All Divi Modules Overview incl. CSS Tricks - Part 4

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Hey you guys! Welcome to part four of this five  video series about all Divi modules. In this   video, I'm gonna take you by the hand and show you  the next Divi modules but I'm also going to show   you some CSS that I use mostly in creating client  websites. For example, I will show you how to add   two buttons in the slider module, how to create  an awesome tab module with two images on top,   and I'm also going to show you how to use those  custom bullets in your text module, how to change   your icons in your toggle module and last but  not least: I'll show you how you can change your   play button in your video module or video slider.  Alright, let's get started with the first module.   So, the next module, we are going to do is a  slider. The slider is one of the most used modules   in Divi, we are going to create a awesome slider  and I'm also going to show you how to change the   animations that are in there by default. So the  first thing we're going to do we're going to   add some content to our slides. So, the first  slide would be like this. "Eplore the world"   "With the WPRess Doctor". And the button will be  "Learn more". Alright so let's change the fonts,   just press on the brush icon and you  can go this one. Let's make this Oswald,   and we're going to make this a little  bit bold, and also the font size,   let's make it like this and we're going to align  it on the left side. Now for the second row, we're   going to also press the brush icon, we're going  to change this also to Oswald almost the same,   and we're not going to make it bold, we're going  to make it semi-bold, we're going to enlarge the   text size we're going to align it on the left, and  also the button, we are going to align it on the   left side, we're going to use custom styles.  Let's make this size a little bit smaller.   Like this. And we're going to make the font, also  the same because this looks great. And let's make   that semi-bold. Alright, that's pretty cool,  that's getting some more padding to this one,   adding some more line height, more spacing. Now,  if you have more than two rows for example, if you   have more than this. "We are going to show you all  around the world with this beautiful course, etc."   What you now notice is that your line-height will  also add some more spacing between the two lines.   I don't really want that but I do want some more  spacing between the title and the text below it.   What can we do? Well, of course, first we're going  to change the line height change it to 1.2 That's   great. And now we're going to save this slide, and  then we go to 'Advanced' in the slider settings   not in the individual slides but in slider  settings we go to 'Advanced' -> 'Custom CSS',   and we go into scroll down and we go to the slide  title, and here we going to add margin-bottom:   20px. And there you go. Now we have added  some space below the title, and if you also   want to add some space below the text, just  go to your Slide button and add margin-top:   25 px; and now you have more, a little bit more  spacing right there. Don't forget to check how it   looks on your mobile device. And if you don't like  it, go to this button press, 'Phone', and here you   can also change the CSS. If you don't want it,  then just add margin-bottom: 0px; for example.   Or maybe you like to have 25 I think its  better. And also for tablets, and of course   for desktop. Alright so now you know how to add  more spacing. Now what I do want with this one,   I want to add a video background because I like  that way more than just this boring background.   Alright we going to 'Content', we go to  this slide, and we go to 'Background'.   You can add a video background or right  there. So, where are you going to get   royalty free videos? Well let me give  you an example of a website I use often,   you go to and you go to videos.  Any here you can search for example, trees.   Awesome. Now, all these videos are entirely  free to use at your convenience. So let's use   this one. I like this one, it's beautiful.  Alright, we press free download. So for the   sizing of your video, I would go with something  like 1922. As you can see the size also increases   so keep that in mind. As most people use fast  internet nowadays, it isn't really a problem.   If you notice that your website is getting slower  and you get bad results go with a lower quality,   but with a smaller file size. For this example,  we are going to use the 1922. Press 'download'.   And we can save the file. You can also  say thanks to the video author, that's   pretty awesome. Now we go back to Divi, and we're  going to add the background video right there,   you have to upload your file to the media  library. And upload your video to your website.   Right here it is, press 'Upload video'. This  looks pretty awesome. So what I want to do   is I want to make this one full width. You can  also use of course the full width module in the   full width section, but I'm going to cover that in  the next video. So let's use just this one. Go to   your 'Row settings' go to 'Design' go to sizing,  go to 1% Max white also 100%. And here you go.   Alright, then you go to spacing out to make a  complete go to your padding, make it zero padding   bottom zero padding top. Press safe, then you  also see down here, we still have this little row,   as you can see it is from my section, so we  go to the section settings, you go to design,   you go to spacing, you go padding top zero padding  bottom also zero. And now, everything's lined up   perfectly and now we have a awesome full white  slider, but we're not using the full white row.   This is great. As you can see it really looks us.  Alright, let's continue with our slider settings.   If you want to add another slide into your  slider just press this copy button, and now   you can customize the second slider, we go into  this one. Explore your country, in this score,   you can learn everything about your own country,  because you need to stop gaming and get out   more. And of course we want a awesome background  for you. So, we're going back to Pixabay.   