Drugs (and Worse) Openly Sold in China

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if you really want to see what's going on in china you read the graffiti adverts yes because that means that is actually what's happening yeah this says and i kid you not with a phone number it says bifen which means literally technically means cocaine and uh ketamine biphone can mean any like white powder yeah and meow means uh rohypnol yeah [Music] hey guys welcome to another adv china episode this time we're in hunan yes and hunan is a southern province it's where chairman mao is from it's where spicy food is from well one of the provinces of spicy food sure um and it is full of rivers it's also full of that i shouldn't say full of there's an area of hunan that looks like uh the avatar movie because that is where they they filmed the avatar scenes it's called zhang jajie yes we're not near there we're actually in something called the jiang hua or yongzhou yao autonomous region yao people are found all over northern vietnam all the way up into hunan to where we are now they speak a very different language not related to chinese whatsoever um and in this area this is where we actually ended up meeting the yao people that were flooded out by the chinese communist party yep uh well you can explain what happened there well basically we we passed by this place i passed by it a couple of times and we went one time um you know with another guy on a big trip and we passed it again but we never went into the village we went over the bridge and when we were we were filming conquering southern china um we decided to just get a shot of us riding over the bridge and we did that but we actually bumped into the locals this time and talked to them and went into their house you know their houses they showed us around and told us the unfortunate news that everything was going to be flooded because they were putting a dam in and going to destroy the whole world with china and dams well the first emperor became the first emperor because of a dam so it's like really stuck in their psyche so yeah if you want to be powerful and a leader you build a dam right so we did understand that there's a lot of uh not dissent but a lot of dissatisfaction in the air of the region because everyone was about to lose their home so yeah this is probably the last glimmer you'd get before this whole place is flooded yeah so we want to take you through the area we haven't watched the footage yeah we this is old gopro stuff that we found on the way to there yeah in the surrounding region so we're going to go through it point out some notable things that we see sure and take you through the yongzhou autonomous region of puna i i just have to say out there that hunan's one of my least favorite places yes it's it's simultaneously very pretty yeah and then outside the prettier is one of the worst yeah it's also full of a lot of the most superstitious people that would report us to the police all the time communists and it's because it's chairman mao's hometown there's this arrogance that you find in hunan that you just don't seem to find elsewhere in china where you'll find these like really run down like very poor run-down terrible little cities that are just look like they've been bombed or something right seriously we went through some crap here but it wasn't as bad as what you see and you'll be there and people will start looking at you and being all suspicious and they'll start making phone calls and you know it you just feel very unwelcome and this is also where um in a previous trip we were going through hunan and remember the undercover police guys pulled us over and they were like wanted to talk to us and then after that every couple of kilometers there was like a policeman on the road watching us riding down all the way into the next province yeah literally yeah so i don't have very fond memories of hunan i'll be honest with you but this will be very interesting yeah and the minority reason is cool let's get started actually you can see there the sign the blue sign says which means you know hunan province um and so we were setting up to ride through the border here between guangdong and hunan and guangdong is where we lived yeah southern china so you know we're still in southern china here and well we're just talking about it and that's the purple bike's my bike you're on board with me right now yeah um one thing interesting little tidbit is even in this most northern part of guangdong where we're still riding here they still speak cantonese right everyone speaks cantonese you know xiaogwan yeah all speak cantonese and then as soon as you're in what does that say um yeah this is that means like slope slope length yes three and a half kilometers what does the rest say there's uh one so that means like it's a very curvy road okay so just be careful yeah that is a great curvy road by the way it's uh i like that road a lot yeah now what i was saying is what you see here is us going back to cross right into hunan as soon as you cross that sign it's nen mandarin it's crazy it's literally right there it goes from cantonese to mandarin there's no overlap something else happens too the roads turn to [ __ ] [ __ ] like the roads in guangdong are actually pretty good as soon as you cross into uh hunan the road the road surface actually just becomes terrible it's horrific this is one of the better ones okay so here we're going through a little town let's try to figure out where we are again there's a bus over there so we can probably see what does the bus say it says this is and then on the left what is that where is that coming from no leonzo yeah no okay so it says and and that's how you can tell where the buses is they will also write the different places in between that they stop but these are kind of the long distance