22 Things You're Doing WRONG with Divi!

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Hey guys! Its the WPress Doctor here, and  this video is one of the best videos that   will help you out with your Divi workflow.  If you're building your website with Divi,   than chances are 90% that you didn't know all of  these awesome features that is in this great great   great builder. I've been building Divi websites  since 2014, and I see these things always going   wrong with my clients. I really know this video is  going to help you out to boost your productivity,   to decrease your frustration and to  help you create the best Divi website   available. So let's start with number one. So if you want to add a code to your header,   you don't need any plugin to add a code. Just  go to 'Divi' -> 'Theme options'. Then you go to   'Integration'. And on the integration tab, you can  add easily any code you would like. For example:   the Google Analytics code. Now it says "Good  for tracking code such as Google Analytics" in   the <body>, but no! You need to place it in the  <head>. Because that is what Google says itself:   "Copy and paste this code as the first item into  the <HEAD> of every webpage you want to track."   So you can place your Google Code and  anything here. Just press 'Enabled',   and now the code is working when you save the  changes. Also if you want to add a code to the   body. You can add it right here. And in the top  of your posts so only the posts - not the pages,   you can place it here and also at the bottom,  before the comments. It's very useful, so now you   know you never need a plugin for your header and  footer code. Just place them in - right here.   So as your visitors will grow you will notice in  your Google Analytics that a lot of visitors will   be coming with their mobile devices. That's why  it's very important to optimize your pages for   mobile. This is very easy to do. You just press on  this menu, and you go on this 'Phone view' button.   As you can see the entire page changes right  now, and you can select your phone right here,   which you want to use to optimize. You also notice  that there is a fold down there. Below this line,   people need to scroll the page to see the  rest of your website. All right. So as we   can see now the header is just ugly, but it's  just an example. So when you want to change   -for example- this text on mobile, just press  the gear icon, and you can press this one. It   has already selected the phone automatically. So  now you can change this text for mobile devices   only. And now when we switch back to a iPad, you  will see that the text has just been changed back.   And now when we go to our desktop view,  we'll see that the text also has not changed.   And you can also do this with a lot of things.  Not only just for the text. Let's go over here.   You can also do this for example the colors.  If you switch to mobile I want it to be blue   on mobile. I want it to be a little bit bigger  on mobile. So I don't want to make it bigger on   our desktop and on tablet. I really want to make  it this size, I can read it all -so let's go to   spacing and let's add a little bit of margin right  there on the top, only oh, only of course for   tablet. And for desktop I don't want any spacing  right there so I'm going to remove it. On tablet   I want 50px and on mobile, I just want 2vw. And  then you save it and now you can see, it is very   easy to edit your website to make it beautiful  on mobile and tablet devices, it is so easy.   Sometimes I see people struggle with selecting  the right module. Because they can't select   the buttons or they are moved because they are  behind some other module. And I'm going to help   you with this quick tip. Just press the  menu down there, and you can switch to the   'Wireframe view'. From here you can select all the  modules sections and rows you have created on your   website. Apart from the wireframe you can also  switch to the overview or the 'Zoom out' button as   you can see now your whole page appears. And you  see everything there is on your page, it's really   useful. Now there are some more tricks, just press  this menu button down there, and you can customize   your toolbar by pressing these buttons. And I  will show you what it will do. Also you can check,   and change the default view mode of your page, so  when you open a page you edit it, you go straight   to the wireframe or the desktop view, tablet or  phone view. That's also the same for the default   interaction mode. How does this work? The default  interaction mode can be found right here because   we just enabled it. When you press this button,  and only when you click on it you can select   the menu items for this section, this row, and  these modules we have just clicked. Let's switch   to desktop mode. There's also another button  down here, which is called the grid mode. And   when enabling the grid mode, as you can see, the  entire page will be clickable on all menus and   all things. It's very useful so you can navigate  easier and quicker throughout your website.   