Getting Ahead Of The Game

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[Music] all right so i've been here before but it is changing rapidly i noticed new signage up but i came when comp first bought this place and it was basically nothing going on so i'm excited to see what's happening yeah we could have races inside the building when we first bought it it would seem so empty and now it's pretty full you're going to see there's a lot of changes new signs you know all that kind of stuff and got a bunch of manufacturing in here now too so yeah so it's a lot of the shipping move to here so everything that we ship whether it's an edelbrock product tci product home product whatever it all ships out of this location so we manufacture it kind of all over the country but the everything comes here and ships to the customers from this location so there's one thing that that's a huge advantage to comp edelbrock everybody being located in the memphis area some of the best shipping in the world is right down the street yes we've got we got obviously the biggest fit while the fedex hub for the whole country is here ups is big lots of trucking companies out here so yeah when it comes time to getting product out the door yeah we have an advantage there for sure so shipping capital of the world right here except when it snows 12 inches in memphis well we don't do nothing when it snows in memphis you might be used to that we're not 12 inches is still a lot of snow no matter where you're from let's check this place out definitely warehouse yes i love it so we're i don't know the exact square footage but approximately 280 000 square feet on the floor wow so lots of space back here i mean lots of big shelves obviously upstairs like i said is where a lot of the sales is going to be but pretty much the way everything works in here is stuff comes in this side of the building so everything on this side of this walkway is all our bulk goods so whether we've manufactured it or purchased it and it comes in here and then it gets packed up over there which will see the packing station here pretty soon and then it comes across and everything on this side is all finished goods on the shelf ready to ship to customers that's a lot of cam shafts down there oh yeah that's just one aisle as you can see on this side they got a little bit of stuff in staging here right now i think we actually just got another big load of stuff from uh from edelbrock here the other day out in california as we're moving everything but uh but all this stuff is all bunk over here on this side of the wall not as exciting over here i guess but it's still pretty good so it's crazy the middle offices here are all of our operations people for the warehouse so they're in charge of kind of running everything in the building as far as especially what you see that are right here that we're walking up on on on is all the packaging so everything that we make of course we have to put in a box so we can ship it out so we have all these tables with all the boxes we have auto baggers we have shrink wrappers you know all that kind of stuff is all in this building and and this is where we put everything together and get it ready to go out the door you know it's funny when you order something and it comes in you don't think about it you know it's like okay it's in a box you know it's in a package our transmission pans for tci yeah i mean they're sitting here they're ready to go into a box with the pan and the hardware and everything like that and uh it has to has to be put into a box crazy we do some final assembly here as well on the right hand side once again as a little bit of final assembly for our our nitrous kits our efi kits the shifters are assembled here we do we have a laser etcher which lays our extras like the flex plates all the part numbers on them so lots of lots of steps as we go through you kind of see on the left here as you walk by it's a staging area for a lot of the edelbrock parts as they come out i see how on the shelf palette to metal brock here absolutely um and then as we kind of get further into the back here i'm going to say it's a little bit less organized right now as we're this is kind of this new yeah this is the new part of the building back here so we have a lot of the manufacturing equipment that comes in right the the race car guys coming out of me look at all these cylinder heads right here that is crazy and it's so awesome i mean this stuff is still you know it was a lot of stuff on the internet like oh edelbrock's going away it's not it's actually gotten stronger the the statement that i like to give people is this is not the end of an era it's the beginning of a new chapter and that's truly what it is yes we're moving but we're moving to get bigger and better and and do better and and just be better so like the pro flow 4 kits for example new efi system that we have these are actually built right here in this warehouse so the manifolds are built in the back which we're heading to all the electronic components we we make or source and then they come together here we put them in a box they go on the shelf and ship it out again absolutely absolutely yeah i mean a lot of this stuff here as well right stuff that's just rolling in as we go um the assembly area we'll kind of go back over there a little bit later but so then here is where we are machining manifolds now so this is obviously brand new back here we're very very excited about this big big big job all this equipment i'm going to say basically two months ago everything that you see here was in california and making monopolies so we've had a lot of progress in a very short period of time massive amounts of trucking and and people setting up and just i mean these are and these are not small machines as you can see i mean we got a couple smaller ones but i mean most of these things are massive massive machines man this is exciting i'm seeing all these manifolds over here and i'm like quit talking mark i want to go see the battlefields absolutely we're going to do that for sure ah the old-school prop now covered yeah absolutely this is like a uh a hot rod tradition to me i know the fin valve covers with the edelbrock name on it yep that's cool to see absolutely so you can see here on this this we have basically a raw casting manifold so it's been through the wheel of rare um blasted feed blasted basically to get the finish into what wheel operator is what it's called right it's kind of tucked over back in the corner it's a real dirty nasty machine but that's what basically once it comes out of the cast there the boundary the castings are rough of course and you can still see that they're quite flashing over but at this point we're trying to get the surface finish all completed and then once that's done then it'll go into multiple different machines have pulled holes drilled all the surfaces will be machined the holes that we put in for all the sensors and kind of you'll see as we go through you know where we get to right i mean same thing but now this thing's got the surfaces done on the back side you can see that the knobs