buses that you get in um in china you know it could be a this would be a guangdong bus yeah yeah yeah it says yeah this is there we were last in yeah i mean we used to stop in lien joe quite a lot and something i liked about leon joe is i actually have a picture i'm going to give it to you to put up as they had a mig 19 uh farmer it's farmer it's actually just what it's called you know they have nato names for jets you know like meg flogger and farmer it's um it's okay it just i don't know why actually we should look that up at some point yeah anyway so you have the the mig vlogger mick farmer the mig fish bed that kind of what the hell are you talking about so anyway the mix yeah the mig farmer i like it a lot because it's a twin-engine supersonic fighter um and it china had like a knockoff of it a licensed copy and that's what it was but the interesting thing about this um it was in the middle of a like a lily pond in yeah leon joe like i said i got in fact i might have a video footage yeah we took video there yeah so i used to always go like to see it because it still even had its engines and machine guns and stuff on it which is rare because normally that stuff gets taken out but it was just kind of thrown in the middle of this thing but they did get rid of it yeah like a couple years later yeah so anyway we head into uh this small town i believe it's going to be called street let's have a look i see a lot of these adverts hold on let me see that says specialist hospital yeah yeah uh and it says you can get diagnosed for a cheap price yeah that's what you want with hospitals the thing is that i like the picture looks all nice they've got all these lab coats you know like doctors lab coats but yeah trust me it's uh it's pretty you don't want to go to this hospital no it's pretty appalling when you go into those hospitals it's a horror movie mm-hmm yeah absolutely now i like these tree-lined things you know i think it looks very pleasant and it does i'll stop there let's see some couplets there oh oh you do yeah all right yeah i mean something you'll notice a lot of people have been asking us you know um you can see on the side of a gate usually there you find couplets and there'll be something on top and it really depends but it's usually something about bringing luck and fortune to the family in there sometimes it has the family name on the top or whatever but it's part of chinese tradition especially around chinese new year people put up couplets but it's all about dollfu you know bringing the bring in the fortune bring in all this stuff and it's just basically like good luck yeah wishes and stuff you know that's right but you know on on actual uh temples and fam like ancestral temples and stuff it'll have the family names you see that guys that was a popper oh we talked about poppers when people just pull out that guy didn't look now this was thankfully not a close call where is he just you'll see just play it okay i'll play i'll go back as you can see here watch on the left here you'll see a popper right here this is a popular yes he just came into oncoming traffic yeah and then cuts in front of us yeah and then goes slowly and slowly that's the problem is they cut out fast and then go slow you know why these guys will try to putter to save the gas they'll literally won't go over 20 kilometers an hour because they're trying to change they're sipping gas that's some some propaganda wow that's interesting yeah okay yeah you found a discovery you translate i'm struggling with that one word i think it means unquestionable or wrong it's it's the unquestionable responsibility of the people of jianghua to uh support river expansion yeah so yeah the tianhou the tiene quoi is this uh the river expansion the dam you were talking about the ladies that were complaining about their entire village being gone yeah okay this is propaganda telling people that you have to yeah you're sound questioning responsibility you have to support it support this you have no choice this is why this is fascinating that we're doing this guys because we didn't we didn't realize this propaganda when we were in the area we heard it from the horse's mouth yeah we didn't notice this when we were riding through no what you can see is that those women that were complaining that everything that they know is about to be lost sure they put up propaganda here because people were obviously not happy about it sure i'm sure people were complaining and getting together and trying to put a stop to it at least discussing it in the village and they're like it's your unquestioning responsibility you have to support this river expansion or the damning or whatever it is and it's all in red that's fascinating that we came across a little bit a little bit of a backup tool this area actually might not exist anymore it's very possible it's very possible i mean it's like i'm pretty sure that where we stopped with those women's just somewhere down this road it's literally down the road okay so this is us going into the town this town this is a little town called shweco all right it's in jianghua right let's see what we can make sense of all this crap wait hang on i just wanted to set the scene here this is your average time that you'll find around china like a one horse town type thing yeah um and this one's quite a bit more rundown than the last one you guys saw we wanted to be a little more representative of reality yeah so and the other one is like feed like animal feed i guess but is that camel feed no it can't be they're not camels there so it's probably a brand new probably a brand schweiko is the town and the other one's kind of like management or distribution as well so it's like the schweiko agent of chemical animal food animal feed right interesting yeah we're probably going to find a lot of interesting things in