Let's look on beach, and let's go with the  beach from Currys. I really like. So we're also   going to download this and we go to the background  of this one. And we're going to delete this one,   We're going to add another one. So now we have a  beautiful video right there. Alright, so something   you need to know on some devices some videos can  be rendered quickly enough or they won't render   at all. This really depends on the browser and  the system of the person visiting your website   so what I always do. I always make sure this  background is, or it is removed, order is a   placeholder image in place so that when the video  doesn't load they just see a beautiful picture. So   what you're going to do is need a frame from this  video to add it into our background image, how are   we going to do it, I'm going to show you really  easy how to do it using a free video player.   So what I'm doing right here I'm opening this  video in FLC media player. It is a beautiful free   version lightweight video player, please, all  videos is awesome it's free where I use it all   the time. And it's really great. So what you're  going to do you're going to slide to the place   where you want to make a picture of this frame,  and then you just press. Hold it right there,   response it, and then you have a little button  down now which is make a video snaps shot, just   press that button, And now, a snapshot is being  generated. Is that easy, yes it is that easy. Go   back to your default website, add a background  image upload the image we have just created.   I've changed the file name to beach w plus doctor  and her old text and upload the image right there.   Alright so now we have the screenshots of a  part of the video inside the background, so   that we're absolutely sure that these things will  get loaded if the video doesn't play. Keep that in   mind because it's very important. And if you now  remove this background video you can see, this is   the way people will see it. Now you also need  to do this, for this particular slide with the   threes. And then we just upload this image right  there. And now we've created the video background   which is compatible with all their systems, all  the browsers so we are all good to go. This is   great. I also want to add a little shout out to  the title, because you can read the title when   the background is white. So what we're going to do  just down there and press this button titled text   shadow. And here you can just change the position  of it, and you can adjust, I like it a little bit   there. And I want to make it a little bit more  darker. So, all right, this is awesome. So I   also want this exact same shadow to appear on the  other slide so what we're going to do text shadow,   we just press the right bugs on your website. We  got to press extent title text shadow, just press   this, we want to extend it to all modules, and  we only want to do is due to this section because   this is just one section so unsafe. To do this I  press extent. And now if I go to the, I'm going   to save this one I'm gonna go to the next slider,  and right now the shadow has also been added to   this slide so that is pretty easy if you want  to change different styles of your slides just   in one go. This is a way to do it. So you can also  add a image to your slide just press this button,   and just pick an image, and just press upload  and then your image will appear on the left   side of your page. You can of course add a video  a view will look like a video will look like this,   it is either a image or a video, you can't have  both. But I like the image, so let's just use a.   Alright guys, important thing I do want to point  out, if you want to change some settings have   all the slides in one go, just go to the slider  settings, not all of the individual slides will   have the slider settings in general, and you  go to, for example, image, and you can make,   let's say, a border around all the images in  all the slides that is very useful to change   different signs, different settings in all the  slides in one go, it will save you a lot of time.   So, also the title tags we have just changed the  shadow below it, but as you can see right now, if   I want to change it again to me for example or red  or blue, nothing will happen. On this slide, why,   because this slide has been changed, individually,  but what you will notice is the slides are not   moving by themselves they are just standing  there, how are we going to change that,   well go back to Devi, go into the settings of  your slider and you go to design, and we go to   Animation, all the way in the bottom, and there  you go, you press this switch ultimate animation.   And here you can change the automatic animation  speed in milliseconds. So that means when I do,   for 1000s, it means four seconds. Let's save this  and let's see how this looks on the front ends,   1234, and this works pretty good. So you can  definitely change the amount of time it takes   before the next slide, but around four or five  or six seconds depending on the content, you can   choose whatever you like. So the first thing most  client asked is how do we remove this animation   of the images as you can see the image is sliding  from the left and the text is sliding from below,   how can we change those settings. Well, it's  pretty easy if you know how, just go back to   your visual builder. We go to fonts, you go  to Custom CSS, and you go all the way down.   And we go to slide description and we paste in the  text animation name is not. Now this CSS snippet   will also be available in the description  of this video where you can find a link for   all the CSS snips that we're using today. You can  all, as you can see right now, the description   is always on displays is not moving anywhere  two images however, are still moving.   