All I Wanted was Love | Ex-Satanist @JohnRamirezMinistries

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Man, I don't care what you are going through, storms don't last if you put God first. Amen. I learned to put God first no matter what happens in my life because I know the tricks and the deceptions and the works and the schemes of the enemy. The enemy will give you something temporary but God will give you something that will last you a lifetime. I understand so I just want to talk to you today I just want to get in I just want to get into the message to sing to talk to you today and you share with you and the name of Jesus right amen I want to share with you you see my calling in BC before Christ my opponent before Christ BC before the cross amen before with the cross my calling came from the second heaven from devil-worshipping seventy seven seven years old seven half years old I was standing in the school yard with a friend of mine who is really a bully and there was Quique bully this guy will be he wasn't he wanted to beat up on people and do all kind of stuff so I was standing there and that's a necklace from the sky the seven powers of darkness fell from the sky because I set that potentiai I fell from the sky fell on the ground I grabbed the necklace I put it in my pocket and I heard a voice say John come home and it was impossible for me to hear that voice because I was about a mile away from my house and it sounded just like my mother should I put the necklace in my pocket and I ran off I just ran off to I've ran off at to my friend my mother's calling me I don't want to get in trouble I got to go I put the necklace in my pocket exactly has seven dollars see the devil copies and everything number seven is the number perfection of Jesus Christ we know that amen number of grace is God's number is not Jeremiah it's not all children it's a marine spirit that operates with the number five so so the devil has nothing new and original he or all he has his bootlegs and copycats amen so I said at that time I just ran home I took the necklace I put in my pocket I got to my house I put the necklace on my neck so I wasn't recruited it just says that this is the reason I said I wasn't recruited from witches I was recorded from the second heaven the powers of principle during the second having first severed the third haven't you heard Paul said for what Paul saying the third habit he said he said I went to heaven the third heaven was with Jesus Christ is a that means every devil every witch every demonic strongholds track if it's under your feet because we fight for the third heaven we don't fight from the earthly ground learn that we fight from the third heaven we all fight the devil from the ground we find them from the third heaven understand so the necklace cellphone there put it in my pocket I ran home I heard my mother say my mom you call me she said he call you I put the necklace on weeks later I hate I wouldn't say that 8 to 8 years old weeks later my mom my mom and it's linked to me myself her in my aren't mine there was a high-ranked of a worship of which when she still lives by the way and now she's 80 years old she got cancer she still don't want to turn to Jesus 80 years old lung cancer they remove one of her lungs and still don't want to turn to Jesus so so so I she my mom took my mind I went my mom I was hunting Imams herring went to this to the witch hey years old the would fix her eyes on me and said I want to give him a reading my mom said he'd come for my son to get a read I came from from my aunt came for the reading but don't listen I don't understand how people go to the witches the witch lives in the projects so you got black and white TV see making all these promises about your future and hers is jacked up and then you paid with 50 bucks to read a card because she knows your future it sees any girl cheats everyday cuz she's on government cheese but you believe what you have to say so my mom took me to the which then would you put her eyes on me he said I need to talk about the little boy he has a future in the devil of a doctor he has a future as a devil worshiper they don't call it devil worship but they called demons protective spirits body angels not that they call the demons she has a contract with her with the future of God in ages and protective spirit he's gonna be big in the kingdom of wood traffic my mom took me in my mom the first ceremony at the age of 8 years old my mom's my momma had to sell my mom's soul living AHA a bedroom set $250 to do my first ceremony and the first sermon was done and the voice that did the ceremony was living with another woman but those Devils on me baptized me in the fire and the seven powers of darkness the necklace stuff on the sky the seven powers and darlin the five powers of seven powers adopt me baptize me in it which of the five powers of Santeria which is a five demons that principles in Santeria was a Maurice Perry Mountain spirits and cemeteries person oh yeah ChaCha I'll tell you the names it doesn't mean nothing the name that means about was Jesus baptized me dressed in white for seven days directly it's a fine thing you see these witches dressed in white I might well you know holiness come forth in don't then come too close you okay what claw actually use got into the dark side lost my childhood my father was a warlock my father would send me to the Botanica which is the witch's place to buy ingredients and when I used to go and I couldn't come back with the right agree my father you stupid your moron you couldn't no for nothing and I will dodge around the car to try to get the ingredients on my dad my dad will go into a room and he will worship the devil and everyone will be so satanic lit up with darkness I will creep in from the corner look inside the room with Tara and my father will control my family with witchcraft beating my mother up bringing those curses I would see demons in my house that guy will see you walking around the demons walk around my apartment and I was ushering to a world a satanic world a world which crime a place of a place you have more going on and at the morgue then the place my home my home was broken I was fragmented I was living in a place of broken places I was living in a place of darkness my mom would get beat up on my dad every weekend my dad would beat my mom every weekend because my dad was never loved his father never loved them so all all it started all my witchcraft started because my aunt in Puerto Rico my aunt in Puerto Rico my grandfather my father's father he was doing listen to this he was a lukewarm Christian I said you can be lukewarm when you look one Christian the devil will own real estate life in your life he was a local Christian an alcoholic that would drink all the time and repent later drink all the time repent later follow the king all the time every paint later you can't live a cycle or repeat in your life because eventually the devil will take you up so my grandfather the devil took him out the Witch of the town told them I'm gonna kill you you're gonna see your God's ever did nothing of you about me telling you sure enough to witch killed my grandfather and when the witch killed my grandfather in Puerto Rico of my aunt said I will get revenge mines for her soul to the dark side to try to get ready to kill the witch and that's how witchcraft came into my family through the bloodline of my grandfather was a lukewarm Christian and my father became a my father became a wala my grandma and my aunt became a high-ranked which I mean to the point that you know she we went reading from New York City to Miami Haiti from Haiti to Cuba and back to New York and all the day I was being groomed and I was being groomed and I was being trained but at the age of 8 years old I was really going to demon church from eight years old from seven in the evening to five in the morning I understand and there was never in 25 years in my entire life I never ever said that name of Jesus I say God God God could be anything your life and in the witchcraft for an wait the demon church we would go we were standing in a circle and we would say to confuse the people to the people who believed that we were serving Jesus we said what God would stop with God we finished we God would start with our faith and because you know a lot of us growth Catholic right let's be real I was Catholic too right we all grow up Catholic somehow we end up in the Catholic Church on Christmas and Easter right so we grew up Catholic so everything that says God on it we thought it was Jesus and man there's something between us it's very different between God the word God the word Jesus you can't cast out demons in the Word of God you can cast out demons in the name of Jesus so don't let the world confuse you understand so in grooming being trained me i sat in demon church it is called a Mesa