this particular play oh man it's not not very precise scrubbing we got going on here i don't want no scrubs yeah oh you mean the black characters there yeah yeah what does it say it says i'll tell you what it is i can see scissors it's definitely a hairdresser yeah you find us this is the brand like the name okay yeah all right young fun what else you got here oh yeah by the way um just so you guys know where this is you can always tell in china you look at the license plates that's my favorite okay it's actually a boring country for license plates but i still like to collect all the characters sure so you can explain what this is so that one if you can see it says there's a letter m next to it that first character is xiang and that's the ancient character xiang is the ancient character for hunan and i'll show you guys an example here this is the ancient character for guangdong or canton yeah so you guys know cantonese the ancient characters are called and so on the license plate you'll often have the ancient character for that area which is really cool actually yuya means guangdong and here you have xiang which means hunan and then the letter will tell you the town that you're in so yeah or sorry m here xiang means that it's in the jianghua region of hunan right so i think that's cool you can always kind of tell where you are you know while you were talking about that i noticed the shop that's opposite the truck there oh they're selling one of my favorites means soup and bao means like a i guess like a bun yeah so it's a soup bun so it's like a balzer with soup inside and they're really good it's weird to see it that's a super northern food yeah because tianjin obviously is where that big explosion happened with it illegally store chemicals and stuff tianjin is a very polluted city yes so it makes sense it looks kind of matches the sign very far away though it's incredibly far away yeah it's interesting yeah that is kind of interesting places oh dude i'm about bae that looks like sheep some milk well it is and that means happy baby by the way kuala lumpur it is sheep's milk it says oh it is right there you guys know how much we like sheep smells disgusting i just gotta say that if you're a baby in this particular town you're not gonna be happy this does not look like a happy place to me just imagine being a baby here imagine your life commercials i always found it interesting they've got like the agricultural bank of china and stuff and to me i don't want to be uh saving my money in like a seed bank or whatever you definitely don't want to because they're closing down and defaulting tons of people's loans in these agricultural and rural banks and people are going ape [ __ ] right now the chinese communist party is doing it because they can't pay the debt yeah it's no good no the usual vevo shops and uh there's is that a big one over there on the left power line yeah it is it's a bing one uh binglan is interesting so that's a hotel this is exactly the kind of hotel that would turn us down i can guarantee you if we tried to stay in that hotel they turned us away and originally binguan meant like a soldier fort like where the soldiers can stay yeah and soldier maybe hostile yeah hostile soldier hustle and then they got converted into private enterprise sure i mean there on the other side says shuiko binguan so yeah uh that i mean shuiko is the name of this little town is that their official hotel there because it looks like [ __ ] what do you expect it's more like [ __ ] can you imagine living in there no oh my goodness now we've stayed we're not getting down on this this is life this is life in these areas we're just being representative i'm getting down on no no listen yeah we understand that life is tough for these people sure though it's rough yeah oh there's a there's a what is that that's like a pharmacy yeah yeah that's right yao fung means pharmacy yao means you know you get xiao and then you get jungyeon yeah and it's medicine yeah means chinese medicine she means western medicine yeah i always hate it when they say western medicine what does that mean real medicine it just means medicine that's all it means yeah yeah okay what else we gotta get here that's a shadow beauty salon salon that's kind of interesting because usually uh when you get translations they don't normally sound like the english it's not it's the right thing this is rare yeah what is it called it's called um what's it called when it's a it's a loan word this is actually a loan word from english yeah my favorite is coca-cola coca-cola yeah coca-cola which means like you know happy mouth like whatever all that nonsense it's a good translation it is um what else we got here just some nonsense usual stuff there's a china post um okay we're just rushing on through and we've got a there's another big one off to the right hand side another one huh that's right down the road another hotel well there's there seem to be a lot i see them popping up all over the place here i don't know what the deal is visitors i guess you know oftentimes and i hate this i don't want to make this even dingier than it already is but these binguans or these small hotels will also be prostitution dens well they are no i mean you stay in these small little hotels and then you will actually get those prostitute cards put on your door it's like they're it's advertised there yeah you got some open air market stuff here you're buying your meat here yeah i wouldn't want to we've eaten stuff from there though all the time yeah probably the majority of what we ate in china yeah exactly uh there's like a fruit market i guess on the right hand side there definitely fruits um now this is these are the newer newer constructions but i'm seeing a couple buildings we actually haven't pointed out there's one up there these old school brick ones