God Loves Addicts I Pastor Robert Madu I Social Dallas

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are you glad to be in God's house yeah can we make some noise for our social Global family that's watching from around the world come on y'all could do better than that second service y'all be bougie love our social Global family let us know in the chats where you're watching from not only that we want to welcome all of our inmates that are watching this message right now on Pand you're a part of our social fam and we love you so much we are in a series that we've simply been calling God loves God loves blame and I honestly believe that this is more than a series this is something that God is really trying to get in our hearts and this might be the most important series that we ever do as a church to understand that God loves blame because you cannot be a believer and not love well this is a gospel of love take away all the Commandments take away all the scriptures and you reduce it to two things you are to love the Lord your God all your heart soul mind and strength and then love your neighbor as yourself this is a gospel of love it is Central to what God has called us to do so every week we've been filling in the blank of God loves blank we started off the series with God loves sinner right at Strauss Square how many were at that service at Strauss it was unbelievable it was an open Heaven literally over 300 people got baptized in that service it was unbelievable we started off the series saying God loves Sinners that the thing that connects every single one of us is that we are all sinners saved by grace uh that there really only two categories of people there are lost and found found and you are one of those and yet we serve a Shepherd who will leave the 99 to go find the one he'll go find the one why because God does not love us equally He Loves Us uniquely he loves you crazy you with all of your idiosyncrasies and all of your perks and all of your quirks He Loves Us uniquely God loves Sinners and then last week we had watch party Sunday and we had what I believe is a crucial and critical conversation that the church has got to have because if the world is going to be loud about some stuff the church cannot afford to be quiet about stuff and so we had a conversation with Angel and Louise and it was simply titled God loves the lgbtq and we heard their powerful testimonies of how they survived the Pulse Nightclub shooting and how God delivered them from that lifestyle and today we're going to fill in another blank we're going to fill in another blank and if you remember we began this series by understanding that this series is not just about us comprehending God's love for us although that is powerful it is powerful to consider God's love for every single one of us as a matter of fact let's look at it in Romans chapter 5 verse number8 I love this it says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us oh if that don't make you shout and do the Holy Ghost twostep I don't know what else will to think that while we were sinners Christ loved us and died for us he did not wait for you to get yourself together before he chose to love you cuz you can't get yourself together he demonstrated his love for us and how many you know we could spend all of our lives and even eternity trying to contemplate God's unfathomable love it's what made the Apostle Paul and Ephesians pray for the church at ephes says he says I pray that you would have the power to comprehend how wide how long how high How Deep The Love Of Christ is we will spend forever trying to understand the longitude the latitude the circumference and the scope of God's love but this series is not just about us comprehending God's love for us it is about God's love coming through us that God's love has to come through every single one of us so watch this you cannot say you love God who you haven't saved and you don't love the person sitting right next to you some of you had even talked to your neighbor all service come on that's what 60 social is for this is a gospel of love so if God is perpetually filling in the blanks of his love how many you know we will have to as well and I've learned it is easy to fill in the blank for the people that you already like it's easy to fill in the blank of God loves the person that you trying to get a connection with amen but it's hard to fill in the blank for the people you can't stand what do you do when God makes you fill in the blank for someone or some people group that you don't like because I have learned God will make you fill in the blank for the people you don't like news flash God loves your haters news flash God loves your ex oh see I don't like that news flash God loves your boss it's so easy to fill in the blank for the people that you already like that you already love so I just want to warn you if you want to leave now this series is going to challenge you this series is not for the week this series first of all is going to challenge the hypocrisy and the Pharisee in all of our hearts that wants to selectively pick and choose who we think deserves God's love this series is going to challenge all of us not only that this series wo is going to challenge us because of the climate and the culture in which we live because we live in a culture that defines love as the endorsement and the acceptance of people's sinful lifestyle so they think that if you love me you'll just accept me for who I am but that is not what God has called us to do nor has called the church to do that ladies and gentlemen we have to live in the tension of Truth and Love truth and love we have to speak the truth in love but how many you know we cannot sacrifice truth on the altar of Love we've got to live in the tension of grace and truth and truth and love that is the Mandate that is the claran call that is on every single one of us as believers so get ready to live in the tension of Truth and Love because hear me God loves Sinners but God doesn't love sin because sin damages that which he loves God loves The Prostitute God doesn't love prostitution because prostitution damages that which he loves God loves the liar God doesn't love