All Access Visit To Comp Cams

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[Music] all right guys something a little different today thought i would bring y'all down to a place i've been coming to since i'm a teenager comp cams right here in memphis tennessee and you can see they uh they've actually got a little something here that i may or may not have been up down the racetrack with even a cool photo of the werner gang from back in the day it's pretty cool come on let's take a tour walk in here mr mark campbell vp of sales is going to give us a run through but you cannot come in the door of comp cams without seeing this lady right here miss ethel how long you been down here 30 years 30 years i'm trying to do math i'm trying to do math she's she's like 32 years old so she she started here when she was two when i taught her that's what we're going to say anyway exactly another cool thing that we worked with comp cams when we did the burnout in front of elvis house that's hanging up in here one of my favorite places mark gonna give us a tour absolutely i'll show you through the place kind of what all do you do down here i know you you kind of cover a lot yeah yeah so basically i oversee the whole sales team for uh now edelbrock and comp cam so i have a lot on my plate that's for sure but i love it i just absolutely love it we've got the greatest customers we've got great people like you that we get to deal with so yeah that's pretty awesome that's for sure so i've been coming in and out of here like i say since i was a teenager and to this day there's enough cubicles enough things i still get lost because you've got to lead us absolutely it's like a maze it is so so i got to tell this story i'm sorry mark so absolutely so this hood has been around i've actually signed it and i'm trying to find it here but at one point a guy named dale earnhardt not junior senior signed it and unfortunately the cleaning lady was trying to get this thing dusted off and wiped away the intimidator signature but it's on there somewhere there's some cool names on there there's doug gates sammy i don't know who that guy is right there just trying to look waddell wilson that's pretty cool that signature he can't write worth the crap but i know who that is too that would be one john force yep hillary wheel mike neff and i know you're gonna cut half of this stuff nathan i'm just looking brett kettner he's been on my tuesday night show yeah absolutely all right mark i'm sorry perfect well as we walk back through here basically all the guys that are in this room here are our engine builder sales team so they deal with directly with the engine builders that we have such a great relationship with so all the big shops the little shops everybody they're calling in here on daily basis and getting cam specs and buying parts and we're doing our best to make cars go fast so when you say engine builders go on to spew us off some of them big names i mean you you name one i mean we pretty much deal with all of them i mean certainly some of the some of the guys that lots of people are recognized people like kenny duttweiler i mean we do lots of stuff with him on on his land speed stuff lots of the big engine builders as far as guys that are doing dirt late model stuff and sprint car stuff drag race guys i mean yeah just i could go on and on and on guys they're a little bit unique in the way that a lot of them are grinding their own camshafts now just because it's so secretive but we do a lot of core production for them we obviously design a lot of lobes for them so yeah there's all kinds of guys that we're dealing with on a regular basis the who's who is definitely calling in her on a regular basis so nathan i couldn't pull no secrets out of him but believe me there's a lot going on absolutely absolutely so i see an important meeting going on but we're going to bust in here anyway absolutely this guy right here is trouble he is nothing but trouble how you doing buddy wearing that mississippi state stuff oh well it's got to be easiest mississippi state so is it a like multiple choice to get in well you know chris although we all know and he was bragging me one time about kentucky dominate mississippi state and basketball i said well chris you're exactly right y'all do dominate us but at least mississippi state's not a one-dimensional sports team this is not a sports show and i'm not starting how you doing buddy it is a team but the thing about clay is is that he you knew he's gonna make it and do do good because he had the home training and but you just didn't start being a good guy you've been a good guy all your life well mom made me that way mama knew what a switch was and a belt was and she knew how to use it exactly so amazing how much influence those things have when making this turn out to be decent people now yeah so it's good to have good people and winners at the same time well it's a bunch of winners down here i don't know about mississippi state but he's a winner though we're making a tour obviously that's what we're doing actually find the find our way back see what i'm talking about the maze getting through here this place has been here for a long time and it's been added added only six times exactly so getting back into the fun stuff so this this part of the building here is where we actually do a lot of the final assembly of our rocker arms so you'll see like the bodies come in here these are actually made up in our facility in michigan so a lot of machining is done up there and they come down