Divi Carousel Tutorial 2021 | Easily Create 3 Different Carousels

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A few years ago clients would ask me one question  that could really gave me some anxiety in building   websites with Divi. And the question was: "can you  create a smooth scrolling carousel on my website?"   And I was always like, how can we accomplish  something like that in a different way? Why?   Because this feature, really lacks in Divi. Am I  right? So I tried to code it in there manually,   I followed some tutorials, but nothing really did  the trick as well as a plugin I found a year ago,   which would really help us out. We're going to  use this Divi plugin to create three awesome   carousels. The first one we're going to create  is a sliding logo carousel, which really you can   show off the brands you're working with, or your  portfolio, or anything else. Its really great.   The second one is: we're going to create a review  carousel with people telling how awesome you are,   or the service that you are giving to them. The  third one is a carousel wich introduces the team   members of your business. So, without further  ado, let's get started. Let's have some fun.   So, if you want to support me then  you can follow this affiliate link,   which will help me out a little bit. Go to  https://wpressdoctor.com/getcarousel/. And now   we'll be redirected to the plugin builder, which  is Divi Gear. Alright, we go to 'Products' we go   to 'Divi Carousel Module 2.0'. And you can choose  a license. You can use one site which is just $15,   or you can just choose a unlimited sites with  will give you the access to unlimited use of   this plugin which is really amazing. Just pick  the one that you want. I have the unlimited site   for all my clients and it works awesome. It's a  lifetime license so that's great. Press 'Buy now',   and press 'Proceed to check out'. Fill in all  your details and of course you can pay with PayPal   or with credit card whatever you want. And you  press 'Place order'. Once you've paid you can go   to your dashboard, login to your user, then go to  'Downloads' and press the download button for the   unlimited site or to single license whatever you  have. And now the files being downloaded to your   computer. You can press 'orders'. Because now we  need our license key so we press view. And on this   site, it's also on your email but here you can  find your license key. You select the license key   and press copy. And we're going to need it to fill  it in our WordPress website. So, next step is:   let's go login to your WordPress website. Let's install the plugin right now. You go to   'Plugins', you go to 'Add New'. We go to  'Upload Plugin'. And you select the plugin   we just downloaded from Divi Gear. And  you press 'Install now'. Just a second.   Oh, we press 'Activate Plugin'. And now you see  on the left side there is a DiviGear icon so let's   click on that one. We have to fill out our license  key that we've just copied from the website.   So just paste it in. Press 'Save Changes'. And  then you have to press activate. There it is,   our license key has been activated. So now we can  use the plugin. So head over to the place where   you want to build your carousel slider. Okay, so when you are on the page just go to   place where you want to add your new carousel  module. And we are going to place it right   there. Alright let's add a new row right here.  Here we go and make it one. And now when you go   look into your module sections you will see that  you have a new module called the 'Divi Carousel'.   That one is pretty cool so let's add it in. Okay,  the first thing we're going to do we're going to   create a little slider with different logos or  brands that we are working with on our website.   After that, I'm going to create some more reviews  so you can see exactly how we're going to do   that. And after that one we're going to build  another one/ But first, the logos. All right,   you're gonna press 'Add New Item'. And then we're  don't going to fill out the title, the subtitle,   and the content. No, we are just going to add a  image. All right, so for your logos, you will need   one thing which is very important. All your logos  needs to be PNGs or has to be transparent and they   have to be the same size. Because if we don't  use the same size things will get a bit messy.   So let's upload our files, we're going to use for  this website. I have them right here. Just a sec.   I just dropped the files, and here we go. I  selected all the logos of sport brands around   the world, so we can really make a cool slider  which shows which brands we use. Alright let's   start with Under Armour. So the first thing you  want to do is you want to optimize your alt text   also. Now, I'm not going to dive into that on this  video, but if you want to know how to optimize   your alt text for Google, just watch my video  about "The timeless pillars of SEO", because   this will really help you out to get your website  ranked in Google. All right, let's just use Under   Armour right now. Upload the image. And as you  can see now we have just uploaded our image on   this slider. Alright so here - don't forget  to enter your image alt text right there below   the logo. I'm just going to use the logos name.  Normally in the website I would never do this I   will always combine it with something this  website is trying to rank on. Alright so,   do you want to open a lightbox No, I don't want  to open it in a lightbox. Alright, don't forget   to add the admin label with the logos name. Why?  Well let me show you. If I save this one, you will   see right here now it's called Under Armour.  If I create a new one, and add a new image.   Like The North Face, and I'm gonna place it in  the alt text again, and the admin label is The   North Face, I will get The North Face right there.  Right, I'm just gonna fill this out really quick.   I'm going to add a lot of logos, right  there so we have something to work with.   