Now I also see people using a plugin to create a  mega menu just in Divi. Well you don't need that   at all! I created this mega menu, just with the  standard Divi options. It is very easy to create   such a mega menu. Just go to 'Appearance', go  to 'Menus'. So as you can see on my front end,   only the products tab is a mega menu. All the  others are just normal menu items. You can see   it in the backend also. I have one products tab  which is the upper most, and I have different   kinds of texts like 'Webshop', 'Opportunity',  'Contact', and the normal sub items. So how do you   go create a mega menu? It's so easy, just go to  the upper one that you want to create a mega menu.   Now this CSS class has already been build-in by  the developers of Divi so you only have to type in   "mega-menu". Now to get these columns inside of  your menu with these items. This is a image with   text below it, and I can show you how I've done  this. So below your products "mega-menu", you   create another custom link and the custom link is  to where you want to go. And the navigation label   is some HTML for an image. So <img src=...> this  image, and the text would be after the <br> would   be "Integrative health". And the CSS class you  have to put in it is "mega-link". This is one. Now   below this image you have the normal sub items,  just normal pages with no CSS class whatsoever.   You can add all these products pages or otherpages  down there. Then you go to your second column.   Which has another image. And also, the text is  "Weignt management". Now, the CSS class is again   "mega-link", just like this one. "mega-link" below  that, the mega link below it are just the normal   links of your pages. Now for the third column  I just created another one, also with a image   placed in the URL. I had to adjust the width  because it was a little bit of big down there.   Another <br>, and then the skincare. Of course  again the CSS class "mega-link". Once you have   built up your menu, like this, you will get  easily this kind of menu. And of course the   menu is completely responsive as you can  see, it works just the way intended.   Another thing I see go wrong, which have a  little bit of more destructive consequences is   changing the layout of the text modules inside of  the WordPress area. What I mean by this is people   use this visual editor to change something in  this text. Well that is really awesome if you   just want to highlight something like this, you  make it bold you make it italic and it's great,   it works. Awesome. But what if you change this  entire block of text, and you make it bold,   and you make it aligned to the right, and we're  going to add a little bit of color so it's blue.   Now, this is a problem. Because now when you  try to edit this text using your own colors   for example, nothing happens when I change! Even  when I go italic or not italic, nothing happens.   And also the alignment is... I wanted to be in the  middle! I wanted to be left! No, nothing happens   anymore, because you have entered your formatting  right here as you can see it. This is the bad boy.   Now, I will definitely not recommend styling your  text this way. Just keep the code clean and use   Divi for the CSS changes of your texts. No, it  also gets very difficult and destructive when you   copy these kind of things out of Word. Sometimes  people copy and paste text inside this builder,   and they don't see in the text editor there added  like all this kind of fields. And as you can see,   when I edit some things will go wrong on the  front end of the website. So these codes are   really destructive for the front end of your  website as sometimes things just are messed up   and you don't seem to know where does it go wrong.  Well, this is the source of all your problems. So   please use this little button here and change  the text sizes, change the letter spacing,   change everything you want, but please,  do it inside of the Divi design tab.   Another thing I don't see people do often is using  the preset styles. So we can create this button,   and we can make it a style. 'Add new  preset' and you would say "button greenish"   and we press this button right here. And now  you can change the preset of all the buttons   that are using this preset. So for example,  let's save this and we go to this button,   and we give this button also the preset 'Button  greenish', and we save this one. Save this page.   And the beautiful thing right now is when I change  the color of this button, all the buttons that are   using this preset will change. So that's really  awesome if you have different pages -for example-   if you have 200 pages with this button and you  want to change this button, you can just go   into the 'Button greenish' preset. And then I  go to 'Design' and I press 'Use custom styles'.   And now I can for example, make them bigger. Not  only this one goes bigger, but this one also. It   is like simulataneously they are changing  the same way when I changed this. It is   really, really a great feature. If you have a lot  of modules that are exactly the same on a lot of   pages. So definitely use the presets for your  modules that are the same in different pages.   