All Divi Modules Overview incl. CSS Tricks - Part 3

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Hey guys, it's the WPress Doctor here. Welcome  to part three of 'All Divi Modules' video series.   In this video, I'm going to take you by the  hand and I am going to show you a lot of fun   modules of Divi. I'm going to teach you how  you can change them, how you can optimize them,   and also, I'm going to show you some CSS snippets  that I use for my clients on their websites. For   example: "How can we create this funny Persons  Module?" "How we can change the percentage   sign of the Number Counter Modules?" And also  "How to stop the sliding animation in the Post   Slider?" and I'm going to show you a bunch more.  So let's get started and have some fun.   Alright, so the next module we're going  to create is the 'Persons Module'.   Because we have had all these modules in the past.  So let's go with the Persons Module. The Persons   Module is a very nice module, if you want to  create for example, like this, 'Your specialists'.   We are on a website who sells cars, you can  actually drive like the WPress Doctor. And I mean,   it looks like this, it is amazing. All right, so  let's create our specialists. The first thing you   notice when you add this module is you get a image  and the name, position and your content. So let's   fill that out really fast right now, so we have  something to work with. "Total car freak" he is   the owner of the company. Really? A google  plus profile URL? That is just really old.   Alright so we have the first Car Freak and  you can ofcourse add some content about it.   "I really like cars from when I was a little boy  and I just played with my sisters Barbie camper, I   totally took it apart and build it out to a  Hummer." Alright, so let's give this guy an image.   So let's use this guy as our Total Car Freak.  Alright, let's style this image a bit. First,   we're going to 'Design', we go to 'Image'. So  let's make all these corners rounded because I   don't like the style of this. So let's add 50% and  BAM, that's awesome. Alright if you want a border,   you can just add a little border. I like this.  Let's make it... well what's the color of this   website? I think it is a bit red, yeah the dark  red. That looks great. Let's change this to   dark red. Let's make it a little bit less  intense. And of course, you can add a   shadow if you want to do that to the entire box.  That looks really great. Let's go to the text.   The text shadow... I wouldn't add a text shadow  but I do like to align my text in the center   because I'm talking about people right now. So  that looks a little bit better. Let's make the   title text a little bit bigger. Let's give  it a awesome font like Motserrat or Poppins.   I really should make a video about most use  fonts online, because that would be interesting.   Total Car Freak. That's great.  Alright I... the owner, well,   it's a little bit small so let's make it a  little bit bigger. And let's make it like that.   Nah I did like the color. Oh yeah the icons you  can change on the top and you can also make them   the style of your website. So I would suppose, let  make it a little bit dark red right there. This is   a great color, let use this also for the border.  Let's go to 'Image' than you go to 'border'   and just change the color. All right, this is  great. So now we have a person's module which   is very easy, very simple. What are more things  you can do with this one. You can of course add a   shadow to the entire box. You can do that, but if  you do that, you need to add some little spacing.   So we go to 'Spacing', we go to 'Padding',  and we're gonna add a little bit more padding.   Especially to the left and right as you can see,  this looks way better than we had before. So using   this you can actually create a really awesome  little card, as we talked about car specialist   this really looks nice. So we're gonna.. this is  awesome. Now, another thing I would suppose to do,   we could add a background. Now, I don't advice  to do this, but let's add a little bit of   gradient. Let's go with the dark red as we  just have used, and let's go with white also.   Now the thing we can do now is really great.  We can change the gradient. And we can make   it a hard line with the starting positions, as  you can see like that now is a very hard line.   And as you now can change this all  the way you would like to do. But   just keep in mind you still must be able  to read the text right there. So, I think   we should make this a little bit more or less  intense, and then we get a really, really nice.   A really nice effect, right there, so I like that.  Alright, so let's change this to another one.   And we're going to change it to another one. And  then we have a beautiful specialist team waiting   for you to buy your next beautiful car. Those  are really beautiful cars aren't they? Alright,   so. So what can you do more with these persons  modules. Well it's very nice if you add a little   bit of hover animation. So we go to 'Design',  we go to 'Transform', and we go to transform   translate and we press this hover button. And now  when you hover your mouse over the module, it will   really pop out like this. Alright. You press  Save Changes. And now when you save this page.   And we exit this visual builder. What will  happen right now is: when you go to this area,   when you hover your mouse over it, it will just  pop out. So, that's really awesome. So this is the   basic module. Now, let's create something really  awesome with some custom CSS. So when you move   your mouse over it, the images will... well just  take a look at what will happen. I'm going to give   you a CSS snippet which is really nice and you  can actually change it, the style you want to do.   So let's go to the settings of this page right  there you go to 'Advanced' you go to 'Custom CSS',   and you paste here the CSS snippet that I have  put into the description of this video. So you   can just download it and use it the way you want.  Now, let's see what happens when I add this.   Press save and then you go to your module, you go  to 'Advanced', you go to 'CSS ID & Classes' and we   add this class, right there. Now what you can see  is when you now hover your mouse over your module.   