Blanca it's called the white table sat there being trained by wall up and witches trained day and night day night day not making contracts with demons in the cemetery Maurice better water spirits making contact with spirits on the second first round at the age of Ages or Asia and then I started to pray I said devil if you kill my dad because my dad was beating my mom up every weekend one day I jumped out of bed skinny little boy jumped out of bed tried to stop my dad from be my mom he told me he told me against the wall broke the back of my head and and in the pain in the herd and to dress up and go to school there was night and week I will go to school and fall asleep in the class because I will stay up because we live at the building there was 60 families only three families left and I didn't want the gang members to burn the building who me my brother's inside so I would stay up all night and look to the window to make sure that the IDC don't smoke because if I saw smoke me and my brother we would sleep without clothes on in case someone burned the building were a chance to get out the building and my father had money my cabdriver he had money but he was spending the money where women and in which crime and then we meet my brothers we would take turns and stay up all night so we wont get burning ability and we will both downstairs and get water we lived in the fifth row boat on says he get water from the fire hydrogen because there was no water in the building we live in the place of afraid the fragmented places of a life there was full of darkness and demons and witchcraft and then my mother my father would come home drunk he put the living room on fire Naomi he don't have me my brother's naked jump up with a five - purifiers so I didn't know who these Jesus warriors who who is Jesus be who who who would trust him because Jesus never showed up in my house and when my father my mother's getting beat up me and my brother would lower the bed hungry when me and my brother would go to school did word bully is it's not a new thing they've been around for a long time so we would get bullying in school me my brothers because reading dress nice we didn't look nice we when he had the right haircuts we'll go to these torment things and then come home and then people will say hey what'd you get for Christmas well yeah I got GI Joe and um where is it short us well I can't shoot my mom don't want us to bring us up we have nothing there was nothing it was pain hurt fragmented and it do that every weekend have to go to which attract church which cried church betray and being cleanse and purify and then I started to teach me how to kill animals and use the animal drink the animal blood and use the animal then when then they had the money to have money for animal you cut yourself and drink your own blood see there's power in Dawson there's a power in the dark side same ways a there's a power in the kingdom of Jesus they want parallel to each other and that doesn't mean that the power of darkness is bigger than one of Jesus it means that the church is fragment that is spiritual anemic it can't do nothing that the demon Church does and hey I am saying I remember Christian folk come up to me say hey Jesus loved you I said really where is he show me show me this Jesus did you talking he loves me and meanwhile I was going to demon church and being trained and making contracts and making deals and selling my son parts of my soul to the different principalities and demon I had a friend of mine he was a farmer he was this guy was you know he I mean he was just a person you know he grew up he grew up I mean his his story was all in the projects he grew up in he grew and he grew up in the ghetto and I you know I mean I never seen a white person and we grew up in together with Puerto Ricans and blacks a no that's a white person I said he got off the ship I mean where he come from does that come from Kendall ghetto although a ghetto ghetto lab he did was you know we I was surprised we don't even know any time I saw Asian person when he went to the Chinese go and get some chicken wings it was gentle piddle I grew up in and this person when he used to get demon-possession a perfect Spanish and when the demon left him he speak no Spanish at home that's not the manner that thing was in the demonic world cutting in making contracts I remember as I was going up I was going up the ranks I kept going up the wrench keep going up the ranks moving up the ranks of selling of selling see when you when you sell your you see you don't sell your whole soul and the demonic world you sell parts of your soul because department different demons own owns real estate rights on your soul and your spirit so you sell part of your mind you sub part of your you subpart of your conscience when you when I was going up from 88 gonna be mature as I was going up I was selling parts of who I was and to the point after my father got shot for a woman that wasn't him hit at a bar at a club and they came they came over and say hey your father got shot he got killed I think I think I felt that something was lifted off for me because I said the pain in my house was stop monk I don't did someone have to beat my mommy anymore I was 13 years old no I have to beat my mom's anymore and it's the sad thing about it that even and even in my father's funeral even in my father's funeral you had about 40 woman show up in the funeral of 40 woman show up in the funeral to say they good-byes and my mom's sitting there my mom was so fragmented my mom was so disjointed for who she was she didn't have an identity and you sat there no woman came and kissed him in a puff him it was one woman we went to the Fuhrer I met a little boy once if you know she threw herself in the hole they had to stop and go get her out indictor that was my mom I said that my mom am i right here my mom not that crazy though I say whoa I said oh boy seeing all these things and then things got darker and darker because it's a sad thing about it is that you know the thing that you hate the most you become and I hit him my dad with a passion there's so much about that I used to pray to he they devil kill him if you kill him see the devil will kill something old to replace it with something new see the kingdom of darkness inside the kingdom doctors you won't end up the devil in the devil don't need anymore he'll give you a desperate people in Hollywood dining you're like doctors gave me me figure out the dinies kind of sicknesses and stuff like that they died because the devil put the disease on you they don't even have a killer for so the devil will release a demand and demonic demon bear infirmity they will kill you there was a lady that was a witchcraft that she was she was in love with someone else and the devil said we don't like that person tomorrow cut that person loose and I remember she said can't but I love the person I love the person and the devil came down three times in the meeting after the third meeting that they'll say you don't want to kind of lose we're gonna teach you she was a high rank which the devil said we're gonna teach you that you want you gonna that was a spiritual Pharaoh he said we're gonna teach you did you gonna obey because the devil would take someone make an example in the camp to put fear in attack so what did the devil took a homeless person possessed a homeless person the person got demon possessed the person took a hammer and hit the person over 17 times other hand killed that person and then when she did the lady they lost a loved one they love her lover the devil gave her AIDS she went to the doctor she took every every examination for a she came out clean and she died and then when up top seashore she had AIDS I live under that torment under their fear moving up the ranks more at the right moment up the ranks animal life sacrifices no Jesus no church no pastor no one say there's a way out no tracks no work shifting no one darkness a stripper leaving my body my whole childhood was stolen I mean after protecting at the early age leaving my body talking to demons all night long some of you don't even talk to Jesus are you mindful of who he is in your life or you just talk to him on Sundays or is it you know what you don't want to be like I wanna be like the church in China I pray every day Lord make me like dumb fearless if we beat up tormenting house burn in prison and still come out and preach the gospel even I know some pastors friends went to China to the underground Church you know what the lady told her no let me hold your Bible because if they catch us I'm willing to die if you sold out or you just plain Christianity because I won't slow down to the dark side I know I was going to help I didn't care I'm going to hell but I'm going first class that's not crazy I want I'm gonna tell making contrary to the point that the girl that I was