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yo sea milk yo dawg rich people am i right yeah love him or hate him they exist they certainly do speaking of which uh we are currently on rodeo drive yeah which is famous for what in beverly hills for being rich well unless there's some confirmation there we got double give us your kids look at that look at that that's nice i gotta turn this so we are on go go go go we are on rodeo drive um pretending to be rich in a 1990 firebird you know what's funny you know how like this had like the knight rider stereotype this car yeah i think now it's definitely more synonymous with uh with uh what's it called cobra kai i think so yeah because like nobody's seen this this car since knight rider right i think cobra guy got super popular oh yeah they had a 91 yeah that's right it's got that horrible nose though yeah yeah but uh yeah to be honest i'd rather be rolling around in a in this than a fancy schmancy sports car so that's not just the poor man in these that's that it sounds very like but hurt like no it's not i know it's a lot more it's a lot more fun you know it's more special i get it it also does sound like incredible not not saying you sound better but that's what people usually say yeah i know they're like oh i'd rather have my my beetle because it's more like you know right yeah i get you sure um anyway we are rolling down rodeo drive checking out rich stuff rich people stuff yeah and we're talking about uh you know the rich people in china compared to rich people elsewhere right because i think there's a lot of misconceptions people think wealthy people are just wealthy people sure looks kind of nice up there right it does i actually wanted to wanted to come here specifically um specifically because yeah we've been to a lot of wealthy areas in china oh yeah and we can do some serious comparisons i have been here before but i haven't really done a deep dive just rolling around for the purpose of looking for rich stuff i mean i haven't been here before it's my fault okay well that's perfect then right yeah so here we are rolling down and what we can do is start making some comparisons and what we're also going to do is talk about what it actually means to be wealthy in china yeah and what that affords you right [Music] correct [Music] so what does it mean to be rich in china and i have to tell you i've seen some incredible wealth disturbing disturbing amounts of wealth in china i know i know a handful of billionaires not just millionaires but billionaires sure and you meet them all over the place especially as a foreigner yeah the rich people tend to like to hang out with foreigners or you know they you somehow always end up in their circles sure and uh it's it's a different kind of rich yeah maybe you can expand on that so if you're talking about communist china you're you'd be like why is there rich people there to begin with right that anomaly well what happened is when the flood gates opened to hong kong to the special economic zones in places like shenzhen and then you know when they just got rid of that whole designation and made all these massive first-year cities like shanghai and beijing and all this kind of stuff what you ended up with is this influx of money through foreign investment and the fact that companies were allowed to start setting up right so you have this massive there's a billion people that are halfway talented yeah being able to make stuff already right under their current system and then they're able to adapt very quickly very intelligent people able to adapt to a western market right so you have people getting rich hand over foot right because they are already the elite of society or they have those connections you see china runs off this thing called quan xi and this is something that makes it a little different than u.s wealth sure u.s wealth is going to rely on not going to rely on but it's going to help to have connections with no people obviously there's an upper echelon there's a whole sphere of wealthy people yeah thing about china is you're not allowed to be powerful or influential unless you're in the communist party of china that's the irony right that's right so you have to already have those connections so the people that were already influential or already privileged are were the first people to have the factories and have those connections to get wealthy right yeah so that's what that's what was different is the the wealth happened pretty much overnight right right whereas here it's like a slow build like if you're we're in beverly hills obviously a lot of these people are from old money right yeah it's a long time coming this place becoming so as rich as it is yeah with places like in shenzhen that city didn't even exist until 1979. the wealth in china feels very underdeveloped so when somebody gets quick money we call it touhau yeah they just want to spend it on something that makes them appear well-made sure so you're talking about fur coats ridiculous cars yes stupid like cell phones that have got diamond diamond encrusted cell phones marble interiors in their apartments yeah the thing is in the u.s when you when you achieve wealth when you become rich right let's say let's say you live here right yeah there's taste every one of these houses is meticulously architected it's like an architect went through this talked about design cues i like the way this flows i like this i have landscaping this here and there why don't you talk about how that is not the case in china well first i'd like to point out what you're talking about is you know the difference really between new wealth and old wealth right and it was exactly the same in south africa i can draw a lot of parallels because you know before