lying because lying damages that which he loves God loves the cheater God doesn't cheating because cheating damages that which he loves and today we fill in another blank and that is God loves addicts God loves addicts he doesn't love addiction because addiction damages that which he loves and the reason I felt it was incumbent of all the blanks that we could fill in to put in the this blank of addicts because I can't think of anything more damaging anything that Mars the image of God anything that causes more Affliction and mass destruction than addiction I don't care who you are in this room or watching online every single person under the sound of my voice knows what it's like to deal with the pain of addiction whether you are the person that has the addiction or whether there's somebody in your life that is wrestling with addiction it is something that affects every single one of us as a matter of fact the national Center for drug abuse says the United States is currently facing a major opioid crisis with a reported 2.1 million Americans suffering from opioid use disorder since the year 2000 nearly 1 million people have died of a drug overdose drug abuse and addiction has cost the United States over $700 billion annually in health care expenses crimer related cost and loss workplace productivity but how you know we don't have to read all those stats I could pass the microphone around today and people in this room could tell you tragic stories of families torn apart fathers who aren't at dinner tables mothers who are gone cousins who have died over this one issue of addiction here's what I learned about addiction is that addiction does not discriminate how you know addiction doesn't care whether you're young or you're old whether you're upper class middle class lower class or no class at all I have found that addiction is an equal opportunity employe addiction will place its hook in the mouth of any person that has breath in their body how many know you can be educated and addicted you can be illiterate and addicted you can be famous and addicted you can be nameless and have two Instagram followers and still be addicted you can live in Highland Park and be addicted you can be homeless and be addicted you can have a hooptie and be addicted you can be in a Bentley and be addicted I know people that know a whole lot of verses of scripture and got Leviticus memorized and they are addicted I know people that don't even know John 3:16 and they are addicted you can be an atheist and be addicted and hear me wait for it you can be in relationship with Jesus and still be addicted you can love God with all of your heart and still be wrestling with an addiction hear me you can be anointed and addicted you can be highly gifted and addicted as a matter of fact some of the most gifted people we know are privately wrestling with secret addictions and people just Embrace their gift and think that because their gift is okay they are okay and so they walk away from the spotlight with their strong gift and they wrestle in secret places with addiction because they worked on their gift but they didn't work on their soul and there's a difference between your gift and who you really are and that's why you got to be careful who you turn up your nose and who you point your finger at and say how could they how can they live with themselves you don't know who you could become if your soul was left unattended because I'm telling you addiction can grip anybody addiction can grip the soul of any person especially a soul that has been left unattended be careful what you say you'll never do cuz you don't know who you could become if you did not do the work of working on your soul this is the challenge because life is hard and life will life on you sometimes and we all go through some things and even when I put my faith in Jesus yes my spirit which was dead came to life but how many you know my soul is being trans formed my soul that has my emotions and my will it is being transformed day by day and every day is another battle and another fight to Crucify My Flesh and to surrender myself to God because the challenge of life is to fight the sin nature on the inside of us that would love for us to be Mastered by something hear me the reason why this message is critical for everybody body is because sin by its nature is addictive sin by its nature wants to master you it is addictive and to all of you who are super spiritual right now and you're ready to send this message to somebody else like oh that's for that heroin addict that really needs this I've been saved my whole life and I floated into church today and I had communion for breakfast and I really don't need this okay all right if that's you I want you to explain to me uh Romans chapter 7 what Paul said says in Romans chap 7 verse number 21 this is the Apostle Paul who wrote most of your new testament look at what Paul says in Romans chapter 7 y'all got in that bite-sized font y'all know I'm getting old I need I got my glasses on can you make it bigger there never mind I'll read it here look at what Paul said he says so I find this law at work although I want to do good evil is right there with me for in my inner being I Delight in God's law but I see another law at work in me Waging War against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me what a Wretched Man I am who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death that is Paul being open and vulnerable saying yes I'm an apostle and yes I'm writing the Bible that you going to read but I still live in this body of Flesh and it is a war on the inside of me to not become subjugated to the sin nature that wants to master me and I love that he talks about the battle but then he has a praise break right after the battle he says thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ Our Lord he's talking about the struggle he's talking about the battle that all of us are susceptible to being addicts of anything here's what I found out addiction is often the fruit addiction is often the symptom the root of the problem is idolatry the root of every addiction is really idolatry addiction is a worship problem because whatever you're