introduced to and so you have to be a devil worshiper to we get Marion Halloween and most of you love Halloween in bed with the devil in this son that you come to repent repent it's not a get-out-of-jail-free card coin being tormented beat on my sleep told me that you didn't having dreamed to demon sexual dream the monitoring I mean my mind was just my mom wasn't saturated we're not but darkness and woods tribe and and sand and demons and talking to demons in my sleep after projecting leaving my body and that's for projecting during the day so I can curse neighboring regions at night Europe Europe is dark Europe is dark I went to Germany preach and Germany years ago and people said oh Allah we know what they say the people in Germany they said we would love to have Hitler back the money to the court and God said yourself Bronx boy to to Germany Mickey contract cutting myself drinking making contract marrying Halloween sold out and hate it the devil hated the devil hated him but I I was indebted to him at times because I see one thing I want to always try and the reason I say I hated I love the devil at the time the reason I hate him because I wanted to strive because the biggest go away my life was to be a good dad to my daughter and I missed it because the devil say I need you you need to go here I need you go to cemetery I need you one of the boat make contract with miry spirit soon and every time I made plans from my daughter at 2 years old I'm daddy's gonna go pick you up Danny's gonna take you out well daddy's gonna take you to the Bronx Zoo she wait by the window her daddy never showed up and he said remind me of my dad cause my dad took me that I have memorized it but if you want to tell me write a book about my dad will be a sad book but you're gonna be one page a sad book could be one page he took me to the carwash that's all I got about my dad and my in the second page you'll be he called me stupid and crispy because he bought gifts for the first time ever and because I open my give a little too early cuz I was excited he called me stupid moron this isn't my two page book so I was being like my dad I would say I can't be like him I want to love my daughter I wanted to be with her I want to protect her I want to be there for her I remember one time uh uh my mom's called me say hey your doors going to Florida I said don't she's not she says he going on a car ride to Florida what haunting everything on how auntie well she had her auntie was gonna have a baby I'd give him a miscarriage in the woods crying because I didn't want my daughter to go because I understood that the Church of Jesus Christ Arts in the womb demonic demonic and the demons came down said you don't want to give her Mitch character which cry and don't look at me like you're religious Pharisee because my self is under the blood a bunch of religious piracy and and then don't crazy witchcraft earning crazy money $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 see sometimes we criticize people that left Christianity because the devil sucker-punched them right and they're making all this money and you're like oh look at them they make all this money the left car you know you don't know the debate that they were put on you my bait with the devil put on me last for 25 years because my daddy didn't love me and the devil said well I love you and Jesus never showed up to my house I was in the schoolyard and this pastor was praying for people and this crazy pastor was praying for people and I was standing in school young man the skinny little me was saying school you're my outdated clothes and my broken heart and my broken home and my fragmented home and no love of a father and this pastor jump on stage and I felt the Holy Spirit moving in the school yeah I know what that was I just know there was a joy in that place and I never felt that joy my house and it was a love that was wrapped around the schoolyard and squeezed it was the playground in the ghetto and buildings missing he's missing no we make it a school y'all I mean ain't no I know like oh my god they're gonna I feel the love I feel something exciting is gonna happen in the past that came around he prayed and he prayed and he praying he praying when he looked at me he kept praying and passed me by and how am i home broken saying oh jesus oh Jesus don't let me either Jesus don't love me how could they say Jesus is love as a little boy how could they say he's loved and he passed me by and I went to this home crimes broken my head now and in my journey the devil said I love you I'll never leave you I will move you up the rank I will always protect you see because love brings protection oh love brings provision even though he's demonic anyways it's not the real the real thing it brings and I never had that in my life and I can give it to my daughter because I know ci they have a role model I don't have a role model I have someone that loved me how could I love my daughter if my grandfather couldn't love my father how my father could love me it's a generational curse by the way plays it that I could love my daughter as much as I will protect her I protect my daughter at the wrong ways you're throwing witchcraft on people destroying people you touch my daughter I'll send you to the her and then I send you to the Morgan because I know I love during but I was in the pit in the pit I mean moving up the ranks all that there was gonna devil worship in church demo crazy meeting warlock meeting witchcraft meeting it's a satanic meeting about cutting and drinking and I'm a blood and contract and after projecting and leaving that's when I hit people say I'm satanic I must attack devil worshiper do you dress in black and you got black no you don't know what you talk my sit down you have a clue you don't have a clue I worship the devil you know you have a seat let me hit you or something anyway the cross upside down do you got these cuts over here you have these cuts you have there cuts here cross upside-down did you drink animal blood how you actually projected have you got the demon Church from 7:00 in the morning the evening to 5:00 in the morning have you sold your soul and piece by piece piece by piece to the point that you don't recognize yourself no more you don't know who you are anymore all you are is a tool that you get demon possessed for hours on end the devil answer you demon and to you and you talk in different demonic languages you've got a demon Church you as your projected curse neighborhood you get married in Halloween you have a demonic wedding or you his animal scream and cry you hit the cries of the animal when the devil showed up and it's not cutting them open and people start drinking their blood are you living that kind or you just got a black hand or upside down and dressing funny black clothes and now you're a satanic devil worshiper the devil was shopping your house that he used to shop at my house he says she the devil manifestation of human form in my house the devil you are peeing your pants your run to church you'll be getting holy water at the crucifix I don't work by the way stuff the war then was not afraid to hold they were not afraid of holy water and crucifix that's the movies gonna keep them up there's a pain and despair there was time that I there was things that he wanted to but I had to do I had Frank that will kill animal just for the fun of it there was salt and Monica you know hang out with them I remember hey that guy said lies tell you a little bit later this is crazy show your Holy Spirit's like the American Express card you don't leave home without it missing parts missing my mind my mom still there after my mom left my dad she became a job witness I don't know I don't know what was worse every year we had to tell the Christmas tree the Christmas tree my house was for sale every year I'm like what we selling this year we get a new one what you helped witness you want to give but your when you don't take again yes okay I take it I said so you know don't witness you taking a gift I'm a reporter I had a pot in my I had they said you'd understand I when I'm moving up the ranks I got divorce today I got divorced at the age of 27 years old lost everything lost my daughter lost everything because Devils say now you work for me for time I had this pot in my house we called it a debt Oh the card room had the devil's face where it was made gasps I knew about 150 pounds I had open a cemetery animal blood human blood I have human skulls in their hair human bones in there and I had all kind of devil dirt from different jails because if I wanted to put you in jail I just have to take the dirt I son a demon to my assignment get handcuffed and put your name on it and send you to jail from the reason that's why you want the what why people in jail some people enjoy their innocent there was witchcraft done to them there's people that