the anc took over um you had a situation where the majority of the wealth was kind of in the hands of old families that have been um you know there for a very long time sure so you know obviously white people um that have been part of the settlers from you know hundreds of years have built up all these big businesses and so on sure when the anc took over of course a lot of nepotism was involved sure so suddenly people that did not have a driver's license for instance would get a brand new i remember the bmw x5 was the newest thing gotcha okay it was the one to have right and when you grow up you're used to seeing the kind of person who has the money to buy a big bmw or something is somebody who's you know kind of earned it over a long period of time so it's somebody who's worked really hard and eventually they can afford this bmw or it comes from like i said a long history of money in the family so like rich kids would be able to get this but all of a sudden this new wealth just popped out of nowhere because it's all through you know the government connections and the nepotism and the tender premiership and all that stuff that happened in south africa so what you found it was really bizarre is overnight you saw an influx of luxury cars on the road and i mean they just exploded everywhere right and like i said it was people that previously didn't even have a driver's license in fact they still didn't they would buy them and so you'd find like all these trashed bmws you see a brand new x5 with a massive dent in it because hey they've just got their car and they've just learned how to drive and they're crashing into literally the same as china yeah i know so that's why i said we could draw so many parallels sure so when you've got this new money and you don't know what to do with it you go out and you you get what you think you need yeah flashy car flashy watch flashy clothes stupid lavish uh house or apartment you know that kind of thing yeah whereas people that have built money over time i think they're a little bit more reasonable on what they spend them sure they plan things out more because they they know how difficult it was to make that money and they're obviously good with money and that's how they ended up where they were sure so that's the major big difference that you see right but all of that aside i reached a point when i was in china and i think you did too you hit a plateau where you can go no further yeah i was never rich in china but i was certainly upper middle class i got to that point where i earned a lot more than the average person yeah okay but still nowhere near the the rich the rich folk the stupid rich folk but it doesn't matter because the difference between being a middle class and super rich in china there is no real big difference other than the fact that the super rich can have like really expensive cognac you know and a very expensive apartment yeah you still end up living in the exact same environment as they do yeah so i would be on the same level as say a billionaire sure right and the reason being that we're all living in the same area of the city we're all living in the same sort of apartment blocks the super rich apartment block might be just down the road sure but it's the same kind of deal as what right and so you find yourself in a in a situation where you're kind of like why why bother like why why should i continue sure you know why film it you know oh yeah oh you better watch those words watch those words watch those words watch those words words words words watch those words [Music] watch those words as they come rolling from your tongue vpns if you're not using one you probably don't care too much about security these days it's a fantastic way to mask what you're doing on the internet first of all it also allows freedom sometimes you're restricted on your network or perhaps you're within the borders of a country like mainland china where you cannot access the real internet well vpns allow you to jump over all these restrictions and get to doing what it is you want to actually do on the internet there's also the benefit of being able to bypass region locking to watch your favorite shows and that sort of thing log on to forward slash adv china for a huge discount don't forget to use the code adv china for an additional month completely risk-free vpn or be square well so we're rolling around this these rich neighborhoods right so when you're rolling around the rich areas of shanghai shenzhen beijing yeah the whole point is to compare it to this this type of stuff right yeah this residential nice stuff like right outside the city center right there yeah is wildly different like you said the biggest difference from a super rich billionaire versus someone who's upper middle class in china is going to be just the luxury goods that they can afford really yeah because at the end of the day a middle-class person can't afford to stay here in beverly hills no and it is really really nice here right you can look around beautiful yeah the the houses they look immaculate and where you can go to the richest neighborhoods outside of san lituan and zhong nang hai and all those places in beijing yeah and you are still choking yeah on a polluted wasteland of air right toxic quality so those people still have to live amongst that also when they want to go their luxury shopping they go to the downtown place that's you know frequented by the same people that you know they're maybe those people are the poor people aren't shopping there but they're still there sure right so i mean you could draw parallels to this with like the homeless population here but the actual living standards of someone here the average house price around here is 16 million dollars right 16 million