China's "No solution Don't care" culture

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maybe banana fan made banana pho that's it that's a good one that's not a very good one no just chillin buy some bananas at a truck stop where all the trucks stop at one of the most dangerous roads here that we've ever ridden on we call it way she and Lu which means danger road yeah I mean you've got trucks barreling past at breakneck speed and wanna accidents usually I've seen quite a few fatalities on this video it's actually one of the only roads that I consistently see dead people is not funny I apologize but we're talking about what what would you do in that situation what would a lot of Chinese people do in that situation well they would reply with a word or phrase called Mabon five it means you can't do anything about it yeah that basically no method right for it no way around way around it yeah something like that but there's you know it seems kind of stupid and weird to talk about one phrase in Chinese but it's so tantamount and it's so important to Chinese culture you guys have to understand so wish us luck we're gonna be riding through this yeah talking about me bonfá because it's quite interesting yeah we really woman male bonfire we actually have no other way to get to where we're going except on this road so very good example of saying may bump a bumper we have to put up with this crap so let's go let's hit the road and let's do this I'm rolling right yep how about me yeah cool let's pick that square on my away okay oh thanks so wondering what was wrong something is missing and I make it in my head I'm too comfortable one glove one fart I always you always think about Marley thing yeah and I always sing the the u2 version hate YouTube because now it's like a the others always say okay wait wait wait for the silver car that bus might overtake the truck so let's just go to stand aside for a little while it's like someone died there any way maybe I'm fine man you can do nothing you can do now in the last episode if you haven't seen it it might be a little bit imperative to go watch it yeah just about what we talked about avoiding confrontation yes avoiding confrontation now avoiding confrontation comes from the stems from that's kind of a symptom of a culture that we call me bonfire there's no way you know the this is actually bizarrely one of the first things I learned in Chinese and the reason is is that I thought it sounded kind of funny whenever I heard in my first English teaching job all of the CTS or Chinese teachers in there using it all the time so I asked my little Chinese teacher helper right yeah so what is this Mayo bond thought maybe bond thought what does that mean it sounds that weird you know yeah it's thinking of like banthas from Star Wars or something anyway I was I was very very surprised to find out it meant there's nothing you can do about it because that's not something you say all the time in English yeah that's really when there's no solution yes yes no signal whereas this phrase in Chinese is being used literally about everything there's no there's no chicken left so we can only have rice and beans today right yeah in the kitchen this would often happen where the chef wouldn't have you know the the food that they have on the menu every day right at our at our school so they would say I'm a Buffett and then no one would do anything about it there was no complaints no one was like come on I've really disappointed everyone's like yeah maybe I find I think you do about yeah and this like kind of rolled over and Jude I actually found kind of cool in the beginning because it meant that no one who was really responsible yeah and that was this avoiding responsibility thing was this weird kind of free-for-all so like I could be late to work even though I wasn't but I could be late to work and be like I'm a Papa it's not that big of a deal in sure the clock runs on Mabon Fahd the people's attitude runs on me bonfá every kid is being naughty in classes not my fault it's maple I'm fat dude yeah you know this whole attitude runs the entire country would you agree oh yeah absolutely and the thing is it's just so common right and the thing is there always is a bumper yeah there is I'll give you a good example um I met up with the iPhone guy you know that Scotty Scotty mhmm yeah he's a really nice guy yeah I met up with him in one Bay I got a little bit of footage he was actually being interviewed Brian gadgets and the dude from and gadget also nice really nice guys from Hong Kong well he's from the sort of age and then gadget guys here so let's not try to overtake there whoa yeah seriously oh let's write the needle you know open your hands work big truck sorry okay so now he had forgotten to bring his laptop yeah and so come he had filmed the whole bunch and he'd filled up his SD cards okay and there were no SD cards around so I I just arrived and I said well hey here you can use the SD card out of my camera I'm just gonna need it you know and then I'll send you the files later yeah so he's like okay cool and he filmed this thing that he needed to film for like 20 minutes and then he gave me the SD card back and then I put it in my camera in his his camera had been recording in ntsc and my camera records in Pelle so I put it into my camera my camera gave me a warning it's like well you need to format this card in order to use it so I'm like hey I look we're gonna have to make a plan to get your files off of this SD card because I need to use it you know right um so it's like oh man what are we gonna do and you know there's all these like everyone's panicking nobody knows what we're gonna do I said well come with me and we'll make a plan so we went into the electronic market over there and I found just a random store where these guys so like iseas and you know that kind of thing and they have a whole bunch of laptops there that they just use for taking orders and things right yeah so I asked them in Chinese and I said because I saw that their their laptops had SD card readers on them right saying rice there's no getting around it you can't like I can see it's there what is going on what shot must be something going on remember that tipped over a truck over here that one's done oh look he's got a phone call police checkpoint up ahead and so they're like yeah they're not allowed to be bringing