that you see up here this is mao era construction and he was emulating a very cheap version of soviet construction using actual bricks using actual bricks i mean it still looks like crap and it is yeah um but over here you can see them demolishing one uh here and there's a police please yeah police say maybe maybe they're making way for a new police station i don't know anything interesting no it's beer advertise um what is that way it looks like uh an investor it's like an investment thing for like real estate in in a city it's saying basically they have a grand grand opening all around town you know it's like germany yeah interesting that was an r b of persons they're trying to get people into like some very dubious real estate investments is what this is what about this nonjia thing what's that it's uh where is that right it's just uh like it means that means like uh like uh countryside cooking you know yeah uh nong jialo is something that's very popular in guangdong and it basically means like rural kitchen basically you know like a rural farm land and you go there and they kill the chicken in front of you and to be fair when you're in these kind of towns that's where you want to eat because it's like home style food you don't want to eat the other place yeah like those little pac-man places and stuff no eat these yeah they're locals cooking for other locals yeah yeah it's better uh what else we got here anything interesting no just nonsense oh i see you know what i see what like keep going ahead okay i see a super mao oh absolute chairman by the way tv oh yeah so yeah this is where everyone in the town will go to enjoy themselves yeah you have women going there to sing but you'll also have like hostesses that will be servicing the men in this ktv karaoke you know the thing is when i got to china you know i came from south africa in south africa when people go out they go to clubs you know and bars and stuff and i was kind of shocked that that sort of thing didn't really exist of course you do get clubs in china especially in the bigger cities these days they're trying to emulate the west right but for your average person of my age back in the you know in their 20s and and so on when they want to go out for a good time they don't go to a club they don't go to a bar they go to the karaoke and it's kind of insane um obviously this is not high end but when you've got a high-end ones they've got buffets in there you sit in your room you order them you are making that sound way too common yeah what the buffets and stuff yes dude like chiang hwa or whatever it's like there's a huge you're talking about everyone yes i'm talking to i'm talking tier one what i'm saying is like people go there for fun and you go there you get your beer and like an ice bucket you get your big bowl of fruit you know that kind of crap and then you can sit there and choose music and sing but of course it scales down the world like the further you get away from the big cities and it just becomes like a little room with a little tv like a sea urchin let me tell you how these are set up okay so they'll have pull down like a 10 rmb pull down sheet and then they'll project onto the sheet and that's usually what it is and you have that laser where it's like shining those you know the lasers like the little dots all over yeah now one thing i wanted to say is in any ktv in china the first thing they'll come up on the tv is it'll say like don't do drugs yes ktvs are huge dens of drug abuse because you're you think about you're like locked in this little room yeah it's your party it's private you know it's your own little room you're not like snorting coke on the street right no no so a lot of drugs happen here particularly and what happens is if you go to shenzhen the drug advert will come up and it'll have like flowers it'll be like make a nice city don't do drugs you go to these places it'll have literally skulls yeah and it'll have guy like soldiers with assault rifles and it'll be like you will kill you yeah exactly you'll get the death penalty yeah it's funny it's pretty ridiculous yeah anyway so that that's katie and another thing that always pops up on the tv is like not for broadcast outside of town taiwan because they steal all the taiwanese music yeah because you know don't forget china especially during the dark days didn't make any pop music okay there's no big pop stars it's just rubbish propaganda stuff you know from the communist party so all the good chinese music in mandarin which is what everyone can understand comes from taiwan yeah so it's all taiwanese stolen pirated stuff that they've played yeah it says only for taiwan you know anyway so it's stolen anyway i want to point this out keep going yeah see this building here that is the most mao era thing we're very close to where mao is from keep going now before you do okay i'm sorry that is the stuff the best scene i've ever seen this is what these truck area truck town things it's horrible like let me go back just a little bit look at all the okay see this is the thing on the one side you've got all these used tires stacked up higher on the other side you've got a truck whose engine is half out on the floor i always thought those trucks look like they're sad they're like they're like pointing down they use these like ancient old like isuzu knockoff diesel trucks and they break all the time you always see someone you'll see them replacing the crankshaft of the engine on the side of the road they just come out there and they just rip the whole engine apart and put it back together you know it's crazy but imagine living across the road see those windows can you imagine living in that no like across the street from all this disappointed i would i would rather go live up in them hills oh easily easily up in there than hills yeah them there