here they'll get the black oxide coating put on them and then they'll go through this uh this area here basically get the bearings pushed in them get the roller tip put on them and then they go over to packaging and go in the box and ship them out to the customers oh they go absolutely yeah all of our camshaft cores are over here so anything that we're gonna we've kind of pre-made as far as the camshaft goes is over here so we can kind of show you what we got going on over here journals are semi-finished they'll still get to be ground down a little bit but the lobes are completely unfinished so they kind of look the shape of a camshaft lobe but really it's it's what we call a ugl unground lobe camshaft and we can turn this into a final product this is a big block chevrolet looks like a probably a 55 60 millimeter 55 millimeter camshaft so that'll that'll go into a a pretty serious race car at one point or another and yeah you can see i mean it's pretty yeah pretty rough but you wouldn't want to put that in like that no no that's not going to be too good on the lifters not sure but it'll go back we'll we'll go in and show you the uh the final grinding of these camshafts in the back here in just a couple minutes but that's kind of how it starts its life out we'll also show you how we get it to this point as well because we got those machines in the back too so it's kind of what i wanted to show especially down here because we've won races records we've done it all and starts from right here absolutely well and the cool part is is over the years i mean obviously we've worked with you for about ever and some of the technology that's in these camshafts today is stuff that we tried on your car and if it will live in a fuel car it'll probably live in a lot of other stuff because you not maybe you necessarily but some of those guys can be really hard on things oh i can't i can beat too absolutely they go over to this area where they get laser at every single camshaft has a part number and of course a serial number so it's like a birthday yeah and we know exactly when the camshaft started to get made and as it goes through the shop it gets tagged everybody that touches the camshaft we know if we touched it every step of the way so and the cool thing is i know kind of mentioned that secret thing earlier the camshafts that go in the parts plus top fuel car have a specific number and even if you were to take that number and call in you can't buy that camshaft because if you work with these guys directly and you develop a camshaft with them that cam is proprietary to your race team so it's pretty cool absolutely and yeah and everything in our computer system is marked that way so specific loads specific camshafts anything like that i mean they can call in and give us a serial number and we can see what's there but if it's marked a certain way yeah we can't divulge that information that's right so essentially you can have your own camshaft too you just got to start working with these guys go out and develop what works for you and that's what we've done for for decades now absolutely absolutely all right let me change it [Music] in vector flow bench testing as well too for our fast fuel injectors but as you can see i mean here we have more these are actually what we classify as a spool so you can see that i mean journals are kind of done but the lobes are still 100 round so at this point the camshaft hasn't necessarily been heat treated so what we'll do is we can pull this off the shelf take it back there we can load mill it as we call it to make these kind of in that shape that you saw then it'll go up for heat treat so these are just kind of left like this so that there's more range that we can do a camshaft on with these so you'll see stuff throughout the building that is all kinds of different ways so this machine here is our plasma nitride machine and that's kind of a unique process that we do you can do it to crank shafts you can do it with camshafts you can do it to a lot of the small parts and pieces that we make and as you can see this great big capsule swings over and goes over top there's a load of camshafts in there that's just going to get down here shortly and what this basically does is it creates another heat treat process to the surface of the camshaft typically done on flat tappet camshafts but can be done on a lot of different things and quite a unique cycle it takes i mean 8 to 24 hours to run a cycle on this machine depending on what's going in it and something that we do right in-house here and not a lot of other companies do it it's something that we kind of developed a few many many years back and it's a pretty neat process these machines here the great big one on the right and then these two smaller ones on the left these are our mse or micro surface enhancement machines this is something that we work very very hard on billy godbold the whole engineering team worked really hard on this for many many years to perfect it it's not just you know people go oh you're polishing cams well yes but no i mean it's a very unique process certainly the machines are something that can be bought pretty much anywhere but what's inside the machines is really what counts that the material the abrasive material that we put in there is very unique to what we're doing and that's really what we worked on for so long and basically what it does it just takes that surface and makes it perfectly flat perfectly smooth anytime you machine stuff you get bridges well this really gets rid of a lot