came out of the base to defended he immediately cced him oh the whole watches shot him there going back in okay again all of these people are looking the wrong way every single one of them is looking the wrong way except for this guy who is desperately trying to warn them oh my goodness don't want to attack him he's looking the right way no no didn't quite get anybody there let's go over here that dude just PA don't really want any of that let's fly over here yeah hard committed too hard onto the base if you do this you're probably going to die to Flame Tower shots not that that FD is shooting the other way but the other this ft is probably shooting this way there's a lot of people inside the base you're probably going to get killed you never really want to dive onto the sticker like that it's super risky super risky sometimes you get that fat kill feed but like uh all right so he stands up at base and this is not looking so good there's a lot of people here that's okay they're all on the ground no big deal oh my goodness they're not taking any damage oh my goodness they're not taking any oh my God he's just dead not sure if they were I don't know if they were PA or what the hell just happened you can't see their butt no they're not be he just failed to kill them too much health too Tonky Man Too Tony like beo Paul Riv yeah one if by land two if by Sea three if by S you don't want the British coming in your ass all right so he flies in from the side on this engage you'll notice his main ball is over here engaging like this and he is flying in from the the side okay we got this nice upskirt angle on this lwn okay uh how's Awakening lawn now in large scale with the recent buff I would say it's pretty good but it's not as good as suckon is stamina is still [ __ ] on awakening lwn fair enough he lands on the Rock looks for his first [Music] Target okay they're kind of just eating barcode when I say they are eating barcode boys I mean they're eating barod Awakening Longs like the Forgotten stepchild not So Much Anymore it got buffed in a recent patch uh pretty significantly so it's it's doing a lot better now all right another big rule is of flanker you can't do anything if you're out of stamina okay stamina means kills okay stamina equals life for any flanker in the game okay stamina means you have eye frames eye frames mean you can stay in staying in means you can get more kills okay as long I would rather as a flanker be 1,000 HP left on my health bar and still have a full stamina bar then have full health with Absolut absolutely no stamina just like this you're probably going to die faster this way Awakening is the asmatic version of lwn well you can just take your inhaler you're going to be just fine big dog AKA where the maads oh my God he actually charged that guy over holy [ __ ] that guy's pissed all right see those offense balls still grouping up and he's just kind of riding around in a circle around them trying to scout he's looking for enemy offense balls then he's given to Direction and he immediately starts riding I never dropped the glaes uh but it's rough in the open world [Music] PVP well in open world PVP you should be absolutely demolishing people with Awakening lawn J just gaming just subscribe Jace just gaming with that brand new subscription buddy thank you so much for that brand new T1 sub nothing makes me wet than brand new subscribers absolute hero absolute hero her grab is insane it absolutely is okay rides to the regroup ping good [ __ ] all right they're chilling funnel on BSR real quick about to fill that inflatable pool that's right with juice God all right casually moving with the offense ball honestly he's staying right out in front of the offense ball basically the whole time oh then he realizes there's an engage off to the East and he takes flight here we go okay he's looking at his mini map he sees pings he sees orange dots over here and he doesn't go straight in he kind of comes out on the side of it he going to survey the fight and we're looking really what he was doing is he was check checking these high grounds here to make sure nobody's up here oh Target acquisition the [ __ ] is that guy doing on that rock bro did you guys see that [ __ ] what is this guy doing right [Music] now is that a Mystic it kind of looks like a Mystic and then oh oh he went he missed the grab he just standing here laughing at him the [ __ ] out of here tragedy all right he didn't get much there okay he got one yeah he didn't really get to do much there could have chosen his targets better is that brg nope we don't want any of that [ __ ] is in the middle of the air looking at his map midf flight he's like baby did you bring the directions I I the map doesn't make any sense up here oh and we're going to go over the top there we go okay and he's on the enemy base look at that that is why he has a unicorn cuz he doesn't have have to go over [ __ ] with the Pegasus like everybody else does BL did you shower today twice actually twice actually you know you're comfy on a lawn when you casually open the map in mid-flight that's what I'm saying though my God vertex is getting eaten right now holy moly oh my god dude getting absolutely V blasted dude holy [ __ ] they're spawning with invulnerability getting turboed man I think you might need a third how would you know that every time man every time okay so he goes up and over really he's looking out here okay he's keeping his eyes open cuz he sees a lot of purple dots on his mini map uh in the top right cuz he knows generally where to fly by what's on the mini map in the top right okay and then he acquires targets when they come into render the first people he's looking for are the most unprotected targets the most unprotected targets are the [ __ ] Rangers that have never had sex in their life standing on top of a high ground where no one with a grab is anywhere in sight to help them okay this is priority Target one for every lawn the first thing you're doing check this High Ground check this High Ground check oh Target acquired bus okay like the all the grab glasses are down there okay they're all down here none of them climb up here the only people up here are the virgins to suck staffs Rangers archers sometimes re re action Monday H well I mean kind of it's Funday Monday so we're kind of reacting to a v we did a react earlier to a to a montage see see fortunately ham giving them the first sex and probably the best sex that they're ever going to get tasty munched that's right I'm offended that you don't use my munching emote it's way better casually gliding around oh there's the enemy offense Ball but what's that up there can we get up there oh we don't need to bers zerkers don't pay attention either who are we kidding can anybody give me some BSR anybody have some BSR okay that's why you got to keep yourself protected basically all the [ __ ] time God I hope he kills you kill him oh got to got to eject too many grab classes in the area thank you red I actually paid for new emotes today um they're going to be Halloween themed we're going to have we're festive uh what is this we have an unban request oh Jamie you don't get Unbound sweetie oh butter pumpkin you tried to dox me you're gone have fun making your new account big dog not a chance and flew the [ __ ] out that's right that's that's Ham's trademark characteristic jump in see if you can't catch anybody oh my God he landed on a stun trap their visual cuties based on movement just don't move oh [ __ ] his ass is way too fine that's why you have to try to make your Lana ugly otherwise the first big ass [ __ ] dude is going to come over and try and absolutely give you a hug if you catch my drift beating that ass bro I think I accidentally timed out helling for 623 seconds that was a mistake that was my bad you could probably untime him out if there's a mod in chat yeah that's my bad I misclicked he got turboed sorry buddy oh God there we go untime him out there you go big dog how you doing on this fine Monday we're doing well let's look at what he just did again all right so he flies in looking for targets looking for Target oh look at this is there people on this hill nope those are not enem oh there's some enemies so again it's all about Target acquisition they don't see you okay you are flying through the [ __ ] air all right the world is your oyster okay you need to try to hit the people that are not paying attention at allot 21 tipped $25 oh [ __ ] yo Lada 2 Lakota 2 one thanks so much for that $25 man I really appreciate that thank you oh my God I get to eat today thank Jesus thank Jesus holy [ __ ] what a [ __ ] Dono American hero or Canadian the man's a a Boeing fa I was going to say F22 to be honest he's got too much maneuverability bro my God that's guy's jumping around he's like [ __ ] that again it that's the thing about lawn is you're so quick and Nimble you're just I touch the ground and I'm off I touch the ground and I'm off you know you're only on the ground for like 2 3 seconds at a time before you're up and you're flying away again it's the most frustrating thing to deal with for an enemy offense ball that doesn't know what they're doing right super frustrating and if a guy's being really difficult so you can't kill him just leave there's other free people down the road why waste your time why waste your time mark it in this line and call him an ac130 we have somebody in our Guild named ac130 he used to play L now he plays third page I just absolutely demolished him holy [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] okay honestly he see he should not get away with that he just flew in there got a bunch of damage down and then flew a [ __ ] I hate it when this happens oh thank God I finally made it out of there hey buddy how you doing like you are so dead we can we can talk this out no no you're dead as [ __ ] yeah that sucks man that's unfort that sucks dude bummer yeah see he just okay see how he gets into the fort and then he puts his back to a wall here oh it's so annoying it's very difficulty with throws a couple frontal guards and then just sa trades a bunch of times he's getting structure damage he's hitting people and then he oh oh no I was going to start singing Smooth Criminal for by Michael Jackson but oh no the flame Tower if you guys are wondering what's happening the flame Tower is shooting him there is a dude drinking tea in that flame Tower he's just hitting that space bar out playing the best player in the world in large scale PVP actually just sitting in play Tower