so this is a mao area building oh this one this is the stuff that they're trying to get rid of not because of communism and there's some very famous propaganda up here hang on what does that [Music] that basically means you need to be self-sufficient mm-hmm like be self-sufficient that's definitely a mao i'm having a trouble with the second one because i see jingjiang which means nervous that means like unity through nervousness what is that that actually means that doesn't make any sense could it be something about like be you're paranoid or something hold on so the the left thing is propaganda what winston just said is not that's like a sign on the building um i have no idea you guys in the comments if someone knows what that means like what does that even mean unity through nervousness but that's cool to see that old prop again oh do you see the big star on the top of the building it's definitely an old commie building this is com this might be if you look in the communist history china this might be a military area yeah i see that big star on the top there definitely a disgusting soulless communist building it is and what you see in these minority areas is typically especially if there's any unrest they would put down military compounds in those areas to control the populace sure so this is probably what you're looking at here and chairman mao was very famous for doing that it's got that same nervous [ __ ] up there yeah what the hell is that what does it make sense no no anyway okay yeah someone in the comments hopefully will let us know yes so now we're leaving this particular town here there's another like you and uh you know this that you look at that advert and that just instills confidence i want to go to that hospital imagine going to a hospital there just imagine no no thank you we've been to some pretty rural crappy places but whoa whoa whoa yeah now this is now go go ahead a little bit oh they tried to erase that hang on hang on this hang on hang on let's this is if you if you really want if you really want to see what's going on in china you read the graffiti adverts yes because that means that is actually what's happening yeah this says and i kid you not with a phone number it says by fen miya which means literally technically means cocaine and uh ketamine bifen can mean any like white power drugs yeah and meow means uh rohypnol so and date rape drug when you see this in china it's for either robbing people it's usually to sprinkle in people's drinks so you can rob them right or for rape yeah and they advertise this blatantly yeah with a phone number under there my suspicion here is that because me i was definitely ripping the biofin is probably powdered uh powdered date rape drug think so yes maybe and this is it is i think i'm pretty sure it is so what we have here is openly selling illicit drugs that would get you the death penalty in china sure this i have to tell you guys if it's spray-painted on the side of a building you don't realize how many times you're going to see this in china yeah people like to think that china is not a place with drugs drugs rape and crime are everywhere of course it's just it's a little different than what you might be used to it's not going to be on the news right so it gives you this false sense of security especially as a foreigner you wouldn't know because no a lot of these morons that are always like turning so amazing the shells they can't read this so they don't understand hang on a second there's a blatant advertising for drugs here there's advertising for prostitutes it's advertising for all sorts of [ __ ] like it's other things sure and here's the thing you know plenty of times i've shown those prostitute cards and stuff it's illegal in china prostitution is 100 illegal you go to jail for that you get into massive trouble for that but it's just openly advertised and it shows you the lack of rule of law in china you can get away with doing whatever and this is not a honey pot by the way yeah why would someone leave their phone number for selling drugs it's because these towns are so corrupt the cops are involved yeah they're taking a cut they know exactly what's happening here what'll happen is they'll try to scrub it if there's an official that comes in yeah you can see they put red spray paint over or something but then the black just dry it did shone through when the the red because they used some cheap everyone's come here buy drugs or date break drugs and rape some people that's totally fine this is everywhere in china yeah very very much i'm glad we came across that it's it's very telling it shows you what's going on right yeah now that's the probably the river that eventually leads to it eventually leads to where those uh stilt houses were if you've seen conquering southern china you'll know what we're talking about sure anything on this building i'm glad we're doing this because it's making me remember so many things about china that you tend to forget the reality is pretty grim in a lot of areas a small couplet some yeah these towns are lawless yeah they're super lawless it's crazy the majority of china is this you want people to understand that seeing some of the wooden houses coming in here you know which is a good change from the yeah this is the yacht houses this is kami bricks yeah gummy bricks nowadays they've got fake bricks remember fake bricks yeah it's ridiculous you get like a brick wallpaper or they just paint on the bricks and in the touristy areas they do it like real bad oh man it really pissed me off so much from a distance it looks real you get up close you're like wait those aren't bricks yeah um i wonder if there'll be a nonce video about there are real bricks let's see yeah there'll be a nonce video saying there's no drugs in china they're just openly advertised everywhere i can't