addicted to is what you're constantly thinking about it's what you easily go to at the root of every addiction is the issue of idolatry because we are allowing something besides God to control control us that's why you got to be careful what you think you're free to do yeah because every addict was first free to do what they now can't stop doing this is the challenge of sin the challenge of sin is first you do it and then it does you it becomes your master it controls you and all of us have that within us to be mastered to be ruled at the root of all addiction is idolatry this is why I will never apologize for us praising God exuberantly I was telling them today you can turn up the volume I will never apologize for jumping up and down in worship for praising God I'm never apologizing for being generous and forgiving and here's why cuz I watched a lot of y'all I watched all y'all at the Taylor Swift concert I watched y'all at the Drizzy concert I watched y'all at the Beyonce concert all y'all gladly gave in the offering there I saw people losing their mind in arenas for Taylor Swift for Drizzy for Beyonce I a't judging you I'm just saying the reason there was something in you that got dressed that got ready that put on all that Glitter that started shaking and dancing and were unashamed to do it the reason why you excited about your favorite sports team and you have no problem losing your mind in an arena is because God put that in you he put it in us to worship he put it in us to adore but it's got to be put in the right direction all of us are worshippers every single one of us worship something it's never a question of are you going to worship it's always a question of what will you worship so I want to ask you what are you addicted to see that's that's a bad question because if I ask that question you immediately go to the person that's strung out on the hardest drug you're like oh I'm not them look at me I came to church looking good no I'm not them okay better better question um what are you Mastered by yeah actually let's go deeper because that's that's too much for some of y'all um here's the question what do you consistently and easily bow to if you want some Blues Clues as to what you might be addicted to look at what you consistently and easily bow to because addiction at its root is idolatry and it's all about worship what do you consistently bow to whatever you consistently and easily bow to that's what you're addicted to what what are you bow to what are you consist but it's legal I know but what are you consistent L what what what do you consistently bow to have I hit yours yet what what do you consistently yeah you first took the pills for the accident but the accident is long gone and now you can consistently bow to what on your computer late at night staring at video after video deleting your browser history what what do you bow to I know yours not pornography but you on the screen and you clicking on Amazon because no yeah yours isn't yours isn't lust my goodness that's gross you you just you just consistently buy and your bow is to Amazon even when it comes to your front door you still [Applause] what what what do you consistently bow to just gambling your life savings or what all of us bow to something we all it's the thing you consistently what what oh I'm sorry it's the thing that you consistently bow to so of course we judge the heroin addict oh oh my goodness are you serious but you don't realize that your your needle is the one that you pull out all the time trying to get a digital hit of [Applause] dopamine and have you ever looked at your screen time to [Applause] see is that how much time I spent but it's the thing that I consistently come on now and easily bow to oh now I know why God loves addicts now I know why God is obsessed with addicts the Reason God loves addicts is because every addict is a worshipper every addict is somebody that has bowed their head to something consistently and easily and God knows that the fact that you got addicted proves that you are hardwired for worship the fact that you got addicted to it means that your soul actually wants to be taken captive by something so the reason God loves addicts because he knows that if that addiction can get all your attention if he could ever get the same amount of attention if he could ever switch your addiction if he could ever get you to run to his Spirit like you ran to that bottle if he could ever get you to light up over his word like you light up when your ex text you if he could ever get you to run to church let you run to the pill he would get the best worshipper he's ever seen and hell would be nervous we just got to switch your addiction I wish I had some Jesus addicts in this place that aren't ashamed to open up your mouth and lift up your hands and give him the praise guess who I want to be addicted to no wonder he loves addicts every addict is just a worshipper that's got to switch their attention my God no wonder he loves addicts because he knows that if that can take you captive and leave you bound if you would ever let me take you captive if you ever gave yourself fully to me like you gave yourself to that I could do something incredible in your life our God is obsessed with addicts because in addiction is a worship problem and he wants your gaze he wants your attention Our God loves addicts because he is the great Liberator who specializes in setting people free if you don't believe that God is a great Liberator you better ask the children of Israel who for 400 years had themselves in and shackles and chains and they were slaves they were addicts to a system in Egypt and after 400 years God liberated them and set them free used Moses at his mouthpiece to tell Pharaoh let my people go because God is a liberator and he wants to set you free how do you know they were addicts because they tried to go back ain't that crazy the thing that God pulled them out of they were crying we so sick of Egypt Lord please get us out of here Lord if you ever get me out of you know that prayer you pray Lord if you just ever get me out of this you ever pray that 911 prayer God I promise this the last time just get me out of this and