ALL Force Lightning Colours and Meanings - Star Wars Explained

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hey everyone how are you all doing thanks for joining me in today's video today's video is going to cover the different colors of force lightening this is one you guys wanted me to do for a while and I'm gonna get right to the point so there isn't just blew out there there are a lot of different colors especially in legends so we're gonna be covering them all who use them what they mean and what their powers were so let's get right into it now before we begin I want you to stay tuned for the next video because the next one is kind of covered the twelve variants of Force Lightning while this one is gonna cover the colors which is gonna be pretty cool and fun on its own basically Force Lightning is a dark side power however there have been a handful of Jedi who have been able to conjure Force Lightning to like revin blow Koon Luke Skywalker Mara Jade Skywalker and galen marek who was about as good as Sidious when it came to force lightning most force lightning is blue however it could also appear as several different colors and many people have tried to determine what the colors meant and if it affected the bolt power but even in legends it's a little bit unclear for example Dooku Palpatine Bane Knox and other darth's Dark Lord's countless others actually all used purple or blue light the hidden one used white lightning against Luke Skywalker after Jason solos fall to the dark side mother Talzin could produce green force lightning with her darkside magic just as she now does in the Canon Maul comics another being simply known as the mother who was a bioengineer technology was so saturated with the force that it became self-aware she could also produce green force lightning darkside users like darth des allows from the Force Unleashed Darth tenebrous who is Darth Plagueis as master Darth Maul and son of mortis who is literally the embodiment of the darkside itself could all produce red force lightning at one point or another some believe that because the Sun produced red lightning that it means that it's the most powerful form but there isn't super hard evidence to support or contradict that theory Jaina solo Han and Leia's daughter could produce black Force Lightning and did so on multiple occasions to both save and fight against her brother after his fall to the dark side the final color was yellow or orange lightning that for users of the eternal Empire used as well as Blow [ __ ] whose own lightning sometimes looked green also blow [ __ ] called his force lightning electric judgment and his lightning is distinguished because it did not stem from anger like most other forms even so this power was uncommon and controversial heavily among the Jedi due to its use of having intrinsic association with anger and aggression cloak une first used this when saving a young girl who has taken hostage kun shot one burst of lightning at the victim's head and then another to knock him unconscious after much meditation and in consultation with the Jedi Council hello kun decided to develop his power and recorded his knowledge on the great holocron in the Jedi archives it's here that Grand Master Luke Skywalker possibly learned to do electric judgment himself and then used it to save his niece and nephew from the Slayers elite Yuuzhan Vong soldiers in this case luke's force lightning was like green sparks which killed slayer instantly so basically Luke is pretty much the coolest and deserves to showcase his immense powers in a movie come on Disney just just do it do it and there you have it there are a ton of the different Force Lightning powers and just different colors and everything in legends and it only proves that we have so much still to learn when it comes to force lightning in cannon I mean in legends it was already pretty diluted so I mean I'm hoping that we get something cool in Canada give us some different colors and what they mean like green can I don't know suffocate someone or you know orange forest lightning can make them relive their darkest and oldest memories which actually now in Canon Force Lightning is it it does exactly that so it not only shocks you and can fry you in an instant if the user so wishes but it can actually make you relive your darkest and deepest most terrifying and horrifying memories that have crossed you in life so it hits you both on a physical and emotional and soulful plane it just destroys you in all shapes in different ways a lot of theories have been given regarding the colours of lightning and how it relates to its potency and man I wish it was out there like I wish I could be like like you know oh yeah orange does this and this but it's we just don't have it like maybe it's just like a Patronus and simply just depends on who's doing it shout out to the hair Potter channel plug what do you guys think and what variant of Force Lightning would you most like to see in Canon I personally would like to see the red one as I think the Sun used red and I would like to believe that that's like the most powerful one so I think that's what they were trying to portray I just think that would make a little bit of sense as to why it was red you know why not just make it blue or purple like everyone else I think red you know as him being the figure and embodiment of the darkside itself just kind of means that hey red is the ultimate one it's the real dark force lightning and it's just very powerful but at the same time Palpatine within an instant could have obliterated literally anyone into ash in with a single bolt it was just you know he just liked to toy with people and torture them so this has actually been concluded in a lot of different books and comics stuff like that so also in Canon as well Dooku was able to that's actually how he killed asajj ventress he used a blast on her that was intended for Quinlan vos and it was at maximum power and that actually she jumped in you know in the way of the book the Lightning to save Quinlan and she got fried immediately she died so that's it's a little bit of siding for for you guys not scripted I hope you enjoy it and I'll catch you guys in the next one until then remember the force will be with you always Oh you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 178,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Force Lightning Colour and Meaning - Star Wars Explained, star wars, star wars theory, star wars explained, darth vader, force lightning, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, darth sidious, star wars the last jedi, darth maul, the last jedi, kylo ren, plo koon, order 66, star wars episode 8, rogue one, general grievous, mace windu, obi-wan kenobi, star wars lore, star wars canon, star wars: revenge of the sith, star wars legends, palpatine episode 9, dark rey
Id: 9OQ8hC8ju50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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