are this is most intelligent minds I'll involve you in a mental institute intelligent but they got hit by witchcraft and they're lost in mind because I was one of those monsters that would do that to people there was people that got I did which traffic and did other sister did surgeries Hospital sorry so they can die in the operating room evil to the court so you can't tell me because you trust him black you qualify to be a satanic devil worshiper to the point to the point that I saw my daughter to the dark side I said when I don't finish you finish I passing the baton to my daughter I turned to the dark side when we read spirits and water spirit so she could continue when I die what are you passing on to your kids what is your legacy what beating you what are you hearing what would your kid in Haran when the time comes are you thinking like Abraham Abraham was rich but he can't buy his money Abraham thought about I don't have a son how would I pass my blessing - how would I pass my hair see when I die I will rejoice Jesus will be proud did he make a mistake by picking me remember me and people when I died people still be talking about me that crazy Puerto Rican he grabbed it for Jesus he will be talking about me trust me because I'm leaving a legacy for my daughter and game I thought it was I got this but I got boxes at home full of documentary books everything teepees TBN Daystar I don't wondering what else they got on TV the Kerr $4 all this stuff I done when my daughter's gonna sit down and say listen let's let's look what grandpa day grandpa rocked it for Jesus and leave that like a debit walkest in like a Billy Graham leave that I'm not leaving my daughter with poison I'm not leaving what my daughter worth the broken places I remember my remember I first got saved my ex-wife called me she was still doing witchcraft she was in she was a witch because we got married in Halloween I let her into the kingdom of darkness she called me she said well if you quit Church you get your daughter on weekends I promise you that I said well you can keep my daughter because I'm not quitting Church eight months I cry and once I was on the floor pray Lord I want my daughter could I see my daughter no car no money no no one to take me anywhere because I had to give everything up so you have to give everything up for Jesus you have to put it all into I had no car no furniture all that I was an air mattress and my brother will let me his TV and my brother was a Dallas Cowboy friend I was a Steeler fan and then I might still is a beat up the Cowboys he'll come he'll call me up and and say I want my TV back and I cried I said law I would like to get my relationship with my daughter I want my relationship my daughter eight months later my ex-wife called me said I don't know who you serve I don't know this Jesus guy but you can take your door anytime you want a man look at there's something about trusting trusting God trusting them believe he can do it anytime now your time don't put God on your calendar you're tripping he came to a point that I was so fragmented God always pulling me one way and your devil was pulling me the other you know so frankly I did I want to commit suicide I was a happy person I was not depressed I know how to dance all the pain I dance merengue I dance Mexican I dance you're making iodine's Puerto Rican I dance I mean I haven't danced like the white people dancer you know I thought that the white people had me to hit and they hit worse they don't have to beat everything I could dance to anything you can imagine our our disco disco Danny in the clubs I mean you didn't hire diet you couldn't get a girl that's holding up the wall thing go get your girl in the club yeah you had to dance I will dance everything I was I haven't danced or the commercials I mean I was good I was good I could dance everything so I was I was little I was living to be that local like Ricky Martin without the gay part crazy I was let me might be down look I was crazy livin it up having I was not depressed but Depression hit me because the devil Sam I won't let you go and Jesus I want you and I remember one one one went tonight very very eerie night this and we having a meeting they call 17 warlocks into the meeting and witches and the devil came down and I said in a meeting how so desponding I was so discouraged I said in his meeting cause I was obligated to go but I didn't want to go not because of fear because there was something that I feel was pulling me then I was dating his backsliding girl his back time girl only there cuz she was she live in the neighborhood said I had to move my car it's only reason I dated her so so she was every time she saw me although she told my Jesus I said what you told my Jesus you club with me you drink with me you hang out with me drinking mean you sleep with me so you how you gonna talk how you gonna preach about Jesus day goodbye the kids if you're sleeping around and you're drinking and you pardon me and you cursing don't talk people about Jesus you hypocrite you're a hypocrite don't fake it be either being original or don't be at all and no one is saying be perfect but be genuine am I saying and don't justify your she choice I'm a work in progress no you're not you're not a work in progress do you just don't want to change do you just don't want to change so you hold on to the cheapest few system and you'd be like the other the people in the masters we did this with the thank us the depart from him is I never knew you there's young people your age right now they're in hell so bothering hanging out drinking depressed went to this warlock meeting the devil came down the devil came down the meeting through this medium powerful medium and he looked at me in the monotone he said my son I said I said she spoke bitching that you supposed to be back in the mountains and I said I said what my father he said could I say something to you I said what is it I said sure you know but yeah I did dress it how did you how is it that you have to dress the devil we're respecting people come to church and they don't respect God so I will have to dress him with her or the order respect because the devil would take you out I went to I went to demonic funerals that people die for no reason so so so I said yes my father he said could ask you could I say something - yes for sure he said know what God throws out of heaven not listen the devil talking why God throws out of heaven I said no I don't know where you either Herenton he said because he was jealous of us sin and that thing hit me so hard so the night the night was over in the diamond and now they have a car and the wall box in the witches are saying we're gonna we're gonna it was like serious it was five degrees outside so cold 4:00 in the morning I said I'm gonna walk home because it hit me the whole interaction with him and I say I'm gonna walk home in the diamond people saying why do you walk home is high five degrees 10 degrees out there maids coal you can breathe when smoke coming at you my love are you smoking a cigarette that's not core voice I don't like I walk home it was a 20-minute walk to my house I put on my hoodie I put my hands in my holy I walked home and I was I I was thinking I'm saying always why would you if the devil is bigger than Jesus people say these hallelujah people you know it's hallelujah rollers om sinner Jesus the heaven is beautiful why would you not keep having until home and I was trying to figure that in my mind what did Jesus will be more powerful but Jesus kicked him out so I had a meeting what what the number one which to do a car meeting and a car being when I'm awake when you're which doctor you have to do reading every six month to see what kind of great the devil gives you the gives you an a gives you B gives you see if you and if you aren't seeing deal with the devil that means most likely he's gonna kill you early so I would do meaning I said why these why these hallelujah people say that we are evil and they're good why they say that and the witch can answer the question she couldn't as he said well we I do which tries to protect myself so I don't need Jesus to protect me I've got the devil in I got witchcraft for not the whole kind of contract I know how to protect myself I don't need this gotta protect me we don't like them anyway so I kept going through that whole situation or the situation or that situation and then I came I came from a club one night and I parked my car net that was sitting in the car they never said you love me I said course I love you why would you ask me that question he said you loved me like a father I said course I love you he said there's a man on the rooftop he's - he's gonna try to mug you I want you to sacrifice him to me and give him to me cut him in pieces and give him to me that's just sure enough I went up this I went a bit elevator I got