he gets you out and ain't it crazy that they were feing to go back to Egypt because it became their addiction that's what they were addicted to and God the great Liberator all throughout the Old Testament you see him trying to pull his people away from other gods and other Idols trying to let them know those Idols are going to keep you more bound but I'm the only one that has captivity that actually brings you Liberty and freedom look at what our God does in Luke chapter 4 I'm going to read it but before I read it let me set it up it's a powerful powerful moment in scripture Jesus he goes into the temple and the Bible says that he was given a scroll this isn't abnormal because in that time period they would divide up the Torah between different families because the Scrolls were so precious in the synagogue and they would divide up the Torah between different families and it was the family's responsibility to hold on to their section of the Torah and they would come into the synagogue on certain days and it was your responsibility to read the section that had been given to your family and Jesus steps into the the synagogue in lukee chap 4 and he is about to read the section that would have been allotted to him and his family and of all the verses that were given to him he quotes Isaiah chapter 61 let's look at it in verse in Luke chapter 4 it says the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recover of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and after he read that he just sat down in the temple are you kidding me of all the things that Jesus could have read of all the portions of the Old Testament to be allotted to him he gets Isaiah 61 that says this is a God who has an anointing to preach the good news to the poor and to preach Liberty to the captives but but it doesn't just stop at Proclamation it goes to emancipation and he says I came to set the captives free do you think God can't set you free when he said this is what I was put on Earth to do he said this scripture is fulfilled in me today that I am the great Liberator no wonder God loves addicts because he loves setting people free so I want to ask you today how does addiction start how does addiction start maybe you're in here in your addiction has gotten farther than you wanted it to go and you're asking yourself how did I get here I think it's important to ask yourself where did it did it start how does addiction start addiction I used to thought think it started with temptation but it doesn't start with temptation addiction starts with deception it's deception it goes actually like this deception Temptation sin habitual sin addiction one more time for those of Y that was sleeping in the back I'm goingwind deception Temptation sin habitual sin and now you're addicted but it started with deception and here's the deception it's not a big deal it's just small this is going to bring me peace I need this to relax it ain't that bad oh here I ain't doing it like they doing it I mean I ain't way out there mine's just little my it starts with deception let me see if I can break it down God always makes sure makes sure that my personal life gives you an illustration uh many of you will know this week uh something happened this actually last week something happened in our family we had a new addition new addition uh in our family not a child no Don't Clap uh we we we we got we got another dog we got another dog y'all we got another dog and you have to know I am not a dog person okay matter of fact I told my beautiful bride when we got married I said I don't do animals no dogs since then we have two dogs we've had squirrels we've had parakeet we've had bunnies we've had Birds we've had all kinds of animals proof that I don't have any control uh in my home so we got a golden doodle first Theo I have tolerated him for six years he's not my favorite he needs deliverance and I still have issues with him but we got a new dog his name is Bruno can y'all put Bruno on the screen that's what I said y'all you don't understand I get what you dog lovers go through now cuz Bruno is different no he's not like he's not like the old this dog he loves me I come in the house he runs up to me right to my feet he licks my face he is the cutest little thing I look forward to coming home to Bruno every single day he is the best dog he's smart he obeys unlike to y'all I love Bruno have the best time with Bruno I let Bruno come in my car let him just chill go on a ride with me I love little Bruno he's so sweet licks my little face having the best time with Bruno until two nights ago Bruno's been amazing he's been a stellar dog until two nights ago two nights ago Bruno got a little bone they gave him his little bone and he's there with his bone and I go to take the bone away from Bruno I don't know if you notice he a little r roller I got to take the bone away from Bruno to put him in his crate my little sweet Che Bruno when I went to take that bone away he looked back and went I said Bruno this is not you don't do that don't do that remember remember you were licking my face and lick at my paw I go back to take the bone again this one I said oh Taylor come get your dog cuzz I forgot that this is a Rott Waller and although he is cute and although he is small and although I love him and although he is my pet and although that is the cutest little face right now at 12 weeks I cannot forget and that little growl reminded me this is Bruno right [Music] here no I've seen his mama and his daddy that is a preview of a Coming Attraction that little it's going to turn into that and if I don't get this little thing under control if I don't teach him now who his master is I'm going to be walking around my whole house scared trying to figure out where to sit now you tell me where to sit I'll sit okay right here in my own home because that which starts off so small always grows to something larger I'm pleading with somebody in here today to let you know that deception is always the Genesis of addiction you think it's so small you think it's so cute you think you can handle it until it becomes your master I'm not preaching this as somebody who's standing at a distance going this is