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oh never mind oh the the raptor pack does not like indominus rex oh it is not faring too well here they're just clinging on hello everyone and welcome to a very special episode of jurassic world evolution too why because this video took over two hours to set up well maybe and in the end i'm not really gonna do it all so basically what we're gonna look at today is the biggest carnivores in the game and how they take down prey this being spinosaurus carcara dinosaurus giga t-rex indominus rex indoraptor i originally set this up to view all of the dinosaurs and how that all the carnivores attack each other however i've just spent 15 minutes trying to see the uh bionics kill dinosaurs and it's only killed two out of four and if i was to do this very carnival this video would be like five hours long so we're not gonna do that so what we are going to do is jump in straight away with one of the fan favorites that big friggin spider i have never seen this oh in game before oh wow oh gorgeous the spinosaurus so what we've done is we've or i've put in a small herbivore uh like like a homologous flay then a struthumus a hadrosaur and then something that can fight back um so we'll see how this goes i'm expecting this spinosaur to not really have a problem taking on any of these prey items and he can just kind of pick whatever it chooses but look at that model it looks absolutely gorgeous like i said when we saw this in the video uh the frontier posted in the dev update thing i don't know what they've done it's definitely different to the one in evolution it's chunkier i think oh god i think the baronex has decided to kill something else so ignore that i want to see this thing try and kill something it has a plethora of choices and what frontier amazingly done is spend what seems to be in just a world evolution two more time spent on dr wu go away damn it oh there you go and it sits so like i was saying before it was rudely interrupted uh dresser world evolution 2 or at least frontier i've put in a lot more effort in the dinosaur department and the animations so it almost feels like every you know carnival or even every dinosaur itself has their own unique animations uh whether that's a struthiomimus or an archaeologist um when they're interacting with each other i don't think i've ever seen an animation repeated from different species uh the way two metric catasaurus interact with each other looks completely different to how two cryolophosauruses interact with each other so oh god this is is the homalocephalic gonna die here no all right we've gotta hunt oh the whole miloseville oh eaten damn straight away just one bite and completely gone it's kind of what i was expecting oh it's kind of pooping out you know when the carnivore decides to kill something because it stops walking around and sprints towards it i like what they've done here it makes every carnivore feel more real uh you know in evolution the first one if a carnival was with a herd before it would just make a d line to it and kill it or at least it felt that way whereas this one they kind of cohabit to an extent and now it looks like he's actually going to go and attack something oh oh it's almost quadruped there oh bless the styracosaurus being reluctantly brought into the battle i think yeah look at the spider yeah i'm gonna eat you so the reason why i start right i think i maybe i mentioned this was in the other video i don't know styracosaurus is one of the ceratopsis with the lowest health uh on an attack of defense that so uh yeah i was expecting that to happen oh of course spider soul wants to fight it loves it i don't know what's going on with the uh styracosaurus's body there but hey look the spinosaur's actually going on the floor with its front limbs i love it little attention to detail like that they would never have done that in evolution but i like that frontier are now being you know a bit more forward thinking with paleontological fines maybe maybe that's why they're doing it or they just thought hey people want it let's do it okay it's charging it's going for something i don't know what i think it's a strutium i miss oh oh i think so i think i think it's it's definitely trying to it's it's trying to make contact oh there it is oh lovely a little bit of shake and a kill gorgeous i love that i love the way it's just like dainty like puts one claw down you know balancing its weight on that ah it's like an aik hand that's like yes stuck to the ground ah it's gorgeous oh there's only one left mr spider and you've eaten everything here we go the takedown comes oh here it comes oh i think oh throws it ah that's more like evolution there we go i think that was similar to the the first trailer um the way the t-rex in evolution like picked up the power and just threw it from one side to the other a gorgeous kill from the spino now onto something else the big mama jammer herself the one the only erexie yes so with these guys i've sort of let them have bad traits so they're more dominant they're they're more likely to be hungry so i'm hoping that means that you know they they eat more basically even people who don't know the difference between herbivore and carnivore know all about the tyrannosaurus rex yeah and when you