ALL Asian Dating sites are SCAMS!

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Winston: Are you dating a Chinese girl online? Or are you currently looking for an Asian girlfriend or wife or whatever. This video is for you. C-Milk: Sign me up for both. Na... I'm just joking. Winston: Ha-ha Winston: So we are going to be riding all the way out to a beach today. C-Milk: Yep Winston: On the way, we thought we'd cover a couple of topics and one of the topics is something we get asked about and something we have a little experience with and that is this whole intercultural dating kind of thing. C-Milk: Specifically online. Winston: Yea and well. I've never really done the online dating. C-Milk: Neither have I but we know a lot of people that have. Winston: Yes. So we've got some warnings for you guys out there and ah... we are going to hopefully help you avoid some scams and some issues. So let's hit the road and let's do it. [music starts] [music fades] Winston: Okay C-Milk. So.. We both have a lot of experience of this. Very often, I meet subscribers that come to visit me here and the reason they've come to China actually is to come and meet somebody that they've been dating online somebody that they've been talking to. Etcetera, etcetera. C-Milk: Yea. I figured we'd actually break up the topic. Talking about people that have gone the extra mile to actually come here and figure it out and then the people that have recently been contacting me which is about 5 people. um.. Trying to decide whether they should or not. Decide whether or not, this is legitimate with people they are talking to on Chinese dating sites. Winston: Yea. Okay. Let's first of all, start this off by saying there are a lot of scams surrounding these dating sites and there have been quite a number of cases of people even coming all the way to China only to find out that the person that they're supposedly dating doesn't exist. By the way, your license plate is probably going to fly off C-Milk: Great. Thanks. Winston: Didn't do very well on the trip back in the... in the (laughs) crate. I might say. C-Milk: At least you don't have to worry about yours. It doesn't exists. Winston: Yea. It's already gone. Yea. Anyway, later let's stop and try and fix that. Okay. Ah. Anyway. Um... let's... I guess we'll start out with something that is a bit of a soar point for a lot of the people I meet who've actually come here to meet their so called ah... online girlfriends. C-Milk: Sure. Winston: and that is the way they look. (chuckles) C-Milk: Okay. Winston: Um. What are we doing here? I guess we have to go and make a U-turn?.... C-Milk: Make a U-turn. Winston: Okay. Winston: Chinese girls for years now have been very fond of using apps and things like, you know. They can get these apps on their phones and their computers and everything. that are specifically designed to make them look glamorous. C-Milk: 美图 (Meitu) is the most common. Winston: Yea. 美图秀秀 (Meitu Xiuxiu) right? C-Milk: Yep. Winston: Um... and it makes them look completely different to what they really look like in real life. So it lightens their skins. Smooths out their skins. Makes their faces little more slender. Makes their eyes bigger. C-Milk: Right. Winston: Their legs longer. C-Milk: Yep. Winston: Literally these all built into the app and you can say like "make my legs longer" and it makes your legs longer. C-Milk: Right. Winston: Right. And ah... so a lot of the times when you turn up the person that you see, in real life, is nothing like the photos. C-Milk: Right. Winston: And it's not only photo, my friend, they've got it so they can now live stream video C-Milk: Yep. Winston: You've seen that stuff where they give themselves "Bunny ears" C-Milk: Yea. Sometimes... some of the shittier apps will actually kind of dip in and out of usable-ness and like you see it like "go off". and you are like "Whoa", "What the..." (laughs) Winston: Yea. I know. So... the thing is, you'll see this.. this really beautiful, you know... Alabaster model. (laughs) C-Milk: Right. "Alabaster" (snickers) Winston: Well. What would you call it? C-Milk: I don't know. Winston: Maybe "Porcelain"? C-Milk: Say whatever you want. Winston: Like a "Porcelain" doll okay? See this beautiful, beautiful woman in these pictures. C-Milk: I would say "Anime" character. Winston: Yea. You... you would probably think that she's just unreal and that because she is. C-Milk: Right. Winston: So quite a.. and I'm saying.. I'd say 80% of the guys I meet. They come here and they like "Ah, dude." "Look, I just met her and she looks nothing like her picture." and then they'll show me the pictures and I'll say "Yea that's kinda normal." So the first thing I have to tell you is guys if you are dating a Chinese woman online, you better get them on a Skype chat and see what they look like properly because it's false advertising. You maybe attracted to someone that you're not actually attracted to, you know? C-Milk: Right. Right. Winston: From another side of it, I was once sitting in a Chinese restaurant in this "middle of nowhere" place and the owner was a Taiwanese woman and she came