of those ridges and just does an incredible job bearing area as the what we talked about on camshaft before we started doing this was in the 20 range once we finished with this machine they're up in the 90 range as far as bearing area goes so really increases the load carrying potential of the cam shaft so pretty awesome these machines here basically are when we develop them of course you were one of the first ones that we really use this on to test it to see obviously fuel cars especially on the exhaust side that exhaust valve trying to open with all that pressure and all that nitro methane trying to blow the cylinder head off puts a lot of strain on the on all the parts really but especially the camshaft the lifters and the load itself so yeah that tracking that we typically see or ditching on the camshaft is something that we've tried to fix with this and really prove that it works and i mean we went from i think you know seven eight nine runs on a camshaft to well over 20 25 runs so that's a pretty big deal oh yeah to the point that you know we started calling like do we want to keep running this or not because you mentioned billy godbolt which i hope we get to see at some point today he's a freaking rocket scientist but uh this process really extended the life of the cam and something that when that started you were the only guys that were doing it and we still are to this day really really yeah there's some other people out there that are trying to do a similar process but nobody's come close to equaling what we do so with the with the flatness the smoothness the load bearing area on the camshaft was second to none so yeah for sure it extended the life of the camshafts no doubt about it absolutely i think we actually still have one of the original cams in chris's office you'll probably see it you signed it and everything like that when you won the race yeah crystal yeah absolutely awesome yep so here we have a couple of examples so these camshafts haven't been through the polisher yet and then you can see these ones have been now you'll really notice it on stuff like this i mean you can see the beautiful a lot of people look at these and think they're like a polished show cam shaft well no this is exactly what we're putting in an engine as well so this is what a standard camshaft looks like when you get it before it goes through this micro polishing process and it's definitely a difference and i know for a fact they last longer so that cam will look like that cam after it goes through the process say it just looks like a show car piece i know when they showed up at the shop i'm like called this just looks like it's chrome but that's that much polished we showed you the polishing process over there which is awesome now let me show you the next camshaft we're going to put the fuel car i don't think i can pick that up what is that that is for a tractor basically that's attractive yeah so cotton cams not only builds the quickest fastest cams in the world they protect canvas for tracking absolutely we literally make camtasia about anything my son has a junior dragster we just actually did a new camshaft for that thing here not too long ago too so yeah i mean literally if you can imagine if it's an engine that has a camshaft we've probably made a camshaft at one time now that's a kale look at that bait yeah that is uh definitely one of the bigger ones that we do for sure but uh but yeah pretty big stuff that's here too ballpark once a day once a week how many camshafts are we talking it varies from day to day just depending on how busy we are but we have the ability to do five or six hundred townships a day and every one of them goes into qc they stay busy i don't know why but i'm suddenly fascinated with tractor cams because they're so freaking big we have a couple of guys that specialize in these um you know it's something that's a little bit more unique that's for sure but that's the beauty of our team is that everybody's good at all of the stuff but then we have some guys that definitely specialize in specific things and i mean robert is one of the guys that definitely specialize a lot of these tractor cams and stuff like that and tractor pull applications i'm assuming yeah most of them are you know tractor pull or some kind of a motor sports related type thing um typically not doing one for a stock john deere or something but but we have that's for sure so all right so now the mechanic is coming out nathan i don't know if you can really see this but you've got to explain so this looks like a normal cam lobe that i'm used to where this one has multiple lobes you know what i'm not 100 sure on that um i can say it's like a rotary well i was going to say that a lot of these will have like a fuel pump or something like that that drives off the camshaft and it'll have multiple lobes especially you can even talk about like the new gm lt engines they have a fuel pump lobe on the camshaft and it drives a high or very high pressure fuel pump now they only have one but i believe that on a lot of these applications these diesels they'll have multiple pumps and multiple different things on them but yeah i have to say i'm a little dumb on this one but uh somebody on here will correct us exactly exactly yeah i know a lot about cams but i don't know everything about them that's for sure what this machine here is you can see add coal is the name of the machine what this thing does is this is really going to profile the camshaft tell us exactly what the cam is it's got this little probe