our weighing station our piece of crap trucks Armas Road yeah anyway Oh get back to the story so I went up to them and awesome hey guys sorry to bother you but could we please could you could you help us to copy the files or this SD card onto another SD card because we've we dug up another one that Scotty had he had a spare you know 128 gig one and he's like oh I'll give this to you you can just buy me a new one later or something right so I asked him hey can you could you just help us copy this today and they're like at first they look at me and they're like no our computers can't do that you know maybe I'm right basically I said no look you've got an SD card read and I point to it it's like you can and then he's like speaks to the guy next to him and he's like yeah you know he wants to copy SD cards and the guy was like now I'm a bumper you know we can't do it literally sit maybe bumper and so I explained very clearly in Chinese look all we want to do is use your computer if you let us use it for just a minute all I need to do is copy the bus from this SD card and then copy them onto this SD card yeah and then he's like humming and hawing and then the guy behind him was like fine just let them use the laptop you know right it's a very Chinese process I mean it's it's a simple thing I'm not looking for a favor they can say no they've been saying is they know it's funny but I'm being friendly and it's a very simple thing it's not gonna put them out right and so eventually and they started with me bumper maybemaybe I'm fun finally they were like ok no problem you know and then we did it we copied it it was done and I was thank you very much guys super appreciate it you know I awesome if I should pay them anything you know of course I didn't have to they're like no it's ok fine they were just sitting around eating their lunch and stuff I mean and there is a good example of this may bonfire attitude when there actually is always a bumper they just don't want to get off their ass and do it you know what I mean now yours your specific example is pretty eye-opening for this kind of stuff I'm gonna go over two examples and one one is a positive and one's a negative from the start of the negative oh crap ok the apathy right yeah one of the negatives it causes is actually I'm gonna say a cancer a poison yeah in Chinese society because what happens is you'll get people in positions of power or people that have jobs that they shouldn't have right right and it's all because of it you know a system that's trying to change but no one has the gumption or drive to want to change it so I went to get some documents translated a couple years ago alright and the woman you know I I have a lot of graduates you know that of the students I taught at University you know they have really good English level obviously and yeah they don't get these positions these are positions they fight for they want the iron riceball they want that that government stipend they want that job right yeah this woman here probably had the job for ten years now and she didn't speak a lick of English and then mistranslated all the documents so they were rejected by the US government so go back and I'm pretty angry obviously yeah that's just me bombuh right it's not a big deal now may bonfá didn't just cause the mistranslation of the documents may bump up got her that job right because the nepotism that was involved even though it's not fair and even though it's not legal to acquire a job like that yeah that's how it happened and no one's willing to do anything about it right sure now Mabon fought gets pretty scary when you look when you look at doctors in the medical system here because may bonfá will allow things like fake pharmaceuticals to infiltrate hospitals and become a mainstay amongst you know pharmacies and things like this yes Mabon fah will allow for food scandals that you know poison children may bonfá is a basically a cancer from the bottom to the top yeah and to weed it out requires bonfire requires someone to have the drive to do so and that's just not not to be found right so yeah there's a- de positive is actually a personal example it's kind of funny i does you know i worked at a university right yeah teacher Commissioner Tom professor tight you know so they called me a very respected professor not anyway I was working in the computer science but yeah this guy's speeding up to match you of course is funding idiot yeah can't keep up put a 1 to 5 you little yeah yeah come on what's wrong with you anyway the the fact that I had that I'll be the first person who met the fact that I have this job had this job was yeah who is bloody ridiculous yeah because for all intents and purposes I mean you have you have people in China that are killing for jobs like these right right and it's much better if they're gonna be taught in Chinese especially these students that don't even speak English right but they wanted someone to teach in English about programming to these students and everyone knows my programming is terrible yeah I socket program I can I studied it but like I'm really bad and I'm sure there's tons of qualified people that can do a lot better than me right so why did I get this job well one thing it was you know for face so they could have a foreigner in their department but Mabon fought a positive here comes down to this and the the funding for that department in the computer science department yeah was drying up right they had to lay off a bunch of teachers not just me like almost everyone they could have like three programming teachers and then a couple other like you know digital logic type teachers running out of running out of cash okay and the university because they put most of their money into the fashion department didn't think it was worth it right right so I was watching some of my Chinese colleagues they were either getting shuffled around at different departments so they're actually losing their jobs sure and I thought this is kind of bizarre and I was like oh I guess I'm next now thankfully I didn't actually need the job yeah I got to the point where for a year I was teaching two hours a week or a full salary the whole benefits and everything actually more than a lot of the other people right you know and I'm barely teaching and they didn't have the balls my boss who's like a double PhD didn't have the balls to come up