That's aaaamaaaaazing! That's so cool. So now  you can just really customize your module and   these effects. So for example if you go  to your custom CSS again of this page,   you will see that I have added some really  cool stuff right there. So when you look   at this snippet, you can now change for example  the scale of the transformation of the image. If   you put it to 1.3 its going to get really big if  you put it back to 1.1, then that's really cool,   the way it is. And if you scroll even further down  you can change here the background of the social   link so now it is red. As you can see when I  move it, you can see it changing right there.   So let's change it to a light one and when  you hit it is going to be yellow. Well,   you can just change that, in your - here is the  yellow code - so you can just change it in the   CSS snippet. But this is really cool. So  let me show you how it looks right now,   when we go to this section of our specialist,  and we hover our mouse over our team. Well, this   looks great. So now you have an idea about the  person module. Let's go to the next module.   Alright so the next module we're going to talk  about, is the 'Number Counter'. And this module   is actually pretty basic, a number with a counter  on it. It's pretty simple. But with this number   counter we can create some pretty cool stuff.  Let me show you how to do it. Let me add here   a title, so your title will be "Websites build".  And I don't want this percent sign but we can   turn it on later on because I will show you  how to change the percent sign to dollar   sign or anything else. Alright. If you want to  make this module to link out to anything else   you can do it right here. Background, of course  we can change it will be changing this later on.   Right, just go to 'Design' and we  go to your text. Let's. Oh, hold on.   "Websites build" you can't see  it anywhere so where is it? Well,   just press the brush icon right there, or you  go to 'Design' and you go to 'Title text',   and here we can change this to white and there  it is. To make it more consistent with the rest   of the website we go to this brush icon and  we press this color I've created. I use this   color more in this entire website on  this page. So, this one looks better.   Okay, so I have built 821 websites, and you  can of course add shadows to it but basically   this is all there is about this module. Because  it's very, very simple and straight to the point.   The funny thing is now when you load the page you  will see that - let's save it first- you will see   a beautiful counter module inside your page  so it's pretty useful and it's pretty funny.   Let's see how it looks on the  front end. Exit the visual builder,   and we scroll down, and here we go. It's pretty  neat right? Now, I'm going to show you another few   things we can do with this module, for example,  right now I want to clone this one. I drag it   over here, and we're going to change this one  to "Dollars earned", and let's make this 5.268.   Alright, we go to elements and we are going to add  this percent sign. Now, we got to do some pretty   nice trick. We are going to 'Advanced' we go to  'Custom CSS', and we go to the 'Percent' sign.   So we're going to change this one  and I'm going to make this like with,   dollars earned 5847 right then you go to  'Advanced' we go to 'CSS ID & Classes' and   we're going to add the class of: "dollar". So  you go down here you go to your 'Page options',   and you go to 'Advanded' -> 'Custom CSS', and  you add this snippet you can find inside of   the description of this video. And as you can see  right now what happens it immediately changes to a   Dollar sign. Isn't it awesome? Now if we  save this one. Now, we exit visual builder.   And now if we go to our section you  will see that the dollars are adding up.   Isn't that awesome? So you can of course change  this to everything you like so: "earn a passive   stream of income like this" and you get the idea.  And of course you can change anything with this   with this dollar sign. For example if you want  to have another sign right there let's make it,   for example, euros. Then we need to change the  CSS class to euro. We save this one, we go back   to the CSS of this page. 'Options' -> 'Advanced'  -> 'Custom CSS', and we gonna copy this one,   create another one. We're gonna, oops, we're gonna  call it "euro". And then we gotta make the sign,   for example a Euro sign. It's unbelievable! But  it works. So you can do this with everything   you want with all combinations and keywords and  things on your on your keyboard... its amazing,   but you can also -let me try it- Haha, this is  awesome. So you can also change and add some   crazy icons. So I really don't know why do you  want to have it but you can. It's just to show you   that you can add anything inside of there. You can  also add the Elegant Themes icons, but you have to   change a little bit more, but just be creative.  Alright, so we're gonna add right now let's add,   let's change this back to euros. I'm going to  show you right now how you can add a beautiful   background around and make it round. So you go  to 'Background', let's make it white for example.   No let's make it this color and we're going  to change the title back to white. Alright,   now we're going to create a circle of this  background. How are you going to do that?   Well I'm going to show you. So you just go to  'Design' you go to 'Border' and here you can add   this 50%. And let's see what happens. It  doesn't look very neat because it is a bit too   small. So, what are we going to do about  that? We go to 'Design' we go to 'Sizing',   we go to 'Height'. And we're going to change  this a little bit to make it -for example 100px.   Well that's really not the way we should  do it. 200 pixels, maybe four. Whoa.   All right 300 pixels, this looks  awesome because now it is a   beautiful circle. However, it's a little  bit too big, it is huge. We're going to   'Spacing' and we're going to add 'Padding'  right there. As you can see, here we go!   So now you can have a border around it, a  circle around it. If you want to create it,   now you know how you can do it very easily  if you also want to have a border. Sure,   why not, let's make a white border around  it. And now this looks pretty funny.   So, there's not much more to say about the number  counter module so let's go to the next one.   