see her up close feel her gaze you fall in love t-rex was the ruler of the cretaceous period right we've got advantasaurus in here for you to eat rexy i think i think it's cold over the styracosaurus oh bless it yeah oh god oh here we go not expecting this guy to last two seconds and straight out just like it was with uh what'd you macaulay uh the spino didn't last more than two seconds so we've got to take it away before it has a chance to eat it even though it it definitely has had a chance to eat it damn it oh oh never mind oh it's going over the homeocephaly oh there it goes oh oh the leggy's stuck out well there you go i guess it realized it's food was being taken away and went for the small burger it can still see you you're not hiding behind the tree you know right that was two kills in quick succession maybe we'll get the rest bonus round spinosaur eating goat oh wow even that's a unique animation nice i was gonna say your health is dropping you need to kill something and she has chosen to hunt down a struthium imus it's like run away run away run away run away oh it's jumped oh that looked amazing damn all right hold on quickly we need to take away the food take away the food you must stay hungry you must eat it at montoberg no no food for you i could have looked up like [Music] yeah i still think that the carnivals need to wait for the herbivores to be not sleeping or anything like that yeah they need to be running like that and once they're up then the carnivores can go and attack all right here we go admontosaurus can you survive rexy oh i don't know wow and thrown again oh okay so maybe that animation is similar it definitely looked like the struthia mymus animation was different the way it just sort of jumped on it um but that looked very similar to the spinosaurus like throwing it to the other side maybe a slight difference but yeah you know what rexy you've earned that there you go you've earned your goat you show me all your beautiful animations you get a goat right time for the next big boy acrocut thesaurus lovely [Music] interesting call oh yes looks very similar to how it did in drastic world evolution i can't really see too much of a difference not that i'd really be able to find it if i'm looking if i'm going to be honest maybe the probably the skins got more detail the model itself might be very similar but the the skin on top of it looks different its teeth look different actually wow okay oh the acrocanthosaurus is challenging the chasma saw again this is gonna be a battle that's gonna last all of two seconds i think well there you have it i think we've pretty much found out how those two battles go or basically how a battle with a giant carnival and a ceratopsian goes when this ceratopsian loses it's just like a lunge bites and then the ceratopsian falls over we're gonna have to take away your dindins because we want to see you kill everything else no it even like sits differently to the t-rex like the t-rex is more low but this acricondosaurus is quite high when it sits down so it sits up like that because tyrex is quite low i think anyway it might have the same headrope animation i'm not sure we'll definitely be able to see if it's the same kind of animation set depending on how it goes for the ornithomimus or you know the structure myosits i should say because the t-rex did a very iconic like jump to the uh street the mimus so we'll see if that's mimicked in the acrocanthosaurus well we're about to see it either homolocephalae anyway oh oh no or not just walk very slowly away and you might survive uh oh no i you just have to wait for it to get so far away oh all right the moment of truth oh the herbivores like that corner do they think it's safe let's see is it gonna jump on it oh it got stuck there here we go sidestepping away here it comes is it going to do the same kind of kill as the t-rex oh let's see it's oh this truth is just too quick oh yes it's a t-rex yeah it's the t-rex animation that kind of jump yeah definitely oh here we go now is it gonna throw the edmontosaurus from the other side let's see oh i think is it going to be able to do it here oh i love the animation and then we are fire yeah yeah looks like most big carnivals that i've seen maybe a dumbness might be different they all have the same kill animations for the edmontosaurus and your prize a goat good sir there you go on to the next apex predator and that is kaka this has became a meme and missing you in recent years for me i want one oh awesome call though nice oh look at it there okay you know what it is i've never liked the car car design i'll be honest i don't know what it is i really don't know what it is about it i just don't it doesn't do it for me and i don't like i said i can't put my finger on it i know whether it's the weird spikes that go down the back that are all higgledy piggledy i don't know if it's the shape of the head maybe that's the way coco's head did look whoa still got a good roar on it though the sound effects for it are really good i do like it it just i don't know something about it like it's it's torso is a bit too long tail is it i don't know maybe maybe that's the way it looked but hey-ho oh this this guy might have a different animation because he's because he's a lot longer we'll have a look