watching his [ __ ] H tie drinking his tea smashing his space bar destroying this the best player in the world see still got out of there bro honestly that's a guild problem brother just bad I don't want to tell you all right we're eating we're eating we're eating well we're getting really low on health we're going to fly away look at him Mouse Moving in the middle of the air you can see it as this character like it's it's kind of subtle but like watch how his character moves through the air so he gets up and flies away and like very subtly he do you see how he starts going this way I'm going have to draw it he starts going this way and then very like aply turns but his character is not turning but his body is is see that's him Mouse moving the flight mechanic oh no we're stuck oh no we're good help me step bro oh see again we're looking for targets we could go for base damage but this looks so good this looks Juiced I'm thinking I'm thinking he hit he tries for this oh no oh oh oh I like what he try I like what he did there most lwn would have just landed in the middle as he stream live on Twitch yeah um there you go I think he's live right now streaming node worth I don't know if it's any good though so I like how he didn't land right in the middle of everything he decides all right I'm going to put her down over here captain and then I'm going to work my way in because if he land lands in the middle of everything he's vulnerable for a split second this way he can kind of come up behind everybody and CC he can still get that fat CC's off of like 10 people tries to eat doesn't quite find anything has to get out of there before everybody gets a hold of him no problem okay and we're chilling this is the longest lingering super armor in the game I'm pretty sure is this skill right here oh that guy that guy is so confused that guy is actually so confused he is live now I know I saw him right before I went live but he's only he's live for not war all right this guy is I just run I'm just going to get back to the offense what the actually just sonone of a [ __ ] oh oh oh God Target acquir poor creper bro funny thing is people don't understand that even if he doesn't get kills having the fear of someone can just CC at any time makes you play different it's exactly right yeah this guy thought this guy [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] around and found out um is it turns out you're just like oh it's just a line it's super easy why the [ __ ] is he so good I'll just walk over here and grab that ass here real quick let me just get up there he he'll be scared oh F oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] I got a v he get the [ __ ] out of here actually most Lawns run away from that he just turboed that guy right away from didn't give a [ __ ] and we're looking for damage here looking for damage my God this guy is a terrorist holy [ __ ] he's coming in he sees that enemy offense ball doesn't find anything here this is fine he's going to go look for better unsuspecting targets that aren't looking at him like this dude oh somebody came up behind him I'm going around this way really see anything that we want here oh this guy's on the Rock Let's Take a care of his virginity there we go have fun respawning di [ __ ] okay all right get up on the Rock it's not safe there either yeah yeah they're just getting eat they don't even know where he is dude he just I just love look how L like back flips and [ __ ] this is so cool this makes me want to play LAN watch how he like back flips through the air before he lands and then just starts slaughtering people like right but yeah he back flips [ __ ] superhero Landing like so cool rest in biss and I'm out that's right and we're out of here all right he's running deep sea Elixir too oh no chill get out of your whatever was trying to get up on my lawn's ass there and just fly away from that you have exactly like one second to grab his ass and if you [ __ ] it up he's gone like a fart in the wind he just going to fly [Music] away and legs don't forget the legs yeah honestly that's the biggest most it really is the biggest reason we love lwn so much I want to see the content of you shot calling online no that's me overshooting and pretending I'm ham and then ending up in the next node war zone over confusing the enemy T1 guilds going is is reforested on our node or why is blue what's going on here we're like an hour into node War sorry about that I just I I took it you I went the wrong ways [ __ ] all right so what his gear looks like although it's a cap node War so he doesn't really care but he's pretty geared holy [ __ ] he's pretty geared yeah he's pretty geared he's got pen pen ominous pen lunar and he's got a tet turo on he's pretty [Music] geared you're dusting the wrong field that's that's from what is that is that from Pearl Harbor that's from that yeah that's from Pearl Harbor dude actually dusted the wrong crops it's like unre oh wait no that's from Independence Day Independence Day that's what that's from dude actually dusted the wrong crops yeah Welcome To Earth I love that movie I need to watch that again I Love Will Smith he plays himself in every movie but damn I love it 21 tipped $13.37 to farts in the wind that's right to farts in the wind that's me thanks so much Lakota I really appreciate those donations buddy they directly fund my ability to eat thank you love that movie too never gets old absolutely absolutely thanks so much Lakota oh no you ain't no way oh my goodness he barely made it gig Chad all right and we're back with the offense ball here all right he's going to dissect this fight don't you dare kill a refor member I don't think he's going to zbu right now maybe he might he's trying to focus down oh my God almost killed the reforest member said nope oh oh no oh [ __ ] oh god oh they all got a [ __ ] that's why he saves his BSR right there he just 100% BSR him all of them got knocked off the cannon right there stops all the cannon pressure he did get grabbed but that's okay has v stops all the cannon pressure for like the next 40 seconds comes back starts farming the [ __ ] out of him again and notice he doesn't want to stay cuz he can't afford to get grabbed so every time they get near him he's over here [ __ ] there it goes no it's every time bro as a there he just keep circling there's nothing they can do about this there's nothing they can do about oh they finally grabbed him you got to kill him a they finally got him they finally got thank God guys got Hands Like Glue he's still you'll notice that those cannons are still not firing though he did his job when you BSR people off cannons they can't actually get back on for like the next minute it's crazy that was like hugely impactful all the legs of the three Mystics that got him and they WRA those [ __ ] legs around his head all right sorry guys there we go resolved once this man has locked his eyes on you I I'm I'm tagging a lawn [ __ ] this [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] is just I'm I'm sitting at the computer I'm getting hot just looking at her it's so [ __ ] cool watching lwn literally fly around like this maybe I'm just tied up in the music I don't know he's just eating people and then he goes back I love how he hides himself in a bush he's like crunk and emperor's new group don't don't look at me don't look at me nobody look and then he comes out of the Bush and just starts beating ass V eat it eat it [ __ ] 10 oh bozo oh my wife started playing B Guardian I'm rrolling her on to lwn are you making her cosplay lwn or are you rrolling her on to lwn or are you rolling on her to L so I love how beautifully he navigates up terrain and stuff makes it look so easy he's playing Microsoft pilot simulator he is very simply abusing what makes lwn unique nothing about lwn aside from her flight mechanic makes her crazy unique when compared to the other classes but when you make the flight mechanic look this good it really makes this class look so special right [ __ ] archers that's all deserved he that's primarily who he's looking for because the archers the Rangers um the succession staffs okay all of the ranged pressure in the game they're all the biggest [ __ ] they're also the most unprotect unprotected they're so greedy those classes are so greedy they they think they can just stand unprotected all day all day from range sick them sick [Music] them that's a meu we don't want that oh there's a lot of people oh look at that they're trying to get back on the C they're trying to get the Cannons back up ham oh [ __ ] let me just get back up now he's really low he's really low on stamina right here P Pete just subscribed all right oh my god oh Jesus oh my God they all did and then he flew away look there's that same Mystic on okay all right I got I lightning does strike twice I can totally grab this guy I can totally grab this guy dude the Cannons are already dead man I can grab him okay yeah see that guy went over to fight him again this is the S the wheelchair situation some I'm going to get this some [ __ ] I'm going to get this Dar [ __ ] bro it's cuz he keeps he just flies away bro it don't matter yeah all the Cannons are already dead that guy actually ran after him like three times doesn't matter he doesn't want to fight you he trying to kill the Cannons that is how you play lwn when you're anti- cannoning that is is disgusting that is disgusting you're wondering why he put his weapons away to run like this you use less stamina he's trying to concern stamina or conserve stamina as much as possible before the engage the shy Buffs yeah casually runs by and gets every shy buff except for the one he needs that's right classic [ __ ] shy okay not able to find anything there let's fly out of here uh you can Cube buff and not use stamina with the weapons out yeah yep yep yep you can class buff and then uh you can just Dash in a circle forever and it doesn't use stamina I'm also pretty sure that it's sa went off cool like all the time when you're in Cuba SHO just resubscribed for 3 months yo Sho with the resub for three months welcome back for three months buddy thanks for so thanks so much for coming back to support me enjoy that new sub badge uh new emotes coming for you make sure you're in the Discord all right so he's just chilling out of Base here oh we're tapping oh they got back doored okay yeah all right we tap back up no problem blue didn't release a shy PVP guide yet it's cuz I haven't had one submitted well that's not true I did have one submitted but