reach anything said the shills yes there's our petrol uh petrol station that is says uh you've already entered an unstable yeah geological don't linger yeah it's like a like a a place where the ground is unstable i think you know it's like when you see like um uh maybe falling rocks or something yeah it's equivalent of that just like be careful don't hang around just get through as quickly as you can don't don't stay yeah don't linger yeah there's a cop in front of us by the way oh okay cool and he drove right by open date rape drugs yeah they don't care uh that also says that so i actually this might have something to do with the fact that they're putting in that dam remember we did follow this road all the way um this was in a different trip not in this one we followed it all the way and it actually did end up in water it did it just went into it it had been flooded and we had to go around on this big machine they had already done that part up there and then they had this bridge not for a car it could only fit pedestrians and motorcycles there's a thin little bridge we've got some good photos yeah up there in fact we can throw one up there yeah this is right the same area yeah um oh what what is that propaganda we can't read it that's my hands your arm's in the way uh if you see him in harm's way if you go in on the left here yeah see you see these pads these will actually end up from hours into the mountains where people actually live so you might get this impression that everyone's living on the side of the road imagine waking up and opening your door under this road how do you sleep in fact that there was one time i stayed in the hotel like right on the road oh man it was the worst thing ever because in here no it wasn't horun um it was when i was riding with tom and we were coming back and it was some random place but basically it's a town you drive into the town there's like an intersection there okay and then you go through the main street small town but this hotel and it was super cheap it was like 20 rmb for the night or something but it was right facing the road right at that intersection now the big trucks you know when they're barreling in they don't slow down they don't care they just lay on the horn so if any yeah so basically if anyone's thinking of coming out of the side or whatever they don't because of that right so imagine i'm right there where they lay on the horn so the whole night 24 hours like the whole i was like and they got that cha cha cha you know that yeah like it actually makes your heart jump and you can feel that the whole room vibrated and i was like what the hell like paper thin windows it was impossible to sleep never never again never again oh anyway they go hours up into the mountains yeah yeah which is crazy so that's not like this this is the rich area yeah yeah it shows you just keep rolling yeah it's totally not a you know that's the problem it's never yeah school's on drive slow it's never a priority if nobody owns anything you know so like when you've got an all-controlling government like a communist government or whatever like china no one takes responsibility for their neighborhood or for their area because there's no incentive to do so because the government's supposed to yeah why would you sweep the trash off your front porch if it's not really your house no it's not yours you don't want anything yeah you know what's funny is that on the left here see that path yeah what i failed to mention earlier is if you want to see milk dogs go up these people go up those pumps you will get attacked by milk dogs you will there's like no doubt about it you know there's a cop oh there's the school yeah that's gotta be the school right yeah that's just ripping my river by the car yeah get out of there it looks like they're filling all the trees on the side there yeah um probably getting the leaking the last value of the land yeah uh hang on there's this is a very old building here as well and when we say very old you gotta understand in china that means like 60 years old 50 years yeah i mean this will be 60s 70s so i think this is early so there's some faded propaganda that is that's 60s error prop again hang on let's go back that's super faded and that's like mouse script that and i actually saw two characters i could recognize it's covered up there you know what that says what i says prepare for something something war all right but that doesn't mean necessarily mean a war like this kind of war there's wood planks covering that up so prepare for uh it could be one child policy war it's like a war on something yeah war on corruption perhaps drugs or whatever that's old school mao era yes that's an old that's interesting old commie building yes they look terrible communist people living in there communist architecture is the most depressing crap you want to die yeah because this could be a beautiful area you know and it's just rude yeah absolutely well makes you want to die most people did die because of that you're absolutely right yeah oh it's a like what columbian it's like a noodle noodle brand yeah means like the country country in this country is fake but yeah yeah could also mean yeah it's tough to tell your arms your an arm's way again arms away anything particularly interesting you know like how they just mentioned war yeah this place already looks like they've prepared for and then gone through it yeah does this not look like it's been bombed today it does it does unfortunately um if you told me that they just fought a battle here i would be like yeah that makes sense yeah yeah it does looks like shelled out buildings you can see all that hang on what's there's some something written there but you know what let's try let's get there again in the blue on the right hand side okay it's too much diesel corn in the way why is it corn