Another thing I see people often do wrong  is not naming their sections. For example   when I press this button, 'The layers' it is a  very useful little thing, so you can really go,   really quickly to a row you want to go to. For  example, this row I want to edit this column,   let's add this row. Here we go. The problem is, I  didn't give these sections and these row a name,   so I can't see anything about it. Even when  I go to the wireframe, I can't see the names   of the sections. You can change these names  by going to this gear icon and go to 'Admin   label' and press... Let's make it the  'Header'. It's a full width image,   that is clear. Now this section, what should we  call it? Let's call this the introduction section.   So we're going to change this row, and this  makes 'The introduction'. And these are,   this is the row, that gives the 'Intro text'.  And this image should be a 'Product image'.   Using this, you can now easily navigate throughout  all your sections of your website and change it   very easily. It is a really great feature and  it really speeds up your process while you're   building your website to give all the modules and  rows and sections, the right name from the start.   This will be especially handy when you're just  copy and pasting stuff throughout different pages   or you are using the templates from Divi  itself, because they already have a name. If   you have moved your header somewhere down there,  then things will get a little bit messy.   Another thing I see a lot going wrong is people  not using the theme builder. And when you click   on the theme builder, this is what you see. It  is totally empty! So now you have to create your   menu, your header and your footer, just by using  the theme customizer. It is right here, or you   can use this button. But the Divi Theme builder  gives you great opportunities and possibilities!   For example on this website, I have a global  header and I have custom headers for all the pages   that are using the children of specific pages. You  can see this template will be used on children of   specific pages, the pages with VS. I made a video  with Ferdy about Elementor Pro vs Divi. Now, this   template is so useful! You can actually create a  new template, and I could use this template for   all posts for example. I press 'Create template'.  What will happen when I change this one? Let's   disable the global, and I can press this button.  You can create a header now with the full   possibilities and the full freedom of the Divi  Builder. It is mind blowing! You could just add   this menu module, right here, and you can change  it just the way you would. You can add an image   right here as logo or you can put it there, you  can add social media follow buttons, you can add   code... It is unlimited! So, this header actually  does this: when you move up, it goes black,   when you move down, it becomes blue and white.  Isn't that funny? And this is impossible to do   without using the Divi Theme Builder. If you're  not using the Theme Builder you could only have   these options to change your header. It is  such a old school way. It works, but your   freedom is very, very limited. Instead of that,  I suppose you go to the Divi Theme Builder.   Another thing I noticed is that people don't tend  to widen their rows. So they get a little small   website because the standard size. Go to 'Design'  -> 'Sizing'. You see that the standard size of the   max with of the row is 1080px. If you change this  to 1280px, and you press 'Ok', you will see that   you have more spacing, so you can do more with  your website. As people tend to use to have a   bigger screen that is alright to do so. The  most important thing is that you would save   this sizing, the max width of your row and add  it to the standard row settings. So you can just   say this, and you add it. You go to 'Design'  -> 'Sizing' and change it to 1280px and save   this one. Because when you do this, all the rows  in your entire website will always be the same   size. This is very useful in creating  new pages. So you never mess up anything,   and it will all be consistent in your  entire website. Really awesome.   Another thing I see definitely going wrong a lot  of times, is that people don't tend to use the   default typography. Now you can you do that on two  ways. You can of course use the presets, but you   can also go to 'Appearance' and 'Customize'. And  then you go to 'General settings' -> 'Typography'.   And you can here choose a header font and a  body font so that all the typography is the same   throughout your entire website. So what happens  when I change it right here? You can see that   the typography of the text in the entire website  will change. Now a lot of people don't know this,   or they just change only one text module. But  you can change it right here, but I prefer to   right way to do it with presets. As you have  seen in another tip just before this one.   