right here with a wheel on it that simulates the lifter wheel it'll come out automatically go the camshaft will spin and it basically will check lobe lobe and journal run out obviously all the dimensions of the lobe itself and this thing measures to eight digits below zero so this is a super duper fancy chem doctor pretty much yes it's a it's a five hundred thousand dollar counter is what it is and we have several of them in this room of course so so that's so this is a five hundred thousand dollar yep micro yeah they're fully fully loaded up with all the stuff that we have on them they're right in that range so but basically what it'll do is it'll verify everything based off the dowel pin location because that's really how everything is timed on a camshaft is off that dowel pin or keyway and it measures everything every camshaft that comes through here gets at least two lobes checked two intakes two exhaust and a couple of the the journals and then on the high-end race car stuff stuff like yours we'll do all 16. and customers can request all 16 as well if they want and you can get a complete print out of this as well as that serial number that we talked about earlier that's how we know so all of this information goes into the computer and we can look it up at any given time tell you exactly what the camshaft is so again kind of the normal racer thing is cam doctor but the cam this would actually measure if the cam was laying sideways you can see movement am i correct that's how precise this is this thing make me stand the cam shaft up specifically because if it was like this as as crazy as it seems that cam will actually slightly sag when the journals of the block aren't holding it in place but this machine is that accurate that it will in fact detect sag in a camshaft so that's why we stand them up like they are yeah i love this machine oh yeah it's whenever whenever somebody tries to tell me that you know there's a cam company that's better than this one i immediately go to this machine and i know that's how precise everything's done here i know that well one of the things that one of our original owners scooter brothers said we can only make things as good as we can measure them that's a great line it is it's perfect right i mean we can measure extremely well just like we have you know a skidless profilometer over there and all kinds of different machines in this room that are extremely precise at measuring things and yeah you can only make it as good as you can measure it i mean if you're measuring with a tape measure it looks pretty good right exactly you measure with a micrometer okay now maybe it doesn't look as good measure it with this and if it's wrong it's going to look really wrong so uh yeah it's all about how you can measure things i love it so when i very first started this is a long story i'm gonna try to make sure sorry nathan when we very first started top fuel we had cast blocks not the nice billet things we have now and when we very first started with comp and the top fuel thing which there was no question that's what i was going to run because i grew up here yeah but we were convinced that the cams were ground different from one bank to the other in our mind they were different because when we put the cams in and we were doing our cam timing it was different from one bank to the other and even our crew chief mike clubber is like cams are ground incorrectly we came down here we brought a block we did all these things and this machine proved to us that the blocks were incorrect absolutely we've had that happen many times since where you know we we put in bank angles and everything like that when when we're factoring in grinding the camshaft and yeah if the i mean the lifter boards were in the wrong spot right and we get the same thing quite honestly a lot of times people will call us up and they're like hey i'm putting this ls cam in my engine i'm degreeing and it's out your cam is wrong it's like well okay so we look at the ad coal everything looks right on the camshafts like what timing set do you have on the engine well i bought this you know off ebay or whatever and it's like okay so you have a 500 camshaft that's been profiled on a 500 000 machine and you have a 36 dollar timing set and you're blaming our cam shot well then they swap it out put a better timing center a different timing set and magically everything changes it's like all right and yes we can make a mistake i mean anybody can make a mistake but most of the time it's typically other factors that are involved like you said the bank angle the timing except the installer i can tell you this what we ended up doing to correct our problem it wasn't the camshaft was com actually started changing the bank angle of the camshaft i'll be saying that incorrectly yep no that's correct made the uh made the cam different from one side to the other because the blocks were actually wrong yeah you couldn't it was too difficult to fix the block right so we could adjust the camera and we've done that before in many situations of course the new billet blocks whole different story i mean they're all cnc'd we still see some variation a little bit but at the end of the day most of the time they're pretty close yeah the old cast stuff was not as good as what we're running now i'm not as easy to fix for sure i love this machine lots of machines right here so these two machines here really work together this one here does a lot of the the initial spool production like what we kind of saw up there where the loaves