that'll be interesting because i'm assuming if it's going to share any kind of animations it would probably be with giga okay here we go it's going for something oh god it's the hamalo cephalite why is he always the first to go oh bless it it never stands a chance although saying that no i gotta admit sometimes it is the uh the sarah topsid that dies first no what was that it sound like a door hinge well we're gonna see styracosaurus die again are you ready and oh we got oh we're gonna we're doing a little bit of a foot stamp oh okay okay while the styracosaurus gets into into position oh we okay we're feeling all right oh never mind the styracosaurus decided to call the quits oh hold on the other car car's doing some weird glitch and hit there well here we go and it's the same kill okay maybe all big carnivores have that [Music] obviously that was because it had some weird glitch with the styracosaurus there how you gonna kill it you're gonna jump over it what you gonna do oh it is the lunge okay i thought that was just gonna be unique to the t-rex ah turns out it's not so i'm going to hazard a guess that gigger is probably also gonna have the same kind of animation but you know what there you go all right it's the one that's gonna be in the movie that's right it is the gigger which actually hasn't had a redesign so i'm really interested in what they're gonna do when dominion comes out oh it looks so good people often confuse this animal the giganotosaurus with the t-rex i guess we could look simple you know what oh and i'll i'll let you play both have that everything within their field of vision thing working for them this dinosaur is also fast bottom line if you find yourself running from this biggie you've already made a fatal mistake well you say then yeah claire ran away from a t-rex so in high heels so i'm pretty sure if she just put on some you know some regular trainers she'd be all right running away from this thing oh i was just about to say who is the giga gonna go for first and it's always bless it the little homalocephale shovel chin gets the kill now it might be that these dinosaurs share all the same animations but maybe it's that every dinosaur has a different kill animation so the giga has a different kill animation for the creator saw and they had monticello like the same maybe the truth of my mission the archaeologists huh that might be something to test out so i've put a gallon mama soon and we'll see when i release it if the gigger has a different kill animation but if it still does the jump after it like it did with the street the minus we know that it's an animation set rather than a specific dinosaur all right calm doon it's only a styracosaurus you're going to easily kill it watch the calamitous it's it's interesting because every time i think so far we've seen you know the carnivore decide what to eat i feel like it's always left the hadrosaur to last and i'm not too sure why that is maybe they just don't like hadrosaurs they always seem to either go for the battle with the ceratopsia because maybe they're more aggressive or the easy little pickings of the homalo cephale but they don't go for the biggest meal first which would be this karithasaurus oh of course to prove me wrong you go for the kareethosaurus now yes oh bless it the green sword just has to is it gonna oh oh it's so weird i mean here we go it's gonna throw it and there you have it yeah i feel like if a giga really did pick up a cretasaurus by its neck like that it would probably rip its head off they wouldn't just throw it could you imagine could you imagine if trustworthine 2 had animation like that literally ripping heads off dinosaurs oh that'd be so good all right is it going to go for the jump and it does okay yeah so you've got types of animation you've got like the struthumus animation you've got the hadrosaur kill animation okay right we've got we've nipped that in the bud we know how that works now the one i've been waiting for for so long the one that definitely will have unique animations the freaking indominus rex oh i like the way it comes out oh that's so cool yes gorgeous go on woo tell me about indominus the indominus rex remains my most inspired creation oh wow oh it's going for a kill already oh god oh no why to do so required a tremendous amount of research gene mixing splicing and manipulation and of course determination yeah result is a hybrid dinosaur that is both beautiful and deadly an alpha predator among alpha predators so treated with the care and respect it deserves oh this is cool i've never well i've made of course i had to make an abdominis in order to unlock it but i deliberately stayed away from it because i was wanting to save it is it calling over the styracosaurus see what are you doing it's okay it's roaming apparently but it seems to be steady more threat combination limit that's good and it hates everything dislikes everything [Laughter] oh wow okay oh oh oh i think oh will it have a different animation nah okay okay it seemed like it did but i don't think it did oh is it going camo there oh it's camouflaging with the grass it's changed to brown it's doing a weird run though oh that was cool it's changing again oh my god it's it's going after everything oh oh wow there you go hold on we need to put a