So you go down there and you go to your  slide image. And there you face in the same   snippet animation name is, as you can see now  the images, and text will stay in the same   place. You can also change different  animation styles. For example,   if you change this to fade in, you can see that  the description of this slide will feed in.   That's pretty awesome. You can also do fade  left. And it will come from the left side   of your screen. You can also do, for example,  fade in from the bottom, you get this effect.   And you could also say, we're going to live  it in from x. And now, your text will flip in   in your website, you're so would you could  also add this to your, for example your image.   So if you put this on flipping, y, and the other  one or flipping x, this is what you see one.   So that's pretty awesome. So you can change  anything, I'll post it in the CSS snippets in the   description of this video so you can find all the  possibilities you have within the Divi slider. So   another question I get asked, really often is,  how can we add two buttons inside the sliders.   Well, it's also pretty easy if you know how  just go into the settings of your slider,   go to the slide where you want to add two  buttons, and it's, go to your body Dex click on   text, and you just paste in this code right there  you can find in the description of this video   in the snippets, and now you have two buttons,  and those are actually pretty cool. You can just   change the name of the button one and right  there, and you can of course change the link   it is over here, and button two right there  and the link also there. So now you know how   to add two buttons. Alright let's style the  slider some more before we go on to the next   module. Now we have to leave this button area,  empty because we have already have two buttons.   Alright let's save this one right if you go  to elements, you can control the elements   of your slider, do you want to use the you see  those arrows on the sides when someone hovers   over your module, yes or no. And do you want to  show the controls, what are the controls well,   if you look down there. These are the controls on  your slider. I usually remove them. I really don't   like them, but it's common that you use one of  the two so people can interact with your slider.   You can also make the entire module a  link, of course, the background. Well,   you don't need it because the individual sliders  now have backgrounds, if you go to design you go   to overlay you can change a background overlay as  you can see right now what it does on the screen,   it makes it a little bit darker. You can of  course change the color right here to make   it entirely black, or just a little bit,  or you can do whatever you want with this,   it is pretty amazing so you can always read  your text. You can also use not only background   overlay but also a text overlay. Now you can have  a nice figure right there so people can actually   see your text. And I would also suggest always  make it a little bit of gradient but it's   totally dependent on your style. You can  just change the corners of your overlay   text right it's pretty awesome right let's, let's  use the background of I like this very much.   You can change the color of your navigations. Now,  we have just started off. So let's turn them on,   and you go to navigation, and now you can  see the commercials the navigation they're   red. Right now, you can make them any color you  like. And also when he doesn't have negation is   down there you can make them, purple, you  can make them think you can make it white.   The image is the image right there you can create  rounded corners on the image. Well, our image is,   as you can see you can see a little bit down there  but not very much because we are using a PNG,   and you can create, of course, a border  on your image. Well, let's not do that   right now. So, that is, the last thing I want  to show you because of the rest. You all know   how it works if you don't know, follow my other  videos about the titles, about the Divi modules.   And you can also go with animation you can  flip your entire module to animate like this,   I would not advise you to do so because, first  of all, speed it will only show this animation,   after the entire page has been loaded, and that  causes for a delay of a couple of milliseconds,   and you don't want people to wait that  long. So, I would say just keep this on   none. And at the enemy at ultramatic animation  for example like seven seconds. All right,   this button continue ultimately slide on hover  should be on so when you hover your mouse over the   image, then your animation will continue, you're  going to sort of turn it off if you want people to   unable to read it and it won't slide while they  have their cursor on your slider module but   it's totally up to you. Alright, so for the  last thing I want to show you if you go to   Advanced and you go to visibility. You can even  change some things specific for other devices   like your mobile show your content on mobile,  yes or no. Show your call to action on mobile,   those are the buttons. Show your image your video  on mobile, yes or no, you can actually turn it   off, and you can of course, hide it but this is  a free module so this is what will happen on your   mobile device. If I turn the image on, he will  show it, it will be shown on top, or never turn   it up, removed. As you can see right now it's a  little bit too low, but the header isn't okay. And   the call to action on mobile Yes Now, any content  on mobile. That was the last thing I want to show   you is a little bit different than the other  modules, and we are going to the next module.   