something y'all got to work through I preach this say somebody who knows what it's like to wrestle with addiction addicted to porography and it started off small small it's started off with 11-year-old Robert going to check the mail one day and in the mail was a victorious Secret catalog and that's what piqued my interest I said wait a minute I like what I see how many you know natural reaction for me to find attraction this is what the enemy always prays upon the enemy wants you to fulfill a legitimate desire in the wrong way so often he will pray on our natural longings for peace for Love For Joy for Comfort but he wants you to fulfill it in an illegitimate way outside of God and they'll tell you this will give it to you more than God can and what started with the Victoria Secret catalog small grw and grw and grow and sought to destroy my marriage until I got to the place where I said I am tired of being Mastered by this and I got to the place that somebody has to get to where I said I've got to come clean and come out of secrecy and hiding and come out of denial and say this is an issue and I need help that's the challenge for some of you the first step is just to get it out of secrecy no wonder it's growing no wonder it's festering the enemy wants you to keep quiet he want you to keep it in the dark cuz God cannot heal that which you keep trying to cover and conceal I'm telling you anything that you expose are God because he loves you will cover but anything you keep trying to cover God will Expose and the exposure is not to destroy you it's because he loves you and he doesn't want you stuck in the cycle of addiction ask the worship team to come but when I think of addiction and I look at the word of God I think of this man in Mark chapter number five if there was ever a movie that Hollywood should release on Halloween about a man in the Bible it should be this man in Mark chapter 5 he's got to be one of the scariest figures in the Bible that Jesus encounters and I almost have issue with Mark because Mark doesn't tell us how he got to the place he was in that's the challenge with judging people with addictions is sometimes you don't understand how they even got there the Bible tells us how Jesus got there before he encountered this man read it when you get to the crib in Mark chapter 5 Jesus is with his disciples and he says hey let's go to the other side and they get ready to go to the other side and when I used to preach this passage I would preach the other side I'd be like woo how you know if God said you going to get to the other side you going to get to the other side there is a promise on the other side and oh i' preach the other side like the other side was your dream your business your spouse your house all get to the other side but how many you know you got to study the Bible not just the languages not just the context you got to study the geography and I studied the geography and I found out the other side was Gentile territory the other side for the disciples was this place that they had been avoiding their entire life and they didn't want to go it was the place and the people they had been avoiding their entire life and Jesus was trying to reveal to them I don't just love the Jews I love Gentiles too I fill in the blank for all people God will often take you to the other side to let you know the width and the breadth of his love they get ready to go to the other side can you see them with an attitude think about the people you don't like think about your hater can you imagine God said hey let's go to their house and on the way there a storm breaks out which probably to them is evidence we ain't supposed to go over there see it's a storm come on imagine God telling you go to your hater's house and all of a sudden your car won't start you're like well Lord I try a storm breaks out on the way to the other side that they don't want to go to to the people they don't even like and in the storm Jesus has insult to injury because he's sleeping now they're mad I know you don't care about us making us go to the other side to a place we don't like to people we don't like and now a Storm's breaking out and you sleeping don't you care and he gets up in the storm cool calm and collected says peace be still and the winds and the waves stop they get to the other side but before they do they Marvel and say who is this man that even the winds and the waves obey him but right there on the shore waiting for them on the other side is a man to to me personifies addiction because his life is a mess he's an isolation the Bible says that he was naked which means he had shame I can see his hair that hasn't been caled I can smell the terrible stench of a man who hasn't been in community the Bible says that he lived among the tombs his home was the cemetery that's where he stayed and I don't know it's just the way my mind works nobody's supposed to be in isolation living in the Cemetery but I'm just wondering how did he get to this place life doesn't end up like this how did he get to this place I'm wondering did he lose somebody at the cemetery and the pain of that trauma is what kept him there you got to be real careful who you turn up your knows that you don't know the trauma and the pain that has brought some people to the place that they are how many you know trauma does not excuse Behavior but it sure will explain behavior sometimes it'll let you know why the person is doing what they're do it Bible says he's cutting himself with stones one of the only people in the Bible that we see doing self harm that's what addiction does it makes you harm yourself and yet this man sees Jesus as he comes across the shore and he lands and I can see his disciples with an attitude they don't even want to be on this part of the town and know notice what the man does when he sees Jesus it says he saw Jesus from AAR off and he ran and he worshiped him he ran right to where he was and he laid down and worshiped him look at him he's full of demons and yet when Jesus shows up he falls down and worships him I came to tell somebody you need to switch your addiction don't ever let the addiction make you run away from the presence of God take some