goat in here i want to see how it eats a goat heck yeah there you go have a go already you know what this is one of the only carnivals that i think will definitely go and kill everything without eating it because it's an indominus rex so i want to see all let's do oh it's going for this journey as well oh the claws the little like raspy claws there [Music] oh that's right yes sit on your kill be proud wow you are freaking deadly i mean you saw i mean maybe you didn't i cut a lot of the uh the in-betweens out but most carnivores take a while like they only hunt you know or eat when they're hungry whereas this and donuts rags basically just came into this enclosure and killed everything you know what it needs i want to see what it does to an ankylosaurus it has to have a unique animation to ankylosaurus surely let's have a look at it oh oh oh it's going after a goat it's going after the goat oh lovely jubilee i love the claws me all right out of curiosity i've released a weird dinosaur the amargasaur you know something it's a sauropod it's quite small though all right i'm not expecting this little chunk to last long already oh god oh god oh yeah yeah oh ripped apart i think indominus rex and joshua evolution did a similar thing i think most carnivores grabbed it by the tail and flung it back not a margassar because that didn't exist but something like um what's it called it was the uh niger saurus that's it all right here we go camarasaurus i love how the indominus rex just slowly turns around like yeah i see you you're gonna be on the ground in a second bless the goat okay so let's see how is the indominus rex oh god oh oh the camarasaurus stomping oh wow that was interesting oh however here comes the kill oh god there it is by the tail oh it's taking the front foot is it dead or did it just do damage i think it just did some damage uh oh it's health is going down interesting i don't think that is an ailment but it's its health has is slowly going down interesting interesting all right one i'm interested in now we know what dressing world indominus rex the way it interacts with raptors is interesting so how about a velociraptor now i think in the velociraptor's uh little bio it says it likes indominus rex but let's see oh whoa is it going after the goat oh god it must be panicking it is it is panicking okay it likes indominus rex there maybe he just doesn't like camarasaurus oh god the dumb strikes going for another fight i think it's just gonna take nibbles out of it until it dies yeah this is how it's gonna go oh bless it oh it's so sad indominus rex could literally jump on it right and it would just like its rigs its rigs its rapes would shatter but its spine would be split it would just dive an indominus rex was full speed head charged it that's kind of what i was hoping for yeah he's on low health now but the indominus rex is not letting up look at it it's it's making eye contact it's looking at it in the eyes wow this is so cool [Music] but i love the little interaction of the camarosaurus as well like it's stomping you know it can't do much but it it bless it it's trying it really doesn't stop you're so bad they're not real jesus they're not real but i feel bad for it why do i do this oh my god this is awesome though oh oh oh oh there you go and it's gone and it's gone the raptor is panicking and lonely but it says it likes indominus rex so i'm i'm really not sure about that however indominus rex i'm pretty sure just dislikes everything and even the raptor it's like i it doesn't like it so maybe if the raptor had enough group then it would go for it i don't know if we actually had a raptor pack we'll see if the these guys do anything first ah it's the moment we've been waiting for if there's gonna be anything that has a unique animation two indominus rex that we know of or at least it should do it is ankylosaur now if you remember in you know the first one it fought it like everything else i pray that frontier have taken a note out of jpog's book and have made unique animations let's see oh it sounds so cool oh well it's it's off it looks like it's actually charging towards the velociraptor it's not gonna punt it across the field is it oh oh indominus rex oh oh they're gonna have a regular fight please i'd love if indominus rex flipped it over come on come on you know you want to we've got some weird glitching out in the snow there again this game's not released yet and even since i've downloaded the game they've added patches or at least i've downloaded updates for it so they're definitely working on it as it's still going out so let's see okay okay oh bless his little ah mama i know oh the club tail has done oh it did some damage okay i was gonna say it didn't look like it did anything yeah they're giving up the battle there but the uh it seems like even though the indominus rex got clubbed pretty hard there it's the um it's this guy that's come off the worst 69 and you're on 90 percent okay ankylosaur has healed from its wounds it's on 95 and dominus rex is also on the oh yes oh my god it actually kind of did it that was sweet it's all knocked it over and killed it it's like it freaking leans oh my god that was beautiful it could be possible that maybe indominus rex or and all the other big carnivores kill and kyla saw