to the 12th floor where I live my door was number G turn this way the guy was hiding behind the door between the my floor in the roof so I went behind the door he would dress in army fatigues this guy was like real tall dresser my fatigue I was demon-possessed you can see that devil mice I want you to grab them and put them into my apartment because I was on the stabbed him in the neck it's a jugular vein drain his blood and cut his arm and his leg and put it in my pot he escaped from me rain down those stairs you know like a marathoner I couldn't kill him I was so disappointing a week later they invite me to church to see you got to go to a powerful church you got about powerful church these Milton this little key no mocha cookie Church ain't cutting it are they gonna give you this spiritual diabetes you'll be spiritual diabetic that's another devil you have to deal with you know why I tell you that because when I went to her invited me to church I got demon possessed I cried the pastor by the throw and I picked him up like this in the air there was no V Buki there was no give me how me saying there was no lose me now in the name of Jesus always help me he's killing me and the pastor was turning blue I had him Amish that came for you and you know all the nice curse words came out of my mouth and the people came like 10 15 men came from the chair with me with my hands off his face officer oh that's a cadet that's not good cookie Jurchen because I was in I was in I was in a what st. croix then which was in Kirkuk ain't no wallah guy came up to me say I'm the wall office and Kroy I came to destroy your meeting I mean ready no altar quite so how dare you come to my altar call and point the finger in my face I'm from the Bronx you don't point finger the face I'll bite your finger right off he went just like that my friend do it that's the wrong I grew up in the project that's that's like you had you telling me let's fight you know dude it this fight I love that I might say you buddy get your finger off my face I'll break your finger and I told me he say I'm the Wolof I said do you have everything you carry everything you got all your tools you got this all the demonic you got contract you got everything you bring everything you say you don't speak like a Christian I said at this point I'm not a Christian this is spiritual warfare he said I got everything else are you sure I'm here for three days I'm here for three days cut my finger 1 2 3 I'm here for 3 days if you if you think you're missing any demonic stuff and you left at home to come come in the third day he said I got everything you heard me I said you're eating hit me I told him he said well you said I think at the fivefold ministry and I'm a lady 5 4 minutes she on you right now I told him and I don't want you to think it's not a fair fight except when that drop you when I when I hate you so home and I drop you I don't want you to think that you left something home you sure are you positive and then the Christian like this John we don't want to know too that 3 for me later you okay John you when you if if you survive this this devil-worshipping guy on top of you he's breathing on you and then you can pray for me I see you ready are you ready he said but you don't talk like a Christian I said I told you I'm not a Christian now if you want to get saved then I'm a Christian John 3:16 so God loved the world he gave His only begotten Son and I'll lead you to the kingdom but at this point you can't made to kill me you came in to destroy me so I'm not a Christian right now I'm on spiritual warfare more so you sure you want some of this he said once some of her I said like this seriously I said right here and your name of Jesus he flipped over he hit the floor vomiting eyes rolled back twisting like a pretzel and then all the Christians came John pray from he's gonna die I said let him die I don't care I say I'm not gonna get the truth in bread I learned that from Jesus I pray for everybody he was like rumba he cleaned the whole church there was that Rumba he cleaned the whole chair for 40 minutes 45 minute he was a rumba I mean he did a good job and then that pray for him and he got safe and listen I'm showing you that there's power in us it's power that's why I can't go tell Mickey Mouse Church because I need you to see me something that would not only sustain me but will keep me going forward it's Church come on what's your name on your turn hungry generation from generation to generation and they will continue to get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger help us help the tsunami the kingdom of Hell will not prevail upon this shirt because God stole it what this means the baton hype impasse and actually was fast again and a baton is the fiery spirit I say to you and I'm top of night i standing in my bed I had a contract you got to be seated I know we get crazy up in here I have a contract of any insurance for $750,000 and I said I take my life my daughter can get paid at least if I wasn't a good dad acting leader or something I can leave our money so I was thinking about how I did the suicide thing so my daughter can take the money because I didn't want to serve Jesus but I was falling in love with him I was betwixt two worlds the world of darkness in the world of life but I was committed to the dark side because I had allegiance from them from the age of eight years old when I first got my first ceremony my first ceremony really came from the second having the necklace what the seven thought powers came my human physical ceremony saw into the dark side to make it official it was the a eight I said how could I leave these people that made my family for 25 years my Arnage gonna be disappointed I mean the demon church is gonna be disappointed because those people that left and died and say there was two people who got saved and laughs I met him at a banquet I it's funny because the fact I encourage say my church is having a banquet would you come so I asked the devil can I go to the bank right there so you can go to the we Christians they don't know nothing they're kind of power over you that week go eat go have a fun time did the devil telling me how weak your and he was right because the church is weak we can go on there I'm coming to you twenty years ago the churches won't weaken on their before I heard about a pastor he moved the devil shop it's not anymore three times already mm ooh me Alan Vic me I'm a house you must be crazy I'm Victor you I'm gonna put my house for sale because you showed up you must be crazy I was in I was another Alan I forgot the name Alan and his big Jamaican guy came he had dreadlocks up to here he came up to me in the altar and he came with girlfriend I don't know I don't know that's a Jamaican thing all the girlfriend and he'll lock I guess he says she's mines I thought she had a migraine did I was like do a new thing I can't have you know I can't just hold someone like I said is she done yeah no you know I got it like this I'm I was I it's abuse so you know he came up to the altar he looked at me like and I snapped a little bit in order I snap I said what's up like that for sure no toes path they look at me like that for what's up you you want some of this that's are you crazy and he kept looked him he had I like this yeah I did do it muscle-bound you know big dude you know look like a linebacker you know I mean you know I think he was arrested firing yeah head up to here and I might you look at me that way well what's up boy in the magic well you only money you checking me out like that people looking around like John what are you doing I said you know hey they look at me am I looking at home and then I forget everybody buddy we look at each other and said well tell me what you want you don't from the Bronx right any minute do never left the island you don't know the process I mean anything I just want to get saved I saw okay brother okay the Lord well you should have set that up for the beginning you want to get save up I end with this it's sad that I went to the banquet the two devil worshipping people ex devil worship was there ran to the bathroom there was afraid the thought I came to take over the banquet there was 500 Christians and in frankort there was only me that's a devil worshiper and - but the people that got saved and supposed to have an encounter with God you can't have religion or Church you have to have an encounter a guy ran to the bathroom and told one of the father the girl that was saying son and the father said no he's a nice guy you see there was two school of thoughts like that either he don't know he has spiritual discernment or God blind them so I can get safe so haizen do you run to the bathroom that you have fear because I should open a bank room and then you trying to pose me when the guy is taking a leak think about it so God's a church couldn't