aren't they're still round basically it's taking it from basically a round piece of bar stock and turning it into something that kind of looks like what you see here just a round hunk of metal with a bunch of gaps in it once it's done in this machine here then it'll go over this other eco mill and that's where we'll take that round spool like you saw over there and we'll we'll actually shape the lobes into something i don't know looks like they just got a brand new load over here so we don't have anything that's done but you can see how that thing is fixtured in there and that basically starts to turn it into what a camshaft sort of looks like once it's through that then it goes to heat treat it gets that final heat treat process then it'll come back and we'll do a final grind up that's crazy how big these machines are and what it takes to make one absolutely so this has got like a copper gold look to it and this does not so these different materials yes they are yeah so all camp chefs are not the same materials all camshafts are not so we start out you know our your basic flat tappet camshaft is just a cast out then you'll go up to a roller cam and we have lots of different choices and roller cams we have a os tempered iron which is kind of your entry level roller count then we get into the 5160 50 sorry 51 5160 5150 8620 8650 86.60 i mean the list goes list goes on and on and then we get into like tool steel stuff 9310 is what we run in like your fuel cars we used to try some tool steel stuff but we found that it's just too brittle it's actually it's really strong but it doesn't take any shock at all now there's lots of shock in the fuel car so we got to put something that is kind of middle of the road but yeah anything that you see with this copper color on it is typically an 86 20 material and the copper coat is actually kind of part of the whole three heat cycle process that we do with these cap shafts um these are cool steel cam shafts you can see here the beauty of a tool steel cam and the reason why we like those is because it's a through hardened heat treat so we can really grind once we load mill it and it's heat treated you can grind about any profile on it that you want whereas like an 8620 or a 5160 or something like that the heat treat depth is only so thick so you're limited to how far up or down you can grind on any particular camshaft so there's benefits to all of them and different reasons why we use all of them that's why we have you know 20 different versions of the same roller cam shaft because there's so many different applications i know this while you think tool steel that would be the way to go it is not the way to go in a fuel car because there's way too much weird stuff going on in there and they won't give they will break right so we don't use tools still in the top fuel car dual steel is great for pro stock engines for a lot of you know cup engines and stuff like that uh those types of applications but when it comes to like a turbo pro mod typically you don't want tool steel now we do have some that run it but typically not that's usually a 9310 or an 8620 so yeah you really gotta pick the material for the application so this thing here is kind of a unique machine in that it is designed to basically put that gear onto the cam shaft so anything that has a gear that drives the distributor basically that's what dunno done on this machine it's a gear hob as we call it don't have anything sitting in there right now but basically cam rotates either way depending on if it's a reverse or standard rotation and that little uh die in there cuts the gears into the camshaft so these machines here are kind of our old-school machine still certainly use them for some stuff but these are basically a manual cam grinder or berko as the brand of machine fabulous machines very accurate but just not near as fast as our fancy cnc rides so but still use these for a lot of different applications especially some real oddball stuff but but great machines just not fancy like we're going to see in a minute here with the cfcs i always loved coming down here when i was a kid and watching these things work because you can just see the grinding wheel making lobes and guys with their hands working and old machines are hard to beat oh absolutely they may not be all the fancy latest greatest but man they're awesome and still especially with the right operator and i mean we've got lots of guys here that have been doing this for a lot of years right operator oh yeah they were great i'm gonna bring up one guy in particular that has been here i'm not saying he's old but he's been here for a while kenny arendelle is like a master with these machines and i know over the years when we were talking about bank dangles and said another he actually got involved with fixing some of that and he can run these machines well we'll probably see kenny over there here shortly so so these two machines here that we have we're really proud of these we got the first one that we'll show you is right behind this is truly one of the most state-of-the-art cam machines on the face of the flash it at full speed and we don't run it there because we're looking for precision more than anything but at full speed this thing can grind the camshaft and start to finish about two minutes wow it's incredible now we typically will grind something in this machine around five to seven minutes um but it has the ability to do real big stuff it's got a great big bed in it but highly precise highly i mean so so fast um obviously