it was um it would have been really good content but I couldn't do that to the guy I was like buddy you don't want me to review that there's actually just no [Music] way all right so he riding around why does he keep changing what is he doing right now bro you have 251 FPS what the [ __ ] are you trying to optimize dude what could you possibly be trying to do then blue submitted it to the FBI [Music] hotline I hope you guys could hear [Music] that light did I miss a light [Music] redeem 21 days ago 14 no I did not miss a lighting redeem you're scaring me um toino it just flagged you is a suspicious user in my chat looking all sus and [ __ ] [Music] all right next video is uploaded hey Mane players got to play workers got to work [Music] man you just got to stay on top of it you know you just multitask this [ __ ] okay this is actually a really good example look at this okay so you have peggies like peggies are way better they can handle the terrain watch this There He Go okay's he's staying in front he's stay but Ham's right with him he's he's right with him neck and neck he's going to P ham H go around the all right yeah get the Pegasus Jesus Christ oh [ __ ] that's a lot of people [Music] English is important oh my god look how many forts are on this node this is [Music] madness there's four up here and then there's four down here okay and then there's this ocean of empty space here yeah this fight should never have ended if vented had to like spawn town and just like left their base this fight would just never have ended what not Burger bash you we get a shout out for Burger there we go right on who was that who got the shout out for him well somebody gave him a shout out good [ __ ] good job mods I think it did it automatically it was me you [ __ ] monkey K I apologize thank you for doing the 4 seconds of work that you literally have failed to do the last 180 times that I have asked for my mods to shout somebody I'm so sorry 4o true oh this guy is that another Archer is that we we'll never know Kobe Bryant he just dead he's flying in Behind these people they're looking the wrong way he puts his back to the wall throws the frontal guard goes back in oh my God I'm doing my job drunken this is the first time you've been in here in like 6 months all right he's fighting an Awakening Sage here and the best thing to do against Awakening sages is just DPS them until they [ __ ] die but blue how do you CC them that's the fun part you don't all right these people are getting eaten all right that guy yeah that guy's getting absolutely [ __ ] pounded what the [ __ ] dude he thought he was away kills oh no way I was going to say no shot he he P picks up and leaves that no way too late on the Benny Hill Music got to do it you got you gotta speed that up King Cow you gotta get that a little bit quicker next time next time next time is that the second time Kobe died via play Crash I don't know it's a delay on those yeah he'll get there it's all right I I respect that hustle though you need to try and hit it right as he's going for the engage and he flies around in a circle and you can tell that the enemies are all pissed off that's when you want to do it absolutely terb them give me rabam did he mean BSR there's no shot he's asking for BSR right now right there's no [ __ ] way I mean like I'll be honest with you if ham triny gifted a drunken leaf for subscription Trinny gifted a tier one sub to a drunken Leaf they 57 gift Subs in the channel welcome back drunken Trinny thanks so much for that gift I really appreciate that I'm glad today that the news was better um drunkin welcome back to the Squadron right on I'll be honest with you if ham walked up next to me and said blue give me your BSR I would be like really okay I I wouldn't even I I actually would I be like [ __ ] it bro he can use it better than me I don't even give a [ __ ] you just give it to him he's just that good it doesn't even matter that it's a la no yeah no he's looking for aom right on on pull this up on the I'm gonna pull this I'm I'mma peep this hold up this do this I'm going to do this there we go oh my [ __ ] God bro where is mine need the Snipping Tool where is it going to come up hold up let me just see I knew that was going to do that let me just move this over here there we go okay music sir I don't know why it keeps doing this dude there we go yeah I don't think he asked for BSR I think you I think he wanted to test to see if a buff would stack ctg demon music yeah I would play the music he's got coms and stuff the problem is uh it's all dmca like a Minefield and like twitch doesn't care so much about dmca it doesn't really matter all that much but YouTube very much so will Turbo me okay and since all my content is basically YouTube content as well you don't you just don't mess with it bro what up suzane how you doing big man we love suzan guys join me and hit hitting that follow button for suzan right there amazing hashashin uh plays Archer and large scale PVP yeah you know how much I love archers oh sh Bro Look at that I hate lons I hate them I hate them they're legs touchdown this recovery he just spit on this recover it's gone I hate that [ __ ] and then and up every time and then he he goes away I'll [ __ ] do it again I hate lwn I hate them like actually the most Menace class to try to take out rebuilds there's just nothing you oh that guy's oh this guy again doing his best impression of that scene from Hercules the one on the horse it's h son of a [ __ ] pun gets really low fly back across no problem guess what chat I'll [ __ ] do it again just get our health back real quick Sky goddess # Queen hey bro what up MOS how you doing big man hold up let me just peep here we go he's going back it's just not fair bro he just going to kill it man like what do you even do what do you even do about this that zerker is clasping e please get the just reaching as the ankles go flying through the air son of a [ __ ] skill issue yeah honestly I'm watching this Archer get absolutely run the [ __ ] down right here uh nothing makes me hotter to be honest yeah that guy yeah oh he's hiding in the barricade look I'm safe in a [ __ ] what's the haa empty no shot no one is in the haa this Archer ran up and said free kills invulnerability getting turboed by nine people because you're a virgin that wants to shoot your bow that's you big man so proud of you what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah that guy's dead as [ __ ] ah cosini uh honestly In fairness cini was doing what he should be doing he gets and wedges himself in the inside the barricades okay no one can fit in here what the [ __ ] he would have been safe had ham not wedged his [ __ ] dick in there he'd have been okay oh my God that's a 200% he actually just got 200% it's a good example he's got a huge injury on him now when you get BSR when you get ultimated in Black Desert all the damage that the Alti does to you is wound damage you can't heal above that line now it does come back to you after a while but now he's massively wounded uh let me hit this let me just oh no not that oh damn it that's all right he died anyway yeah once you're wounded like that you're basically just dead bro it's easier to just die wound [ __ ] needs to go away I actually kind of like it [ __ ] your healing honestly I wish we had more stuff like wound stuff helped us play around all these heels what is he doing why is he not getting up for these trees bro what I got to do yeah just spit out like three treats B them get come here get that treat eat that thank you like why why I got to tell my dog to eat treats the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] bro good boy this dude he's look at he's trying to get casy I'm I'm a SN I'm a snuggle up in here I'mma get comfy we comfy even though we lost to be fair vented didn't have Canon ear this war all three of us were out for the day well no vented should have been home vented didn't have everyone invented was out for the day they just weren't home like they just they just got back doored like like super dead it happens when you got four guilds running around like that and you're the front Guild you just can't leave like that happens it's happened to me many times it's happened to everybody everybody gets back doored like that every once in a while who gives a [ __ ] otherwise the fight Never Would Have Ended honestly we should be thanking [Music] [Music] vented any advice for someone starting out in node War doing T1 and and T2 um get your kayen necklace and Chimera gems from the Trent vendor uh get a solid Crystal set up and gear up to get into better node Wars okay also I don't know what class you're playing but you should probably watch the the guides on my YouTube for PVP mosque I have a bunch of large scale guides on my YouTube you should go check those out okay so he just flying in I play Awakening Musa um there is an old old Funday Monday on awakening Musa I think but like I don't know if I put that one up or not it's been a while since I've done a Musa smash hasn't given me one in Forever neither is idisk even though I murk him in all the time my vods yeah idra you never call anymore you never text you never call all right so he's just being a terrorist at this point because there's no flame Towers or anything to protect the base so this is what lwn do oh my God that guy's a specimen he actually got in behind him and cced him he threw a frontal guard this way he thought he was safe you wedged that ass in behind bro well you have a mouse move guide no it's actually just really simple you just turn on Mouse to move and then every time you try to move you just use the thing you just you just move your mouse okay I put my mouse button or my move button control is actually programmed to my side Mouse button right here okay so every time I want a mouse move I just click the side Mouse button cuz that's my that's control it's way easier never thought of doing that yeah no that's how all the big boy pvpers do that it's the only real way to Mouse to move on the fly like like like ham is doing right here it also helps you in open world and like when you're trying to select stuff on your screen you don't have to reach all the way down to press control anymore you can just click the button on your mouse it's way better okay gets his Croc Doo buff that's why he keeps roaring like that oh they're taking the ctg okay what are they doing oh god oh no any vented members in the audience please look away oh Jesus never mind never mind they're actually Gods holy [ __ ] nothing makes Lawns more excited than seeing a bunch of tappers on a fort oh I was going to say he's definitely going to kill people here there's no shot he doesn't oh he couldn't get over the bar oh we got a dud Lawns are so annoying he barely got over the barricade oh see how he gets in and he just wedges himself between the gate and everybody else now he can throw super armors or frontal guards okay M just subscrib uh thinking my gear isn't quite enough for T3 yet but hopefully soon got vils on the pre-order and we'll hit 289 soon loving the pbv content yourself Yo MOS thanks so much for that brand new sub buddy nothing makes me better than brand new subscribers I have to get the tarp out thanks so much man I appreciate that uh there's the gearing guide on YouTube I also made the official node War guide on the official Black Desert channel it's called the node War handbook so like you can go check that out too so if you're like brand new to no Wars that's the guide that I would go to I made that one too it's just not on my channel oh my free 1 classic Emma every time I have the opportunity to call out Emma I'm on it I want the First Time Emma and I met she was standing on top of a roof um in balanos standing idle doing nothing on succession staff while everyone around her died and I turboed her on stream and then she got really mad at me and now I'm turboing you again it's all right he died but that's okay we got Emma and that's what matters all right so vented at like what 40ish per they're trying to tap here to crawling took the ctg and then didn't engage because ham was all by himself there what's going on [Music] here that's all right he's fine he's got flame Towers firing he's good this is his base I don't know why he didn't pick up his horse to begin with ft building okay he see he sees this Target acquired okay that's his job that's his job he riding basically I run around you can just watch my sage video that I made I think it was like the most recent one that is basically Musa just do that but like for a Musa just do the exact same thing oh he sees enemies that's okay going to fly straight over all this stuff he's looking for that ft looking around we're looking couldn't get couldn't quite get into the base oh look at this recovery just oh let me just get up on it oh we're zooming around okay all right they're looking at me time to move again constantly repositioning so Nimble on and off the ground all the way around the fight all the way around the fight now come down here pick up a few barcode freebies maybe not they're all too tanky never mind that Archer is super [ __ ] dead bro he's stupid archers [ __ ] those people oh man he's getting run too bro oh my God he's running him down that's the C okay oh no dude oh no no no the zerker running for his life boys all right so Berserker jumps backwards he's running one Jump's not going to do it jumps again don't move his visual Acuity is based on movement We Have Eyes On Target oh god dude oh no oh no no no no no oh my oh oh the B oh my God he's a legend the Bamboozle of a lifetime holy [ __ ] that zerker deserves a medal actually Bamboozled the ultimate bamboozler oh my good what's going on with this what what's we just fly away from that I stand corrected yeah I yeah like what's neptuno doing here what is that this is this is V's flag what's he doing right is he killing the flag what what's my guy doing here bro look at that Mouse move bro holy [ __ ] oh he's getting up to a high ground he's like I need to get back vented [ __ ] this is he going the right way I guess so hey can't unicorn buff cuz he already used it he's waiting for shy Buffs he's standing in the middle of every he's trying to's somebody shy buffed me for the love of God do your [ __ ] job shy buff him no sh shot this this stupid little [ __ ] rat this little [ __ ] rat about that there thank you that's what we're here for thank you so much okay we're good now we can move see we're literally all just standing around waiting for the [ __ ] to buff [Music] us shy Buffs on awn no shy Buffs on anyone is crack oh God those two people are dead oh yeah that guy's Super Death my watch is telling me to breathe okay so he's just in here tearing this [ __ ] up um some people are way smarter than other people okay all I'm going to say is that in the in the most genuinely nice way possible this is exactly what I would expect out of a Berserker is that fair enough that's about right terms of overall IQ level he's still spinning on the barricade give him give him a second give him a minute he'll get he'll get around it give him a sec there oh he turned into Beast where he actually jumped it hey he got there don't everybody don't anybody tell you that he didn't get the [ __ ] into the base okay he sees all them spawning up so he backs the hell away that's me no that's Gods Slinger he streams too okay that's Shai getting those Buffs out again that's good Shai's doing his job I like that he's pink so that everybody can see where he is copium that's definitely the reason he's pink [Music] copium oh see the first thing he does is check this virgin ass High Ground uh to clear out all the oh never mind we fell never mind we we fell oh we're good we're good we V we V we oue all right no one up on The High Ground this time he just casually checks it as he flies by oh my [Music] literally ironic [Music] and vertex is not having a good time right now that's all I'm going to say about man oh my God I can't believe he didn't get that kill bro blue looking kind of pink right now I'm doing fine oh that guy's got his back to the wall and his Gore rolling he's gaming he's gaming are you hearing Meer s my boy Ludy oh my God all right Ludy hey girl how you doing Ludy thanks for that raid big man I appreciate that uh milty thanks so much for that raid as well please join me in following them both um I know Ludy very very well uh he is the best succession Ranger in large scale PVP if you go to my YouTube um the VOD that I have there explaining how to play succession Ranger in large scale is ludy's VOD he streams go follow him he's entertaining to watch because he kills everything that moves he's also not your typical Ranger he doesn't just stand on a house like a version okay he's actually super proactive and shows everyone how rangers should be played okay uh milk tea I don't know as well but I've seen them hanging out in my stream a lot oh this is um okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah this is uh oh God you changed your vtube model didn't you did you change your vtube model my dude changed or this girl changed her vbe mom e just subscribed we got our content I did yes okay that's why you throwing me up you throwing me off it's distracting looks good looks good just in time for Halloween too um vexi with the brand new Prime sub buddy nothing makes me better than a brand new Prime sub thank you so much buddy I really appreciate that thank you thank you yeah Ludy welcome to the content creator program man you absolutely deserve it uh you get that value pack every mon big dog uh and plus you get support you get much more support from PA if you want to do events and stuff you get giveaways on stream special drops and stuff uh anyone that is a smaller Creator should strive to try to get into the Creator program for pbus it's what really helped me this guy is actually just [ __ ] getting two two Bozo um it really helped me get on my feet as a streamer as well it's just it's a super good program for proactive [Music] streamers I there are some people that are just in it for the value pack H like those people are [ __ ] whatever but um it really does help like the upand cominging creators that actually want to succeed out a lot funny their name is sniped and they're getting sniped oh my God you sharp is attacked Nothing Gets By You so quick on that uptake why do you think I said ironic earlier just like me as honestly we had someone in a recent YouTube video comment he goes you pause too much in your videos you just take so much time doing your jokes they're funny but you just pause too much and then he spelled pause and then he wrong and then he spelled like he used the wrong two um and so I responded to him with all the grammar Corrections and said you are exactly the reason that I pause so much in my videos because if I moved any faster IQ just wouldn't pick it up I couldn't help myself bro normally I'm not that Savage in the comment section but sometimes oh my God hey oh ham the man of the hour do I look like Saturn There's the Man himself There's the Man himself hey girl hey what up ham how you doing buddy we are watching you absolutely turbo some people you see the new panity video I have not I have not uh but vexi I really appreciate that brand new Prime sub heyo being a great stream buddy the best MC in North America the best large scale pvper in the world ham 454 if ever you were going to give someone a follow that guy rank one Merc na doesn't have 22nd tap timers why tap if all of the enemies are dead does did does kufu actually stream I thought kufu only had a only had a his YouTube stuff kuu and I were talking earlier today about little little something something I'm working on it you are working on it we need to get you uh a lawn guide in here by the way your lawn is way too attractive I'm going to need you to tone it down every time you take off we get this upskirt striving me [Music] nuts oh we actually got caught by that Zer all that sucks all right there oh yeah we're a little low on health we're going to we're going to jump out of this what it what this hang out up here for a second no problem okay farming cini like it's a job yep cini is arguably one of the best Awakening Wizards on the server all right so they're just going to very intermittently dive for the flag here yeah they're basically just trying to run down the flag and he I love this this this is what lanss can do all right the entire offense ball is standing right here he's like all right I don't want to be here um the engage is coming oh there's the engage right there I'm going to get out on the side of this so that they can't see me very quickly oh he sees the engage coming down the hill right here that's where his eyes are and he's like okay let me just let me just get around this and see now all of these people are facing the wrong way particularly Public Enemy Number One archers we love farming archers oh my God oh my gosh I thought he was going to get out kufu putting in the work that's right if those of you that don't know