So when you've uploaded, all your files to the  module now we can start changing stuff. This is   pretty awesome. Let's go to the next setting is  'Slider settings' right there. With the 'Item   width control' you can actually control the width  of all the individual logos. This can be very   useful we're not going to use it right now but you  can use it whenever you see fit. This is how many   items you want to show on your desktop and how  many items you want to show on your tablet let's   make it three, that's alright. And how many items  you want to see on mobile so let's change that to   two. And here is the transition duration. So  let's make the transition duration 4000ms.   We're gonna make it a loop. We're not gonna  center a slide, and we're gonna put it on   AutoPlay. Do we want to make it pause on hover?  Well, you can but no not this specific slider.   And I want the scroller effect so that means,  it just goes really smooth by. I want that.   We are going to make that nine seconds. Its the  arrow navigation if you want it. I don't want it   right now. I also don't want to a dot navigation,  but it can be useful in the next carousels we're   going to create. So lazy loading, you can put  this on if speed is important for you right now,   we're going to leave it off for testing purposes.  When it's all finished we can turn it on. Alright   let's go to the 'Advanced slider settings' right  there. The slider effect going to be the default,   that's this one, or we can make a Cover  Flow. I'm going to show you later on   something with the Cover Flow is really amazing.  We don't need a background for this one,   and the admin label is called Divi  carousel and that's okay. All right,   so those are the basic settings now let's save  this page. If we load the page on the front end,   this is what you will see right there. Let's  go to our place where you see all the logos.   It's a long page right? Alright, here we go.  Here they are. So now we can see all the logos   smoothly scrolling on the page. But there's one  problem I have with it. It is not full width   so we're going to change this to full width.  How do we do this? Enable the visual builder,   and we're going to make this row right here  full width. So go to the settings of your   row. Go to 'Design', you go to 'Sizing'.  We then change the width to 100%. Whoops.   And we're also going to change the max width to  100%. Now this looks way better right? I found   the logos awesome but I think they're really big  and we need some spacing between the reviews, of   course, we've got to change those reviews to make  them exactly the same. So, this looks pretty cool.   Now I'm going to show you a couple more things  we can do with this carousel. So let's go back.   If you go to 'Design' -so you can do a image  overlay so if you want to link them out to for   example your portfolio, you can use the overlay  which is very useful. So you can click on it and   you - then you go to a portfolio page or anything  then this is very nice. This is what happens when   you enable the overlay. So if you make it like  black then it's gonna be full black. But let's   make it a bit transparent. And then you can also  just add a different icon later on, to change this   one. Alright, this looks great. Let's use a custom  icon, and if you press this icon for example,   now you know that when you hover over it there is  more to this story. People can click on it and go   to your portfolio page, we're not going to use  it right now but it's a really awesome option.   Alright if you go to 'Image' now you can align the  images, or we're only using images and no text so   this really doesn't make any sense. You can make  it full width one doesn't make any sense right now   also. So let's go to the image borders. If you  want to have image borders, you can add them   right here. We're not going to do it right now  but we are going to do it in the next one. So   there's only one thing I want to show you in this  specific carousel. If you go to 'Slider Settings'   and now you can control the width we've got to  make them a little bit smaller. Also if you want   more spacing between all those logos, you go to  'Design' you go to 'Custom Spacing' and you go to   'Content'. Here you can add some padding  to the images so let's say I want 50 pixels   right and left. As you can see there is  more spacing right now between the logos,   and that is a little bit more smoother. Now we can  also make them a little bit bigger again so we go   to 'Slider Settings' the item width: let's change  it to 175 pixels. This is pretty nice. Let's make   it 200 pixels to see how that looks. I think this  is really awesome. All right, let's save this.   So this is pretty awesome. Just imagine  your website with your logos or your clients   beneath on every page using the 'Theme Builder'  for example, it is all possible with this   awesome carousel. Alright, now we're going  to create another carousel with reviews.   So we're going to remove this module and we're  also going to remove this module, and we are   also going to place the reviews in a carousel, it  would be awesome. So just add the Divi carousel   right there. We're gonna add new items. So you  can add actually a title a subtitle and content   so let me show you how it looks So the title of  this review is Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the   subtitle is "I love it. This program really  changed my life from a skinny person to a   fulltime bodybuilder, this is awesome."  We're gonna add of course a image. So we're   going to use for Mr Arnold Schwarzenegger,  yeah. You look awesome man. All right,   gonna use this image right there. Don't  forget to fill out the Alt text of this image.   And we're not going to use social media but we  are going to use a rating. Because we got to give   it five stars because this guy was really  happy. Just let me fill this out real quick   with some other people and then I will style  this entire thing, so be patient a little bit.   So as you can see I now have added some content  to the reviews now we're going to style it.   So you go to your 'Slider Settings'. And we don't  want to use the 'Item width control', and I do   want however four items on desktop. I think the  basic settings are really good right now for these   reviews. We don't want a multi slide and  Transition Duration: let's make this two seconds.   