comes with a big price tag too but uh when it comes to precision i don't think you can put a price tag on that and you get two of these things you've got two of them one is the bigger one and then the one off to the left here is just a smaller bed but it does exactly the same thing so so you load cores in it and it just it just goes yep absolutely they've got all these cam shafts sitting here obviously the machine is pre-programmed so we we put in whatever we're putting in a lot of times it's loaded by a serial number because that's all programmed into the system they put it in there's obviously a little bit of setup to just make sure that it's dialed in correctly and then yeah close the door push the button it grinds the cam and unload it and load the next one in so you're not supposed to ask what somebody makes and that sort of thing but you told us to add coal machine with a half a million bucks and just a tiny little machine this thing's huge uh it's about one and a half million dollars i think 1.2 1.3 probably by the time you get it here ship it here you know get it all set up yeah it's it's a big price tag so we got two of those and then behind us we got about eight more uh of the akuma cnc's a little bit less expensive machine but still on the high end for sure seven eight hundred thousand dollars a piece uh and these things we use i mean every single day all eight of these machines plus these other two so ten cncs in total and another i think there's five or six vertical machines the manual machines over there so like i said we can grind a lot of camshafts in one day and we can grind a lot of precise shots no doubt so this is one of my favorite parts of putting dab here and i didn't know if we actually could come in here or not you might notice it says restricted area because this is where a lot of the secret stuff happens for sure i love this absolutely love it as soon as you walk in the door rcr motor this one i know a little bit about look familiar big old fuel motor right here i mean they're just cool stuff everywhere yeah so pretty much all the stuff that you see back here is um current products that we have that we're testing for whatever reason new products are back here being tested all these vehicles i mean you can see a new dodge charger here that we're doing a whole bunch of torque converter testing on i mean there's all kinds of things going back here going on back here all the time and they see some pretty neat stuff oh i love i love coming back here i really dance the toy barn right yes in david yeah all these engines at one time or another have been on the dyno are gonna be on the dyno um you know they're all you know a little bit of machining equipment back here just to tweak stuff as we go to um but the real magic happens kind of over in this corner we have the two spintron cells and then one engine dyno cell as well we're actually in the process of going to expand this as well we're going to add another couple engine dynos back here and grow it because the whole edelbrock and comp r d teams are all coming together into one so so he mentioned having engines on the dyno a lot of these have been the fuel motor has not the what we've done with the nitro motor down here is a lot of spintron work which is pretty cool you can tell way more about spintron than i can but we'll have a look at the machines too for sure if you could put a fuel motor on the dyno i wouldn't want to be in the building with it no no that probably wouldn't be the smartest idea i mean they're a big enough bomb when they're attached to the frame rails exactly yeah all these different engines of course are in process we actually have a an edelbrock crate engine here that we've been doing some some new camshaft development on some new valve train stuff so lots of cool things going on between the two companies that's for sure and you know talking about spintrons that's basically what we have here is one of the two spintron cells that we have so a spintron basically is just i mean it's a blank mandrel in place of the crankshaft yep you betcha so the crank really is there is no crankshaft it's just a straight through mandrel it's there just so that it can drive the camshaft there are no rods and pistons in this thing at all we put the cylinder heads all the valve train on it obviously the camshaft and everything like that and there's a big electric drive back here all controlled by the electronics out there that spin this thing we can control of course the rate of acceleration everything about it this cell typically is used for endurance testing and the one next to us is used for what we call dynamics testing so this is when we're just trying to beat something to death yeah that's how long you live and i mean we've been currently doing a bunch of rocker testing lifter testing all kinds of different things we'll typically put um two and a half million to five million engine cycles on on a part when we're testing it so i mean that's that's about the equivalent of literally running the thing straight for about 30 to 35 hours depending on rpm and things like that so and that's not just that idle i mean that's usually from 4 500 5 000 to 7 8 000 rpm depending on what we're testing so or more even sometimes we've been you know 10 000 rpm on right so so yeah pretty neat machines very controlled environment lots of measuring equipment on here so we can literally tell what's going on with every part in the engine and even though it's not running it gets loud because you can see here they got a big heavy