notes from this man run to him run to his presence run to him he fell at his feet and he worshiped look how conflicted he is he's worshiping but the demons in him cried out with a loud voice and said what have I to do with you Jesus Son of the most high God I implore you by God that you do not torment me this man is possessed this is a spirit hear me I'm not saying every person that has an addiction is demon possessed but I am saying every addiction does have a spiritual connection to it and some of you need to understand there is a spirit that the enemy has launched against you to get you to keep damaging yourself to get you stuck in that cycle and you need to wake up and open up your eyes and know that the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal but they're Mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds you can have a good AA meeting but you need more than that you better seek the power and the presence of God this is a spiritual issue he's not just trying to take you out he's trying to take out your children and your children children he trying to take out a generation and the church has got to stop playing games and realize this is Warfare this is Warfare It's a spiritual issue he comes to Jesus and even the demons know who Jesus is they declared son of the most high God even demons know who Jesus is and he fell down and he worshiped him and Jesus the great Liberator says come out of him you unclean Spirit come out of him I love the power of our God here's what I love about God how many you know he can set you free in a moment he can set you free in an instant I have seen it I have seen people addicted to things for years and in one moment they never had a taste for it again but how you know he'll do it instantaneous but he'll also do it through a process he'll do it day by day he has the power to do it both ways says come out of him and even after that he asked him a critical question he says uh what is your name this is one of the only places I've seen in scripture where Jesus asks the person's name as he's delivering them what is your name he says we are legion and we are many in other words I got all kinds of issues I got this and this and this and Jesus is asking his name because he knows that there is nothing like addiction that attaches itself to your identity to the point you think that what you are doing is who you are and I came to make an announcement to somebody today you are not what you are doing as a matter of fact even when the enemy is trying to get you to go to it you need to start declaring over yourself I am a child of of God I am the righteousness in of Christ Jesus speak to your identity so many times we deal with behavior modification but we don't speak to the identity of who we are what is your name Jesus cast the demons out of this man but before he does the demons beg they ask they said Lord please don't send us out of the region just send us into those pigs over there notice the demons just didn't want to leave the area they didn't mind leaving him but they wanted to stay in the area because demons and demonic spirits want to rule over regions and households and last names and so I don't mind leaving him but don't let me leave the region Lord send us into those pigs and Jesus gives them permission to go into a herd of Pigs and the pigs run off a cliff into the water that made me shout that made me shout not just because I don't eat bacon that made me shout it made me shout because the demons had to ask permission from God of where to go and I don't know who this is for but can I tell you there is no spirit that is not subject to the authority of our God you need to know that our God has all power that he reigns Supreme don't you ever be afraid of demonic oppression or possession when you know that there is power we say it earlier in the name of Jesus At The Name of Jesus every knee will bow every tongue will confess somebody needs to walk in your house today and in your child's bedroom and start declaring the name that is above every name I speak Jesus over my family I speak Jesus over my children I speak the name of Jesus over my marriage I speak the name of Jesus over the city of Dallas I speak the name of Jesus in our culture I speak the name that is above every name there is power in that name oh you better know what name has the power that even demons has to ask permission for where they can [Music] go say can we go into the pigs Jesus gives permission he says you can go into the pigs and the pigs jump off the cliff because addiction always wants to destroy your life another crazy thing happens in the text the people that own the herd of pigs got so mad that they asked Jesus to leave the region Jesus has just set a man free this man gets clothed in his right mind and the people in the region especially the people that own the pigs said Jesus can you leave our region I need to warn some of you that God is about to set you free from that addiction there are people connected to you that don't want you free there are people connected to you that want you stuck in the cycle because they are benefiting from your addiction they are benefiting from the stronghold they are benefit it is a codependent relationship and some of you the greatest Freedom you'll ever get is from the people that are tied to the thing that you are addicted to not everybody wants your Liberty they ask Jesus to leave the region but the request of the man is what got my attention he's been set free the Bible says he's now clothed because God will cover up the shame he's in his right mind and he goes Jesus you're about to leave he grants their request he's like y'all want me to leave okay I'll go back to the other side and this man goes can I go with you Jesus let me go and look at what Jesus Jus says Jesus did not permit him but said to him go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you and how he's had compassion on you Jesus I'm confused you granted the request of the demons that said send me into the pigs you granted the request of the people and said hey you messing up my business go back to the other side why don't would you grant the request of this man who was an addict