kufu you want to link your YouTube in here you can absolutely link your YouTube uh kufu is probably our best moner absolutely outdone himself with the Lage that he made for ham recently what is this uh Mass I'll if you remind me I'll take a look at it after the vun chilling thanks though no problem buddy okay so kuu you can spawn dude there we go oh he spawned to okay all right we're running back all right we're running back here we go got our horse we're still running oh my God how long did it take all right we're back first thing he's going to do is try to get up to The High Ground where everybody thinks that they're safe because those are the generally the most unprotected people in the no war also the cannon team is up here and they are super [ __ ] dead yep gone oh my God he could have killed that guy he just let him go like a catch and release program another Target acquired run this guy down he dead you know maybe I don't need to tag line maybe I just need to get a hotline preset with a couple good outfits you know what I'm saying maybe we just play like a life Skilling line okay he's kind of just spamming right now trying to keep himself protected RP Lon there ain't nothing wrong with RP L you may as well frag you misunderstand my purpose in node Wars dramatically if the word frag comes out of your mouth in description of my performance in a node War I'm just putting it out out there I am here to supervise the children while they frag out I'd let Alan frag me I'd let her I'd let her bag me absolutely all right before we go hold up all right we got finally got the tao shout out in there I didn't get it done earlier now I now I've remembered oh my God they're getting eaten but not by him oh that flag Factory is gone yep that thing's gone notice how he's killing people and getting Damage Done to structures then he flies out oh actually had to climb back up there that's strange yeah and then he's immediately dead you notice every time he he gets really close to a fort he dies even if it's his own fort even if it's his own fort man it's just dead as [ __ ] his own base well this really is kind of just a 1 V one with vented what the [ __ ] is going on here bro if blue manages to get a kill he a fragon hard enough since he's full DP that's exactly see he gets it I'm just supervising we got Ranger base stats oh boy oh nobody sees it oh my god oh we're eating oh we're eating never mind we're way too close to the Fort oh my goodness there we go now we yeah come back by the flame Tower we eat these very good yes dank's too deep there we go yeah there we go he's just eating right now dance at his way through this fight this is just good mechanics bro I don't know there's like two things that make you really good in node Wars good positioning and good mechanics I would say positioning is about 90% of it may 80549 just subscribed uh Shadow 5549 with the brand new Prime sub buddy nothing makes me better than a brand new Prime sub I've got the wet floor signs out for you Safety First i' let Blues wi wizard stick his stick up my buddy seek Jesus what the [ __ ] all right Shadow welcome to the stream buddy nice to see you got to love that for all the new viewers he play a Tamer of course not s Jesus so [ __ ] up I'm sorry I shall repent there is no amount of repentance they going to get you through that statement Rosary though naku Mami gifted ham 454 a subscription netum magami gifted a tier one sub to ham 454 they have given two gift Subs in the channel yo niku Mami with the gifted sub on the ham ham welcome to the Squadron thanks so much to gotu I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you my God and kuu nakatu magami gifted kafu a subscription nakatsu magami gifted a tier one sub to kafu they given three gift Subs in the channel Bo why he really just [ __ ] goes to town on that yo uh Mami thanks so much for that gift dra on to kufu as well I really appreciate that buddy kufu we're friends now accept it you spent the entirety of family teabagging me in your montage videos but I forgive you how's Lon do in cap node Wars well this is the best player in the entire world um and he plays suckon and he top frags in every single Guild that he goes to uh also is relia top frags all the time uh kufu is like a third pager but he's kind of an outlier um yeah it's really [ __ ] good if you're really [ __ ] good at law if you're really bad at LW um yeah it's going to [Music] suck Lou what do you use to edit I've been using ad uh Adobe Creative Cloud don't [ __ ] proo no holy [ __ ] wait you're using the [ __ ] are you using Premiere Pro on the Creative Cloud isn't that like $130 a month are you [ __ ] nuts I had it for free no no no no no no put the gun down put put the the gun down all right step one I'm not going to confirm for you but I may or may not have um a copy of Premiere Pro uh on this computer permanently hypothetically hypothetically hypothetically of course um have that so I have that on this computer on on my Mac here this is my mobile workstation here this uses Final Cut Pro that's Final Cut Pro this computer the main computer when I'm editing on the desktop is adovi Premiere Pro um you can use [ __ ] [ __ ] uh like you don't need to do a whole lot of editing I'll be honest with you uh suzan you're not like you're not going kufu you're probably just cutting up your vods and then like adding a couple Photoshop things here and there right yeah Da Vinci resolve works pretty well [ __ ] works really well I recommend using a free software unless you can find one of the expensive softwares um for free theoretically hypothetically of course okay um yeah like you're probably editing a lot like I do and we're just like cutting up vods adding assets here adding your intro maybe get a few transitions in there as you get used to it but like you're not doing like crazy editing work you don't need like really good editing software for that you could just use [ __ ] and like free stuff like I I again I use honestly Final Cut Pro is like editing for dummies it's like I actually like Final Cut Pro more somebody like kufu probably hates that [ __ ] because it does a lot of stuff for you that you don't actually want to happen Adobe Premiere Pro definitely gives you a lot more options it's not as uh user friendly or or intuitive as Adobe is I mean as uh Final Cut Is I like Final Cut because I'm doing very primitive editing I'm cutting vods together adding transitions editing Photoshop stuff throwing those in as layers and then intros and outros and stuff it's really not like crazy Advanced I'm not like zooming and panning and doing all this crazy [ __ ] blending the background [ __ ] all that [ __ ] like I'm not doing any of that stuff so it's much easier to do it on the um on Final Cut Zoom pans yeah that's exactly what I mean you know where you can see like half see the meme but half see the game play like stuff like that like that shit's kind of hard no it's not that hard but like it's it's tedious it's tedious Vin free is uh topping Premiere and after effects recently I don't know after effects is used for like special things it's more like graphic design than anything else and I would consider Adobe Premiere Pros just like kind of YouTube editing software or just video editing software I don't think it's really fair to lump them in together although you use them together After Effects is a beast to learn yeah I know I hate it typically what I do is I just go to my I have a guy for my graphic uh my graphic effects and I just let him do it because it's just not worth it for me to learn right now I just don't need that that many graphic effects someone like kufu might someone like um who's the guy that edited all Zach's videos illusion that guy needs it but yeah no I know how to use multiple editing softwares cuz I have to most of my editing is done on that thing while I'm at school or like when I'm finishing up cross country practice or doing other stuff while I'm at work like I need that laptop in order to actually get that [ __ ] done otherwise I'd never be able to get my videos done it just finished uploading the next [ __ ] video like it is always working that thing is literally Around the Clock working you run cross country no no no we coach cross country my what does it look like I run cross country and I mean that respectfully to myself like I'm being H like no mosque shut the [ __ ] up you just got here smooth head more Arrow oh shut up honestly isn't vert in the chat yeah vert's in the chat vert wears a goddamn hat cuz I swear to God he's bald under it doesn't want to show everybody he just doesn't want to admit it I've never seen vert without a hat on I met him at the Calon ball huge fan was wearing his shirt and everything he signed it for me still don't know if he's bald or not big sexy he is sexy bald is sexy B catching Strays well I saw him in the chat earlier I want poke with him a little bit but then I give him the shout out too cuz we love ver hey look you say bald is a stray there's nothing wrong with being bald [ __ ] love bald men hey but blue every time they make fantasy characters and Fantasy games they all have hair that is an outlier doesn't count don't [ __ ] copium me [ __ ] what do you like with hair it's hard to imagine go look at my old clips look like [ __ ] alala goddamn [ __ ] Chia Pet dysfunctional Chia Pet shut up my own [ __ ] fault I shouldn't have brought it up did you try Watering your head was it worth it is it worth it the [ __ ] out of [Music] here could y [ __ ] focus on the VOD I am trying to watch this [ __ ] first [ __ ] TR Fu Lorenzo H ra a just to 10 Subs we got off this Miracle Grow I'm ban you too the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] Miracle Grow looking Lauren Hellraiser with the 10 gifters on the metagal prohibit 822 Ian snow Tim uh kren tansky 212 metal core mcloven 0219 brickade and Chad Wick beef welcome to the squading guys all thanks to Lorenzo La Razer why is it doing that why is the why is it making my it's making my transition sound every time I hit the whatever all right now you guys just get to hear it it's all right whatever some weird OBS bug how you doing Lazy Draven welcome back it's like the fourth stream in R you've caught big dog he never misses it I look like sat there we go yeah I saw the I Saw The Light CH I finally got there I finally got there all right right so he's going to go back to all right cut all that [ __ ] out of the VOD Bro [ __ ] that all right by the way you mispronounced my name make an easier [ __ ] name to say then