I'm going to show you how it looks. We do  want Loop. And we do want AutoPlay. And we   do want to Pause on hover. And I don't want the  scroller effect this time, because we have seen   this scroller effect in action. You can add it of  course if you like it, let's not use it this time.   We're not going to use it. Our Lady, lady. And I  want to have the arrow navigation so people can   actually move through the reviews. Alright. Item  spacing it's very useful. We're gonna make it a   little bit more spacing right there. This looks  awesome. All right, let's change it to 70px.   This is great. Equal Height Item, we don't need it  right now. Vertical align: this is actually where   you want to align the images if the images have  different sizes, then you can do alignment. Let's   just put it on the top all of them. Let's go to  your font slider settings with the slider effect.   Let's use a cover flow. This is how a Cover  Flow looks. And if you now go to center slide.   This combination is pretty awesome. So, let me  show you how this looks on the front end. So   this is how it looks right now on the front  end. Well, this looks pretty nice isn't it.   This is a very nice carousel but we can change  it even more because I actually - the Cover Flow,   I don't like it very much, but you can still  add it of course. But we're going to remove it,   we're going to style it a little bit more. Because  I want for example: round images. So we're going   back to the settings of this module. First we're  going to shut down the content, and we're going to   turn off the cover flow, and let's keep it on  the default mode. All right, let's go to the   design we're going to style this thing so it's  going to be fun. Let's go to the image border.   First of all we got to make it round because I  really like rounded images for the reviews. Just   enter 50%, and see what happens. All right, now  this is cool. This looks way better. Let's make   it a nice border. Let me see what is the color  of this website. It really doesn't matter what   color we pick because we have all colors in this  website. So we're going to make this three pixels.   Let's make it a little bit smoother. I think  two pixels is great. All right, let's use   this one. The image border Styles, do you want to  have it Grooved, Ridged, Dotted or you can do it   right there. Let's keep it with solid. Image box  shadow. This is some pretty nice effect. It looks   kinda of, and I'm going to show you why that is  because images doesn't have enough space around   them. We're going to fix that in just a second.  The title text let's change the title text,   of course you can change the color you can change  the font. And let's align them all in the center   because that is, I think that is way better.  I've found the images to be a little bit too big.   So we're going to change the size of the  images. We go to sizing. And then we go to.   If I change this one the entire module  will be sizes so this is not the right way.   So I can't seem to find the normal way how to  size the images but of course we can always   do it with custom CSS. Now, if you do know  the way how to style the normal fashion,   just put them in the comments, because I am  always trying to learn more. So let's go to   the image section and just type in width: 175px;  This is better! I like it, this is great. So we're   going to use this width for the images, this  looks awesome. Right, let's go back to design.   We go to the subtitle text, let's  add in the center. This is great.   It really looks great. Let's get another  font, let's use Montserrat. And we're going   to make the titles a little bit bigger  so we're going to title text text size.   Yeah, this is, this looks really great. All  right. Let's go back to the body text. We're   also going to center this one out. I like it to  be centered. And of course you can change the font   and anything, but you know how to do it. Alright  so let's go to the next and previous button.   Those are these on the left and rightnside. I want  the middle and outside the container. However,   this is going to be a problem because I made the  row full size 100% so we have to make them smaller   in, because now they just fall off your screen.  So I want them to be up in the top. In the bottom?   Let's move them in the middle  and inside the container. Right.   I only want to show them on hover. This is really  nice. And I want it to be justified. Of course,   and you can even make custom icons for the  previous and the next one. So if I want to have   this little crazy button. I'm really impressed by  the work they put into this module I really like   it, because you can style it like unendlessly,  its really awesome you can change the font size.   We can also change the color of these little  icons in the next setting Color Settings.   The arrow color let's make them pink also. Here  you go, it's great man. Arrow background color,   I would say you make it transparent so that it  shines through because now you can see better da   dots are those little things down there I didn't  activate them but you can change them right   there. So desert index, you can just leave it the  same because I don't have anything behind it or in   front of face so that's cool. Got some spacing.  We don't need this, this time. Item borders   with this border, you can create a border around  the entire item. So this can be pretty useful if   you're going to add a shadow to it. For example,  this would be pretty nice sizing spacing, of   course. So now it looks like this and it's pretty  awesome if you can even drag your mouse around it.   