like that but i'd like to think it's it's unique to indominus raw but are they are they gonna be okay with each other yeah i think they are but i do want to see what happens or how the indominus rex eats out of the feeder because we've seen it either goat but i've never seen it eat out of this feeder ah-ha gotcha just gonna eat it like a regular regular dinosaur not gonna pick it up with the claws or anything nope he's just chomping away here comes the test what happens if we introduce a pack of raptors one gets on with indominus rex what about four yeah including the other one i guess that makes five now i know the raptors take on t-rex which is really cool and maybe they take on other big carnivals but it does say that they get on with indominus rex so will a pack of raptors get on with indominus rex yep yep they all get on so that means we have one apex predator left and of course that is the one the only indoraptor you can't you're supposed to wait for me to say the name then you come out damn it this is the dinosaur created with the purpose money is in the dark and uses echolocation to find its prey oh here we go now nature might eventually oh don't mallow again but i got there first is it dangerous yeah oh oh no oh that was so sad it's so small do you have to rip its neck oh indirect actually standing up yes we never saw that in evolution it was always you know looking like this but it's very capable of just standing up with a tiny leg like a power wood or something like that oh it's having a fight with the cash now let's see how this guy works okay velociraptors are fighting each other that's different oh okay i just killed it i like that and it's going off for something else i think it's the structure minus it's after it's making a beeline for it here it comes it's all we gave it little artful dodges i think it worked it kind of confused them although it didn't work for long indoraptor in hot pursuit oh and monosaurus almost took it out there geez oh i don't know if it's gonna it's gonna see it coming out though oh there you go whoa so crack the neck and let the body slide let that body hit the floor okay what are you gonna go for now is the goat or the edmontosaurus they're both running the same way however uh oh oh it's the goat throws it down yeah and then it looks up a little bit like oh oh then oh my god look whoa okay so these animations oh look at that the coloring it looks awesome i love it um yeah that's the same animation as we've seen in evolution i'm sorry i'm still kind of geeking about the uh the indominus rex camouflaging and the different app like climates like it changed when it was in a desert so i wonder if i put snow in the indominus rex enclosure if it would camouflage to white oh oh oh never mind oh the the raptor pack does not like indominus rex oh it is not faring too well here they're just clinging on oh this is how it should have went and thomas rex would oh it's oh it's gone it's gone gray is that to fit in with the snow or maybe it doesn't maybe it depends on the map the double strikes not looking too healthy here i i do oh they're the raptors just still going for it the indominus rex battered and beaten oh is that it oh down it goes oh that looks so good okay so i don't know what started that maybe the indominus rex killed one of them but one two three four five no they're all there oh well at least we're going to see the indoraptor killer go now i suppose oh no wait no you've already seen that they're actually roaring at each other you are kidding me an edmontosaurus being defensive color me impressed oh never mind it didn't work for long he was kind of like all right all right psych oh no you're facing the wrong way oh that's great you confused them the enclosure's too small oh it looks like it was attacked but i don't think it was oh did monosaurus oh it doesn't know oh it's confused it again can the interrupt even catch up to oh yep here we go now it's gotta ah gorgeous we've seen a lot of different you know kind of interactions between the dinosaurs but what happens when two giants come face to face and no not camarosaurus ah look at them old friends coming back to see each other t-rex and a spino oh look they get on they sat together amazing i'm sure they won't fight each other or anything like that oh i'm excited please i really wish they made like a unique kill animation for these two guys they've got so much history history history together oh oh oh oh that was a hard hit on the side from the t-rex oh it's the dancing they're doing some dancing okay looks like spinosaur won that one wow okay now it does appear to be the case of they do one battle and then the next battle settles it so i'm assuming the t-rex is not gonna win this one but let's see how this spino finishes it oh oh not oh no nope nope just just telling each other off kind of reminds me when i was a kid and i watched jurassic park 3 in the cinemas and i realized or i didn't realize i should say that i was standing up when the fight came on when i when spinosaur took on t-rex i i lost myself and then when the fight was over i was like i'm standing up it just had that kind of power over me oh here it is the final battle t-rex b spino i feel like spanner's gonna win it but how how is the question [Music] how will it be decided