okay snow timster yeah that's the best I can do I say the same thing to my students at school uh Mr Blue you said my name wrong oh my God look at you should have been born with a better one I don't know what to tell you what is he doing right now bro yeah you're fired no I'm not we're good there was a student uh that came in who gave me [ __ ] about being bald on like the third day of school right and I said you're funny I'm going get you back for that though I'mma get you and then he comes in in like I don't know a week later he he doesn't see it coming he comes in a week later he goes Mr Blue I got a girlfriend and I just looked around I didn't see any livestock coming to school day dude straight to the counselor straight to the I got called into the principal office they're like blue you can't tell them that they look like livestock that's not okay I'm like look it's not my fault all right he shot first I was just doing it back to him sounds like a ham problem bro don't start none won't be none okay hey man if you feel comfortable enough giving me [ __ ] for being bald I am going to Turbo you that's just like honestly I got called it to the office yesterday too called in the office yesterday blue did you did you tell it did a student announce that they failed your test in class and I said uh yeah and and did you respond with with that's okay I said yes I was trying to be comforting and then they're like well did you follow it up with repeat after me welcome to Walmart and have the kids say welcome to Walmart I said I did I I did that may that may have happened that may have happened and then did the kid say why is that relevant and then you responded with you're going to be fine man don't worry about it I said yeah that that might have happened like blue you can't tell our students that they're going to be working for Walmart I was like but what if it's true though what do you want me to do man I'm not joking the kid literally was just like Mr Blue I failed to test I'm like just repeat after me man hello welcome to Walmart he was like why is that relevant I was like you'll find out in 3 years I actually just [ __ ] it was pretty funny it was pretty funny everybody else was laughing he was not he was not so happy about it though he was not so happy about it though oh [ __ ] how bad brother answers on the test I asked for the three types of chemical bombs and they wrote ionic coent and James flamy Panda I'm going to let it go play me if you didn't get it it's okay man we'll get you we'll get you with the next one we'll get you with the next one all right let's focus on what ham is doing CU I feel like I I I've lost Focus here feel like tagging aine I feel like he's not moving I feel like he went AFK best Merk my ass there we go I love how he back flips into the base big fan okay so get this they caught vented when they weren't at home and then they stripped their entire Fort this is a classic 4v4 maneuver wherein the only way to win is to literally catch people when they're not home otherwise everyone will come screen for them and you will lose all the progress is suckon still great in PVE too yeah absolutely it's definitely a A plus tier if not s tier honestly it's got really low APM he just he's so [ __ ] thin bro he just slid right out there like a smooth criminal that zerker too fat man that zerker just too fat buff Awakening lawn oh shut up oh shut up God you guys are so stupid I expect nothing less from a shy man than some weird [ __ ] cutesy weird ass whale coming out of a sardine cup that has already been cut in half some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] up [ __ ] where you open the Sardine and this it the [ __ ] fish are still looking at you [ __ ] up man hey he's got his shy Buffs he getting ready all right he flying around he's looking for a Target look oh he sees a lot of tappers he sees a lot of tappers oh no oh no never mind they all just spawned he said [ __ ] that we get a nice upskirt of the lawn as he flies straight the [ __ ] out of the bay no problem it's one of the only classes in the game that can do that oh just kidding and then he just leaves and then he just leaves class already needs an inhaler oh it's fine I'd love to see blooming nether flowers cool down back to five oh shut up you guys just got Buffs shut up holy [ __ ] [ __ ] are you watching what is going on awakening is not far behind this okay he's just eating people you have to ask for consent in PvP nowadays this is non-consensual who am I kidding it's a lawn everybody's consens yeah eat it yeah he just got turboed by the the haa there oh my God you just have pen diso sitting I was like man I wonder what earrings he's got he's got a pen lunar on he got a pen ominous on he got two pen disto he geared he's pretty geared oh my God oh my oh my got see look they were backdooring somebody else then they got back doored themselves now they're back at base their allies are screening and they're going to tap their base back to full health it's going to be fine it's going to be fine everybody going to tap why can't I move around without people hitting me well when you're blind it's a lot more difficult to navigate without actually touching people and feeling your surroundings but I have found that if you turn on your monitor you can actually locate uh where all of the players are without feeling it out with your hands way [Music] easier especially useful if you're Cannon spotting if I'm being honest nothing's better than the Stevie Wonder Ray Charles Canon team [Music] combo sounds doable all right there's reforced in for the big screen right there good [ __ ] boys that's a little look at that you can see it's a little shy bubble you see this faint outline little side bubble another side bubble ah Jesus son of a [ __ ] God damn it dude it's that time of the year where all the students start asking for letters of recommendation and I just got added for another son of a [ __ ] I mean I would love to write it for you but I have let me tell you how much time I have to write that for you I'm I'm a hop right on that damn it I'm honored really though how many pearls does that cost to turn on the monitor 50 been thinking of making an account since I'm oce my ping is sea or similar to na oh man you'd play even better over there unfortunately ham I don't think anybody actually plays over there but plus don't you just speak [Music] English yeah see they're for see they're just going to get all tapped up now I will say that ham is a Merc here and he is tapping the fort which is more than I can say for most of the other crawling members I'm just saying look at this [ __ ] hold up watch this [ __ ] watch this little [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] right here watch this dude right here this guy it's the little things bro you just you're chilling you're chilling this dude comes over that dude is actually trying to rip the Ford up right now that's what that animation is for that dude is actually trying to rip the goddamn Ford up like a [ __ ] realizes he's ripping it up stops himself stands there for a minute takes his hand off the keyboard doesn't want to mess it up okay places his hands back on the K where's the no didn't quite find the hold there it is F5 nailed it buddy first try record-breaking tap time look at that honestly it doesn't matter how low your TAP time is if it takes you 35 seconds to locate the F5 key like that's something that you don't really consider that players very similar to mellin trying to find the new [ __ ] world are trying to circumnavigate their [ __ ] keyboard and find the correct key in order to actually type the uh tap the for up good for him though he got there my F5 puts down traps are you a shy too I feel like you're probably a shy [Music] too there it there it is you know I am blue I don't M ra I don't know the closest name we had to that and reforged was rah okay so yeah I have how the hell am I supposed to know who that there are sometimes there are Guild members in chat and I know they're Guild members because of how they're joking with me but I'm going to be honest with you I have no idea who the [ __ ] they are because their twitch name is not the same as their family name so I have no idea who the [ __ ] that happens all the time it's just like when you see someone uh out in the open world and keep in mind when I say open world I mean beyond the front door of your house um and you walk up to them and you're supposed to know their name but you don't so you are like dancing around it like an absolute professional like an absolute professional oh my gosh hey how's it going man you know like oh my God yeah sure I am chief so how's your job going damn that's crazy sport I'm a professional I still don't know some of my students names sad but true there you go I'm tossing it out there no problem man you'll see them with a name card in Walmart no oh Jesus feels bad [Music] man there it goes it toss it out there why I got to do this basil eat your treat basil basil eat it good boy good boy who in the [ __ ] has to tell their dog to eat a treat he's like [ __ ] that [ __ ] you don't pay me enough all right go back to to bed Buddy Jesus [ __ ] Christ holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hold up you guys got to hold up guys oh look at that oh [ __ ] all right I'll leave it up oh [ __ ] he tired oh you had a long day his day is just as long as mine is since he's a service dog he's with me all day long he's a sleepy boy he's tired he's got his mon monetization all plan that's right you missed the good engage damn it I'm sorry I was distracted I was distracted oh look there's leonda all right he flies over toward the Cannons oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay yeah uh-huh it do be like that oh and then this is what I hate about lawns but it's also what makes lwn so incredible is they literally fly out they got they land do a bunch of damage kill the Cannons jump off when they get low dance around and then right when you're not paying attention they hit you again you paying attention no problem they're just going to dance off again okay over and over ah and over again that is a flashbang it was not my head this time what a flight path I know it's crazy bro oh he's killing horses now oh he's got oh he's been had oh never mind see did you get you get one second one second if you don't get that booty in one second he is out e gone oh Jesus oh god dude he wasn't having any of that [ __ ] bro he's either gone or you're dead that's true he's either gone