So the next module we're NOT going to talk  about is the 'Portfolio'. Why aren you NOG   going to talk about it? Well I'm going to  show you why. If you go to 'Insert module',   and we scroll down and we just had about  the 'Person', we go to 'Portfolio' but   as you can see the portfolio is actually  quite the same as the 'Filterable portfolio'   which we already discussed in another  video. So, the link is up there. So,   if you want to watch how are we going to style  this one just watch that because it's exactly   the same, but there are no tabs above it. So,  have fun, and we're going to the next module.   The next module, we're going to create is the  'Post Navigation'. Well as you drop down here   we're going to add a new module there. And  it's called the 'Post Navigation'. The 'Post   Navigation' is a module which you can customize  your next and previous links to another pages.   They're highly customizable, so that's pretty  awesome. So I've created a page. This is a page,   not a post and what you can do right there is the  previous link and the next link you can see the   contact is one, and the audit- to website audits,  is another one. "The previous link" and "The next   link" as you can see down there is going  to change to previous link and the next   link. And we're going to style it in bit  just hold on, we got to make it a button.   So with the categories option you can actually  make this next and previous link go to some page,   or some posts in the same category. If you're  using a post then it's most likely that   it is created inside a category. If you have a  page for example, or another kind of page, you   can just add here a custom taxonomy name, which  will be connected with each other. So if you have   multiple pages you give them the same name right  here like 'jewelry'. And if I go to another page   and also give it the same custom taxonomy name,  it will appear right there in our module. So,   it is pretty useful. I'm gonna turn it off right  now or else you won't see anything. So let's go to   'Navigation'. You can only show the next link or  previous link. Whatever you want, you can change   of course the backgrounds of the entire link so  let's make them... what's the style of this page?   Well let's make them a bit goldish/yellowish.  That is not goldish. This is better.   Alright, of course we have to change the padding  if you're going to do this so we go to 'Design'   we go to 'Spacing' we're gonna add a little  bit of padding right there. Here you go.   Well those are huge. So let's make it 5.  Of course we're gonna add a border into   this button so it really looks like a  button right now. As you can see this is   hideous, but you get the idea what's possible. We  only need to change the, the text of this button   right there. So we are going to 'Link text'. We're  going to change the font to something nicer let's   make it Poppins. And if you make it black, then  this is better- way better. So now you can just   change anything you want for the text, and let's  make the font weight a little more semi bold.   And you can also add shadows to your  text I will not recommend right there.   You can also add shadows to the entire button.  Those look kind of nice. Yes, kinda nice. Of   course, let's use the transform options so when  you're hovering over your button, it will actually   behave like a button. So what happens when you  hover over a button, it becomes a little bit   bigger. All right. So the only problem I have  with this transform option is: when I change   it - look at them, they're both going to change.  And that is something you don't want because when   you hover over one button you don't want to make  them both change. So we're going to not going to   use the transform options. So the only thing I  would like to see is when I hover my mouse over   this one, only that one changes its background  color. Because now when I go to the background.   I'm going to change this into hover mode, and  then I'm going to change it to dark. Well, as you   can see, they both will change into this dark. I  don't want it. I just want only one to change, and   that's going to be way awesomer. We are just going  to add some custom CSS so we're going to this page   we go to 'Advanced' we go to 'Custom CSS' and we  just paste in this little Custom CSS snippet which   you can find in the description of this video.  Now, when you hover your mouse over this button,   you can see only one of them is changing color.  If you want to change the color to something else,   just click here on your background and change  it to anything you want and that just changes   the background color of your buttons. Isn't it  awesome? All right, so now you know how you can   use this module. Mainly you will probably  use it inside of your Divi Theme builder   and place it into your blog posts. So, it will be  automatically added to every page. Just remember,   if you're using it in other pages then just one,  you have to add this CSS snippet -not only to   this page, but to all your pages in the Divi Theme  Options. Alright? Let's go to the next module.   So we going to stay on this page a bit longer  because the next module has everything to do   with posts. It's gonna be the 'Post Slider'. so  let's add the Post Slider in right there. As you   can see the post slider is just exactly what it  says it does, it shows your posts and puts it in   a slider. So, I have created all my videos that  we have created so as you can see the categories.   Let's just start with the beginning with this  module, what can you do with this thing? Well,   of course you can make it full width. So if you  want to create this entire module full width - you   just go to the 'Row settings', you go to 'Design'  we go to 'Sizing', and we're going to make this   100%, and also this one 100%, and here you go.  Now you have a full width slider. However, the   first thing you will notice is that the featured  image is not the same size as it should be. So,   let's not do this right now, I'm going to show you  later on how we can make that more beautiful. Just   go the options of the Post Slider. Here you can  choose your post count. So this is actually the   number of how many posts that you want to have in  slider because if you have 1000 posts already on   your website, it's going to be a great big mess.  