Or you can just love the things by itself. Also on  mobile and tablet is exactly the way it use your   mouse if you can actually put your finger on it  and scroll it, he will see the next one so this is   pretty cool. I really liked his module. However,  to start, I wanted to align the stars in center   and make them a little bit bigger let's see how we  can do that when you want to change these stars,   and you want to change even more about them you  can actually go into one of the reviews and press   the gear icon right there. And now you have even  more options to change inside of your module, you   go to design, you go for example to image styles  you can choose the position of your image you want   in the bottom. Do you want it on the right. Do you  want it on the left, do you want it inside of your   content, or you can change to this place of your  image right there. You can also use a filter. This   is very useful if you want all black and white  images through your entire reviews to make them   all the same look and feel. This is very useful.  We're not going to use it right now. So again   you can change the title the subtitle and the  gander but now you can change them per refueled   is really great. You can even add a button we  didn't really, we didn't do it right now. But   as you can see if you go to content. You go to  button settings and you're going to add a button.   Then you can actually add a button below all your  reviews. Now, I don't want buttons in my reviews,   which you can do that. If you have all kind of  call to actions down there. It's really amazing.   So just social media style we'll be talking  about that in a bit. In a new design just hold   on reading style, you can choose where you like  to align the icons, I want to align them in the   middle, and I want them to be a little bit bigger.  I like it this size so let's keep it this way you   can change the color of it. You can make it blue  you can make it pink, but let's keep it the girls,   I like that. And of course you can add a buck  shadow to them. Now, this would be pretty cool. If   you add a box color you would need some spacing,  right there. So we've got to add additional   spacing. A little bit of padding up the bottom,  and the margins left and right and left and right.   So this looks pretty cool. However, you can  see the shadows anymore Why right so you also   have to add a little bit of margin to them on  the right and left side, to really show depth,   the shadow of this review. So now we have a little  bit of margin a little bit of bedding, and I   really happy, how is this going to look. So we  added the buck shadow which is really awesome,   and you can of course use your filter for the  entire module, I wouldn't do that but you can of   course because it's standard Divi. The only thing  now we have to do is we have to copy this style to   all the other one. Well, it's pretty easy,  you just press the right button on your mouse,   and you just press extend items styles,  we're going to extend them to only this row,   and we're going to press extends. And  here we are. Now we have all the styles   added to all of them, just in one, Mr Smith  doesn't have the rating and Mr SpongeBob also   so we go to make them we're going to use the  rating, we're going to add five stars. Yes,   Mr SpongeBob also doesn't have a rating.  I think I forgot it. So, yes. All right.   So, let's see how it looks now  on the front end of our website.   So here we are at our awesome reviews, and I think  this really looks awesome. Oh, I forgot to put the   button away from Arnold Schwarzenegger but a dis  refueled thing is really awesome as you can see   now we have their little carousel that is moving,  and also the buttons of course work that being   buttons you can also drag it around your screen.  So I really love as much so they really put a lot   of work in it, it was worth every dollar I put  into it. I really like it. All right, I'm going   to show you one more thing, how to create a team  section with the same module. Let's go. So what I   want to create this website is also a piece of, of  how we can introduce ourselves to the clients, and   how we can show off our team. So let's create that  right now. What I want is I want to have it right   here I'm going to add a new section, we're gonna  just add a regular section that we're gonna have,   we're gonna need two rows of this. The first row  is just a piece of text. You meet the team. Right   now, the background of this column I want  to change it. And I want to make it black.   Let's create some spacing. Are we going to add  our Divi module right there are Devi garrison.   Mr tough. He's actually a real tough guy.   All right, so I've added a couple of the  team members, and now I'm going to style   it to make it show only one person at a time  and it's going to scroll instantly all away,   automatically so it's going to be pretty awesome  and when you click on it you can actually go to   the team members so that would be awesome. So  I want one idol to be shown on the desktop.   And I want it to be to loop and to our play. And  I want to have the scroller effects, and let's   make it seven seconds so that is go slowly  right we want to error navigation, yes and   no. Let's see if this one as you  can see right now it is just really   big. And I want it to be this way right let's  save let's see what it does any front end.   All right, so this is how it looks now on  the front end, I think this is really funny.   Except that, I should make the gutter wide to  zero because now it stops right there and I wanted   to stop at the Blackboard. So just quick fix.  Row settings, we go to design we go to sizing,   and we go to use custom gutter white,  and we're gonna we're gonna make it. One.   Save Changes. Save Changes. So this is the final  result, I have to agree it's a little bit fast,   but as you can see is really funny you can  create the most awesome things with this module,   and if you have questions about this  module just leave them in the comments.   If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up  so I know I was on the right track. Alright,   keep it up and have a awesome day  and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: WPress Doctor
Views: 4,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Divi Carousel, Carousel Divi, Carousal Divi, Divi Cerousel, DiviGear Carousel, Divi Carousel 2021 tutorial, Slow slider Divi, Smooth Scrolling Slider Divi, Scrolling slider Divi, Divi slider scrolling smoothly
Id: klwIq-wPxMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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