rifle planted corn on the side of a main road i gotta tell you one thing man um oh there's another little sign we can read there in a second uh let me go back that one at least is not obstructed true in china the the whole farmer like you know planting vegetables and things it's so it's so ingrained in society in the culture that when you go to the cities if you live in an apartment complex like i did many times you will find like the parents in all the community the older middle middle-aged people they will go out in the apartment complex and find a little patch of like land yeah they'll where it's supposed to be like a flower bed or something or maybe just outside the fence or whatever they'll find a little area and they will start to plant and grow vegetables they will do that it's it's everywhere they'll start doing it on the roof it's so ingrained you've seen that like everywhere right yeah it says if you want to be civilized don't block the road yeah don't put obstructions on the road which is we talked about that last time yes people just put drying their corn on the road and stuff drying their whatever and you know they just leave their vehicles on the road and stuff so yeah okay um and there's people on the road of course yeah of course they're on the road but you know where are you where are you gonna go these houses are made of mud by the way yeah they're made of mud yeah it's interesting you know they've oh by the way china's the first world country did you know oh yeah yeah they've completely eradicated poverty remember that part yeah anything here they didn't flood it they certainly didn't flood this whole area no yeah there's nothing i can really make out on the on that building looks kind of interesting yeah let's move on a little bit see if we can spot anything else of value around here um hang on i see that strictly forbidden yeah yeah strictly it says yeah don't put stuff in the middle of the road yeah again putting stuff in the middle of the road is strictly forbidden but people do it anyway it's people just milling around like right next to where that is yeah obviously yeah that's kind of how it goes yeah there's yeah there's no real rule yeah you have to understand that like we said there's no like rule of law they've got the laws but nobody follows it but they can selectively enforce it and crack down i think there was another what are you doing you just made it smudgier sorry talking to my past self yeah it was that was a great movie much prettier over on those hills yeah yeah yeah there's another red truck yeah the bigger bigger trucks are red the smaller ones are blue yes it's kind of how it works yeah some nonsense what are you trying to do with this car over here what are they trying to do is the real question well you're you're being a bit of a douche over here trying to undercut him what are you trying to do that's obviously what's going on there yeah oops well stop obstructing the road yeah well yeah he's breaking the law it's strictly forbidden and it's on a blind corner you know what i mean oh boy are you pointing out the beautiful scenery there aren't you it's gorgeous okay so this is in the town of uh yeah i mean i think we could go on forever i think next time maybe we can look at this town we don't worry guys uh let me just pause okay play out all right we're gonna be jumping around the country we don't just have southern stuff we've gotten awards and stuff too but now you've seen hunan which part of the small part of pune i think the locals are good yeah the locals will say funan yeah fulan yeah because they've got a weird accent done like a funan accent what's the fulani yeah something like that full of nonsense rin but yeah anyway uh i hope you guys enjoyed it like seriously this is uh something we enjoyed looking back it's fun to do a little bit of a deep dive and try to figure out what's being said on the signs and the propaganda and things and and you're seeing a place that literally no one's documented before sure no one has documented this area no so and we've been to my own horrors yeah we've got tons i mean don't forget years and years of writing through china that's why we can on our personal channels and on our drawing channels we can give a proper insight because we have been throughout the entire china and seen this stuff so we don't just fall for the the glitzy city propaganda that the government pushes and the shills push because they don't get to see this stuff the shills they don't ride around they're not allowed to anyway that's the irony of it they get um taken on these big trips and government minders oh you can go yeah you can see this yeah but you know basically you can trust us as a source i hope you enjoyed it if you did tell us down there in the comments because we'd like to do more of these we've got so many of these things and help us out with some of the confusion if you do speak yeah if you can figure out what that jinjong thing was all about yeah yeah i would love to know anyways uh thank you very much for watching we can't wait to see on the next one until then you know the drill as always stay awesome
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 674,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: china, rural, conquering southern china, advchina, conquering northern china, living in china, adv china, communist party of china, laowhy86, serpentza, southern china, northern china, cmilk, winston sterzel, expat in china, expats in china, china podcast, life in china vlog, moving to china, china vlog, adv podcasts, blocked in china, chinese communist party, advpodcasts, prc, chinese government, living in china as a foreigner, move to china, china economy, life in china, ccp
Id: vbno8uHLxok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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