As you can see here in the lower side corner you   can see all these little dots here. Those are all  the posts being loaded inside of this slider. I   have some old thumbnails right there but it's no  problem. So, if you have 100 posts, then it will   show them all down there. You don't want that.  So let's make this post count for example only   5 posts in this slider. As you can see, now  we have only five. You can of course change   the category so let's go with Divi. Now we have  five posts in the Divi category. Okay. So, all   Divi modules allright... -you really should check  this out because this one is cool. All right, so   the included categories let's go with Divi. Here  you can choose your order by well this is very   easy straightforward: New to old, old to new,  title a-z or random. This is very interesting.   If you have a lot of visitors coming back to  your website, you should change it to random.   Alright, so the button you can change, the text  of your button. So, I'm going to change it to   "Learn more". The content display - you  can change it to show the entire content.   I would really not recommend it because I have  a lot of content on the post, and I think you   also have this. Always use 'Show excerpt'. And you  can turn it on or off, whatever you want. Right,   I would suggest you turn this on. Now the post  experts can be found -of course- in your blog   post when you creating it on the right side. So  here you can define the length of your excerpt,   and the offset number. This is the offset number.  It has nothing to do with your excerpt, just if I   change this to one, it will skip the first post  in the line, and it will go to the second one.   From New to old. Because that's what we use for  ordering. So if you change this for example to 4   than it will skip 4 posts, and we only have one  of them as you can see. All right, just change   it to one. Alright, let's go to the elements.  Do you want to show your arrows? Yes or no.   Do you want to have the controls? Those are the  ones below. Do you want the Read More button, and   do you want to have the post meta. These are just  all things that you have to change. I let them go   and put them all in yes so we can change them and  you can see what happens. The featured image is of   course the image you have chosen for your posts.  You can turn this on, as you can see it is pretty   nice. But you could also turn this off and use  for example a background or a color or something.   You can change it all right there. Let's turn  this on and let's do it on the left side.   This is pretty nice. Because now your dimensions  of your image are not blown up if you go   full width. So let's use this one and go to the  settings of the row, go to 'Design' -> 'Sizing'   and let's change this one to 100% ans also this  one to 100%. Now we have a full widh slider   that is just working with the background color.  So you could also use a gradient to make things   really cool. As you know exactly how it works,  you can just change this one. Alright so this   is pretty cool. Now we have the same style as  the images used. So, that is okay. So now you   know how it works. I don't think is really  beautiful but we'll just go with this one.   But you can actually use a  background image also to make it   really awesome. If you use a background image, I  would really suggest to use something like this.   So, that - yeah, this is pretty cool. So  what happens now when you just scroll down   to the next one, your background stays intact and  just the new posts will appear. This is doable.   So we are going with this one. Let's go  back to settings, and we have changed the   background of the module to a gradient and a  background image combination. And let's go to   'Design'. In the 'Design overlay' you can use the  background overlay. As you can see there is one   active right now if I press no it turns a little  bit lighter. And you can use also a text overlay,   which is really awesome if you have a really  bright background or a image or something like   that. And if you want to use the text overlay  you can just style it right here. As you can   see you can make it more darker. Less darker,  more transparent, you can do anything with these   texts. Hopefully it's really awesome you have  a lot of options and things to choose from.   Alright the navigation here you can change the  color of the arrows, it's pretty straightforward.   And the dot navigation arrows, of course -  change the color right there below. Let's   make them more the style of this module, but now  you could actually use them. So I would suggest,   if you don't like this and you noticing it when  your changing the design and you're changing   these arrows to some color that you can't really  see: just remove them, because nobody will ever   notice them. All right let's go to the image, you  can make the corners of the featured image round.   That's possible but now you have a problem  because now you have to also change   this colors, and you have to make this one also   rounded corners, because it just doesn't look very  nice. Let's delete it. You can of course add a   border color to the image. These images are  not very suitable for it so let's leave that.   So shadows very nice with this layout so let's  make this one. Allright so let's change the text.   This is very straightforward, just change your  text, the way you would do it with hovering your   mouse over it, press this brush icon and you will  go to straight to here. You can just change the   text size I think it's really big so let's make  it a bit smaller. As you can see, its going to   render the entire animation again so you have  to be a little bit patient when changing this.   I think this is great. All right, let's change  the meta. So exactly the same with the titles,   you can change the meta, the way you  want it let's give it another color.   I will definitely give it a little  bit of more coloring because....   I will make it gray so there is a little bit more,  a difference between the title the meta and the   description. All right, this is this one, and the  sizing, you can change of course the body sizing.   So, what is it that I don't like about this is,  I think it is all to cropped. It is too small.   The meta is too close to the text right there.  