that we put on here are cut off that's how we hold it into the machine flip it over onto the other side of course the the flange is all done the holes are drilled everything's tapped so it kind of goes through all the all the steps as we're making these mountains that is cool so this is our carburetor intake for an ls1 yeah obviously you can see that that's right on it but as you walk through you'll see manifolds for everything over here big block chevrolet performer rpm manifold probably one of our most popular numbers right here i don't know if there is the edelbrock rpm is like an industry standard they work great fabulous yeah they work on everything yeah they stay nice and cool with the airflow underneath them you got a dual plane design so they make lots of torque great street manifold or even a mild race car yeah really good so absolutely this is so cool to see this being done here right here in mississippi yep it's crazy absolutely yeah at each one of these workstations i mean each one of these machines is kind of set up to do a different operation we're kind of working on a new deal kind of what i was talking to you about with the knobs on the bottom there's a new universal fixturing setup that we have we used to have one machine set up to do one mouthful or or i mean it could do a couple manifolds at a time now basically we can have all the manifolds mount in the machine the same way on the same fixture and we can run multiple different intakes on the same machine so it speeds up we don't have to do as big a run on one particular thing so it's just taking some time i mean it's a massive project that we've been working on but we're very very excited about it and uh it's it's definitely paying dividends it's pretty exciting i'm being drawn to this haas machine over here walk over and have a look i i know you're still doing all this too but i'm assuming this is just another part of the process looks like they're doing yep they're basically machining the face on the manifolds on these right here so it'll do multiple manifolds at a time of course and that's really what we're trying to do is get machines so they can do more of something at the same time that's just how we get more out the door and become more efficient too at the same time but yeah each machine kind of has its own setup you know you can see like some of these machines over here they'll do a surfacing process we have a lot of these machines and you'll see where they we actually have a couple that look really neat where they have like four or eight drills from each side on angles and they come in and throw all the bullet holes on the manifold at the same time it's pretty neat to see all the all the different steps of what goes into you just think oh it's easy you know surface it drill some holes it's a little more complicated and it has to be very precise so that when you set that thing on your engine all the gaps are right the whole holes line up there's a lot of a lot of things that go into it i mean like this piece here that's a cool fixturing device [Music] because i mean we have those knobs on the bottom of course that you can do most of the functions but when you flip it over to face this you need a different way to hold it that's cool and they're all of course they all have different numbers on them they tell you which direction it goes and this will typically fit a couple different applications yeah that is cool different finish mark so yeah we have multiple different finishes that we offer um we have the black obviously and the unique part about the black is that a lot of people don't think of the process that we do to get it there so we actually do the casting then we coat it black then we machine it the reason being is because we don't want these surfaces with that black coating on them because they need to seal properly so anything that the sealing surface is done after the coating is done top and bottom absolutely you'll see the coating is inside it's top bottom everywhere except for of course the machine surfaces okay so that's cool and it looks good yeah and i mean black has become more and more popular over the last years so we've adopted that into not every part number that we do but the big majority of part numbers we uh we do uh black and white chevrolet and all we do is just add one digit to the last part of the part number so it's really really easy but i would venture to say there's been more of these sold than any other one including the big blocks 2101 for years and years and years was our most popular and still is one of the most popular men's small block chevy performer manifold i mean those are still very very high up there we do have some like our new eps manifold is actually overtaking it now but really it's uh 20 2101 71 170 501 now you know those when we were growing up it was this one yeah oh absolutely 2101 was everybody knew what that part number was like hv or you know something like that everybody knows those part numbers that's cool yeah man i cannot get over this this is awesome i said last time i was here well you could have raced in here like you said earlier and this for the longest time was our uh our overstock area so when we had like our sails every year or something like that this is where it happened was back here yeah now that's all moved out of here and now we're making parts so yeah it's pretty exciting [Music] we do some private label stuff as well for other other stuff other than just the edelbrock but it's all done in this facility here that's cool how are you me too these are all big machines dual quad for an fe that's kind of some old school right there that is definitely old absolutely i've worked on a few of them and people love them but man that's just such a weird design where the valve cover goes over part of the metal i used to tell people the reason why you change a manifold on an fe is to get rid of that stock intake that weighs about eight thousand pounds put an aluminum one on it that at least is manageable that's what my dad always told me is you know why my back's not good i'm like well you just had to lean over the fender and put an fb manifold on it yeah a truck or a car yeah you named this cherry picker yeah you did so yeah this is the wheel operator basically is what creates that surface finish on the manifold that makes it look nice yeah kind of the first step after it comes out of casting so you have that here and once it goes through here then it'll head back into the shop and get all the machines done yeah there is there is nothing that looks better than a brand new aluminum manifold no grease on it yet but it's touched it with their fingers no silicone on it so it's this machine that makes that finish yeah we got several of them there's a couple of them down at the boundary as well yeah one here so they can just kind of refinish stuff depending on how they need to or or how the condition that it comes in that's a cool shot so here's the final step basically once they're all machined and q seed checked and everything like that they'll come through here it gives them a final wash gets all the chips out of them