The next module is a the social media, follow  module, we're gonna click it off right there,   the social media module, I use it a lot,  because it's very useful when you want to   add your social media accounts into your website  is pretty easy. So the first thing you will see   is the Facebook and Twitter has already been  activated. Let's first center it on the screen so   we got to design we go to alignment, and you click  on this button right there. As you can see right   now it is centered on the middle of my screen,  this looks very great. All right, this, let's   get back to content. So you can add your social  networks, right here with this plus button, just   press it and just add your button you want to add,  I want to add Insta. And I also want to add my   YouTube channel. And of course I also want to add  the last one is my female accounts so press safe,   and now we have a bunch of social media accounts  which we can work with. So let's go to eigene   right now, the link target should always be in  a new tab, because when someone clicks on this   they're leaving your website, you want to make it  possible for them to easily close the tab and come   back to your website. So keep that on new tab,  the follow button if you enable this, you will   see immediately next to the I guess the following  text. This is a call to action, and to be honest,   I never use the Follow button next to my show for  BI, but you can, of course, enable it. So let's,   let's keep it enabled right now. In the background  you can add a background to your entire module.   As you can see, I wouldn't use it in this setting,  right now, so let's keep it that one admin label   is just for you on the back end, right, if you go  to design and you go to alignment you can choose   where you want them all to be, let's center them.  And if you go to icon now things start to become   really awesome because you can change in  one go, the color of all the icons of your   social media networks as you can see right now  let's make them red No, let's keep them white,   it is better if you want to use the custom size  you can change it so you can make them really big.   Let's keep it this way, the decks. Well, this is  the text about in the follow button. So, if you   kind of make it light, then things change a bit,  if you make it dark then it will be like this,   I like the light one. The following button, you  can use custom styles for it. Of course you can   make it a bit bigger, because I have changed the  size of the icon so let's make the Follow button,   the same size. And you can of course change text,  and you can of course change the background of,   of all the buttons. So now you can  make them a little bit more bluish   or let's make them the style of this website,  and, oh, and let's make it more red with white   or red with black, for example.  So, you can change it right there.   The border White is of course the border  around the Follow button. Pretty awesome,   and the border radius is well, you get the point  you can make them. Right. Okay. The letter spacing   will change the size of between the letters, just  keep them off. And now we have just changed this   one too, for example, Cody star. Well, This follow  buttons are really getting ugly right now but   you get the point you can change your follow  buttons up here, so let's turn this entire   button off because I really don't like follow  buttons at all. All right, let's go back to   design the item size yes keep them, not too  small but just keep them big enough for you,   let's make them a little bit bigger for learning  purposes. The text the Follow button is sizing,   we were right here this is the sizing of your  module, which will be not using right now,   the spacing of course you can edit the border at  borders to all the different icons. This can be   useful if you want to change them and make them  look more the style of your website. So this is   pretty useful. Shout out. Let's give them all a  little bit of shout out right there. The filters,   of course, and the Transform option. You can of  course do some crazy stuff with your IQ so that   looks really funny. If you want to create a little  bit of a three V thing right there. And of course   your animation, which you can use on every Divi  module, because the most common question I get   is how do we get more spacing between the icons.  Well you can, if you go to spacing and you go to   left, nothing happens right so little padding  right there. Nothing really happened to give   them more space between the icons. So how are  we going to do that. Well, You go to advanced,   you go to Custom CSS, and you go to the show show  icon and you type in margin. Right. Is 135 pixels.   And here you go, now you have 25 pixels between  the icons. you can of course, James is also to   percentages, or he wide, so it is all being  calculated on the few wide of your screen the   bigger screen, the more space there is. That would  be great to go with three and if you now switch to   mobile view, you will see that the few white, the  space between the items is less than when you go   to desktop. You see, so it's been calculated  by the few white of your screen is pretty   useful one. So now you know how to create the  social media buttons but I also want to show   you something more, because when you go to  your content, and you go to your Facebook.   Now you can add Of course your link. Always at the  HTTPS slash w present doctor I don't   have a Facebook account. This is how it works,  and here you can change the background color.   So let's say for example you want all the  items to be the same color, you can do that   let's make them pull back all of them. That looks  pretty awesome, you go to Twitter, make it black,   you go to Instagram, you make it black, and you go  to YouTube you make it black, and we go to Gmail,   and also make it like now, this is really Stoffel  if you want to show the icons, just not so much,   and all the same colors. It is so possible, we  go into the settings of the individual social   network so enter your link right there changed  the background, you can change it for social media   network which is really great. Alright so that's  basically it because there's not much more to   say about the social media follow module. I often  use this module in my headers and in my footers,   because it's really great for that.  Alright, let's go to the next module.   