save you a tract couldn't save you PASOK appreciation could you chop them to death so I take you to hell and I'm assure that I am God and the devil's not and i'ma show you that even Danny sharp in your house at the age of eight and you though had left you at the schoolyard I never forgotten you John I'm here now and he took me to help I left my body and it was it was end up in a train I was going help I was going so fast to hell more faster than any speed on the earth and there was so full of people that the people you couldn't see the faces but they knew they were going someone there when coming back and then when the train hit hell it was something like an explosion like an atomic bomb and hit and opened the doors and as soon as you step out to hell you hear did you feel this fire tormenting you hear the wailing and the first thing you say as a person which is you lying because there's no redemption in hell you go into sinful nature to hell by the way the first thing you say I don't belong here yes you do because you see Jesus knows if you see Jesus don't send no one to help there's no in the Bible Jesus said no one to hell your decision soon and man your decision send you to hell the difference between a homeless guy that lives in the street and the one that lives in the penthouse is the decision than me so don't blame Jesus for help okay don't blame Jesus for help you make the way for yourself so me going to hell was me making a decision that I didn't want to cross in my life and Jesus said to me I never forgot you I loved you even in 1997 when the devil took my set for one year and left me blind for and I was registered with the commission of the blind and I was being trained to use a dog to walk me around God said I loved you that I still give you your eyesight back in a difficult credit in my first book you see the certificate legal blinded registered with the state of I was legally blind and I was not able to see because I wanted to take a sabbatical from witchcraft and I wanted to just love my daughter and be a real father and I couldn't see my daughter for one year because I was blind and then in 2002 I got saved in 1999 the devil sucker-punched me took my side for three and a half months I was sitting in an apartment in my hand blaah legally blind again I'd ever say see I still own you this Jesus guy can do nothing for you align and back to the Commission in the blind sitting there talking to the counselor about folding money had a focal 20 in order 20 how the folk had a fall of 5 how to use quarters and nickels and you know you can't see the money but to show you a technique I don't know which one is which sitting as a Christian blind trichicken love me because the Trish thought I was a double agent I thought I was like Paul I was faking me falling money and to the grace of God to the grace of God the doctors are say the doctor the operator meeting with Jewish doctors they delays over seven surgeries and yes it to me you're never seeing it I said that's your report I said that's okay your doctor your great doctor you know some doctor but you got limits I said I got won't me boy I will see you again that's why I report they say you you have them you may use such an encouraging I said no I have faith it's not occurring it's a difference blind broken you know who drove me today you know who draw me back home that night and that day they did the surgery their own doctor because Christian didn't come pick me up and took me home the church I'm not blaming the church the church is a hospital so how did I go to hell the devil shows up in hell and the cross of Jesus Christ shows up in hell the Bible says the Bible says that if you make your bed in hell I'm there Jesus say daddy deny it didn't I not leave he go after the one he said never forgot you you're not loved you before you had a name in Hell the devil waiting to kill me to destroy me because I left my body my body was dead in him in the earth it was dead cuz I left my body I ended up in hell and the devil said I can keep you here you're dying in there pronounced you dead on the earth freh and the Cross showed up in hell I mean I mean I had a shorts and a t-shirt happened a three-foot cross shopping now and the devil can be to me in the cross and everyone to grab me he touched the cross and he touched the cross he dropped like like he was nothing like a piece of paper and I ran to the puddles of hell trying to find a way out because you see when you inhale you want to get out and you want to get because it's a place of torment a place the absence of got a place that you hit noises that you never hear on the earth it sounds and you touch the ground and help it's not this it's not the grass it's not concrete a breeze so when you get there you're gonna remember that I told you here sitting here today the hell is a real place hell because you tell Christians today repent don't judge me you know what people in Hell would love to hear the word repent one more time walking the polls and then the devil show up the second time big Big Horn I mean ferocious never seen them like that in a 25 year never saw him like that he's I'm gonna kill you ice I got these Mars uh I got these are protect me he's I gave you guys my contract I own you they say the devil listen to me as much the devil told me he loved me he was a liar because the temple could never love you because you made an image of God and all I remember is when he went to grab me again the cross showed up again and there is something about the cross there's something about that that when you touch it when the devil touched the cross he fell and dropped him like nothing and then my body went back into my whole spirit went back into my body I mean like a lightning bolt I felt like I was a nice you and people don't paddle though like your power to do in your chest that's why I fell in it and God say repent ain't know what that was well that's it Lord forgive me forgive me for all the years that I sinned against you for all the damage idea for the witchcraft I did forgive me for all the people I hurt Lord forgive me if you can use me if you can use me one day I want people I don't want people to remember me for spiritual warfare I don't want people to remember me I've read books God's got a sense of humor I had an A in gym and he lunch how the heck I'm running books I don't know hope I had DS an F I said look you can use you one day I said what people that if I die tomorrow next week 50 years from now I want people to remember me for one thing I said Lord he said what he said that I love the church did I love the people that I wanted to hurt the most because Susie Christian didn't know how to evangelize Christian oh we got this theology that I'm better than you and you're going to hell that's not Jesus Jesus has a sense of humor Jesus loves the misfit I'm one of them and I still yeah people say how would you describe your ministry gosh I'm the donkey that was tied up somewhere hee haw hee haw he huh and Jesus I get him loose I have need of him that is my ministry Oh I'm in the donkey ministry but you see the great thing about the donkey the dead donkey would shut up somewhere he was on no one know about him right you read the Bible part sure got it he was telling somewhere no one know about him you might be but what Jesus called them from a place of nowhere it's a places somewhere and when you let Jesus right on your back you're right your story see I I was tied up somewhere I was borrowing for 25 years of devil worshipping and Jesus a loose some now in the name and my name is Lucifer and when he loosed me and he brought the donkey and he said of it back he said on my back hey I was just like yeah give me now you know no more animal blood no more cemetery no more hurting people I just don't love people but Jesus I need to approach the people to the way the crowd and from the way the cross to get you to heaven that is my story what will beat your story or be your story what would you send any of your story who's writing your story who holds the pan of your story it's Jesus or the devil because when Jesus hold the pendant doesn't run out of ink it doesn't run out of ink he just writes and writes and he take the junk places and the fragmented places in the heart places in the places that she talking forgot you like he did with me even in 2010 he Minds I came back in 2002 he told me you see John I would you know in 2002 I had two patches and my thing I couldn't see they did a four-hour surgery and then my friend tell you you gotta go home the doctors say you gotta go home because how your retinas are gonna flatten out you don't lay on the bed isomer go home that's a stupid I'd say I'm going to church he said you won't get to church I see you he said no no not me he's a known I want no responsibility I see anybody give me the car because if I can't see I can still swing I'll