There's another thing I see a lot of times going  wrong that people will add a Google Map, and they   do it this way. They add the map module, and then  they add a new pin, and after all said and done,   you get this message: "Google Maps cannot load  correctly, are you the owner of this website?   This is for development purposes only". The reason  for that is that Google changed his Google API.   But there is another method that you can use, it  is way more easier. So you just go to Google Maps,   and then you go to the place where you want to  go. And then you press 'Share', and you just press   'Embed a map'. And then you can also change it,  change what you can see. And then you just press   'COPY HTML'. Then you go back to Divi, and you  delete the map module, you just press the plus   button and add a 'Code module'. And there you just  paste your map we just copied... and here you go!   It's beautiful! And just remember if you want to  do a map full width, you can change this code to   100%, and then it will use the exact width of your  row. So that is great! You can also make it higher   or lower by changing the height. So, this is a  awesome embedded map and it will always work.   Another thing I often see go wrong, is  the color palettes using on the website.   If you go to 'Divi' -> 'Theme Options'. Here you  can change your color codes using in your website.   Very useful. Use the default palette and we press  'Save Changes'. Now what will happen when we go to   edit pages? And we look on this page for example.  When I change this module, you will see that with   all colors, we now have the color palette of  the theme options we have just insert. This   is very useful and will save you a lot  of time. If you don't see it right here:   so you can press these options, you go  to 'Page Settings' -> 'Design' -> 'Color   palette'. What you most likely will see  is that this is a different color palette,   then you have insered at the Theme Options. Just  press this little button, it says 'Reset', and   your color palette will be changed to the one in a  theme options. A huge time saver, right there!   What I sometimes see is that the site language is  English, but then the user is another language.   So, what they do, they want to have the  entire Theme Builder for example in Dutch.   So what they do is they put their entire website  on another language, like Dutch, so that they can   read it on the backend. There is no need to do  that at all. The site language is very important   for Google! Because when you look at the source  code of this website, if you search for 'Lang':   you will see that the language of the website  is in English US as you can see. If I change   language, and also in the front end, the website  will show another language to Google. And that has   some serious impact on your SEO, what to do? Well,  just go to your 'Users', and you can change your   language, right here for your profile only. Sometimes it's just better to give your posts a   different layout than your pages. You can do  that very easy with Divi. No need to install   any other plugins or stuff, use widgets... No no  no, it's not necessary. Just go to 'Divi' go to   'Theme builder'. And here you can see that I have  the global header is the same for all the pages   for the default website, the entire website. And  I have created custom footer and a custom body for   all posts. What does a custom body looks like?  Itss just a simple field. This is the post title,   and this one is a module called a 'Post content  settings'. As you can see in the wireframe right   here, the post title and the post content.  This will automatically place everything I put   in a post in these two modules. Now you can do of  course very much more with this template. Because   now we can make a sidebar. If you would like to  have one, you can just place anything you want on   the right side of this sidebar. So, that is very  cool if you want to have another posts that are   related to this stuff. Or if you want to place a  button which says, "Get Divi with 20% discount".   You can all do this right there. There is no  need to use widgets anymore or other stuff.   It is all created in this beautiful Theme  Builder. If you want to go nuts, you can also   do both with specific categories will have other  layouts then the other category or the other   tags, or the other... It is so amazing. You can  do anything with this Theme Builder from Divi.   Most of the times, I also see that people don't  create a 404 page using the Theme Builder. They   just use PHP snippets to get the job done. But  it's not necessary in the Divi Theme Builder.   Just add a new template and use it on the  404 page. Press 'Save', and now you can just   edit your custom body. And here you can create a  beautiful 404 page. So this is the main 404 page   on this website. And on the front end the 404 page  looks like this because we have the normal header,   the normal footer, and then the body the 404 body.  