Welcome back. The next module is a baby steps, so  we're going to add the depth right here below this   one. So we just went to the slider social media  follow now we go with the tabs, what are the tabs,   well just as you see right here, those are tabs  like you use in your browser or anything else.   It's very useful if you want to get some more  information about your journeys or your technical   information, and you have different topics, and  you don't want to create an entire page you just   create tabs tabs are pretty useful so let's give  it some content right now, this step title will be   WordPress will some time ago. It is open source  and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla   blah blah blah. Alright so now you know what's  in there. All right, the next step will be   calling Devi, the most, and this greatest visual  builder. It gives you endless possibilities while   blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. And of course  we're going to create a nother one, which is   speed. The best way to get more speed out of your  installation, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.   All right, now we have something to work with. So  if you go to the front end of your website this   way tabs work you just press on it, and you can  see the actual text right let's style this module   a little bit further, let's go to design and go  to your body text, you can change the text of the   body for all your different tabs, let's change  this to, neato, and we have to make it a little   bit bigger. Let's try 18 And here you can change  of course the text as with every different module,   you know how it works, let's go to tap Next.  The depth. Next is the tabs on the top right   here will you see the brush items right now. If  I press it will go to this one, you can make the   background color of your tab, a color, whatever  you want. So let's make it a little bit like this   one, the inactive depth, we can make them white,  for example, that background color, could be   black and adaptdx color could be black, or you can  make them for example, it'll be great like this so   people know exactly where they are right now, the  depth font should be the same, I think, neato is   great, or wellness skill as well it's also pretty  cool. We have to make it a little bit bigger.   Yes, all right. If you go to sizing you can just  change your module exactly the same with spacing   your border around your entire module, I would  not use this right now, the box shadow, of course,   you press on content you go to your WordPress  step first one and then you go to design you   can actually change the text, of course, and the  titles of this individual depth is really great.   You can change the text color and it will  change only in this one and not in the other   one you can also change the background color  right now to make it for example he is blue.   And now when you see it when you go to the  other one. This one is not affected by the   changes we did in the WordPress version, nothing  in the other tab about WordPress, not about Divi,   so it's pretty cool you can change anything you  want, you can actually add a background image,   so you can see what happened, you can actually add  images on the background of your tabs. It's pretty   cool. It's actually a pretty normal text module  but with depth so you know how to change a left   one, don't you, this is actually pretty boring.  What if we can create two tabs with two images, or   even more. And you could actually create something  really awesome with that one. Let me show you what   I mean, you go into the settings of your module.  And we're going to delete this one, we go to   advance a CSS ID and we add this class, I can taps  breasts, if we go to the settings on this page,   we go to advanced custom CSS, you basically have  this code that you can find in the description   of this video. Now, Now we're going to add some  images so you go to media library and add two   images that you want to use in your tabs. Well,  let's say I want to use for this one I want to use   this heart. We're going to paste it in right here  just remove those one and add them in right there.   And I also want to use this one, and  I go to my second URL, I'm gonna make   this one. Alright, pretty cool. So now when you  save this one, and we got to save this page.   And now when we load it on the front end,  this is what you will see we have used these   modules to create something more awesome.  Now you might be thinking well what can I   do with this one. Well, it's pretty easy.  For example, let's change this to ask a   personal quote, and the other one is  for example, ask a question professional   coat, and now as you can see people can actually  switch between these two and they can see a   different form, or right there. So, this is how  you can do it. I totally trust your creativity to   use this and create something really awesome,  right, the code is in the description of this   video and if you take a look at this code more  in detail, then you will see that there is a lot   more that you can change you can add and you can  customize So good luck with this module I know   you can create something really awesome.  Alright, we're going to the next module.   Alright so the next module we're going to  discuss is a one, I use a lot, and it is   called the testimonial modules, this is what  Divi standard testimonial module looks like it   is a icon with a image, and your content in May.  Well it's pretty awesome. So let's just fill it in   really quick. So when you click on image you can  add this image right there, right, Johnny, you're   awesome. But if you go to elements you can disable  the code icon yes or no. Let's go to Design.   You can style the quote icon. So I want to first  of all want to make it a little bit bigger.   