hit something you can make give me the car he put me the car like a toddler you put the seatbelt on me I went blind no hope not knowing when my eyesight will come back I went with to bumblebee patches to worship the king because I know to worship them in my places that I'm fragmented that I hurt I'm worship I don't have to drop the red seat I don't have to cross the red seat and pull out a tambourine don't know watchable now watch him right there then place the plate that are you hurting the plate you love you have it tomorrow war should put right there right there he'd better earn your worship I worship when people show you here I'm here I can't see you but I'm here I'm worshiping worshiping in the despair round and planet that boys I saw more in the sparrow and the people that were there with 20/20 so my alter course simple do you know him do you know him but most of you say you know about home but you don't know I'm even told it's wretched their job was chosen chapter xxx oh but jesus said put on your pants I'm gonna dress you now where were you when I did this and I did this and I did that and Joe say the Sun repented Joe say I knew of you but now I know you white shit Joe came to a place that he had to say where his mouth I thought unto you but now I do do you know him or did you count religion religion to get you to hell and go get you to heaven remember the man never said a Pharisee said well you know I tied twice a week I give this look at this joke over here and the man I was over there he said can't even look up to heaven or might be worth they look up to you eat meat his chest and he Jesus who walked away with the reward that is the attitude of thoughts of your heart that God loves them that's why I know you know I'm not convinced because you complete the three or three point servants am I convinced by that they've been focusing you just tell me they're all person meant to me for three years you don't want you to tell me I can teach a monkey to preach preach it's a gift picture that I give his technique it's a technique you know what they're what can say I'm looking for fun whether it's broken because broken brings golly character you can have all the kids you could say you can do anything I don't mean nothing I don't say nothing are you you are you broken you have godly character in your life do you have to fit the law in your life are you really safe are you just faking it are you faking it are you playing games the Eternity is everything either you live in heaven you live in hell heaven is a real place because last year I told you I took the people in the first year I died in March 11th 2008 I died I went I preached from somewhere I came home I lay down in my sofa and I said Lo and I came when I get off this nap and I wasn't napping how I know the difference between falling asleep in a bad dream I have many bad dreams I got a PhD in bad dreams the W try to come and meet my dreams try to kill me so I fell asleep and I said when I wake up at seminary my bagon go jogging I love jogging that's my thing that's my third kid I love to run I love Johnny I mean I'm in my pajamas in high school I love running summer right but I left my I remember I left my body I saw my body here I was leaving under my windows I had big windows and I was leaving to the windows and all I said I wasn't missing my daughter I loved my daughter and you mentioned my daughter beat you down then I repent later where's my daughter burn your cat that's how I love my daughter me my daughter I did I restore my relationship my daughter we liked anybody jelly yeah I'll make it up I can't pay let me show you something I can't pay for this let me meet my daughter now I couldn't pay for that God put this together God put this it's on my mind things to you simple do you know Jesus if you don't know don't leave out of here man without knowing don't leave out of here cuz you know what tomorrow that guy are you t to nobody I would reach my hand said lord I want that Jesus that you don't John remember just talking about me can change your life you can change mine if you if you look one Christian and you playing games and then we know how to judge you we're here to get you right we don't judge nobody we don't have rights to judge anybody but I'm gonna get you right with Jesus so when you get to heaven you'll thank me later and then I'll see you in hallelujah Boulevard be right there hanging out mean Paul enesta will be chilling master killed the first Hitler Paul Rotter for Jesus and John Ramirez standing right next to them what an honor what another would that be huh I mean first that guy will see Jesus first and man that guy gonna see hell me I just want to touch him I want to just touch him just trying to say God thank you thank you I didn't have to smile a toast do you know Jesus raise your hand I pray for you simple it's not magic I'm not telling you sell your soul to the devil I'm getting you the kingdom do you know Jesus Christ if you don't know raise your hand I'll pray for you do you feel you know let me ask you a question if you want to die today would you make heaven that's each other would you die today the condition you're in the way you are what you are what are you going would you make heaven you better be right if you're not right my brother went to bed five years ago my brother's say a week a week away from his 35th birthday my brother says hey you know I'm mama I'll be there I'm gonna help you pin my mom my brother he's my second older brother would love run errands for my mom all day long I mean he was like connected he was more connected my mom than my other brothers and he closed his eyes and don't use don't wake up by the Friday to goes to help my mom food shop and never showed up thank God he was a Christian so I said the same thing about you you can close your eyes tonight and not make it I get in the planes all the time I'm not afraid of coronavirus I'm my friend noter it's your turn to get on the plane I beat you down won't be singing Hallelujah but time we get down what we sing how great is I got it because I you you need to take it over my play did Jesus play you know I proved his Jesus playing because when the plane took turbulence Ryan your plane that we determine it to over five minutes and the plane shaking hey buddy the Christian people start to pray that's a Christian play I don't do this I know what that means but anybody give religious up in there I was gonna use them and they said we have to fly away because there's a tornado watch anybody broken in tongue the whole plane is speaking in tongue I said thinking he's gotta let me go to church how about sending every cinema bhashya I see people cha I gotta get help my boy I gotta get to roll not gonna happen if you Muhammad you get in there and I'd be like try five for ministry coming at you are not maja me I'm not the Quran off you when we land we'd be holding hearing how great is our God I'm serious I'm crazy you pray for me do you know Jesus okay that's altar call it like the place is it by last call for alcohol that's call for Jesus do you know all right other commodity my daughter caught would be what is what are you struggling with what has you bound there's something you started to play with and now you can't get rid of it something you started to play with and you thought you had control and I controls you see you see in the Book of Psalms 91 it speaks about the young lion the foreign tractions of the devil the follow up and something you want is a devil and they speak about the four entrapment sometimes we play with things that we didn't we can control we can put away but when that's when they think girls big now controls you you can't get away from it because you see it's like a pit bull pit more small you can push it ticket put it back in the cage but that pit bull one day is gonna be a hundred fifty pounds you won't be able to kick it and push it and put it back in the cage so what is you what did what is the situation that has you by the throat what is it that I know you here today am I making this I don't need an altar cause I preach God's heart and I came in to honor the men of God that a man of God came onto this house and I believe I did it what in your heart has you bound do you see but there's one thing that devil knows how to play with is besetting sin you know this bacilli sin things that repeat in your life like cycles and patterns that you think that you're free for two months and then you back in the same situation you think you let it go and you back in the same situation you think that you did the situation die or you cut it you cut it and you broke away from me and I still come back and owns legal rights in your life because you know what the situation is there is a room issue and you're cutting the branches but you're not dealing with the root of the situation so my altar court simple cut the rope