or you are that's right hey come on oh what how did he kill somebody I I fast forward 10 seconds there is no one on the screen not one person where in the [ __ ] this dumbass literally dry humped his horse into the side of the gate why in the [ __ ] are you here that guy was in vertex holy [ __ ] there's another vertex they're lost holy [Music] [ __ ] why did Jackie Felix just say yo mama in Alliance chat bro we doing Manos tapping again today I'm poor oh God no did they ctg this oh butter pumpkin oh sweetie you can't ctg right there honey pumpkin oh God when you take the ctg and you spawn into the Alamo it was probably pretty bad ctg Jesus bro oh god oh he got really low he's playing the outside of the fight really oh no no that's what you get for getting greedy that is what you get for getting greedy that's all right all the vertex is dead anyway they didn't touch [ __ ] I don't even know what that ctg was for you guys had both flame Towers fully enhanced with the base tapped to full health I don't know what the [ __ ] that was like that was really Str boy that was a weird ctg that was kind of weird evasion gear no he's got I'm pretty sure ham runs with [Music] Dr a lot of Ls like evasion though cuz she does have some small evasion passes I would consider her an evasion class but players like ham player with Dr because they're so good at her that you don't need defensive stats when the enemy is dead oh look at that the gate's open oh my God he closed the gate you ever tried the rudm out station spot yeah I mean it got nerfed recently and then buffed and then nerfed and then buffed and then nerfed I'm pretty sure it's still like a really good grind spot though people [ __ ] on it but I'm pretty sure ruds is still still kind of [ __ ] Juiced Dam go kill [ __ ] there we go man what do you think about the changes of T1 T2 my guild got zerged in cuga uh since Min zero we died 130 times but didn't make it to 10 minutes Flames were dead in 1 minute can't plant the rest of the week I'm sorry man some dip [ __ ] behind the desk decided that that was a good idea idea and I said from the beginning that that is the dumbest [ __ ] [ __ ] I've ever seen them do to D1 node Wars I'm [Music] sorry uh with agis just from trash alone I made 800 mil from rudm yeah see it's a good it's a good grind spot I it's not as good as like the deest spots but it's pretty good maybe it is who [ __ ] knows I haven't done rudm in a while I'm more of a troll rolls fan I'm a witch oh that guy's dead anyone that stands on a high ground you just understand that if ctg if ham 454 is playing for the enemy Guild and you get up on a high ground it's your own [ __ ] fault there's my boy shot gamers I have a question when I go to my horse hold on let me see this hold up never mind he just again he's just dancing around he's looking for an opportunity and if he doesn't see anything he just lands on a nice safe High Ground I have a question where do I go to um go to my horse to put trash loot the monsters disappear but I saw on YouTube it keeps opening when they run to the horse the mom should not disappear just because you ran to your horse big dog look at them they're trying to reach him oh I can't believe he didn't get CC there that [ __ ] deserved to get turboed there think it's one of the changes while rud mobs are enraged okay that's fair they do disappear all right yeah so like you have to ask somebody that does a lot of ruds don't go to your horse while the ROMs are enraged simple blue your new YouTube video is telling me to sell my penisto and go double Nar cadri tell me to do it right now okay at no point in the YouTube video did I recommend double Nar cadri um except when I was talking about about the extreme late game builds when you were fighting like really low gear score player as a ridiculously high gear score player you can put the Nars in the cadreon and still have enough AP to kill people on a Dr class like Valkyrie um but bekilla tanky but aside from that if that's what you got from my gearing guide I'm so sorry you should probably just go play maple story hey so honestly this is just more of the same he is literally just flying around jumping up and off the ground and then back down to it looking for an opening he's looking for people that are not paying attention oh look at that we found a flag here okay one we'll just leave that there cuz those people aren't hitable oh yeah he shouldn't no he should have lifted off again that's that's but he stayed on the ground too long that's what you get blue told me to sell my gear no at no point did I tell anybody to sell their gains you don't sell Gams it's not a good idea I look like s okay now we got to watch watch him run all the way across the node war zone again [ __ ] sofa dude came in and just started throwing Strays at me sopie you came in and immediately immediately started firing firing bullets so anyway I started blasting [Music] I had to time you out cuz you started blasting [Music] me what do you expect blue told me to buy plus 11 Manos gatherers and now I die to Desert nagas honestly if you know good English blue told you what do okay in other words if you're not good at English yeah I could have told you any number of things yeah whatever the [ __ ] translator told you that I said it's just like when you're not good at math you could be making anywhere between 10 million and 55 billion silver an hour at Orcs depending on how bad at math you are that's right Blue's not an English teacher that's right sometimes I explain things to my uh bio students with small word they do trick better killed midair POG yeah I mean the entire barcode ball walked up to him what about the 10 to one billion silver an hour at Helms that's what I mean people that are bad at math every time you talk to them they complain and there are players that do this on the class I mean that's all lwn do is they [ __ ] whine and moan because all they really want to do is sit there and stare at their characters's legs all [ __ ] day but then they go to actually PVP and they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing cuz they're too distracted because every single [ __ ] time that they go gliding they get distracted by the upskirt before the lawn lands and then they get cced right as they hit the ground see this is exactly what I'm talking about where where's all of our eyes right now like he chilling he's navigating through all these high grounds he's looking for a creative way to move been following your guide but I make the same money at 750 gear score that I did at 500 gear score while grinding bashem can you help me out take your pets out all right so he's in a high ground position here there you go you just find two people that aren't paying attention there we go viz he's never paying attention oh this guy's getting run in a corner right here oh oh we're fine make the play button go away there we go he's fine use run escape graphics and you can't get distracted that's not true oh my God bro they keep trying to go up to this High Ground like it's a safe place to go oh that's a good flag oh that's a really good flag okay we're going to come up on this High Ground here we're going to peep looking for some targets looking for some targets there too many people okay there we go we're going to come back oh n that's too many oh we we're out there we go we just fly away from that no problem and then we'll [ __ ] do it again see now he's the I love how the barcode offense ball is like [ __ ] it we'll go to The High Ground and he said [ __ ] it I'll go to the even higher High Ground [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] it you can't get all the way up here oh no oh no oh God oh look away he he just picking him off like a lion in The Savannah looks is that a bow is that a bow I know I'll be safe up here my virginity will be nice and protected up on this High Ground the [ __ ] out of here somebody from barcode needs to clip that send that straight over to viz actually just got run holy [ __ ] somebody get that divz [ __ ] that's too bad Ham's been farming his ass the whole time why is he out of stamina and he's still able to do this and Lawn just doesn't require stamina blue talking [ __ ] no way I wouldn't say I'm talking [ __ ] I do I do dislike archers though hello [ __ ] what's up drift how you doing man I'm just watching you guys win this unwinable 4v4 because this is a total [ __ ] cluster [ __ ] of a node I can't all it took was ventage just leaving their base that's what I hate about 4v4 is like this the only way you can ever [ __ ] kill somebody is if they're not home was it unwinnable well typically if all four guilds are like this okay in a balanced 4v4 and they're all just running at each other it's just a cluster [ __ ] bro you try to go around it you try to get a flag people just screen it it's a [ __ ] nightmare instead what you have to do is you wait you have to wait for one of these [ __ ] guilds to walk away and then you [ __ ] one pump them dude that's that's all it is you just wait for them to walk away eventually you will find somebody when they're not at home and you one pump them that is literally all these fights come down to it's obnoxious yeah it's a back door yeah it's a back door all day that's all it is chop chop baby that's right that's funny that's exactly how the fight ended that's exactly these fights typically either on these really long nodes like this where you need a flag and there's a bunch of guilds right um typically you either at the back door and just like one pump somebody or it's like a stalemate and you're just rfing for 2 hours that's typically how it goes cuz you're you're just running at each other really fun for the strong guilds like crawling and barod in this case though CC almost died you know why you almost died because you got back door they were doing it to you too r no that's that's that's literally it's the same [ __ ] bro that's crazy cuz the second you guys got home you won't dying anymore that's right no one back door CC we literally watched it we literally watched it Zerg almost died too again same thing I mean [ __ ] you guys had Zerg down at like 30% like 10 minutes into the fight then everyone started screening they rebuilt yeah it is obnoxious dude these fights are just actual cluster [ __ ] dude it's like everything is fine until somebody just immediately dies it's like that 6v6 on that node bro it's just a nightmare o sees visus tragic oh again is that a bow is that is that a a [ __ ] oh no oh don't do oh he ve oh hold up boss