So, what are we going to do about that? So we   go to 'Advanced' we go to 'Custom CSS' we're  going to the 'Slide meta', and we're going to   add something like this: margin-bottom: 25px; Here  you go, well it's a bit too much. Let's go with   15. It's way better. So now you can see  you have more spacing. And it just feels   relaxed here I think this is way better. So you  can change anything with custom CSS, like this   you can also create your slide description.  Make it lower just copy this one right there.   You can also use it for your title just paste it  in right there and you see instantly spacing is   changed right there. Let's go further we have  design we have the meta text, let's go to the   button. Button - you know how to change a button  so I'm really not going to change all of this and   show you exactly how you should do it, because  you already know that. We're just going to make   it a little bit bigger. So people would really  click on it because it's really big now. And if   you really want to click on it you have to make  it some other color, then your original website   design. So that it really pops in your face. This  would be questionable if you want to use this one,   but just try something out and if it fits  then just keep it. You know how it works,   so if you want to know more about the button  module just go on into my first video about   the Divi modules and we are talking about this  button. Of course we have to sizing the spacing,   the box shadows. If you want to change this shadow  it's going to give a shadow to the entire module.   So, don't use it right there. Transform  it: also, this is just going to transform   your entiiiiiiire module. So this is  something I don't want to use in my module.   So last thing I want to show you is just to add a  animation. If you press this automatic animation,   and you're just gonna add like 4000 ms,  then this thing will move automaticly.   When your website is loaded. And we exit  the visual builder and we are going to see   this module. As you can see now the module  will move after four seconds the thing will   automatically move. However, when it moves,  you can see all the animations, some people   really don't like those animations, how can we fix  that? Well, it is pretty easy. You just go.... we   have to add some CSS code to stop this animation.  Pretty easy, you just go to the 'Settings' of your   module, you go to 'Advanced', we go to 'Custom  CSS' go to the 'Slide description' and we're   going to add this animation: none!important;  and opacity: 1!important as well. Also add it   to the title. And of course we are going to add  it to the slide image. And now as you can see,   it will no longer move so excessively, it  will just have a small animation on the   change of the post, so it is quite nicer. Let's  see how it works. Yeah, this is way better so you   don't see any moving things, it just fades away.  This is awesome, so if you want that snippet just   go into the description of this video, it is right  there. Alright, let's go to the next module.   For the next module we're gonna change gears,  we go into the Divi theme builder. If you're   not using the theme builder, please go watch my  video about "22 things you're doing WRONG with   Divi" because this is something, it will really  boost up your productivity and it gives you   amazing flexibility with your pages, posts and  your website. So let's go to the Theme Builder   let's go to the Custom Body for all posts. So  this body is being loaded into our posts. As you   can see I only have added...right there... I only  added three things to see at my custom post. You   can see the post title which we're going to talk  about right now, the post content and the blog.   The post content you will only see this module  in the Divi Theme builder. And I already added so   now it gone from my list. So the post content is  actually the content of your posts and the title   is of course what we're going to talk about  right now. It is the title of your blog post.   So this is basically - it is very straightforward  but you can use it this way is very logical   because the content will not create your title.  So when you go to the post title settings you can   change, of course, what will be shown. The  title, yes. The meta, yes. The author, no,   because I am only one author so let's remove  that one. The date format, or you can add the   Dutch dateformat. It's the day, month, year.  You can change anything you want to categories,   yes, no. The comments, yes no, and your  featured image which is very useful if you use   big beautiful featured images. Alright, so where  would you place your full featured image? Well,   it is also nice to use it as a background.  Now you can see it but the background image   and the Title/Meta could be used above your  image. If you're going to do this you need a   background because most of the time, you  can't read your title and meta anymore,   because you have probably the most beautiful  pictures as your featured images. So you want   to add a background image for example white,  and you're going to make it a bit transparent   like this. You really have to check on the front  end how it looks on your website. Okay, so you   can just save it or you can make it a little bit  darker and just make it a little bit transparent,   right there. So if you want to make your dynamic  post title full width with the image behind it,   you just go to your row settings go to 'Design',  you go to 'Sizing', you place this one on 100%,   and this also 100%. And now you will see that  this is almost 100%. Well it has to do with the   thing -the way this is built up so you can change  also this one. Go to 'Sizing' and go with 100%,   go with 100%. And now, this module is also 100%.  I don't know if you want it because it has to look   cool. It has to look great on your website,  but this is the way how you can actually do   this. Now what you can do with your titles, this  is just a way of Divi to change all your titles   and meta descriptions for example. You can  change the color you can change the size.   Basically it's that easy and simple the way  you do it. So when you save this one and you   go to one of your blog posts, you will see  how it looks is pretty awesome and this is   actually the only way how I use the Post Title  Module. Alright, let's go to the next module.   So for the next module we're going to build the  'Tea for two' -because WPress doctor recommends   drinking tea and not coffee to get you hydrated.  