that will blow them off of the air and you can see they come along get put into them into the box onto the shelf so i cannot begin to tell you how many hours i have on a machine just like this many many nights i was riding up down the aisles at kroger and the only thing on my brain was not the palette of mayonnaise or corn or whatever it was it was race cars went from a crown to a top fuel car bam so we're right here in the middle of an aisle i don't know if this gives me a nightmare or not thinking about having an order in my hand having to pick parts but it is a lot of freaking parts in this place absolutely absolutely i mean once again all the brands in this building um so there's a lot of boxes in here but this one this particular aisle of course full comp there's some fast ignition up there looks like there's some nitrous kits down there i mean we got we got all of it in this aisle and as you can see the way it's all pretty much everything sits on a pallet especially in larger quantities for the more popular part numbers but yeah a lot of parts in this building that's for sure we move a lot of boxes every day and we've got a lot of great people that do it too that's so that that's the key right there is the people i could go on a shopping spree on this sound no problem grab a shopping cart and push it down just take what you can right oh not only do i love the cop cam stuff made a living with it essentially but like i'm seeing some fast stuff which we haven't actually talked about a lot so the fast stuff is ignition boxes efi of course um yeah there's a lot of different stuff plug wires all the more of electronic type stuff of course in the fast lineup but we do have a real real popular polymer manifolds for the ls's of course are in the fast line up as well so yeah lots of neat parts that lots of cool go fast parts a lot of stuff yep here some cool fast stuff and again back to the deadly project that y'all haven't really seen yet mr jeff lutz is working on for us right now it'll be decked out with fast this is actually something that a lot of people don't understand what we do every day obviously we have lots of part number cams but we do a ton of custom cams so to get an example when you see this shelf here pretty much everything on the shelf is a custom cam that we've done in the last day so sometimes we're waiting for the order to get full complete whatever but pretty much all this stuff is stuff that we do on a daily basis so to do a custom cam we can turn it around real quick and so you don't want something that's on the shelf so when i call it ends up on these shelves here yep bars are obviously custom cams 100 well yours might be a little different because we might actually hand it to you but yes absolutely the custom cams will come from the shop that we were just in at on democrat road they'll come over here go on to this shell and when the order is picked they'll come over here it's matched up with the part number and the serial number that's a very important thing on the custom cams is the serial number because you could have a whole bunch of 54 triple 0-11 which is like an ls custom cam but then we match it up to the serial number based on what the order is for so that's what that's all about and then it'll basically go over onto this shelf they'll uh or down these aisles they'll weigh it pack it put it in the appropriate boxes and then it'll head out the door off it goes and that's that's what you see all over here is of course the packaging the orders and then over by the doors here that's where all the like the big truck freight orders for some of our big companies that we deal with you know summit and jigs and motor state and those guys everything that they order is on you know big truck shipments and heading out the door daily wow yep mark i want to thank you for giving us a quick tour this place is huge it's a lot to see and i know we kind of ran through it there's so much going on but there's so much history comp cams like i said i keep talking from the time i was a teenager now edelbrock all the brands all the things thank you for kind of giving us a run-through of all that we're very happy to do it thank you for coming by we love showing the place off we're very proud of it that's for sure and uh we're very proud of you i mean i i've followed you since i was a little kid it makes me know maybe you were older than two younger whatever but uh no i mean it's it's it's great we're happy to have you please come by anytime like i said we love showing this place off so we uh thank you for coming by all right folks hope you enjoyed that as always like subscribe and you never know what you're going to see on here whatever's fun we're going to try to make it happen this was a blast hanging out down here at the edelbrock group [Music] so this is a little bonus footage so i've been talking about this wild man off and on throughout this whole video but i will tell you this this is mr billy uh we set records with some ideas that come out of that big old head of yours and you seem to do that a lot with not only top fuel cars but all kind of cars no it's just it's fun you know my background's in physics so trying to understand how engines work sheldon cooper sorry now you know i was nuclear physics um no but you know taking all that that learning about engines and how they really work and then applying it it's great and then you know you guys have a great team we've been able to try stuff with you you probably blown up a couple of motors in the thing you know you know some of them were i did save you one time though somebody wanted to try a bank bank firing order and i'm like if you're gonna drive it you can try you do not go put my buddy in this thing with 800 pounds time for over here than 800 palestine four over there well i mean it was you know it's one of those ideas it just wasn't yours right right no you would have died no but no it's really you guys have always been great we love getting to do this i mean scooter always told me he goes you know if we didn't have this we'd have to grow up and get real jobs exactly so you don't want to be back driving a fork truck no i don't want to be back in some geeky lab and we get to do this really fun thing so man thank you you're as good of a standard bearer for our sport as anybody could ever be your passion is absolutely contagious you love what you do and we love getting to have ride along on the side of your car i appreciate so much i appreciate it i'm telling y'all this guy's had a huge part of a lot of things i've done for over the 20-plus years which makes us well you're getting a little agreeing right here good bad and ugly yes but i could not finish this video without having him in it we got stories we could tell for days but we would have to make a uh extended version exactly a pg and then edited right edited it right eddie did it right did you exactly no man thank you man thank you
Channel: Clay Millican
Views: 7,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nz11tcTZGJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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