you could spend 16 million dollars on an apartment in shanghai oh you can you can the thing is the difference in quality we're talking about you're still living in a really crappy gated community in shanghai in a polluted city that's very noisy and loud yeah whereas here you're literally surrounded by the rich and famous and it's very clean beautiful scenery right you know amazing good security system yeah everything is great and that's really the thing like i said when i reached that plateau okay i had a car so did you which is kind of rare for expats in china let's be honest only the right the people that are there for the long haul usually you end up with a car so you got your car you got your nice apartment in a nice area sure my i finally moved to like a very rich part of shenzhen you remember the last area i was living in yeah so it's a rich nice area um got a great deal on apartment there that's why right there near a subway line you know i've got access to everything i can have i can literally order any food that i want go to any restaurant that i want sure i'm not lacking or not wanting for anything no and that's unfortunately when your eyes open and you see you know like where do you go from here right right i was wondering a guy's got a yoga ball and his passenger we are definitely in the right because he's probably like a personal yoga instructor going through you know um we're literally in beverly hills like rope roaming around it feels kind of weird it's it's so nice yeah i like the environment everything but that's the thing is you reach that plateau and you're like where do you go from here and then you're hanging out with billionaires and the only difference is that they get to do their shopping trips you know overseas they'll fly to japan or hong kong or wherever to go get their stupid expensive lv bags in this [ __ ] that no one actually cares about right and the next thing is that i want to talk about which is important to me is cars sure these rich guys that i met all of them except for one one guy in hong kong it doesn't really count because these hong kong is have poor tasting cards they just buy whatever they're supposed to so everyone in china thinks that a maserati is what you should have yeah yeah they all buy a maserati sure and it's like i see that here too rich mainlanders come over and they buy maserati they buy a maserati or whatever it is whatever the flavor of the year is sure so they get this really expensive car they don't know how to drive it properly no okay yeah there's a nice bentley over there they end up parking it in the same parking lot with all the crap cars down there gets dings and dents you want to go for a drive you think you can do this think again because you go out into this crappy snarl traffic you're not allowed to drive your car on specific days because of the laws in beijing and stuff like that and even shenzhen so what the rich people end up doing is they buy multiple cars so that they can avoid that weird rule yeah so they'll drive the maserati this is a very constricted driving environment you can't enjoy it no like even in the downtown l.a traffic we always laugh at people and i think people need to get this to their like how could you live in l.a because we live in long beach yeah yeah and the traffic's really bad i'll admit it by american standards but like we're like guys you got to go to china at some point yeah every day even in a third i lived in a third tier city every day as a traffic jam to go three miles away i know it can take me an hour it's horrendous it's horrible and everyone is literally trying to kill you and you know because china is constantly growing construction is a huge part so the roads are always under construction you've always got a big cement truck or dirt truck dropping junk in your car and stuff you know so it's uh it's a hostile driving environment sure um not a lot of fun so the driving is no fun so even if you get to a point where you can afford a nice car you know it's not fun no it's also really expensive to drive everywhere you park you have to pay for it sure that's something that people don't they take it for granted in the states sure sure if you go downtown in in la you'll find places you have to pay a parking meter or whatever but in china everywhere you go you go to a mall you have to park yeah pay for parking here you got a strip mall it's free yeah go to the walmart or whatever it's free you have to pay your own house sure so people don't seem to understand your own apartment complex you have to pay a daily or monthly rate to park there and a lot of the times they're so full you can't even get a spot right so you have to go park on the road and it's a battle to find parking every day and you have to pay to park on the road you do so you've got that um yeah go ahead yeah don't forget you drive on the highway every single time you get on the highway you have to pay per kilometer wow some of these houses are insane look at that one up hope you guys can see this stuff maybe just film some of this stuff we we covered uh you know the actual just standard of living obviously beverly hills is gonna be a world standard right but the thing is the amount of money in shanghai in china in mainland china amongst the top the standard of living we've covered right the thing is the the money that you can there's a threshold there's a ceiling so something really important to me is education right sure i don't live in a rich neighborhood right however i know my daughters are gonna be able to go to really good schools and guess what they're free you can go to the fanciest of the fancy private schools let's say you're a diplomat in shanghai right yeah and you can go to a fancy private international school