Alright what we need on this page is of course   a pricing table. So let's go to the prices of  the subscriptions tea. And let's go into the   pricing tables. The pricing table is a very nice  module of Divi, which I use a lot of times because   it really works great, and you have a lot of  options. So let's go through them right there.   The first thing you will notice is that its really  boring -it is grey. As you can see the style of   this page is a little bit more greenish with  black, and but especially greenish because   it it's organic tea. Alright so you start off  with just two columns. They call it a table title.   So if you want to make three of them. That's all  possible. If you want to make four, I would not   recommend it. Why, because in the psychology and  marketing three choices are best if you go to two,   you don't want to have two. You don't want to  have four, you want to have three choices. Just   google it, it has been researched, many many  many times. So we just go with three columns.   Alright, so the first one. It's the subscription.  Let's fill this out really fast. So the first one   is "Tea for one", and it's enough tea for your  entire weeek. And we're gonna price it at $150.   Let's add a few features. Now the beautiful thing  about these features, is if you add a plus it will   be this black color -which we can change of  course- and if you add a minus then it will   turn a little bit grey.So you can actually compare  the prices and compare the features of this table,   so that's very useful. So we're going to style  this a little bit. Let's create a little bit   more content on this one. "25 backs of  tea" " custom cup". You also receive a   custom plate. And well that's about  it, and what is not included. Well,   of course, "Personal tea advice" and "personal  tea coaching". We're gonna add a little bit of   capitals right there. Let's change it to  1x or else people don't know what you mean.   Alright so this is great. We're gonna add this  one, and we're gonna save this and we're going   to the next one. We're going to change the  title also "enough Tea for the entire week"   and it's let's price it at $250, because it  has to be interesting. Let's change this one,   and let's change this one to the Plus, you can  also get personal tea advice, really cool. Let's   go to the last one and is of course going to cost  you $950, because this is "Tea for your street".   "Enough tea to feed a elephant". And of course,  now you get also "Personal tea advice" but also   "Personal tea coaching", because you have  to be coached how to drink your tea Mm hmm.   All right, so that's pretty cool now we have the  prizes and the elements and contents so now we're   going to style this one. You go to 'Elements',  and you can even turn off the bullets, whatever   you like. I like the bullets, so I keep them in  there. Let's go to 'Design', we go to 'Layout',   the background color of the featured item. That's  interesting, because I didn't explain you that. So   let's make the "Tea for two" the featured one.  You go to your featured price you want to have   featured -you go to 'Design' you go to 'Layout'  you go to 'Make this table featured'. What will   this do? It will make it pop out a little bit  because it's going to be higher and the color   is going to be different. So, I like that. So  we're going to do that because this way you can   actually move your customers to have a preferred  option. You can also say something like "This   one is most bought" or "Most people buy this  one". You can also help people a little bit.   So, let's save this this one. You go to  'Design' and we go to 'Bullets' and here   you can change the bullet colors. We're going  to change the bullet colors to the nice organic   color of our entire page. Because it has to  be the same. I like to be consistent. Now,   let's go to the text. Text alignment you can  center all of them. This gives you a real spacing   feeling but I do like however.... I do like  this more because it's more readable. That's   just personal preference. You can change it of  course. The header background color let's see   what happens when I change this one. I like it, I  like it a lot. Featured title. This is, of course,   this one, let's leave that white. Table header  background color as is from the other ones.   And we're going to make it also greenish. And I  like this one, but let's make it a little more   darker. So that's it. This looks awesome. Now  you know that this one is the preferred one.   Alright let's scroll down to this Title Tekst  Color, the Title Heading Level the Title Fonts.   You can change the fonts for the. Yeah,  Poppins of course let's make it bold. Yes,   I like it. Let's make it center.  It's already centered so that's cool.   We can use a shadow of course, oh that really  pops so let's make it with a color. The body font   you can change of course the font of your...  you just gonna make this a little bit more   consistent with the rest of your website!  And you can of course change it I don't have   to explain you how to change all these things  because, you know. This is the Subtitle text,   this is this one. All right. One thing I do  want to point out is the background color of   the featured one you can change this and leave  the rest the same, so it's pretty useful. We're   not going to do it right now, but you can  change it. The currency color, let's make it   greenish. And let's make this also greenish.  Price Text Color -here you can change the color   of your pricings. Let's make this one hideous  red, and let's make this one, organic green.   As you can see right now, this is just a way how  you can change all these columns so it is pretty   basic. Pretty straight forward. I really like all  these options within this module. So what I would   suggest you do is -well you should really  do and know it yourself- but you can also   change the borders of your module. So let's just  round off the borders on the top, this is really   great IU'm really happy with this one you can  use also shadows. Oh no, this is a box shadow   of the entire module! You don't want that, no you  don't. However, you can add shadows to different   columns. You go to 'Content' and select the gear  icon of the one you want to change, and you go to   'Design' you go to 'Box shadow' and now.... its  beautiful! I want that shadow to be everywhere.   