and is now set free why wouldn't you let him go with him he said no no no no you can't go with me because I need your testimony to spread across this region you because of your addiction have been in isolation and I know you want to come with me but the best thing you can do is to get back in community and tell everybody you meet the Power of what I did in your life because everybody in this town knew that you were the one that walked around naked and that had scars everybody in the town new your business who am I preaching to God will let your bad news get around town so that when it set you free the good news of what he's done will change somebody's life so you can look at him and say yeah I'm the same one that used to be in the club yeah I'm the same one that used to be shooting up yeah I'm the same one that used to sleep around look at me I'm married now I got a family now I'm addicted to his presence now oh we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of Our Testimony Jesus Jesus goes I'm not going to rob you of the most powerful thing that any believer has your story your testimony your testimony is going to do more damage to the kingdom of darkness than you would ever do getting on the boat with me with these other 12 dudes that I'm still working on I want you to go tell everybody in this region the power of what I've done in your life it breaks my heart just real soft it breaks my heart when I look at the multiplicity of things people can be addicted to but then when I understand that God loves addicts and he is the great Liberator it reminds me that for every addiction there is a possible story and testimony of somebody to stand and Proclaim god Set Me Free from this go home go to your community tell your friends and your family what I've done would you stand to your feet today I'm going to ask that nobody [Music] leave [Music] addiction put you in isolation isolation from God isolation from the people that you love often times we talk about the spiritual but we don't talk about the Practical of good community that will hold you accountable so you don't get stuck in the cycle I'm thankful that God Set Me Free but I still had to be open and honest and have boundaries and community be transparent and vulnerable with my wife and say hey here's all my devices look at it I want to be free and over time there's not even a desire there but even then I still have boundaries of healthy community of surrendering all that I am to God so many times we talk about restraint don't do that don't do that but we don't talk about surrendering all that you are to him addiction is a worship problem a study they did years ago they call it the rat Park study they were trying to study addiction and they would put a rat in a cage with two different water bottles and one water bottle had cocaine in it and they were trying to see which water bottle the rats would choose and in the cage the rat always went to the water bottle that had cocaine and went overdose and they kept looking that study after study rat after rat overdosing until one person in the study said the problem is the cage you didn't put anything else in the cage but the two water bottles the person said why don't you put a rat Park and put some tunnels in there and put a little ferris wheel in there and by the way you got the rat in there by itself put some other rats in there and put the rat in community and put the rat in a different environment and then when you put the rat in a different environment with other options then see if it goes to the water bottle that has the cocaine in it and when they change the environment and they got the rat in community every time the rat actually went to the water bottle that was healthy and rejected the water bottle that had a cocaine in it and I'm trying to tell you that is a picture of you and I it's not just what you abstain from it's what you're surrendered to and you've got to surrender yourself to God and get yourself in the right community Community get yourself with somebody that's going to hold you accountable I'm talking to somebody today that because your little addiction has gone from puppy to full grown Rottweiler you're going to have to do some drastic things if you have to move to a different part of the city move to a different part of the city if you have to have no internet and a flip phone have no internet and a flip phone do whatever you have to do to not get stuck in the [Music] cycle of deception Temptation sin habitual sin addiction start with the truth and the truth is God is a liberator and he loves addicts because he loves setting people free I'm going to ask every head be bowed and eyes be closed today Father I thank you for this moment Lord I Thank you that you are [Music] still setting the captives free so Lord I pray for my brother I pray for my sister who feels like that man who was in the tombs they feel the shame they feel isolated they don't even know how it's gotten this bad Lord let today be their emancipation day let today be the first step of their freedom Lord let that freedom start with not denying the P the problem or even trying to rely on our own strength God we can we need your power but Lord set us free today in the name of Jesus heads are about eyes are closed today I need to know who I came for if you're here today and you've never first of all surrendered your life to Jesus today's your day God loves you he's not mad at you he's not upset with you he hates the sin that is destroying his image in you and on you and you don't have to get yourself together to come to him you come to him just as you are so with heads bowed and eyes closed if you're here today and say Pastor Robert I've never surrendered my life to Jesus but today I need to respond I need to give him my life I'd love to to include you in this closing prayer if that's you would you just lift up your hand high enough and long enough to where I can see and say today's the day I'm giving him my life and I'm coming home yeah I see that hand thank you Jesus thank you God hands are going up all over this place today thank you God thank you God anybody else thank you God come on the day you hear his voice don't Harden your