to me and say you lost your job now he had to eventually tell the other Chinese professors right yeah what ended up happening is I just floated for a year and two hours a week and then finally he tried to pass the buck can we talk about this right yeah pass the buck to the secretary she's like yeah I don't know if this is gonna work out blah blah blah but she has no power to do anything so I jerked on like nothing happened yeah still getting salary still rolling through no if no one has the balls to tell me I don't have a job or not to come I'm still gonna stay on the payroll bro exactly you know I'm in yep so eventually he had to head to like call me into the office and be like you know blah blah blah but he basically didn't say anything he had to bring in another professor and be like listen we don't have enough physicians and I I basically stayed at that job for like three years doing almost nothing it's great to be back oh yeah that's the fun they just don't have a way to like bring it up but that's also goes back to our avoid confrontation that was waiting confrontation they don't want to do it though nothing they can do leave Malone yeah this can actually get incredibly frustrating if you're looking for something specific right right you know like like when we were you know we got to tell everyone out we get Kip keep getting asked about a motorcycle shop yeah a motorcycle shop is currently closed right and that is because we are moving it at the moment we once again we didn't have a choice because the village we were in you know they're basically gonna demolish it and put new new high-rises and stuff so they told us we may bumpers we're heading yeah we made a fart we had to leave so we've you know stored all our tools away and stuff and we're just waiting for the right time to open up again anyway when I was going out to find specific tools or specific screws or bolts or whatever you know you go to a hardware store and I'm like I'm looking for this and they said Mayo it was the first response to everything yeah it's like don't have Mayo but then I'll see it over there I'll see what I'm looking for I'm like yo and I like pointer and they're like oh you mean this okay but they'll just very quickly jump to the whole male thing just to just to kind of avoid having to abuse them a lot of people are gonna think oh well then just don't go I don't need to go to a construction store this is everything yes every time I go try to find something especially especially in smaller towns if you're asking for something specific the gut instinct the first reaction is the same a out we don't have it yeah it's especially if they just don't want to deal with you because they may be right they're afraid that you know then you're not gonna understand them or it's gonna be you know it's gonna be a pain anyhow to try and deal with you watch I've actually actually I've had people I've spoken to Chinese to them and they're like well I don't understand feel like I don't understand English is something yeah they're like oh hope you don't touch those from I like I don't understand what he's saying like I just can't spoke Chinese I know it's silly anyway that Mimi bhava that's exactly what it is so we've touched on it I think we've pretty much covered it it's kind of like an apathy here they just have to work fast and you know but it's not that the people are bad or trying to show precision in direct thing it's just the way it is and very often all you need to do is kind of keep pestering them you know what I mean that's the way to get anything done so it's like Oh Mae about five say okay how about I do this and then I go oh yeah maybe you know right so you just gotta you got to suggest what to do you got to tell them what to do right you know like I've it's happened with so many things with me I just want a little thing fixed or I want to find a little something in there maybe I'm fine and then I'm like what if you do X Y Zed then they're like oh yeah we can do that you know so it's just just they don't think outside the box you got to do it for him you got to be for a system yeah cool so that's it then I guess anything you'd like to tell us subscribe us before we sign off whether you got it bonfá or whether you don't have I least hope that you learned a new Chinese phrase today because we said it enough and I also implore you to to search your heart search your feelings and find the bond thought to go find that like button and comment yeah and I'm actually gonna finish this over the South African saying which is a Bhumika blonde which means a farmer makes a plan and basically that's what we use to say it's the opposite of my bumper it's okay when you are faced with an almost impossible task let's just say I don't know your car's broken down and your radiator bust and your fan belt came off and stuff instead of saying like oh man like maybe I can do your like a Buddha markiplier means you know I'm gonna make this work and you'll go and you'll find some vine off a tree or something and you know you'll fix it you're talking book style exactly so I've got a completely opposite mentality towards this maybe I'm cutting and that's why it frustrates me so much have any very good thing to talk about it's very good thing to understand if you're gonna come here as it can be frustrating but there's always a way to deal with them yeah and there is always a way in China course so if any country had bonfires it is China yeah yeah you know we know so guys are whether you are a person who makes a plan or not we love you all the same and until next time you know the drill stay awesome [Music] remember [Music] [Applause] I remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 583,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: china, culture, chinese, serpentza, asian, living in china, chinese food, chinese culture, advchina, adv china, chinese people, laowhy86, asia, shenzhen, travel, guangdong, wechat, chinese girls, expat, living in china as a foreigner, ghost city, chinese cars, ghost city china, chinese women, churchill customs, conquering southern china, cmilk, chinese street food, fake rolex, china ghost cities, china pollution, conquering northern china, amazing, food, try, adventure, abroad, talk show, c-milk
Id: oxP2fAqamZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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