you still have to follow the rules of the communist party of china it doesn't matter if that international school says like oh we use whatever curriculum that still gets censored yeah that still gets manipulated very true it has nothing to do like you don't have impunity you can't just be like oh we can we can shoot or we're sorry we can teach whatever we want yeah because at the end of the day the communist party of china says oh we don't want that material taught in our country right yeah yeah you know that's absolutely true the the wealthy people i know they end up sending their children to what's called an international school sure we still have to follow the the rules of the chinese communist party yeah you know you can't teach anything that they don't want sure in the international school you still have to follow their curriculum you know taiwan is a province tiananmen square never happened you know that kind of thing um and it's horrendously expensive yeah in fact a lot of expats i know they they want to send their children to international students but they can't afford it sure it's like only for the mega rich sure so education is a big issue bringing up a child's a whole different topic that's that's the hardest thing to do in china but if if i could um draw a conclusion to all of this uh it's a quality thing yeah and you can be double the wealthy in china but have less of a life quality than a person in the states right or canada or australia or whatever and it's simply got to do with the living environment sure and i think food plays a big role in that yeah i mean like honestly we can talk about like california being one of the best places to eat in the world just because every country is here right every country is in this state and you can find within a 10 mile radius of anywhere yeah a certain cuisine that you're looking for but most importantly is the food safety you can eat as as well as you want you can go to the international supermarkets you can pay a private chef and do all this kind of stuff within china yeah but at the end of the day you're not going to get the freshness and the safety that you are you can afford in the west right you will get sick in china yeah and that's the thing is that it doesn't matter if you're getting if you're going to like a really fancy restaurant those ingredients were still probably grown in the fecal wasteland carcinogen soil yeah yeah that literally gives people cancer and and kidney stones and all kinds of bad bad defects right yeah so at the end of the day you still it doesn't matter if it tastes good or not yeah mainland china has a serious food quality problem right so again you're you're paying if you really wanted to like get every single ingredient like a tomato imported in you're going to be paying 10 times what you'd pay here oh yeah i mean look we know that guy and all he does is he's got like fridges all over his house sure he's got one on the balcony and you know all that stuff and all he does is he goes he actually gets stuff sent from america sure and from japan and different countries you know so all the food that he consumes while living in china is imported every single last thing right it all comes from somewhere else right which is bizarre but you know it just shows you um it just shows you that it doesn't matter how rich you are in china you still have to live and deal with the same thing that the poor people have to yeah and i feel like in a country like this or where we are now beverly hills you're rich you're other people you know you get to live above everyone else quite literally yeah i mean you live in these beautiful villas or whatever and beautiful immaculate gardens and you have the best restaurants and food and so there is a big difference sure so basically to round it up i would say that the the wealthy people in the west it's a different quality of wealth yes yes and it's not this new rich that doesn't know what to do with their money and of course at the end of the day you can do nothing to change the environment around you my my middle class lifestyle in the us is better than a rich person's lifestyle in mainland china and for for the most part i'm gonna go as far as to say that the lower class people in here in california enjoy a better quality of life than the rich people yeah they have fresh air yeah you've got beautiful parks i'm sorry but you know there's this weird thing going around where people think that all the parks in the usa are somehow riddled with drug addicts i don't get i'm sure they exist you got gorgeous gorgeous parks yeah immaculately clean public bathrooms and stuff right you've got all these nature walks hiking trails it's all free it's literally one of the biggest things i missed yeah when i was in china was the amount of trails and beautiful parks that we have in the u.s absolutely i don't know where people are where they're getting this from i mean yeah if you go to arizona in the middle of tucson yeah we've seen some sure some shitty parks with homeless people oh yeah but it's in the desert you know like i'm just saying in general yeah it's pretty nice place to be oh no it's it's fantastic so the quality of life even if you don't have a lot of money and you see that a lot because you go to the parks and you'll see like huge gatherings of of people that are just going to the park to celebrate birthday parties and stuff and they're using the park as they're like right because i obviously have a lot of people at home or whatever but the quality of life is there you've got the sea you've got the sun you've got the beaches you've got all this so you're a poor a poor person living you know just on the bread line in a very cheap apartment you can still have an amazing support and hang