This is great. We're going to fix  that later on the background color   of the coat I can I will make it white, and  I want this one to be blueish like the style   right there. If you go to image you  can actually style your image right   there. You can choose the bite, and the height of  your image. I would suggest you keep it the same,   but this way you can make it a very long  image, or you can just make it a round image   is totally up to you if you want to go bigger  than 200 pixels of course that is possible.   For example, let's go with 400 pixels, or you can  use percentages or whatever. So we'll go back to   200. I think 200 is incorrect. We want of course  the rounded corners so let's make that 50%   And when you do it, it becomes a really smooth,  really nice completely rounded image shows,   that is what I want you get at a border right  there to your image, if you want it, so you can   of course add a shadow to your image right there  looks really great change all these styles well,   and let's change the body font, we're going  to change this one to neato, gonna make it a   little bit bigger, or else you can really read  it, let's change it to 18 right, awesome. And   if you just point your mouse at your module you  now see all these brushes, where you can change   actually exactly the same things that we are doing  right now, Buddy text. This is the author text.   Let's make it black. And this is, for example,  his position text. Let's make this one, bold,   and this is the company text so you can change  this one to to another color right there. So   this is the way you can actually style this  entire module, it's so simple, and it's just   the way that you imagine it to work. It's really  easy so I've just shown you the most use things   that I change. And I also like to add some more  spacing between the icon and the deck so we go to   a false custom css, and you go to the testimonial  description, and you add margin top is 50 px.   Yo now. Now you can see that we have pushed the  text down but if you also want to change the image   right down you can go to portrait and also add the  same amount, margin top, for example 50 px on the   testimonial portrait box. So this is the way you  can actually really easy change this entire thing.   This module is really straight to the point is  really easy so let's go on to the next module.   The next module is the most used module in  the defeat world, it is. Let's go to it.   We scroll all the way down and we are in the  last modules right now, it's the text module,   I'm going to show you how to change this one, you  can just add some little text in it, and you can   of course just style it the way you know how you  can style your text modules. So that is pretty   basic and really straightforward. What you might  not know is that these options here on the top   here you can style your links. Your unordered list  your ordered list, And your blockquote inside your   desks, you might not know that already. So if I  go to my accountant and go to write checks, I'm   going to add a little Buddha list, I'm just going  to create something that you might want to know   because the most requested feature on this one is  how can we change the bullet list, so let's make   this one bullet lists, WordPress Divi is awesome.  You go to the texaan add design settings and you   go down here you can change the list style tag you  can make a circle of it, you can make square of   it, or you can make nothing of it. And that's  all there is. Why isn't there anymore. Well,   I got you covered my friend, you we go. You go to  a fancy go to CSS Ida classes and we're gonna give   this one a CSS class, we just go custom underscore  bullets gonna save this one. Now we go to the Page   Settings, we go to fonts we go to Custom CSS. And  now you just paste in this custom CSS snippet, and   you can find it in the description of this video,  so just paste it in, and as you can see right now   what happens. This enables you to use all these  icons as your bullets in Divi, isn't that awesome.   So as you can see right now, I have used  the slash for IE, in my Divi bullets as   you can see right now you have two bullets,  and a checkmark. So, what are we going to do,   we're going to save this one, we going back into  our next module, we go to design, to go to decks,   and then we go to our unordered list, and then we  are going to the diet is not exactly like that.   She now save it, you can see right now that  we have checkmarks as our bullet list. And   on the back end, Google will still see that those  are bullets, so it works really awesome if you   want to use another icon, it's very easy. Just go  to the elegant theme fonts link is also in the CSS   snippet, so if you want, for example, this arrow  right here, we would need e03c, just copy it,   go back to your CSS, and just replace this  one, remove everything before, and the x   itself and remove anything at behind the  C. Here you go, No, you have changed the   bullet signal to create this beautiful icon.  Well, this is just awesome. And of course,   you can style it all the way you want. The  margin right for example you can make this like,   let me show you what happens if you just  change the margin on the right side,   then you can just change the distance between  the text and your bullets. You can also change   the margin on the entire left side to make  it more lined out with the module above.   If you for example, want to make them green just  add color is and your HEXCode and then you will   get the right color of your icons. Isn't that  awesome? Alright, let's go to the next module.   So the next module we're going to talk  about is the let's see right there is the,   we're almost done guys. Oh no, the toggle module.  