over and she brought her laptop to me and said like ask me in Chinese if I can help her answer an email. Right? C-Milk: Okay. Winston: And I thought, "That's weird". And then she put the laptop down in front of me and it had this kind of... she was talking to a German guy online. C-Milk: Hmm. Winston: And it had this kind of exchange where it was like... ah... you know... he was like... You know. The usual stuff. C-Milk: Yea. Winston: Um... and she had pictures in the email you know? She had 3 of them. She was all in her lingerie and stuff. C-Milk: Wow. Winston: Looking all sexy but the person that was in the pictures look nothing like the person in real life. C-Milk: Right. Winston: She was literally like a very unattractive women in real life but in the picture she looked like a super model. So you know. Just once again. Be very careful. The pictures that you see are guarantee to be doctored and sometimes to such a degree that they might as well be fake. C-Milk: Right. Winston: Alright. So. What are we gonna cover next? C-Milk: So you're talking about people that are getting... ah... tricked by appearances but the person exists. Winston: Sure. C-Milk: Okay. Now five of the people that I've been talking to recently have contacted me and they don't seem like the kind of people that would just you know shoot me an email if they didn't really, really need help. So some of these people contacted me on Patreon, on Facebook and they've all had the same issue. Now these guys will go on these websites and sign up for a monetized website. You have to pay money, right? Winston: Yea. C-Milk: So let's say it's $10 a month and then you also have to pay every-time you contact one of these girls and they're specifically looking for Chinese girls. So there is one called like "" or something. There's "AsianFriendFinder" or something. "" or whatever. There's a bunch of them. and um... I like a little bit... one of my one of my minors in university was Internet Forensics Winston: Yea. C-Milk: and I like... I like the whole like figuring stuff out. Winston: Sure. C-Milk: Especially like when people are like "tricking other people" and I found a couple of hours free so these guys contact me and said "Hey, can you go on these websites and help me out?" cause I don't actually know like they either stopped talking to me or they won't give me their personal contact information so can you do a little recon and speak to them in Chinese? The first issue I ran into was... um... When I contacted these ah... when I went on these websites you either had to sign up for money Winston: Yea. C-Milk: and then you had to pay extra to contact the girl so it was this weird thing where like I couldn't actually get past the main profiles. So what I did was without having to go do that. I would take their profile pictures and look at their profile and I would copy and paste into google and do reverse image searches. And every single one that I found every single one, all these 5 guys right? Winston: Yea? 100% of the time. They had... Ah... Their photos posted on other websites with different names and different profiles coming from different places. Winston: Right. C-Milk: So. Here you have like obviously a scam and three out of the five guys have already sent these women money. Winston: Right. Right. Right. C-Milk: Did a little more digging and when I go into these other profiles I found some that are a little more open than the other ones and I found there are agencies and I called one of these agencies that was in... ah in Chongqing. Right? and I said "Is so and so person there?" I think her name was Wendy. Winston: Yea. C-Milk: And... ah. Me and Vivi both tried to do it We tried to get as far as we could but they said that they're not allowed give their personal details so it's their choice. It's the girl's choice whether they give them or not. Now, clearly I found most of these are stock photos they are just fake profiles from these agencies and they are not give up more info but these guys who have been talking to them, you know, for some of them for over a year. Winston: Right. C-Milk: Sending like... like up to 100,000 RMB Winston: Yea. Yea. C-Milk: To these bank accounts because their family need them. They need to buy a house. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I actually haven't got to talk to them personally other than the fact that I said "I think they're a scam" cause I'd like to go a little bit further into it but the furthest I got. After all this was I got a phone number. Winston: Right. C-Milk: Finally this girl... this guy was going so crazy he's like I need... I need a phone number at least so I can contact them. Winston: Yea. C-Milk: Finally gets the phone number. He calls her all the time. He doesn't have WeChat this guy is in America. Winston: Right. C-Milk: And... ah. He calls her incessantly and she... "she" never picks up the phone. Winston: Right. C-Milk: So he's like "Okay. She totally exists" but I don't know maybe she's busy Maybe the call's not going through. He pulled tin-foil hat stuff like like oh... In China, they're blocking me. You