All right, so we're just gonna add them manually  to all of them box shadows. Yes alright so this is   pretty nice, pretty nice. So if you go  to 'Design' and we go to 'Exclude item   text' - here you can change the excluded item  text color so you can change them. For example, to   really ugly orange or to white or to black or  to a little bit shining through greenish style.   So, here you can change the excluded item text.  It's awesome, and you know how it works. Now   where are my buttons to buy his thing? That's  a very good question! Let's go to the one...   here's the button! "Buy now" we add the button  "Buy now" but why doesn't it show right here?   It's pretty easy: because you didn't add a  link! So you go to 'Link' and you add a button,   which says /buy/ or whatever your URL is. If you  use WooCommerce, you can actually put in a product   link, which will actually redirect you directly to  your cart. I'm going to talk about that one in my   WooCommerce videos, so it's gonna be awesome. All  right, this button, really doesn't look so great.   So we're going to 'Design' we go to 'Button'. And  we're going to change the entire button, just the   way you know. I want it to be with with this  organic green, very nice. Of course, the white   border button. You know you know how to style  buttons don't you? So I'm not going to show you   all the way. It's just the way the button  works. If you want to have a button right   there. Then you just go to the second  one, and you add a button "Buy for two".   And of course don't forget to add  a link. /buy-for-two/ for example.   And we press OK, and "Tea for your entire street"  we're gonna call this: "I like elephants".   All right, we go to the link and here of course  /elephant-buy/. If you're still watching now,   I think you really get the picture.  let's move on to the next module.   The next module will be a Search Module right  there. All right, so this is pretty awesome.   So the search module is basically module that  would search your entire page, or you can just   put in exceptions: no pages for example, no  posts, or only categories within your posts. So,   this search module is pretty useful. So  let's create it real fast because it's   really simple and straightforward.  The 'input placeholder' is of course   the text you will see on your website on your  search module. For example "search" right there.   And you can read it very good because it's  transparent, but if you don't like the button you   can just use this one. Now is you're button gone  so this is really awesome. So we got to make it   a little bit more better to see. So let's  make it a little bit more transparent.   The field focus should be white so when you  click on it, it becomes entirely white not   transparent anymore. And the 'Field focus text  color" should be black when you click on this,   alright. The 'Field Fonts', change it to  Poppins. We're really gonna pop it out.   And you can of course change your  position of the field text. However,   I will keep it on the left side, and go make it a  little bit smaller. How you can make it smaller?   Well, you go to 'Sizing' just make it the size you  want it to be. And then you can place it anywhere   within your row. So we're going to keep it  on 50%. We're going to keep it on the right   side. And of course, now you can also move it more  up so here you go. There is a better way to do   this, because now it will just flip anywhere  when you resize this page it will just not   behave the way you like. If you want to do this  just add a new row, and enter the two in here.   Because now the search thing is just gone.   Hold up, hold up. Bad boys bad boys...   So now, when you go to your image, it  is more beautifuller. However I changed   the the sizing, so I really need to change  it back. Go to 'Design' go to 'Spacing'   and just change his back, alright this is way  better. And now I want to put it a little bit   more down because it's smaller than the other  one so now I want to have more padding. No. Yes.   Yes. That's better. That is pretty cool. Yeah,  so now it's almost the same size as this one,   and it stays there while I change the size  of my browser window. All right, so now we   go back to 'Sizing' we're gonna make it even more  bigger because now we have the beautiful module   next to the button. Okay, so let's get back to the  fields. And, well, it's pretty basic, you can just   change anything you like. Like the button text,  if you have a button you could change it right   there. And, well, thats basically it because it is  a really straightforward module, and you can place   it anywhere you want on your website. So without  further ado, let's just go to be next module.   So the next module we are NOT going to talk about  is the 'Shop Module'. Let me show you what happens   right now when I add a 'Shop Module'. It just  says "No results found" and why is that? Because   this is not a WooCommerce website. I will be  talking about this module, in my videos about   how to create a webshop. So, sorry guys  but we're going to the next module.   So the next module, we're going to talk about  is... the next one in line and it is the 'Sidebar   Module'. Now, this is a very useful module, as  you can see right now when I click it, what will   be generated: it will actually generate a sidebar  from the widgets of your WordPress area. Now most   of the times, I actually don't use any widgets  anymore because Divi has made so much modules, and   they are working so great that I don't need any  sidebar area anymore to use the official WordPress   widgets. We can now use the modules. However,  if you do like to use this one, I would suggest   you use it the way it is intended as a sidebar.  So where are we going to add this little module,   well you can of course add it in your pages,  but my suggestion would be that you add it   into your Theme Builder! Alright, let's head  over to your Theme Builder right now. So here   we are at the Theme Builder and let's see what  I would do with the sidebar. I have implemented   it for some clients of mine. It is very useful  if you want to create some widgets on the right   side of your posts. So, let's say, this is the  post content right there. This is the title,   this is the content. We're going to add another  row, because we need a bigger row for this.   