So, the sample module is actually quite the same   as the accordion module we talked about in another  video, but this one is just only one toggle, so   let me show you how this works, you title,  Joseph course here, your awesome toggle,   title, and the content goes in there, of course,  right then you have to state, right there,   the state will say, well, is your trouble  open by default, or is it close by default,   something that our Cordier module still needs to  have this middle option is is great background   here you can change the background of your  entire toggle module and this will change   all the backgrounds of your module, I would not  recommend this. So, let's just close it. If you   go to design you can change the color of your  icon. So let's say let's make it dark blue,   and you could even change the font size of your  icon. As you can see the toggle itself that   open toggle background color, that is when you  press this button, what kind of background does   really have. But if you do that what you  will see right now is when you click on it,   it will change after the animation, so you can  actually remove the animation, or just remove   the background color. The close toggle background  color can be different. So for example, it can be   black, and your text. Well, we can make it  white, and we can change the font of course,   do anything you want. So, this is pretty obvious  and pretty logical right just hit that icon there   that brush icon and you can change the toggle,  oh if I change my background, why am I good is   gone, so you get is not very much good so use  something that is pretty okay. But you can see all   the time like this. Actually, this entire module  is really simple because the next is just your   clothes title text color. If you want to be made  clothes, white, and when you have your title text,   open it is black, is pretty easy. So, this is one  of those modules that it's pretty awesome to add   a custom construction shout out to your, to your  module you can also add a border to it if you   really like that. It really pops out. So one of  the questions I most got is how do I change this   I can and can we give us some more space, yes  of course you can just go through spacing and   go to your padding and just add a little bit more  spacing right there. And now you can see that you   can just move this all the way around that even a  toggle button if you don't want to change, toggle,   I can just delete this one you can only change  this one, which is pretty awesome. All right,   border box Show filter stress for everything  is pretty much straightforward issue note but   now it's the question, how can we change the icon  of this toggle button. Well, you need something,   we got to save this one, you go to options up  this page, you go to a fancy go to Custom CSS,   and here you paste in the snippet, I, you can find  a description of this video and you can just paste   it in there, right there. As you can see that this  icon just has changed to dislike, which is pretty   awesome. If you ask me if you want to have another  I can just go to the website. Elegant Themes.   And here you can just select any icon you want, be  sure to only use it from the x. So if you want to   use this one just copy this entire thing. Go back  to your CSS and removed it to numbers and make   it for example remove everything before the X and  remove also this one. So now you have it. Here is   your icon that we have selected. So that's the  way how it works with these items. Alright,   so that's basically it. Let's go to the next  module. So on this awesome juicy website,   I want to add a new module, and it's almost a left  of this video. So we're gonna hit the plus button,   and we're going to see what is this, it's safe,  video module right we're going to add a video   right there. Well, the video module is actually  very very useful and I use it a lot of times,   to implement any videos that you want. So, for  example, if you want to have a YouTube URL,   just press the video, and press Insert from URL  just paste in your YouTube video or your female   video or whatever video you want and just drop  the URL right there and press Insert into post.   Now your video has been insert. So you can also  add your own videos, just go to Media Library,   upload a file or when it's already there, just  press it and press upload video and now your   video will be added to the video module. The  video module. It has to be pushed to play it   will automatically play, if you want to have  it ultimately displayed. Then you have to use   it as a background for example, just go to  the Row Settings, go to background, click on   the video I can add your background right there  press upload a video, and then you press ok and   this is what happens. So, and then it will play  out automatically, but if you'd want to do this,   then you also need to add a few Reb M files so  to maximize your compatibility with different   devices, how you can create a web M video, well  it's pretty easy, you just use your mp4 video,   just go to this web app website from Cloud confer  it's really awesome company they let you go for   free files up to 10,000 days so it's pretty  awesome. Just select your video and change nothing   about all this stuff and nothing about this stuff,  you want to trim it, you can trim it, and then you   can just press the button comfort now, and it will  be confirmed and downloaded to your computer and   you could upload it again in defeat. So that's  the way how you can add this webcam video but it   is if you want to use it as a background, we are  not talking about, that's what we are actually   talking about the video module. So battery, video,  video module is. I use this video inside of the   video module, it looks great. I don't like all  these YouTube elements like this Dagfinn Watch   Later share and watch on YouTube. I just want  this picture with a play button, just go to   replay and press generate from video. Now, it will  take the thumbnail from YouTube, and put it in   right there. This is amazing. This doesn't work  for some reason you can just press this gear icon,   you go to your media library and choose any  image you like I just uploaded my file. Now   I can use that one. Or I can just use this one  and now we have a overlay from a different guide,   like this thumbnail so it's pretty cool. However,  labels on is totally invisible right now because   of the white background. So what are we going to  do about it, we go to design, because a Play icon,   and we just make it black. It is that easy. Yes,  it is that easy. You can even change this size of   this one. If you press on overlay you can change  the overlay, if this color to maybe for example   completely wide or a little bit in between like  that. This is pretty great. If you go to sizing.   