blanket to help knock that sound down these things are loud when they're running and concrete walls on all four just in case because there's been a few things that have come apart over the years and sometimes the best idea on paper isn't the best idea when it's inside an engine i love the spintron absolutely so the last cell in here is our engine dyno this is where we put gas and spark to it and hopefully it all stays inside yes um but we can do all kinds of testing on here of course a lot of durability stuff a lot of just standard sweep testing for horsepower and torque comparing our stuff with competitors stuff comparing our stuff with some of our older stuff when we're trying to make things better that's really what this is all about standard superflow 902.00 pretty much an industry standard in what we do and i mean you kind of walk in this room here and you can see it's got hookups for everything in here i mean all the egts all the o2 sensors we typically run you know an egt an o2 sensor in every single hole it draws fresh air in from from outside so that we can control that very closely keep the room nice and clean as well too and yeah you can do just about whatever you want you can see this here as some of our new ls3 cnc ported heads from rhs on it our cathedral or sorry our polymer ls3 intake manifold here as well our coils you know a bunch of our good good parts in here we're just doing some testing on on this engine so i think it's kind of cool you brought up some of the products on here and we've talked camshaft camshaft camshaft because that's we're at comp right now but there's so many other things that this company does and i don't think people realize absolutely mentioned the fast intake manifold here this thing's got fast coils on it yep and fast as fuel air spark technology uh some of my bracket days you know we ran we ran some of the early versions of this and i know it's just gotten better and better and better and you mentioned the heads there's so many more parts and pieces that this company does we've talked about edelbrock a little bit but rhs for me goes back to when i was a kid racing head service huge name is still out there absolutely no i mean we still have a lot of great products in rhs that one's kind of combining a little bit more with edelbrock as we move forward because they have similar products but the brand name is still going to stay there we'll have you know kind of a different cross-section of stuff depending on racing versus street and you'll kind of see that as we move forward a little bit more but really we have the ability within the newly formed edelbrock group to pretty much build an engine from top to bottom it's it's it's really neat to see that coming together you know edelbrock has their crate engine program which is really cool and we've got a new guy in charge of that he's doing a wonderful job and all the other parts and pieces that we're really starting to work together we've got the foundry at edelbrock of course so we can literally cast our own parts it's pretty exciting it's very very exciting and it's just really all about making cool stuff and going fast it really is and and the stuff lasts and goes fast and it's all right up my alley and absolutely i could stay here all day but we're never going to be able to show you all everything so we got to keep moving that's right i do want to get inside with you you were our main mopar customer back oh absolutely so you got to tell everybody how long you been here i've been here a little about coming up for 22 years 22 years this is a crazy question how many camp camshafts you think you've done i know like that like this here this here seronumber we changed our computer system probably i don't know maybe six or seven years that's a half a million just just in in you know this shop has has stamped up almost a half a million cans wow in probably four or five years wow and that was you know like i said you consider i mean like don't lose look at arendelle he's been here oh yeah since the concrete yeah just about yeah just about thank you good luck little i see that you bring video cameras well celebrities you know well no it was you she said it must have been mark some of all the above yeah so just wanted to come down i mean kind of jumped off in the whole youtube thing and this goes everywhere you know how important social media has become but i'm like gotta come down and see you guys well i'm glad you did and you know in some ways the place looks very much the same in other ways it looks very different a lot of growth and new faces new people but we're still the same company absolutely so since we're videoing can you give us a quick rundown of what has kind of changed over i guess the last year yeah essentially this place comp cams you know is near and dear to me always has been but it has grown tell us tell us what's happening sure has so now it's no longer just comp cams or the comp performance group we've actually uh morphed into the edelbrock group so we have edelbrock cams tci fast russell plumbing and those are our power brands so we become a much larger more diversified go fast company so it's exciting times right here again new faces uh we're really trying to pull together the best of edelbrock and the best of comp cams to be a really cool new company and it is huge i mean that when you say those brands i mean all every one of them you mentioned is big and now they're all under one roof and that's right it is almost a one stop shop for the go fast guy like me and people