champ I think that was viz again I think that was viz again just getting [ __ ] run dude I'm doing my part no archers allowed doing the Lord's work to be honest with you [ __ ] those people like I hate that [ __ ] that 6v6 was so good though yeah we just honest I mean yeah like I didn't say it was like a bad fight I just said that it's just from like a shot caller macro perspective it's not very engaging it's not very engaging there's not much to it there's not much to it he's basically just an RBF so for the boys yeah it's yes yeah yeah I believe that that is is 3 Bozo actually just getting [ __ ] farmed he's just he's getting turboed man I hey stop going to The High Ground bro what what is going on here why do I have five barcode on my screen all of them within thumb gripping distance of a line not a single person decided to grab him we're waiting for viz to respawn honestly he's got to go kill somebody he's not even firing that dude is not even shooting he's like yo yo man just go viz is about to respawn I got it 8 seconds you can go kill him I won't even shoot you I'm just going to let you go don't even worry about it bro yeah friendly we can talk this out it's a crawling member or is it though hey's looking for the Ping nobody down here 739 viewers that's wild I don't know lately we've been kind of popping off lately we've been kind of killing it yeah yeah I mean Arrow if you go look at the yeah like it's been uh I've been blessed lately it's been good it's all that work you put in on YouTube it turns out when you just do standup comedy for boo it's pretty fun doesn't matter if you're right or wrong just you just you just sit there and people laugh at you it's fun it's a good time oh [ __ ] F Target acquired boys We Have Eyes On Target he's about to get [ __ ] run again dude's viiz don't do it bro don't do it oh Jesus this base is kind of cancer bro it's like sitting up in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere oh no oh no he just hold up he just saw the zerker drop to the low ground he's just going to farm that kid real quick y you're an idiot yep okay if it wasn't ham though it would have been the other 40 [ __ ] crawling members that you jumped into and thought was going to be a good idea all right we're up here where is viz we have look viz where' you go oh that's that's that's my bad yeah can you guys see it I don't think no you can't see I'll just lift the I'll just I'm I'm just I'm just peep this up just a little bit and then if you just right there as too B you know when he comes when he gets back up he going to be he going to be just fine buddy you're going to be you're going to be fine there's no way they get you six times in a row [ __ ] fart Hey I I hate those node War back in coms right now for barcode somebody get these mother [ __ ] crawling off my [ __ ] base I don't give a [ __ ] who it is go hit him now I guarantee you that is what is going on in back in G somebody has got to hit crawling or we are going to die oh Jesus oh oh there's the bar we got him boys we got him the whole ball just runs him over that's the strategy against LW just jump just dump a shitload of damage honestly archers deserve a buff for this trategy tragedy I agree I agree give them 10 more Dr it'll help them oh God that guy got turboed all right we're fine all right so they're scrimming them off the flag here no problem people are getting eaten 10 sheet AP when you create the class honestly it's not a bad idea considering in order to actually click on Archer you have to have never had sex in your life it's not even fair like 20% of the player base can't even click on the class 20% yeah I it may have been high I was trying to estimate on the higher side but I don't play Archer I didn't say you had to play Archer Dark Knight was also a viable option for you [Music] okay so we're up on this High Ground here hold up let me just peep he's looking he's acquiring Target oh boy he's acquiring targets oh targets acquired there we go okay all right there we go oh didn't die to fall damage for f oh my God don't worry boys I'll [ __ ] do it again that's what happens every time awn gets away dude she'll be back it's like the [ __ ] Terminator here he come flying in again nobody's paying attention they're all [ __ ] oh my God they just got eaten they just got absolutely destroyed holy [ __ ] that is why you don't just stand on a rock and think you're safe cuz if they have one good lawn or two good lawn in this case it's over this base is literally so [ __ ] cancer I don't even understand how you're even supposed to Sage this [ __ ] without being overwhelmingly stronger than your opponent the trick is to just Farm them on spawn and then they can't actually use their [Music] base now there's two guilds on barcode bro it's beautiful honestly probably my favorite class in the game to watch play large scale PVP when played at like the highest level is definitely succession L it's the most elegant funl looking class it's so entertaining to watch you're always on the edge of your seat waiting for what oh what are they going to do next oh where's he going they're always up to something oh he's up to he's dry humping a barricade right now let him get around this hold up let him cook let him cook he's getting up on this rock here hold planning the flight uh Flight Plan here he's look at these all is there an engage over here n is not engage oh that's you're all dead that's great oh he might get grab a good grab good man right there oh my God I'll [ __ ] do it again every time they get away and we're going such a menace dude it's just such a [ __ ] nightmare honestly having one or two good lines like this is just a hellscape for an enemy Guild terrain is no longer your friend you don't feel like you're safe anywhere [ __ ] looks sick yep that's it's line I'm going come down here is it hey ft can only hit 10 people at once however if the ft is shooting in the wrong [ __ ] Direction it actually can hit no people at once so there's [Music] that I'm a huge ham fan I I'm a fan of his character model big dub all right I think this is this has to be over by now right like the um yeah I think uh vented got back doored at this point by reforged and just like got could be a screen glitch you could see the Ft spin when there's too many people on the screen it is true it could have been an ft glitch but we prefer to think of it is he was just watching too much HTI the war was over already anyway VI I didn't need to hit the space bar in the right direction oh God could [ __ ] protect yourselves for like 2 seconds you are a guard Guardian use your thumbs you missed them all right probably looking to go get up on another High Ground here what he's really doing is he is checking this to see if anybody's out here [Music] yet oh my God he he actually got up there what the [ __ ] man that guy's just trying toit he's just trying to have a good time [ __ ] oh he tped away he's good never mind the [ __ ] Awakening dracon just turboed him lawn has a 30 foot vertical I can't believe he made it up there why even bother going to a high ground bro I was waiting on double Nimbus cool Downs to get up there it can just go anywhere bro it doesn't matter oh my God y that's too much you did you did there's no way there's no there's actually just it's rough man that's so rough man I know I've been terrorized by Alan before iselia literally like 1 VX the entirety of dismantled when we were on t1s in a 1 V1 with blitz ones I literally allowed one lawn to win the entire War for the enemy Guild it's like the worst shock calling I've ever had bro it just gets to you man nowadays I just put on all my DP and don't give a [ __ ] why does this class exist they're asking for Buffs Snoop they're literally as they're sitting in my chat asking for Buffs how many kills you get this now I'm sure he hits g at the end I was in blitzed at that time I knew we couldn't be friends yeah that was a good Arc it was a good time although I'll be honest with you I'm happy to be more friends with the blitz boys now at a certain point you just hating each other just gets exhausting after a while just not fun anymore oh God I'm surprised he didn't go kill that EQ guy what are we doing right now what are we flying around for what what are you do hey what hey get the what are he doing why is he so this dude just locks in on reer bro we win the fight he's like all right time to go farm reforce what the [ __ ] dude what the hell what clip see he's already farming what clip it did actually yo who do you guys want type in in guil chat right now who do you guys want to hit pick a guild not our Ally not our Ally you D you [ __ ] what it did actually yo who do you guys want type in Guild chat right now who do you guys want to hit pick a guild not our Ally not our Ally you Den all right I'm going to take the win here that he's a Merc and he's the only one that typed reforced and everyone else in the guild was spamming EQ with banners all right so they might not like us very much but they want to farm EQ way more than they want to farm us and that is the win here that's the w it was split 7030 EQ we take that dub some people type re yeah but they was vastly overest that their hate for equilibrium far outweighs their disdain for farming our [ __ ] Guild for free and we take that win why in the [ __ ] ham would you pick my Guild I'm not even there you [ __ ] bro stop playing the sad [Music] music all right there's H 454 he's been in the chat the whole time you need to turn that purple button to a green button absolutely the best large scale pvper in the game I know we got off track for part of it but you get the gist okay it's absolutely mesmerizing to watch him play that class he makes it look like a caveman could do it when then you go do it you get farmed you're like fourth page Andy right absolute specimen
Channel: BlueSquadron
Views: 52,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bdo, black desert, black desert online, lahn, bdo lahn, black desert lahn, black desert online lahn, bdo large scale pvp, bdo large scale, large scale pvp black desert, black desert online pvp, bdo pvp, black desert pvp, node war bdo, black desert node war, black desert online node war, ham454, ctg bdo, node war, node war pvp bdo, siege pvp bdo, lahn large scale pvp guide, lahn guide, lahn bdo guide, succession lahn bdo, succ lahn bdo
Id: YWLusGplMA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 7sec (10087 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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