know. Blah. Blah. Blah. Winston: Yea. Yea. C-Milk: So... ah. I got the phone number and what i did was from two different WeChat accounts added the phone number in... in... you know sure enough there was a person. It was a man. Winston: Yea. That is very typical. C-Milk: A man in a white shirt, right? A man who probably work for one of these agencies. Winston: Yep. Either that or a completely fake phone number. So that's as far as I got and my, you know, huge warning to these people is that even if you go on these websites that yea, might have some success stories and stuff cause, of course, there's probably a couple of real people on there. All of these stock, "Barbie" looking photos that you see look like they're from 2001, you know? Totally outdated. Winston: Sure. C-Milk: Ridiculous. You know? Like Chinese aren't that out of fashion. You gotta use your discretion when you see this kind of stuff. I wouldn't use a site like this. If you're gonna try to date online I would actually go on normal Social Media and try and figure it out because these... these are I'm going to say "90% of the time, it's going to be a scam". Winston: Oh. Absolutely it is. Quite... quite recently there was that old guy who came here to Shenzhen and was standing around with a big placards, you know, cause he was trying to look for C-Milk: Yea. That's right. Winston: This women that he'd been dating for, how very long, online and it turns out that... C-Milk: That Dutch guy right? Winston: I think he was American. C-Milk: No.. no. He was definitely European. Winston: Oh. Okay. Well, either way. An old guy, who'd been dating a Chinese women online, right? Just sent her lots of money and stuff. C-Milk: In the airport. Yea. Winston: Completely alone. Here standing around in Shenzhen with a placard and turns out the women that he thought was dating didn't even know that he exists and she'd only sold her picture to like a modeling agency C-Milk: Right. Right. Winston: (chuckles) So probably some random dude sitting there pretending to be this girl just milking him for money. C-Milk: Right. Winston: So be careful guys this is a big industry in China. It's massive, you know? And a lot of people get caught out. And it's easy. It's easy. Just be careful. C-Milk: And I understand like... it's a, you know, it used to be... I've never done online dating before. It's... it's too... too new for me. Like I've already met my wife and that was... It's was kind of like a seedy, a little bit weird thing back then. Winston: That was yea. Like if you... C-Milk: If you met your wife online, it's a bit weird. right? Winston: Yea. No. We would have considered it bad back in the day means you you're not socially capable of going off and find one on your own. C-Milk: I didn't want to say that. It's a bit different now. You don't have to rely on websites like this is my point, right? Winston: Yea. Yea. Yea. C-Milk: So we gotta figure out which way to go. That's is our warning. Winston: Don't know why you wanna take us in the opposite direction from where we supposed to be going anyway. C-Milk: What do you mean? Winston: Well, I mean I'm pretty sure that the beach is that way. South not north. C-Milk: Anyway let's figure it out and sign off. Winston: Okay. We'll pull over and figure it out. But yea. Ah. That's pretty much it for this one guys. You know, be very careful if you are dating anyone online. Um. A lot of it is fake and also the pictures themselves they usually very doctored so best advice is, you know, try and get them in a... in a Skype chat and make sure the lighting is good so you can actually see who you are talking to you know what I mean C-Milk: Right. (laughs) Winston: Yea. Cool. So that's it. Anything you want to say to everyone before we sign off? C-Milk: Whether you... ah. Meet your love online or real life or you don't have any love cause you don't want to love anyone in your life. I implore you to love this video by going downstairs and liking it. And then... ah. Leave a comment. And don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. Winston: Yea and ah... Whether or not you're are searching for love outside of your immediate circles or whether you're just going down the road. Remember that it's always bloody complicated but if you do find the right person, usually it's a lot easier. So... Until next time guys we love you all the same. Stay Awesome! [music starts] [music continues] [music fades]
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 378,946
Rating: 4.868103 out of 5
Keywords: dating, online dating, scam, filipina, online scams, scammers, dating scams, money, pinay, bars, girl, online dating service (website category), filipina dating, online dating service (industry), asian dating, online scammers, filipino girls, filipina scammer, romance scams, dating scam, lie, beautiful, philippines, online, date, dating advice, international dating, asian women, asiandate, asian girls, china, advchina, adv china, chinese, serpentza, asia, laowhy86, living in china, asian
Id: WtMF5YtCw8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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