heart you know when he's speaking to you I'm talking to somebody that's watching me right now online you're watching this on the YouTube replay and you wonder why you can't stop watching this it's because God has your attention and want you to surrender your life to him anybody else just lift it up and put it right back down thank you Jesus thank you God if you're here today and you be so honest and say you know what I'm trapped in a psycle I'm trapped in an addiction and today I need Liberty I need freedom I believe today is your day that man that was in the tombs they tried to chain him they tried but it didn't work until he he encountered the real and the living savior today is your day he wants to set you free if that's you would you just lift up your hand high enough and long enough to work Andy and say today I need I need Liberty I need Freedom thank you God thank you God Jesus thank you thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you God hallelujah here's what I want us to do I want the worship team just to begin to lead us in in praise and In Worship but if you lifted up your hand for either one of those I'm going to ask you to do something so bold and so brave I don't want you to worry what anybody else thinks about you this is between you and God I want you when I count to three just to get out of your seat and come find a place right here at this altar I want this to be the shore just like that man met Jesus and I'm believing today some of you before our prayer team or anybody even lays hands on you you're going to experience the freedom and the the liberating power of our God who sets captives free so when I count to three if you lifted up your hand or you should have lifted up your hand come on I just want you to come right up here to the front don't worry about what somebody else thinks I don't care if you all the way in the back it's worth every step come on I want you to come one come on two three I want you to come this is your day this is your day come on come on come on come on I'm tired of this cycle I'm tired of this ret come on every addict is just a worshipper that's got to switch their focus that's got to switch their attention come on come on come on come on come on come on bre thank you God get as close to the front as you can break thank you Jesus there is power come on come on would you come with your hands lifted and lift them up to this savior come on that has the power to break every single chain come on every power in the name of Jes Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain come on know that you need this freedom I want you to come is the name of Jesus he whom the sunet free is free indeed there is power in the name of Jesus thank Jesus to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every come on I want you to keep declaring this there's power come on there is power in the name of Jesus thank you there is power in the name of Jesus there is power in the name of Jesus to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every to break every chain to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain I hear the chain falling come on surrender yourself to him today I hear the chain falling come on give them every aspect of you today I hear the chaines falling thank you God in his presence I hear I hear the CH falling I hear the chain falling oh yes I do I hear the chain falling I hear the chain falling the CH I hear the chains for I he the CH for I hear the change for the I hear the chain for oh this power in that name Jesus I hear the chain [Music] for I hear the chame foring I hear the CH foring I hear the CH foring I hear the CH for all over this place can you just lift up your hands [Music] in the same way addiction has a way of shaping our brains and shaping our bodies especially when it's been going on for a long [Music] time it makes me understand what Paul said when he says I present my body to God as a Living Sacrifice all that I am one most powerful things you can do even after this moment is every day you wake up is to start your day by physically saying God I give you every aspect of me God I give you these hands let these hands glorify you God I give you my eyes let these eyes look on things that are holy and pure God I give you my mind let my mind think thoughts that are from above God I give you my feet God let these feet walk into places that bring you glory and honor start presenting your body to him giving him all of you so I want to lead us in this prayer as one big family we're all going to pray it but if you want to stay here and linger and worship we're going to do that our prayer team is going to just make their way through here and they're going to lay hands and pray for some of you but even before they do I want you to make this declaration I want you to pray this prayer because God wants to change your name you are not that addiction you are his beloved Son and his beloved daughter and before there's any Behavior change there must be an identity change declares I am your child so come on with your hands lifted can we pray this prayer and say Jesus come on Clare it say Jesus Jesus I give you all of me I give you all of me Lord today Lord today I confess I cannot do life I canot do life without you without you I need you I need you Lord I know I know you came you came from Heaven to Earth from Heaven to Earth to live the life to live the life that I was supposed to live I was supposed to live you died the death you died the death that I was supposed to die you took my place you took my place Lord I thank you I thank you that you came that you came to set the capti is free set free so today so today I receive I receive my freedom my freedom forgive me of my sin forgive me of my sin wash me clean wash me clean make me brand new make me brand new From This Moment forward this moment forward I'm walking with you I'm walking with you whole and in Freedom
Channel: Social Dallas
Views: 173,954
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Id: yUdKxzWPtp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 56sec (3896 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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