out dude you could go hang out yeah you could be a surfer you can hang out in the same kind of you know yeah so you can get in your 500 car yes and still do that which you can actually get because you can't do that in china there's no no option for that yeah drive along the coast hang out yeah a middle to lower middle class person in china can't afford a car to keep a car to keep a car yeah and you can't buy cheap cars in china anyway it's not possible that's something people they don't seem to understand all the strict rules about cars in china you can only buy new cars right um you know anything that's sort of 12 years old you're not allowed to buy they have to be scrapped sure uh and the license plate costs more than the car yeah in the in the cities we're talking about that's one thing that people didn't seem to understand you know right how much is uh 80 000 rmb or whatever it's like 12 13 grand nowadays that's how much you pay for a license plate in a big city like shenzhen sure so you can buy a car now yeah you could buy a car for cheap let's just go out there it looks interesting you can buy a car for cheap but then you've the registration and getting the plate because there's so much competition for it sure costs way more so you're screwed right right yeah so basically every time you're like oh man so many billionaires and millionaires in china you gotta also realize that i don't know man that's a whole different type you also have a social safety net here yeah that's the thing is like if you need to get unemployment you can yeah yeah in china i mean good luck with that yeah a great narrow ass yeah it's a very narrow road and we've got big fancy classy suvs going past us here yeah that own it yeah we're like hey this car is like ironic enough to like get away with if it was interesting it would be different oh yeah no i think uh what's up with the tomato red g wagons everywhere that's like a car de jour car de jour yeah i'll tell you one thing this car gets more attention than these fancy suvs yeah oh that's for sure and in conclusion if i was to like rank things i would say a place like hong kong if you were beverly hills rich in hong kong you could still have an epic mansion up on the in victoria or something right sure however to be that same rich or richer in china you just can't get the same stuff it's just not there yeah you can pretend and you can spend artificially inflated prices for those things yeah like uh you know a shanghai apartment that costs 25 million dollars you can do that but you're not going to have the same lifestyle that you would here that's my point and that is why you see a lot of very wealthy chinese people leaving it is not they might have a pride for china yeah they might be like oh yeah i love my home country i miss and else kind of stuff but there's a reason people move here when it's rich right yeah it's a very simple thing it's kind of like this um this idea i hear all the time when people say oh people are leaving california in droves and all this kind of stuff they're some people are leaving california in droves because it's too expensive to live here do you know why it's too expensive to live here it's because people want to move here and it got stuff costs what it's worth yeah that's literally how economics work right right so people don't want to flock to china with their well no you're not seeing a man like let's say somebody from beverly hills here right they live here yeah they're not bringing their millions of dollars to go get a uh a freaking massive apartment in beijing no there's a real there's a reason for that sure so what you can buy in china for an exorbitant amount of money is much worse than what you can get in the west and that is what that is how i can kind of sum up comparing beverly hills to the rich areas of china correct correct cool well i mean it's been absolutely fantastic we've got a lot of interesting places to go today so let's uh do you have anything you want to tell our subscribers before we sign off well i could i could do a weather you uh whether you're rich or not whether you're normal like us just average joe's yeah pretending that we deserve to be rolling around here or not that the truth is that we can't we can we certainly can everyone's allowed to come down here which is kind of cool yeah um in china you get chased away by security yeah that's true seriously no you do voices carry by the way especially in this van anyway long story short let us know what you think um i'm curious to see if you guys have had experience in other countries outside of china yeah what does like the the wealth look like there in comparison to the us because this is i think beverly hills would be your standard of comparison right absolutely yeah you always hear about it here we are in beverly hills sure i don't know what cold water canyon park is no sorry at least that's on camera nice all right yeah well anyway yeah and uh whether you are rich or not we love you all the same and until next time you know the drill as always guys stay awesome
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 738,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: china, rich, people, super rich, millionaires, billionaires, us china, china economy, beverly hills, china news, us china relations, china foreign investment, us china trade, hollywood hills, rich people in china, rich chinese people, adv china, laowhy86, serpentza, adv podcasts, advpodcasts, advpodcast, prc, renminbi, china podcast, communist party of china, expat in china, moving to china, chinese communist party, 中国, capital flight, us dollar, chinese yuan, cmilk, winston sterzel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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