Funny Car Fires Are Not So Funny. Huge Explosion. The Parts Plus Team Jumped In To Help.

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so i'm just going to tell y'all this is uh like brutal as a driver knowing that you left your entire team down [Music] [Music] bright and early sunday morning race day we get sean langdon again first round here in sonoma it is a little chilly this morning but it's going to be good it's going to be fast we want four wind lights today semi-finals last week we need to get to that final round we need to win that final round i tell you what i'm excited the car's running good just gotta make the thing live and it'll go even quicker than it did in qualifying let's see if we can get it done today so it's no question that i love moon pies and these ladies every year for years now bring me moon pies this year they may have outdone themselves so we got a massive stack of moon pies we got we got millie's birthday present and you two are a mess they also brought me clay's moon juice let's see the back of that and you can see here move by 100 nitro 100 really 90 because i get in trouble if we run 100 burnt rubber 100 rc coal and bologna sandwiches so y'all are a freaking mess of course and then did you see our new church this year yeah moon pies millie d top fuel stringer greg clint's purplish nhra and of course 25 pound pound stomp on that loud pedal y'all are y'all are out of control but i love it thank you you're welcome thank you i'm stocked up for at least two days all right folks round one racing o'shawn langdon again hope we have the same outcome we did last week in denver doug you feel better today than uh last week yes yes jeff you ready fired up let's go around brother and we got kim back here with us today got some of our nascar family here with us which is awesome and we're gonna go out here and do our thing it's gonna be a great day we got a huge portion of the parts plus board are here watching so we want to have a good day and show out for those guys looking forward to it let's do it so [Music] [Music] well y'all that'll tell you the story the car was absolutely ripping gets down near the finish line float up we lost on a whole shot uh i don't know what the lights were but two thousandths of a second at the finish line we had it had it not blown up but uh i should have done a better job leaving the stock line all there is to it race cars but it obviously has not got any ass out here by the time it gets to three seconds because i went 208 to the 330. oh totally 815 and i stole some trouble at 297 and it should have been to 92 or something yeah at least you know so that's at least five miles an hour slower so if that was five miles an hour faster that would have been uh 296 with a name would have been even quicker but it was given up see if we can figure out who who gave up number three this one's broke out there i can tell you that just saw the piston turn sideways now here's the part that kills when you watch this there's real basic stuff engine rpm and if we look at sonoma from 19 our engine rpms we just did yep how should that throw the rods out the engine was really nice let's put a boost to see how far out of bounds we might have gotten boost [Music] a little bit high on boost two pounds no but we got uh got another 100 rpm so it's really only one pound high because the extra rpm you know we got more rpm out in the earlier part of the run than we did [Music] and in 19 it had more compression in here by only two or three thousands took out three and four and the small end of the rods are still intact looks like pistons broke so i'm just going to tell y'all this is uh like brutal as a driver knowing that you left your entire team's drag racing i've been there done this before didn't hit the tree good as i should have sean langdon's one of the best i should have did a better job than i did uh our car was fixing to make what could have been maybe one of the best runs in a long long time 8 15 60 foot uh look over here 208 to the 330 2.97 to half track this thing was rolling but it didn't make it but i might have relied on the car too much just thinking we could outrun sean but sean's a bad dude and he did a better job i did our car was fast i mean we went 3.76 at only 281 miles an hour because it broke a rod we'll figure this out sure does hurt though all right folks so we had a ton of the parts plus board members here this weekend so after we got our tail kick first round i made my way up to go hang out with all these people that are awesome by the way because that's how we're here and i was watching when a buddy tim works and then funny car had a massive engine explosion so i just made my way back and i didn't even notice this there is a funny car in our pit area so here's tim's car you can see this thing blew up but big massive engine explosion that is expensive y'all big big boomer for tim so they rolled their spare car out obviously put this one over here in our pit air our pit area and the parks plus team hopped in gave them gave them a hand yeah that was a big boomer for tim all right folks a little bit of the aftermath of a rod piston breaking kind of weekend got a really really quick race car but we got something going on whether it's rods pistons so if you look right here yes that's ugly while shawn absolutely tattooed the only starting lineup two ways about it he crushed it and i stayed where i was that was kind of just that was my number it is what it is but had the car ran just to skosh longer we were on a run that was definitely going to beat him i mean we went 76 at only 281 it's drag racing it's frustrating but it is drag racing been there done that i've won them on hole shots i've lost them on the whole shots super proud of how the team is just like making this car rip and go down the racetrack appreciate everybody watching tuning in me and donna will continue our adventure of uh 20 some days on the west coast and we're gonna have fun on the next little video too thank you guys for tuning in appreciate you watching liking subscribing and sharing commenting it's very very much appreciated see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Clay Millican
Views: 19,692
Rating: 4.9553695 out of 5
Id: znJGemmefRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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