It's pretty cool. It's pretty amazing. I would   suggest you go and create a creative 404 page. Some people just didn't get used to Gutenberg.   And that's no problem, you can still use  the classic builder from WordPress itself,   especially for posts. So what do they do? They  install a plugin called 'Classic editor'. No need   for that my friend! Just go to 'Divi' -> 'Theme  options'. Go to 'Builder' go to 'Advanced' and   enable the classic editor. Press 'Save Changes'.  And now when you go to 'Posts' -> 'Add new'. You   have the classic old editor from WordPress before  Gutenberg. No need to add an extra plugin, just   pull that switch, and you're all set to go! As  you know, the less plugins, the better it is.   I also see people adding CSS to their child theme  which is very good I really recommend it. Or add   it just inline on their page. I will never  recommend that. If you want to use some CSS,   you can go to 'Divi' -> 'Theme Options'. And when  you scroll down, you will notice that there is a   custom CSS. Here you can add any CSS you would  like to have anything on your website. There's   also another way if you just want to use some  CSS on one certain page. Just edit your page,   go to the 'Page options' right here, and you can  here go to 'Advanced' tab. Let me do it like this,   you can go to 'Advanced', and you have custom  CSS and here you can also add all CSS you want   to have, but only to use it on one certain page.  There is also another way, you can also add   your CSS to any section, row or module, using  the 'Advanced' button and go to 'Custom CSS'.   This is very, very useful. Here you can add  your CSS to only one module, for example.   As you can see I didn't want any animation on  the 'Slide description', so I placed in the slide   description Custom CSS "animation-name= none;".  If I remove this one, you will see immediately   what happens, it will just keep on moving  and moving and moving with every new slide.   I think that wasn't really cool for this website.  So I placed this custom CSS right here and now   you can see the title and description just  stays put whenever some slide will change.   This is really cool, but I didn't want this CSS  added to the entire page or the entire website,   because all my animations would have stopped. Very  useful, so now you know, when you can use it.   Before you skip this tip: you will get  a discount, so hold on. If you don't   have a license yet, or you're paying the  yearly access license for Divi, you should   really consider going to a lifetime license. Why  is that? let's just do the math. If we pay $89   a year, that when I have it for  three years, I would pay $276. So,   when you are planning on using Divi longer than  three years, this is already a awesome deal to   do. Now I'm going to make it even better for you,  because if you go to wpressdoctor.com/getdivi/,   you will go to this page, and here you go, you  get 20% extra discount from the WPress Doctor.   You are very welcome! Of course, this is a  affiliate link so you also support me. Now you   see that your price has just dropped 20% to $70  a year or $199 for your lifetime acces. If this   isn't a good deal then, I don't know what is. What I often see is that people don't know or   don't use the global modules and they are really  awesome. Let me show you what I mean. So on this   page, it is a apartment which is opening soon  you see here two layers above each other. It   is because the mobile version tablet version and  desktop version. Alright, but if you scroll down   you will see that these services are the same  on every apartment page and they have a lot of   different appartments. But this section is always  the same on all those pages. Now as you can see,   these sections, these rows and these modules are  all a different color: they are light green. It   means that these are global modules. If you  press the gear icon, you will see that these   section settings are all green, it means that if  you change anything in this section, it will be   changed throughout the entire website. So this is  very useful for example when I just want to change   this text on this blurb. I just type in my new  text and when I save this blurb, it will be   saved in this module into all the website pages I  have added this module. So how does it work? Well,   you can add any section module or row to the  Library. just press this button right here.   And we can call it "Amenities", you could make it  a global item, you could even give it a category.   And you can save it to the Library. Now it is a  global section. When I now hover my mouse over it,   you will see that the color has changed. So when  I want to add the section to this place right here   I press 'Add from library', and here you can see  all the global sections that I have saved in my   Divi library. So I can just add 'Amenities'  that we just created. Just click on this,   and as you can see, it has been inserted right  here. Now if I change anything in this thing,   so for example let's remove this entire section,  you will see that it will also be gone in this   other section that we just created. Here you  go! So this is a very easy way to use this   global modules throughout your entire website  for different pages. If your information is   all the same on different pages. This is a  awesome way to manage that information.   