You can of course change the byte of your  module, which is pretty useful. You could   change the module, alignment, anywhere you want on  the page but let's, let's leave it like this one.   Of course you can add a border, I really  like the box shadows with this feel   modules, because they really pop out a bit, and  I really love that with this one. And of course,   you can use the filters as you know it will  change and everything on this particular video.   Basically, this module is pretty easy.  But what if you want to change the icon.   Use Free Play button. How are we going to do that.  Well, it's pretty easy if you know how to go to   the options of this page, we go to finance  and just base in the CSS snippet which has   a background and it says your URL image right  here, dot png. So we're going to do you go to   media library, and you're going to add or use  image like this one is pretty cool. You press copy   URL to clipboard, and remember the dimensions, 86,  by 90 Alright, let's go back, we're going to paste   in the URL right there, and now we only have  to change the height and the white 90 by   86. And now you can see we have this  awesome play button on our custom   play button in our Divi video module, and if I  now save this. Let's exit the visual builder.   And you can see now you have this awesome play  button. However, it's not centered in the middle.   So if you want to send it, we have to go back to  this is your Biller, we go to the option so up to   speech we go to fonts custom CSS. And here you  can find the place where it should be. So if   you want to lower this bottom a bit well you  just go to there and you go in margin top and   add some 150 pixels for example, and how you see  the deep button just down to be really honest,   you have to change just one and replace this one  with the right one. But hey, let's use a shortcut   right now, just add margin top 50 px right now.  Alright, that's it. So now, now you know also how   to use your own images as a video play button  in the module. Let's go to the last module.   So for our next and last module we are going to  stay on this juice website, and we're going to add   a, a field slider. Now, the field slider is not  actually what you think it would do like slideshow   videos No, it looks quite a bit different so  let's just insert our first video, then you go and   duplicate it and now you can see what will happen.  This is how the slider looks like it's actually   multiple videos below, that one, you can actually  can see right now, if a slider with all the videos   that I've read to maximum four fields here below  but you can also just copy and duplicate anymore,   and you can press this button to see the rest of  the videos alright but you get the point. So let's   go with these four videos. Now the first thing  you will see that these videos are just new video   new video new video, just press this button,  go into admin label. Here you can give it a   label, this is the one, if you cancel this we're  going to have this one press to save. Alright,   so now we can actually see what's inside  the field slider pretty useful don't forget,   if you go to elements right now you can choose  to show the arrows, these are the arrows,   you can just press, no, now they are gone, or yes,  the slider controls you can use a thumbnail track,   as they call it already done, navigation, the  navigation is really hard to see. So you have   to make it bigger and a different color,  but I like the sound mill track a bit more,   you can go to the overlay. Well, I would suggest  to use this one because as you can see now it is   way more smoother if you're using videos from  YouTube. Now we don't have all the commercials,   it will just grab all the thumbnails from it and  just place them in right there. This looks great.   If you click on the background you can change the  background for the thumbnail track right there.   This looks pretty awesome. And of course, but I  do like the box shadow with this module however   if you click on the box shadow, it will create  individual shadows. Also below the thumbnail track   so that's pretty awesome. I want to just turn it  on because it looks alright Boris phrasing sizing,   it's all the same play control color is also  the same as I told you in my video before   in the video module is exactly the same. So he you  can change. Oh. Now, my question is, of course,   can you use our CSS snippets to also change this  play button to the one we had before. Well, let's,   let's see if it works. As you can see actually  yes, the snippet also works with the video slider,   and if you wondering how can I change  the generated thumbnail or anything,   just click a few minutes back to go to the  video module because it is exactly the same,   so the only thing I'm missing is video  module is how to create an automatic slider   because they say it's a video slider, but I  can't seem to find a outro animation. Hmm.   So that's definitely something they could  improve. Alright, if you liked this video   hit that like button and if you want to see  more about full white modules, it will be the   last video in this series, so maybe I'll see  you there. And as always have a awesome day.
Channel: WPress Doctor
Views: 1,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Divi, Divi modules, Persons Module, Number Module, Portfolio Module, Post Navigation Module, Post Slider Module, Post Title Module, Pricing Table Module, Search Module, Products Module, Sidebar Module, Divi theme modules, Divi Elegant Themes modules, divi toturial, divi tutorial, divi modules explanation, divi modules demonstration, divi 2021, part 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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