a little bit of a circle a little bit of a dance and then oh it's not right away okay spino having to go for another hit [Music] oh t-rex also going for another hit and another dance okay but how is it going to end oh god oh geez spino's scaring it away now the t-rex is looking utterly born and battered and bruised spino's showing a little bit of damage but not as much as the t-rex are they going to finish it now wait did did the jerks just die the tubes just popped and died there was no big kill there was no nothing it just died like that oh what a disappointment that was i will admit spinosaur looks cooler than t-rex here hello editing james here throwing in a kill that the spinosaur made on the tyrex because i thought that the one we recorded wasn't that great and there does seem to be like a specific animation for killing it uh i also i'm gonna throw footage of a modified t-rex with strong 30 strong ability taking out that same exact spinosaur um whereas everything else looks the same uh at the end when the tx does kill the spino it's of course like the original one we've came to see but anyway enjoy all right in the raptor versus the pack of raptors that managed to kill indominus rex now will they attack in a pack or will it be one by one what i don't know where he's going oh but we seem to have a one-on-one fight here or at least they're sort of eyeing each other up but don't know what they're doing oh no oh oh what just happened 92 attack 42 defense 60 attack 16 defense was that all of them yeah all them had the same attack and they just killed indirectly like that i'm lost i'm well there's only one thing left to do the two winners apparently spinosaur and the one raptor that killed really how did blue have so much trouble when these generic raptors could just kill them instantly even when the stats don't give it maybe it was communitive maybe they were like okay well there's five times five by 60 there you go it's actually 300 attack oh god oh they're going for him already oh jesus no wasting any time oh wow oh wow oh dear oh god there's just too many of them there's one two three there's four of them taking them on spider rolls over cripples are after but it does get back up is it so max maybe is four four four in a pack oh and spider goes down nothing can stop a freaking pack of raptors they are the most deadliest things in the world apparently and do they take any damage 100 100 100 percent just running around and now they're attacking each other because why not or they're doing a synchronized ballet of sorts there all right interrupted didn't really go out how i think it should have so how about we you know do the biggest the contenders for what could be you know the the winners of another battle um arena indoraptor versus indominus rex oh wow a jump kick oh the phone that's illegal oh god are we gonna get oh a bite from indominus rex there oh oh another jump kick from indoraptor though who's gonna win it actually don't know oh well maybe not indominus rex oh oh so that must be his attack he sort of cuts off indo raptor oh the dominus rex actually runs away scared interrupter wins oh this is gonna be it this could be the final battle it really doesn't look like indominus rex's wounds have healed oh oh oh oh oh cool teleporting indoor raptor okay that was a weird glitch but i think that was showing us indoraptor's like regular kill animation from just a world evolution where it sort of hops over the back and then like rips out rips at its like neck area um but it just kind of glitched out a bit a bit funky there but all right well that is gonna have to wrap this video uh i'm not gonna edit it too much just because i kind of want this up and adam as quickly as possible the good part of the last three or four days has literally been me editing those videos and getting them out as quickly as possible as well as trying to unlock these dinosaurs as quickly as possible um because spoilers our embargo date was actually three days time uh so we should have had another three days to plan videos and content uh but they were like actually we're going to shift it to this date because such and such so uh it got shifted and uh unfortunately i i think a lot of creators have been oh god we don't have enough time and because this is actually a good game you can't just speedrun it in two seconds so that plays to its strengths but anyway guys hopefully you found that somewhat interesting i'm sure i've cut it up and made it you know that and maybe i'll put in bonus clips of baronex killing things i don't know anyway thanks again for all the support and we'll be back of course for a battle royale because i think i only need uh if you have a look at all the dinosaurs i've been logged it is literally just nigesaurus and celiophysis and that is all i need and then we can do it and i'm looking forward to that it's gonna be so awesome but anyway guys if you enjoyed this video leave a like and i could finally rest over once ahead of the video bye bye [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,421,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: bWPxYBBcgf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 34sec (2374 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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