What I really like about Divi is its stability. I  have came across less errors with Divi then with   the bunch of other themes that I have been seen  with clients before they moved to Divi. Now,   if you do run into some problems, you can just go  to 'Divi' and 'Support center'. This is a awesome   feature of Divi. You can use the Elegant Themes  support and give them remote access, so they can   actually go into your website to change the stuff  that you couldn't do yourself. First you need to   chat with support, and then you can give them the  access. This is awesome in your lifetime license,   I would really get that because this is worth  gold. But they have also another nice feature.   If things go rogue, and your website just breaks  down, instead of going to your plugins and just   disabling all plugins and stuff. There is a  safe mode toggle switch right here. And the   awesome thing is: it "...will temporarily disable  features and plugins that may be causing problems,   but it includes plugins, child themes, custom  code added to your integration area..."   but the most fun thing is: "These items are  only disabled for your current user session   so your visitors will not be disrupted." This,  my friends, is one of the best features of Divi   that the most people don't know about. You can  just press this button, disable, and only for your   session, all your plugins and all your things  will be disabled, so you can really check out   what's happening. As you can see in the bar up  here, now all my plugins has been disabled. So   next time when you're bumping into an error, just  use the Safe Mode and you will know if it's Divi,   or just something you have created yourself. What I also don't see people use a lot are the   keyboard shortcuts. Divi has made your live as a  builder on Divi very easy with all these awesome   shortcuts. For example you can press the T on  your keyboard and you see the menu down here go   Up, out, Open and close. It is very usefull  if just want to use the save button. However,   if you want to use the save button, you just  press CTRL + S on your keyboard and you will   see that this page is goint to save itself,  as you can see. What I am also using a lot is   SHIFT + W. Now you can go the Wireframe. Also when  you are in a module or when you are editing a row,   you can just search for options right here. So you  can type in for example 'Padding' and you will get   this one. So your keyboard is actually really  usefull within Divi. On the Elegant Themes website   you can find all these shortcuts available for  your builder. You can for example copy modules and   paste modules. You can disable modules and you  can lock them, add new rows, add new sections...   there are a awfull lot of keyboard shortcuts you  could use on your Divi website. What you also can   do with your keyboard is press SHIFT + SPACEBAR.  Now you can get the 'Divi Quick Actions'. Its very   useful if you want to go for example to a quick  page you have just build. You can just type in   your search bar the "Home" and you can go quickly  to your homepage. But there is much more to this   quick action module. You can for example insert  any module you would like, by just typing the name   of the module right here. Insert text module, and  you can just drop it anywhere you want it to go.   And you can do that with any module, just like  this one. But you can also go to the settings.   If you want to go for example to the theme  options, just type it in, and you can go straight   there. It is really useful if you want to speed  up your workflow. This is a golden tip right   here.   So, this last and final one, some people have the  assumption that Divi is very slow in the basis,   well this is simply not true. To be crystal clear:   this website in the background is  not a Divi website. It's a WP-<BEEP>   website, which is awful slow. If you don't know  how to optimize the speed of Divi, just watch   this video about speeding up Divi. If you liked  this video hit the like button and don't forget to   subscribe if you want to see more about Divi and  WordPress related videos. Have a awesome day!
Channel: WPress Doctor
Views: 5,066
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Keywords: wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Divi, things doing wrong with Divi, Divi tips and tricks, Divi tricks, divi tips, divi 2021 tips, 22 things you're doing wrong with Divi, doing wrong with Divi, tips for working with Divi, tips for creating a website with Divi, Divi working tips, DIvi building tips, elegant themes tips and tricks, Divi theme builder tips, divi theme tricks, workflow divi theme, building divi theme
Id: FQYbf47-sg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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