that will be watching this that's for sure yeah eight locations kind of from coast to coast between our manufacturing locations so it's really grown into an amazing company but we're working really hard to make sure we keep kind of the small personal feel that we've always been known for that vic edelbrock was known for you know that's a company that many of us have admired from afar so to finally be able to work with those brands that's pretty cool it is really cool so not only are you kind of like overseeing all this stuff going on but you've always been very involved in sema yes are you still i am still on the sema board uh and that's been a very busy endeavor over the last year because uh everybody knows with the pandemic and the trade show's not happening we had a lot of work to do there more recently the epa and carb situation has become a hot topic and that group is working really hard to make sure that motor sports enthusiasts and hot rodders are protected and you're kind of talking about the rpm back there a little bit i mean that is definitely something that uh i've actually made a couple trips not specifically for the rpm act but i've made a couple trips to washington over data you know it's it's to me it's all one and the same you know you gotta you know you gotta keep guys like me that like going fast to have the ability to work on their car and and obviously it's important to you for business to keep parts being made and we gotta keep hot riding going we do and i would encourage everyone who watches this let your lawmakers know how you feel about this that's really our best defense is go on the offensive and let them know that this industry is viable it provides jobs and it's our passion it's it's a way of the american culture and so let them know and you know rally behind the industry we we have to do this to make sure we can keep racing you know so many of these cars start out on the street and then they're converted to race cars whether it's your local dirt track or drag strip and uh if if the epa and carb were to get their way that may come to an end so we've got to make sure that we don't let that happen you know and that's something i think a lot of people don't realize you know most average person thinks of sema they think of the sema show but that is only a small part of really what sema does i don't think they realize that you have lobbyists in washington that are working on this kind of thing all the time and i think it's really important that people realize while the sema shows like you know the glitz and glamour while the sema show is kind of glitz and glamour sema is really there to protect everybody that loves their cars yeah it's a trade show like you said that's the visible part of what we do but that's really uh the least impactful for the industry it's the other 350 some odd days out of the year what they do is is more important to the industry it's protected make sure that they uh they allow it to grow and continue on for future generations so what they're doing in washington very important um you know certainly helping the members navigate the pandemic and the back side of that helping race facilities keep the doors open you know if we don't have a place to race then then it all kind of caves in so they're working really hard there's never been a more important time for our industry than right now i agree so since i got you we're on the sema subject we are going racing in vegas in a few weeks do you think we're going to have a sema show this year absolutely there there will be a sema show in some shape form or fashion it may be a look a little different you know be a little more spaced out but there will be in-person trade shows both sema and pri this year really excited about some of the stuff going on at pri i love pri you know they're they're really getting active with dr jamie meyer leading pri now and uh it's wonderful to see because again it's a critical time for the industry absolutely buddy thank you i didn't mean to take a no don't worry hey this is your house as well so uh matter of fact make sure you get that in the shot over there behind your shoulder oh definitely you're cam there and we're excited for you to get back on the track and uh get it done again thanks for all you all have done for me for way too many years it goes both ways goes both ways and so you're part of the family i appreciate it thank you thanks take care so this is something that uh i am definitely super proud of uh when we were able to win bristol finally got that nhra monkey off our back this is the actual camshaft that come right out of the car we were able to bring down here and on display right here at comp cams i absolutely love it got goosebumps thinking about it it's pretty cool all right that was a quick rundown of a huge location here cop cams mark gave us a quick rundown but we're not done we're headed south absolutely we're going to head over to all of branch mississippi now we've got our big warehouse over there and that's also where we make the edelbrock intake manifolds now as well too so we're going to see a whole bunch of boxes and a whole bunch of cool chips flying all over the place from some cnc machines i'm excited because i have not seen the edelbrock side of things i do kind of know what's going on down here somewhat that's why i'm excited to go see the olive branch location you
Channel: Clay Millican
Views: 11,077
Rating: 4.9762964 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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