coat the Rope I don't care if his friendship if you have to give her your computer cuz you and Penelope and some of you in out of it right here right now get rid of your computer for season some of your on Facebook you get back you get happy to get to how you get Facebook Montana Jesus that pastor said there's things in the world that I don't I don't mean how to do Facebook right I put the stuff on all the time wrong because I you know I used as a bullying boy I think don't teach me some tricks we know some stuff I just don't have any stuff what's on I'm saying I want to be like hell for the right reason that he's doing it for the right reasons you get more time to snapchat you get more time to your iPhone then you give to God so do you know what that tells me then whatever controls you owns you and whatever owns your time that the Bible says redeem your time and whatever owns your time is your God so don't tell me Jesus your God when you spending 10 hours doing something and you only giving God one so you come to the altar and let's get rid of those demons and those demos and cut the rope once and for and said lo who the Sun set free I'm free indeed I'm free do you come I pray for you you know your situation you know your circumstance I mind I don't have that there's no exposing you know what you have to surrender if you don't surrender you won't have it in Jesus you won't have it all you just have a fragmented Christian life one thing I've shared one thing let me say some one thing come close don't pause I got a good dentist I don't have that brush come please come close listen let me say something let me say something to you close listen one thing I say to you I don't want to be the Bible says I want God's best in my life right you with me I want God's best in my life I don't want to be a surviving Christian that make heaven with the skin of my teeth I don't want to make heaven skin of my teeth are you with me you know it's gonna be amazing when you get to heaven listen them and I said two minutes in and we'll pray you know what's gonna be amazing me you get to have it neighbor the poor Esther for testimony Jesus not say Esther come up and he said what you did after I kill the first Hitler for you Jesus with me but I don't know how people say women can be in ministry you must be a mother not be a retard I mean you got people like kami coming run circles around how most of these men right differ the poor they don't compete a crazy Peter Peter got off the little bus they - Peter Peter what you did he said lord I was crucified upside down for the gospel pay attention pay attention now it's crucified outside on for the gospel and Peter they live the second time around he denied Jesus he said crucify me upset because he was transformed never the porter beloved John the one that slept on Jesus chest they don't say what you did for the gospel he gonna say I was stranded not in Puerto Rico you know and their Patmos and I was born alive I did that for you Lloyd I did it for you they're gonna call Paul and post even that was a murderer I mean that was a Christian killer BOGO saying I would be heading for the gospel import was in chasing positions you know that right but Paul could have been the next high priests important five language he was an intellect and he's gonna be the next high priest and Paul wasn't chasing precision he was chasing he wanted the presence of God and he said beheaded them when they call you up because you play games and you and you didn't want to do it right you didn't want to surrender all when they call you oh well know what you did when I was in the chicken committee and then one like my chicken and I suffer for you really and what God said turn will you see I'm getting to the point is you can have a powerful testimony you get to heaven one here and one in heaven so you won't have to be a shame when you stand next to an Esther or Peter of the Saints of all you said well you know why you rock then I rock the for Jesus to you know mean Jesus sorry you smoked it in your time I smoked it for Jesus laughter I must say not only time the only time I might get crazy in heaven and there's no I don't have to repent but there's no repentant mine just maybe WWF on Adam so you can have a testimony when people will say to me maman - nothing you demon boy God God can't use you you know good for nothing you don't know the Bible look you got tabs in your Bible that means you don't know how to find the pages of the Bible you can't find the book and people laugh you know their last time be right here but look at it see but God was not done with me you see they don't laugh they were joke there make fun at me oh you get baptized you were the last one got baptized in the poem oh yeah I got baptized those last but that was embarrassed I you know I didn't know Christian you know nothing but I know Jesus loved me I know what laugh and make jokes and then we invite me to eat don't hide from me so I'm gonna eat with them I didn't get fellowship I didn't go I didn't get invited to nothing see but God had me in the back of the desert like David and then when God launched me I've been on every TV show where there they're not even serving Jesus today see because you have to be committed you have to you have to sign a contract with Jesus I'm doing life with no parole I'm on death row what don't eat I might quit and only time I leave and when you call me home when you call me homeboy so I'm not very simple right well you are what is it did you have to give up you know NC Hammond went to two meeting one time MC Hammer 90 hammer you can't touch this I mean you can't touch this MC Hammer but the devil did it the devil roast them you went to meeting her Bishop Jake's it was a little bit ship at the time preach you have to give it all to have it all in Bishop Nancy hammer set will fight 40 people yet an entourage and he missed the message and the devil came from me say you say I can't touch this watch you don't even know about you don't hear nothing by NC how many more see and when you play games when you play games with it when you play games with God you got preachers you got preachers you got preachers they lose they call it and then they go home early and what a disappointment then whatever God put the treasure he put in you you fall for the treasure it's like the saddest thing of a woman is that that will have baby inside the saddest thing my woman just did that with your baby inside the setting of a Christian is the damage your purpose and your destiny inside because you never turn you never want to go on some easy prayer let's raise our hands up to the Lord said oh yeah yeah talk to God Here I am Lord Lauren here yeah you know my struggles you know you know my struggles you know what I'm going through life you know what I'm fighting you know what I'm up against all I want I want this thing off me today I want to be set free today in the name of Jesus father right now I renounce in the name of Jesus every demonic struggle besetting sin every stronghold every demonic evil generation of curses in my family my car sit down down to Adam and Eve for the name of Jesus I bring some home I break everybody now McDevitt in torment in your mind every never this torment in your mind I break it off you and the name of Jesus try I command you to leave you now and your name of Jesus Christ I break satanic powers of overuse and besetting sin over you have you padded a cycle our grief beat against your life break break it off you in the name of Jesus Christ every day by the devil there's holding my brothers in the found I break the shackle I practice some we put the judgment of God upon every devil right now in the name of Jesus every permanent devil let me plan out she-devil heavy cursing devil having devil get it Jenny test don't need your time I break it off you the name of Jesus right today in the name of Jesus online right now have you ain't have your ways have your way right now father yep right now a fire right now I'm wearing a medium on straw great fire my fire you're fine bring a fire have your way to people Jesus who touched any Queen touching agree with the whole you decrease here Maya right and edema cheese's right now right now right now fire receipt which if not No fired not breaking he told me to hey this is festive lat and thank you for watching this sermon please click on the subscribe so that you can be a part of our hungry generation the YouTube community and click on the bell as well so that you can be notified when we upload the new sermon thank you for watching and God bless you
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 410,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances
Id: ZC1DfMdV13U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 10sec (4750 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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