We press 'Duplicate'. We're going to change this  one because you can duplicate the 'Post content',   we're going to change it right there. I'm going  to delete this one, delete this. Now I have the   title here, the post content right there and in  my blog slider, or no, it is called just a blog   module right here. This is the way I have built  it right there so what we're going to do right now   is... Oh wait, I'm going to duplicate this one,  and I'm going to remove it from there because I   want the post content to be a different column  structure, a different row structure. So let   me show you how that looks. We're going to the  columns structure we're going to create a sidebar   so I'll need some spacing on the right side. Here  uou go. And we're going to add our sidebar, right   there. Et voila, c'est très bien! Now you can  change all the things in your sidebar. However,   your sidebar is only showing the widgets generated  in your WordPress area. So let me show you   where that is. If you go to your WordPress  dashboard you go to 'Appearance', you go to   'Widgets'. Here you can find your sidebar.  Ah, here are the widgets shown into   the page. As you can see we have a search bar  and we have recent posts and recents comments.   Those are exactly the things you see right here,  the search, recent posts and recent comments.   All right, so let's add another sidebar just to be  safe. You get a warning right there. Don't call it   sidebar and anything else because it will conflict  with Divi. So we're gonna call it side-bar   for our posts. There you go. Now you have to  refresh this page or else it won't show. Here we   go. So we have now a widget area called side-bar  posts. And what do I want in there? Actually,   I really don't want anything in there  but just to show you guys how it works.   You just drag and drop it. About me,  let's add a gallery and some images.   This is awesome. And we just gonna instert the  gallery and what are we going to say about me.   This is such an old thing I really don't know what  I actually should do with it because I never use   it this way because those witches are completely  not necessary. However, for some plugins, very old   ones, you actually need a sidebar widget, because  they have no shortcodes they only have widgets.   Then, this is a awesome thing you can even put  on your pages. Sometimes, really sometimes... I   guess 1 out of 100, I actually use this for some  very outdated plugins who only have widgets and   then don't use shortcodes. So, here you go. And  now when you go back to your 'Theme Builder',   you can actually choose your sidebar widget  area. Well we have to reload it again of course.   And when I reload it again and I go to my  custom body. And then I go back to my sidebar   module. Now I can choose my widget  area side-bar posts. And here we go!   Here are those sidebar widgets that we have just  entered. Now what can you do with this module? You   can style something. So let's say I change the  titles to something else that is all possible,   you can make it different size. Different fonts  so you can change anything the way you like it,   but the problem is you will change everything  in your module. So not only one widget, no it is   every widget. If you want to do only one widget,  you have to do it with custom CSS, it is possible,   but it will take you a lot of time. What I also  love to do with this one if you're using it just   go for a border to make it a sidebar. As you can  see it, let's make it a little bit more grayish,   right this is great. And alright, let's make it a  bit bigger. Just go a little bit of more spacing.   A little bit more padding on the left side like 25  pixels, that is great. And now you have a little   bit more spacing and you really have a sidebar  because it is just with this thing. Also what   I would suggest, if you're using a sidebar, you  go the 'Scroll Effects' and you press this one   'Stick your sidebar to top'. Why is this? Well  what happens if your scroll? It just sticks   there on the top that is really amazing. And it  will stop right there, but I have to change it   to stop it 'Bottom Sticky Limit' would be  another section, or in this case, another   row. See that? So now it just scrolls with me and  it stops right there on another row. So this is   pretty awesome if you want to use the sidebar.  Then you can definitely use this one to perform   something really useful. Now the strange thing  is, and I don't know if it's just me or that....   I haven't encountered it in anything else -is  that when you use the sidebar module, you will   fill it with widgets, out of nowhere, comes this  bar on the right side. I actually have no clue   what it is doing there. I do know however that I  always remove it because I hate this little thing.   How do we remove it? Well, you have to use some  CSS for that. So we're going to save this one.   So you go to 'Custom CSS' and you paste  in this little snippet right there.   And that will create this border right to  go to zero pixels. And what does this mean,   it will just disappear. Just save it,  save it and we can see on the front end,   that this border now is gone. As we reload the  page. Now your border is gone, it has been hidden   with CSS. The sidebar module is only useful if  you using widgets that are really out of date,   because you don't understand the full power  of Divi, or you just have an outdated plugin   that uses a widget and you can only use the  widget, you can place the sidebar module,   anywhere on your page, not only in the theme  builder, but also on your page to show just   one module or one widget. Just don't forget to  remove the right border. All right, you can find   a snippet on for the border in the description  of this video. Let's go on to the next module.
Channel: WPress Doctor
Views: 1,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Divi, Divi modules, Persons Module, Number Module, Portfolio Module, Post Navigation Module, Post Slider Module, Post Title Module, Pricing Table Module, Search Module, Products Module, Sidebar Module, Divi theme modules, Divi Elegant Themes modules, divi toturial, divi tutorial, divi modules explanation, divi modules demonstration, divi 2021
Id: HbVRLO21sik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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